The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, November 02, 1922, Image 2

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Wearing Glasses In Childhood often averts serious trouble later on. Our examinations for children will reveal defects if any. Bring or send your child if it shows signs of imper fect vision. If no defect, there will be no glasses. For any age, let us take care of your optical needs. W. E. WALKER, Jr. Optometrist' VIDALIA, GEORGIA Calomel is a Dangerous Drug Next Dose may Salivate You, Loosen Teeth or Start Rheumatism Calomel is mercury; quicksilver. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. If you feel bilious, headachy, consti pated. and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dod son’s Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day’s work. Dodson’s Liver Tone straightens you right up and you feel great. No salts necessary. Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and can not salivate. Danger! When your heart flutters, and palpitates, when you’re short of breath and dizzy, when you have smothering spells and faint spells, look out for your heart! DR. MILEC* Heart Treatment has been used with marked success for all functional heart troubles since 1 884. Your druggist sells it at pre-war prices sl.OO a bottle. A TONIC Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Elood. When you feel its strengthening. Invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect 60c r'iies cured in 6to 14 Days reliind money if PAZO OINTMENT fail* p. cure . *!iin£. Biird, P'.r-cdfcW or P-otrudinfi Piles, in&taatls' relieves itching Piles, and you can flet restful sleep after the tint ai.‘Dlic&tkiXL Pnc***oc. THE GREATEST MENACE No doubt our people are interested in the amount of work that is being put into the control of venereal dis ease, as it represents 25% of the en tire number of contagious and infec tious diseases of our state. The State Board of Health is well satisfied with what has been accomplished, but not content. The army figures show the lowest rate in 25 years. The reduc tion in brain syphilis at the insane hsy ium last year was 4 1-2%, which hap pens to be the sum of SIO,OOO saving to our taxpayers, and is the amount of the appropriation made for the en tire department. CONSOLIDATED REPORT FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 1922. DIVISION OF VENEREAL DISEASE CONTROL— GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH— JOE P. BOWDOIN, SURGEON (R). 1922 | Syphilis | Gonorrhoea Chancroid | Arsphen- Wasser- Smears |Detention) Pam- | Audiences | Total | Cities MONTH | M. F. | F. M. | F. | amine manns | M. | F. | phlets. | Lee. | Films Cards. | Attend. | x | xx Jan. - - - -| 207 127 26*3 ~~59 10 1 1134 1367 73 29 | 20 780 796 200 1618 2614 4 T~ Feb. -| 237 117 284 98 27 4 1756 1881 236 1 I 147 806 1267 ...... 31 1298 4 6 Meh. 1 269 130 237 58 35 5 1368 1824 346 41 ! 80 835 941 175 1116 2 6 Apl. - - - -| 184 118 241 56 37 3 1726 1576 443 20 ! 64 656 1649 300 100 2049 3 May - - - -j 215 142 299 59 23 1 1497 1924 872 29 40 767 3374 3374 2 2 1 450 38 4 1603 1988 152 24 35 156 690 145 835 4 7 TOTAL | 1663 801 1713 4-38 170 18 9084 10560 2122 fill 386 4000 8717 675 1894 11286 19 ) 28 Syphilis 2364; Gonorrhoea 2151; Chancroid 188. TotaMA D. First sTx~Months of 1922, 4703T x—10,000 or more. xx —10,000 or less. The table above shows by months Just what has been done. Study it for a few minutes. Arsphenamine mentioned is the tech nical name for what is commonly known as 606. The average price of this drug is $1.65 per dose to the druggist, making a valuation of this drug distributed by the State Board Df Health $14,988.60. The Wassermanns mentioned mean that an examination of 10,560 speci mens of blood has been made in the laboratory. No reputable laboratory will make such examinations for less han $5 each, or $53,800. This is the test for syphilis. The smears mentioned refer to 3iriears of mucous or pus made on a glass slide by the physician and ex amined for the germ that causes gon orrhoea, 2,122 of which were made, and they are $2 each by all laboratories, or 14 244, This gives us a total valuation of $73,032.60 of work done and 606 fur nished the people o' - oiir state with an appropriation of SIO,OOO. How much of Buffering, anxiety and health have been conserved you can imagine. EDUCATIONAL MATTER. To educators, ministers, Y. M. C. A. workers, public health nurses, and all who may be enlisted in the education of young boys and girls along keeping fit lines: The State Board of Health has for this purpose sets of beautifully prepared cards of convenient size to lend any one who is interested enough to see that they are displayed to the proper audiences. Educational pam phlets for different ages and classes can be had for the asking. Write the State Board of Health, 131 Capital Square, Atlanta. Ga., if you are inter ested. ANNUAL REPORT OF STATE BOARD OF HEALTH The annual report of the State Board | of Health has been submitted to the General Assembly as the law directs. ! It is a concise, well prepared report 1 of the activities of this most important part of our government work. A limit ed supply has been printed and if you are interested Dr. T. F. Abercrombie will be glad to send you a copy if you will drop him a line. The Tuberculosis death rate has de ■ creased from 200,000 to 100,000 since the last International Conference held THE LYONS PROGRESS, LYONS, GEORGIA WHAT’S THE WHEN Columbus and his caravels returned from the New World, the first question shouted from the shore was, “What’s the news?” i That’s always the question of paramount import -1 ance. Years ago folks asked it of the post rider, | i the soldier returned from the wars, the man who | had been down to settlements, or the neighbor 1 back from general store. I Todays you find the answer in your newspaper* Through the newspaper the news of the world and of the community" quickly becomes public knowl edge. And remember this—it takes two kinds of news to make a modern paper complete. The first tells of happenings near and far—of fires, sports, elections, accident, marriages, deaths, great men, great events. The second tells of things you eat, wear and use--- things you buy, things being sold to your friends and neighbors. This news is advertising. It’s just as important to keep up-to-date on the ad vertising in this paper as it is to read about whats doing in the world of events. Advertising is an essential news service. It is dis tinctly to your ad vantage to be guided by it. Professional Card «HTEB W. Toombs County Bank Buii LYONS, GEORGIA DR. ELTON S. OSBOl(\’j SPECIALTY: eye, EAR. nose and THIIO, 19 Jones Street, East savannah, cma G. W. Lankford. r * „ ' * A - r O!W LANKFORD & ROGERS ATTORNEYS AT Law, Phone No. 24 Office in Toombs County B« nk B|j LYONS, GA. R. A. MAYER local agent DELCO LIGHTING SYSTEM PARTS IN STOCK VIDALIA, GEORGIA Palmer’s Studio VIDALIA, GEORGIA In the Studio we make PORTRAIT POSTALS, COPIES ENLARGI MENTS and FRAMES. Out of the Studio we make PHOTO OF ANY THING, ANY WHER] ANY TIME, ANY SIZE. DR. L. H. DARBY DENTIST EQUIPPED WITH X-RAY OUTF Postiffice Building VIDALIA, GEORG Libel for Divorce STATE OF GEORGIA, Toom County: To the sheriff of said count's ot 1 lawful deputies, Greetings: N. L. Edenfield vp Marie Fouc! Edenfield, Liber for Divorce, Superi Court, Toombs County, Georgia, No ember Term, 1922. The defendant Marse Fouche Ede field is hereby required, personaly ( by an attorney, to be and appear the Superior Court to be held in ai for said county on the Fourth Monda in November 1922 then and there t answer plantiff’s complaint in lib for divorce, or in default thereof th Court will proceed as to justice shai appertain. Witness the Honorable R. N. Hard< man, Judge of said court. This, Oci ober 17th, 1922. E. F. Parker, Clerk. Wimberly E. Brown, Atty. for Plain tiff. PGR SALE—Limited number o Rhode Island Red roosters from reg istered stock. April hatched. Se or Write Mrs. F. M. Smith, Lyons, Gi To Gain a Good Reputation The way to gain a good reputatio: is to endeavor to bew hat you That is precisely the maner in vbic- Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy h a gained its reputation as a cure f 0 coughs, colds, croups and wboopin cough. Every bottle that has e' e been put out by the manufacturer has been fully up to the high standar of excellence claimed for it. P e °P' have found that it can be depended u on for the relief and cure of these a-1 ments and that it is pleasant and sa* to take. “Cold in the Head is an acute attack of Nasal Catarr Those subject to frequent col the head” will find that the use HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE * build up the System, cleanse the ® and render them less liable to Repeated attacks of Acute Ca may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. taken Internally and acts throup. Blood on the Mucous Surfaces System, thus reducing the 111 :’ f ' c ‘ 3 tion and restoring normal cone:* * All druggists. Circulars * ree - . F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, OWO. To Cure a Cold In One Day ] Take LAXATIVE <**