The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, November 09, 1922, Image 4

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. The Lyons Progress - Office Phone, No. 1# *■ Tivni? LESSEE 5: £ napier, *... . owner Entered at the post-office at Lyons, 3a., as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: _ v SI.OO Four Months c All legal advertisements are payable strictly in advance. Address all communication and make all remittances to tbe Lyons Progress. Copy for matter intended for publication must reach this office not later than Tuesday night to insure Insert ion in the current issue. A’, legal and political advertising payable In advance. The right is reserved to edit or rearrange copy. No responsibility is assumed for opinions expressed by correspondents or contributors. Legal Advertising $4.00 per hundred words, or fraction thereof. Legal advertisements are payable in advance, and The Lyons Progress will not accept them unless accompained by tbe money. A VIOLATION OF THE LAW There has been a great improvement in the behavior on the streets of Lyons and on the highways around, in the past two or three months, for which concltion the peop’e of the city are very grateful. But there is still one menace, among others perhaps, right UNDER OUR NOSES that is very cetrimental to the morals of our town This menace is one whose influence destroys the happin ess of home life, BREAKS DOWN THE MORALS OF THE YOUTH OF OUR TOWN, spoils the sacradneas of love, makes deceivors of men and often times renders one PENNILESS while another is» made FAT, FINANCIALLY, t>y the gain. This ceteriorating amusement is being carried on in PUBLIC PLACES—places so public that not only those who participate know the rendezvous, but by those who do not indulge. It is not necessray to cal'! officials into consultation concerning this matter as it has become such a periodical happening and the place of meeting is so well advertised because of the location of the rendezvous, and because of the fact that it is necessary to have light, since this practice is carried on at night, (as well as on Sunday afternoon), which light shows forth as a toll tale, BE SPEAKING CRIME FROM THE WINDOWS OF A BUILD ING CONSTRUCTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF QUELL ING SUCH. How long will this condition exist UNMOLESTED? X LOOKIN’:: IN THE FUTURE At the time of the year when "The frost is on the pumpkin, and the fodder in the shock”, and the turkey’s In his death pen, counting his hours by the clock, —for Thanksgiving, we look a little in the future and see, ap proaching, Santa Clause time. And then on a little far ther it seems that we can see the bent, grey-haired figure of 1022 as he hobbles out of sight. On realizing the near ness of the enc of 1922, let us look back for a moment and meditate over the number o f instances in which we have been the recipient of something good and at the same time we will review our mistakes along the way, then let’s de rive some plan by which we can make these become steps to something greater. Toombs county has a lot to be thankful for because of the fact that she has made wonderful strides in the inUus- COTTON Get more for your cotton. Consign It to Savannah Cotton Factorage Co., Savannah, Ga. This company will make liberal advances on both selling and holding cotton. Their we’ghts, grades and round lot prices wlil please you. For Real Economy in the Kitchen Use CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER A Big Time and Money Saver When you bake with Calumet you f \ \ know there will be J no loss or failures. That’s why it is far / % less expensive than * some other brands X y selling for less. I T / The sale of Calumet is over 150% greater than that of any other best Mr test brand. Don’t be led into taking Quantity for Quality Calumet has proven to be best by test in millions of homes every Largest selling brand in the world. Contains only such ingredients as have been officially approved by U. S. Pure Food Authorities. THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER COTTON —Ample storage capacity at reasonable rates and liberal ad vances on consignment in any quan tity, for prompt sale or to be held, of | sered by BATTEY & CO.. The Sub j stantial Cotton Factors of Savannah, 1 Ga. I trial as well as agricultural and educational, world, having 1 enjoyed n abundant harvest unparal-lelec by any in years ■ past, rapid progress in both city and country schools, and advancement in raising live stock and in dairying. With existing corcumstances we are a fortunate people, for i which we should be thankful—therefore, let’s commem orate Thanksgiving Day fittingly and plan ahead for a bright and cheerful Christmas. x IMPORTANT CAUTION TO THOSE SOWING OATS OR WHEAT Wheat sowed with the drill has every advantage over ! that sowed broadcast. In some instances the seed are more evenly distributed. They are plantec. at a uniform depth where moisture conditions are likely to be more l favorable and germination much better. And wheat seed i ec. with the drill is less likely to suffer from winter-killing. While the drill is an important factor in securing a better stand of wheat and carrying it through the winter, it is practically a necessity in the production of fall oats. Over much of the South it Is unsafe to sow fall oats broad least. Test after test conducted by the experiment stations 1 have shown heavy or total loss of stands of oats sowed broadcast, while those sowed with the grain drill in the same field on the same day stood the same winter freezes with little or no less stand. Even in these sections of the Lower South where drilling of oats is not absolutely ne cessary It will pay in the same way that it pays with wheat. Before the grain drill came into general use, farmers in some sections of the South began to plant oats in deep furows to escape the danger of winter-killing. This j method proved very effective. But with the one-horse im- I plements generally used, this method is too slow. It is coubtful if this deep furrow method is any more effective anywhere than seeding with the regular grain drill pro vided the sowing is done in proper season. It certainly is not more effective in most sections. If sowing ia delay ed so late that the young plants do not have time to get well established before freezing weather, the deeper fur rows* might be of some advantage. At any rate, it may well be said that sowing by the broadcast method is not safe except in the very lower portion of the South. Those who do not have grain l drills and cannot secure the use of them, had better use the open furrow method of seeding oats where there is danger of winter-killing.—The Pro gressive Farmer. X Dll) YOU EVER STOP TO THI.NK — THAT what kind of a citizen are you, are you an asset to your city, or a liability? THAT after all, a city is nothing more or less than an aggregation of citizens, some good, some bad, and some indifferent. That its civic life will be no higher than the average of ; ts, citizens. That among the greatest assets a city should have, are—cleanliness, beauty, enterprise, far-sightecness and a Fipirit to do greater things. THAT the man who can’t keep his own yard clean and beautiful, and use every effort for the improvement' of his city, who does not look to the future of his city, to the standarc of what an everage citizen should be. That when you give the public facts, they will do their own arguing and own deciding. THAT the public has not been given all the facts cqjk; cerning your city. THAT if the facts about your city were given out and understood by your city, they would show that your city is one of the best cities of it? size and class in your sec tion of the country. THAT your natural resources are so great, with the proper co-operation of all your citizens, it can be mace to grow in a few years into a city TWICE ITS PRESENT SIZE. THE LYONS PROGRESS, LYONS, GEORGIA “Cold in the Head” is an neute attack of Nasal Catarrlu Those subject to frequent “colds In the bend” will find that the use of HALL’S CATARItH MEDICINE wll build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repented attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System, thus reducing the inflamma tion and restoring normal condition::. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. To Gain a Good Reputation The way to gain a good reputation is to enaeavor to bew hat you appei r. That is precisely the maner in which Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has gained its reputation as a cure for coughs, colds, croups and whooping cough. Every bottle that has ever been put out by the manufacturers has been fully up to the high standard of excellence claimed for it. People have fount that it can be depended up on for the relief and cure of these ail ments and that it is pleasant and safe to take. No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child wilkbe « perfect Health Pleasant to take. 60c per bi trie PROPERTY FOR SALE For Sale—Two seven room houses and one four room house, also five vacant lots in the city of Lyons Will sell cheap. Cash or terms. Write Dr W. K. Smtth, Pembroke, Ga. 4tc. Glove’s Tasteless chill Tonic destroj’* me malarial germs which ere transmitted tv the blood by the Maiarm Mosan . Price BOr UNSHAKEN TESTIMONY. Time is the test of truth. And Doan’s Kidney Pius have stood tne tost. No Lyons resident who suf fers backache, or annoying urinary His can remain unconvinced by this twice-told testimony. Mrs. J. G. Mitchell, 29 College bt., Statesboro, Ga., says: “I was a constant sufferer from kidney com plaint. Dropsical swellings set In and I was in bad condition. My kid neys didn’t act as they should and I had severe pains in my back. I took Doan’s Kidney Pills and they soon gave me fine relief.” FOUR YEARS LATER Mrs. Mit chell said: "I still use Doan’s Kid ney Pilte occasionally when I feel the need of a kidney medicine and they never fail to relieve me. 1 gladly confirm my former state ment." ' 60c, at all dealers. Foster-MUburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Habitual Constipation Cured * in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates., Very Pleasant to Take. -60 c per bottle. , WANTED —Someone to work up eight acres of cane, into syrup on shares. I will furnish everything ex cept labor. W. G. Dickerson. ltp. YOU CAN WIN V£& Hn Mw .ii taw'.. , 1.1.1 .."l piotrne* "aST you'need to"do’“ —at a fiance you see skate, shovel, shoe. etc. The other objects are Just a* easy to find A '■•‘“’l'* “* * , required to And the onjects. and there is absolutely no trick to the pukale whatever. You do not need . upsliU down or sideways to find the “8-Word" objects. There are fifteen big prl*es; auraly you should he «*><• to win one of them. A TRULY WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY Truly wonderful opportunity for you Wouldn’t It be wonderful to win the $1250.00 or Bulck Six Touring Oar? Think of your surprise and delight, and think what all your friends would say It Is ao eaay to place your3clf In line for one of the big prizes. Do not toss a chance to win such a Big Prize away. The Puzzle Game la open to everyone We have made It very clear and simple to solve, but placing yourself In line la up to you. YOU CAN WIN $1290.00 OR BUICK SIX TOURINO CAR The "S-Word” Picture Game is a campaign to lnoreass the popularity of The Macon Dally Telegraph. It costs nothing to take part In this game, and you do not nave to send In a single subscription to*wln a prize. If your list of S-Worda Is awarded First Prize by the Judges you will win $26.00. but If you would like to win more than $25.00, we are mak ing the following offer whereby you can win larger Cash Prizes by send ing In one or two subscriptions to The Macon Dally Telegraph. Here'* The Way To Wins If your answer to the “3 Word” Ploture wins first prize and you have sent In one six months subscription to The Ma con Telegraph at $4 50 you will re ceive $850.00 Instead of $26.00. Sec ond Prize $200.00, etc. (Bee second column In Prize List). Or Should Your Answer Win First Prize and you have sent In TWO 8 month subscriptions at $4.60 each or ONE yearly subscription to The Ma con Daily Telegraph at $9.00, you will receive $1260.00 In plaee of $26 00. Second Prize SBOO.OO. etc. (See third column In Prize List). How Is that for a liberal offer? Now, further, as a Special Offer we will allow the participant having the Best List of •■•-Words" If fully qual ified, the choice of $1250.00 Cash or a New Bulck Six Touring Car, value $1860.06, F. O. 8.. Macon, Ga. It takes but TWO 6 month sub scriptions at $4.50 or one yearly sub scription at $9.00 (new or old) to qualify for the Big $1250.00 award. Absolutely that Is the maximum. Tour own subscription can count. « e will also take subscription# to start at some future date. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable In Advance. By Mall. Carrier, or Agent. DAILY AND SUNDAY Six Months $4 50 One Year $9.00 Upon Request We WiR Send Eitra L»r|e Puzzle Picture Free. , THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH °"° Cro °'* Professional Cards 1 A* ALTER W. KIBMIAHD Attorney-at-Lavr Toombs County Bank Building.. LYONS, GEORGIA G. W. Lankford. C. A. Rogers LANKFORD A ROGERS ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Phona No. 24 Office in Toombs County Bank Bldg LYONS, GA. R. A. MAYER LOCAL AGENT DELCO LIGHTING SYSTEM PARTS IN STOCK VIDALIA, GEORGIA To Cure a Cold in One Day 'ake LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets.! It tops the Coufih and Headache and works on tbe o'C. E. V/. CROVE’S si£nature ca each box. 30c. THE PRlZES—Winning Anewere Will Receive Prizes as Fotlews: Prizes If 2 Prizes if Ne Prizes If One 6-Month or 1 Subscriptions 6 Month Sub. Yearly 6ub Are Sent le Sent Are Sent Ist Prize $26.00 $350.00 $1250.00 2nd Prize.. 15.00 200.00 500.00 3rd Prize... 10.00 100.00 300.00 4th Prize . 5.00 50 00 150.00 6th Prize 6.00 25.00 00.00 6th Prize 6.00 20 00 75.00 7th Prize 5 20 00 50.00 Bth Prize 2.00 10 00 25.00 9th Prize. 2.00 10.00 26.00 10th Prize 2.00 10.00 25.00 11th Prize 2.00 10.00 25.00 12th to 16th Prize 2.00 10.00 15.0# AUTOMOBILE FREE —As a special prize for the be*t effort shown in the game we will allow the participant having the best list of “S-WORDS,” if fully qualified, the choice of $1.250 00 cash or a NEW 1923 BUICK SIX TOURING CAR. Value $1,350.00. f. o. b. Maoon. (This' car Is now on display at the Dunlap-Huekabee Sales Rooms. Corner Third and Pine Streets, Macon, Ga.) CONTEST RULES I—Anyone residing In the’Stale of Georgia, outside the cities of Atlanta and Athens, is eligible to compete In this contest, except the employes of The Macon Telegraph end members of their fam tiles, and previous winners In our recent “B-Word" puzzle. 2. All word lists and subscriptions must bo received and envelope. postmarked not later than December 2. 1922. 3 —Two or more people may co-operate In answering the puzzle, but only one prize will be given to any one household, or to any one group 4. —Only English words will be counted. Obsolete, hyphenated, m compounded words will not be counted. Either the singular o» plural of a word may be used, but both singular aivi plural w, ‘ not count. Each article or object can be given only one name However, any visible part of an object may also be named. Single words made up of two separate words Will not count Webster's International Dictionary will be the final authority. Where several synonyms are equally applicable to an object snow.' In the picture, a person submitting any one of such synonym.' will be given credit for one word only. s—The largest list of word* which oorrectly name visible objects be ginning with the letter «*8” In the picture will receive first prlz* and so on down the list of 15 prizes. The winning list will t" made up from among the word# submitted by the contcstanl and not controlled by any predetermined list of words aeleote by the Judges as being the "correct” or '’master' list 6 —One point will be allowed for each correct word and one pom deduoted for each Incorrect word. 7 —ln case of ties for any prize offered, the full amount of )>rt tied for will be awarded each tying contestant. , , B—The final decision will be made by threo Judges entirely in*im pendent of and having no connection with the Macon Dally id graph. They will Judge the answers submitted and sward th prizes at the end of the contest. Each participant entering ih > contest agrees to accept the decision of the Judges as final fin conclusive. All answers will receive the same consideration whether a subscription Is sent or not. At the close of the con tor when all lists have been graded, the list winning first prize fin the names of the prize wlhners will be published 9. —Write words on one side of the paper only, number them su cesslvely 1.3, 8,4, etc., with your name and address In ups right hand corner Os each sheet. Typewritten lists are preferred however, hand-written lists will not count against you, nor \vn neatness affect your score 10. An enlarged picture on gloae paper will be sent upon requ*. 11. -If a contestant sends us more than one list under an assume; name or pre-married name, then all lists of such contestsnt wi. be disqualified. . Palmer’s Studio VIDALIA, GEORGIA In the Studio we make POSTALS, COPIES ENLARGE. MENTS and FRAMES. Out of the Studio we make PHoroj OF ANY THING, ANY WHERE ANY TIME, ANY SIZE. DR. L. H. DARBY DENTIST EQUIPPED WITH X-RAY OUTFIT Postiffice Building VIDALIA, GEORGIA DR. V. M. BARCO CHIROPRATIC SPECIALIST Chronic and Nervous Diseases Offices over Bank of Soperton, Soperton, Ga Mrs. J. E. Thompson’s, Vidalia, Ga. At Soperton Monday, Wed., Friday. At Vidalia Tues., Thurs., Sat.