The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, December 27, 1923, Image 2

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- The Lyons Progress - The Official Organ of Toombs County. OFFICE PHONE NO. 19. C. T. DARLEY Editor and Business Manager N. C. NAPIER - Owner Entered at the post office at Lyons, Ga., as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATSS: One Year SI.OO Six Months 50° All legal advertisements are payable strictly in advance. Address all communication and make all remittances to THE LYONS PROGRESS. All legal and political advertising payable in advance The right is reserved to edit or rearrange copy. No responsibility is assumed for opinions expressed by correspondents or contributors. Legal Advertising: $4.00 per hundred words, or fraction thereof. Legal advertisements are payable in • advance and The Lyons Progress will not accept them unless accompained by the money. EDITOR C. T. DARLEY i (From Georgia Publisher) A short time ago Editor C. T. Darley of the Lyons Progress was stricken with a severe illness and died almost immediately, and less than two weeks later, Mr. N. C. Napier, the owner of the paper, succumbed to pneumajnia. This is truly a lam entable coincidence. News of the death of Editor C. T. Darley, of the Lyons Progress, which occurred on the night of December sth, was received with profound re gret by the many friends of the fam ily throughout the State. Under the , able management of Editor Darley j The Progress seemed to be enjoying unprecedented patronage, and his death was a distinct loss to the com . munity in which he lived and the press of the state. The death of Editor C. T. Darley of the Lyons Progress was a sad one and is deplored by all of his friends and acquaintances. He never at tended many meetings of the Geor gia Press Association, but was popu lar with all who knew him. We un derstand that his son will continue the publication of the Progress. We wish him much success. o A HAPPY NEW YEAR The Progress wishes a happy and prosperous New r Year to all its read- [ Education bring* u» better light to see better ways and find the 1 finer values. | | How The Billboards Fail ~~| The same principles apply in selling a cake of soap, a phonograph or a sewing machine as apply in selling the League of Nations or any idea calculated to affect foreign or domestic legislation. The people must be told about the article, they must be convinced that it is worthy, they must be stimulated to interest and moved to a determination to buy or to demand action. In these days the recognized principle factor in selling is advertising. It is the only means of reaching the people. All of which brings us to the question of the kind of adver tising that is most effective. Os course, there always will be some difference in opinion, but it is enlightening to note that the strong advocates of billboard appeal run to cover quickly when they have a desire actually to sell. Quite apart from the unsightly aspect of the billboard, it seems strange that when its supporters wish to sell the peo ple an idea with a view to bringing about beneficial legisla tion they see at a glance the billboard is a failure.» W hen the large corporations want to really sell an idea they pro ceed as a rule to engage a press agent, or a “director of pub lic relations.” * Then a drive is made to get their story before the public through-the news columns of the newspa pers. This is not always attempted because the corporation likes to get advertising without paying for it. The policy often is adopted because the corporation realizes that only newspaper advertising has a definite selling power. The people to whom the corporations wish to sell their ideas are the same people to whom the corporations wish to sell their merchandise, and the same selling principles apply. Is it not strange that thinking men should in such circum stances adopt rules of advertising so diametrically opposed as the newspaper and the billboard ? The more thoughtfully conducted corporations tell their stories over their signatures in paid advertising appeal, recognizing the force of frank and open statement that can stand the light of public investigation. There are enough of the others left, however, who still cling to the old time poster idea of advertising, just as there are homes today that resent the installation of modem plumbing and hang on to the old time pump and bucket. The billboard is an economic waste. It is thrust under the nose of a suffering public with its garish designs and half finished message. Instead of being taken into the home as a friend it is resented as an intrusion on public privacy and a menace to the public landscape. Newspaper advertising will stand the acid test as against the billboards any day in the week for any purpose. Somewhere we have read that If poverty is the mother of crime, want of sense is the father. Whether this be true or false, certain it is that the offspring is illegitimate and uncomfortable. S « Doctors don’t advertise. Ethics prohibit, and leave the field open for the quacks to unload fake nostrums on the suffering public. No wonder th* Frenchman asked what is an ethic? ‘ “T - | , ers. I A happy and prosperous New I Year to all the officials of Toombs county. Great things are planned for the county, for the building of highways, for the improvement of our county schools, and we hope 1924 will see many of the plans of our officials carried to a successful consummation. A happy New Year to Mayor Mc- Bride, city officials and the citizens of Lyons. We’ve got the best town of its size in the state; in 1924 let us see well started the work of beau tifying it. Let us all unite, improve the different places of the city, plant a beautiful avenue of trees from the court house to the city and a park along the railroad tracks through the heart of the city. The Progress feels that this is a duty we owe to ourselves as well as to the people of the county who have plac ed their county s««at here. And if we do this during 1924 we will all be prouder of our town than we are now, and this awakened civic pride will mean a great deal for the pro gress of our town in other respects. The Progress wishes a happy ana prosperous New Year to all the men and women of the county back of every good move for the upbuilding of the county. We assure them during the coming year of our co operation in every possible way and of our desire to make this paper be of genuine service to the people of Toombs county. THE LYONS PROGRESS, LYONS, GEORGIA. Rheumatism in wrists obstinate as it is, does yield to Sloan’s. Apply gently without rub bing. You feel the effect at once in a comforting glow spreading through the aching joints and I muscles. The pain eases off—is gone! Get a bottle from your druggist today —35 cents. Sloan's Liniment —kills pain! Helps Those Hard Coughs The danger of “flu” is its tendency to develop pleurisy and pneumonia. Stop your cold before it reaches this danger point, and for the cough, and painful wheezy breathing, take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Fine also for bronchial coughs, tightness in chest and troublesome night coughs. CHEST COLDS may mean weak kings and need more thorough treat ment than mere syrups, physics or stimulants. scorn ENVISION helps chest colds by giving strength to the blood and heat to the body. It is famous with physicians for hard coughs and weak lungs, throat • and bronchial troubles. * TW Scott & Bowne, Bloom 17-32 666 quickly relieves Colds and La- Grippe, Constipation, BIUon v ness and Headaches. h j ljj Ij v ■ remedies can equal the H 0 value of Pe-ru-na for ca- I At this season it is esrti- B I person is more or less fl I BE READY I Relieve* Indigestion, CLassjr P»ins Why suffer with indigestion and those gassy pains that crowd the heart, when Chamberlain’s Tablets will relieve you? They cost but little, only 25c. They are good, too, for biliousness and constipation. 666 is n Prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrlppe.. .It’s the most speedy rem edy we know, preventing Pnen m onia. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of WcS S'CUcJUAL Cures Malaria, Chills ■ 100 an<l FeTer » Dengue or Bilious Fever, Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic destroy* tn: jjaional germs which are transmitted to the blood by the Malaria Mosau'" ?. Price 80c HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE T. ill do what we claim for it— cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure anv other disease. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and ac:„s through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thus redac’ng the inflammation and re storing normal conditions. Ail Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. _____________________________ To Cure a Cold in One Day Cake LAXATIVE EROMO QUININE (Tablets.) It -tops the Cough and Headache and works off tfci Cold. E. V/. GROVE'S signature on each box 30c. jX tonic Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the P'.jod. When you feel its strengthening. Invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. Se pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c Plies Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PA2O OINTMENT fails to cure lulling. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pits Instantljr relieves Itching Piles, and you can g*.-i restful sleep after the first eonnea'.iin. Pricr“o t , (<i 1 “Feeling • | 1 Fine!” | Jffl "I was pale and thin, hardly Jp able to go,” says Mrs. Bessie ’w Bearden, of Central, S. C. “I M would suffer, when I stood on (Eh my feet, with bearing-down J| W pains in my sides and the lower V M part of my body. 1 did not rest @ well and didn’t want anything W tout. My color was bad and 1 felt miserable. A friend of {S <|k mine told me of iCARDUIi I Tha Woman’s Tonic i and I then remembered my vP mother used to take it.. . After the first bottle I was better. I X W began to fleshen up and 1 re- W gained my strength and good, m healthy color. lam feeling fine. X W 1 took twelve bottles (of Cardui) W and haven't had a bit of trouble (jp W Thousands of other women W (m have had similar experiences in ftg the use of Cardui, which has X W brought relief where other 'mt medicines had failed. (&P M If you suffer from female ail- X ments, take Cardui. It is a woman’s medicine. It may be (m just what you need. W At your druggist's or dealer’s. To Stop a Cough Quick tak* HAYES’ HEALING HONEY* a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE’S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from or Croup. The healing effect of Hayes’ Healing Honey in side the throat combined with the healing effect of Grove'* O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of the skin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed tn one carton and the cost of the combined treatment is 35c. £ * •Just ask your druggist for HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. k \ 1 I A Striking Value—at *295 I Considering the improved creasing its cost to the I appearance of the new purchaser. 1 Ford Touring Car, one comparison extending 3 would naturally expect a over a long period of years 1 proportionate advance in will reveal the fact that jj p r j ce> the present price is actu ally the lowest at which Larger scale production, the five-passenger open I however, has made it pos- car has Wn 9olA I sible to incorporate in this The Ford Touring Car § new type touring car a stands today, as it always 1 number of decided im- has, a most remarkable HI j provements without in- value in the motor car field. |j| This Car can be obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan j] j i j*||g Lyons Motor Co. I c/&r?cl Uli TXUCU TXACTOM Jee/ p Give yourself a treat! Get into an ® Overland Sedan and “step on it”! The sensation of power is wonder• ful. The bigger new engine makes you master of traffic and hills I And the Triplex springs (Patented) give the road comfort of a long, heavy car. Before buying any car, find out how much better you will like an Overland. The price has just been reduced. Ask us for a demonstration. § LYONS OVERLAND COMPANY