The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, June 20, 1924, Image 4

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- The Lyons Progress - The Official Organ of Toombi County. OFFICE PHONE NO. 19. C. C. MOSELEY LESSEE and EDITOR C. G. GARNER OWNER Entered at the post office at Lyons, Ga., as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATSS: One Year SI.OO Six Months - All legal and political advertising payable in advance The right is reserved to edit or rearrange copy. No responsibility is assumed for opinions expressed by correspondents or contributors. Legal Advertising: $4.00 per hundred words, or fraction thereof. Legal advertisements are payable in advance and The Lyons Progress will not accept them unless accompained by the money. REPUBLICIAN PLATFORM The Repubiician platform as adopted at the National Repubiician Convention held at Cleveland, Ohio, last week is carried in full in this issue of the Progress for the informa tion of its many readers. It is a lenghty document that can not proper r y be overlooked by a citi zen who has at heart the welfare of the nation. In it can be found the announced principles and policies of one of the only two great political parties of the United States, and an intimate knowl edge of these is essential in view of the fact that the government, with all of its important duties and funct ions and their close relation to the welfare of the peop’e, must be en trusted to either one or the other of these parties. The pronouncements contained in this platform are numerous. Some of them will meet the approval of ev ery well meaning citizen, while others will be objectionable to many. The degree of sincerity with which the party is committed to its enun- : cip.tions must be determined by each voter for himself. It is entitled to unbiased judgement, and is probably as free from ostentation as such doc uments usually are. Soon we shall have the declaration of both the principal parties and then will begin the endless wrangle of charge and counter charge, accusa tion and denial, with the resulting alignment of voters accroding to a | M |M|M|«M > 44444444444'ft44444444444444444444*44444444*4*444. I i MONEY! MONEY! ! t + L 4 4 L We have been in the loan business longer than anyone else * f in this County, and are still making loans on farm lands for The r Southern Mortgage Company. Our interest rate and commissions j t f r are the cheapest. W T e are in position to have the inspections J t 4 *• made promptly, and can close the loan without delay. I If in need of money on your farm, come to see us. I 4 LANKFORD & ROGERS } | ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW | J LYONS, GA. I .>.>■» ■.44444444444444 444444444444—. Everything You Need ! I ' 4 THE GROCERIES WHICH YOU FIND J ON SALE HERE ARE OF THE BEST ! QUALITY, HENCE THEY SUPPLY ! EXACTLY THE ITEMS YOU NEED FOR ' MAKING THE DELICIOUS FOODS DE SCRIBED IN YOUR COOK BOOK. • . 4 i NEW’S GROCERY j I 4 X 4 4 4 X 4 yj..5..5.*+* * * 44•: v44v*v-I-4444•. 44444444444444444444444444 little knowledge of the facts and much passion and prejudice. The time has arrived when. men should think straight and vote straight after having informed themselves on the j issues of the day. It isu nfortunate ! that long before it could have know’n j what the position ofeither party on the great problems of the nation, most voters w-ere already committed according to their previous align ment. A FREE CONSCIENCEIN POLITICS The Progress isn ot afraid to carry the Repubiician platform because it does not belong to ar.y party, creed or custom, and believes in a free con science. And the Progress believes that that will be a happy and pros perous day for the South when she takes the position that she is master of her own political interests and destiny, and does not belong to any party, but has at heart only the best interests of the nation and her own good. Without attempting to hold up the vices or virtues of either party, it is next to the rediculous for the South to commit herself to one party, irrespective of what that party’s purpose and policies are, when the South is completely ignored in formaulating those policies because it is known that she will certainly be in line. On the other hand, it is knowm bv the Repubiician party that the South will be opposed to every thing listed under her banner, and, THE LYONS PROGRESS, LYONS, GEORGIA. therefore, all of the favors should go to those sections where they will be received more gratefuly. Whether it be a Democratic, Re pubiician or independent party, a citizen should suport what he con ceives to be the best interest of his country. Our fathers who made crimson with Southern blood the hills and vales of Virginia did not intend thereby to place shackles up on the political conscience of their children, nor chain them to the chariots in which ride political gods of a single stripe. The reign of a certain party at that time was pure ly incidental. The South is big enough and has the brains to make herself felt in national affairs. She has national principles that she believes will best conserve her interests. Then, in view of the fact that she is ignored by both of the major parties, she should institute plans of her own. It would be unwise to pick up an indep endant party' of another section and hope to revise it to meet our own needs. Southern men should repres ent Southern principles, because a Northerner, even a good Democratic or independant Northerner, would hardly have our point of view. The only really independant party that can arise in the United States must come from the South. HARDENS CHAPEL NEWS Mr. Wright Anderson spent awhil with his mother, Mrs. J. E. Meadow Sunday morning. Miss Bessie Alexander spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Miss Clydie Thompson. Mr. S. P. O’Neal and family were visitors here Sunday afternoon. Misses Dovie Right, Delma Alex ander, Julia Odom, Geneva Perry and Claudie Thompson were visitors at the home of Mr. J. S. Alexander Sunday. Miss Neva Sutton spent 'ast week with Miss Janie Lee Jordan, at John son Corner. Misses Ena Matthews, Mollie An derson, and Salle O’Neal called on Miss Velma Meadows Saturday after noon. Miss Sallie Kate Jordan was a visitor at Mr. G. F. Sutton’s last week. Messrs Rufus Alexander, Lamar and Ray Meadows, Misses Chelma and Eunice and Vefma Meadows attended preaching and the B. Y. P. U. at Providence Sunday night. Mr. Tom Clark passed through here Sunday afternoon. There will be a short Missionary program rendered here immediat"ly after Sunday School next Sunday'. Everybody come, and bring some one with y'ou. CONSTIPATION Leads to many disorders. To keep the bowels open and to correct indigestion, bilious ness, backache, liver or kid ney complaint, use DR. G. B. WILLIAM’S LIVER AND KIDNEY PILLS Full Directions on every package. At Your Druggist’s price: 25c HELP FOR OLD FOLKS Old Age Should Be Happy Net a Time of Sickness and Suffering. Too many people begin, to suffer al middle age with constant backache urinary ills and pains anc aches. Weak kidneys are usually th« cause and, if neglected, there is dan ger of hardened arteries, dropsy, gra vel or Bright’s disease. Hefp yoai weakened kidneys with a stimulant diuretic before kidney disease gets i firm hold! Use Doan’s Pills. Thou sands of old folks recommend Doan’s Here is convincing proof: Judge G..P. Smith, justice of peace 302 S. Main St., Swainnboro, Ga. says: “After sitting down, I had t< brace my arms on the chair tc straighten.because of the terrible pains through my back. The kidney secre ’ tions passed too often. I Had to grat hold of something or I’d have fallen over with d’.zzy spells. Doan’s Pills cured me. I have been well ever since.” (MV- at all dealers,- Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Make Your Home Brighter with I DELCO LIGHT PRODUCTS f Electric Plants WashmgMachines jj Water Systems a~<d Guaranteed by ( ~s. £ DELCO-LICHT COMPANY ?f 1 PATTON OHIO —-vflS „ H -isy S™ Ask forDttiils TfrnJ \ L. B. GODBEE Vidalia, Georgia SCHOOL RALLY PICNIC A School Rally Picnic will be held ! at Johnsons Corner School July 4th. Mr. Jere Pound, State School Super visor and President of the State Nor j mial School, Athens, Ga., will speak. Also rejfresenatative Ernest Wimber-; ; ly will speak. Everybody isi nvited. We are go ing to have the biggest day Toombs ! ] county has ever experienced. Come. | NOTICE TO PUPILS On June twenty-seventh, Friday, I will ’ hold examination in Eighth grade Latin, Ninth grade Latin, j Ninth grade Algebra and Tenth grade History. Another examination will be given the first week in Sep j tern her. G. E. USHER. CARD OF THANKS to thank the people of Johnson Corner and surrounding ter ritory for their kindness shown us! during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Annie Snow. May God’s richest blessing be with you afl. Her Children. COBBS CREEK NEWS i Mr. Jeffie Denmark and sister, 1 1 k"lla, spent Sunday at the home of C. Jewell. Mr. W. F. Cook and Mr. Bill Car | p rter were at the home of Mr. T. C. Jewell a while Friday morning. Ida Harden has been spending a f w days with Miss Nancy Cawley. I.lis? Maude Denmark and Miss Nancy Cawley, Mr. W. F. Cook and Mr. Bill Carpentier, attended the picnics at Surrency, Ga., Friday. Miss Clara O’Neal spent Wednes day afternoon with Mis s Nancy Caw ley. Miss Loree Jewell was the guest of Miss Maude Denmark Thursday j night. ’ Mr. B. H. Sconyers was the guest j of his aunt, Mrs. T. C. Jewell, Sun day. Mr. Jeffie Denmark and sister Okella, spent Saturday night the guest of their aunt, Mrs. T. B. Den- | mark. Mr. Jdisby Jeweft 1 . and sister, Loree, attended preaching at Cedar Crossing Sunday night. “■* ~ | PARTIN POND NEWS We are having some fine weather j for work now’ days. Mr. and Mrs. John Conner spent Saturday night w’ith Mr. and Mrs. Henry O’Neal. Mr. Jerome Bazemore and family were the dinner guests of Mrs. S. B. O’Noal Sunday. . Mr. Grovie O’Neal made a busi ness trip to Alston Saturday. Mrs. Carr Williams spent a short while with Mrs. Margaret Gay Friday afternoon. Misses Lula and Lila O’Neal spent a short while with Miss Alice Phillips j Sunday morning. Mr. David Gay made a business trip to Alston Saturday. Miss Annie Lue Williams of Cedar Crossing was the guest of Lula Mae Williams Saturday. Miss Lu| a O’Neal is spending a . few’ days this with her aunt, Mrs. I John O’Neal, of Alston Messrs Davis and Jack O’Neal, of Alston, spent a short while w’ith Grove O’Neal Sunday morning. ■ You Can't Trust Calomel at All It is Mercury, Quicksilver, Sali vates, causes Rheumatism and Bone Decay •'”* The next d&se of calomel you take may salivate you. It may shock your liver or start bone necrosis. Calomel is dangerous. It is mercury, quicksilver. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be I put rate your system. If you feel bilious, headachy, ooasti- [ pated" and all knocked out, just go to vour druggist and get a hottlb of Dod» son’s Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making - you siok, you just go back and get yonr ' money. Don’t take calomel! It can not be trusted any more than a leopard or a wild-cat. Take Dodson’s Liver Tone , which straightens you right up and - makes you feel Sue. No salts necessary Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and can not salivate. drove** Tasteless chill Tanic JestrG/-* m= malarial germb which are transmitted to vie blood by the Malaria Mosau Price SO*- r'iiei) Lurec. <u 6 to 14 Dftys Druggicts refund money if PA2O OINTMENT f=si>, tu cure Itehicg. Blind, Bleeding cr Protruding Pile?, losianti/ relieves Itching Piles, and you can gel restful sleep alter the lust application. Price tide r SAVE YOUR HONEY—i One bo* of Tutt’s Pills saves many dollars in doctor’s bills. A remedy for diseases of the liver, sick head ache, dyspepsia, constipation, bil iousnesa; a million people endorse (TutTsPills) To Cure a Cold ia Ooe Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets.) It stops the tough and Headache and works off the Cold. K*V. CROVE*S signature on each box. 30c. t . ■■ - - . ~ * « I* O WHEN • 4 * it <» i * ♦ YOU NEED I • » «i V | GROCERIES [ CALL • •• v ' 4 v it • > 4 1 'i i> 44 ■• 4 i (> *• ■> 44 ~ i' 4 1 • > - 4 » 44 ' , ♦ 44 A 44 4 . + * 4 i S. J. BROWN I f f T T f * I “FAMILY LOAF” I Sold by leading Grocers-Bak- I ed in Vidalia by I SMITH BROS. I PHONE 48 I ——— " ■ 11 " ■■ - -■— * * . 4 !► it ■ *■> ;• Bargeron’s Week <• •» * 4 '* * • • 4* End Bargains f ii ASURE & FLOROMYE FACE POWDER 85c 44 :: ■ « v, " $1.50 ASHES OF ROSE FACE POWDER $1.35 4 , 4 4 ’ ;; i < •• COTYS FACE POWDER SI.BB ; o 4 1 $1.58 WATCH CASE COMPACTS $1.25 44 ” >< SI.OB STATIONERY 78c * -• t l 14 1 k 33 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON LADIES HAN© BAGS. (NEW II SHIPMENT.) •’ 11 + SI.BO HAIR BRUSHES 85c 11 4 f II 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON SALES AMOUNT TO $5.08. 33 O 9 ' 'VpR . MB I fv I ► it | Bargeron Drug Co. f * ■ 4 ♦ 44 ♦ A. TONIC Qrove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Elhod. When you feel its j strengthening. Invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect 60c Habitual Constipation Cured In 14 to 21 Days ‘LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN " is a specially, prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. . Very Pleasant to Take. - 68 c per bottle.