The Lyons progress. (Lyons, Ga.) 19??-1991, June 20, 1924, Image 5

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tc~ T" I. - Mr. Isaac Rountree, of Oak Park, was in the city Sunday.' Miss Lois Culpepper is attending Summer School at Milledgevilk. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mosley visited relatives in Reidsville, Sunday after noon. Mr. Cleon Williams, of Atlanta, is at home -where he will spend a ten day vacation. Miss Annie Mae Williamson is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Moseley this week. -See Mr. John Durst about your ■ fl I Lowest Priced I I Closed Car I B -■ * SI I With Poors front and Real* I I ONLY $l6O more than the Overland I i touring car —the Overland Coupe-Sedan I i — the world’s foremost closed car value. All 1 the unique exclusive features of a coupe $ 1 and a sedan in one! I I Removable rear seat gives big loading space 1 I for anything and everything. Seats adjust I | backward and forward. Seats also make | into a full-size bed in the car —great for v | | camping. Easy riding patented springs— I big power reliability record-breaking | 1 economy. Come in and see it. f' 1 % Overland is the only touring car with sliding gear f 8 transmission, priced under SSOO, /. o. b. Toledo. || 4^^ I I The Touring Car I 11 *\ \ F O. B. Detroit | I S ftSvu ~ \ Demountable Rima I j| * j"‘irnfn' m ' yjKl \ and Starter SBS extra fgj I Helps millions en)oy I I their vacations I I | Ford cars will carry millions on healthful, pleasant vacations I I I thi6 summer—vacations that are inexpensive because of the I 1 I low cost of maintenance of this reliable car. I I I Everyone wants a car for the outdoor months. That means, of 1 I f course, an unusually heavy demand for Fords. To avoid delays I and disappointment list your order now. In I in • f’V Detroit, Michigan I II Jiunsboul $265 Coupe tS2S TuAor Sedan 1590 Fordo, Sedan S6BS I •«£ All prices f. o. b. Detroit , VOL THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER I THE UNIVERSAL CAR If j You can buy any model by making a small down-payment and arranging easy I S | terms for the balance. Or you can buy on the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. , R f The Ford dealer in your neighborhood will gladly explain both plans in detail I Tobacco Sticks. A reasonable price guaranteed. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Brown and family spent last week end at Sa vannah and Tybee. I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fields, of Rock ledge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Darley. Mips Juel Johnson is spending some time in Americus, visiting at the home of Mrs. Joe Sutton. Rev. A. D. Woodle left Thursday evening for Defray, Fla., where he will conduct a few days meeting. THE LYONS PROGRESS, LYONS, GEORGIA. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Usher and fam ily are attending commencement of University of Georgia at Athens this week. Mr. J. B. Johnson went to Savan nah Saturday evening in serach for an escaped convict who got away Friday. Mr. Dan R. Newton hais gone to Kirksey, S. C., where he will join Mrs. Newton who is there visiting relatives. Mr. S. J. Bargeron, in company with his father-in-law", Dr. Roper, of Comer, Ga., is spending ten days on the East coast of Florida. ♦ Mrs. Simmons Aiexander brought to town a truck load of fine peaches Tuesday. Mr. Alexander is a sucess ful peach grower. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Roper, Miss Elizabeth Roper and Miss Berta Mc- Curdy, of Comer, Ga., a former teacher of Lyons school’, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bargeron. The Toombs county directors of the Cotton Belt Highway, J. B. John son and G. W. Lankford, left Monday to attend a general meeting of the directors to be held at Elberton Tuesday. They spent Monday night with State Senator T. S. Mason, chairman of Finance Committee of the State senate, at Elebrton. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CLUB GIRLS Corresponding secretaries, or those acting as secretaries, of the many girls’ clubs under Miss Vann are re quested to send in their reports of meetings and work on Saturdays, so that they will be in the hands of the editor Monday morning. Miss Vann wishes to edit these reports herself, and this is possible only if they are in hand early. It is believed that all meetings of the week can be re ported just as well by Saturday, and it is more likely that they can be given better treatment by the Pro gress on this plan. MISS BESSIE PROCTOR BURIED HERE TUESDAY Miss Bessie Froctor was buried here Tuesday. June 17th. She was a resident of Lyons some years ago, and the family are still residents of Toombs county. She lost her health some years ago, and has since been confined to a hospital. Funeral services were held at the * ave and were conducted by Rev. Theo Pharr, pastor of the Methodist Church. DENMARK—SPENCE Miss Maude Denmark, the beauti ful and attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Denmark, and Mr. Cecil Spence, a popular young man of Vida ia, were happily married at Ce dar Crossing Sunday afternoon at six o’clock. Mr. J. W. Crosby per formed the ceremony. Those witnessing the marriage were Miss Nancy Cawley, cousin of theb ridge, and Mr. J. T. Dix of Vida lia, and Mrs. J. W. Crosby. The young couple will make their home in Vidalia. Their many friends extend them many congratulations and wish them much success all through life. CARD OF THANKS I We take this method of extending to our friends at Elza, and also of Lyons, our sincere thanks for their kindness to us during the recent ill ness and death of our mother, Mrs. Sarah J. Stewart. We desire to as sure each of you that your thought ful considerations are appreciated, and we pray God’s blessings upon you. J. R. Stewart and family. What’g in a Name? A nian named Damrich has just seen sent to a poorhonse In Kansas is Q pauper. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING In the District Court of the United States for Southern District of Geor gia. In the matter of James K. Foun tain, Bankrupt, In Bankruptcy. To the creditors of J. K. Fountain, Machinest of Vidalia, Georgia, in the County of Toombs and District aforesaid, bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on June 10 1024, the above named party was duly adjudiciated bankrupt and that the frist meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the Referee in Bankruptcy, Mendel Build ing, Savannah, Ga., on June 28, 1824 at 12 o’d’ock, at which time the said creditors may attend .prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine *he bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. The bankrupt is re quired to attend. Savannah, Ga., June 13, 1924. A. H. MacDONELL, Referee in Bankruptcy. Saffold & Sharpe, Attys.' for bank rupt. Advice to Husbands— If you want to keep peace at home and have good meals, buy your wife a Red Star Stove Sold by S. I. Hu&sey~ C& Son i 666 is a Prescription for Colds. Fever and FaGrlppe. ICs the most speedy rem edy we know, preveptiig Pneu n, onWi. ASPIRIN i v Say “Bayer’’and Insist! Unless you nee the name “Bayer” or package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-two j yearn and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Rain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” only. Each mibroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few eents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Moooacctieaeidester of Saiievlioacid. | FLORIDA SEASHORE j I EXCURSION | ’ via i Georgia & Florida Ry. Southern Railway G. S. & F. I :: <► ROUND TRIP FARES FROM VIDALLA TO ' •» Jacksonville $ 6.00 West Palm Boack $13.50 |li ! 1 Daytona 8.76 St. Petersburg 13.00 * J I J Moorehaven 13.00 Tampa 13.00 | * ) | Fort Myers 13.00 St. Augustine 7.50 • r ;; Sarasota 13.00 Pablo Beach 6.50 .► ■ Braden town 13.00 Manhatten Beach 6.90 II Miami 15.00 | £ «* . p * * Tickets to Pablo Betaeh, Jacksonville, Manhattan Beach and « ► * * St. Augustine will be good returning on all regular trains schedul ! ’ ed to arrive Vidailia prior to noon of June 26th, afflowing four | * II days in Florida. Tickets to all other destinations will be good *j| * returning on all regular trains scheduled to arrive prior to noon « ► 1! of June 30th, alolwing eight whole days in Florida. J; SCHEDULES: || Leave Vidalia 12:25 P. M. June or leave Vddalia 2:05.A. M. | £ J; June 22nd. | £ * • Ar. Jacksonville - 8:50 P. M. * r !! Arrive Jacksonville 8:00 . J || Direct connections made at Jacksonville fdr all Florida points | \ 11 Through day ’coaches and through Pullman cars will be operated' | < • on trains 5 and 9 between Augusta and Jackson virile. One-foalf . ► fare for children five or under twelve years og age. No baggage < 11 checked. / 1 <• * [ || GET READY AND SPEND YOUR VACATION ON THE BREEZY T «• BEACHES OF FLORIDA. J * * •• For further information consult any Georgia and Florida Rail- J! • • way Agemt or write the undersigned. % R. C. HICKS, J. E. KENWORTHY, « ,i Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent it O 2 * * » , ......... ... 1 ” • : j:i Two-Piece Suits :: \ || , : * ■ 4-y ' j Here, men, are Two=Piecie j :: Suits that offer you a \ happy combination of style “ i and comfort at a most < i * «» ;; reasonable price. :: ' ] Snappy models of light weight yet lcng=wearing fabrics, so : well tailored that they will 3 < * 4 i: hold their shape under the hardest sort of service, \ i ► 4 < * 1 1 * i i► * 3 IW. A. McNatt & Sons j O • 4 o 4 •• ' 4 t» 4 <* . 1 ■> % w 4