Newspaper Page Text
Social & Personal
United States Marshal George B.
# McLeod was in the city Tuesday.
* Mrs. G. H. Tal ey and children are
• visiting relatives in-' Savannah this
Mr. E. M. Wimberly and family
spent last week end at Savannah and
Mr. Erastus Newton, of Reidsville,
wias in the city a short while Satur
day afternoon.
Miss Cassie Youmans rest last
• week for Athens where she will at
tend summer school.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mosley and Mr.
and Mrs. A. P. Thomas spent last
week end at Tybee.
Mrs. W. J. Williams, of Lanier, is
spending gome time with her daugh
ter, Mrs. G. H. Talley.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dance, of Sa-
were pleasant visitors at the
w home of Mr. S. J. Brown.
Mr. Dan Newton is visiting at
Kirksey, S. C., and other points in
South and North Carolina.
Miss Annie Girardeau, of Willie,
Ga., is a pleasant visitor at the home
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson.
I Mrs. R. D. McLeod, Miss Bobbie
l McLeod and Master Dhu McLeod are
visiting relatives at Register.
Mrs. C. C. Moseley is in Augusta,
Ga., at the bedside of her sister, Mrs.
W. L. Snellgrove, who is very ill.
Mr. S. J. Bargeron returned Sun
day night from an extended trip to
points on the east coast of Florida.
Miss Isma Swain is attending the
F League Conference held at
t Wed eyan College, Macon, this week.
Mr. Walton Shlrah and Miss Mary
Shirah were pleasant guests at the
home Dr. and Mrs. R. M. McCall this
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brantley have
I been visiting relatives at Mil’edege
ville, Haddock and Macon the past
, Specials
SUGAR 716 c
• —i
r Kickliter’s
Cash Store
• .
Advice to
If you want to
keep peace at home
and have good
meals, buy your
wife a Red Star
Stove Sold by S. I.
Hu&sey'' Son
After spending a week with
friends and relatives here, Mr. Cleon
Williams returned to Atfanta Mon
day night.
Master John Howell, who has been
visiting at the home of Mrs. A. L.
Oliver, returned to his home at
Barnesville Tuesday.
Miss Willie Mae Vann left Thurs
day morning for Troy, Ala., having
been called to the bedside of her
father who is very ill.
Mr. Newman Roberson, of Louis
ville, Ga., and Mr. LonnieSiriffin, of
! Gibson, Ga., were guests at the home
I Mr. E. 0. Wiliams last week.
1 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lankford and
i family have gone to Atlanta, where
i they wiF live during the present
session of the Legislature.
Miss Florence Johnson accompan
ied a party from Vidalia on a camp
ing trip at Floyd’s Landing on the*
Canoochee river last week.
! Mrs. Leroy Sutton and daughter,
i Majorie, of Durdenvil’e, Mrs. Cecil
Rogers and children of Claxton, were
the guests of Mrs. C. W. Culpepper
i Mr. Rodolphus Rooks, a former
i Lyons boy, is here to visit his moth
j er, Mrs. R. L. Hooks. Mr. Hooks
has just returned from a trip around
the world in the United States Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Brown and Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Dance took ’eave of
their friends Monday for a tour of
several days. Besides making some
points in North Carolina, they will
; travel at leisure wheresoever their
’ fancy leads them.
Mr. T. Ross Sharpe will leave Fri
■ day for Atlanta to asume his duties
,*in the legal department of the M. C.
1 Kiser company. Mr. Sharpe has
recently made a lucrative business
connection with this firm and will
1 be permanently stationed in Atlanta,
j Rev. A- D. Woodle goes to Pem
: broke Thursday morning to attend a
! church banquet given by the ladies
of the Baptist church to the men of
| that church. Rev. Woodle will re
main in Pembroke several days for
j a revival meeting that is to begin
The Worth While Club spent
Tuesday afternoon delightfully as the
guests of Mrs. E. M. Wimberly at her
beautiful home and Mrs. Wimberly
tvas indeed a charming and gracious
hostess. Delicious fruit punch was
served the guests as they entered the
reception ha'l by her pretty daughter
Miss Evelyn, and a platter of dainty
chicken sandwiches were convenient
ly placed and the guests invited to
help themselves which they did, and
continued to do at entervals during
the afternoan between the games of
Nrs. W r . T. China and Miss Inez
King, the attractive guest of Mrs.
Geo. Mcßride, were welcome visitors.
After several games of reok, (the high
est score made by Mrs. China agd
Mrs. A. L. Moseley, beautiful covers
were laid on the tabes, and delicious
ice cream and pound cake were serv
For an effective, gentle, nat
ural regulator, take
They correct indigestion, bil
iousness, liver and kidney
complaint. Do not gripe or
At Year Dnmiafa
roll Direction* on every
2Sc , ,
Electric Plants '
Mter Systems
1 jmJCujrMfeedbp J
Jlsk for Detail} Term *
Vidalia, Georgia
(Last Week’s Letter)
Everybody’s crops' arounds here
are looking fine. Hope they’ll con
tinue so. ,
Misses Cassye Brinson and Lor
raine Williams spent a short while
with Miss Leola Gibbs Saturday after
Mr. Herbert Jones and Mr. Pierce
Dees passed through our section
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gibbs and
children spent a short while with Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Alexander Sunday
Mrs. J. E. Meadows and daughter,
'Velma, spent Wednesday morning
with Mrs. H. C. Gibbs and daughter,
Miss Leola Gibbs spent Thursday
afternoon with Miss Gladys Parker.
Mr. Herbert Jones, with Misses
Lorraine Williams and G adys Par
ker attended preaching at Rock
Springs Saturday night.
Mr. Edward Bland passed through
our community Sunday afternoon
on his way to Ohoopee.
The birthday party given by Miss
Mary Estelle Brinson in honor of her
father, Tuesday night was enjoyed
by a large crowd. A nice supper
was served in the dinning room and
hot chocolate and ice tea were the
refreshments. After supper the
jolly bunch returned to the parlor,
where several different games were
Those being present were: Misses
Leola Gibbs, Lorraine Williams, Bes
sie Braddock. Messrs John and Cur
tis McSwain, Leroy Williams, Sgt. W.
H. Williams, of Fort Bennging, Ga.,
Rufus Alexander, Edward and Frank
Bland, Dolph and Enoch Odom,
Hunter Moons, Willie Tippett, Jerry
Parker and the home folks. Altho it
rained, everybody enpoyed them
selves and a. 1 wish for just such an
other one.
Sgt. W. H. Williams returned to
Fort Benning, Ga., Wednesday after
spending several days with friends
and relatives here.
(Last Week’s Letter)
The farmers in this section are
having fine wather for farming.
Rev. Bargeron filled his regular
appointment here Sunday.
Miss Janie Fuller spent the week
end with Miss Cuba Pittman.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Odom, of Elza,
I attended services here Sunday.
Misses Janie Ful'er, Cuba Pittman,
! Mae Pittman, Estele Clifton were
i the dinner guest of Mrs. B. G.
! Kitchen’s Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Fuller and Mr.
and Mrs. Cohen Joyce spent the week
end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Pittman.
(Last Week’s Letter)
Everybody in our village is about
through laying by their crops.
R. D. Smith, from Johnson Cor
ner, passed through here Friday af
| temoon.
Mrs. Leroy Sutton and MLss Addie
Lee Hardy of this village, and Miss
Sallie Kate Hodges of Claxton, spent
Saturday with Miss Lucile New of
Cedar Crossing, and Miss Lucile New
came home and spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Mrs. Leroy Suitton.
>A large crowd from our village
attended the B. Y. P. U. at Provi
dence Sunday night.
Dr. H. D. Youmans, from Jo-hneon
Corner, was in our midst Monday af
Frank Trohawa, from Midville, Ga.
was in our village Saturday after
Masses Roby and Alma Suttw
were in Savannah and Tybee last !
Mrs. Jim Durden and Mrs. W. L.
Durden, Jr., spent Sunday afternoon
with Mrs. David Cldfton at New
Miss Eleeh Hardy was shopping
here Monday afternoon.
T. N. Thompson, from Vidalia, was :
attending to business here Monday.
Homer Smith, Velton Jordan and
Author NeeSmith, from Johnson Cor- ■
ner, in our village Sunday afternoon, j
Arlie Elkins, from Marvin, was
shoping here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eason Durden spent
Sunday with the ’atter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. J. Moore, at Glennville,
Mr«. Pierce Walker and Miss An
nie Will Wa l ker, from Johnson Cor
ner. passed through here Friday af
Mrs. F. L. Hardy was the guest of
Mrs. J. H. Smith at Yancy Saturday
(Last Week’s Letter)
The farmers around here are very
busy, crops are looking nice.
Mrs. Jane Odom with her sister,
Mrs. Grace of Cdera Crossing, spent
Wednesday of last week with Mrs.
W. G. Dickerson.
Mr. Rufus Harden of Elza, was the
guest of Mr. W. Braddy last Sunday.
Misses Lee and Lora O’Neall spent
a while at the home of Mr. E. Hughes
last Sunday morning.
Mesdames A. M. Bedenbaugh, D.
E. Thompson and B. G. Kitchens of
Sharpe’s were the guest of Mrs.
Rhodus Thompson last Monday after
Messrs Cuthbert Galbreath and
SaffoLd King of Lyons visited at the
home of Roht? Blount Sunday.
Mr. Madison Mathews of Harden’s
Chapel, was visiting friends around
Union Sunday afternoon.
Messrs Pete Fiveash and Ezra Mc-
Gi; 1 of Center attended services hi re
Sunday afternoon.
Rev. W. L. Duncan of Manasses
was a business visitor here last Sat
urday. I
Messrs Tommie De Foe and Ed
mond Warnoek, of Helena, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holton
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dickerson and
Mass Vera Grinstead attended the
movies in Vidalia last Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tomlin and
children of Odom Memorial visited
relatives here Sunday.
Mr. Alvin Odom and Miss Minnie
Stacks of Center were at Union Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. Ira Coleman of East Tennessee
attenedd services here Sunday.
Mr. Salter and family of Rocky
Creek attended services at Union
Sunday afternoon.
After spending a few days with
her son, L. E. Tom'/in, Mrs. Ella Tom
lin, has gone to her daughter’s, Mrs.
Lee Clifton of Sharpes.
Toombs County Government
MONDAY, JUNE 9th, 1924.
GEORGIA, Toombs- County:
Board of Commissioners Roads and Revenues
Toombs County met in regular session at the Court
House in the City of Lyons at 10 o’c’ock A. M.
There were present Messrs Dan Odom, Chairman,
presiding, B. H. Grace, J. F. Darby, T. B. McDilda, and
E. W. Clifton.
In attendance on the Board were G. C. Brant ey,
Clerk, G. W. Lankford, County A*ty-. and i B - Johnson,
Superintendent Roads and Bridges.
On motion duly made carried the Minutes of the
| meetings of May 12 and 17 were approved as read.
Motion duly made and carried reducing rate of in
terest on out standing warrants from Bto 7 per centum
unless the rate of 8 per centum is stipulated ini face of
RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners
of Roads and Revenues of Toombs County, Georgia, in
session assembled, that the prorata part of the one cent,
of the three cent Gasolene Tax, belonging to said county
by virtue of the Act of 1923, Page 41 atseq, appioved
Aug 14, 1923 be and the same is hereby assigned to The
State Highway Department of Georgia for thfc years 1925
1926, and 1927 and as long thereafter as is necessary to
pay one eighth of the cost of constructing the bridge
herein after mentioned. Resolved further that the Clerk
of The Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues
of said county, or such officer authorized by law to
receive the pro rata of one cent Tax on Gaso. ene, arp
hereby authorized and directed to indorse all checks mails
payable and coming to : # l county by virtue of the above
mentioned A«t and mail same to the State Highway De
partment of Georgia, East Point, Georgia to be deposited
by said department as a separate fund for the banefi f
this county:
Resolved further, That the State Highway Depart-1
ment of Georgia, in consideration of the above agrees to
do the following: To construct a bridge across the Alta
maha River, between the Counties of Toombs and Ap
pling, on project number 17 between the Conuty Sites of
Toombs and Appling Counties, work on said bridge to be
gin in the year 1925 and same to be completed in the
j year 1926. Passed in regu ar session on this 9th day of
June, 1924.
Bills aggrge-ating the sum of $5,093.41 were approv-,
ed for payment when in funds available as follows.
Paupers, Allowance for May $131.50
C. G. Garner, Salary for May 116.66 j
Miss Willie Mae Vann, Salary for May £3.34
Joe Bryant, Salary for May, Janitor 20.00
Registrars, Vital Statistics 25.60
J. H. Duggan, Salary for May 1 >O.OO .
A. F. Bland, Superior Cour t Expense 50.00,
P. H. Godwin, Superior Court Expense 50.00 ;
Mrs. E. M. Godwin, Superior Court Expense 13.00
M. L. Clarke, Superior Court Expense 37.00
E. F. Parker, Superior Court Expense 31.00
Government Goods Supply Co., Cots and Bedding 150.00
E. G. Floyd, Superior Court Expense 6.00 |
Paul O’Neal, Superior Court Expense 3.00
C. W. Culpepper. Sheriff, Superior Court Expense 36.00 j
Non Resident Witnesses, Superior Court Expense 91.40
,4. P. Thomas, Agt., Superior Court Expense .83
G. C. Brantley Postage 2.60
Mr. Lester Sharpe and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Tyler
and other of Sharpes passed thre
here Sunday enroute to Alston.
Mr. Herman Harden was a busi
ness visitor in Lyons last Saturday
Miss Vera Grinstead who has been
visiting her sister for some time, re
turned to her home in Collins Mon
day night.
Rev. J. E. Small preached to a
large congregation here last Sunday
haarlcm oil has been a world
wide remedy for kidney, liver and
bladder disorders, rheumatism,
1 lumbago and uric acid conditions.
correct internal troubles, stimulate vital
organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist
on the original genuine Gold Medal.
T s
•j \ ’
We have been in the loan business longer than anyone else < »
* P
in this County, and are still making loans on farm lands for The , f
’ J Southern Mortgage Company. Our interest rate and commissions 3*
y are the cheapest. We are in position to have the inspections Jjj
1 f made promptly, and can close the loan without delay. 1 *
If in need of money on your farm, come to see us.
X #■
I , !
, 4 , 4 . 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 4.4 4 4 4>. J. ■». .«■ J. J-JL. J. .1. ,t. Jti A. X 4. -t- -1.-S-t—♦ ♦ ,r f'
W. C. Mason, Postage 21.
Southern Bell Tei". & Tel. Co., To’l on phone No. 10 Z.&F*
H. T. Evans, Repair work on typewriters 37-Sf*
R. M. Mclntosh, Repair work on typewTiter s 3-o**
Lyons Progress, Advertising -
C. W. Culoepper, Sheriff, Board of Prisoners -89. X&
;M. G. Whittle, Board of Prisoners - 21.7C*
C. W. Culpepper, Sheriff, Expense with Prisoners 37. K*
I H. N. Driggers, Expense with Prisoners 20/S*?-
IE. E. Burch, Expense with Prisoners 12.82*,
Lyons Ice & Cold Storage Co., Lights & Water
Court House & Jail 48.9^
Toombs County Bank .Interest on Outstanding
Warrants -159.7 ft
! First National Bank of Vidalia, Interest on
Outstanding Warrants 153.G4*
I First National Bank of Lyons, Interest on
Outstanding Warrants 21.87“
Vidalia Ice and Soal Co., Ice & Coa r for Court
House & Jail 35.CJF
TOTAL $1,874.»r<
Pay Roll, Month of May $175.6* *
!G. C. Brantley, Salary for May, Clerk Co. Com 100. Me
I Dr. J. K. Hall, Salary for May, Co. Physician 75.04
, Union Grocery Co., Supplies for convicts 276.3 -
Tanner Brice Co., Supp'ies for convicts 72.W®
B. F. Brown, Supplies for Convicts 7.CT
J. A. Pughsley, Supplies for Convicts IO.'SdSL-
Findley’s Market, Supplies for Convicts 50.7 f »
Dr. R. M. McCall, Dental Services 4.01 +
New’s Grocery Store, Stock Feed 157.9M5?'
W. A. McNatt & Sons, Miscellaneous Supplies 54.K©
G. H. Mcßride, Miscellaneous Supp'ies 25.84-
New’s Grocery Store, Miscellaneous
First National Bank of Vidalia, Interest on
outstanding Warrants 15.2 J&
Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Toll & Bxohange
on phone No. 64 ..., 9.1 W
C. C. Mosley, Postmaster, C. 0. D. Motor Expense ..7.9®
A. L. MosTey, Agt., C. O. D. Machinery Parts 48.721
A P. Thomas, Agt., Freight Charges 3.9 X
Vidalia Buggy Co., Shop work 63.9*-
H. V. Lynn, Shop work IW.O&
J. F. Darby Lumber Company, Lumber 266.5&
Gulf Refining Company, Motor Expense 323. f?
Yancey Brothers, Motor Expense 77.9*
Bragg’s Garage, Motor Expense 49.5 i&
C. C. Mosley, Postomaster, C. O. D. Package,
Motor Expense 3.SV
Lyons Motor Company, Motor Expense 44.T7
Standard Oil Co., Motor Expense 35.7©
J. B. Johnson, Auto allowance for May 50.0f*
Concrete Culvert Co., Culvert for Roads 271.®*
Mitylens Gravel & Sand Co., Gravel for culverts ...98.3®
R. L. Sharpe, Fence Post 80.01*
Dodson Cement Mixer, Building cement cuvrets 104.00
M. D. &S. Ry. Co., Freight on culverts 52.3 3 t
J. H. Harper, Fence Post 10.2 -
Toombs County Bank, Interest on outstanding
Warrants 269.432
TOTAL $3,218,432
There being no further business Board adjourn**:?
till aext regular meeting.
G. C. BRANTLEY, Clerk.
Being cal ed away on acount crif
serious illness of my father, please
notify all membeis of your clubs tha-*
our club work will be suspended ggs*-
fil I return.
Miss Willie Mae Vann.
Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restom.
Energy and Vitality by Purifying wi
Enriching the Blood. When you feel tec
strengthening, Invigorating effect, see how?
It brings color to the cheeks and boa.'
it improves the appetite, you will them
appreciate its true tonic value.
Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is sing®
Iron end Quinine suspended in syrup. Sa
pleasant even children like it. The btooK
needs QUININE t® Purify it and IRON tar
Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs aaa
Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor
ating Effect 60c
Habitual Constipation Cured
in 14 to 21 Days
“LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially
prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual
Constipation. It relieves promptly bat
should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 day*
to induce regular action. It Stimulates and
Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. * GAc
per bottle.