Newspaper Page Text
m ltlnirn CUioancc ♦
Yol. VII.
Bjlii 3
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Railroad and Mill Supplies,
Rubber Belting and Packing,
Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Rifles,
.Ammunition, Rope, Tinware, Stoves,
Crockery, Fishing Tackle etc. etc.
Trie for Pricej 9-11-13 N. Jefferson St •}
Of Local Interest
Things that Happen in and About the Town.
Those who Gome and Go. i%-
sonai Mention etc. etc.
A Special offer for Thursday’s
Yard wide fine sea Island 4/.
Yard wide Bleeching-
| yard wide Percale
6/ Calicos for
5/ Calicos for 4/.
12 Balls of thread for 5/.
Mention the ad.
Jeffrey & Roobin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shingler vis¬
ited Macon Tuesday.
Mr. J. C. Durham is attending
a pic nic at Snow to-day.
Miss Para Johnson is the guest
of her cousin, Miss Lela Tison.
A merry crowd of Tift-onites en¬
joyed themselves at Beech Haven
Mr. (i. S. Evans is in Macon at¬
tending the Southern Lumber¬
men’s Convention.
R. D. Gentry, Esq., the Insur¬
ance man of Eastman, visited
Ashburn last Wednesday.
Mr. Chas. Teagle will visit
Valdosta next week in the inter¬
est of the Adel base ball team.
Mr. J. II. Allen will attend the
meeting of the Odd Pellows Grand
Lodge in Rome on the 24th inst.
The social meeting of the Ep-
worth League at the home of Mr.
R. L. Betts Monday evening was
an enjoyable occasion.
Betts & Co., are having a new
artesien well dug near the mill,
the demand for this water being
greater than the supply.
Ben Cantey left for Charleston
Tuesday, where he will attend
the Confederate Veteran Reunion
Ga i3 1899
in session there now. While m
the Palmetto State he will visit
his parents at Greenville.
If women could manage to have
their husbands serve on a jury ev¬
ery time they leaves home they
would feel safer about them.
Mr. P. E. Dennis, of Macon,
will submit plans to the Baptist
church building committee next
week, for their contemplated
The second nine boys are re¬
joicing over their victory at Ara-
«bi last Saturday. The game is
said to have been very interest¬
ing throughout.
Our readers will excuse the
scarcity of local news this week.
It was crowded out by the General
Presentments, which will prove
equally or more interesting.
Mr. F. E, Hudson requests that
those who subscribed for new song
books to bring the money to Sun¬
day school next Sunday afternoon
and make settlement for same.
City tax returns should have
been made before the 1st. inst.
Make returns to the undersigned
at once and save extra charges.
'N. McArthur,
Clerk and Treasurer.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. Editor :—Allow me to ten¬
der through the columns of your
paper the sincere gratitude of my
heart to the people of Ashburn
for the kindness shown my son
during his last illness. Such
treatment can eminate only in
the hearts of Christians, and in
heaven they will be rewarded.
“In as much as ye have done it
unto one of these my brethren
ye have done it unto me.”
Very respecfully,
W. J. Mullins.
Meeting Monday—Decided to Commence
Wort on Same at Once.
A meeting of the Board and pa¬
trons of the Ashburn school was
held at the council room Manday
afternoon, for the purpose of dis¬
cussing the erection of a school or
College building. W, A.' Mur¬
ray was elected chairman, and in
the absece of the Secretary of the
Board, J. B. Horne was request¬
ed to act. in that capacity.
After discussion it was decided
to erect a $5,000 brick building,
work to begin on same as soon as
a plan has been adopted by the
building committee, which will
be done next week.
The following Building and So¬
liciting committee was nominat¬
ed and elected : J. S. Shingler,
T. H. Thrasher, W. A Murray, J.
S. Betts atul G. B. Gorday. They
then received subscriptions to the
amount of $3,565.00 from those
Architect P. E. Dennis, of Ma¬
con, was down Wednesday and
will return next week with a num¬
ber of plafls, and ’tis expected
that one will then be adopted, af¬
ter which bids .will be received
for the erection of same.
Editor Advance :—I am glad to
hear that Ashburn is going to
build a school-house. The cause
of education deserves the homage
and support of everybody; it
bears a wide-spread and momen¬
tous relation to every interest of
man. Unless we foster and sup¬
port the cause of education, this
country will be naught but a stag¬
nant pool, devoid of life and mo¬
tion and loaded with trouble and
As a citizen who has “no axe to
grind,” no friend to reward and no
enemy to criticise, I will respect¬
fully suggest a few matters, which
if remedied, will result in ines¬
timable benefit to all. All Ash¬
burn is proud of the efforts now
being made to build a school-
house. I do not know upon what
plan the educational interest of
Ashburn is in future to be con¬
ducted. I undestand that Ash*
burn’s charter is without any pro¬
vision whatever for a Public
School System. Would it not be
wise for our honorable Mayor,
Councilmen and progressive citi¬
zens to consider the advisability of
procuring the passage of an act of
the Legislature, jiroviding far u
“System of Public Schools for the
town of Ashburn, to provide fora
board of education, to empower
the Mayor and Council to levy
and collect a tax for the support
thereof, and to authorize the
County School Commissioner of
Worth County to pay over to said
board of education such part of
daughters )
§ rea m fulfilled? . . %
Have you purchased for her a Kings-
. bury Piano?
There are no better Pianos Made in
the world than the celebrated
Kingsbury and COnover.
These Pianos can be bought on easy
terms. We manufacture more pianos
and organs than any other concern
in the world. Instruments handled
by us come from our own factories.
Save Dealer’s Profits
By buying from Manufacturers direct. We
sell on easy payments. Write for our
catalogues and prices ’before you are
talked into buying inferior instruments.
CsUfoie fPiano Co., Atlanta., ea
Capital $2,000,000.00. 90-08 Whitehall St
the State School fund as may be
the pro-rata share of said town
etc?” The educational interests
of Ashburn will never succeed un¬
til this is done.
It seems that at present con¬
siderable dissatisfaction among
the patrons of the school exists
and I suppose they will insist up¬
on the present trustees remedying
it, if it is in their power to do so?
The writer desires to say nothing
whatever concerning the methods
of the present head of the school,
but I do know that there is much
complaint by some of the patrons.
If the complaints are just, true
and well founded in support of
the theory that the principal is
incompetent as a teacher and dis¬
ciplinarian, why ofcourse some one
who is competent beyond a doubt
should be appointed; if the com¬
plaints are not true and just, why
then the complaining patrons
should hush and mend their own
Before investing money in a
magnificent school-house, Ash¬
burn should acquire those legal
rights, herein before mentioned,
which are essential to success and
the election of competent and ef¬
ficient teachers should be assured.
Modern thought, earnest and free
as it is, is a foe to prejudice. It
investigates all things,—art, sci¬
ence, politics, ancient faiths, pre¬
cedents,—seeking to value each
of them at the worth of each. It
is as the hammer of Thor to strike
down abuses and remove obsta-
cles to needed reform. May a
spirit of reform get abroad in
Ashburn; may everybody pro¬
ceed to investigate in order to un¬
derstand and question in ord< »:
to improve.
B. B. Will; :.
Mr. Luke’s business continues
to increase.
Don’t forget the picnic at Beech
Haven on the 20th inst.
No 39
Among the Students.
High School Happenings, Written by the Pu¬
pils for the Advance. Per¬
sonal Mention etc.
Our friends are cordially in¬
vited to attend the public exami¬
nation of the 5th gado in gram¬
mar, Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Will also have some recitations by
little folks.
To our regret Miss Mattie Bello
Huggins has stopped school or. ae
count of sickness.
We will have our school picnic
just as soon as the water dries off
of the place selected for it.
Miss Ilattie Hodge visited the
school one afternoon this week.
We have fine speakers among
the little folks, and the large,
ones must move up or they will
get ahead of them.
Prcf. W. H. Dixon, of Ocilla,
was in town Sunday.
We hope Professor will give us
all a holiday the day of the picnic,
at Beech Haven for it is so warm
we need rest for one day at least.
Mr. Claude Hicks has presented
the school boys with a nice ball
and bat and we have a delightful
time playing ball.
Mr. Clarence Gannon and Miss
Mary Driver were united in mar¬
riage Sunday, the ceremony being
performed by Rev. Mr. Abbott.
The . ct was not expected by
the relatives of the contracting
p;v> es, it being a runaway mar-
riage. After the ceremony the
couple were the recipients of par¬
ental forgiveness atul the con-
gratulation of their friends, The
groom is a young carpenter and
the bride is the youngest daught¬
er of Rev. C. H. Driver.—Times.