Newspaper Page Text
Union of ths New York Democracy. |
We are truly gratified to see the divided .
.wings of the New York Democracy, the]
[Hards and Softs, burying their petty proj- j
udices, covering their feuds, and rallying ;
-round a common Standard Several lead- j
ing presses of the Ttrouson wing have taken
position for a reunion of the Party, and his |
is a timely action. The enemies of the Ln- •
ion, the Constitution and the Right of the ;
States, covered by the darkness ot secret
association, are concocting their plans to ,
“acquire the control of the Government - . It j
is full time the Democracy were organizing j
to thwart their designs and crush out their j
dangerous schemes.
The following letter in the Paine, dated ;
the 20th ult., from Sebastopol, is worth ]
reading, if only as a contrast to similar ;
documents from the English army : j
. We are in the trenchss up to the knees in
tnud, and the nights are far from agreeable.
We prefer, therefore, going to attack the |
outposts of Prince Mmschikoff, who does us j
now and then the honor to tire a few guns j
V* ns, but without doing us much harm j
‘■Notwithstanding all things, our soldiers arc j
•gay, animated with the best spirit. They
are well clothed and well fed, thanks to the ;
unceasing solicitude of the Emperor, from;
whom we are daily receiving some new ben- j
efita. Never was an army better treated,
and nevor did a General take such care of
his troops ns General Canrobeit does-be
has heart of gold enclosed in a body of
-iron. We are at work raising batteries, and
we shall soon have two hundred guns in
line. The Russians attempted a sortie this
morning, but were received with a sharp
fire and driven back at the point of the bay
onet to the trendies. They are raising
formidable batteries, and have intersected
the streets of Sebastopol with all kinds of
■obstacle*. But if onca our troops enter, the
battle of the direct* will not terrify us, for
we are stronger than they, and shall soou
get the upper hand.”
The honorable Miss Murray, sister of a
Scottish Duke, and maid of honor to Q-t -en
V etoria h. n 1 een rfnv'hg for some c;*y--‘
pset in New York. Miss Murray i6 a lady
of fine person, robust health, and uncom
mon energy of character—a*ed about 35v
years. She hns visits, and several of the pubLo j
institutions, had been entertained by many l
citizens at their own houses, w’u*re Ipr j
frank and cordial manners, her singular in- !
teliigence and great kindness of heart htvvf- J
peeureu her many friends. Miss Murray, j
we un lerstund, has keon’y enj -y and tier ex j
t-snded tour in this country. She appear*, j
however to have been.struck with amazement
et the expenditure, the helplessness, ■ and
the ill health of that unfortunate class of
beings, the fashionable wutnet.'ol our cities
Miss Murray, hko all'the fashonable wo
men of EuN pe, dresses so p'aiuly that it
p robably costs her less to dress for a whole
-rear, than many New York lady expends
j r half a d-.zen handkerchiefs! It is u set
tled tiling in Europe, that extravagance in
dress i? the V; ry extreme of i tplgarUy and is
never indulge l ! ie except by those Whose on
l j claim to distinction is the length, of p urse.
— Lodi'* Knfttprise. |
Rules to be Observed on entering aprig- \
t ug Office.— For the benefit of a few per
j. ns u ho, unhnnv. int ly. and s'nrb tfcePriij e \
ve pul.d sh tht annexe! rules, to bo observ
ed on entering by all visiting * Printing Os
Enter softly.
Hit down quiet iy
1> >n't touch tin* poker
H .y nothing interesting.
Engage in no controversy.
Don't smoke
Keep six feet from the table.
Hands off his papers.
Eyes off his mar.u eript.
If he is a discreet man, he will put what
, papers he does not wish within your reach—
then you ein ‘ okatti nit yyu - h-a’ t-J con
S\n liEsh’LT or Ignorance. The De
troit Advertiser rein(b an instance of an ox j
being killed and a sled broken to pieces by]
a railroad car, and all because the ox could !
not understand French. The facts of the
ease were these: The team, consisting of
one English and one French ox drawing a
heavy load of wood and driven by a French
driver, was crossing the track when the ex
press train of cars made its appearance.—
The driver, in great excitement, immediate- [
ly ordered his oxen to chuck, (the French ]
for - haw.”) The French ox understood |
him. ana turning off the track saved himself;
from injury ; but the English <>x, having I
never understood the language, pressed fur- |
ther on and was instantly This!
should be a warning to farmers to have their
oxen properly educated.
Asa good workman JPknown by the quan
tity of his C/iips, so may a penetrative mind
be known by the rubbish and heaps of dis
carded credulity with which it is surround
Special Notices.
rtf Vallet Lodge, No. 48, I. 0. of 0. F., will
be held ou every Friday evening, at 7 o’clock.
Transient brethren are'invited to attend. Ur
order of T. A. Burke, N. G. j
ARTHUR HA IRE, Secretary. \
AjWßniar meeting
of Etowah Lodge, No. U-yJ'. TANARUS). of (J. F., will be
held on every TueigLj.yqjveuing, at 7 o’clock.—
1 ransient bretluen are invited to attend. Bv
‘• a kTf'- a 11. Patillo, N. G.
KENNEDY, Secretary
c *- -w r subscriber j
1 htM x>wn a P-
pointed Agent for !
the So. Mu. Insurance Company for Cass and .
Gordon Counties, and will take risks upon Hon-!
ftes, Negroes', Ac. Ac. Will also receive appli
♦“alums for insurance upon the lives of wiiite 1
persons. JOHN II RICE, Agent, i
’ Jan. 5, is.',s. 48—ly. !
Syphils, .Scrofula and Diseased Blood. For i
these terrific diseases, Carter’s Spanish Mixture j
is the only specific.
The proprietors have in their possession over !
o.ic hundred certificates of the most extraordi- ’
nary cures effected by it.
e refer to the certificate of Richard Adams, I
—High, Sheriff of. Richmond, ‘Ya.’; Edwjn !
IniWSOj Commissioner of the Revenue for Rich
mond; General Welch, of the Mammoth Circus; i
Dr. Beudly of Washington City; Mr. Win. A. ,
Matthews, and C. B Luck, Esq., of Richmond.!
Ya. ; Mr. F. Bovden, Exchange Hotel, V.; and ‘
host of others, who have seen cai sos the
worst description cured by Carter’s Spanish j
Mixture. They all certify that if is the greatest ■
of fh* blood kxowfi, J m 28 ft
Specif _ _ I
i Holloway’s PilO are the best Medicine now j
’ on sale in the United States, the mgred.nts of ;
which they are composed are so uninjuvinus,
that they cannot harm the rnot delicate consti.- j
I tutions. To valetudinarian!} they cannot fail to,!
i he of the utmost service, being compsod eut rely f
of medical herb, the propriet or \\h > has made it j
> his study to alleviate the ills to which thq. hu- ‘
man family are subjet; they must, thorfbre, be
hailed with delight, as supplying a want long*]
: f e it i n this country, and therefore may be relied j
1 on in all cases of disorders of tbs liver and stout
i tcli.
| A do not refer to a reprieve j
from Capital Punishment. Them is ash w tor
tore, from which a respite is equally desirable, j
j:\Vo refer to Dyspepsia—a word-in which all the j
j horrors of indigestion are suhrmed up. To the j
| sufferers by this painful and harassing disease, :
we cm hold out not only bright hopes, but the
] certainty of immediate relief and permanent
‘cilre. There is-a tomie, cordial and alterative ,
j principle in Hoofland;S German Bitters, which i
1 inevitably arrest stud changes the morbid action |
i of the stomach -and the secretive organs, re- j
’ mores the disease, and restores to health.— i
! Prepared by Dr. CM. Jackson, Philadelphia, j
; January, 26-—-*t-_ ’• ■ ■” i
j ~ Consumption is, without doubt, the most fear
fully fatal of all diseases, ("except epidemic,) un
; nuall v carrying thousands to untimely graves.
llow often could the ravages of this arch des
f.trover be prevented, if timely remedies were
: used in allaying the inflammation produced by
an ordinary cold. For Coughs, Colds, Sore
Throats, and other similar disease, BTABLER’S’
!no equal. It is not recommended as ivfailibi*, j
j but medical men and others, who have used and j
’ administered it, bc*ar testimony to its extraor- j
dinary efficacy. It is known to be a “good j
C med cine,’’ and ns such is offered to the public;
I I for diseases of the bowels. See descriptive ,
pamphlets, to be had gratis of -the agents.—
! Price for each, oniy 60 cents, or six battles lor
-; 50.
E. H. Stabler & Cos., Proprietors, Wholesale
i = Druggists, Baltimore; T. A. Burke, CWville,
Elliot A Tappan, Kingston.
* | Feb
j “It 13 JUST WHAT 13 W -\XI£U. S: say* Dr.
: Peter Fryer, of Salubria, Chemung county, N.
i A*, and so say all who have used or adminis
tered Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge. Mr. Fryer
sars that this excellent medicine has given the
: greatest satisfaction fn his neighborhood, and
■ he has ordered anew and increased supply.
| Mr. William E. Faiicliee, of Marengo, Wavne
county, N. A', has used this incompar.,ble A er
j mifuge, and found it to be all that it is recom
: mended to be. He says that where he has sold
I it, it has, in all cases been found, an effectual
■ cure.
! Mr. G. AV. Ed today administered two
1 spoonsful to a son of ins about T years of age,
i 1 which he h -.s no doubt brought upwarJs.ofU) A)
worms from him, measuring Irani one qu .rter
i of an inch to two inch ‘s in length.
] Mr. W. D. Robb’ ofTyre -Springs, Sumner co.
;a Tenn. writes that bo could have sold a very
Vkcge quantity, if he could have got it. All that
tfija of tried it. pronounced it. the best they h :d cv
ler seen. Mr. Robb adds tb it it is impossible
[ for any one to say too much in favor of M'Lane’s
i Vermifuge. For sale at J. 1). Carpenter’s Cass
t viLL-, Cin. Feb. 6—2 t.
| j'-iy* - Every family should at once procure a
j bottle of the'great Arabian remedy for man and
! b-fist cailed 11. G. FAUUEL’S ARABIAN LIN
; IMENT. It allays the most intense pains in a
j few minutes, restores the synovial fluid or joint
r! water unci thus ‘cures stiff joints; it penetrates the
I j flesh to the bone, relaxes coulr toted Cords, cure;
| rheumatism and palsied limbs of twenty years i
f | standing; also titmors, swelled neck, enlarpy- ,
I ment of the glands, and is the best medicine for |
; ailments of cattle.ever discovered, curing swee j
nv, spavins, splint, and ail diseases wh.elif re- ] an extoi nal application.
II ,iun : Pain vs 10 year’s standing cured by 11. G.
Farrells Arabian Liniment.
Mr! If. V,. Farrell.— Dear Sir:.l had been
aftl cted with the ‘ Sun Pain” for the last ten
[ vears, and could never get relief except bb.ed
ihg; But fev the use ofii. G. Farrcli’s Arabian -
1 Liirinlent,. applied over the temples about three
or four time* a dy, it was entirely removed,
and 1 hare felt nothing of it since. I went in
j to the stable one night, to apply it to a horse’s
sore leg, aid being very lainti he stumbled and
I fell against my legs, crushing -- them so badly
• j. that they turned black as my b it, rendering them
nowerk-ss. 1 applied your Liiiiineiil, and was
Well i-nougli in a few days to go about again us
usual. 1 also crushed my linger in a shocking
manner, by letting a back log fail upon it; your
Liniment, soon healed it up, though.
L* ft.tile precinct, Peoria co., 111., Feb. 6, lb4tf.
[A*7. Haler, of Mete < ’.intern. 111., says :)
Mr. 11. G. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment has cur
ed some cases here, which every other remedy
had failed in; one was a white swelling, and con
tracted cords in the leg of a bnV twelve years
aid. The kg had withered awav, and was so
contracted that he had no use of it. Three doc
tors had tried their skill upon it in vain, and I,e.
cas)fast sinking tet the grove, when the boy’s
father was induced to try H. G. Farrell’s Arabi- j
an Liniment. Before the first bottle was used j
up he came to .Mr. B.'suture, and the first-words ;
he said were, “ Mr. Barker I want all that Lilli- :
went you have in the store; the one bottle Ii
got did luv boy more good than all that had ev- j
cr been done before.” That boy is now well
:nd hearty, and his free use of his legs. It is good
for sprains, bruises, cuts, burns and swellings.
Look out for CountlfeiU !
The public arc cautioned against another
counterfeit, which has lately made its appear
j mice, called W.. IL- Farrell’s Arabian ‘Einimeht,
-r the inost'dangerous of all the counterfeits be
! cause his having the name Farrell, many will
buy it its a good faith, without the knowledge
that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps
only discover this error when the spurious mix
urehas wrought itts evil effects.
The genuine- article is manufactured only by
11. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and
wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria,
Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies
must be -addressed, life sure you get it with the
I letters 11. G. before Farrell’s thus—ll. G-. FAR
i RELL’3— and his signature on the wrapper, all
j others are counterfeit.
] Sold by T. A. Burke, and J. D. Carpenter,
; Cansvlfle, Anderson, Milner Jt Cos. Cartersville, j
j Elliott A Tappan, Kingston, and by regularly ]
| authorized agents throughout the United States, j
j IST” Price 25 and oO cents and $1 per bot-j
! tie.
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village
and hamlet in the United States, in which one
is not already established. Address 11. G. Far
rell as above, accompanied with good reference
as to character, responsibility, Ac.
Robert Batty, Rome, Ga., wholesale agent.
A Warning.
DELAY not; harbor not in your mind that
sentence of fools’ philosophy, that a disease
will get cured of itself, n> that you can cure it
with certain medicines for a few dollars. Be
ware how you temper with your general wel
Ye wild and vicious youths, why will you
persist in dosing with the filthy nauseating com
i pounds daily proffered, thereby impairing your
i appetite and digestion, and destroying yon men
! tally as well as physically, when you’ can be
j cured with a few doses of pleasant medicines?
A o rakes of every age and condition, why will
j ye suffer and repine, and drag out a miccrable
i existence, unfitted for the enjoyment and cvenJ
, ordin Mi’
rrffiyen ifTiVl wish tiTY* l restored to health and
vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and effec
tual, should consult Dr. MORRIS. His suc
cess in chronic diseases has been greater than
that of any other physician of his day. Many
who havo been for years afflicted with disease
or consequences resulting from excess, have
been restored to health and vigor under his real
ly scientific treatment.
Should a personal interview be objectionable
state vour disease, in writing—enclose five dol
lars—address Dr. W. H. MORRIS, through the
Postofficd, Savannah, On., and a package of
medicines, securely put up, will be sent private
ly and with despatch, full of directions therewith
and no questions asked.
Persons living at a distance, and ajjiicted with
Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter, Cancers, Piles
Fistula in A no, Gravel Strictures, Gleets, or any
disease whatever of an aggravated or malignant
character, can be cured at home by consulting
Dr. MORRIS, by letter post paid, enclosing u
Medicines pleasant and safe, can be sent per
mail to any part of the United States. _ I
Particular attention given to the treatment of j
female complaints. I>ad : es who may be afflict
ed with Irregularities, Flor Albus, or Whites, |
Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, would ■
do wel) to lay aside all false delicacy, and
promptly Consult the Doctor. Ceres Warran
All letters to.receive attention must be j
post-paid, enclosing,a fee. Address Dr. W. H.
MORRIS, Savannah, Ga.
Consulting Rooms, No, 98, Bryan Street,
i Appos'fe
yr.J. ‘ The Cheapest Goods
Clothing, Staple - and Fancy Dry Goods,
L’ v ; f Watches, Jewelry, &e.,
But will he soil cheaper than ever offered le
r fore in (Atssoitie, at
j >\b IC-tf _ j
;rt AVKIL, Attorney at Law, Canton, Geor-’
gin. Business entrusted to his care in I
, anv ofthef counties of the Cherokee circuit, will ;
meet with faithful attention. Feb 18, 1855.
j L. BARBOUR, Attorney at Law, A thin-1
V t>, Georgia. — Will practice in the differ- ,
cut Courts of Fulton and contiguous counties. |
Particular attention given to the execution of !
I Interrogatories, and draughting legal instru- ;
| incuts. Claims in the city of Atlanta will be j
promptly attended to. Office in the Holland ;
[Houses up stairs.— Entrance first door above j
: Whitney & Hunt. Feb Id, ’ds—ly j
I * ‘f >LAC-T\BMITIIING. —The Subscriber j
13 is p'-epared to do all kinds of work i
\iV.a ids line, such as Ironing Carriages, ]
v making and repairing l-atani g imple- •
inents, *;dg.-tools r Ac. in the best IVI inner, and 1
on the most rc'isbuablo terms. tools war* j
ranted. A shgre of |
’ Cassville, Ga., Feb. 10, i:'-55.- —ly.
j ‘[>tANo FORTES,.Mus’c, Mndi
| I. cal Instruments, Fancy Arti-
I &c- > Mhite-HuH -Street, Sign
| If J s ii J o fthc Golden Piano, Atlanta,
j Fib iC-tf 11. BRAUMULLER.
rpitOUT HOUSE. —The un
i I dersigned begs to inform
the citizens of Atlanta and the i
oa-'T.'-.iffPrj travelling public that this su- ]
p.-rb establishment is now open for the accom- ;
modation of Boarders and Transient persons. 1
The House and furniture being entirely new, |
Rooms Well vent ilated, Hails large and. airy, j
the Fubseribcr hopes by constant attention to i
the wants of h’s guests, to make his House de
sirable to the t raveller, and merit a share of
public patronage.
AARON GAGE, Proprietor.
ACanta, Feb. 16— ts
\DM INiSTRATOR B BALE. —On th? first
Tuesday in APRIL, next-, wll bes >!d at i
court house door in Fannin coudtv, one lot of ‘
land No, IJS, in the 7th d'strict and Ist section, j
Sold bv order of Court.
\V. A. BROWN, Administrator. :
Feb 16—tds
“V7OTIOE. —All persons are hereby cautioned j
not to trade torn certain promissory note i
given bv me to Oliver Brown, for th rty dollars, ;
dated the Ist of this month. As the considera- ;
i sion for which the note was given has fdied, !
T therefore, shall not par said note utiles* com- 1
polled bv law. TURNER CONAWAY. I
Feb o—St
ILMER SHEUIFF S ALES,--At the first j
VJT Tuesday in MARC If next. Lot of laud
No. off in tlie 6th dipt., and.first section ; Thus. |
P. Threewitt vs. Joshua Draper.
Also one undivided third of lots in the town j
of Ellijay, known bv-niiht’pi-rs 11 and 12, as the j
■ property t-f Jehu Themes William Martin vs j
Jehu Thomas k Alston Painter.
One lot of hind No. IViii m filth dist. 2d sec- i
One undivided half of lot No. s6 in the]
l itli dist;,.2d section as the pr:pertv <-f Jehu j
ITh -mas. Thomas Sprigs v>s id Thomas R. It. |
i Hunt, I’et.-r Patterson, N”. M. Foster, Will lain-1
| U. Banks.
j Also lot-of liind No. 7?, in 26th dist.., 2d sec- !
J ton; property of J-.nathan Webb, to satisfy a fi j
a from a .Justices Court of Habersham county, J
.n favor of William B. Shelton.
i. a gest of the town of Cas.svdle f-r the pres- ;
ens year is now in'my hands,, a id all those who |
-tre liable to pay Town-tux, will call on me on j
Friday and Saturday, and give in the amount !
of their taxes--as thereby they will save much
trouble to me and themselves. Feb. ft, 1855.
F ;b 16 Marshal of the Town ts Gasepulf.
A DMiNIHTRATGK'.S SALE, —Will be sold
I before the court house door in Cassville,
by virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary
of Cass county, within the legal hours of sale, a
valuable plantation,-consisting of the following
■ lots of land, to-wit —Nos. 1214, 1216, 121 V, 12-31, |
123 - -’, 1263, 1254, 1287, 1288, 1288, containing j
•10 acres each, all in_.the 17th district and 3rd j
section of county, to be soid us th‘‘ prop- !
erty of Jesse Dickerson, deceased. Terms of j
sale made known ou day.
Raid on the first Tuesday in April next. |
J. R. I’ARROTT, Administrator.
Feb 1 6 —tds
AND EYE.— Deaf,mss, par
mgf&F. Xj tial or total, entirely removed. —
I Dr. Alsophert begs to call the atten- ;
I tion of those suffering from a total or partial j
| loss of the hearing, to tli3 fidlowing facts. Hoi
; tre its d.senses ot the middle and interiial Ear !
! with died Leafed Douches, such as is practised in j
| the • Infirmaries of Berlin, Leipsic, Brussels,]
| Hamburg and St. Petersburg, and lately by the ;
most distinguished London Aurists, with the ;
most wonderful success.; indeed, it is the only !
method that has been uniformly successful.—
The best proof of the efficacy of the treatment
will be a rest-rupee to m*ari y nine hundred names, j
residents of tGe'Ctfuted St .tea, Canada, Nevry
Brunswick and Scotia, who have been re-’ |
stored to acute hearing, and not a single, solita- |
ry case, to our knowledge, did we fail to effect ;
either a partial or total restoration of the He r- j
ing, wlieu our advice and instructions were .
faithfully and punctually adhered to. Many j
who could not hear the report of a pistol at ;
arm’s length, can now hear a watch beat, at the
distance of four feet. j
In cases of niucuous accumulation in the Eus- j
taclffuii Tube and Tympanum, lnli.mmiutiun of
the Mucus Membrane, Nervous. Affect ions, Dis
ease of the Membrana Tympani, commonly
called the “ Drum,” or when the d.sense can be
■ traced to the effects of Fever, colds, the use of
| Quinine, Mercurial Medicines, Gatherings in the
! Ears iff childhood, Ac., I)r. Alsopli .rt’s treat
ment stand’s pre-eminent. Where the AudiUiry
Canal Is dry and scaly, with little or no secre
tion, when the deafness is accompanied with
noises in thc'Ear, like falling water, chirping of
inse.cts, ringing of bells, rustling, of leaves, con
tinual pulsations, discharge of matter, or when,
in Stooping, a sensation is felt as if a rush of
blood to the head took place, when the hearing
is less acute in dull, cloudy weather, or when a
cold has been taken, this method of treating
i this disease, is inftUlUde .-
J; In- deaf and dunt-h Cases my experience wnr
! rants me in saying, that if the hearing was at .
j any time good, very much can bo accomplished. |
i In the Deaf and Dumb School, out of a class of j
| 14, I succeeded in restoring four to acute hear- j
j iiig. Dr. Alsophcrt begs respectfully to state, |
| that in those cases he undertakes he. (juaran-tees ;
a successful result, complete restoration, or such
a marked improvement as will be perfectly sat- ;
iSfactory, ifbis remedies are faithfully applied, ;
and directions adhered to.
Applicants will please state the'r age, dura- j
cion of disease, if matter issues from tbs external ;
| passage, if there are noises in the Ears, stale !
>pf general health, and what they suppose to have
mg m restored, if, is expected thaftWc inx*nsyl
clrctmistances will pay liberally.
All diseases of the Eye successfully treated
by the application of.Medicated Vapors, Ac., an
infallible and painless treatment for the discu
ses of the Eye, acute and chronic, cataract,
specks, inflammation, film and weakness of vis
ion, granulation of the lids, ulceration of tills !
Laelu vnnl glands, Ac.
To tin* astonishing and gratifying effects of;
this treatment, the child, the youth, those of
mature age, ns well ns those tar advanced in |
life, all bear testimony to its wonderfully reno- ’
rating, healing and soothing effects.
Medicine, apparatus, Ac., will be sent to ntiy
part at my own expense. Address I)r. A j
< pukrt, Broadway, office, 422 j-2, near Canal |
j street, New York'. Consultation fee-five dol- j
; lars. Dr. Alsophert’s Work on the Ear ami I
i Eye, illustrated with ytecl plates. Price >IO.OO, j
j Money letters must be registered by the Post .
Master. _ Feb. 0, 1855 —6in.
| Book Bindery in Atlanta. !
WILLIAM K AY, respectful! v informs the!
citzens of Cass"ille and surrounding ;
| Country, that he is now prepared for any kind i
!of Binding and Ruling at snort notice, He has
also on hand a large assortment of Books in the 1
various departments of Literature, Fancy Sta j
tioncrv, Music, Mu sal Instruments, Paper'Hang- j
trigs, Guns, I’.stiffs, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy
Goods, Ac.., nt the very lowest possible prices. j
A share of the public patronage is respectfully 1
solicited. • f
A tlanf a,- MirrK 2-L terrv Art i-l*!
i miirmi—iiiwi i 8
JlDbcHi tefcoetfs.
Fashi onatle. Tailoring-!
ers>. Cassvillo, Jan 12— ts.
j_JL I! . Ltwhicd i£* O'., Throe hundred and
eighty-three, Broadway, N. York
city,—Owing £< the iiberal pat
roiiageyve have received from our
■ Breihreh through cvugy Staid in
the Union, we haye been obliged
t„ move our place,of business to
n more public part. of the City,
and a larger and more commodious building.
Our present locution, Three hundred and cigli
ty-three, Brouhviy, combines everything that
is needed to render our house the most popular
11 ison.ic Establishment in the world. Situated
on the principal Street of New York, ! n few
square s above the Irving. House, and in the im
mediate vicinity of all the leading 11,dels, our
country Brethren can hare no difficulty in find
ing us, -
We have fitted up and furnished, in <q:i ele
gant and Comfortable manner, our MASONIC
craft will find our Mr. I,novum from ft o’clock
in the morning until 10 at night, ready t > give
all necessary .information to Brethren who are
strangers in the City, on any branch of gerund
bu* : .nes* % oron Masonic subjects.
Our Library embraces d' ; o volumes of the
standard Masonic hooks of all countries, and in
all languages. Most of them oLI a ndrnf'e, and
very (1 fScult to be procured. Our country Ttrefh
ren visaing New York will always find a “ Ma
son’s Home,” by calling at Ssr Broadway, sign
’of the Golden Candlestick. Adjoining tlie Read
ing Room, on the same floor, is our'Regalia,
Jewel, and book Store, embracing a general as
sortment of everything that can be needed in a
Lodge Chapter, Council Encampment, or by an
indiv dual member of any of those bodies.
We would direct especial Jattentiou to our
Ancient York Jewels, Id pieces, compi ling cffi
cial emblems of tne \V. M., S. A J. W:, Tr.,
Sac., S. A J. D., Tyler, and Square, and. Com
pass. All, these .of solid silver, elegantly en
graved, at :n\ .‘55, 40, and -50 dollars a set.: The
difference of pr'v being in the weight of silver
they contain. Those at $35 are beautiful ami
Our Jewel Collars, Scarfs and Aprons, D'pV
mas, Books and Jewelry, aye equally cheap and
good ; and Catalogues and Brice Lists sent free
v\ lien required.
JUST PUBLISHED.--The Masonic S.-mh-.-
HcChart, or Craftsmen’s Trestle board. >*'?<?:
y-t by SO inches, embracing the degrees of Synr
-1). die Masonry, viz,: The Entered Apprentice,
Fellow Craft, and M ister Mason v T*v?pitblf p>
!ion of t j : s Ch"'rt is’ ‘designed to facilitate the
labors of the Masonic Lcct.o.rcrl and to render
easy and pleasant, the study of Symbolic Mason
ry. It combines the ornament'd with the use
ful ; and while it adorn* th' parlor of a brother
mason, it is equally . v'xrf?i’ in,the .'counting
house, office, or-workshop’ of the craftsman who
seeks more light or. the subject ofKmunusonrr.
This Chart is a beautiful, cleat* i thogroph,
mounted on canvas, with roller*, beautifully
painted in • lively colors, and varnished. Brice,
??, r >o each; or in Ciubs of twelve or more sl3 a
Jan 10- ts JOHN \Y. LEONARD A CO.
4 DM INLSTTI ATOR’S S A LE.—According to
J\ an order of court, will be sold on the first
Tuesday in APRIL next, at the court house
door in Cassville:
All the Lands belonging to ibe.Estate of C.
D. Terhune, deceased, late'of Cass'c-unfiy, ly
ing in said ‘ county—consisting of -the Home
place, containing about three hundred acres of
L tn-. 1, lying on the Etowah River, in two and a
ha ! f miles of Kingston.
) The Mill place, containing - nbfltttfithrifti lain-.
; (Ir-al and sixty acres of land, adjoining Tw >
j Run creek. The mill is within half a mile of
! Kingston, in full operation and fine condition.
| This place is situated within half a. mile of the
Rad Road, and cannot be surpassed in Ge. r jia
as a location tor milling or m uiufacturiiig pur
poses, and Has realized forty per cent, per annum •
on five thousand dollars, and will continue to do
so with proper management.
The Patton place, adjoining. Solomon & Dodd’s
mill, oil Etowah River, containing about seren
ity ..acres.
) The Elliott place, on the Etowah River, be
i low the Home place, containing about seventy’
j acres.
| One-fourth interest in’ the TVrd place, on they
| Etowah River, below the Horn- pi me, contain
j ing about, two hundred acres —the other three
- fourths interest can be Bought on the day,of
: sale, if desired.
j TlKL,above lands when united, form one of
j the best and most des’rahle bod-Vs of land on j
I the Etowah Timor, of about twelve htindr and |
j acres. ‘ ItsT can Ik- Jt
j indged bv observation. Possession of the null I
i will bo given immediately—the lands on Christ- J
i mas next.
I Also at. the same tune and place, lots of land
] No. 1276-17-3, Nto. 0-17-3, No. ‘27.3-17-3, nod
| No. ftSS-17.4. The terms of the,sale will be
i one half next Christmas, and the balance at
Christmas, with interest from next Christ
ianas. John Terhune, at the mill, is.rendv at
j any time to show any or all of the above lands j
!to persons des'ring to purchase. Sold for the I
benefit of the heirs.
A. A. TERHUNE, Administrator. 1
! I-eb. 9—tds. j
1,-- . ‘ ‘ *-. ...... * I
j- ; :
; O IXTY and tvs. after date, application will be
I kj made to the Ordinary of Cass county foe j
i fifrive to sell a negro woriUn belonging to For
estate of Charles M. Brown, deceased, late of
Oglethorpe comity. ELIJAH LUMPKIN,
Jan 12—fiOd AJpjfinidnitw.
j liam L. Kirkpatrick, applies to me for I
letters of administration on the estate of Robt. i
I.J. Taylor, late of Cass county, deceased:
| These are therefore to cite and admonish all i
; persons concerned, to be and appear'at my of- J
lice within the time prescribed hv law, to show j
| cause, if any exist, why said letters should not I
; be grant.ed. ‘
I Given under my hand at office, this 2d dnv of j
I February, 18755. TIIOS. A. WORD, * I
Feb. ( J— SOd , Ordinary.
he sold to the highest bidder in the town
j of-Cassyille on the Ist Tuesday in. March av -
i liable riegro woman about 32 years old and her.j
i child five months old. The woman is a good ;
! wupver, washer and Ironcr. she is also a good-;
handin the field, and a tolerable cook; - terms’ i
iither hall (in the Ist of Jan.
Also and place, a beau
tiful little girl tnrgfe VRitrsifil-lTiwlil for cash.
Feb 9—tds AT) A M TlJHff.. i
ADM INI ST R A TORS S A LE.—Agreeably to
nu order from the Ordinary of Cass Coun
ty, will be sold before-the court house door in
C.issville on r the first Tuesday in April next be
tween the usual hours of sale lot of lam! No. 172
in the sth district and 3rd section of Cass coun
ty, also one negro girl by the name of Caroline
about Iff years of age. Sold as the property of
David C. Avers deceased for the benefit of the
heirs and crod .tors of said deceased. Terms
mode known on thedav of sale.
Zi 11. CLARDY, Adm’r.
Feb 9—tds* ‘‘.jjf- *
—All persons indebted to the Estate of 11.
E. Davis, lute of Cass County, deed, are reques
ted to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing demands against said estate will please pre
sent them in terms of the law.
Feb 9
Georgia, gilmeii county. -The fol
lowing is the description of an Ext ray
Mule brimglit before me: white mbuso color,
branded with the letter 11. on each shoulder,
four tcet six inches high, about six ycaTjf old,!
uppraieed to be worth ope hundred dollars.
’ --r.vr red i'r Con r t:
Cassvillo Female College.
/Aft, THE Spring Term of this Institution
fojjijl will commence on Thursday, the 17tli of
JBmL Juuuary, and close 22d July next.
F a c'u.^ll y .
WILLIAM A ROGERS, I bus: hunt, Prof. Tiff
Physical Science, Mathematics and Langua- j
S. K (\ d’DOEM'ORTiI, M. I)., Pivffessor ofP'hy
siologv and livgtem-.
AVILLIAM SCI! ERZER, Prof, of Vocal audln
stnum ntal Music.
MISS MARY BREA DON, Instruelress in Bob •
anv, French, Draw'ng and Painting.
ML S MARY E. CARLTON, Principal of Pr<-
parutorv Department. ,
Tuition Feos.
Primary Department, per annum, S2O j
Preparatory “ “ 30 j
College “ “ fto
Music in College I)ep’t “ &0
” Prep “ ;*• 50 j
Drawing, Painting, ic. “ 20 !
Ancient and Modern T.angmges a:id v.ical ;
Mnalg free of charge. No contingent , expe-ii- j
sen. • ■ .-w.- Let . ]
‘Tuition for ench term payable at the close of ;
the term. •
Board, Washing, A 1 ’ Ac..sin.
Ii is highly important that all’ pupils should
be present ot the opening of the Trm.
WM. A. ROGERS. I’res’t.
A libera’ diseouvit made to those who pay for
; tin- whole terra in advance.
1.i,-c 3—2 m
Woodland Female College,
Ckiiak Town, Polk Cos., Ga.
r|MIE first term of this institution will com- j
I mence on the Ist Monday in February next. |
AY. Tl. CuAWFonb, Presiilcntand Professor of I
Mora! and Mental Sc’etice.
J. D. Colmns, Professor of Natural Science j
ancTbLaniru ages.
Miss Virginia Vkrprrv, Teacher of Music.
Wm. A. MkiiCKH, Principal of'Primary De- |
! partment.
I Prof. Carmili.e Lellardy, of Charleston,
will by engaged to give instruction in the
French Language, cud in drawing and Paint
ing. ,
The scholastic year will consist of but otic
term—of ten months—commencing on the first
Moiidav in February and closing on tlui third
Wednesday in November, which will be Cum
in nceinent Dav.
In the Primary department, first c!as3-J15.00,
second class, §20.00 per term.
In College Department, §40.00 per term.
Music, (use of Piano included) S-in.op.
Half the tuition’to be paid in advance, ‘in
cash or note, the balance at the end of the
Mr. Win. A. Mercer will have charge of the
Boardoig department. The price of board will
be ten dollars per month, everything included
except candles.
Board may also be obtained in private families
in the village.
Fi-r further information address Wm. Peek or
J. M. Wood, agents.
Pv order of the Board of Trustees.
Dec I—Cm1 —Cm
It IS respect-.j
fully inform
their friends |
and custom- ;
ers th,at they j
continue the j
. ‘Jailoring I'd- !
in nil j
its branches,
at their old .
stand ill the
east end of
Dr. Button’s
building. All
wm k entrust:
eu to t hem
will be execu
ted with neat
ness and des
patch. Pref
erence invari
ably given to
i cash custom-
N orton’s Academy.
G. C. NORTON, Principal of Male Depart
Mrs. AUUEI.IA VAUGHN. Principal of Fe
male Department.
r I’UIE exercises of this Academy will be restim-
JL ed on Monday, the 3th of January-, 185,3. —-
For Terms of tuition, annl v to G. C. Norton at’
his residence, in Cartersville.
Dec 2‘j ,
Primal School.
rpiJE. suberiber proposes to teach
J.-- a School of small boys, in Cass
v'dle, this year, commencing on the Ist
fg&cy (if'Ft brnarv, if sufficient eneotiragt
d-'A*. ment is afforded him. Terms nmder
ate. J. B. CLARIFY, j
Jan. s—t'. f.
English School in Cassville.
/rftp&jtfi IYIIO is now preparing a house
jf in which lie intends u* open on
Monday the Htb day of Februa
ry next.
Terms per session of 5 months.
Prim’s, “ 13,60.’
Arithmetic Eng. Gram,.Ac 8,00.
For further particulars apply to
Feb. 2 ts. .
- KI)I)1 ;
r • A PRO., Atlanta,
.■ J/K. Ga., keep cunst-uitly
or hand and tor sale,
at the lowest cadi pri
ces, a large assortment
v of Bools, Shoe*, I.eOth
smrW\ * Lasts. Pegs, Calf
* gMRdsA osiU Lining and Bind ng
y.lVio'sfefife : ssf Skins, Shoe-Maki-r’-s
j.;- - :’” Tools, Ac. Store 011
ill Eilll mmm. White-ball Street, op-
P (,s^e Kay’S Book
Atlanta, Ga. _ , J un . 12—ly.
Rich Capets and Curtain Materials
A UGU3TA, Geo. —Has received from New
I _/L York a large supply of
English Brussels Carpets, of the best quality,
and of new and elegant styes.
English Velvet Carpets, of new and splendid
Extra Three Ply Ingrain and Venetian Car
pets ; rich Chetiilo Rugs, to match the Carpets.
Printed Crums Cloths, in patterns and by the
J yard.
1 Rich colored Damnsks and .Delaines, fur cur
j tains, with Gimps and Tassels to match.
Rich ..Embroidered Lace and Muslin curtains,
, and some at very low prices,
i Embroidered Muslin, for curtains, by the yard.
I Window Shapes, of beautiful styles; superior
J Furniture Dimities, and line Cotton Fringes,
j Gilt Cornices, curtain Bands, and Brass and
i Plated ritsr ltods.
| The public arc respectfully invited to call and
examine tiie assortment.
Augusta, Ga. —ts.
; (rwSgmjiijk I J seribers respectfully inform
j fc the citizens of Cassville that they
| intend locating here with a \ iew to becoming
j permanent citizens for the space of five years or
: inure. They hope, bv close attention to their
j profession, to be enabled to give that satisfaction
! which the public demand, and to merit a share
1 of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed here.
All jobs, such as Plugging, Mounting teeth, on i
gold plate, &c., warranted, ('lose attention will
be paid to children’s teeth, when desired.
Jan. 2(s—tf Burgeon Dentists.
Household Words,
\ ( Adthar crV‘ Piei n'ici’ Papers,” “ Pdml/nj and
( <V<on” David Capperdetd,”
“VITITFLa regular staff of contributors—the
;H inoflt eminent men in various departments
of art, sciepee, and literature. Devoted to 8o-
and Political Reform. Light Liierature,
And to .djjTclopoments of beauty in the Mechan
ic Arts land js with ull a model of style in Eng
! ghsh Coinpositum,
| A new talc, “'North and Squth,” by the nu*
’ tlior of Mary Barton,” is now in ,course of
i publication, and will be completed in live moiith
! tv numbers.
Terms—>3 per year, or 25 cents pci* number.
To clergyman, postmaster, and agents, §2,—
j Two volumes a year, (November and May, - )
’ cloth bound, >1 75 each. Muslin covers, - 25
[ cents. Nine volumes, cloth bound, sl3 50.
j Week I v Household Words, published every
I Thursday per year,, or six cents a number.
Cluls.—Two copies, $5; thr -a copies, s(i,;
! five Copies, 75. One Cony, with'the lllustrn
j ted Magazine of Art, $5. One copy gratis to the
| getter up of a club of five or more. * Address
I post paid, J. A. I)IX, publisher.
10 Park Place, New York.
Feb. 2, —4t.
Private and Piddle Side ~hy ,/, P. Sudfl.
MERCHANTS wishing to (ay
sgo.-TV ,M a stock of Clotuino, would
do well to call on me, as I have
received a Jargc .consign- !
f\ZciL ment, which F Have ordtnfs to |
a fh)n out very low, aud offer
’ cerea-t iruD/erments to purchasers. I
AUailtij G-ii.-J-sn. 19 • ~.£o- H .
-v. i
Jacob's Coreaa i,
il au - : -!'V T ANARUS., T J o 4 t , -O J BiI.IOE.S CHOLIC,
Also, admirably adapted to many disease* ,f IDnahs. mod e.r a r idly painful Menstruate.
The virtues of Jacob’s Cordial are too well known to lvquin t.y -omiyina^
Ist. it cures the worst cases of Dairrloe i. I M;’- cures p-m.m , -
! or] It euros the worst forms of Dvsentwv. Su'. i- i**- *■ • 11 • “ * , ‘•* {
]tt cures Si brnia or Mexican Dhtrrhcea. ;mh. It counter.;ts m;, v. u*£.s, d.-spomUncy.
1 i It relieves tin- s.-v.-n-st Goiic. loth. It rrsimts ureg.i! .1 .., t ~
it rtiwii -• n,*, i. • , y and >ee.iig.
,3th. It cures Cholera M -rbus. ! , 7L “ 1 •’ ~ ii. r. v’
! 6th. It eurea T Cholera lnihutum. i_ 1::th - *t -ui aam.i..Uc 10 ....
A few sharl Extracts fiUeil lA-tter*. Trslimoiiiiils, &*•
! “ 1 have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and bavi- f.ui.M it a most efficient, and in my
! judgment, a valuable remedy. Hon. L.uam o ai,...i., * •*• . -- -• ’ v, vr -.
i ‘‘lt gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacou s ( old al -n. os.ii j Mac ...i t*] er.
I tnce, and the experience of mv ne:-hb-i sand friend-’, around u-, is a svdm i. nt guarantee for m*
| “> Relieve it to be Court, Cherokee Chcuit.
! “ I take great pleasure in n commending this ii-v.ilu ‘b-’e an ‘heme O, nil al.|.cU;d whit, bowel
1 diseases tor which I believe .1 to be a sover igu r -.m -iy d-ealcdiy superior to thmir
l ever tried bv me.” A. A., IP puty ti. M. of the Ufan.i Lou^ofCgi‘go., -
“ This efficient remedv is travelling into cdebf.ty as test as f.on.q;..iu )"i-. %.a ns in.ii s ...
to Russia, and gaining cotamendatipn wherever used.” C--ryiu JtT/f raon Jiay iv i
For -sale bv f. W. fiooper & Cos., HamuM Levy, A. A
Cheshire & Orovts, Kingston ; 1). 1.. A if. M. Yv ingaro, G. L. Ivoberts, amt AEnthnih Robe, is,
Stilesboro ;A. A. Williams, Euliarlee; E. Itoritr, Ad.iirsyflle; li. Ryfis- &. Ut, La Le, and
bv the princinal Merchants and Druggists throughout the State. • .
1 * WM. W. BLISS A CO., Mnnufatmrm m.d Piorr'etom,
January 10, ISfT.-Om. Beckman .Street,- Now .-M
American Artists’ Union!
j r|''llE American Artists’ Union, w->u;d r>-
j JL spect.lul!y announce to the c tizens of th
United States aud the Camuiiz, that .tor tin
j purpose of cultivating a taste fur tin-fine aits
I throughout tin.* country,- and with the view oi
j enabling every family to become possessed of a
gallery of. Engravings, by the first Artists of the
i age, they have determined, in order to .create
| an extensive sale for their Engr -viugs, and thus
] notionlv give employment to, a large number of
artists and others, but inspire among our coun
trymen a taste tor works of art, to present V
the purchasers of their Engravings, when 250,-
000 of them are sold,-
250,000 Gifts, of the astiial ciiM of $159,000.
Each purchis ‘T ot a One Dollar Engraving,
therefi-re, receives uot only an Engraving r ca
!v worth the money, but also a ticket tvltch
ent.ties him to oue of the Gifts when they are
For Five Dollars, a Irgtly f.L'bt‘d Engrriy
iT’g, beautifully painted in Oil, and Ive
Tickets, will be scut; or F ve Dollars worth of
splendid Engravings can be selected ivm the
Catalogue. . .
A copy of the Catalogue, together with a spe
cimen of one of the Engravings, can bes en at
the office of ibis paper.
For each Dollar sent, an Engraving “ctually
worth that sum, and a Gift Ticket, will imme
diately be forwarded.
AGENTS. —The committee h-bevlng that
the success of this Great Nat.oiinl Undertaking
will be materially promoted by the energy and
enterprise of intelligent and persevering Agents,
have resolved to treat with such uiv the most
liberal terms.
Any person w'shing to become, by
sending (post-paid) ?1; will receive hv return
of mail, a On ; D filar E-igraviug, u “Gilt
et,” a Prospectus, a catalogue, and other nec
essarv information. ,
On*the final completion of th? sale, the f.Pfto;
will be placed in tlie hands of a Committee of
the Purchasers to be distr Luted, due not cc o.
which will be given throughout the United
Btatc-8 and the Canadas.
List o? Gifts :
100 Marble busts of Wuslung- . -r
tort at Wfof - ? 11-'"-I 1 -'"-' 1
100 Marble busts of Clay,, at . LOO. 1-V 1 1
•’ Wfbster, liK*. .
o <• “ Caihoun, TOO. I^jpOi’
.30 ‘elegant Oil Paintings, in spier:- {
did gilt frames, ?. by 4 feet cH?h,‘D
I 100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2 by 3 I .
feet each, ‘ ’
300 steel plate Engravings, fcr I-|
liantly colored in Oil. rich V 10.
frames, 24 by 30 inches each, ‘
10,000 elesrant steel plate Engrav- i
ings, coi’d in Oil, of the WuM - > 4., 40,000
ingtoii Monument, 23x26 in. ea. )
•237,000 steel plate Engravings,
from 100 and ff-rent plates, now
in possession of, and owned by
the Artists’ Union, of the mar
ket v.-iluc of,. from 50 C. to #1 ea. 1 41,000
I first-class Dwelling, in 31st st.,
New York fcity, 12 .° 00
22 building lots in 160 and 701st • .
streets, N. Y. city, each ‘25 by
10 I ft. deep at 1000 each, 22,006
100 Villa Sites, containing each
16,600 sq. ft. in the suburbs of
N. Y. citv, and commanding a
magnificent viewof the Hudson
a nd”'Long Island Sound, at .300. 60,000
20 perpetual loans of cash, without
interest or security, of $250 ea., 5,00 g
50 perpetual loans of cash, without
interest or securitv, of *lO6 each, t, i- 1
100 pcrpet’l loans of cash, without i
interest or security, of ?F ‘ each, j
250 perpet’l loans of cash, without j
interest or security, of S2O each, : 0-'i
2,000 nerpetl loans of cash without
inVerosr oV ““curitr, of 5 each, ]O, -rr]
interest u, _... , v , t F j !
Reference in regard to A, ...... .. .. , ,
Yisscher A Cos., Real Estate Brokers,
Orders, (post-paid,) with money eiiclos. and to be
addressed, J. W HOLBROOKE, _
Secretary, .306 Broadway, N. A .
The. Engravings in the Catalogue are
now ready for delivery. sept 29 6m
LOTTEBY authority of :h
State of Alabama.-- Conducted cm the
Havana plan.—-Class K, to be drawn Feb. 2Mh.
One Prize to 20 Tickets, and remember, even
Prize drawn.
Capitals, f 1 V*oo
>• ;yve
t, ‘OO
•• r,.mo
<• 2,-'OO
“ . 1/S'.)
11 1,1 OO
•’ 5 of SI,OOO, O,’V'M I
In all, 501 pr'zes, amounting to s*lo,i)i'o
Tickets slo.oo—Halves and Quarters in pro
Bills on all solvent banks taken at par.
All communications str ctly confident.■‘•l.
S. SWAN, Agent and Manager,
Sign of the Bronze I.ioi s.
Montgomery, Ala. I vb 0 -• td
ALL persons having demands against James)
•A. Beard, late of Fannin County dee >as- dj
are hereby.not.lied to present them pivpeny,
attested to us within the time prescribed by u.w
or they will not be settled. And al! persons ui- (
debted to said deceased arc hereby roqu.ieu
make immediate payment-. . . , |
WM FihVNKLIN, Adn. r.
Feb. 2 fit.
I L persons are hereby e.iutioiud ngiinst tres
passing ou lot of Land No. 1282, ill Uu* 2;st,
d'-strieLand 2d section, now Cass county- -a;-j
the law will be I’ipujJy enforced against those
whoinav. 8;Ulh A. PARDEE, Dinner, i
. , . ’ 11ENUY ROGERS, .i./wV. ./ ‘
Sparta, Ga. Feb, Vrrst Pd Mansy.dd, </<v.|
\ DM INLSTRATOR’S SALK.-By virtu • of!
an order from tin: Ordnnirv of Cass conn-!
tv, will be Sv.ld. before the conn house door in |
said county, on the first Tuesday in March.j
bet ween* the legal hours of sale, the fol|o\v ig!
slaves, to wit: Rhode., i\ woman.all.nit -ffl voiitsl
of age; Jim, a boy about lit; Weslev, about i);j
Isham, about 5 ; Ben, abinit I. All : old as the!
property of John Guyton’, hhar-jof Ca?: county,
di.•coasted, for the benefit of tmP%hirs and cred
itors. Terms made known <>n wrenffav ot sale-
ROBERT 11. <*r\ IDN,
Jan, 19. Adm'rs. with the n\if annitjhM.
SIXTY days after date, application will me
made to’ the Ordinary of Cuss county, rak!
leave to sell the Heal Estate ol William Smith-]
son, late of said countv, deceased.
E. F. SMITHSON. Adm’r. J
1. subscriber having determined l<* dose i}|
the Cherokee Book Store, earnestly request
those indebted for Books An., to call at one:*
and settle up. The accounts iiro small* but
thoir total amount will greatly aid him in set
tling nt. head quarters where iiothiug but rHim- .i
>cv will auwr. T. A. BURKE.
J a a -ts. j.
f iONSUMPTION sccctj-’sh i.v trkatkd sir
\ ) inhalation or mi dicati i- v.u ons,.by Jon: -
.til! Stewart Rose, M. D. Fell, w ~f tin- Rpval
College of for years Sene-r Plq -
-ician in the I.oudou Royal luflnurrt fvr de.*
.a.-es vs the Lungs.
In the treatment of Cbiisnmptmn by inlirtla
tioLi, 1 have obtained the results which warrant
-,im in asserting, that it is as curable-as diseases
of the stomach and liver. . . ,
BreathingM .diciiies.directly into th - lungs is
I'ertniniv (he rational mode ol attacKing tun
disease,'and Lktr many fither great l .-neficei.t
• IDc-overies, it Seciiiis strange why such .treatment
ws.s not resorted to Kn-g ago. - SI here thei e, y*
life there is now assured liope for then tost set v.
:: gi V hopeless cases, as throughout iff! luest g*
of this insidious disease, the wonderful and ben
..-ficient effects t.f his treatment are s-on- nj-pai
nt. in cases also of Bronchitis, Astiima, Ac.,
rihaliii'g of powders and vapors has been em.-.
nent-Y successful, and of those suffering under
my of the above named com pi fin's, I e.Ui guarr i
te.o speedy and certain rebel. I have pleasure in
referring to 2t'7 names, residents of New ioi k
arid neignborhood, who have been restored to \ i
goroufi health. About one third, of the above
ti.nm.bor according to the parents ov ii stuite
meiit's, were eonshlcr-.-d hope-less cases.
The inhaling Method is soothing, safe, Bt:ea
speedy, and Consists in the administration if
nt-dieincii in such a manner that tliey are cm -
veved into the I.uUgs :n the form of vapor,’ anu
produces their act’C-u at the scat of the and s
ease. Its prnctieal success is destined to re
t'on’zn the iqjerat'ons of the medical worm and
establish the - entire curability ofehnsuniption.
Applicanfs will please state ;i they have bled
from the Lungs, ifthev have lost flesh, hav<- -i
night, sweat and fever turns—what and
how much they expectorate, whet the- cond.tion
nfthgi’ stomach arid bowels. The necessary
Medicine, Apparatus, &c ; will be forward, u to
anv part. ... . ,
‘TERMB.—(Five dollars, cnMmt it;- n fro.—
| Buluisc* of toe p ;yab!e only v hen pat.ents re*
port tlmpiselves eV-r vsh-scent. ■
TION.— dollar. Addnss
Office 80l Broadway, New \ c-rk.
Jan If'-3in.
At ante., Gq.— Jos. R. Swift, having lo
cated JrmlMilf on’ \Vh te-Hali street, oppwsito
Mcsa. Whitney k Hunt’s stoic, and below W.
-,V. Koe.rk’-s ol'rl stand, is now j-M-pared to ao'l
-M. rrhai'riize, Real Estate, Negroes, Fiiru.tuie,
Uc. Ac., ut
.r at We should be happy to re
ceive oil consignineiit Bacon, (torn, Oats, wlo-at,
nd all kinds of Produce, which we will Seli uu
sfie best (.-fterms, alul make prompt r.-ni Han
’*•>:. Yfe intend to’ keep on h iml everythinglbr
he use of the Plante-I’,- Rope, Bagging, lin*>
.ries, Ac. Ac. A share-of patronage is respect
fully solicited. .1 OS. R. SV. II T.
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 8, 1554- 44 —ly
1 Ware House and
Commhsioti Meridian'*,
Reynold street, Augus
— —*— ta, Ga., (onCCessors to
Platt A Brother, —Pites s.-iing every tael-ty, ill
• ievote their personal and uncLvided attention to
the sale of Cotton and other Produce car-signed
to their care, and the purch -se ands. rwarding
!of goods. Commission will be the i stabhslu and
rate.s of toe city. - Reference: Mess. Ilavilard,
Ilisicy A Cos., liand, Williams A Cos., McCe-rti,
Hurt ii Cos., Scranton, Seymour A Cos., Ifrleher
A ll;>! Hugs worth, Th ver k Butt. Dawson A
I ‘skinner, and T. S. Metcalf. Esq.—Augusta
jiland, Williams A Wilcox— Chaileston.
j KDTVJV ni.ATT. TKOS. A. Oil >• vil, -
| sept V, IS-5-t
GpilE “ ATI. Ayr A RFPFBLIC -1 A,” is *W
! 1 title of a weekly newsp"'per published in
11he dtv of Atlanta, Geo., at Two Doli.aijs p> i
unuun. ft LS'IVV -ttr ,h> b i,” { l w l r L'lldislnd
n that city, and contains a
fii’lv arranged, and corrected ‘’"fi
who - ’desire to read an interesting ‘/’'".v'.'il evomfi
- ee a weekly report <-f the prices i i’ the h-adirg
rf'cles bought and seld in the Atlanta market,
I would do well to order the R.ooehlican.
Post-'!)!ast.-rs and < nr friends and ncquauiJ
t nic.-s ‘generally, iu Cherokee Ge'-vgi;a ; and in
Tenntossee, are respectfully requested to act as
Agents iu extend, t g the circulation of < nr t a
p.-r. ,lAS. K. SMITH,
Jan 12 * Ed'tors.
1. llot'SK AND CoMMlitffli X Mfl.-
•'**“*’** ’" v -cua xts, Auvdstr, Gu.~- Continue thu
bns'nes.s in all its brunches, and will give
(heir pi vsoiiiil attention to the sale of COffTQN
.mt i. titer produce. Cash advances mad >yhu
i-'qn'ivd. Bagging. Ripe, and family fiipiffus
[lUrch .sed at the It ‘.vest market rates. Coin
mission for selling C'otlou 25 cents per bale,
aug IS—
ATLASrA ■’ i't 7.V- ‘/■/ Arj- ;. ‘ N .r ;•
I PERSONS des. rolls of pure has
i hig C.ty Property would do well
lu'Call ou us, as we have a num
; .id her of improved and miimpii.f.d
i Dots for sale. Also, n lot of*
;ground containing ten acres, us line
A. ill a good two snu v house, and all other :•*•<>-
■ essarir out-buildings situated thereon. Tern s,,
j leasnunble. JOS. R. SWIFT,
j Jaa. it, 1855. 48-ts,
P. STOY.VI.L, ll’or.-
I <•'* • dtid ( ’•WJ.i .'t.poii Sitrchan\-~
I ntfimht, Oa. —yuhtlnn s the busi
ness in all its branches, at his. extensivo
FIRE PROOF Warehouse on Jaeksou Street,
; *u\.r the Globe Hotel,’ The usual Cash facil
ities afforded to customers. mg tru ly*
i Ec duct ion of Price -e.
Tie se tmiiogs Medicines will in future
j be s.ff-j throughout the States at the following
I Small Pot or Box, 25 cents, instead of 37 1-2.
i Medium do. d,o. 02 1-. ‘* “ 87 I*2.
j Large do. do. SI ** fl fb,
Pi-otessor Holloway’s Manufiieteyies urn it
jSO Maiden Bane, New Yofk, and 24-i Strand,
| London. Jan 13
To tho Public.
•’ ,4 Aiy...-l l'itll, 1854. I
ERE AS I have hw u cvedihh iuform.-d
* V snipe 1 left hfiuielhat my wife, Luc.nda
‘Vi vUy, ofGff'uer e- unty, Georgia,'has v'uh-
J t,l; diiT nu mage eontr.ici with iue : l therefore
gfin ew.irn ail persons not to lnakv.auy eot.tfftcW
ill) her on lav nee nint, ns 1 am iletenn iud
Mli.U to pav them unhss compelled by law.
a Jan 12!- it WILEY M OR LEY.
: ‘
whom it .winy e. ue- v'i On ill’ fifteenth-
Senttnnber last. 1 sold mid Usnisteml to
T. BF’Wiompsoit and J. 11. Kibbee, all mv Mock
>r int.iC;M -in the capital Mock of the Pumtera
•4 Mechaftics Bank ol D .itoii, loeated.aiui doo.-g
.business atUTalton, Georgia,
. Dvcemhar -o.imfi.n