Newspaper Page Text
€jje spire of lift.
Can’t Do Without a Paper.
What, do without a paper? no,
I’ve tried it to my sorrow, •
So, to subscribe for one I’ll go,
Nor wait until to morow.
Should lovers drown or hang themaelves,
Or other foolish caper,
I never get to hear ot it,
t do not take the paper.
Why, there’s my neighbor, Jotham Stout,
He always hears toe news.
And having news to talk about
He never gets the blues.
While others yawn in ennui,
His mind is light as vapor;
The cause is plain to halt an eye,
He always takes the paper.
Whil e neighbor Stout hears ail the news,
And knows each current price,
And always mind his P’s aud Q’s,
liy taking good advice.
1 cannot tell the pr ; co of calves,
Ur poultry, coffee, tape, or
Any kiud ol merchandize,
Because I take no paper.
Though I have studies which require
Much lime atid meet :1 labor,
Yet I can spare a little time,
As well as Stout, my neighbor,
Though time be precious, I can uso
A longer midnight taper,
And thus take time to read the news—
Therefore I’ll take a paper.
But now which one shall I select,
So many grtei. inv vision ;
One stubborn fact which 1 detect
Shall influence my decision.
The cheapest-paper and the best,
Should be the one for me,
And when I bring it to the test,
The Standard is the one I see ?
Evary on# basteth the fat hog, while the
lean one burueth.
No man hn & right to do an he pleases,
except when he pleases to do right.
Ladies are like violets; the more modest
aud retiring, the more you love them.
The roan who run up a column of figures,
tumbled down and was hurt very badly.
To remove dirt from linen—Jerk a dandy
out of his shirt.
A mau who is not ashamed of himself, ne.di
not be ashamed of his early condition.
All dissipation has its origin in want
of proper employment.
* Gently the dews are o’er me stealing,’ ns
the man said when he had five due bills pre
sented to him at once.
Asa proof of the hardness of the times,!
there is a man in Ohio who kills only half a,
pig at a time.
1 hate,to hear people talk behind one's;
hack.’ as the robber said when the constable,
called * stop thief!’ I
Why is a man chased by a mad bull like’
n drvukard when be first gets out of bed ?J
Because he is Rbout to < take a horn.’
U there be a curse that has come to earth |
ns the crow dies, it is that of an ill sorted
carriage. j
There is nothing sooner overthrows a weak 1
head, than opinion of authority; like tooj
strong a liquor for a frail glass.
Wishing and sighing, imagining and dream- i
Sng of greatness, (said William Wirt,) will!
not make you great. -
A promise, and its performance, should,
like the scales of the true balance, always
present a mutual adjustment.
No cause is ever made better, but always!
worse, by a falsehood. Even where detection j
does net follow, suspicion is almost always;
created. ■ j
Truth—the open, bold, honest truth, is!
always the beat, always the wisest, always
the safest, for every one, in any and all cir-1
4Do make yourselves at home, ladies,” J
•aid Mrs. 8 rath to her visitors ; •> lam at
home myself, and sincerely wish you all:
Always do as the sun does—look at the!
bright side of everything. For while it is’
just as cheap, it is three times as good for!
Os all the fine arts, music is that which
has the most influence on the passions, and
which the legislature on Hit the ,n
courage. ~~
It is pretenders, who
‘Wither'm;ike distinguished origin a matter of
personal merit, or obscure origin a matter
of personal reproach.
To the honor of the sex, and in acknowl
edgment of the wise mercy of God, it must
be admitted that women are more conscienti
ous in their parental duties than men.
Amidst the most adverse circumstances
there are still reasons for cheerfulness 80
long as there are motives to gratitude, there
is a cause for cheerfulness
Men are to he estimated, as Johnson says,
by the muss of character A block of tin
uay hav* a grain of silver, but still it is tiu:
nd block oi silver iuy have an alloy ol
tin, but still it silver
To think that an eternity of bliss depends
pon the purity of a few years of earthly
•xisteuoe, is an overwhelming thought.—
How great is the inducement to study truth,
•wd cultivate virtue.
Thcmistoclee, who had a farm to sell,
canoed the crier who proclaimed it to add!
that it had a good neighbor ; rightly judg-;
ing that such an advantage would make it
mere vendible.
A fat man riding upon a lean horse was!’
asked how it came to poas that himself was
fat, and his knnso oo lean. He answered'—
.. Because I feed myself: but I leave the
feeding of my horse to another,”
**Duyou know, ..said a cunning Yankee to
a Jew, ** that they hang Jews and jackasses
lopathsr in Portland (” . Indeed, brother,
then it is well, you and I are not there.-'—
Tr-Young said .. All men think all men mor
tal* but themselvesAt least the Yankee
-i Ah !“* said a mischievous wng to a la
dy acquaintance of an aristocratic caste.
.* I perceive you have been learning a trade.’
*, Learning a trade,” replied the lady, in
dignantly, .. you are very much mistaken ”
„Oh, I thought by the looks-of your olietkJ
you had turned painter.” £
Lawyer Turned Carpenter.—
lawyer who ‘.filed a bill, shaved a vole, JKil
an acquaintance, split a laur, made
try, raiseda haul, got up a case, frume#an
indictment, etiipasiisllvd a jury put them in
a box, nailed a witness, judge,
chiseled a client, and bored the court, *’
all in one day—has since >. liud dowu the
law,” and turned ■■nr.tfu itl
jtcgqi polices.
Georgia pass county.—whereas w.
P. Smith applies to me for letters of ad
ministration on the Estate of William C. Guy- j
ton late of Cass County, deceased.
These are therefore to cite'and admonish all
; persons concerned, to be and appear at my of
ifice within the time prescribed bv law, to show
•cause, if any they have, why said letters should
not hi granted. ’
Given under my hand at office,"this Ist dav
of February 1855.’ THUS. A. WORD, ‘
Feb. 2—Shd Ordinary.
V T lijah Lumpkin applies to me for Letters
of Gu'trdianslrn over the person and property
of Harriet L. McGuire, orphan of Nancy L.
McGuire, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned, to be and appear at mv of
fice, within the time prescribed ny law, to show
I cause, if any they have, why said letters should
j not be granted.
| Given under mv hand at office, th’s January
Bth, 1855. ‘ THOS. A. WORD, ‘
j Jan 12—SOd Ordinary.
\ T zabeth Grown, applies to me for letters of
!Guardianship over the person and property of
Harriet L. McGuire, orphen of Nancy L. Mc-
Guire, deceased.
These are therefore to Cite and admonish all
Eersons concerned to be and appear at my of
ce within the time prescribed by law to show
cause, Yif anv they have,V why said letters of
Guardianship should not be granted said appli
Given under mv hand at. office, this 29th day
of January, 1855/ THOS. A. WORD, ‘
F_cb. 2. ‘ Ordinury.
an order from the court of Ordinary of
Gordon county, will be sold before the court
house door at Gumming, in Forsyth county, on
the first Tuesday in March next, between the
legal hours of sale, one lot of land, Number one
hundred and thirty-nine, of the first district and
first section of originally Cheroke, now Forsyth
county, containing 40 acres, more or less. Sold
“as the property of estate of Win. ,T. Tarvin, de
ceased, late of Gordon county, for the benefit of
the heirs and creditor*. Terrna made known
on the day of gale. WM. P. FAIN,
Jan 12—tds Administrator.
ALL persons indehted to the estate of R. W.
Young, late of Gilmer county, deceased,
including his own individual claims and his in
terest in tha claims due and to become due to
the lute firm of Chastain A Young, and also his
interest m the claims due and to become due to
the late firm of Underwood, Chastain & Young,
i are requested to come forward and make inime
jcliate payment —and all those haying claims
j against said estate are requested to file the same
i within the terms prescribed bv law.
Blairsville, Ga. Jan. 26, 1855.—6 w.
.folk by virtue of the last will and testament of
Benjamin Baker, late of Floyd county, deceased, I
will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next I
:at the Court House in the county of Cherokee, i
,160 acres of land, situated lying and being in j
i the 22d dist. of the 2d accton of Cherokee coun
jty, known as number 154, as- the property of
;said deed., and for the benefit of the heirs and
‘creditors. SEABORN J. JOHNSON,
! Admr’s de bor.ia non with the will annexed.
Jan. 26—tds.
j xjL an order from the Ordinary of Cass conn- j
jt.Y, will be sold before the court house door at j
; Cassville, in said county, on the first Tuesday !
| in March next, between the legal hours of sale, j
jiot of land No. 148, in the 6th district arid 3d
section of Cass county. Sold as the property
of Willis Smith, deceased, for the benefit of the
.heirs and creditors. Terms on the day of sale,
; Jan. IP. Administrator.
X Govey Black applies to me for letters of
| Guardianship over the person and property of!
Deli la Wood: .
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned, to be and appear at my of
fice within the time prescribed by law, to show
| cause, if any they hare, why said letters should
not be giv-iited.
Given under mv hand at office, this Bth of
January, 1855. ” JAS. KINCAID,
i Jan. 19. Ordinary. •
; \ J liam Hays, administrator on the Estate of
George W. Ilavs, deceased, applies to me for
! letters dismissory from said administration:
I These are therefore to cite aifd admonish all
Eersons concerned, to be and appear at my of
ce within the time prescribed by law, to show
j cause, if any they have, why said letters should
| not be granted.
’ Given under mv hand at office, this 27th of
I October, 15,54. * THOS. A. WORD,
j Nov 3—dm* Ordinary.
aT W. Cobh, administrator on the estate of
j Lemuel Johnson, deceased, applies to me for
(letters Dismissory from said administration :
Therefore the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased are hereby cited and admonished to file
their objections (if any they hare) in my .office—
in terms of the law ; JgtfcfsT)ismTsso- : 1
rv the applicant at the May
i erm next, of the court of Ordinary for said
comity. Given under my hand at office, this
Sd day of October, 1854. *
Oct 6 —6m TJIOS. A. WORD, Ord.
\ X W. Cobb Administrator on the Estate o
Humon Earn, deceased, applies to me for letters
Dismissory from said administration.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at my office \
within the time proscribed by law, to show cause j
(if any exist,) wby said letters should not be 1
Given under my hand at office, this 28th day
of Nov. 1354.
THOMAS A. WORD, Ordinan-.
Dec I—6m
X Thomas Wakefield, administrator upon
the estate of Isaac Wilkins late of said county
decesed makes application to me for letters of
dismission from said administration.
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail :
and singular the kindred and creditors of said ;
deceased, to be and appear at my office with- j
in the time proscribed by law, to show cause, !
! if any they nave, why said letters should not be ;
! granted.
j Given under mv hand at nffioo, this 22nd of
! December 1354. ‘ MOSES GREEK, Ord’y.
I dec 29—6 m
j \X John Butt, administrator on the estate of
(Robert F. Demands, late of said county, deceas
'edj applies to me for letters dismissory from
j said administration:
i These arc therefore to cite mid admonish all
i person* concerned to be and appear at my of
; five within the time prescribed by law, and
jshow cause, if any exist, why said letters should
i tud be grunted.
Given under mv hand nt office, thin August
19th, 1854. ’ J. B. FAIN, Ordinary,
aug 25—fim
V , *. h* l P- fonts, administrator of the estate
ot Benjamin Iv. Leppard, deceased, applies to
me for letters dismissory from said administra
tion :
These are the refore to eite and admonish aU
liersons concerned, t> be amt appear at my of
ice within the time prescribed by luw, to show
cause, if any they have, why said’ letters should
liot lie granted.
Given under my hand at office, this August
2ft, ISM. /- |M. GREEK, Ordinary,
sept I— Cm •
JfJmhn W, Henson applies to me for letters
of (pardiiitiship over the persons and property
tjpulins, James 8., Severe 0., Amanda and
Jparbitru Robertson.
W’ These arc therefore to cite and admonish all
persops concerned, to be and appear at my of
fice within the time prescribed bv luw, to show
cause, if any they have, why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this January
8, 1836. JAH. KINCAID,
Jan, 19. Ordinary.
rpO ALL INTERESTED.— AII persons itt
} X debted to the estate of Hugh Bogguss, lute
of Fannin county, deceuscd, are requested to
make immediate payment; and those having
i demands against the said estate, will plouse
i dresent them in terms of the luw.
L. _ ul- . A - 1 —’
Cass Sheriff Sales.
j BE SOLD before the court house
j VY door in the town of Cassvillo, between
the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in
March next, the following property, to-wit:
Nine bags ot Cotton, one gray mule, one bay
mule; levied on to satisfy two fi. fas., one in fa
vor of James Dickerson, the other of J. F.
Sproutl k Cos., vs. James C. Jones
Two lots of land, Nos. 212 and 213, in the
17th dist. and 3d sea.; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa.
lroin Cass Superior Court, in favor of’Michael
Kiney, vs. Sherwood Corley.
The lot of land whereon defendant now lives,
No. not known, lying in the 17th dist. and 3d
sec., known as the plantation of defendant;
levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in l'avpr of Enoch B.
Pressley, vs. John Pinkerston.
One two-horse wagon and two horses—one a
sorrel, the other a bay, and one sorrel mule;
levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Alexan
der C. Gunn vs. John Daniel and John R. Brad
ford, security on appeal.
Oue house and lot on the east side of the Rail
Road, known as the Grocery house at Cass De
pot ; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cuss
Inferior Court, in favor of A. C. Gunn, vs. Asa
Also, 250 bushels of corn, more or less; lev
ied on to satisfy two fi. fits, front - Cass Superior
Court —ornvin favor of George W. Towns, Gov- |
ernor, vs. Williams Dobbs and Henry A. Clem- j
mons—the other in favor of the officers of court, ‘
vs. Henry A. Clemmons.
Four bags of cotton and one buggy; levied 1
on to satisfy three fi. fas.—one in favor of Sul li- •
van k Erwin, one in favor of I). M. Hood, and !
the other in favor of Clardy, Ayers k Cos. —vs.
Green B. Richards.
Also, S,ooo ft. of lumber, more or less, 1 yoke |
of oxen, 1 cow and calf, 1 ox wagon, and two j
hogs; levied on to satisfy a distress warrant—
E. T. Smithson, vs. Absolom King.
Defendant’s interest in a house and lot in the
town of Cartersoille, known as the dwelling
house and lot of J. P. Johnson; levied on to
satisfy a fi, fa. from Cass Superior Court, in fa
vor of Bartholomew, Tiffany k Cos., vs. Miles J.
Lot of land No. 160, iti the 21st dist, and 2d
sec.; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Dun- j
iel Welch, vs. Ephraim Coleman.
Oiie tract of land Nos. not known, in the 17th
dist. and 3d see.—known as the plantation of
defendant; levied on to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor
of George S. Black, vs. James McGinnis.
Lot of land No. 584 j in the 21st dist. and 2d
sec.; levied on to satisfy two Justice’s court fi.
fas. from Greene county, in favor of Miller,
Chamberlain & Pock, vs. F. C. McKinley.
A portion of lot No. 168, in the 15th dist. and <
3d set., lying on the west side of the Rail Road, j
known as the Grocery house of Hamilton & !
Norrel; also, lot No. 25, in the town of Adairs
viile; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cass
Inferior Court, in favor of Davis, Kolb & Fail
ing, vs. Samuel M. Norrel.
Also, 1,500 lbs. of bacon; levied on to satisfy
a fi. fa. in favor of Patton k Trimble, vs. Jouu
athan n. Whitesides..
One wagon; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa- from
Cass Inferior Court, in favor of J. W. Parrott,
vs. N. 11. Harris, and D. M. Hood and B. 11. C.
j Bomar, securities. Levied on as the property
j of said Bomar, security.
j Lot of’4and No. 122,* in the 16th dist. and 3d
! *ec.; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cass Su
perior Court, in favor of Silas B. Seav, vs. Jas.
O. Scott.
One store house and lot in the town of A
dairsville, on the east side of the Rail Road,
known as the store-house of defendant; levied
on to satisfy two fi. fas.—one from Cass Superior
Court, in favor of Samuel McDow,—the other
from Gwinnett Superior Court, in favor of Viv
i ion Holms, vs. Henry J. Arnold.
A portion of lot No,. 163, in the town of A
dairsville, on tlic west side of the Rail Road,
known as the grocery house and lot of Hamil
ton & Norrel; also, No. 2.5 in said town, as the
property of E. L. flam it ton and S. M. Norrel;
also, lot No. 2, in Bomar range of said town, as
the property of E. L. Hamilton, with improve
ments thereon ; levied on to satisfy live fi. fas.
—one in favor of Malinda Townsend, surviving
administratrix, &e., vs. E. L. Hamilton and Ar
chibald Miller —one in favor of Jonathan Mellow
—one in favor of Abraham Tate, administrator,
i vs. E. L. Hamilton—one in favor of Davis, Kolb
& Failing, vs. Hamilton k Norrel.
One house and lot in the town of Adairsville,
known as the property of defendant; levied on
to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justice court of Cass
coubty, in favor of 11. J. Arnold, vs. R. 11. Me-1
Two lots of land, Nos. 1073 and 1088, in the
21st dist. and 2d sec.; levied on to satisfy two li.
fas. front Cass Superior Court —one in favor of
Win. 11. Howard, vs. James S. Jett and Solo
mon J. Knotts—the other in favor of Wdi. 11.
Howard, vs. Solomon J. Knotts.
One lot of land, No. not known, lying in the
21st dist. and 2d sec.; known as the lot whereon
Davis House now lives; levied upon to satis
fy a fi. fa. from Cass Superior Court, in favor of
Thomas D. Perkinson, vs. Davis House.
Three lots of land, Nos. 181,182 and 204, in
the 6th dist. and 3d section : levied on to satis
fy two fi. fas., one in favor of Malinda Town
send vs. William M. Denman —the other from
Cass Superior Court in favor of the officers of
Court vs. Win. M. Denman.
One lot of land, No. 141 in the 17th district
and 3d section ; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa.- in
favor of J. M. Craines, vs. 11. G. Custellow. Lev
ied on and returned to me by a baliff
ATTffE'sAMtii TIME will be sold.
Lots of !aad 110, 148, 212, 213, 214,
220, 221—a1l in the 4th District section
—Levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cits® Supe
rior court, in favor of favor of A. It. Wrigf.*4._ys
Malissa Johnson, and William S. Thomas, en
Oue lot of land No. 161, in the loth district
and 3d section—excepting ten acres in the due
south-west corner of said lot, including the mill
privilege ; levied on to satis o Mortgage fi. fa.
I from Cass Superior court in favor of Abraham,
i Tate, administrator of Evan Pearson, deceased,
j vs. Jonathan Whitesides. The property spec
| ified in said Mortgage.
Feb. 2—tds. E A. BROWN, Sheriff.
Georgia, Cas3 County.
I>y Tliomas A. Word, Ordinary of said County.
npHE petition of Alford C. Day, causing it to
JL appear to me, that Telamon Cuyler ot said
countv, deceased, did in his life time execute to
said Dav his bond for titles, to that portion of
i the lot m towu of Cassville, upon which said
I Cuyler then lived, bounded on the North by lot
! of Mrs. Hulls, on South by that portion of the
I lot occupied by said Day, on the East by prop
j erty now occupied by llnnnas G. Dunlap, and
j on the West by the street railing oijt from the
! South East corner of the public square of said
1 town ; and also certain other lots lyiu within
i and belonging to the original lot of land on
which the town of Cassville is situated, former
ly owned by Mrs. Benton, the whole containing
thirteen acres more or less; and it appearing
timt said Day has paid a large portion of the
I purchase money and is ready to pay the residue,
! and said Day having petitioned the Court to di
j rect Charles A. Hamilton, the administrator up-
I on estate of said Cuyler, to make titles to him
; for saids lots: it is therfor ordered hereby that
! notice be given in the C ’assville /Standard of such
application, that all persons concerned may lile
objections, of anv they have, in my office why
said (fharles A. flamilton, administniturosafor
said, should not execute titles iu ‘conformiU
witli said bond. .., . t f
A true extract from the tninutcsfofthis Coprl,
this January 29th 1854. f
TANARUS, A. WORD, Ordinary.
Feb. 2d--m3. ;
Ijl Newihan Osborn, administrator of the
Kusate of Lucv Harris, late of said county, de
ceased, applies to me tor letters of dismission
from suit! administration:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to bo and appear at my of
fice within the time prescribed by law to show
cause, if any they have, why said letters should
not be grunted.
Given under my band at office, this 20th day
of October, 1864. MOSES G REEK,
Oct 27—6 m Ordinary.
V.T hj'lh I'inson and Newport Floyd, Executors
of the last will und testament of Charles G. I'in
son, deceased, apply to me for letters disiuisso
ry from said Executorship t
’ These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned* to be and appear at my of
fice, within the time prescribed by’ law,” and
shew cause, (if any there be,) why said letters
Dismissory should not bo grunted tho said ap
plicants. *
Given under my hand at office, this Sept. 11,
1854. T. A. WORD, Ordinary.
sept 15—dm
STEEI PEN'S,wit 83 cents per gross, at LE
etetep ah Stwne; *
j SObcHLsetycijls.
The Greek Slave!
-4 CING GIRL ! .
j r IMIE above celebrated Statues, together with
j JL Fftevri Statuettes in Bronze, and sever
j al hundred Magnificent Oil Paintings, form
the collection of prizes to be distributed among
the members of the Cosmopolitan Art Associa
tion at the first annual distribution, in January
next. f'Jir \ /■ ‘■ <*L •'••••- ‘
The Cosmopolitan Art and Literary Associa- |
tion, organized for the encouragement and gen- j
eral diffusion of Literature and the fine Arts, on
anew and original plan.
This popular Art Association is designed to
encourage aud popularize the Fine Arts, and ,
disseminate wholesome Literature throughout
the country. A Gallery of Art is permanently
founded, and will contain a valuable collection j
of Paintings and Statuary, for the annual dis
tribution of each year, ‘the best Literature of
the day will be issued to subscribers, consisting
cf the popular Monthly Magazines, Reviews, Ac.
The Committee of Management have the
Pleasure of announcing that the First Annual
‘istribution will take place on the 30th of Jan
uary next, on which occasion there will be dis :|
tributed or allotted to members several hundred
works of Art, among which is the original and
world-renowiieikStatue of the Greek Slave, ;
j by Hiram’ Powers, costing over five thousand dol
j tarsi together with the beautiful Statues of
i Venus, Bacchante, Hebe, Flora and the Dancing j
j Girl; and fifteen Statuettes in Bronze, import- j
od from Paris; also, a large collection of Oil j
Paintings, comprising some of the bestprodue- j
! tions of celebrated American and Foreign Ar-,
! tists.
I The Literature issued to subscribers consists |
| of the following Monthly Magazines: Harper’s, j
; Putnam’s, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s, Gra- !
ham’s, Magazine of Art, and Godey’s Lady’s [
Book, and the Quarterly Reviews re-printed in i
New York: Edinburgh, Westminister, London j
Quarterly, and North British.
Plan for the Current Year: The payment of j
three dollars constitutes any one a member of j
this Association, and entitles him to either one j
of the above Magazines for one year, and also a 1
ticket in the distribution of the Statuary and !
Paintings, which are to be allotted to members
in January.
Persons taking five memberships are entitled
to five of the Magazines one year, and to six
tickets in the distribution.
Persons, on becoming members, can have
this Magazine commence with any month they
choose, and rely on its being mailed to them
promptly on the first of every month, direct from
the New York and Philadelphia Publishers.
Littell’s Living Age, weekly, is furnished one
; year, and two memberships, for six dollars. i
The net proceeds derived from the sale of
memberships are devoted to the purchase of
works of Arts for the ensuing year.
Books open to receive names at the Eastern
office, New-York, or Western office, Sandusky*
The Gallery of Art is located at Sandusky,
(the Western office of the Association,) where
superb Granite Buildings have been erected for
it, and in whose spacious saloons the Splendid ]
collection of Statuary and Paintings is exhibit- j
The Advantages Secured by becoming a mem
ber of this Association are—
-Ist. All persons receive the full value of their
subscription at the start, in the shape of sterling
Magazine Literature.
2d. Each member is contributing toward pur
chasing choice Works of Art, which are to be
distributed among themselves, and arc at the
same time encouraging the Artists of the coun
try, disburs'ng thousands of dollars through its
Persons remitting funds for. membership,
should mark letters, “ Registered,” and state i
the month with which they wish their magazines |
to commence, and also their post office address
in full, on the receipt of which, a certificate of
membership, together with the magazine desir
ed, will be forwarded to any part of the country.
Those who purchase Magazines at Bookstores
will observe that by joining this Association,
they receive the Magazine, anil Free Ticket in the
annual distribution, all at -he same price they
now pay for the Magazine alone.
Persons subscribing any time before the 30th
of January, arc entitled to the Magazines for
Closing of the Books /—Subscriptions will be
received up to the 30th January, at which time
the distribution will take place.
Illustrated Descriptive Catalogues of the
| whole collection to be distributed, will be sent
free of charge on application.
Offices of the Association, at the Knicker
bocker Magazine office 348 Broadway, N. York,
York, and at No. If>6 Water st. Sandusky, Ohio.
Address, (at either office) for memberships,
C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A L. A.
Jan. 12, 1855. —3t.
New Fall and Winter Goods!
AUGUSTA, Ga., are now receiving their
Fall and Winter Supplies of New and
Fashionable Goods, and will be prepared to ex
hibit many novelties in Dress Goods, as well as
a general supply of Household articles.
Tliev invite attention to the following:
Paris, Sacque and Opera Flannels, new shades
American Sacque Flannels, both plain aud
figured ;
Lupin’s Mons. delaines and Merinos, all cols.;
Lupin’s black Bombazines and Mous. delaines;
Lupin’s Black and white challies ;
Rich all wool Paris, Detains, plaid and fig’d;
American Delaines, all the new designs ;
Very elegant colored Silks, in Brocade, Plains
and Stripes ;
Satin, Plaid and Chene striped Silks ;
6-4 high colored Poplins, Scotch Plaids ;
Black Italian and Taffete Silks, rich lust red;
Beantiful French aiyd.Kilgfe'r'Priiits': ~ —”
“'f?7lighams, and cashmere de’Ecosse;
Superior Welsh,. Silk warp, arid Saxom
Flannels ;
White crape, cashmere, and Bay state shawls;
Embroideries of every description, Laces and
Besides a general assortment of Housewife
and servants’ Goods.
They respectfully invite Families wishing to
make their Full and winter purchases, to give
their stock an examination.
Augusta, Georgia, October fi, 1854.
The British Quarterlies
fopHE London Quarterly Review tConservu-
L tivtt.) The Edinburgh Review (Whig.)—
The North British Review (Free Church.) The
Westminister's Review (Liberal.) Blackwood’s
Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.)
The present critical state of European affairs
will render these publications unusually interest
jug during the year ’55. They will occupy a mid
dle ground between the hastily written news
items, crude speculations and flying rumors of
the daily Journal, and the ponderous Tomo of
the future historian, written after the living in
terest arid excitement of the great political o
vents of the time shall have passed away. It is
to these Periodicals that people must look for
the only really intelligible and reliable history
of current events, and as such, in uddition to
thsir well established literary, scientific ami
theological character, we urge them upon the
consideration of the reading public.
Arrangements are in progress for the receipt
of early sheets from the British Publishers, by
which we shall be able to place all our reprints
in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as
they can be furnished with the foreign copies.
Although this will involve a very large outlay
on our part, we shall.continue to furnish the Pe
riodicals at the same low rates as heretofore,
For any one ofJJmiJiUH'Jtvfiews, ” ‘''’
For unknv> of the Reviews, 5 00
three of the four Reviews, 7 00
For nll four ofthe Reviows, 8 00
For Blackwood's Magazine 8 00
For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00
For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00
Payments to be made, in all cases, in advance.
Money current in the State where issued will
be received at par.
Cluuuing. —A discount of twenty-five per
cent from the above prices will be allowed to
Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or
moro of the above works. Thus: Four copies
of tHuckwood, or of one Review, will be sent
to one address for if'.i; four copies of the four i
Reviews and Blackwood for SBO ; and so on. >
Remittances ami communications should al
ways be addressed, post paid to the publishers.
58 Gold Street, New York. 1
N. B.—L. S. A Go. have recently published,
and have now for sale, the “Farmer’s Guide,”
Henry Stephens of Edinburg, and Prof. Nor
ton, of Yale College, New Haven, complete in
2 vol octavo, containing 1800 pages, H steel and
6io wood engravings. Price itl muslin binding,
|B. Jan 28—3 t
Blankets and Nearro Cloths.
Wm. Shrnr, Augusts,
RESPCETPULLY invite* the attention of
Planters to his large supply of Negro
Blankets, nnd Negro Glottis, which ho is pro*
•pars* tej l*r
. .Udbetfisctyepfs.
The Whole World.
Three Hundred Thousand Dollars Worth of
Gifts, for. the Subscribers to the Mammoth
Pictorial of the Whole World, . “”
PUBLISHED simultaneously in tin* three
cities of New York, Philadelphia and Bal
nnorc. As soon as SCO,OOO subscriptions are
obtained, and having already an actual circula
tion, of about 200,000, it is now certain
the nisTnijjrjTioN will soon take i>lace.
Among the extraordinary List of Gifts, (be
ing ~ .te nor every ticket issued,) are
Prof. Hart's Elegant Country Seat, val
ued at $2.'!,000 ;
A Magnificent City Residence, valued at 17,000 {
! A Cash Loan for iOO Years, without in
terest or security, 10,000
; Building Lots, Elegant Piano Fortes,
Melodeons, Gold Watches, Bracelets,
Bings, Books of Travel in the Old and
| New World, bv Prof. Hart; Beal Es
tate, Ac., Ac., Ac., in all numbering -
300,000 Gifts, valued at $300,000
Every single remittance of sl, secures one
! year’s subscription to the Mammoth Pictorial,
I and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which entitles
the bolder to one share in the 800,000 Gifts.—
Thus every person investing in this stupendous
1 Enterprise receives the full worth of his or her
money, in subscription to a first class journal,
‘ (the greatest and most interesting Pictorial of!
, the age,) brides a Gift for each subscription, i
! which may prove an immense fortune to the 1
I receiver.
For complete List of Gifts, and full and ex- !
plicit particulars in regard to the great Euter
j prise. Distribution, Ac., see a copy of The
! Whole World, which will be promptly sent,
| free of charge, where desired by letter, post-paid.
| The Whole World may also be seen at the \
j offices of all the papers containing this adver-
I tiseinent, where information may be obtained ;
| in regard to the paper and Enterprise.
Agents, Postmasters and Ladies, desirous of !
lucrative and at the same time genteel employ- I
ment, should not fail to see a copy of The
Whole World, which contains by far the most
liberal inducements ever offered to agents in
the way of immense cash premiums, gifts, coin
missions, Ac., whereby any person with ordina- 1
ry activity, can easily make SI,OOO and up- i
wards, per year; to which fact the agents we
already have can certify. Secure the Pictorial,
and become wise, rich and happy.
Correspondents must write their address—
name, post oflice, county and State, ptmn and.
distinct, or it will be their own fault if they fail •
to get an answer, Adhere to this, and all re- !
turns will be promptly sent wherever desired ‘
in any part of the world.
|‘ Ts any orders are received after the 300,000 •
[ subscribers are obtained, the money will be i
1 promptly returned, post-paid, to the persons 1
sending it.
All letters and remittances for the Pictorial,
with Gift Tickets, must invariably he address
ed, post-paid, to Prof. A. WOOL) MAE HART,
World's Hall, Broadway, Em’ York, there be
ing the only office for the Gift Enterprise.
1 But remittances for the Pictorial without Gift !
Tickets, may be sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN j
HaRT\ Hart’s Buildings, Chestnut street,!
Philadelphia, Pa., there being the principal ed- ;
itorial and publication office. Oct 20—(5m
Perham's Third Gift Enterprise.
Call for Final Mass Meeting of Shareholders
to determine on the. disposition of the Gift Pro
perty to the Shareholers.
AT a meeting of the Shareholders in Per
ham’s Third Gift Enterprise, held on the
27th of July, the following resolution was adop
ted :
“ Resolved, That so soon as it is ascertained
that 80,‘>00 of the Gift Tickets issued by Mr.
Perham in his third enterprise, are sold, the
Committee shall call the shareholders together
at the most convenient place, for the purposeof
instructing said Committee in regard to the
manner of disposing of the Gift Property.”
Having learned from Mr. Perham that 60,000
of said tickets were sold, and that in all probabil
ity the remaining 20,000 called for by the above
resolution, would be sold by the first day of
! January next we have determined in accor
dance with the above opinion, to call a Mass
Meeting of the Shareholders, at some place
to be hereafter named, on the 17th day of Jan
uary, 1855, for the purpose designated by the
J. EAT HOP, > Committee.
B. S. ADAMS, )
Each Ticket will admit FOUR PERSONS, all
at once, or portions at different times to Perham's
liurlesgue Opera House, atm Broadway, E, York.
Or to his other Entertainments, in various
parts of the country. Each purchaser of one
of these tickets will receives certificate entitling
them to one share in 100, 000 COSTLY A VAL
UABLE GIFTS; a list of which has already
been published. Persons can obtain the same
in circular form, by addressing a note to the
Eoiv's the time to Purchase Tickets.
In order that the 100,000 Tickets may be dis
posed of by the time specified, the subscriber
offers the following inducements for persons to
get up Clubs.
Each person who gets up a club of ten sub
scribers, and forwards (10) ten dollars to this
office, wiil receive by Mail <r other convey- j
Each person who sends (at one time) one :
hundred dollars, will have sent in like manner !
And for all larger sums in exact proportion. I
If it should happen that all the Tickets are j
sold when the oraer is receivod. the money will :
~fe(Trettimed at our expense!flir'postage.
All orders for Tickets slbtild be addressed to
JOSTAH PERHAM, 663 Broadway, N. Y.
My Fourth Enterprise will be advertised as
soon as tho third one is closed. The Tickets are
already printed.
American and Foreign Agency.
rjMIE undersigned are prepared to furnish, by
X mail or express, any Books, Magazines,
Newspapers, Engravings, Maps or Charts, that
are procurable hi the American or Foreign Trade,
at the lowest prices. Individuals ordering of
us shall be served with fidelity and promptness.
Country merchants accommodating us with
their orders, shall have them filled at correct
prices, of whicli a single trial will {five evidence.
The very great patronage this Establishment
has received at home and abroad, speaks louder
than anything else of Its merits, and we have
only to refer to the Editor and Publisher of
this paper for satisfactory proof upon this head.
Christmas presonts of all kinds are now in
vogue. Give us a trial.
Dec 22. 883 Broadway, New York.
Notice to Land Owners.
CTMIE undersigned having removed from Al- ;
X banv to Troupville, Lowndes county, Git.,
will in addition to the practice of Law, examine i
and report the value of land in the counties of
Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Anpaling and
Irwin. He will, when requested, examine ■
j Lands personally, and give full information as i
to value, location and probability of immediate j
; sale. Having no connection whatever with ‘■
: land speculation he will engage to act as agent, j
; in the sale or purchase of lands, in any of the :
aforesaid counties for a fee often per cent, up
on tiie amount received or paid out, His
ges for examining land will be live
1 flUftllifl lOt of I *~ 1m ‘ in
all the other districts, he will charge ten dol
lars. Additional will be charged for an exami
nation of title upon record.
Attorney at Law, j
Troupville, Lowndes Co-Ga. ;
Nor 17—ly _ _ ___ j
Carriagos and Harness.
XFWW, THE subscriber has ill ways on j
yNhand a large assortment of Ve- j
hides of every description, such
as Couches, Uockuwuys, Ha- J
, rouches, top Buggies, no top Buggies, and Pod- i
lur Wagons, which are manufactured expressly i
for his own sales, and which in point of finish ]
j and durability cannot tty surpassed.
| All articles sold by him are warrastkp in
the Ailiest terms. Persons in want are solicited
to give him a call, where they will find a cheap
anu good article on favorable terms.
White house, south-west corner Meeting and
with neatness and despatch.
Carriages built to order, and repairing dono
Wentworth streets. Charleston, S. C.
t-3?” Refers to Col. 11. F. Price, Cassvillc.
Nov 17—8 m.
PURSE SILK, Steel Beads, Rings and’ Tfts
sols, crewel 1, erochut needles, and furniture
r ringe, lam’* ayss srqsr.
A Cnre for All.
j Holloway’s Ointment !
Citizens of the Union. —You hare done-me
, the honour as with one voice, from one end of
j the Union to the other, to stamp the character
lof my Ointment with your approbation. It is
scarcely two years since I made it known among
you, and already, it has obtained more celebrity
than any other Medicine in so short a period
33,. Corner of Ann and Nassau Sts. N. Y.
C<>py <\t a Letter from Air. I!'. ,T. Lanale/fp, of
Huntsville, Yadkcin, County, North Carolina, ts.
S., dated Nor ember Ist, 1858.
! To Professor Holloway, —Sir,—lt is not
; my wish to become notorious, neither is this
letter written for the mere sake of writing, but
; to sav, that your Ointment cured me of one of
the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh
is heir to, and which was considered by all who
j knew me, to be entirely bevond the reach of
: rnedecine. For nine years I was afflicted with
| one of the most painful and troublesome sore
; legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and after
: trying every medicine I had ever heard of, I re
signed in despair all hope of being cured ; but
a friend brought me a couple of large pots of
vour Oinment, which caused the sores on my
legs to heal, and 1 entirely regained my health
to inv agreeable surprise and delight to the as
! tonishment of inv friends. (Signed)
Copy of a Letter from Mr. Ji Durant, New Or- j
leans November i )th, 1333.
! To Professor Holloway, 38, Corner of Aon
j and Nassau Streets, N.-Y : Dear Sir, —It Is j
j with heartfelt gratitude I have to inform you
j that by the use of your Ointment and Pills, thej
i life of my wife has been saved. For seven j
j years she had a bad breast, with ten running!
; wounds, (not of a cancerous nature). 1 was
’ told that nothing could save her: she was then ‘
induced to use your Ointment and Pills, when |
in the short space of three months, they effected!
a perfect cure, to the astonishment of all who ;
| knew us. Wo obtained your Medicines from j
j Messrs. Wright A Cos., of Chart res-street, New j
j Orleans. I send this from “Hotel des Prin-1
| ces,” Paris, although, I had written it at Netyi
| Orleans, before we finally left, at that time'*nfifc
i knowing your address at New York. fp
***Sold at the Establishment, of Professor
Hollowav, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244
Strand, London, and by all respectable Drug
gists and Dealers of Medicines throughout the
United States, in Pots and Boxes, at 25 cents,
82 1-2 cents, and 41 00 each.
There is a considerable saving by taking the
the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the gui
dance of patients in every disorder are affixed
to each Pot. May 28—eow’lv.
Somi-Weokly Mail Line,
Talking Hock, Ellijay and Dunn's Ferry.
~ fj''he safest, quickest, and most
a, E X pleasant route to the Duck,
•- — I Town Copper Mines, Tennessee, *
is through Cassville. The Stages are pleasant
! and commodious, good horses, safe and careful
I drivers. The route is through some of the finest
1 Mountain Scenery in Georgia. Asa large por
tion of the land in the vicinity of the Mines is;
owned by persons living in the m'ddle and low
er parts of the State, it would be to their inter
est in corue up and examine.
The Stages leave Cassville every Monday and!
Friday morning, immediately after the arrival
of the cars. Stage offices at Latimer’s hotel,
Cassville, and Cottage Hall, by B. A. Freeman, 1
Ellijay. Buy your tickets at Atlanta for Cass:
Depot. ’ J. S. DTJ.MM, (
Proprietor, j
y BEING also Proprie
tor of a well-stocked j
“ ery Stable at Ellijay, the tut- **.•*■’
dersigned is prepared to send persons to any ■
point to which they mat wish to go.
Nov. 27. ‘ J. S. DUMM. !
Como to Cassvillo.
TTTE hare just received direct from New*
V\ York and other markets a fresh supply!
of Candles, Nuts, fine Cigars, fine chewing and j
Smoking Tobacco, Fruits, Preserves, Prunes,!
Brandy cherries, Brandy Peaches, Jellies, jams, ;
spiced Oysters, Lobsters, Salmon, Sardines, j
Snuff, Ac. Besides, we keep constantly on
hand a full assortment- of Family Groceries, I
such as Sugar, coffee, Molasses, Salt, F'sh, Ba
con, lVpper, Spice, Ginger, Mustard, Vinegar,!
Washing and Shaving Soaps, Fresh Tea, cheese, i
SalEratus, Soda, Sal-Soda, Starch, Powder, ]
Shot and Lead—all of which we will sell as low
as any other house this side of Atlanta, and
tutors a little cheaper for the cash down.
Also, we have on hand u ’ f ii-“ Jot ..of Georgia
Plains, Kerseys, Osnaburgs, SW’ed OshnburgS7
Sheetings, Shirtings, Negro t . A nkc<s, Factory
Yarn, Ac.
Also, a very superior lot of Negro Shoes,
Wax Brogans’ Boys’ and Woman’s Brogans,
and a few pair of Ladies’ walking Shoes, Enam-|
eled Gaiters, India Rubber over shoos, Ac., |
which we will sell extremely tow. We ask a care-1
fill examination ot price and quality.
Wo take in exchange for Goods all kinds of
conntrv Produce at cash prices.
Pianos, Sheet Music, &c. &c.
THE undersigned is pre
~ —pared to furnish Yout’s
JTgS Pianos, at short uotice,
fA .--rjyT and on as pood terms as j
Sr if they can be had anywhere i
at the South. Those in
struments are warranted to be equal in point of
i tone, durability and workmanship, to any man j
ufactnred in the world. Every Piano warranted;
for five rears. Any instrument failing to meet
the expectations of' the purchaser, may be ro-j
turned at any time within six months, and an- ;
other will be given in its stead. Having a!
brother (a Professor of Music) in Philadelphia, m
! who selects every Piano sent out, purchasers 1
may rest ussurod that none but perfect instiu
incuts, in every respect, will be sold.
A large lot of I'fitrt of tho latent And
most fashionable issues, constantly on hand
and for sate at Publisher’s prices 1
, Professor ot Music in Cassville
Dec. 8, ISS4—ly Female College.
Book Bindery in Atlanta.
TIITILIiIAM KAY, respectfully informs the
Cußs*'ille and attyrouthtinjr
country, truu lu 1
of Binding and Ruling ill'short notice, lie has ‘
also on hand a large assortment of Hooks in the
| various departments of Literature, Fancy Stu 1
j tionerv, Music, Musa) Instruments, Paper Hang
l ings, (luns, Pistols, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy
| Goods, Ac., at the very lowest possible prices.
! A share of the public patronage is respectfuliy
1 solicited.
| Atlanta, March 24,1863 —ly.
I Potatoes, Fruits and Liquors.
j - TWO Barrels large Northern i
One Barrel Oranges. 1
Two Barrels Buck Wheat Flour.
! A lot of Pine Apples and Cocoa nuts.
! Also, 1 Cask fine old Cogniac Brandy.
Two Barrels Joku Gibson A Son’s old Eagle
Just received and for sale low for Cash, by
; Jau. 19—it. A. A ’J. L. HILL,
Brought to Jail,
ON the 14th inst., a negro man, who says
his name is George, and that he belongs
j Ja to David Charles, of Greene county, Ala
! —'*• buma. Complexion dark, five feet, eight
I inches high, weighs about 160 pounds, and is
übout 21 years old. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove pnoperty, nay charges and
take said negro awav, or he will oe dealt with
Dr. X B. Marchisi’s Celebra
ted Catholicon,
for the Relief and Cure of Suffering Female
Painful, Suppressed, and irregular Mensti nation
Ac., with all their accompanying evils, (cancer
accepted,) no matter how severe or of how long
The Catholicon far surpasses other remediss,
! it being more certain, less expensive, and leaving
the system in a better con dt ton. Let ail inter
ested* call and obtain a pamphlet .(free) contain
nig ample prooffrOm the most respectable sour
ces, of the beneficial results of its use; together
with letters from h ghJv-expcrienced Phy nicians
! who have used it in their practice, anil speak
j from their own observations.
! P. B. Pcckham, M. ])., Utica, N. Y.
L. D. Fleming, M. 1)., Rochester, N. Y.
M. 11. Mills, M. IL, Rochester, K. Y.
1). Y. Foote, 31. I)., Syracuse, N. Y.
Prof. Dunbar, M. I)., Baltimore, 31 and,
J. C. Orrick, M. D., Baltimore, Md.
W. W. Reese, 31. D. N. Y. city,
W. Prescott, M. I)., Concord, N. II
J. P. Newland, 31. D., Utica, N. Y.
Rev. C. S. Beard, Glenn Springs, S. C.
Pamphlets to be had gratis at the Boos Store
Cassvifle, Ga.; J. It. AJ. L. Wikle, Cartersville ;
i Robert Battey, Rome; A. E. Blount, Dalton;
j Elliott A Tippin, Kingston, and of most of ths
leading Druggists in the State.
| 1 have no hesitation in saying, Dr. Harchisi’s
(Uterine Catholicon is invaluable in uterine and s
-1 eases generally. I have used it in Fit ur Albus,
! AmenorrhcDa, Prolapsus Uteri, and in cases of
! extensive ulcer;'ta nos the v ginu and os uteri.-
; It is worthy of the notice of the Faculty.
j Baltimore, Md.
Letter addressed to Messrs. Beach oral Brou n
son. Agents at Newberry C. 11., S. C., ly Her. C.
S. Beard of same State'.
Glexx Spkixos, Jan. f'th, 1553.
3lessrs. Beach and Brownsnu—Sirs: I send :
for another bottle of your “Marchisi’s Uterine-
Catholicon.” My wife has been afflicted fore
leten vears, and a variety of means has been re-
JrtlOed to for relief, but none was obtained until l
Svceived this medicine from you. Its influence
jleeins almost magical: there was a manifest im
provement from the day it washaken.
’ tin re are a great many females in our conn
tr\Jaboring under the aftlicion for which your’’
mecßSue proposes a ri medy, I feel it a duty t*
recommend it to all such.
J. 15. Marchisi A Cos., Proprietors, central d
j pot, 304 Broadway N. Y.
Wm. Doster, ‘General Agent, Atlanta, Geo
] aug. 11.—6 m.
Fact3 Cannot bo Doubted!
, A ¥ ORE than 500 persons in the citv of
niond, Ya., alone testify to the remarkable
cures performed by Carter’s Spanish Mixta?*.
! Tile great Spring ‘Med.cine and Purifier of th*
j Blood is now used by hundreds of dfhtßrF ]dT
tients, who testify daily to the remark:-hie cures
performed by the greatest of all medicines, Car
jter’s Spairish Mixture. Neundgia, Klicumai sni,
Scrofula, Eruptions- on the Skin, l.iwr Di.-wasr,
Fevers, l leers, Oid Sores, Affections of i)ie
Kidneys, Diseases of lb. Tliroat, Female Com-
I plaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones and
I Joints, are speedily put to fl ght by using tint
great and im-st inable rc'ittcdv.
1 For all diseases of the Bleed, nothing has vet
i been found to compare with it. h eJtunses the
-system of all impiirties, acts gently and *ffi
jciently on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens
;11u- Digestion, gives tone to the Stoniarh. makes
the Skin clear and healthy, and restores thw
; Const Union, enfeebled, by and sea>e, or hioken
I down by the excesses of youth, to its pr aline
I vigor and strength.
! For the Lad es, it is ir. corn par. Idr betfi rthan
j all the cosmetics ever used. A few doses of
j Carter’s Spanish Mixture will remove al! s.J
----; lowness of comn’ex on, bring the roses mart
j ling to the cheek, give elasticity to the tt p, and
1 improve the general health in a remarkable de
jgree, beyond all the med ernes ever lu-ard of.
1 A large number of certificates of remarkable
] cures performed on persons res iling in the c tr
1 of Richmond, Ya., by the use of Carter’s Span
ish Mixture, is the best evidence that there is
ino humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers,
! magistrates, phys'cians, and public men, well
known to the community, al! add their testimo*
;nv to the effects of this Great Blood Purifier,
j Call and see a few hundred of the cert fic-ites
; around the bottle. None genuine unless s : gned
Bennett A Beers. Drngg sts. Pr 11c pal Dep-.t*
at 31. Ward, Close le Co’s., No. 88, Maiden
(Lane, New 3ork; T. W. Dyott A Soi-s, and
| Jenkins A Ilartsla-rue, Philadelphia; Bennett
A Beers, No. 125 Mam Street, Richmond, Va.;
and for sale by dealers in medicine everywhere.
March 23, 1854.—7—1 v.
(lifiilctoj AcfciTTT#-Tf-oli Yf jMifnrttry !!
Walker & Evans,
Manufacturing Stationers, No. 101 Fast Bag,
| Hava now on hand the largest assortment cf
Account Books
- offered for sale in this part of the
La country, and equal to any in the United
Our entire stock is manufactured in Charles
ton, in our own Bindery, by competent w<-ik
nten, under our personal supervision. The pa
per atul oth :r materials are of the best quality.
! carefully selected, atul the Books warranted In
every respect, equal to those made bv
New York Stationers for their citv trade,
j County and State Ofietrs, Banks, Merchants
and otfters, can have their Books ruled and
. bound to any pattern, and payed when required.
Music Books, Periodicals, and other pr in ted
; Books Doiiud in every variety of style.
Always on hand, a large stock of superior
Letter Paper, Foolscap, Hill Paper. Note Paper.
j and paper of various kmds, ruled oxpresslv for
1 Lawyer's use. Also, Stationery of all kind*,,
• consisting in part of
i Copying Presses, Gold Pens,
Seal Presses, Steel Pens,
Envelopes, - Pen-holders,
Inkstands, Pocket books,
Ink, Writing Desk*,
Pencils, wafers, sealing wax, India rubber, ru
lers, quills, seals, parchment, folders, back
gammon boards, chess men, Ac. Ac.
Book and Job Printing of all kinds neatly ex
edited. Charleston, Dec Jo—i>m
r pilE .copartnership heretofore existing bt
.JL tween Leake A Howard is this dav dissolv-
V44i*mutnnl consent. All the debts'due said
tirinWfH-bteoilected by \V. W. Leake, who as
sutnes all theMiqJnlities of the same. All per
sons indebted to will please make
immediate payment. TW&>th dav of Nov. 1554
w. w Leake.
Cartersville, Dec 1 J. AT^UW-*^
Parr & McKenzie.
FACTORS and Commission Merchants, and
Dealers in Groceries, Produce and Merclwn
dise generally, Atlanta, Ga.
Particular attention given to consignments ot
Cotton, Grain, Bacon, and all kinds of Product 1
L. J. PARR. K.
Rug. U.—ly. \
— _ {
Winship’s Iron Works.
r subscriber is now prepared to rccci f *
X und execute orders for any kind oft’a* 1 ’
ings, or Machine work, and all persons n |T ” r ‘
iiig him witli orders may rely upon havn'f
them executed in the best manner, and *’
despatch. Orders for Sash-blinds and
promptly'attended to at his Car Establishment
Atlanta, 6a., June 30, 1 54.
BONNETS A largo assortment
of the latest style* of spring bon
MSS/*’ e*te, wiffiiyerf grWis, wt rwn*j
ft? t* • ■ f-VrtAt s4*r
It stands pre
eminent for its
curative powers
in all the diseas
es for which it
is recommended,
usually called fe
male complaints,
i Os these are Pro
lapsus Uteri, or
falling of the
womb, Flour Al
hus, or Whites;
Chronic Inflam
atiori and Ulcer
ation of the
Womb; Inciden
tal Hemorrhage,
oj Flooding;