The Vidalia advance. (Vidalia, Ga.) 19??-1977, April 15, 1904, Image 2
THE VIDALIA ADVANCE, j jPiiblftithed Fritlii) l»y Hip 4ilmnc« I fe iil>ll'tlilns i’o. A. F. SAWYER, Editor. sl-00 PER YEAR. Entered as secoiid-elass matter, underact of Congress of Mch. 3, IKTP. j.dverlisiiig Kates mad; known on application. Address all communications and make *ll remittances to Tl.e Advance I’ub lidiitig Co., Vidalia. tin. '=— FRIDAY, AlMi. 15, 190 f. Who is Judge Parker, any how? • What has he ever done for the democratic part}'? What does he stand for? If some of the papers who are yelljng so loudly for Parker would devote a little time and space to telling us something about him we might be able to see something in him, but there’s the rub. Parke, may t be, and doubtless is, a good democrat, but what has he ever done to justify the party in selecting him as their lead er? We are not alone when we kick against a man being boosted up for the highest gift of the party without hav ing some idea of what he stands for. It has been offer ed in his favor that he is con servative, That’s the trouble; lie’s so conservative that it would take a blasting drill to find out “where he’s at. Don’t be so backward, brethren; if you know anything about what lie stands for, just let tis have it. 1 Capt. John H. Martin Strangly Fu.lor-eil for <lic Judge- Nklp lij-1 lie Citizen* of Pule* 111. Believing it to be their du ty to make some public ex pression «f their sentiment in regaid -to the candidacy of Cap* John 11. Martin- for Judge of the Superior Courts of the Oconee Circuit, and in order that the people hi the oner counties of the circuit might know the high esti-! mate placed upon . him by his home county (f Pulaski, a large and enthusiastic meet ing of representative citizens was held at the court house in Hawkinsville on April 7th, when the following resolu tions, supported by many strong speeches, were unani mously adopted: Be it resolved by tliiu mass meeting: That we heartily j endorse the candidacy of our fellow-citizen, Capt. Jno. H. j Martin, for the Judgeship of the Oconee Circuit, and com mend him to the people as a | man well qualified to discharge ’ the duties of this high and im portant office. His long and successful career at the bar of the several counties of this circuit, his vigor of mind and bod\-, his ripe experience ar.d his legal learning, equip him for the place and will insure the people of the Oconee Cir cuit a business-like, impar tial, honest and able adminis tration. That we pledge him pur active and unqualified .sup port, and present him to the people as a man worthy of their votes and confidence, and urge his election. —Haw- kin: ville Dispatch ar.d News.’ j Riclimc nd P. Hobson, of ' Merrimac fame, was defeated in Alabama for a seat in con gress. Mr. Bankhead was his ' successful opponent. A special from Port Arthur states that the Russian bat tleship Petropavlovsk, while steaming out of the harbor struck a mine and was sunk, eight hundred officers and men going down with their siiip. Among them was Vice Admiral Makaroff. ” Hon. Jno. F. DcLacy of j Eastman has withdrawn from ! the race for solicitor-general J of the Oconee Circuit, thus 1 j leaving Col. E. D. Graham of Mcßae without opposition for j the office. Five officers and twenty-four men were killed by an explo- j sion on the battle ship Mis souri Thursday. The battle ship was stationed at Pensa cola, Fla., and was engaged in target practice when the ex plosion occurred. we agree with those of our I contemporaries who assert j that democracy in general, and southern democracy in particular, is not for sale. For this very reason we should nominate Hcarst and keep out of the clutches of Cleve land and wall street. —Dublin Courier-Dispatch. Those editors who are boom ing Cleveland for president seem to have forgotten the time when he held that office. —Stillmore Dispatch. r— . QOOOOOOOO OOOOOOw 000000000 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS | Oooooooooooooooooooobooooo For C'onnf)’ C'ouimiN*ioi34'i*. I takq.khia method o:‘ annouoo ’ iflg'io fh* voters that I am a can didate for county commissioner, and earnestly solicit tlu:ir support ’ s If. J. Right. For Kto*riff: To the voters of. Montgomery coun ty: — 1 tAke this method <f getting before you r.s a candidate for Sheriff hrMoutgoinery county, subject to tin* I primary-election, lam competent to manflge the business, and my service las deputy makes me familiar with the details of this important office. If elected I pledge the voters a faithful Adherence* to and performance of the duties of tin-* office. Most respet., J as. llbster. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Sir* rid of Montgomery county at the coining election, subject to the action of the democratic primary. Dan N. Prims. I hereby announce myself n enndi dnte for the office of sheriff of Mmit -1 gomcry county at the approachingolee | Lion, subject to the action of the dem ocratic primary. If lotted, T promise to discharge the duties of the office faithfully and efficiently. I earnestly {solicit the support of the people gen -1 orally. A. J. Briton. I hereby announce to the citizens of Montgomery lmunty that I am a can didate for the office of sheriff, subject 1 to the action of the democratic prima | ry. 1 respectfully the support of all the vctors. If I am favored with the office, T guaranto * a full, honest and faithful of it.; duties | and rosponjibililtos. It ucctfitlly, D. A. Morrison. ; To the voteisof Montgomery county : I hereby announce mjcelf a candidate for the office of sheriff of Montgomery j county, faii.ject to the aetirmi < f the {democratic party. I kindly solicit the i supprrt of my friends, remembering very gratefully their past favors. Very resp.eetfully, J. D. McChtEUOR. For Coronn 1 . I hereby umiounce myself a candi date for the office of coroner of Mont gomery county, subject to the cicnio •oratic^prihiary. u;.cl solicit t| o support of the voters. .1 11. Puts. ‘ ! For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a c&fidi- \ I date for the office of TiviWtirejt ol| Montgomery county, subject to the j action of a democratic primary*; ifVne beheld, and ask the support ofM-hej J voter of Ihe county. Should l be j so fortunate as to scour.? the* office. I • promise a fair and honest discharge of , | the duties pertaining to same. Think ingyou in advance for favors, I am* Yours gratefully, Wm. Mourns. I lake this method to Announce to my frrei da and fellow citizens of Mont gomery county that I am A candidate < for the office of treasurer, subj'ct to | the action of the <1 mocrafic primary. ! f ask the support of all the voters of the county, and if elected am prepar ied to discharge the dvties of the office : j in away that will be satisfactory to ail N. L. Spooner. I „ Yielding to the earnest rolicitatjon jof friends, I hereby announce myself I a candidate for treasurer and the J support of -the voters < f Montgomery J county r.t the primary election . Tiroa. Morrvhov. . Fi How DemoCrnts: I am before J you a eaudidnle fort he ofli e of’treas- I urer of Montgomery comity. If elect- I ed, tin* duties of the office will bo por formed ns the law directs. I solicit the support of all. ('. A. Point. For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Ordinary of Montgomery county, sub ject to the action of the democratic | ! primary . i guarantee the same faith ful discharge ot the duties of the of lice that has characterized my work in the past. A sex. McAuthib. I hereby announce myself a candi date for ordinary of Montgomery county at the coining election, subject (o the action of the democratic pri mary. Jno. F. Conans. For Tax C’olterlor. I hereby announce myrelf n candi date for the oilice of tax collector of . Montgomery county r.t the approach ing election, subject to a democratic primary, if one be held. I promise if re-elected to lids important office, to perform the duties in the same ef ficient manner that has marked my official conduct during mjj present term . The support of the people gen erally is earnestly solicited. Coi.a B. Rkowning. ,1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Tix Colli ctor of I Montgomery county, subject to the i democratic primary. If elected I pro | pose to discharge the duties of the of [ iice in a business-like manner, and ask the support of my friends and fcllow cilizcns Jaaav Johnson. i j T have been solicited by friends from j nil parts of the county to make one; more race for Tax Collector, and have consented to do so, subject to the ac- j lion of the democratic primary. It! will lie my Inst race for collector, win' or lose. If I win I will manage the of-[ fire to the best interest of the tax pay-j era of the county. Mcßae, j J• A. Dent, | WHOLESt\LE COMMISSION BffOKER. Com, Oats, Meal, Bran, Hay, Meat, Lard. Your patronage solicited. Call in person or write. -I- A.. I)E\T, YJDALIA, OA. Millard Paint Co., P/IIJfTS, OILS, EAR//ISHES, Brushes, "Window Glass Etc. AVli taker St. Savannah, Gn. The Citizens Bank j OF VIDALIA. CAPITAL STOCK - - 000-00 j, OFFICERS: V.’. T. JENKINS, G. N. MATHEWS, J. E. SCIHAIPKIiT, President, Vice-President, Cashier. \V. T. Jenkins, U. S. Mathews, J. E. Sc!.(import, J. F. Co.ik, J. TV. foe. L. i>. Williamson. M. Lender. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts of Firms and Individuals Solicited, Internal Allowed on Time Pcpeiits. For Clerk: I hereby announce myself a candi- j dalo for tin* office of Clerk of the Su- ' perior court of Moutgo: wry county, j soliciting the support of the voters. I j pledge myself to abide action ol tin* democratic party, and. if elected, promise a faithful and honest dis charge of the duties pertaining to the ; j office. Yours respect fully. Jno. C. Cal noun. I take this method of announcing myself to the people of Montgomery county as a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of Superior Court, subject to t ie democratic pri mary. Thanking my constituents for past support and asking the same in dulgence for the next election, lam respectfully, I). H, Graham. I Fop Tax IteeeiTer. I take this method of expressing my . desire for re-election to the office, which my feliow citizens have one time trusted me with, and ask the support of the voters of the c< unty at the coming democratic primary, and I hope to be allowed to continue for an jollier term the work T have tried to ! perform well and faithfully. K. M. In compliance with the solicitation of many friends, I ta'e this lm-lhod of announcing tint 1 am a candidate for the- office of tax receiver of Montgom ery county, subject to the democratic primary. Owing to the fact that my family is dependent <n my labor for support, it may beth.- tl cannot see I you personally, I hereby solicit your ; support, and promise if elected todis ! charge the duties of the office faith ful ly . I, 1,. '[.Ml I.TOX. For Hr pro son lull vc. To the voters of Montgomery coun ty':— 1 have n laudable ambition to represent Montgomery calmly in the j lower house of the next Georgia beg- I " islature. I, therefore, aunoinice my self a candidate for ltep resentative, subject to a demo cratic primary, should one be held ; anil ask the support of the voters of the county. If elect?'', I promise a conscientious and 'fearless discharge, of duty, to the best of my ability. I wamiol born and reared in the county but have, from choice, spent nineteen years of the best part of my life teach ing and farming within her borders. I have no words of censor.' for my op ponents I shall rub no smut and sling no mud in this race. Very truly yours, Okas. W. Si-arix, To the people of Montgomery coun ty : 1 lake this method of announcing my candidacy for the legislature, sub ject to the action of the democratic primary. If honored by my fellow citizens with this public trust, it will be my w hole aim to serve my people with all my skill and knowledge, advo cating such measures as will further the advancement of the interests of j the whole and make for the welfare <>f the humblest citizen. The greatest good to'lhe greatest number w;ill be lay platform. ,1. A. Sa.tiis. 1 lake this method of announcing ; myself a candidate for the legislature, j. subject to the action of the democratic primary,anil ask that the voters fauor me with llu ir sup,port. Jx.i W. Or. KM ENTS. B. F. ECKLES, Furniture. Has on hand flic nicest assortment ever seen in - this section, together with Coffins, Caskets, and - Burial - Supplies, 00-carts, llctl-lonngeN, Couches, PictureK and Picture PrameM, VTDALIA, GA. Williams & Grice, WHOLESALE ANT> HKTAIL LIQUOR DEALERS. All Leading Brands of Casi Goods. Country Orders will reeeivelest attention. No charge for jugs. Try us and you will be pleased. 40* Went N«., P. O. Box .tU3. SATAT.TtH, C!A. v Examine Om- Line of BUGGIES, SUBRIES AND SPRING WAGONS. We have the largest stock in Georgia. The “Georgia Pride” and “Forest City” Buggies are the best on earth for the priced Fr.rm W ngonn. We handle the best made, in any style, for farm, mill or tie use, such f fine ones as Studebaker, Old Hickory, MiTchell, Lfavis and Owensboro. 1 licnthei* by tlie Roll. Collars, Bridles, Hantes, Traces, etc. at very close prices. Colien-K/ulman ' Carria|e and Wagon Do v - SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Nicholas Lang, * - —:DEALER IX: Wine&, Liquors, Imported and Domestic Delicacies. - i i • Everything in fine liquors and wines, fa •icy groceries. Send us an order and b: convinced. :«> Barnard St. Q \ vr 4 A AT A T-T iSA V Al> 1\ All. Wooden Box Saloon, . 11-Vl-iI-. .Sc C(f. props. West Broad, Sims and Stewart Sts., ’ North of Union Depot. Choicest Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Tobacco. Jug Trade a Specialty. No Charge for Jugs. Wo-ul.-n Byx pure rye $1.50 i Pure Gin $1.50 “ “ “ “ 2.00 j Holland Gin 2.00 “ “ “ “ 2.LO| Juniper 8.00 “ “ “ “ 8.00 jFkischmau’s Gin 8/ 0 “ “ “ “ 4.00; Best Rum 1.50 to 2.0 b is 0(5 4.fKl Apple* Pencil Brandy 2.00 to 4.1X1 Paul Jones 4.00 j Rook and Eye 1.50 to 2.00 Planet Ryo 4.00! Blackberry Wine 1.00 AAA Old Valley 4.00 j Old Port Wine LOO XX North Carolina Corn l.SOjSlierry Wine 1.50 to 2.00 XXX “ ** “ 2.00 Imported Sherry Wine 8.00 Best Old X. C. Corn 2.50 j Case Goods $4.00 to $12.00 pr cbm. HALL & CO., WOODEN BOX SALOON, Savannah, Georgia,