Newspaper Page Text
1 LOCAL, j I
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Short Paragraphs Gathered Here and There to
Amuse and Entertain You.
Ami next Wednesday will end
“the tug t*f war.”
You get 0110 soda ticket free
with every glass of soda water you
buy from the Robinson Drug Co. ;
On this will he found the.
card of the Mathis House. Don't ;
forget it when visiting Dublin.
Col. C. W. Sparks says a few j
words ia this issue to the voters [
«f the comity. See his article on
All kinds of popular, cool and !
refreshing drinks at soda fount of
tile Robinson Drug Co.
We have lieen requested to an
liounee that Dr. J. C. Solomon
will lecture here next Friday night
April 22,' for the new ltaptist
If you have a preference us to
the men offering for public office,
come out next Wednesday and
vote for the niun of your choice.
Only first class, ldgli priced
material used in the drinks serv
ed at the fount of the Robinson
Drug Co.
Ml? learn that \Y. L. Ditrhv
contemplates putting up n ma
chine shop, planing and va
riety works on the" old Culpepper
ginhouse lot. This will not only
be a profitable business, but will
fill u long-felt need.
We introduce to our readers in
this issue a new feature which we
lieliove will be appreciated. ‘‘The
Home Circle” column is one that
will interest all classes of readers,
but more esi*ecially c\oes it appeal
to the wives mid mothers. It is
our desire to give our reiiders the
class of reading thev most relish.
This column will appear regularly
• hereafter if we find our readers
appreciate it. •
Mr. Hei>Ty J. Right oPTnrry
tov n announces his candidacy for
county commissioner in this issue
Mr. Right lias only been a res- j
ident of our county foreeven years !
but he conies well recommended
from Johnson county, where he
was honord with position of trust
for many years. He is a gentle
man of pluck and industry, nnd
the voters would do well to givej
him a place on the next board of
county comniisioners.
Col. Wm. B. Kent of Mt. |
Vernon passed through our
city Monday afternoon enroute
to Reidsville.
Mr. Jerry Johnson, candi
date for tax collector, is in the
city today.
Drs. W. and E.
Morgan will attend the State ;
Medical Association at Macon !
next week.
Owen Clements, of the!
L}'ons Progress, was a pleas- j
ant caller at our office Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brady
of Hagan visited the family of
the latters father, Mr. H. N. |
Todd last Sunday.
The two children of Capt.
and Mrs. J. w. Mathews .who
have been suffering from an
attack of pneumonia, we are ,
glad to report are improving.
Editor T. L. Kight of the 1
Wrightsville Record was a
visitor to our city Wednesday, j
and made us a pleasant call
while here.
Capt. Dick Flanders made j
a business trip over the Milieu
& Southwestern a few days
ago. Capt. Dick is a rail- j
reader of long experience, and
thinks the road in splendid i
Haywood Joyner, colored,
i died vefv suddenly Tuesday
afternoon, while working iu
j the field. He had a hemorr
: hage from the lungs and never
I rallied from the attack.
Mr. Marcus Calhoun of
; Eastman, court stenographer
| «f the Oconee circuit, is spend
; ing a few days in the city with
j his mother.
Some alterations have been
| made in the store of the Flan- j
ders Drug Co. which add
much to its appearance and !
The fifty-fifth annual sessi
on of the state Medical associa
tion will meet at Macon Apr.
20-21-22. Dr. E. Morgan of
Vidalia will read a paper on!
tlic subject of “The moral and
religious side of the Medical
Profession” on Wednesday, i
L. B. Clark and Frank Sch
umpert went up to the Oconee !
on a fishing expedition Mon
day. Besides what they ate
while in the camp, they bro
ught thirt-seven pounds home ;
with them Tuesday night. i
. Frank \V. Schunipert, who
has held a position at the de
pot here for the past year, left
for Ochwalkee one day this
week, to accept the agency for
the Seaboard at the latter
place. i
Yidalias growth is not of the
mushroom variety, but good,
solid, steady advancement. A !
project is on foot to connect
Vidalia and Brunswick by a
direct line of railroad, aiul it is ‘
! rapidly taking on the form of;
a certainty.
The trains of the Milieu &
Southwestern are coming into!
Vidalia every da)’, and already
i the good effects from the road
! being completed to this point;
; are being felt. New faces are ;
’ to be seen on our streets daily, I
and new life is being infused
into our already wide-a-wake
Lets have a big excursion i
to Augusta over the new road
and get our people acquainted
with one of the most thriving
and enterprising cities in the
| South. Lucky day it was for
I Vidalia when she was directly
'connected with Augusta, as
! the latter is among the first of
the land as a market for either
buying or selling.
Judge Russell.
To the millers of the Advance and
the voters of Montgomery county : 1
As the primary approaches the
j excitement grows more exciting,:
and candidates work with renewed
interest. Rut nearly every veter
i lias decided on his mvii for coun
jty offices. It is highly probable!
that little thought has bo-11 giv
!en to the candidates lor Chief j
Justice of tile Supreme Court of
! Georgia. In this race Justice:
I Simmons desires to succeed liirn
jself, while Judge Richard 15. Rus-
I sell aspires to the office.
The writer knows nothing per
sonally of Judge Simmons. He
is no doubt a good and able man,.
1 but he has held the office many ,
j years, lius now passed his “tliroy
| score and ten” and there is noth- i
• ing wrong in an able man aspir
ing to succeed him. This is a
day of young men. and Mr. Rus
sell. as solicitor-general and judge
of the Western Circuit, has prov
en himself fully qualified to fill
the very responsible position.
Dirk Russell is a self-made 1111111,
j w hose courtesy, profound know l
! edge aiul impartial decisions have
.gained the support of nearly ev
jervone who know him. If you
leave his name on your t ioket you
will vote for an honorable man.
: worthy and competent to serve
as Just ice of the Supreme Court.
J. H. Rreedlove.
Wonder if the many readers of
the Advance notice the absence
of the McGregor dots?
Spring has opened lip most*
beaut ifully and our farmer friend
are ns busy as bees plant ing their ,
Our school haj closed since our
j last writ ing nnd Prof. Drown, with !
I his bright pupils, entertained
| quite a crowd that night. Will
open school again next Monday. !
You con guess l>y that he is well !
liked here.
Rev. Grace of Vidalia will
preach here the Drd Sunday P. M.
at S! Oelock,
Rev. Montgomery will preaeh
Tier. the -fill Sunday at 11 Oelock
: also at night.
! Miss Myrtle McLemore, a pretty 1
j and entertaining young lady of!
Mt. Vernon, spent a few days
here recently, the guest of her
! cousin, M iss Ruth Langford.
Miss Flora Carpenter spent Sal*,
urdayat home of hergrand father
I Mr. A. M. N. Peterson.
I Mr. Math Dnrley, with his
i daughter, Miss Mollie Kate, of
! Ailey, attended divine service
; her.' Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Rufus Chnfin nnd Miss
'Carrie' Slurp attended services
here Sunday P. M.
Mr. Chsa. Fristzelle of Ailey was
: calling on friemls here Sunday.
! Mrs. Elina Williamson sp.-nt
j Sunday afternoon with Mrs. John !
C. Carpenter.
! Mrs. W. L. Peterson with Miss
Ethel Elliott spent Tuesday at thej
home of A. M. N Petorson.
Mr. John C. Carp-liter and,
j daughter, Miss Rosa, visiter near j
Stanley Tuesday last.
Homer K. Mat his, wife and 1 it-1
tie daughter, Nina Mae, of Edna,
attended divine services hero Sun
“Blue Eyes.”
Montgomery Jury List.
The following names were drawn
to serve as jurors for the Spring
term of Montgomery Superior
: Court:
Gkam> Junes.
R F Mcßae It R Adams
J T Langford H A McColsky
Angus Connor J A Peterson
W H McQueen M R Davis •
,1 1 \V Coleman J A Scars
Frank Morrison Grove Sharp
!R D Holmes J A Doster
|G W Hamilton PR Barnhill
W T Jenkins W L D RnckW
\V H Clark ThosThompson
J M D McGregor SD Morris
•J F Sikes Wm Calhoun
J J Cooper, sr W T Clements
C A Pope G W Mclntyre
D S Williamson J T Geiger
GA Milligan J A Clements
M A Watts C B Sanford
JTWalk r M C Clements
!0 15 Moye S S Calhoun
JTMe A Hum JH M Hughs
i H S Bragg W B Connell
J R Tidwell Arch Bird
D A Mcßride J C Calhoun
G W Leverett H WCalder
J H Iluds 11 John If Mosley
FI) Carpenter W E Adams
M T M oses Ralph Morris
JJ C Patterson A F Sawyer
A D Moye J It Carr
J H Calhoun Wm Bridges
A K Davis J W Mitchell
J It Turner WLClifton
G W Colemam WJHamilton
Ira Thigpen D S Barnhill
J K Mcßae' W H Powell
j maiiaiiam
■!**> -n- 1
1 j lorrjc Viirclc !
* EolunqQ. * ?j|
God placed Adam at the head of
'■ the household, but ho created!
Adam and Eve equal, and true:
1 happiness cun only conic in marr
ied life through the manhood of
I the man being equal to the woman
-1 hood of the woman.
i This is tlie age of women. We
find all the avoent ions, professions
and tracers of life opening their
d< ors to admit the enterprising
woman. Some aro going into their
own, nnd some are going into
other people's business. In our
Admiration for the new woman
, there is danger forgetting the wife !
: and mother and woman’s true
! sphere as a Iwfcne maker.
No words can utter for good of 1
! hmuaii’ty will he lost or return to j
you void, but will in time hear
! fruit, that will tell ill eternity.!
I Make your mind a storehouse of]
'good tilings and never lose an !
opportunity to scatter them broad i
cast amongst those in need of
spiritual food:
“Loving words will cost but little,;
Journeying up the hill of life;
But they make the weak and wea
i Stronger, braver for the strife,”
’ When ubs< nt arc spoken
I of some will speak good for them,
' some iron, some lend, nnd some
always speak dirt ; for they have
a natural attraction toward what
is evil and think it shows pen
etration in them. 'As a cat watch
ing for mice does not look up
though an eleph.-.nt goes by; so!
they arc so busy mousing for dt- j
foots, that they let great excellen- 1
oe pass them unnoticed. We will
not say that is not Christum to
j make heads of other faults, and'
j tell them over every day ; we say
| it is infernal if you want to know
| how the devil feels, you do know
if you are one. To a pure, \sen
l.:itive and nlT’ctonafo nnnd, every
! act of finding fault, or dealing in
'condemnation, is an act of pain,
jit is only when we have become
callous to the world, and stranger
' to the sentiment of compassionate
j love, thnt we are able to play with
unconcern the parts of presecutos
land slanders, and that we can de
rive any pleasure from malignity
land revenge. He who is the first!
to comlem, will lie often the last '■
Young man don’t swear. There !
is no occasion for it outside of a!
printing office, it is useful
when the paper is behind time. It
also comes handy in proof-reading |
and is indispensible when the ink |
works had and the press begins to
buck. It is sometimes brought
into use when the foreman's mad;
ni d it lias been known to entirely
remove the tired feeling of the ed- |
itor when lie looks over the paper 1
after it is piintcd. Outside the:
printing office it is a foolish habit, j
That young man who thinks lie j
is poor because he lias :io bank
account, little understands t lie ;
value of God's free gift of health
and strength, little npredates the
fact that, the brightest and best |
of the country are self-made, nnd (
aid came to the notice of the;
world from just such beginning. ;
Not by idly moaning that they
are poor, but by going carefully to 1
work perfecting themselves in
their chosen perstiit, and becom- ;
ing so n.-eful to those about thorn;
that their services are always in
demand, wheatlier it be on the!
platform, in the shop are in the
kitchen, for all honorable alike,
and stanvp the individual as wor
th? of thnt crowning benediction
‘‘Well done, good and faithful
servant; thou hast been faithful
in a little, I will make you ruler j
over more.”
'-- - | ,
H N Todd A T Achord
C H Peterson Alex Graham
C B Browning Benj. Gillis
E E Burch W A Connor
M B Peterson W T Bridges
1 W 0 Morrison W 15 Cox
jW M Thompson J 1. Meli.Jyro
jM M Williamson II Ii « :rim. ,
!M J Blount .1 l> C'onnor
1) F Chirk .1 K V.VIk.T
Arch Johnson Wii Stall - >r<l
Dennis Durden !! It W
I) A Coleman Stephen PitlimMi
I) N Hughs .1 A I) :it
: R R ISurklinlicr Ii C (till s
!w M Phillips LG Avant
too r.'xos fr,oM ceutt^ousc.
Two slocks may dent-
Jackson St. East, l)i n:.:x. <ia.
j Mas. J. It. Daxikix, I'KOPiiinranss
I’.-st Ei|iii|i|>cd !>ollar-a-!*nj'
House in tli-' City. Special Rates l»y
tlic Week. Gold or Hot Hulks Free.
■ t'liyMieian And
ViriAi.iA, Georcta.
For Toilet*
/ t
Laundry or Bath.
Amtnoiiia giver, a snowy whiteness to plain
goods, but does not injure fast colored fabrics. It
saves all the soda, half the soap, labor and time,,
and for many •purposes replaces soap entirely. It
restores all the original brilliancy and lustre to
old black silks, lace and woolen goods, no matter
j , liow much spiled they may be.
Ammonia will produce a most luxuriant and heal
th}' growtli in plants and flowers when used by
putting a few drops twice a.week in.water put on
them. Prepared and for sale only by
IKe BoMnson
J )mg Company,
Wholesase and Retail Drdccists, Vidalia* Ga.
r -
| J. R. Odom dfc Co. I
I VIDAIJA, Ci a. 1
I And will appreciate a call from you to £
inspect our stock of Dry Goods and No- Y
tions, also our line of “Harvard Brand” A
Jfc Clothing. Our line of White Goods Z
IO and Dress Gcods at prices uuequaled in 9
! the mercantile history cf Vidalia. £
i 9 Our line of Fine Shoes is complete. ®
I® In Fancy and Staple Groceries we
; jjfi can’t be beat —our prices are right.
I J. R. Odom 5 Company, |
I A Snap For You. i
15«il<ling Uots For Male on Easy
Terms, in the Ilooming Town of
Montgomery streets. A new street is to
lie opened through this land and we will !§
<o> * , <•>
sell lots on same at very low prices.
Size So x 210 feet. Very desirable rest-
jjg deuce lots. Call on or write
1 Leader & Rosansky, 1
jdl O >! N C KrOWS,
;Jas. M. .Mvadows,
and Surgeons,
Viu.m.ia, - - - Ueoimia.
Alt. Vernon, ’Georgia.
Genera! : ~ : Practitioner.
I BR.ff.W.fiEAL 1
iii JDI'MVTIST, §1
Ouioe lit *XS
; o ,; IN ! ir.suii’s Drug Store.