The Vidalia advance. (Vidalia, Ga.) 19??-1977, February 04, 1920, Image 2

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THE VIDALIA ADVANCE N. C. NAPIER, Editor «nd Publisher. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921. FAILURES NON-ADVERTISERS. V- For business men, here are nineteen words from the Byron, Cal., limes: “Eighty-four per cent of the business failures of the past year occurred among firms which did NOT advertise.” Better than ever is the advice: “If your bus iness is not worth advertising, advertise it for sale.” Big proft on a sale changed to small profit and jnanv sales are necessary. ()nly advertising, whit h Is to business what oxygen is to the blood, can do the work. —Atlanta Georgian. x A WORD OF WARNING. Sheriff Culpepper asks us to call the attention "t)f Motor vehicle owners to the necessity of pur chasing license tags at once, and states that he has on hand the necessary application blanks for order ing these tags. The law, it is true, allows until March Ist to purchase new tags, and permits the use of the 1920 tags uj) to March Ist. However, the great bulk of auto owners are delaying getting new tags, and those who wait until the last of this month to send in their application, will find that there will be more or less of delay in receiving their tags. The last week of the month will sec a perfect del uge of applications in the office of the Secretary of State in Atlanta and it will be humanly impossible for license tags to be sent out promptly. No doubt many an automobile will stay in the garage several weeks in March waiting for a new tag, because the owner put off until the last the matter of forward ing his application. After March Ist the sheriff will have his eye peeled for all 1920 tags out on the road, and the auto owner who goes out on the road without the new pink-colored number runs a serious risk of be ing heavily taxed for failure to obey the law. The government has told Mercer to keep quiet. Now somebody muzzle Stewart. x The farmer of South Georgia is setting a fine example to a lot of us. He’s gone to work. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Georgia & Florida Railway has made appli cation to the Railroad Commission of Georgia for authority to discon tinue the present double daily pas senger train service between Vida lia and Millen, and operate in lieu a mixed train to leave Vidalia at 7:00 a. m., arrive Millen at 12:00 noon. Leave Millen at 1.00 p. m., ana ar rive Vidalia at 6:00 p. m., this train to be operated daily except Sunday; Sunday passenger train service to leave Vidalia 7:00 a. m. t arrive Mil len at 9:30 a. m. Leave Millen at 10:00 a. m., and arrive Vidalia at 12:30 p. m. Between Nashvi.'e and Moultrie, decrease double daily passenger train service to the following: Leave Nashville 10:00 a. m.. arrive Moultrie 12:55 p. m. Leave Moul trie 2:15 p. m., airive Nashville at 5:30 p. m., daily except Sunday. Sunday service to leave Nashville 10:00 a. m., arrive Moultrie 12:10 p. m. Leave Moultrie 2:00 p. m., ar rive Nashville 4:10 p. m. Between Keysville and Tennille, discontinue mixed trains Nos. 43 and 44, now operated daily except Sun day, and discontinue trains Nos 14 and 15. operated Sundays only; trains Nos. 2 and 3 to be continued on the present schedule. This application will be heard by the Railroad Commission of Georgia at meeting beginning at 10 o’clock a. m., February 24th, 1921, at the of fices of the Commission in the State Capitol, Atlanta. All parties desiring to be heard in connection with this application should communicate with the Com biission on or before the date above named. THIS NOTICE is given in accord ance with the requirements of the Railroad , Commission of Georgia. GEORGIA & FIORIDA RY. G. F. DICKSON, Gen. Supt. GLEE CLUB HERE Saturday night Appear At City Hall—Considered Attraction of Locxl Lyceum Course. The New York Glee Club, one of the best male quarets on the concert stage, will appear at Vidalia Saturday night, Feb. sth, at the City Auditor ium. This is one cf the number of the local lyceum course and is consid ered the best attraction of the course. The concert will start at 8:30 and from inquries that are reaching the managers of the local lyceum course, indications point to a packed house. The New York Glee Club is com posed of young men who have been in concert work for many years. One of the number is a brilliant story teller and accompanist and the pro gram is well rounded out and sure to please all who attend. JUNIOR MISSIONARY SOCIETY PROGRAM. The Junior Missionary Society of the Methodist clwrch met Sunday, January 30th, to reorganize its mem bership. The following officers were elected: Elizabeth Shufflebarger, IYes. Katherine Joiner. Vice-Pres. Walter Jenkins, Treasurer. Lois Coleman, Secretary. Charity Lee Granger, Cor. Sec. Geraldine Burkhalter, Social Serv ice Supt. Lois Sharpe, Supt. of Publicity. Arthur Macon, Agent for Christian Worker. Quite a number of boys and girls attended the meeting. We hope to have more to join us next time. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦tit 4> 4 * <4 * HARMONY NEWS 4 ♦ ♦ 4 + 4 + +4 + 4+ 4444 > 4»44 Mr. J. H. Kitchens and family of Uvalda have been visiting friends in this section. Miss Idell Gillis was the guest of Misses Florence and Earline Shep pard last Sunday. Misses Shellie Thompson and Hat tie Sammons were the guests of Misses Angie and Ruth Kitchens on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Braswell were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buster Lewis on Sunday. Miss Florence Kitchens of Uvalda was the guest of Miss Myrtle Gay Sunday night. Mr. Cleo Sammons and Miss Sara Williamson attendod Sunday school here Sunday afternoon. Miss Etta Stanford was the guest of Miss Hazel Gillis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. (Kitchens spent Sunday wi.h Mr. and Mrs. Math Toler- Miss Shellie Thompson was the guest of Miss Hattie Sammons last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Braswell spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kitchens. The fruit supper given by Miss Shellie Thompson last Saturday night was enjoyed very much by a large Crowd. DARK EYES. —Just received new shipment of Art Squares and Baby Rockers. J. 1. DONALDSON. BANKS DO HELP. In an editorial on how the hanks have helped, and are continually helping, through co-operation in times of financial .stress, the Jackson F’rogress- Argus savs the country owes a debt of gratitude to them. “But for tlie banks business could not have weathered the storm. The farmers have been helped. The business world has ncen helped. The hanks are a mighty bulwark of safety and this fact is never appreciated more than during panic con ditions. Don’t sneer at the banks and accuse them of “holding up the people.” Co-operate with them and they will co-operate with you.’ It is the banks, says the Atlanta Constitution, that are one of the best factors in putting the small est town “on the map;” it is the town’s best busi ness recommendation at home and abroad, and bus iness grows as the people co-operate wivvth their financial institutions. “The bridge that carries you over is the one to count on.” x UNITY AND FAITH. Commenting on the wonderfui growth of the city of Moultrie, the Augusta Chionitle says that Moultrie owes her splendid proggress to the unity of her people and the faith they have in their home town. fust a few years ago Moultrie was but a town of a country store or two and a few barrooms. 'Today it is one of the most progressive-appearing little cities in its part of the state, attractive in ev ery way, with fine businesses; paved streets, pretty homes; and known, far and wide, lor its enterprise and success, which it has won in all that goes to make up a growing and ambitiups center wheih is bent upon further growth and realization of great er ambitions. And the Thomasville Times-Knterprise says: “What did it? It was the people of Moultrie, those who had money or got it to put it in Moultrie en terprises, to build homes, to erect churches and schools, to tax themselves to pay for pubic improve ments. ” Vidalia has been growing rapidly and can grow even more rapidly. Her people have had a unity of purpose and an abiding faith in the future of their town, as shown by their handsome churches, splendid school building, and many municipal im provements. Her unsurpassed location has result ed in a wonderfully rapid growth and the future is bright for us if we do our part. We must con iinue to stand by our school, do everything we can to make our town more healthful and attractive, and assist in every way in making the agricultural interests of this section prosperous. And here, as in Moultrie, unity and faith and an ambition to make our town a go, will win for us and make our town prosperous and a leader in this section of the state- THE VIDALIA ADVANCE, VIDALIA GEORGIA B. Y. P. U. PROGRAM. Scripture: Janies 4:13-17—Lucile Shuman. Luke 12 ;13-21 Bertha Fountain. Prayer, Introduction—Leader. My life tested by its qualities— Bernard Herring. The test that reveals soul respon sibility—Thelma Jordan. The test that reveals soul possi bility—Dodger Granger. James applies this test and declares that life is a brief thing—Rr. L. H. Darby. The test that reveals the brief life uncertain —M rs. Poindexter. The third response given hv the Quantitative Test is an assuring word —Miss Eliza Lennon. A solemn inquiry—Mrs. Turner. Poem, “God’s Best,” —Miss Walker- A TONIC Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. Ihe McNab-Grimsley Co. Inc. SAVANNAH, , GEORGIA PHONE 113 CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER. METAL LATH, ROOFING. I BEST PRICES OBTAINABLE ON RED AND GREEN SLATE SUR FACED ROOFING. WHITE FOR PRICES. «iKT X*. WATCHES, iILVERWARE.CIC. W. E Walker, Jr mm JEWELER Vidlaia, Georgia 11 All i XtoEBIitHTHERS VUSINErSS CAR I That the lightness of the Business Car is united to great strength is proven by the splendid service it is rendering everywhere under widely varying conditions. The lightness of the car keeps the gas and oil costs down, and its sound construction renders repairs infrequent, J. E. SCHUMPERT MOTOR CO. I I • *# v’: -"* . ' ~ * f --y ; J \ i l - T y~ ■%'' ‘ • : | * Hastings Seeds 1921 Catalog Free It's ready now. 116 handsomely il- ■ lustrated pages of worth-while seed and garden nows. This new catalog, we believe, is the most valuable seed book ever published. It contains twenty full pages of the most popular vegetables and flowers in their natu ral colors, the finest work of its kind attempted. With our photographic illustrations, and color pictures also from photo graphs, we show you just what you grow with Hastings’ Seeds even be fore you order the seeds. This cata log makes garden and flower bed planning easy and *t should be in ev ery single Southern home. Write us a post-card for it, giving your name and address. It will come to you by return mail and you will be mighty glad you’ve got it. Hastings’ Seeds are the Standard of the South and they have the larg est mail order seed house in the world back of them. They’ve got to be the best. Write now for the 1921 cata log. It is absolutely free. H. G. HAS TINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. , «> You D© More Work, You are more ambitious and you get more enjoyment out of everything when your blood is in good condition. Impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on the system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness and sickness. GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. OROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is not a patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. These reliable tonic prop erties never fail to drive out impurities in the blood. The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite tonic in thousands of homes. More than thirty-five years ago, folks would ride a long distance to get GROVE’S TASTELESS Chill TONIC when a member of their family had Malaria or needed a body-building, strength-giving tonic. >The formula is just the same to day. and you can get it fiom any drug -store. 60c per bottle. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN’’ is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates hnd Regulates. Very’ Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. GO NO FARTHER. The Evidence Is At Your Door. Vidalia proof is what you want and the statement of this highly res pected resident will banish all doubt. J. Houston Fields, 509 First street, | Vidalia. says: “About three years j ago I had a severe attack of kidney I trouble. 1 had backache all the time j and my kidneys were weak and ir ! regular in action. It was hard for jme to pass the kidney secretions, i They were scanty at times and ac- I companied by a burning sensation. Doan's Kidney Pills were recommend i ed to me and I got a supply and be ; gan to use them. After taking one box I was relieved and one more en tirely rid me of this trouble. I take I them now and then as a preventive and they keep me in good shape. Doan’s r-r a wonderful medicine.” Price C j at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get : Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that 'Mr. Fields had. Foster-Milburn Co., 1 Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, THEFT, TORNADO, BONDS, AUTOMOBILE AND LIVE} STOCK LIFF. LEADING COMPANIES. V. B. HERRING Office over Citizens Bank; Phone 183 VIDALIA, GEORGIA FOR SALE. A few bushels of pure Meade cot ton seed for sale. This is the early long staple cotton that is recom mended by the State Department of Agriculture. The lint is same sta ple as the old style Sea Island and brings same price. Get yours now. The supply is small ana will not last long. ts. J. B. BRF.WTON. No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or 1 ess stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu larly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve thedigestion, and act as a general Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child wiilbe t in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. GENUINE “BULL” DURHAM tobacco makes 50 good cigarettes for r To abort a cold and prevent com plications take O, fha purifi <1 and re ted r ilorn ! blets that ire i .sea!* safe andre, T V- - : rtues re', tin ' >' ved. ' ild c ieci pack et. Ps - ic. The Quinine That Does Not Affect On Head r ecause of its toulc and laxative *ff ?t. LAXA TIVE HROMO QUINI.NE is better thou ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor vinttirjj in head. Remember the full name and look 'or the sienatuie of E. W. GKUVfi. 30c.