The Vidalia advance. (Vidalia, Ga.) 19??-1977, June 10, 1921, Image 1

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THE VIDALIA ADVANCE VOLUME XIX POltn NAMES TWffifSSIS MESSRS T G. POE, J. S. JEN KINS AND L. B. GODBEE SE LECTED-LIGHT AND WATER RATES REDUCED ___>___ * At the regular monthly meeting of the city council held Monday night, Messrs. T. G. Poe, J. S. Jenkins and L,. B. Godbee were selected for the board of tax assessors. The board will start their sessions at an an early date. The council decided it would be a jjfreat accommodation to the public if lights were furnished for the post office lobby, and in the future the - will find the lobby weil lightl ed. Rate* Reduced The recent reduction of water and light rates went into effect June Ist. According to the new schedule, the light minium is 10 hours, and after the minimum is passed the new rate of 12 cents pec kilowat hour will ap ply instead of the old rate of IS cts. Rate for motors was also reduced, ■the first 100 hours being charged for at 10 cents per hour, Instead of 15 cents, the old rate. After the first 100 hours the rate will be 9 1-2 cents. As a reduction in the water rate the minimum was raised from 2000 gal lons to 3000 gallons. HONOR ROLL. Following is the honor roll of the Baptist Sunday School, 2nd grade, junior department, for May: Dorothy McGlohon, Maurine Dar by, Hazel Shuman, Juanita Thomp son. Dorothy Huie. We were glad to have one of our old pupils, Mary Allen Culpepper, of Lyons, with us last Sunday. Olive Horton is visiting in North Carolina and we miss her. | THE RELIEF OF EYE STRAIN I IS OUR SPECIALTY. J * We provide glasses to meet every //f % defect and give the eye .free, easy £ | vision and increase ability for workJ | or study. £ | W. E. WALKER, Jr., Registered Optometrist \ ! •-< - ; THE UNIVERSAL CAR ''' ‘ • I . . J Notice of Reduction in Ford Prices * . . ... The following prices on Ford cars are effective June 7th, 1921, f. o. b. Detroit: Touring Car - - $415 Runabout - - - $370 Chassis - - - - $345 Coupe - - - - $695 Sedan - - - $760 Ton Truck Chassis $495 No change in Tractor prices. .STRICKLAND MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Dealers PHONE 242 VIDALIA, GA. ■ I » I—- —.. -1.1 I Ml I. - 1.1. ■ ... CITY COURT HEARS * PLEAS OF GUILTY. The city court was in session for a short time Monday, a number of pleas of guilty being heard by Judge Corbitt. The cases disposed of were as follows: G. W. Overstreet, po::sessing beer, plea of guilty; SSO or 3 months. Lee O’Neal, drunk on highway, plea of guilty; SSO or 3 months. W. D- Slocum, possessing beer and possessing still, plea of guilty in each case; $l5O or 6 months in each case. Sid Giimes, possessing still and possessing beer, plea of guilty; SSO or 6 months in each case. Nowel Dixon. concealed pistol;* SSO or 6 months. TOOMBS COUNTY SINGERS MET IN LYONS SUNDAY. I The Toombs County Singing Con vention in session at Lyons Sunday v/as largely attended and the sing | ers fr. m this and adjoining counties • enjoyed the day to the fullest. Prof. D. D. Moore presided and in addition to class singing there were several numbers rendered by quartettes and a beautiful solo by Miss Gillis of Soperton. Ajt. the afternoon session the con vention enjoyed a talk by Mr. C. S. Meadows. Sr., and paid tribute to J. M. Tapley. LOCAL BUILDERS LAND JEFFERSONVILLE CONTRACT % Messrs. J. T. Ragan & Co., local contractors, were last week awarded the contract tor the erection of the new; school building at The building will cost in the neigh , borhood of $35,000 when fully com pleted. Mrs. W. A. Jones entertained the Round Dozen Club last Friday after • noon, the home being attractively r decorated in yellow flowers. After an enjoyable game of Rook, Mrs. i l Jones, assisted by Mrs. Austin, serv j ed a delicious salad course. VIDALIA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1921 ONE NAN DEAD; 3 BAW WOUNDED FEUD BETWEEN FAMILIES HAS FATAL ENDING FOLLOWING A PITCHED BATTLE IN ROADU WILLIAM GALBREATH DEAD- William Galbreath is dead, his son in-law, Tom Tippett, is dangerously wounded, Ciceio Mathews * and his son, Fred, are dangerously, if not fatally wounded, while Tom Galbreath and Manny Booth, brother and son in law of the dead man respectively, are in jail at Lyons, as a result of a pitched battle between the two fam ilies early Monday morning in the road between Sharpe Spur and Cen ter church. The Galbrcalths and the Mathews live in the same neighborhood and 'all are prominent farmers. borne months ago, in the city court some charges were brought by the Gal breaths against a Mathews boy and two other boys of the neighborhood for breaking out a large number of window lights in the Galbreath school building and much feeling between the families had developed, and the fatal feud resulted from this incident. Neighbors who were attracted to the scene by the shocking, found William Galbreath dead in the road and three wounded men near by. Cicero Mathews was removed to his home, while F*d Mathews and I Tom TippetjE were brought to the Vidalia Hospital for treatment. All the wounded men have serious in juries. Both Cicero and Fred Math ews received pistol shots in the ab domen. while Tippett received a load of buckshot in the hip. According to the story of the af fray as generally accepted, Cicero and Fred Mathews had been to the home of a neighbor to borrow a cultivator and were returning in a wagon by way of a settlement road which runs near the Galbreath home. They met up with William Galbreath. Tom Gal breath. Tom Tippeitt and Mannie Booth, who had been out picking blackbet ries. It is said the shooting started almost immediately, the Gal breaths, Tippett and Booth having pistols, while the Malthews had a | shotgun loaded with buckshot and it is said also had a pistol. B(jth Cicero and Fred yMathews were badly wounded from the pis tols in the hands of their adversa ries, Fred Mathews with the shotgun killing William Galbreath and badly Official Organ City of Vidalia JOHN C. CALHOUN I DIES AT MT. VERNON. | Mr. John C. Calhoun, a prominent citizen of Montgomery county, died last Friday morning at his home at \ft. Vernon, after a long illness. Funeral services, and interment took place at Mt. Vernon Sunday. Mr. Calhoun was born Long Pond in Montgomery county Sept. 8, 1854. and was the son of Thomas B. Calhoun, an early settler of the coun ty. Besides his wife, he is survived bv two brothers. Rillie Calhoun of Uvalda and Col. M. B. Calhoun of Mt. Vernon, and four sisters, Mrs. Sallie Brewton of Belleville, Mrs. A. E. Lennon and Mr®. G. K. Murchi son of Vidalia, Mrs. L. L. Campbell of Mcßae. FLOE INJPERATIOH PROSPECTS FOR TOBACCO CROP IN THIS SECTION ARE FAIRLY GOOD—THE WAREHOUSE WILL OPEN LATE. The Vidalia Flue Factory has al ready opened and operations have been started for the new tobacco season, shipments for the barns now being made daily. The tobacco season this year will open a little later than usual, owing to the backwardness of the season, but> it is said that the season at -the Vidalia Tobacco Warehouse will be bigger than last year.. Several of the growers in this im mediate section did not plant tobacco this year, but the one? who were more successful in this business last year have increased the acreage and the increase will more "than take care of the loss. It is also reported here that some ttarHibuSes in this territo ry which were open and did rather well last season will not undertake a selling season this year on account of reductions in their immediate ter ritory, and the shipments from these places to Vidalia should make the coming season better here. Planters who have reported on the I grow'*i to this date have made no I serious complaint about the general condition of the crop, and with fa vorable weather from now on the tobacco raisers should do welf. Messrs. Warren & Pollard, lessees of the tobacco warehouse at this point, have made an inspection trip through this section and seem fairly well satisfied with the propect. but owing to the backwardness of the growth, it is understtod they will de lay the opening at least a week or ten days later than last year. ... i wounding Tom Tippett. The dead man was about forty-five years of age and was born and reared in the neighborhood where he met his death. The Mathews are com j paratively new comers in this section having moved here from some other part of the country. Following the shooting, Tom Gal breath came to Vidalia and got doc | tors for the wounded and made a re port to officers about the shooting, later being arrested by County Police man Mallard, as was also Manny Booth, and placed in jail at Lyons. Tippett and Fred Mathews were I brought to the hospital in Vidalia. Wfilliam Galbreath was interred in j ithe Galbreath cemetery on Tuesday, | with the impressive ceremonial of ■ the Odd Fellows, he being a mem!)cr i of the Vidalia lodge of that order. News from the bedside of the j wounded men Thursday morning was j that all were resting fairly comfort i ably, and while they are in a critical J condition* they have about an even chance to recover. NOTICE TO HOG AND CATTLE RAISERS. I pay the highest market price for cattie and hogs. Car load shipments going every Thursday. Located at the Na tional Stock Yards. * See me if you have cattle or hogs to sell. J. E. THOMPSON, VIDALIA, GA. LOCAL BALL TEAM DROPS ANOTHER GAME EASTMAN DEFEATS VIDALIA IN PRETTY GAME AT McRAE ON LAST FRIDAY BY A SCORE OF FIVE TO THREE. With both teams playing league ball, the strong Eastman team got in the second defeat of the season against Vidalia at Mcßae last F’ri day afternoon. Stillmore was defeated Monday by a score of 10 to 9, and Tuesday a ( t Hazlehurst in a fa9t, clean game the locals were victorious bv a score of 5 to 1. Eastman 5; Vidalia 3. •Score: B H E Vidalia 010 000 011 3 8 3 Eastman OOQ 000 50x 5 9 1 Batteries : Bloodworth and Butler; Ryal? and Wright. Vidalia 10; Stillmore 9- Score: R H E Vidalia 010 223 020 10 13 5 Stillmore 013 023 000 9 8 7 Batteries: Snuith, Tapley and But ler; Hudson and Collins. Vidalia 5; Hazlehurst 1. Score: K H E Vidalia 000 201 020 5 13 1 Hazlehurst 000 000 010 13 3 Batteries: Smith and Butler; Bean and — —. Vidalia 13; Claxton 2. Playing at Reidsville Wednesday, Vidalia defeated the strong Claxton team in rather a one-sided game. Score: R H E Vidalia 150 310 12x 13 15 2 Claxton 100 000 010 2 2 2 Batteries—Norris and Jackson; Clark, Warren and Durrence4 Two Games Next Week- So far, two games are scheduled fpr Viext week on the local diamond, Stillmore coming for a game Monday, while Mfllen will play Thursday. City authorities Thursday announce the sale of the sewer bonds at par, less expenses connected with their sale. The net price to the city will he about 96. »» »* » *»•!•»»»* » »❖****❖❖* »>**❖❖* v *** > f .1 t " ;: HAVE YOU JINED THE SOCIATiON OF ” 2 FOLDED HANDS? f :: • • :: .. “Can you help me c’eati house today?” v* «* “No’m, Ise jined the Sociation of de folded hands.” «* <* Don't stay in the class of “folded hands,” but come to «* «» our SunUa) r School promptly at 10 o’clock on Sunday morn- o *► ing and see how much good it will do you, *} . > VIDALIA METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL. «• i * I* •*• 'l' * * * * 'SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS Ice Cream Frezers Screen Wire Cloth * Water Coolers Plow Hoes Paints Shovels Hoes, Rakes Garden Plows Cotton Planters Guano Distributors And such other goods as you expect to find at a first class Hard store store. ' '• - v ■ / * f Lee Hardware Comp y Telephone No. 16 MlliiP W ill ill lin I'l n"« n'wip^pifHf’ NUMBER 23 ADVANCE AND PROGRESS UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT :>(• , —: — Announcement is mane at Lyons this week of the sale of the Lyons Progress ;to N. C. Napier, the pub lisher of the Advance. Mr. A. K. McGill, who has edited the Progress for a number of years, will re-enter the newspaper business in another field. , Mr. L. C. Smith, an experienced newspaper man from Summerville, (>a., arrived Monday at Lyons to ac cept a position as associate editor and business manager of the Pro gress. No change in the policy of the Pro gress will be made, and the paper will continue to he published from its own plant at Lyons. DOCTORS MEET HEBE WEDNESDAY TWELFTH DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY WILL BE IN SESSION ♦ ON FIFTEENTH—MANY VISIT ORS EXPECTED. The 12th District Medical Society will have its annual session in Vida lia next Wednesday, and about forty physicians from over the district are expected, as well as a number of visitors. The business session of the society will be held at the city hall, begin ning at 2 o’clock, and will include re ports of the officers as well as the reading of a number of interesting papers.' Following the session, the physicians will enjoy a swim at the natatorinm and then will drive to the Vidalia Hospital for a tour of in spection of this up to date hospital.. At 7 o’clock the physicians will be the guests of the Kiwanis Club at a banquet given in their honor at the New Vidalia Hotel. The public is invited to he present at the city hall Wednesday afternoon -.. —For Sale—Beautiful pansy blos ’soms. 5 cents per dozen. Duffie Williams, 113 West St., Oconee Hts.