The Vidalia advance. (Vidalia, Ga.) 19??-1977, June 22, 1921, Image 1

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THE VIDALIA ADVANCE « / i- j ' 1 VOLUME XIX KIWANIU Bill ' TEAMS WILL PLAT DUBLIN CLUB WILL CROSS BATS WITH VIDALIA KIWANIANS ON LOCAL GROUNDS THURSDAY AFTERNOON AT 4:30. * The most important baseball game of the season will take place here on Thursday afternoon, when the Vida tia and Dublin Kiwanis club meet. The challenge for the game came from the Dublin team, which stated that although its average was low, having played two games and lost *both of them, its confidence in the home team was unshaken. The Vidalia team has not been thoroughly organized, the enthe team *being baseball players or having had relatives who were players, and it is quite likely that the selection of the players will have to be made by right of might, and if this is done, Dr. Big Mercer will no doubt occupy the mound for the locals. He, by the way, comes to this place from Jasper county, which adds to the weight of his claim for the place he will fill. Before being a doctor and Kiwanian he once acted as the 4 pitcher on a star team in North Geor gia and won some games. Belshazzer Hackel is in training for the job of umpire and says he can dodge anything from a bottle to a brick, and he will wear all appliances. I Dublin Kiwani* vs Vidalia Kiwanis. The Vidalia team will be composed 1 of the following old-time baseball stars; Joe Mercer. Newt Swindell, Henry Turner, Tom Timmerman, Buck Schumpert. Clyde Jenkins, Ab r bie Vann, Tom French and Royal Page. The management hoped to play “Dad” Donovan but hehas a rep utation for scrapping with the umpire and with a Jew umpiring it was real ized that this hot-headed Irishman ' be certain to get into trouble. 1 THE RELIEF OF EVE STRAIN I ISOUR SPECIALTY. t ‘ t We provide glasses to meet every f | defect and give the eye free, easy n * vision and increase ability for work t * % or study. rj 4- I W.E. WALKER, Jr., Registered Optometrist \ J THE UNIVERSAL CAR f \ Notice of Reduction in Ford Prices The following prices on Ford cars are S effective June 7th, 1921; f. o. b. Detroit: | Touring Car - - $415 I Runabout - - - $370 | Chassis - - - - $345 | Coupe - $695 Sedan $760 Ton Truck Chassis $495 No change in Tractor prices. STRICKLAND MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Dealers | PHONE 242 VIDALIA, CA. | | ■■■i i—m■mtt nrnrwini — ————• xsasft. STORE IN REIDSVILLE BURNED WEDNESDAY. NIGHT ■ i i. The large brick store building owned by Judge E. C. Collins and occupied by the mercantile establish ment of DeLoach & Cheney, was to tally destroyed by fire Wednesday night, the stock of goods and the building bing a total loss. The fire was discovered about 12 o’clock and | the fire department responded to the call quickly, but they were unable to stop the flames. The fire, when first discovered, seemed to be in the under taking department on the second floor. Much inflammable material was stored there, coffins and caskets and a big lot of furniture, and the flames spread quickly all over the up per floor. Tt was soon found that it was impossible to save it, and at tention was turned to other buildings and the flames were confined to the one the fire originated in. The loss of the building is estimated 11 4>oo. a little more be ing covered by insurance. The stock of goods and supplies of Del.oach & Cheney was estimated at about SB,OOO and they had insurance to cover only about one third that amount. —Tatt nall Journal. W. B. M. U. PROGRAM. ✓ For June 30th. Suh(je(it—Chrictian Education. Hymn—Sow in the morn. Bible sfeidy—John 1 :l-9. Prayer for students. Hymn—Jesus the light. Need for uniting) Divine and human education —Mrs. Stanley. The error, the truth, the caution — Mrs. Thomas Armour. Results of Christian education — Mrs. G. L. Youmans. Sowing in the home field—Miss Leila Oliver. <* ‘ ,V # / Special song—Mrs. Brewton. The seed are the children of the .kingdom—Mrs. Timmerman. ( In the morning sow thy seed— Mrs. Glisson . Hymn—Work for the night. VIDALIA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1921 Dl. T. C. TUON HEADS SOCIETY l ELECTED PRESIDENT AT MEET. INC HERE LAST WEEK-DUB LIN SELECED FOR MEETING IN DECEMBER. Dr. T. C. Thompson of Vidalia was honored by the 12th District Medical Society in session here lest- Wednesday, being named president of the society for the ensuing year. Dr. J. H. Moore, who has served as secretary and treasurer, was named first vice president. Dr. Wm. Brig ham of Dublin, second vice president, Dr. T. J. Blackshear of Dublin, sec reary and treasurer. Dublin was selected for the next meeting of the society, which will be held the third Wednesday in Decem ber. Dr. Toepel, Dr. Roberts, Dr. Pru itt, of Atlanta, an<i Dr. White of Sa vannah were elected honorary mem bers of the society at this meeting. Guests of Kiwanis Club. Following their business and sci entific ession, held Wednesday after noon at the city auditorium, the doc tors saw the special health film, “Un hooking the Hookworm,” prepared by Dr. Cheek of Dublin, and then made la tour of inspection of the Vi dalia Hq^ital.. At 7:30 the visitors were entertained at a banquet at the New Vidalia Ho tel as the guest? of the Vidalia Ki wanis Club. W. J. DeLoach. presi dent of the club, acted as toastmas ter. and a number of interesting and instructive talks were made by the visiting physicians. LOCAL ASSESSORS WINDING UP THEIR WORK The board of city tax assessors, who have been going over tax returns for the past two weeks, are winding up their work. They find that quite a number of property owners have failed to make returns and state that unless returns are made before thev complete their work, property will be lisjed at appraised value la’st year. Owing /to the slump in values since last' year, property values in the city will bow a decease of from twenty to th'rvy per cent. R. T. Shuman made a business trip to Douglas last week, going down to deliver a Ford touring car to a cus tomer of she Strickland Motor Co. Official Organ Oty a# VidaKt HIMALAYAH BERRIES PROVE PRODUCTIVE. Mr. J. C. Meadows of Norman town is very proud of a Himalayah berry vine which he has in his yard. Up to the present time Mr. Meadow s has picked forty quarts of berries from the vine, and the yield will go at least to sixty. , Dr. John Meadows is another citi zen who is greatly pleased with this berry, which he finds wonderfully productive for this section. This berry is as fine a table berry as the dewberry or blackberry, and both the above named gentlement find it a great pleasure to be able to step out in the yard and pick a quart of berries for dinner. SINGERS MEET OH Ml 3,4, S. SECRETARY MEADOWS URGES PEOPLE OF VIDALIA TO TAKE STEPS TO PROPERLY ENTER. TAIN THE VISITORS. To the Citizens of Vidalia: It may be that I am due you gooG people an apology. If not an apol ogy, surely an explanation. On the 4th of last July at Metter the First and Tvyelfth district convention of singers was organized. At the close Os this Session the next meeting place was to be selected ansi fixed. I be ing its secretary, thought it would be a great honor to our county and the best city in this section to invite it to the city of Vidalia. I did not have tilde to consult anyone, hut pre vious experience with matters of the kind led me to this action. Now the invitation has been extended and ac cepted and it’s up to you people to show appreciation and thus prove to the public your place as a convention city. Tfiere are no conventions- that carry so much interest and progres sive people as the convention of singers. Let’s get busy <oivi have the bests convention yet held in the state. There w T ill be visitors from perhaps thirty or forty counties and committees should be appointed to see that these visitors are properly taken care of. 1 have been request ed to extend the convention to em brace Monday, the 4th of July, and 1 have made this arrangement, so the convention will be three days, Sat urday. Sunday and Monday, July 2nd. 3rd and 4th. Ciowds will be in at tendance each day, so please see to it that water is plentiful and of easy access. T leave the matter with you citizens of Vidalia to make such ar rangements and appoint such com mittees as will be necessary to insure the success of the convention, and I feel sure that you will maintain the reputation for hospitality that you al ready have established in matters of this kind. With best wishes. I beg tb remain. Loyally your friend. G. W. MEADOWS. BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL TO PICNIC AT BRIDGE The annual picnic of the Vidalia I Baptist Sunday School will be held next Tuesday at the new bridge over j the Oconee river near Ms. Vernon. Arrangements have been made for I trucks and automobiles to carry the I members of the school to the bridy and a happy day is anticipated. The picnic of the Methodist! Sun day school was held at Pendleton j creek last Friday and proved a, very delightful occasion for all who weVe ! present. , ■ ■— . The Christian Buick Co., announce? the sale of Buick touring car to E. L. i Maadows. —— i "■ in i w—. m ■ | I NOTICE TO HOG AND CATTLE RAISERS. I pay the highest market price for cattle and hogs. Car load shipments going every Thursday. Located at the Na tional Stock Yards. See me if you have cattle or hogs to sell. J. E. THOMPSON, VIDALIA, GA. «tam '' tanaffliTrim r— • FRED MATHEWS WOUNDS FATAL DEATHS FROM BIG SHOOTING AFFRAY NOW NUMBER THREE —TIPPETT EXPECTED TO RE COVER FROM INJURIES. Fred Mathew?, whose death occud red here Friday night, was buried on Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, the interment taking place at the Center church cemetery. The deatn of Fred Mathews is the third fatality result ing from a feud battle which was fought in the neighborhood of Center church on June 6th, his father, Cicero Mathews, having been buried Friday 'and William Galbreath, who was L stantly killed in the fight, being the other two victim. 'Fred Mathews was a young mar ried man and leaves a wife and three children, beside other relatives. Tom Tippett, who was also wounded in the fi)|ht, and who ha? been con fined to a ward in the Vidalia Hos pital, is considerably improved and will probably be moved in the course of the next few days. ■ • •* ' FULL GROWN COTTON BOLLS ARE EXHIBITED. Mr. D. E. • Morris, a successful young farmer who lives near Mc- Gregor, Wednesday morning left at the Advance office three full grown cotton bolls. Mr. Morris has a fif teen acre field planted in Early King variety, and a majority of the bolls are now fully grown. Mr. Morris is of the opinion that cotton can bd raised here under boll weevil conditions, but believes there is much in seed selection and rapid working. ENTERTAINS AT SIX O’CLOCK DINNER. \ Mrs. I. B Warthen entertained at an elegant six o’clock dinner on Thursday evening in honor of Mr. Warthen’s birthday. Covers were were laid for Messrs. W. O. Dono van, J. E. Schumpert, J. T. Ragan. O. D. Warthen, George Donovan. N. C. Napier and N. W. Swindelle. *++++*+++**+* * * * * »»»❖***** * * * » ♦ *********** •!•* ***** **** « ► *;. 4* ❖ THE YOUNG MEN’S BIBLE CLASS !' *> ♦♦ I OF THE BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL * * • «* * Invites you to join them. Meets Sunday morning at 10.00. «. % One hour in worship and studying < >od s word. .. * o | Come. A welcome awaits you. *\ i i ■K 1■! i| 1 IttMtl .Hi-tfft-I 1 ,^.■fr■^■^,^■,v.M•************'^ l * , * , * , SEASONABLE I SUGGESTIONS I Ice Cream Frezers I Screen Wire Cloth I Water Coolers I Plow Hoes J | • Paints I Shovels Hoes, Rakes Garden Plows Cotton Planters Guano Distributors And such other goods as you . expect to find at a first class Hardstore store. I Lee Hardware Comp’y | Telephone No. 16 NUMBER 25 TEN CHILDREN ARE BITTEN BY MAD DOC. ii,i' t j , . ■ A (Uhall hound dog belonging to Rhiney of Wheeler county near Avant’s Siding, had an attack of ra bies one day last week and before he could be killed, had bitten four of the children of VV. f\ McVey, one of Mrs. A. T. Rhwtres, and five of Earl Rainey. The dog’s head was rent to Atlan ta for examination and the authori ties pronounced it hydrophobia, and sent serum here to be used in the treatment of the children, to prevent their developing the dread disease. A tnule, hog and cat were also bit ten by the dog. The hog and cat were killed, but nothing has been done with the mule that we know of. —Telfair Enterprise. SWIMMING POOL IS NOW OKI MANY FINISHING TOUCHES YET TO BE MADE ON THE LARGE NATATORIUM—FORMAL OPEN ING ON JULY FOURTH. Although many finishing touches yet /emain to be made, the Adams swimming pool was thrown open to the public Monday and is daily be ing thronged by large numbers of men, women and children. The management hopes tb have all work completed and to be able to have a formal opening day on the 4th of July. When completed, the pool will be one of the most, modern and up to dafie in this section of the state. FINE SPRING TURNIPS. Mr. W. D. Hudson, who farms ott the "S. B. Meadows place three miles south of Vidalia, lefi at the Advance office last week three very large spring turnips. Farmers and gardeners who have seen them say they are the finest specimens of spring grown turnips they have ever seen. 'h .