The Voice of the people. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1892-????, September 16, 1892, Image 4

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SIIHI'ELLANEOI^. h* f _ „ IIAGARS-TEAR Kaddour Kcit-Aieb. jeweler to Ka.r -*l-l)inn The Cruel, Kultau of Algiers and Morocco, slept the bicep of the just.- Hiscouch was hoA, hi* piiiow wrought in broideries of gold, for tiie , jeweler to the sultan war rich ami famous. All at once, t hrough the silence *>i , the night, his dreams w* -re disturbed by a voice: “Kaddour! Kaddour!" The jeweler awoke. \ clear light tilled his < humtT and he grembiod. not knowing whence it e me, “Who calls ?” he cried. “1 ,-uu the King of the lieniD*,’' said t lie voice. “ our re now n has reachi-u me. I kr.ow that you ar> an iucom parable artist, witle-ut a rival in the irrjuigerneiit of p/> , . ;.* - metals, and that the jew ei# -i hy you are master|ie<s s.'' “<lre.ataea! ' sa.i<l Kaddour, trating himself add sinking his mow against the floor. “Grannies* 1 lam unworthy of your praises. lam hut a j*oor jeweler, the last among those of my craft!*’ *T appro, e your m. i r the King f the Genies, “it adds to your merit 1 have com*- to gin yen n? order. I want a necklace lira |aar!s; they must ■ "t the ia-d pi feast purity. Show me thus* you. possess.’’ Kaddour hastened to turn the triple locks of his coffois and sprue; wealth be run th kifig of the < k-sir The king would have none of tin in “Liston,” he said. “My neeklact must lie . • imposed i , earls mad' from human tears, but I do ire pun tears, remember, sincere tears, and not those shell Iruin anger, envy, jealousy or avarice.” “Alas!” sighed the disconcerted jeweler, “how am I to know whethci the tears 1 collect have (lie purity ym require, and oven if I could discern this, how am I to collect, them for a necklace ?” “Take this stone," said the otiier; “it is the touchstone ol tear* ami ha man sorrow. Whenever you wish to attest a tear apply this If tin; tear is pure it will turn into a fine pearl, if not, into a drop of mud. Set to work; tomorrow night I will return for my necklace and shall know if you are as skillful as people say ” As ho spoke the King of the lleuies vanished, leaviug Kaddour astonished by all he had seen and heard. “How jn the world,” he wondered, “am I to obtain tears for this neck lace?” An idea struck him. lie lit his lamp and began to write a number of placards 1 tearing those words : K vniHit tt-Hi n Au;n, JKWKI h\ TO TUN Kl I.TA.v, lU’yh Human tkaus. ()NK 1 tot’h> At’lKi i:. Then ho went out and pasted a plu i’ltnl on every public square As he pasted the last one day began to break lie hurried home, performed his uh lulioiis and prayers, opened his shop and sat down cross-legged oil a mat to await the result of his announcement. He had not long to wait; soon, very soon, from every quarter of t lie city eamojerowds of people hastening to wards hisjdweiling. There were men of all races and every trade , lbowiug each other before the jeweler’s door, not daring to enter hut devouring with their eyes the placard pasted on t he wall. At last an old usurer, wot! known for his avarice, Ida trickery, and the hardness of his heart, was pushed on by the demon of cupidity. “Kaddour,” he said, “is it really t rue that you pay a doltro each far tears ?” “H is true,” replied the jeweler, but on condition Hat they are true '’'tears. If they Mb not pun Ido not take them.” The usurer hesitated another in stant, then urged on by lore of gain, fie entered the shop and sat down opposite the merchant. But his <j,\ o were dry, and had boon dry since childhood. Sorrow had never touched his heart, not even the sorrow of hi own life; lie did not know w lint it vv to weep. To succeed he tried all methods, pitching himself, pulling out his hair, making a thousand eon tortious and grimaces to the great delight of the wituosscs without. At last, lax king other seuiiiiuviita, rage and despair brought moisture to Jiis eyes and two tears roiled down hi> chunks. Kaddour touched them with his magic stone uud they turned in stantly to mud. “Go away,” said the jew ek*r. “From eyes that express nothing but hatred, envy and greed, you will never be able to weep pure te-ans.” The usurer's tears now fell fast enough, but they were tears of anger, regret and spite, and the crowd out - side jeered anil hooted utter him as he left. None of the others dared to ven ture in, and the crowd dispersing, t ho jeweler was warn ieft alone. Kaddour wrung his hand* and hi men ted ; Alas! is there not a pure tear in Algiers? Wleu, must land nothing but ssiAlnnirest, but eyes tilled with hate and coYetouauesw and 1 earls overflowing with greed ,* 1 that 1 must nmwms all imp* or mak ing the necklace for the King of th Genies,for 1 shall tu-ver find tears pure enough True grief cause™ A'west §|***^ As be heard this be heard a mock ■ng voice braids hint saving : “Ah! my poor Kaddour. you are grieving over miming. 1 nuppuwrd you more skillful and inventive.'* Kaddour looked al-iut him in aitorot. but as he saw no one he c *i out’ anxiously : “ Who >|*-akn ? W rx-tv arc yens? “At your feet,.' said the v Tint Jeweler feioksd d.asn*. ssu.|ir eeived a pearl amasutg a: •! purity. “Take me up,” said the p< ari. Kaddour look it up, bus toe trem bled with fear, ana u> avert any vo nftuem e and warrant h.anted against | occult powers h>- recited tile Mtltosnl -1 man profession • f faith : “ i-a Uah ha i.I atlah on Mohamad Allah " “Aliah is Allah and Mo&amed is his prophet “Dw’t be afraid," (•mituimsl tin voice, “1 will not harm you. •at t toptotrary . i am to give m your an iety. and a a only ask you :.o make me one oi •-.- < (Marls which comp*** the - neukhv ‘ “Very well; u;;rv-*d," answered the (..-vveler hupofuUy, "but brsl a- 1 Who you arc. 1 am not accustomed j to converse with my precious stones “1 am Genic,” replied the voice; j "for three thousand y* ars 1 iuivc is on fmprisioned in this pearl. 1 donerve ' my chastisement wnich t • .< lack of charity. It v>. ■ after H nt*>r had hewn driven t.-lii l.y A brail on ml* h i.'.tii, i ..<■ .n ,m v - 1 leading in r little Mon through the '** i*i. Tiny . ■ i "■ - aud thirsty, almost ready u die with thirst and wearun.-n*, when at lad I they stopped to rest. l it# child i atrulcheibout In* h.-iida- toward h'-s I indent, , weeping and begging lor wa- I ler. Amt 11 agar ill h r despair laid j tiiui down on the s.ud and went away ; hiding her lace that she might not -• ! (dm die. Imiaibte to them l watched | I heir mittkriug < withou. .’inpaiuy I Tin spring which could give them hack their life audstrangth v.. m ar bv. I might have shown li fin win i * to Had it, but in my pride I thought ! it too much condarttM neion lor a t*‘“ uie to rv’tider sei viee to huuutu creal ii res, and 1 hardened uiy heart uganist the child,s bars and its’ smothers woe Then Allah sent His angel to show 11 agar the spring. When she hud Idled Iter water bdtllu the tvngwi turned to me and said: “Sim.’o yin could gano on tho despair of this i mol her and tho nolle ring of her son i Without soltemng your heart and con- t quering your pritlc, Ailfth is *iis-; pleased, and to punish you he gives you this for u prison.” And he i showed me a Mir trembling on the end of his linger. “This he e>iiun* ued, is the first tear llagar si.*wi in thedenerl when she tromMsd tor twr child’s life; it is the first one of th.-se tears which you might so easily have driisi Von siinll in vor le tve this pi imtii until tin* k in;; <n thu (• men, vour master, tounhes you witii bis Huger.” So for more than three thousand years 1 have been shut up in a bar transformed into a pearl It you are w dliug to plane me muting the pegrlttof tlm tueklaeu 1 may re gain my liberty when the King ot the (lonics touches me. “I will do this willingly.” ansvvoreii Kaddour. “bnt wiwil t the counsel you promised me?” “Well,” said the (ionic, "it you want true tears do mu expect to ouv them, for they are never sold. Walk, through the quarters ot the poor, of those who sutler. \\ hen you hear sighs and sobs, moaning wading, enter, you vvil! bud plenty of real sor row gnd true tears Inter, console the unfortunate, mi ogle your tears with theirs, and thus you may reap an ample harvest of pearls for my King.” Kaddour put on his sl'pper*, wont out, and did as the Gottie advised hiiu; and when, before sunset , he returned. Ids.eyes were red and swollen from the tears ot compassion he had wept in consoling the wretched, auvt the hood of his burnous was full of pearls of great purity and brilliancy, lie ( set to work at am-,to moutol the uuk luce, w Hieh lie fashioned m three close row*, faking earn to- pbn Hagai > ! tear m tho center of tho Ural mw ; where larger tiutu any ot the oiliei it 'at once i .uighf atloiition. He had searvwdy completed Ids .task when hit room was tilled with li;;ht as on the previous night and toe King oi the ti< mes appeared. 'MleUold, (i King," !l| necklaces , you ortlcivvi,” v.iiii Kaddons, prm* l rating hitnsalf. The htiug took it and c.xauuucd it. “Good,” he said, "these pt aria are the lineal l lutvi ever seen, especially . this onto,” and be touched the peart in the entity*, lnrtmuiy it tqn-ned. 'he captive Genie sprang out, and klicit hefarv* his King. "Uisn. * said ins imrslcr, "your unlit is expiated. AUith pardous you Go mid join your brother*.” T!u>u com ing to the jeweler, tha King jidded “in composing Uiia nvcatace y u l iearuv'd how to disuugiush true sorrow from the false; you have seen tow hu man sorrows cause bitter tears u> , tiow. Vour heart is goon, fur sa soon ;v you diacovcrad this you w opt vvisu ( those who wept and tried to comfort , litem. Titos*! who ctut feel mr other s [ woes are dear to Adah's iieart. JYVitli thorn wordaUittih'uie vanished j and when k of tour raised hi, i. ad In - g.ucd about hint In w.itrirf and joy. The door ot ilia shop had disappeared .ih ninth * inn k mass o. and .uuond . poaria mid M.lter precious stouen. A*, long aa tiio r-W'-Uer lived ttsis ory wasbaiuslied fl-uw Algiers, and winu he died, as in- had no eoudree. lie idi hi> luriutk* to the poor. Tiu V ditto l|H -SMS*. i U tliiout siiying -a **q.**o wsthu. . iil JOKE > svMZVtM. -'iJLJIE C. \ UTER.’i VI L LE. GA. BltSaM do ifaffipr tot If! it*** hr |Sjri ■ ■ ri-a.-.tii *i>carv, . A fhev and torom c ervtocniy, -i i~ n emr inTtorai HMmseiaui seswt aw c . ■tor.Kg Life. li ttt’aam. have you gf-jp—r -****-{■ <i- crartind jroar wire ky-t e -a h- !>••*-> • *ltii Aue uitv* w.ira is - tmwr s- w • iki|t-knf < *.v hcßtorUtite tsftyv •- -v .. if. taKtof thing u> u. r. . arsu n e r * sOfMeihtnsf. ; .T*-n k* r n w m.<x i lirvsoais. so iuac.n .'s tuer crabxr,e ■ -one . krrk that the to-lscup m tkt hessatoiwo . ( ever inadtof W at the to-one e ■ , wiart and mttiit when y n ev.tnu- r ;r, that shirhattjUito.fh-iueort eiiicartas . , vr lived: stun*- y>>iM iv .‘iiu,o. ict-ru , she km?s to * *l. t-. . t tser atiatUK v *i*a . own Heart treasure, if Wilt jjv!to. c gOMdt it will nmke l-rie s arcs sossrau . Sit* may le v your cars wacu you laiv...- **. pelUng. anak. tellN>' *w j nu arc troouia: am you wnt to>* eat;but sue wm m a tmsraKtiwatt-a U lie. doflto your g- 'Of UdNKUSM MWII. b<.me u ■ ary .veil rrtiMuni. a(uui*u>h.- and no, not cross, but arttsiimsim. a* live ana silcnti. ♦ m-- u* .at in itiltia a sweet vv hulls# fay , a>rotiy to h.itt Mdtt-utiJotw*-*o*.to> r. dpprtviatcd andttiitWrasK -a*ur ; x sttvaar srmk. TriUiw -.*.• prunjr.jh chtug nomchoriy mioahuat mat. : iiiis Ut.W.tnuci. you admire wtsktaf.- is; inti* done;.s.-.a when y o can v. ikikiw.-i. about toritli fdltt Mtkatiii > haadtoi:•<*•*'t>* o itiiauiui. Veil lliiu rou lu.e,to tomry, a oo- e.m o : u . •• vio - • of o', romioc ft and n-imx s:--ecovuiof. iilUe uxaggg.raliuiX. i.l>: 1 iy s o> i and you nuuy know Uiat.Uier** ts taftyiiv ui it; Init it is very m- to ;gt. SVkvstii ~i iifc® it; wo all likaw be tookb..vv .w.a: loved and (he nay rug waiutoMt JoL.Al.ef.f, truer it is a gieai dud ui txer lo vivaUsoiw a love vufen w orm c - prvv**-T) n<UM than to b.-gut u v wi .ii--i**.- . I‘ruMy noUuuga. W liv ,tne,Vm tt. ‘ X r* aiitiog, (UL slitU uiiptoJiufSß ir--vis oi .- i iiw u>. uiotu tatty . i‘>V. K llodnv Matte-'svHMcaa. A dispatou. friiiaib ttduigvF uf*a vtar*it K ’gar riiDhh. aged eleven, oi V- uwor- rit town was talaiiy hitten tn-ik-vv -es fcr >rtl n ratliesnakc wlitic he vr.y .-*tttaU' Imekieberrtes on the siinstsnnffHMtw boy’it M ie;uu.i allsscttolt ew <MroittyNMlal '• ions vsivo, on acvrng me so stoat M*. san terror. I'rank 1* lidy, of i’ -rt ciiiiurvoig. vtmio, thirtutoU yi ur-oid son ul F’.tTurn t, 11-:., dy,u Ueamng r.atuisit m.r iev|wtvo>r, i, was bittoa by a copper ti'-aa. i Huttls* liod v turned gruen us viiofs, au*kh*t*nt w hours iatwr tie died. 1,.,-vi iaKsht,.vf AtiihttmborK.-4 Itii?!,- wiiip, was bittnn by a uu|S*ii'unuitv -' oral nays mto - The m msguog g re;.- yliase and was tti-.o bii tun. ii>rtiA< WUlsi i* .-fold w,i.i BiUtoin .'iKul-ikud i*lMMSfttollink in as vnß Wk TidS d< ;& h; wei ever, died idlor great snihfrtiw WUtiam hover, of W.WBsttnwtdv;.tc.Mx - bitten on tun hand by •ti.ppwrunwud' iu- .-••• |Mi-iunj£ up a t*> scpajr.isv a fence. Hi-went andsi, .urier.-•wee-ed • * to twice their n<<rimd-uisto, ‘-.dt prunpt, Si iinliiiotert were ie!nu>nist*r*d undo liic.u v ictim w ill recover. Frank y-hwnrta. f iAiiliCßHrMmit-u killed a ratthir on dhskirt te wsraami >- having tourtccn ratsrua) J —sisiihe of TrcmoraodispatAtbsd- anuSdMMV thtjth eleven. rattliH. aud.AL l> h xvrs. of dteas. Haiuif p'aeu sitied wttsswsr wStoslt vtototoia rattles. A few vhtva itgo.a a>tpisairad.jJirdyv -h Mr*. Frank Johusouxuturoe c h -tanvn hear West Grove, f'ltcstcr, .e auxtgi t,. Sits killed it with a itoitg U-ndksihiHtov-'rf el The day before a log if: nia snaaca i. emwiud into her m usig i- isumiasi i , vmired livr two p.-t. canary -to tlteir cage. T tva.Gixnstottouon nvxs. If you .look stdlif latboosbtototototostk . aliout ten u eloek-in the. sv*Htjjtj'W , 'i inlays yon will tea e arafat iwstrtMfti : coi.sudiatiuu know a.i*e U> rsi... tvn t.iiu the wtuto star V> g, un*i if ***t of the most beaustluiito tne.,. iu.tocn. Ami it:. Bums with it- uddto ueiirra e- •< v.ULs oueiM the mom bviMWituhthw if thetie myth# of Urosrk.iUuiqnt}t. • ! <# I* the lyre Orpheus, the..swrat-#i-kWR. r. Orpheus, toe god of ms jsio. .eaysiktii myth. w’lts.ihto-'tMHMd itui-aisw,# *tU .i Hud Utcsuo-god. Aiivao-.- I Pr-t-i.t hi:-- niothtoT m> hod llienp,.wuroo .*s to hiat lvrc St) swOwtiy ;tkwk..toirdtoe * -lUI.. . easts, mid c\eu irct-s. roves*.io, to listuto. m UtotoMOto.. J' Til mot et ot it; - ft,og w’vs mwav v.-ii '.iu o - iy wtflk> Ix’.ufyuice, wiesc kadsulift -t S'acyunsi \t ts 5,. 1 . t auvuni nA,, every tiling! dot* ."i hi to.-'-. ArUitotMtosougnt Ui tocUuuhtctotoSvt* .. , .dtiiodsbt*k* w ts fd*MSd> waiuscd. -> Orpheus, add to est'otie to!tn h tfve; -,' .. ran n. cos* a Burge p'axttihi it 'Then Hut in roiuunx aio v skiUsto a a t piosonsmit spideg andi.i-,d. < ■ ■ - vitas ciusoMsatoUikr, Hs *a;vtoi - Mi • itytnphs. s -wtofe <*( i iXyviKU. s, g.c ,1c red op and down-, toe its. .41 . HMtofßig -wotot mwuv wud t-me i i.-ti. I B. *' 1 a,ok. Fiaaily w,MnA- ,w>in>d thtoltosapf v. -i‘!,t. ti t 40 a..av . ; *tr'.e,. ’.ho no .us cma aLUk,unui ,11m Im, . idito pans UeiUUtso tot toil, wtot- .usua. , . ivetx y,u. ii .rutu-iM-M* toStottotvtoUts.i ttttd til*, atissstowis ■'• uranv loavutod fiy toix p.aMMuts a tut'eS o . j they pvrasudtod i'-uto .io,.g <♦,-. too*., Ittutot. hij to-si nne.l’luto rauryMSL.- , go ttoiok to li.ti uaper wwriu.omy m , ihoicnuuniu touts'. Mfcway uronuniu* V:,l not ir*->a a:'ya u- r jve. It i*.tr rt’ u -.ptauon w * :->o c osx. -aiy. . r i: sand i-. o y tosto.avy •attoijr < .. ■ ■ m wa -wTpitt •...■: i*is urun. I v?fe. a; 1. ..Tet; a,- V'.l - l w’-Mtitovriog 1 - f.-siar-i hravian xn.whs v.:,toof A’ ihUMW, upon funs toitt u>mKtttn s- tu, grievi-o si, uiwiii. love Tall mm, s gutWWK-d p too. lirabu, . totbUtuu tn iatSmtmM ia.sant otrnipus star, ran-ki ttic-Bt rtoerc His tonad sn< rcsto tUcc *1 ♦neii r*m Hrcrn* tusi tou; wMcri rc#s wsa* <m;v wish j -Citot r-toi.iKat Iw* .rf 1 tha waves. They l itonsfettl ;uHii>n, vt the >uui of (owtous. t’hvrat mit ’t was buried, and U* • iMUt. a .eg si-wo rd OtotoMtoi* the Uirth ■iic itetortoi wain w many tansi-m ;Mets ■ u iooimii nap.. even assign - ' rn<. ic.k> 'urtr.ntaswaf r!e immortal 4tr. trarthe heads vf Orpheus. | latmu s ,_,C flu- u.giiiinißd,-* atill ' •sc t cwiss- vi stoon aareywherw rise ; n : r c,,i a ?! it ;.1 • ’v.-v- Jvijvir.-r took -y-uned . - -jM-ehto -4cy; where it, 1 :% m umn.-p. li file iveautitlri unosestlk- j Tntytip Tn* sf at tn. ti iwrnaiw rtiracga rn- mssiij. < esv. toMdstng’ttoru is passed, Itkl'Htoitotwsßfcto to sad order, >u 1 iftlu-ei;. ,t>.-ax.i' ai .*x .;d n .. tn- •- rnmnwd '-Is , ef.fut. . e snow Gik reki.tea* im j, nerts,-'n w tuts. i, jitotdto and mrer t-tn .tothu and that is py* %wuuU-.t, lftafc>tod>ut a Arw dy n si tepeptr-.e imiki eat away torn*! i* lim-.y. •!- mail up * b*rd ■n- n •*-. A ttocr* stkir i.-iy -hsre he .!! ... toKWM'ip-At V- p the Wdltoc* up wn;- no ce.,u piiw'.-s to wtakj** ,w*v.t y* pre-n rnmugn inn the .ocas.,-s i- held of grain iaxuAfcttoe otoptwrasotsaiiki 1 a 11. Ml .'l it >; -i -rn. > !-. the “'O'” ‘d- 1 ,nr,f<- .1 -mssMlie tnilrtoraes ad cut ijfrWfiT**' *vpnit nwawdWM. to raw ttw titws jSuMMM omit* year, to ;or*j.-.o* ,u -..1 --s that they will ci % or siciog oisciieir hinges, to h*v g gis t uv,>r.v f KHvait fruit, th ■umui js ips id vrftrtang order, * good ■WtoT' ,< 'iT+rv SMI. kI oiwlor Mriit.-r, Ui ■up .i ti„- roauMti,— mowed and >uithMH.('ttt down. sx kf-M-p the outli t ./ ; ciisi • ■ rmftorrtraiiis open, ui itoLto-vta all cut # tiitothcv, to look .itotariejie WKefer rVmiM-oGy All these ’.to aillktla time and they .ccuKi e t;iii- rash value ofttie fkrra. jfHv * Y*v. in the part negl-ted (he w ttvragr notolve tsbat yon will re nils iliirfnMWinl drsoticeni in passing ■ ivE ir -toe in May* it tease mststOUy say, <jft bxstomwi.r ri'Kid.-I thtore!” Pos . dPi> w:rsH-todS .v(h>w as many t*-i* :ii uskih x rtiexaraer groeery, but torn*-;* rako vwnir pla<-* there, v(.o aste aoaiisg to tlie vronh of ■ i-urrr. ..y fvpssMdaioiiH. MSt tto your tay a. a tn;,” A-ncserioan Agn uiMirnsist. a*iUftf*tt r Hoi*wnWar fmmsrs. ! ai.ul.u, 1 IllimpMll i-vnntries liu ; ujtjtAtai Bwr-e i Cbo farm hssis ifUMnai Lf tlia xgm uiuturai horse or cttfto .w. , fi’SThi nswniiir give# the > dWlrf i&fs& jg.: 0 m othcwgiu aorr.e is tile bust horse t rverwr:*l saasams. Ist. Hertoes the wsuSßosi !ai ;n most sattjrttoettoriiy 1001,4 wo., tfcxt *-rf“ev-a And worry. lilu.. *ie Metktofor a hnrher fvrerrt"e iiw.tfi :.m .pff otßer tirowl, and sell* i iatiisv Mtoitiv. The ftirm*roatt always x rt ra,v.sab- r. o a *fo*>d sisto'd atut ■it H out;up: itwanglit horse or eolt. , ,ti tS KOsie tecs to raise and get so in mcviV for isartu-: Tin- service o. . mi,-, .* less it cost* lers icuar cjciios lito twtwtii Ureak and get Tcjrt ro v H’for taartud. The draught so,l -w w;11 pivy for tile kfs-p alter lie i mil yraikdl'iii Milt Hy tiul tlntr he is ’ i lili nMWiitli for toe oitv isarket lie is iiiu.l timte.i .Uni tle .’arre-r has lost • leiiticni-. hut ha# ne,-a gmug right lv*S*B*g , , | ainjf- his work with a team t nhatodaft-hue* growing into money, bdnvt wdl *,14 -aw to Getter pratit and t MiMWitulftf Btoa* a team of any other cstk- it: ;vnSM-un> -*,u lix v rUrttyudiMioa -aUeitoiy town with a a*.v ; omwto vcM||gm vsaa aeco.-l.isl by o--t'idpw :Wttk *■, air* ivn iiuul.-d with ?” ;uid ■m-yss-difttoisatoswor: i *Wv.>***s*'**wt*ft ' ijrsst, g i'i*l** *♦>!.HA* ; orti tut. r irrlvw j % kff *!*♦*'‘tr-*KWtvjtkdi ifft (Ssgl. tvvM*■♦■wHl*'' \ tfhwr waetttoitoMarto of hi* loud? - * #. • - - - m-s aoiadl dev -Hid jvh me ,t* little hoy .:,:it.v..y to,a around tIM enrnet? iljo- gimtSuMMvu Vest hsWrve I did. ‘i’-tTu 'eektoik ngtoy ft. dtoito-’t-AtotK-a. ’ ’ c-ft-it’ u.-t'o to SSWtobd?” HvAradtikonw Why?” - Why. UeMihu i* wrojnrouiid there Oi i whether he Wants tol A it !at* liidil* l>om : 0 . ■ W'lah 1 d:>: tti. , tfe- im * a.viuwd girl id itu-hmoinl this atoms wtve w;w iiim. and to death hy tynnmg ,o to M*tar mateli. Any -HUI UKMtspkH twissm g, irofi-futorods -ttai-'h -nuvto-k nffll f\nt atophwte ran re roit* (tvi.u ,* all independent -fitotwn*. afesryMtora.atf.-r he pwt* his ftwfe&fcatodlldftn* swfc t - ♦- iwsai* vfiU-tototo **•*v -fa and ewrt olK -MCBimuk -'W.nMii* On*> ,* for the 'oe.i* u,.t tiddewmoni r runs mdtv Uinwiide :* Mn a# the twtdtol iMfoeeusKi .*. .4HefS-ttM . Juns h. 'teeause flf.ti a,ii-1 (hat wwoeref piarc# a .„f ttcvo*f d.e dm li in Itnnl of the ' .ttr.ito toitkim wi safer .>• Hi* honaebuld, ■—- *- •- —- • ** - Ar ••ftßsr •hstjumu alt me y <mtt ‘ pet: - f>r r —- .Awd* iy? m f|d uyrf n ‘j - ** Hft|sd*)jiit i* ! a tto it -toc.kt. f. i-k*,# THE PEOPLE'S LATFO*M. Adopts! In rmrMiUM * *n*jr 4, I ssnoa thtr 114th amurcfvaiT ?th lh-' r '4 );.;***'t.defcc*, the parti jT \tmrUu i tlwtr 1m i^imi #* <*%rU *cUt>* tW >WMh uj and sc*. .tiu forth :a th* n*.to+ a&4 cm Meatf of rh jfcople of tht* country tU f'dtowUa* *nd i* uara* ion of priad- The tmtsAUUMM whu h surround a# Justify ,r w ;n&et la th* uud*t of a uulka or<.: _• ht to Ihm . r of mor&w, ;UtlnU altd ruin- <i*r* ufdSim doniu*t** lU* bnl mi U r. *bro leci*i** ur***. rh wngm, *d toarfM n-n lU en&ttti of ibe rmnch. TU wopi* m 'teSw.ritUxrc; iwwt of the Mate* b.-i v *• b*w*i <•,.. < u*d to isolate :b voters at fL* plam laoUr To prevent unh*Ti>*l vn > f ,n‘rf*r:-. Tint im-w? j-nfirr-* are .*rv> iv wb-wti***i or rntixjticd, public optatoa •titnn-d, bunmcw* . r- -nt rated, or.r hoom *#r ercti vtth ,*fcrr {mpovcTudwd and the arid ronrentVfttlnit m tbo hand* of the ... isaiut*. The urban w<.?kmi*r. are dented the riffht t*f orpwnwrtlftft f*r seif jrot*-tw>n; tavc-ortxst jau:wrtjud la>nr hnin down their t hir*>ltar siAruiind army, uurmig. ataed by nr m-w*, l* attaMMu-d tttdMMl t hero dow ft, and (key n rapidly dtffMW*numg Into r.ur rsMt corwltf urn* 'The fruitm of the toil of baldly ntoien to Utilal up mbiweal fortune-* tint a few, unttrwtbiuei in the hlw- U ■) f mankind, and the j- w****** wm of three, it turn, l*e republic and endanger hhe* t •.. From ? In* nun proMfle womb *f pit * i muMrutal injiMAk-e i breed the two gr-at i li—ll nwnnw and millionaire*. Tint national jetu r to create money l* ap propriated foenru !>md holders; avatj.uh i tk* fod*t, iaya*v in legal tender currency, ha* been funded into gold 'wartmr bond*, thereby turnout r millions to tbw burden* of the {teopie. >:H% wUieh Im* \men —wpiid u*§ coin slurs j the t|vm <*f history* ha* been demonetised to \ add to •!- purr hast off power of gold by de j ereawir.rf tins prise of all form* of property a* vwdl mm bwman lalvr. Tie supply of <nm w y U puftwelf alartdajefi to fatten tmtirrra, hank : rttptMiSW’iNlwii j*ml enwlave induct r\\ A v t #-<■■<piracy mankind ha* UeA >m t conUnmta, and it in rapidly ! ..litJ. *>f the world. If not iaet and #v rThrr.wit •>i once It f<irel*xtea terrihkt ror, v-uvoniM. tlsa dKtrncthni of Hiilxa- I, - r .f H4\ absolute <l#*. f podarn. Wj have •>vtrner*ed for tnor*. that a quarter •# a < i tnry tho -truest. * of !n’ threat i*oliti rai lart*-* for p* er and plunder, while yrlev* on- w rongs have lea indictel it|M>a a wulfer* 5 ttitr iep4e. W* charpa that the eontroiliruf iutt ctn-e* •lominaUiiif hoth the e parti*** have i jcr mitt eel the xidinit dreadful emu li tiona to •ieveiop without merlon*effort* to prevent *r r.'strain them. >either <io they now prnmuo • * .o. -n ‘ tantlal relief. They have agreed < together to inoro in the < omint? .*uupahtn every liohio but raw*. They pr<ipr>*oto tlrown ihooutrrtoa *f a plundered peoph* with the uproar fa wham lattie over the tariff, M> that < apuaiuii oepomilon*. oat lonai Itank*. riuK*, truMta, watered t<a-k, the iSen.oneti/ailon *f *tHer and the oppr***im <tf the uaurer* may ail l*t Mtaht **f. They propone to i<aerltleu tmrknWM. liv* and elohiren on thealtaf f Mwtnmon; to riemtmy the multitude in order t*.-ecure uomiptkMi fund* from tho million* air*. A**enthleri on the anniversary of the birth day <>f Hie nation, and tilled with thi> Kpirltof the (.-rami generation w)uestahli*hel our inde fietiden. *. we **e< k to re*t*re the government of the repnnlu- to the hani* of "the plain peo ple," with wldch **la* it or It* staled. VVeaH*ertour pwrptwea to ie identical with fhe pwriKr-ew *f the national COmdltHtlon- to form a more perfect l'nlon, establish justice, inwnre domoMtic t rsinquiltity, provide for t.h* nmmon <l*feme. promote the general wet far* and M< **nr the ide**tntf*f lilanrty fr ourselve* nd nur tjmlrrity.” \W declare thAi thU rrpnblki cap only en dure iik a fre** I,'overrvinent while built Upam t' v love of the wle.'.H p'op|* |ap , jich other and for tl.** nation; that it cannot be pinned to gether by !•>* net*; that the etril warty over, and that every jwwedon ami rerentms nt which of it mu*t die with it, and that** .t !*• lu fsvet, a* we are In name, a united imn berhn**i of fr#a< men. Our country find* Itself confronfidhycon dHUvttw for d*tich therein no ppMHi In the hlat*-ry of tlse wf>rld. ur annual apricnltural pnvhwtton* ammtut to billion* of dollar* .n value, which must within a few week* of month* •• '■ n l.unsrcd for billion* of dollar* of ronfimmUtte* **on*imel In their production. TbecvUUntf * nrnmey supply 1* w holly Inade quate to make thU x*hMge. The result* are faHlnfifirt* **, the rornmtion of comtune* and rtriij* and ih* tmp*ivrrt*hm*ntof the producing Hmute*. W* pledu*J MSTIMIIVti* that If (fiven powisrwo will hilMtr to correct these evil* by wt*e and reasonable U*cislation, In accrsrdance with the term* of oar platform. We Iwdieve that the power* #f fcfovcrnment In other fwnb, of the [sonple should cT l**nded <A* in t>e ca*o of the postal service) a* raphllv swul a* far a* the srnod en*e of ar ( In teUitfent people and the tear hunt;* p| experi ence *lmll justify, to the end that oppression, Infasttea suwl poverty Hisall yivcnttially cu%*e in the land. While our sympathies a* a ;>arty of reform arc naturally upon the Mide of every proposi ti-*n which will tend to mako men intelligent, virtui 'isand mperate, w; nevertheless re gard tlee que-tion* important a* they are - r m secondary to the great i*ti*a now pressing for olwiion. and litson whhdt *.mt or\|y u,irln i\ idn*l proMperify. Imt the very extateneeof free inti tut lot** dcjxuwl*, <nd we tv*k all men ?o tselp u* f<* determine whether we are to have a republic to udmlalster l*efirc we differ a* to the condition* upon which tt li to l>e an mintwtercd. l*licving t hat the force* of reform t)ii*rtrtv organized will never cenaA fe lftAV * ; nr,tit <>wry tynmit I, ,n A Hul.M l < nut .wnr^ly •aJdialled for all h*ffoand women of thla cowntrv. * .metare, therefore— tanion of iti Ulor form, of tbo (inltitt -'*- thU <liv r roinrmnt<-il shall ami ]—rfwtiial mav lt nplrtt ertrr in'" >ll l*rr* for tl.r salvaHom.f th rrpuMie ami - N. hi li f 1 iik <>f mankind. Wi nirU, U.lonjai to Mm who rrwtl. It. anil v* i■ taken from industry withcqu an . -3’Hv.Uent * robbery. "If ny will im* work i.eiiher-hidl hi cat, ’ T)r* interest* or rural o .1 i.u Üb*r a*-* the -ame; th*lr enemies apo j4—n*ta*M. W, la liav. that tho ttm*‘ r.imo vht'n the mllvoait I'orpmuiloii. mii.t ottkorown tho poo. pto or tin-t-oplo mm* own tho rallroa<l,. anil .hon 1.1 tho p>i ormni'iitootoritiHin tho ivork or .wnlna awl m*n*Kinn any or all rallrmut, wo ~i,f favor an amonilmont tothoi onatltntlo'i M’ whlvhiUl p.r—WMmiH Inihomivorninont omi'. .hail I* plaooil unilor a otvll .orvie* ■ rosfulath.n ..f tho moat rMI.I oharaoti r, .o a* to f-oront tho inoronao of tho pnwor of the national artmintotraiton l.y the na<> of ,neh a.tiiutenal irewommont omplovooa, 'Vo ilemnnil a nat heml i nrlwnry, avfo am) ami ttoxthlo, I—noil uv iho aonorat aerorhmonf <**ly: I full Intel tswtw for all ifohte. pul.llo ru( ; rtvai. *ml (hat without tho un, nf lmiik. ! In*' iivretlon.: a Jttat, vqaltahle (Uwt otTUtent nwanauf ill.frll.nMon, itiroot to tho ia opio at a la* not tei xooiit t [lorront, per annum, ta . t- twovhliat -f.e -i-t forth In the suhtremify plan of tho Knrmi ra' .Vlliaoc— (>( hottor *>-> <•> l-ajinenta in tAUmtSuof l* obUtrAth.ue. u* ’mhdg improvements. -loinanil tho fror anil millmiiiM onlnagm of .liver amt aoltl at the prMent loaal ratio of lit to 1. VV (Unnami that tho amount of tho HfClilat !-i.: niellnml* .ponilly inoroaeed to not lem ! than itfty .toller* I—r capita. * .tomaivrf a ar.tituat.-il income tax nVheHero that the money, of the weptry rhonllt >* kft aa mwh , IweatbU to the hamt. ~f tho looplo. and ’m4.-o we domeml *h*f *|| ' tifimml iHd wiAltt *hall h* \c t ,uit'Cs ) e(iry expense* .f the u*v mq..nerd. ce-owronli *iiy vud lmnv*>tlydminl- H • dcct .'td I hut. MV-Imvi h*nkl)c -; ?Ab,wHed 1 y for th t*f dc jrwit .4 tho -, (We people end to fecll , itate exahangti i >—.•*!.• ■•!" l-tmt a moan* of t-xchan'-t ■ and a t* in" • . •!>. the itovernmon* anonld ~wi. met ..TtTOe Iho railroad* ,he latere.l Ihe tol.-tr iph a(ei (.let.lame, |tko the poet, om. o ia-tae a for tho tnMte .o-0.01 Of rant*, -hmtlit '* i,od aed opor ovd ,y tho ernmom in ihe Internet of tho people. Ti e land, im-ipdln, all the natural mnrooa I f " - atth. i 11*0 horitaeo f all the penple. ami t • n..nid nof ho •..■.aopoiieod for *noon)attvotatr pm.. nd e alt*n oe norafctp of land -hould 'O'im.i'et all lami* now Iwld bjr rait mail. and ..'her. orj.wath.ti* In 0,. .a* of Iholr teat newt*, and *H land* now owned i.y ,i>. ...........I t—tsw Satined hy tho aorrrt.ineat held for aoteal eftlor* only. i— , —*■ ■ if W ..nt. rt) . .ofHAi'rfif'y tiioit so h*yo a /■vat (V 4 fo • v agplnef the national 11 vo If In g ayatom, hot it ha* been yearn *irn n tee heard a word from that eoftrre Hfdioat it, t 'leveland’e admitv 1m rat ton we jyraetieatty a national iw‘V jMtmlet-ratlow Tint a,im)*fra tion. nndofwed a whteh allowed the spar eminent to loan to rfeh eorpn* natiiin* >rt>er at one per rent, while , ,:i ..ther loan# any price, and n—r the I tetnoemMe pari v u*ft I bm* more year* of t 'i—relaitd THK CA HTEIiN\ I Id.K PUBLISHING COMHRT. GoorglHt Is Prepared With Good Presses aud New Type to do any kind of JOB WORK. i and at Short Notice They Publish ‘‘The Voice Of Th People,” are prepared to get out other papers on reasonable terms. SBND IN YOUR ORDKUBPOK lkttkh hkaijs, STATEMENTS, POBTKItS AND CIUCULAHS. Address all letters to Box 120, Cartersville, Georgia. THZ VQICI OP THE PEOPLE ! ISSUCO IVBSY WSIOAY MOAMtNC AV CASTCSVIU.E, CCORCIA. OWING TO THU SCARCITY OP MONEY THE SIBSOKIPTiON PRICK HAH BERN PLACED AT ONE DOLLAR PER ANN I'M. At* AN ADVKKTWINIi UKIULJ>I SPRtIUL (NDCuaNEN'IM ARE OFFERED TO THOSE WHu WiSil TO ItRACff THKIXiUNTRV TRADE. All o<iW IwSm iied Artk'laa inUmdad lor Publication, should baddress <>4 to RowftßT B. €hv*DMAN, Box uo, Cartersville, Ga; t