The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, February 01, 1881, Image 3

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REGISTER AND STANDARD. TUfiSnAY... ntfEBRU A.B'S 11881 Til WKrCIv AT HOME, Mr Wm Keller lias a house TO sale or rent. See notice- Mrs Atha's sctiool lot boys and girls convenes to-day. Mr T B t).miel, who has been absent for several weeks in Southwest Georgia, returned home last week. The Talbotton Literary Society met at the reaidence of Mrs M £ Leonard on Friday night list. The President, Mr P E Dennis, called the meeting to Older and Mr E L Kimbrough, Secretary, read the minutes ot the last meeting. Misses Katie Leonard and Dolly Downs, aud Mr J A Foster read selections to the club. The club will meet at the residence of Mrs .Downs on next Friday night. Misses Ida and Fannie Miund arrived tn Talbotton on Sunday last, and will attend LeVert College the present year Send your boys to Collinsworth and girls to LeVert College. We should take u lively interest in oar schools. There are 75,000 more males than temales in Texas. A large number of cows and hogs were frozen l death in 11 rns • unty during ie recent cod weather. The r i!roa 1 coaimi ision tits ordered that all baggage be checked*l>v the depot fl g e nt before the arriv it of the train. This law goes into effect February Ist with the reduction in fare to tin ■ * ceir per mile* For Colds. Coughs. Broach Li and all affections of th- 1 Lungs, tike Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. During 18SU there were seventy-seven failures in Georgia, with liabilities amounting to $1,013,763, and in Florida twelve failures, with liabilities amount ing to 1104,^00. A clever toy of this season** invention in Loudon is the musical top. It is spun m the ordinary way, and, while spinning, pliys musical airs accurately and melodiously. Georgia is the banner manufacturing State ot the South, with South Carolina ns a good second. Judge Willw is dispatching an unusual amount ot busiiu ;at Mo-oog- r lor Court, He preside* with dignity nnd abi ity. The Southern Rifle* will not attend tho ia mi jural ceremonies m Washington, on March 4th. Macon should by all means, have the next State Fair. The Agircultural Conven tion which meet? at Bainbndge, Feb Bth, will decide this matter. We trust the de cision will be in favor of Mac a. A young man in town got his blonde moustache sieged lasi- week by sticking a match to kerosene in a stove. Several hunting parties last week, aud Various accident * by flood aud field. Japan has her first railroad, twenty three mile. long. Mr James Smith, an obi resident of Harris countv, died at his home on Sun day, 23rd in*t. The bright weather of list week put the roads in better condition The sowing of spring oats will soou commence throughout the county. J< ff Davis' hook on the Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government wi 1 be issued by the Appleton 4 s about Apul Ist. Those enterprising dealers, Messrs, P M Patterson A Cos., Columbus, are offer ing a large line of stoves of all siz -s, both beating and cook,at greatly reduced prices. Call and sec their N*w Fryer and Boss coffee pot Refer to mlrenise ment. The license for selling spirituous and malt liquors in our sister town of Gnicva has been placed by the town council at $3,000. This amonnts to prohibition. Messrs, Wilkermn A Hitcher, of Gen eva, are $*5,000 better on cotton futures A slight lull in the marriage market this iv-rk. The f mi 1 b r< rs .*{ Harris conn are h>l ling !> k tor tn increase of w nnd in cons queue* the crop pro. t> . ik >f U'Xt yfill* in th it i *(• ditv .!• ; lip! • gloomy. Mr D G O ven will to and y r.reiv by express a shqumnt of German c.-t p. se .t out be th.; A p icult.ur.ti Du]..u lur *t of th • S e. O.j Saturday, 22d, Mr Holmes W Clem ents) had both h inds severely bu'iid by pouring gun powder on a hot rock. Call on Dr E L Bardwell for dru :m, <fcc, aid the celebrated 5c cigar, B. rdwclPs Favorite. For h rdwfi-e 1 stoves, plantation ims pie men ta, plows, tinware, wagon and buggy material cad on Mr H L McLen don, Talbotton. Mr McLendon is doing a fine business and koeps nothing bur good reliable goods. See advertise ment. Mr J C Bildwm, from the popular dry goods house of J E Cargill, Columbus, visited relatives in Talbotton last week. To- lay th T Ibot County Agricultural Society will hold its annual election for officers Th • State Agricultural Convention, billed to meet o i Feb Bth, by the Presi dent. Thomas Hardeman, has been pos - poiied indefinitely, on account of measles in epidemic foim at Bainfcridge. New Hams, Cream Cheese, Fulton Market Beef, boneless. Goachen Butterj Chow Cbow Pickles, in barrels at retail - and everything else first class can b found at W Wood's Broad Street, Cos, lambus no 9 a WANTED. A second hand anvil and bellows. Ap ply to jau2ott J B GORMAN, Notice—Lost Nutes. All persons are herehy notified not to trade for two certain promisory notes made January lnt, 1830, and due as fol lows: One note for $10*2.50, due Jan. Ist 1381, and on 9 note for $lO2 50, due Jan. 1. 1882. Said notes were made by Miss L L C illier,and payable to John 13 Jones, or bearer, and have been lost or mislaid. jan2slm JOHN B, JONES, Wanted for Saw Mills. 400 bushels good sound cotton se and. l-c rer bushel allowed in lumber, or 10c Cfcsh, also ] 0,000 pounds good fodder for s!■ 25 will be given in lumber, or wl 00 in c;:-h an 1 hauled. Apply at once to j J B GORMAN, Juries for the March Term. The following is a list ot the Grand and Traverse Junes, drawn for the March term of the Superior Court for Talbot county, 1881: William W Owen, Hiram McDaniel* William T Dentils, Thomas M Baiiy. Edmund Langford. T Jeff Walker* E D Persons, John W Wilsoti, T A Kimbrough, Thomas W Cooper. John Hancock, I C Chandler* John II McCoy, M J Ligon, S R Murphy. William II Ellison. Thomas N Gibson, Milo G Parker, Wesley W Munnd, A S Wallace, W C John F Leonard, M T McCrary, W T Jenkins, A T Candler, James F Little, \Y T Harvey. W 1) Bassev, \V K Clay, William W Hays. TRAAEBSE JURY, Ist WEEK. PH Talbot, Thomas Jenkins, J H Mathews. James Hawk in-, J . Juo W Smith, James M Stiuson, Samuel Marshall, John C Willis, J Tom Smith, Joseph Carlisle, 11 J Ferguson, George W Hall, T H Mabone, Jno H Harvey, John Maxwell, James Giimore, Virgil A Steed, Roht B Collins, James L Willis, Sol J Marshall, John R Ingram, W B McCrary, John 0 Holmes, Wiley Lawson, Findley Green, Duncan C Phillips, Bobt. Crippling* Francis M Hollis, Louis >mith, Good M Ander-on, J > B Stephenson, W It McKenny, John Stinson, Leonard R Allen, William M Ison, Roger H Guldens. TRAVERsj? JU'JY* 2nl>, WEEK. Willi ;m T Kendrick,/ohn K Taylor, Collin Mudiolland, Is me McCrary, B A Childs, W H Culpepper, j McCrary, Ansel Turner, Sydney Gibsmi, Augustus Scaly, C V Lumpkin, Emory T Holmes, rary A Braddy, Frank McDatnel, W J Lumpkin, William Barnes, Micheal H ickett, J P Giddens, W 1) Chapman, Jr. James Allen, John W Culpepper, Geo O Kellum, John W Carter, Thomas J Smith, John F Downs, AlohZo II Dennis, John*l> F ones, Zack T Smith, Tames E Mitchell, James M Childs, John A Cuter, Augustus Nelson, C W Kimbrough, John F Trice, G Y McDowell, Z B Trice. Fashionable. Large rope cotds and tassels are now worn more than belts. The f.ifthUUi ol again coiling the hair i high, it is said, is on its way across the water. A chemisette for a very slender, ’ long necked beauty, is made of rows of plai ted lace, the edge turning upward. The Embroidery crape gives the ladies nc aktics, with the ends embroidered with !, eep bunts, pigs, flies and bee!las. ! Anew style of under-sxut this season is band-knit. These skirts are found in ! the favorite colors, and are $4 and Sj>G a piece. Knitting silk mittens is a favonto pas \ time now with ladies who have f. vorite i little ones in Lin family it would l’e ’1 y ; h ’em to boa more useful way of getting I iid of time than much of the meaningless j embroidery of the day. L Commercial Feitilizers. Mi* J L Dozier, Agent tor Baldwin k Co's S.ate Grange Feriil /■ r. Dissolved Buies, Ammonntcd Dissolved Bones and State Grange Acid Phosphate, lias an advertisement in another column to which we direct attention. The sales ol j these, fei ilizer.i are five times as niuch j as fur lb i same time last yon*, and C'Tli j fi: of their excellence cuue in from fill q.iav!v'is. Til .y coal an in their m*op cr combi.i tions all tho essential ele rient* i of plant <bn 1 aid hav • never failed lo yield sitisfaetorv r* turns. For terms ap ply to Mr J \j Dozier, Agent, Talbotton. Guano Directory for Talbot County . Bddwin k Go's Ammonia ted D'siulved Both s. Georgia State (Lange Fertd ze , -'ie GtH.jge Acid l'ijOHphate, S.ate Ci. j! e I) olved Bones J L Dozier, Ageat, Talbotton Ob- r's Dissolved Bom k Superpboss ,’. t. i t Li u( J B Gorman, A'jent, p ;, i On. no, Puc ; 3c Acid ! i j.p t • vV W i , Geneva A Good Man Gone U v C’abeb W Key. ol the North Geors r .i;i ( oiil<.-rnce y died at the home of bin -'uj-tn-l iw, Capt Young, in Augusta, oil sunday,23 * iost. He was distinguished for gieat piety, and was universally es teemed *<>r his zeal and usefulness in the Christian ministry. He was well known among the people of tin* section, having been located at Talbotton during the war ol secession. Good Work. Mr C M Smith, living Dear Prattsburg, with the help ot bis little ten years old so.-, has trained, raised and completed a comfortable cottage, forty by twenty-six feet. Mr Smith is an energetic and de serving gentleman ana is a capital work man. Foi Sals. A good watch and ch-iin at low figures. The watch is ot the Annrican manufac ture, Call at the Register and Standard Okficf, For Sale or Kent* The bUilui 'g and lot on B est Hide of Public squar in the town of Talbotton, known as Killer's Corner. Lo* contains occ ac e, with comfortable servants boutes and stables, twofiue wells of wa ter. the entire premises being under first class repair. The budding is two Htories in in wnh a fiveiy arrarged s'ore room on first floor, and dwelling apartments attached, containing 15 well ventilated and commodious rooms. The property is ia good condition, newly painted aud every wav desirable. Apply for terms to WM. KELLER, Agent. Talbott n, Ga. Aug. 17ih tf Lumber Notice- We are preparfd to fill orders for first and second class lumber, at oor water and new steam mills, at satisfactory pric- s for cash only. Cotton seed and fodder taken Un exchange. Low bids will be made on laru'. bills, lect and upwards, on regular <ram:ny orders at J B GO UMAX'S MILLS’ N. B —Orders sbonld either be mailed me at Talbotton or left at Kegisteb and SiANDir.n Omci. fcbltf Tate that bnekeye out of your pocket, a*id maks an application of Tabl-r‘s Buckeye Pile Ointment, if yon are si/fer' ing with i iles. You will ceriaiDly b - enred. P.i a- 50c. For sale by 1 J Wells. lebl. THE REGISTER ANI) STANDARD, TALBOTTON. TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 1 1881 The February number of the Eclectic ‘ M.vgazine shows the adv.turages uf the i increase of sisle which was iuiti.ited wuL the January number. It contains all the most striking and valuable articles from the current ioretgh periodicals, unit lias such a variety of matter that tjiere is something to meet the tastes of every member of an intelligent family. Tile list of articles in part is as iollows: On the Limit of Human Knowledge, by the duke of Argyll Short Notes on English P lets,* by Algernon C mrles Swinburne - j Coinages of the Brain—The Old Pucifo j Capital An October Night, from the j Flench ot Alfred de Mussctt—Emsmus j Darwin - The Chain of Life in Geologi cal Time Ratnbloß Among Books— Twice Shipwr oked -A Narrative of the j Loss of the American, and the striking ol the Senegal—by ji Lady Passenger— lu the literary notices,the editor subjects Uncle Remus to a very appreciative re view. $5 00 a year, E R Pelton, 25 Bond Street, Xew Yo k. Speak gently to my moth V She is soff ring with a s v re cough, but we have sent to the drug store of for a b 'ttle ol Conssens* II -ney 0 Tar, which is highly recommended by all who have used it. Pi ice 30c. For sale by FJ I Wells. FOR SALE. 1 /A AAA Stalks Seed Cane, quali ty guaranteed. Re 1 and Green variety. P. E. DENNIS. Talbotton* Jan. 25 4t Money needed emphatically. • octliHf F. L BARDWELL. For the choice. ! art cl. s in fancy gro ceries and confectioneries, and at the lowest prices, always go to the handsome store of R VVood, Broad str et, Coltl u bus. nov 9 tf One Dollar per Bottle for Brewer’s Lung Restorer The only reliable agent known for the C UB K OF CONSUMPTION. | NO MORE HEMOltltll AOES ITT )M THE I MINUS AFTER USING THE FIRST ..O IT LIE CuNjUMITIVES must 1!EI1>. W; would recommend to nil who ! ave j diseased L inga and Ulir**t, ties sterling niedirim*. Numbers ot coiiHumi lives even jin the last Ntiv eanl tins tarriido j ''here there was Imt a small portion ot th© lung lett, tisti'y tint they arrested the disease by using only two or thiee bottles I d Bre ver'n Liuu Ut*Hoivr. Their pby-io iaiis pronounced them ii.i n’aide md lit 1 hem to pine aW and <li* aud d*n*h j wmiid iia\ soon been tin* result but tor a J tim< ly use ot this article. We are well ! iware that we Lave n good dial to contend | vi h m introducing t> is remedy, as then liavo been so many we rlhless nostrums I sold heretofore, but we so firmly cn vii.ced that we now have the long iookol | !<r Cun-, that we are lead\ to cay to ah j who have this dtseiis • t lt it. we firmly and couf-cientioiisly believt* that no matter Inw tar gone they are if they wiil use the | medicine hy the ditv et ons they will live I I long 'oais ulbrwards, living witnesses ot I slie virtue i t BREWER'S LUNG RESTORER. It has no equal in Bronchitis, Sue ! Throat, lloiir-em-Hs, Short mss <>| Breath, | ! [utl'Ui; za, l’ain iu Side, Clergymen's .S o - : Tlirnai, CaJarruh and otlier di-eas-vs <l tin j j throat and lungs. In V-lithnm, it giv h | ihll'V't inst;mta:n:OU- relu'l, F gives tone! j to the who'e sysb m, and every bottle will | add troni five to ton pounds to any ones :wt iglit it taken regularly. An infant can! ; t ik- :t. without tho slight s* inj iry and v\e i ; would iil*g* patents to give F in eases ot j : Whooping Cos gh, Bad <’"ldand other and seas ;, where such a inedieii.o is needed, j | Unlike th*'greater portion •>! Cough Modi ! einos, tins has not. a particle of morphine ■ or other opi ties in it. LAMAIt, RANKIN k i.\ \IAR. Macon, Ga. Dr A It Norton, of Favaunah, writes: It j afford* me p eamro to give my approval i it,d certificate m favor ol your Lung lie--j i storer. naving given it w fair trial in n | i.uiuhcr ot cases where it proved a siicees* | 1 m the treatment ot Bronchitis and Con- | ; sumption. Five years ago my wife was | ! far gone in Oohsumjdi ni, and had been confined to her b< and the greater part ot the j time, lor six months with Hectic Fev* r ev- ! ! cry day and I had but little hopes of her j j recovery, but by persevelftiiCO With the! 1 bh s-ines of God. her L mgs are tn diy i>er- , ! teetiy oonud, i g tvo tu-r no other Lung ! ■ Medicine than yours and a cough syrup 1 1 : make. I hav<s goutrally given tho if. to- t ig thiras I hov- strong faith in bo<b. 1 | ceded in curing a number of .hopeless loi -a. <1 i gatd Brewer s Lung Re t >rer ■ e.i ven vamable pt patatiou. Willing ! you go and slice* ss J lernnu, You is Respecllully, A U NORTON, Cor. West Bruad and Harris {Sts., 1 bails .Savannah, Gn, ORANGES And Bananas in all quantities at DROMGOOLE 71R03‘, 53 Isrt ad Stieet, <".< lumhus, Ga. Orders by mail promptly attended. Edam Cheese, | Also Limberger, Young America, Western Dairy and New York ('ream. At DROMGOOLE BROS.‘ 53 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. IN A BOX. : Fine French Candies, Caramels, kc., are | put up in elegant boxes, nt DUOMGOOLE BROS 1 , 53 Broad Street, Colunibu*. I Candies at 15 Cf nti per pound. BARGAINS, Always on hand, and your orders for i Face} Groceii s. Candies, Nuts and Con- I feet ions sfiould be handed in to DROMGOOLE BROS, 53 Broad Bt. Columbus. ! Ordeis by mail attended, j oct 19 dec'2l Candies at 15c per lb. Collinsworth Institute. FOR— Boys and Younir Men ! Re-ooem-d and re-organized will re sume exerciscH at the Old Campus, Jan. 18 h, 1881. Boa r d. Tuition, Washing ! and Incidentals sls per month, if con tracted f>r the Term, and pud monthly: in advance Tuition p f *r month f2. $3 and ®4. janll bl John T. McLaughlin. YOU have got mv o and, now r, me up and pay f> r them. E L BARDWELL, , octldtf Talbotton,Ga HOSEftEiftj &ITTlf* s NO TIME SHCULi) BE LOST II the stomach, liver aud bowels nr' 1 f*> recto 1. to adopt Jtlio sure remedy. 11 s ett'r's Stomaca Bitters. Diseases of the organs named beget otlxis far more ser ious, and a deny is therefore hazardous. Myspepsiii, liver c nnpbunt, chills and fever, early rheumatic twinges, kiduev weakness, bring serious bodily trouble if trifle 1 with. Lxs notiuie in using this ffoetive, safe and long known medicine. I For sale by nil Druggists and Dealers 1 em rally* DRUGS! Besides a gflod assortment of DRUGS tad Patent Medicines, I offer at reasona ble prices, BRUSHES, COMBS. PERFUMERY, Ac. Chrorrtos and Picture Frames. A now and large stock. Lamp’s | Lamp Fixtures j Paints, Oils and Varnishes, OK AliL KINDS. AN EXCELLENT sc. Cigar. MANY NOTIONS, AND FANCY GOODS. E. L. BARDWELL, octl9 r. r Talbotton, Ga. LeVert Female College. Tli’s old established institution has i been reorganized with oompoleiit. In 1 sirueiors iff every d' purlment, and offors i sape.TfH* .idvantages lor tlie education of girls. 'Fhe disc : pli ‘e v.i 1 I<>. inilil Imt Him, and t hi. 1 ins nicti >n thorough and hy tin* analytical inetl o . Tie! next term will be gi ; Jm. 18th. 1881, nnd continue lor six Miontlin. Tui tiou due upon oorol.mciil of Mi'.* pu i oils, and except in e cs .>f spec al ftgree | ment., payine it will lm x cetod i.i ad j vance, lor at 1 ust half o. Lie. term, or j monthly. Plo deduction for iiha-nce, tin ! less caused by ploiracted HickccHS, EXPANSES AND FEES. I iMeparatovy Department per a nu:n $20.00 I Arad- mi D jiartnient per annum... 30.00 | (-ollcgi. do Do par: meut j.r annum.. 40.00 Music Dcpaitmeut per annual 30.00 f nculeiitiftls per uiinnui 2.00 Use <f Piano per monili 1.00 For lurtber infor.nation add res i the President, 1* E DAVANT, dec2ltf Talbotton Ga. Toll Dish Cut Down. Ibices red cert for grinding aud gin ning at J B Gormans mill. Until further notice, our prices for grinding con will bo 1 10th toil, and ginning $1.30 per b le cotton, the plan ter furnishing one bend to hand cotton, i! id will have ttse of screw five of charge! no v ifi; f J. B. GORMAN. TALBOTTON Club Rooms. Jacobs & Bill, PROPRIETORS. Imported and Domestic Wines, Brandies, Cham paigns, Whiskies and Cigars. FINE WHISKEYS A SPECIALTY I Handsome POOL and BIL LIARD TABLES. pgr- BARBER SHOP in icnr of Bar. THORNTON HOUSE BASEMENT. jan 11 J) h \E. E BROWN, IfFILMORE BROWN, Brown's National Hotel Nearly Opposite Passenger Depot, MACON, GEORGIA. Re-opeued, Re-furnished and First-class in every RE SPECT. We ask all our Patrons and Friends to ! ns !l wlh RATES. $2.00 per day, I Meals 50 cents Lodging 50 cc-ri’s. E. E. BROWN k SON, j Large Samp! Rooms. ocs Prop's. fk TOYFUL for Boy* and Girls 1 JjLgUL’J Tonne and Old!! A NEW IN ' ’KNT ION just patented for them, r - ‘‘,ssnM !° r H<>ue use ! Fret and Scroll Rawing, Turn ing, r •-. tem Borin*?, Drilling,Grinding, Polishing, Screw Cutting. Price S.O to SSO. Send G cents f-.r 100 pages. KPTTR, IM SHOWN, Lowell, !Um. ptember leo w ly Is JONES & ci. COLUMBUS, GA. Have just added to their attractions a argeßtcok of Ladies' JaiCkets, - AND— English Walking Coats In Black and Light Delicate Shades. Would call attention of purchasers to novelties in Cloaks qnd I) lupins, can commend them both tor tastetul effect nnd perfect fit. \VV open to-day addi tions in Dross Flannels both Fla in, Stri ped and Plaid, aud HANDSOME PLAID WATERPROOFS BLANKETS. 10 4 White liliinko's $2 no. 10-4 White Bhinknts $5.00. lo 4 Whit* l BlaiiKots S^H.OO. 10 4 White Bluimsts SIO.OO. 12 4 Whit* Blanlceto $15.00. 12-4 Scarlet Red Blankets sls 00. Bright colored Carriage and Buifgy Blankets. CRETONNES. Elegant designs and colorings in Furni ture Cretonnes at popular prices. NOTIONS, 50,000 Letter Sine Envelopes sc. per pack * 100 Remits Commercial Note Paper sc. per Quine 1000 Boxes ‘ToilJt Soap nt. 25c—12 calces to the box. 500 Boxes Toilet Soap, large eakes,3oo. (I cakes to the box. Call lor our Linen Towels nt 10, 15 md 250. They beat them all. Come and sec our Cussimers for men find boys. Look at our assortments in Belts and Bags,Veil T ins, Necklaees, We fell Chains, etc W'eopendiilv more stuffs than we can name Como nnd see them, wo won't I insist on your buying. J. S. JONES k CO. Columbus, Ga., m i* 9 b 1 —nov2 RANKIN HOUSE, JOHN SCHERF, Proprietor FRANK GOLDEN, Clerk. Entirely Now In all its APARTMENTS, and strictly FIRST-CLASS. jiin4tf ( OLtIMTTTS, GA. I SIOO A MONTH meat to an intolftflpnt m or woman in every A ‘TiTf ft (° r * ! t-iwn. Woahowant JulM JL £3 unity I r.tperb, highly coiimien'li-d, ImmoiiHoly ,>>>|>nlir ftml fi* ! ft Ki Nil ill'll Immensesalfft mire. Wat I | NEW BDOICit J f*nnd f>r circnlftM ami terms. Also, for The I'eopl Magazine -! bmnd I'rNiiluin't. OniyUi .ui year. Snmpli* Trm fur stninp, or H months ft-r 10 cent l‘. . y.ltglur lu., I (too X rcli HI., !*litliulrl|>lila, ur Chicago, PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL WORKS, A. B. FARQUHAR & CO. MACON. GEORGIA. MANUFACTURES OF Horizontal and Vetncal Steam Eogine-s, mounteii anT unn'onntec 1 ; Threshing Ala chines, Fan Mills, Separators, Cane Mils, etc. Send for circular Address oct‘2'2 A B- FARQUHAR, Macon, Ga. Hard vare. Hardware. ESTES & SOM. Broad Street, Cohanfeus, Have in store full lines of Hardware, Hollow Ware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Plantation Impleineots, and Buggy Material, Ac. Prices always low Come and see us. novlGa CHEAT MM 111 PRICES IT ] CARGILL'S ' J0 j Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, Cassimeres. And ail classes of Woolen Goods marked down 25 per cent. Special bargains in MEIIINO UNDE'ttWEA R ! A large line of Gents' Scarlet Wool bhirts and Drawers to be sold before ihc sea - on closes regardless of pnc?. Jly stock oi Dress Goods shall be reduced, if low prices will move them. SPECIAL PRICES IN HOSIERY ! 50 doz-n Gents' English Half Hose at 25c. former price 35c. 25 dozen Misses Fancy PL id Hose at 25c Miner pricj 37c. The finest line ol Gents* Half Ho:*e in the city. RIBBONS in endless variety, to which I call special a tent ion* Fresh arrivals in Girdles and Balls. Girdles and Spiles, Girdles and Tassels. Passementries, Silk Handkerchiefs, Lidi s* and Gentl* F n:*v Border Hand kerchief-, etc. My stock of goods is too large for the s as on and must be reduced. Jumps I>. Cargill Boad Street, jnly2o—jan2s COLUMJDUS, GRORGIA, New Clothina: House ! Wo are. now rce iving n full Hn*i of GENT’S, YOUTH S & BOYS' Clo thing I —AND— GENTS 1 FURNISHING GOODS. Which lmvo been selected witn great care for this markoL and will bo sold nt the lowe 11.*mg prices. As our goads are all hew no ononetd fear of buying old stock. We gu. ran tee all goods as repre sontt*d,aiid respet tfuliy in Vite our friends and the public to call and see us. J. C. HARRIS & SON, No. 52 East Side Broa l Str et. oct26 b l Columbus, Ga THE BEST REMEDY FOB Diseases of the Throat ana Lungs, _ Diseases of the pulmonary organs M aro 80 and fatal, that a safe and fJKffk M reliable remedy for " ” L-Jy, ® them is invaluable to every community. Ayer’s Cherry 4 vWi// Pectoral is such i\ v(| romedy, and no />,,other so eminently CHERRY merits tlio contD donee of the public, it is a scientific coin* 3BWJpvbination of the medi- JlOTil’oinal prinei}les and niteurativo virtues of wJilf the finest drugs, PFUTORfIL chemically united, r f<) insllro tho groat . est possibieefflcieney and uuiformity of re* suits, which enables nliysieiatis as well as invalids to use it with confidence. It is the most reliable remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs that science has pro duced. It strikes at the foundation of all | pulmonary disease's, affording prompt I and certain relief, and is adapted to pa tients of any ago or either sex. Being | very palatable, the youngest children; j take it without difficulty. In the treat ment of ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza. Cler gyman's Sore Tlirout, Asthma,Croup* and Catarrh, the effects of Ayers j Cherry Pectoral are magical, and multi* ! tudes are annually preserved ftoin actions j illness by its timely and faithful use. D should be kept at hand in every house hold, for the protection it affords in sud den attacks. In Whooping-cough and Consumption there is no other remedy so efficacious, soothing, and helpful. Tho marvellous cures which Ayer’s CherßY TeCtokal has effected all oxer the world aro a sufficient guaranty that It will continue to produce the best results. An impartial trial will convince the. most j sceptical of its wonderful curative powers, i as well as of its superiority over all other 1 preparations for pulmonary complaints. Eminent physicians In all parts of the | country, knowing its composition, recom*. mend Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral to inva* ; lids, and prescribe it in their practice, i The test of half a century has proved its ! absolute certainty to cure all pulmonary | complaints not already beyond tho reach | of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Practical an<l Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. •OLD BY ALL UUUOOIBTS LVERYU IIKRS. It. M. WILLIS. J. L. WILLIS. WILLIS & WILLIS, Attorneys a Lnw, Talbotton. Georgia run (fii). Bedell’s Sloe Store. 86 Broad Street; Columbus, Ga. Always has in Stock a full and well assorted line of Ladies’ and Gents' Boots and Shoes. of tlw tiost anil nobbiest styles, and made to Older of the bent maie-ials Ihnl mvcce can buyi J Ladies Button and Basket Shoes, AND BOOTS A SPECIALTY. Call and see them. IHK 1)1 st biogan mid ravin boot in tile market, for the hvst money, AH Roods be* and ilcsir i >lo. Ihe p ojde of Talbot and adjoining counties especinliy invi.'ed to all and examine my stocks. mar 30 1! r - W. If. lIEDELL. SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE! PHIL. EiFLER GUN AND LOCKSMITH, Dottlof ill Guns. Pistols, SportuiF Articles, Ammunition, Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, &e. ALL OLSA KINDS OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES Guns and Pistols Repaired, and Keys Fitted. 165 Broad St,., Opposite RANKIN HOUSE jan 4 b 1 COLUMHITS, GA. THE UP-TOWN CROCER gfSßprgg Special Inducements in GROCERIES, For CASH, at Wholesale and Retail t. h. trar^iEbcix-.TaPir, Tlie ( tp-Town Grocer, jan C)!—jani.B COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. A FORTUNE Is within tho roach of Every Man, who is energetic, Industrious end ccoiinm iind who lives within Ills income. If yon mnko one dollar, only epend half of [if, la J' in K U P U>® balance and in a low years you will lay tho foundation for a fortune which can by MADE in a few yo.irs. In making your purchases of the necessary ootnfoHsof life it is bs to seioot good and lieliuldo Houses fo trada wiSh, good substantial and’.well made Clothing, Huts, uud Furnishing Hoods pay best lu the end. IN A life times experience, this has beau the verdict of all wise men. TIIORNTON Jk. ACEE> 83 and 85 Broad .Street, Columbus, Ha., call attention to their New Stock Full and Winter Clothino, FrnNisinso Goods, Hath, Caps, Thunks, Valises, Canes, Um ri:ki.las, and Fouetgn and Domestic Piece Goods. They keep up with the times and are receiving Now Novelties every DAT from their importers and manufacturers direct, and guarantee prices and goods a the lowest figures, and of the Best Quality. apl 0 b I- sep2B T T HAYDOCK The largest, and most comp’ete works for the manuTneti- o of Cartages ,n the world. tßuggies for tho trade a specialty. CORKER PLUMB AND TWELFTH STREET CL> Cl> .> ATI, OHIO,