The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, February 01, 1881, Image 4

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“OLD STAND I” The neatest and best kept BAR in town is that of Wm. KELLER, at his “Old STAND/’ one door below J. H. Harvey. A full line of the LeIO'XTODEXSS of all kinds constantly on hand. FHESH BEEN ON ICE ! SODA WATER, ET. CORNER. STORK Avrny Cursor Stoic will he for, id mlirg* and well kop* stock of FANCY & FAMILY GKOCEIIIES, -AND - Groods 2 1 itm fr,it.i<fal ‘o my frion' f-r thoii long conlinutd p tromipc. and hop* ceivo a e nitimiMfi'- of th no- i * \Y . K t ‘Oollin© DANIEL COLLINS, Prop’r. Columbus, Georgia. Situated on Upper Oglethorpe Street, on Square Relow th* “Centennial Stores,” Will kef pon >M)il a full *<cm kof * *■' •’ n<l I'ndu * r.t u I mnl 01 , SASH. DOORS and BUNDS. 3 V\ Tt f. WiM*<n.' al!v m l.nud a full *. r 1 of VUJ i>W INK BAHII DCOK *n<l DJINP, I '. 1> stir> la ****** tnc li- fo * blip tip eV.*wh*rG. fua 0 a “JTajm)' \v ah e, ha udwaiuF HL. McLEMDON, TA I, BOTTON. OA. I! AH DWARK, TIN WAR 13, 8T( >YKS,CUT LKRY, PLOW STOCKS, CROOKFRY. Plow Hoes, Saddles, Bedsteads, Chairs, Also a full line of WAGON AND BUGGY TIMBERS, OF best material AMD aT LOW FIGURES. \IX orders for HKIMIIt WOHK in Tin, Iron or Copper promptly ntteuclwl In mid ■uli.rucMon I rli iil k" pUi 't ei.'iK htoeli "f evet Chins In Cn- li.inlw irc i :ul lioti fun ir'iing ill: .i ll re iiivlfultv nol.cil an in .p utiou ni my i> mid prices. 111. M<T.ENRON. H. ENGLAND. (Successor to UEKRINO & ENGLAND,) Nob. (>7. (it), 71 & 73 Oglethorpe Street, Columbus Georgia. MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, Buggies & Wagons. Buggies from $65 to $l5O. All Guaraneeed. Kv SCO BUGGY is tho best ever made for the money. LI ore than two car loads made and sold, and every pur chaser highly pleased Call and examine my work before purchasing I keep a full line of Hamers and the finest Whips sold in the City :,r<—.3. |{. KXiI.AM). ~T. GUERNSEY, SUCCESSOR TO GUERNSEY A REYNOLDS. j\IACO>% : : : : : : Offers to the trade in Ta'bot, T.nvl mud adininin • onunfi<r, a a* w and varied <toe\ *i iHiiiJobiur ed-iug g -D, i- P i>% Su-di. blinds. Window, GEns. OR, Hard vui., A'., marked do.vuattbe price'. : * in-ore ••:! ud perfect satisfuctior <VII v r to I'. UII>KN>EV, <*iv '-'it- \V. W. l.Vthus A Bro. Mucou, Ga U c'dri. WHOLESALE DKAEEUS IN HARDWARE CUTLERY AC. Tin, Wooden Ware oi' Every Kind. We have now in store a largo and well assorted Stock of Poet?! asi Tatis Callen,—Fairtaut’s Staitari Scalss. C2TM*. robots and others wo:d 1 ’• • well *r ! V' v.- i c.; ’d -t .-r i i-- ■ or Stool IRON FRONT STORE. HEERY3U., MACON, GA. THE REGISTER AM) STANI)AHi), TALROTTON. TALBOT COUNTY, GEOIIGLY, FEBRUARY 1 1881 H'EADQURATERS ie<>i Crockery, China and Glassware. A fuil line ot Silver Plated Goods, including Castors, Spoons, Forks, Knives, &c. Also, a full stock of Refrigi rators, Ice Boxes, Water Coolers, Fly Traps, and Fly Fans. And n full stock of the fo!Iv :ni;fl st chin stoves: Traveler, Spirit of ’76, Improved Iron King, and K E Lee. Manufacturers of Plain and Stamped Tin Ware, JOHN <J. VANSYCI.EA: < < marlC b 1 up *2O 110 THIRD STREET. MACON. OA. ilHlilFii! BRADFORD & EVERETT, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Crates, Tin- iSEi Ware, Hollo Wars, Grccksry, Glass Ware, House-Furnishing Goods, &c.,j mriy 11 No 142 Broad Street. Columbus. Georgia. Monumental Marble Works ! First Dooi Nc-itli of Virginia Grocery, Broari Street Columbus, - Georgia. ! Monuments, Tombs, Headboards, Vases, <&c. of the best Italian & American Marble. Designh and estimate** fiirninhcd by addressing ns, : Workmanship the best. Prices Reasonable! march Utl, A. M. k J. 11. ELLIiDUK, Proprietor I 1) ANDERSON. J sl ANDI 1 S:IN. |€. I). ANDERSON & SON, wa in :noi 'Sio an i > Com mission Merchants, ! FOURTH STREET, MACON. GA. j [HOUSE LATELY OCOVHED BY B I. WILLINGHAM A SON.) i LIBERAL ADNANCES MADE ON COTTON IN STORE Ragging and Ties Furnished at (lie very Lowed MARKET RATES. \V*£on Yard ami Sbcpiug (J .arbTs l' n o to (’uhlouh is. iiovJ i \\\ 1 KLoTTcIrr MAN UKAt'TI 1 UEK OP AND DMA I,Ell IN JET XT 3FL!O>T X7J? XT H.50E1, iMatresses, IVood( l offins, Oases Caskets, Window Shades, Wall Paper. AWNINGS andjXAMBUEQTJINS. -^ A SPECIALTY. 100 MULBERRY STREET MACON, GA. opl I DRUB ’ STORE! | havnfor ilc, at RETAIL, and WHOLESALE all kinds of M ,n -th t hnv • ! JL reputation f? n li (7 f amt lu-ust. Castor und Sweet Oils, Laudanum, Piirogorie, Turpentine, end Fliv ring Kxsin/t-* by the dozen; tine Oliv Cil, for table u-c Teething Bowden*. 2* o ids . i u Soda. cb< by the keg; Gilbert‘a Liver PIN’. 25 cents pt box- ' M;i. is 1 M!' best brands. Kiesh 'l’urnlj) Seed,all kinds- Turkish Bstb Towels and I' sb Pruslr-. l\i| t Soaps, Tooth Brushes and IViiumes a variety tine Brandi.s and Wmcs foi medicinal os'. v ' A Ne.;ht Bell will b > found at Ibe di or. oci'ji.l DR, J N GILBERT. 148 Broad St. ColnmV.u e -a- Steamplaning Mills ot Lumber Yard. .o:- T. J. DUDLEY. MANUFACTURER A3l) DE.M.I'.B IN Suilding: Material 2 KEEPS corsfcvntlv on hand all Regular Sires of Sash, Doors, I'll: Is and Mould Flooring and Ceiling dreaped md matched, and nil kwds ol rough and • ! drvKst and Lumber, o<H>r Window s, Mouldings, Scroll Works Picket-' lattice, Vc., got out to order. Ail work done.and material furnished at botton prio w Agents for the Centennial Palest Sash Balance. It is simple. oonvenitet sn<l etaeap, esn be applied ‘o old windows without change oi, answer every purpose of the weighted ar.d eu be haw for les than one-fourth tile u>aaico*. C*U i*uvi j I’vaU'ii:, >FFIOK at 4 KILLS or Mrc*r Street- uear General l'asscnger Depot. m ir'.t COLUMBUS GA sicsa Iflßl p cures . or ß ,uous!l £ kWRb niV!A-SANO A Sir **w icvriUiT ducoweredand used Waa cmiseM ptqrucas v. -fui mkccss. Ail de is anci couotry have at or get %t fcw yea Akc a sure cure f.. I >,* DJG FSTION . £* 4 k /T e/sY K <A < ostl?fnes} *liiiou*.nr. L ~J Tff 'O-i. la £&\ Otiivoorw r- i y *3 2#% uvlth *sSii;i£k. t septoMi 7 s HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW CLOTHING! IN COLUMBUS. Y A M new opening n v stock of FALL laud WINTER CLOTHING, embrac ing .11 the New Styles and Fabrics of the seasou, and am prepared to offer great n dueemenfri to ca di buyers. Handsome Dbess^Suits, Business Suits. FINE Dress Suits, HALF HOSE, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, COLLARS and CUFFS, Fine Hats in (lie newert styles, Umbrel- j cas, Walking Canes, and every oti.ei item to be Hound in a first class C othi g S t re. The beat stock of Children's Clothing in lhe market. if you want good Goods cheap, Cali uid h e inee. JAKE GREENWOOD. ocdl'J aid Obi LANPRETHS 1 M SEEDS "/BEST IQ Q 1 I) nft w>ld in your town, yon Ifi I can tfmrn by mail. Drnp 1111 I I uh a Postal Card for Oaf*. Al/VA Jo*fU and Prioea. Th Oldest and most extensive Seed OrorrsTs in the United State*. DA VID LANDItKTH <sc SOlS.Philada.J*A nov2 1/1 CITY HOTEL, M. *, A. I V SC la, PK( tPRIETBESS. 'IVoy, Yls l;i inai . Is lbe only cl l:-:h Ho ;.**<• i t eilv. '•■DvenltuUy located for t ; :*‘ <! ;-■< -t id bu*iness. Air J MJL ily is she <lb -j,t Clerk. julv 20 Iv IBA BLOW IIOi SE, Amcriciis, l"ir-t clubu, $2 per day. Satisfaction : gtiurnrdewl. St >p with ns who i yon j visit Americas. Omnibus to a from i trains. EASON *L BItO., Bias., j and Managers. july JO lv BARNES’ ALBANY HOUSE, Corner Pine and .Jackson st.s ALBANY G.i. Omnibus Fretf;to and from l l Trains. ! ME BRICK BARNES, Proprietor, j julylOlv j Dinner House, j OPPOSITE FASSENGF.R DEPOT. : Smithvillo, - - - Georgia. GOOD SQI'AIiK M. AL FOR fit) CKNTS. wine n ::Nw:o> run:. Port* r.; at all tr. ins, and the l est o | -verY'iiing guar.n t< c l. i jvdyaoiy \Y. M. MrAFEE, Pro r. JOHN D. WHLLbbS, Attorney at Law, ' TALBOT TON’, GEORGIA. I. iT O'l!'otions:'S’: 0.-mlitv octSly. ,!. M- JM A UTI N , Attorney at Lav/, Office in the Court II uk\ ' Eiilßot (on, : : (Huirgin Pr nri ice in the. Superior Court* <>f (h.* | < ‘hatt tcooibcc Circuit and the Buprems j Court Of the fctnto. Prompt attention given to nil business outrusted to bis care. janl It>l < i:\TU.VIi IIOTKI., | Broad Ktkkkt, - - Columbus, Ga. j T-'j" First-cdftß in nil its appointment ■. Office and Dimn : Room on first tlixir. l>'.l,K(Ti:U' IU.U.S IN KVUfcV KOOJI ! J ItntcM Ro vsonabL . Tables iurnisbed with j best the markets allortL This Hotel is i ■•nitrally located, with the bent ?u unino- j putioiis in the city. J \V. RYAN', ProDiietor. I — IE. H. WOIHUTvE. J. II WOKRILL E H. Worrill & Sop. 4!!orn >js at Law, T Vi.BO r ION (t Lt>HCIA, \V ILL pra* tice in t e Supreti o (' :ri. t)u‘ Snp*nor Courts iho Sv.iie, nud t* • Cni -d Suites l> tiict Couvt uf Sa' uu-ah. AUrnt -n uiven to all matters ill B.*uk-, nipt-, y. F. ocial attuntion giv /u t■ Collections | api ' bl Sv s[,, IP' o 7;. r JE' 0 3.- M./‘NI daCTI I.*:iv OF Fine Cigars, AM) DBALBR IN - : Cigaretts. Chewing & Smok ing Tobacco. & Snuff. ! Brown House Mock, Opposite ras onuor Depot ctllHfo 181 Fourth Bt. Mrcon, Ga* ! town shops:: Wood and Blacksmith WOll Iv. J. C. C AMPBELL, Proprietor ; This is to Inform the public that I ! have taken charge of the Wood and Black ' smith Shops, on the east side of the IV.b --! lie Square, win re I .on prepared to exe cute all classes of repair work on wagons i carriages, buggies. &c Alt sorts oi p! >w work, and horse sinning done in the best | style and to phase. 1 have eemj.itcui workman m all departments of my busi ness mnl guarart- c satisfaction to all my I oast 'in rs, both as to prices and work. I resptvtful’y solicit the orders cf the pub ! lie Talbotlon. uiadol J. C CAMPBELL, •suaviv ii a\ q ot-.i^s ‘vqnn^ds^M seiquis: jLArj aui c.iyo uqi ni aui ipiw punoj oc t r.r j juouiei;i>s pa eocaaaanoo isoijavo Jtoqi i pjt .WJ I oi Cl.; (*AO i q.H Osoqi >|SU p[Hi ■ i *Ap ajtv an: js sseuisnq aui tin .s yv; aytrtq-tw pan ■ 0\ OdCAvpiliy JO SJCOJS AG3 pTOa UQIA . ■eorio£ Central & Southwestern Railroads h (Ja , .1 11 fi lfiST f\K 11 alter MONDAY, J:u< U>. IM. 1 1/ ig. r trains on th * Central ana I Sou'bvv stern Kaiho .and and Branches will i run as follows: , TBAIN NO. 1--GOING NORTH AND WEST. Le ives S ivasm h a m : Lc.-.ves Augusta ...0-Mo a m I Arrives at Augusta L (A p m A1 rives at Macon IrLjpm j Leaves Macon f rAtlanta 8:1pm j Arrives at At!a i' a— . . .‘LIOaAI j Leaves Maco i lor Columbus and j Montgomery daily 225 r m | Arriv s at Coltunbns daily 2 21 a m ! Arrives at Montgomery d.ily 0 4) a m M king close connection at Atlanta with | Western and Atlantic Bailroid and Atlan- Jta and Charlotte Air-Liue /or all points; | North ; nd Wt -t. COMING SOUTH AND EAST. , ! [ Atlanta 12:20 P m Arrives at M icon <5;30 a m Leaves fot Macon daily 5 00 p m | Lcav. s Colamims d.dly 12 <>B a m .Arrive a' Macon daily <; 45 a m Leaves Macon 7:00 a > r Arrives at Aliiledgevillt* 9:44 a m An ives at E to: t n .. 11:3d am j Arrives at A ugnsta 4 :15 M Arrives at Savannah 5:15 r m ; Leaves Augusta o:3<t a m Making connection at Savannah with the Sa vin nab, Florida and W 7 st .ru Kail road for all points in Florida. TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND Wj.ST. Leaves Savarpcib k 7 •p M Arriv-s at Augusta, - - - * 5: to a t Le ves Aug Mu 8 3pm Arri\esat Milledgevill; - * - 9:11 am Arrives at Eit mton - - - 11310 am Anivcs at Macon - - - - • 7:2) am Leaves Macr.n for Atlanta - - - s 0> a m Arriv-. s at Atlanta - - - - - 12: ar v. Leaves Macon f< --r Albany, Ealhiila > 4 a m Arrives at Eufaul.t - - - - .4:lspm Arrives at Albany - • - - - 353 pm Leaves M fon for Columbus - 1:5 A m Arrives at Columbus * - - * 1:10 pm Triens on th s s ho lal - leaves Ma on. \tlanla, ( obimbux, Eufavla, Albany und Aug iß’a daily, mnkii-g close c< nn < t;on at Atlanta with Wcateru an 1 Atlantic, :n 1 AM. n'a in 1 Charlotte A r T.i -?i‘ La fail a w ith Mon*g.jn**ry and Eutaul.i railway—d Columbn’u with WVstern rail- road; at A l4,vs:a with the Chariot!. , Cos lumbitacd Auv: ■ .ta rad road nod hOUtri I Carolina railroad for all points North j a rut Kv;t. I T'nfy-d'. e< . Uni t V' ul - I SllfldaV'. j Trao: on I'7. ■ • - ; ' > a v | buoy da )y - x epf Null tys. c iii so >crh and east. | Lea' s Atlanta 2:15 p m )Ar ivi sat Maci>i; from Atlanta . 0 ; 55 p m i !.eav* s Alb my ----- 12;02a m I Leave.- Eufatila ----- ]2:bo a m ; Arrnt Macitti fr’m Eufanla, Albany 0:35 r m Leaves Columbus ----- ii:sh am Arrives at M con from Colnmlms 5:10 p m Leaves Macon 7:35 pm : Arrives at'Augusta - 5:40 a m ; Leaves Augusta - - - <S:3o p m Arriv-sat Savauivdi - - - - 7:15 a m j Ph se igers f>r Milh-dgcville and Eaton ton will ta 1 i* train No 2 from Savannah and train N • 1 from Macon, which trains ; connect daily, ei< el t Monday, lor these p< iiits. l'nliman Palace Sleeping Cirs between ! ! Savannah and Cincinnuti via Macon, At ; lantt and t.‘iniunntt S uthern mllw y Pullman l’a’ace Sle j iugC rs to \Ya li in ’ton v.a Augusta. Charlottd and Uicli . wiond, on 0 20 a m train from Savannah. Local S;eAping Cars on all Night 1 Trail,s b- t\v> :> Savannah aid Augusta, Augusta and Macon, an I Savannah and | Atlanta. I’casingoTH from S<.-nthw Rt*m Glor ia <an take -a’h* r t.ain from M ;<•, i to Augu-ta aud make coum ettonv •> itliPull i uian Sleep i from Augusta io Washington | Without change. Berths in Sleeping Caiscnn be secured it thy ’lieke: o/lic • on MiUbtny Trv t, or at I>cjot (ii A VuirriaiMP, WM. ROGERS, I Ufii Ticket Ayt. oe:: Up't C li K. mr •!•. J O Ml aw. Wrstti.t.LMVN ' lira ! iav A\ t. Suyt nW it ti, M. a. t.a. Jail 18 V-.) Alum & Xr OK ' k MAsa to the a i orva health. Excellent. Tonic, A! endive an I I> - | ur< tie. -Medical Association of Lynch burg, Vi. Hop no equal for lever fin 1 Kidno.v Disorders. Rev E C l)ols n, Pittsylva nia Go , Ya. Adapted in chronic diar hooa, consti pation, and scrofula. Hv. Latham, M. I)., Pi-s't Ya. Medical Society. Successfully used in dyspepsia, chronic diarrhma and scrofula' Prof S J .ck- n, ; Univ. Pa. Effici-ut m aommSa; excellent app - ; tizer and blood purifier. 1L Fis cr, M i'-.G.a. Valuable i- nervous prosfrition. indi- j ;Dr B P.M-mVr. SK oui's. 1 Mo m u’c- ~,es peculiar to fein& chrnic .tv- r .and _ue, br>::... : : ; disc:-- t.s of the digestive or als. J K : Jion_hton, M TANARUS), Ala V *y beneficial in strengthening and j improving a reduced system. Rev John j \Y B ckvvitb, Bishop of (reargiir Most valuable remedy koowf! for female t di* cases.- John PIF tteaur. M. D, LL. D. Used in olwtinato cases of dyspepsia • with great benefit.-—J Macßalph/ M I>., ; Rose Point, Pa. Used with great benefit in malarial le > ver and diphtheria, —S F Dupon. M I).. I Georgia. <*) great curative virture.—Thomas F Rnmbohi M I). St L• uis. Mo. i Very efficient u glandular dcrange- I meet. Dr Win S Morris, Lynchburg, Vjv 1 Best remedy ever list'd in diseases of , the tnro;it-. —l’ A Sifferd, M. D.. N C. Ada} t and in he certain iff ciio s to the kidneys nnct bladder: dyspei sia. lupus, chf rosi--, scrofulous ami cutaneous sif | tec* ions.—Prot J J Moorman, M. D , Ya, An obstinate case of neuralcia of seven I ; years standing entirely cured by tie ! mass.- J P Ntt-se, M D.. Hoimon‘s Mills, N C Pamplilet and circular r containing full j information t free upon appiic.rtion. Mass and Pills sent post-paid onv where. Springs open year round, $40.00 a j month. Address. A M DAVIES, Preset of the Cos,, 7 s Mai’. >• , Lync urg, Va. For sale bv Dr E L Bard well, Talbotton. Ga. nov23 •XVK3HSU V SIiaVK q Trl=s -9SV.V JU A'}ddy p?AOjd -ds qjiAi ‘!X n J.qtnooad ejquXixl n io N>{i i m iio;j o ' sue i q joqjp *sa}*aiu iu* sosioq jo pveq aauijij HITS UGI Mendelssohn Piano Cos., Will make, for the next 60 days only, a Grand OfFer of PIANOS <& ORGANS. SBSO Square Grand Piano for only $245. STYLE 3 Unguvili'ttut rosewood e.ise e'ej.:an(Jy finished, 3 stnnps 7 1-3 Oot.iv I full patent c ,r:aDte a.-jniffes, our new patent oveistmng SAele, b untifnl carved | e S ;md lyre.heavy rerpentine ami large fancy moulding round case, full Iron Prim,. 8 ! Pirncb I'l-ftml Action, Hammers, iu la t every improvement which can in .'' i way lend lo the pt rlection of the instrument inis bun added. ,l!j 7 Onr price for this instrument box.-d and delivered on board cars at New Yovt ~,.i | fine Piano ('over. Steol and Hook, onh i}2ls. ' ““ Toil Piano will 1) s ii on test Please send reference if von do net S e n ,i I money with order. Cash sent with order will be refunded and freight charges nai I :by us both ways if Piano is not Just as re' resented i:i this Advertisement * Tli isndsilj use. Send for Cat ao.n .. Ev-ry instrument fuly warranted for five v -!n." |)1 \ V( tg -Iho to jlOJi (with Stool, Cov.r and : ook). All strictly firstl 1 I. slat *s O class aiid sold at Wholesale factory prices. These f to ole one ot t e li e t disp a; s at the Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimously rt, mmended fur the High st Honors. The Squares contain our N.ov Patent Scale the greatest improvement in the history of m iking. The Uprights are the nuest in Aineric '. Pootiv ly we make the finest Pianos/of the richest tone and grunt, st dumb li tv. 3 !cy are recommended tile highest musical authorities in ;ne e<.nutty. Over 14.<mki in uue. and not one dissatisfied purchaser. Alt p lsn . SI .1 ( >rg llls sc ut on lo days' fsi trial—freight free if unsatisfactory. Don't tail t„ write us before boring. Positively ir offer the best bargains. Catalogue mailed fru . Handsome Ilins r,t ut and Descriptive Catalogue of pages mailed f. r 3c st -inp. Every Plan , lnlly warranted for 5 years- ADDA MQ oar ,pallo ‘' Orand Jubile Organ/ style Sr,, is the finest and la \.f: f\ vj v ' ' ' 1 i- rt orgrn ever offered the musical public. It contains Five Octaves, Five sets of .Reeds, four of 24 Oc t \es each, and One of I'.sr. ,■ Ootav. a. Thirteen stops with Guand Cak - Jana : ' ' "’L 1 •<•'. Celeste. Dulcet. Echo, Melo ’.ia-Forte, Celestlna. Vi, dins Itu c-H. rte Ir-molo, riraud-Organ and Grand-Swell, Knee-Stops. Height ?a lr ’. Jy-tigth, 1.i.: Uni:!;. 74 in.: \Veight, b ,x.-d. 3'iu lbs. The case is of solid’ walnut ' I '' ■. l ° *• Wtrcls. and Hof an entirely ne.v and beautiful design clab, ' r oairv- i. v.itn r.>, m Is. music closet, lamp stands, fretwork. Ac., ’all etc. gaudy fi .'shod 1 '-'''".rail the latent and best impn>v,-ments, with great power !’ “• 11 svn|)atl. -tic <p! ility ot tone. B -antifnt ado effects and perfe. t S o|. ,1. 1 1. - ~ -micro: i< price Sag-,. Oor wlioleade net cash pric •to have it i„. tr,,(lucid With Mo la.'dbook, cm ly #o7—as on organ sold sells others Positively ~ No .c.ym t.t rc H tur. and until yen h.v,- fully tet-d th- organ , . .... 1,11 or rsU ,ls on lo days t-st trial and pav ft eight bath wavs 1 ut ,h n "‘ r "l’ri‘-' n! 'I Fully w.rrantcil fir 5 years. Ot.ier styles ‘a sn, |, .ng" , “.';l :. o s tops. •■isl4 stops, si 15. Over 32,0.11) solii. and* every 1...7 War. ; S, :;:.V wPP llastra,ld ‘' iroUlar Factory SI I LET M USB ' : "‘i"’ l lri< ”' Catalogue of 3000 choice pieces ~ . .‘/ .'it f;;r 3v‘, stump Tins c tuloenio mnuf tif anthius" '7.ldr7 C “ l:l , vt ' rv Vjrie '- V uf “osical muipnsiiion, by the best METOMHOS PIANO CO-, P 0 Box 2058,New York City jhi p n. a b\aii mi WW a Pi I V?* iL li: "A 1:1 p Reynolds ugusta, Ga. o GENEKAL AGENT FOB TALBOTT* ISSOTWIS " ' ' r.-uiturnl 1 .g.nev, [o i whev s.J St indaril Portibm Engines, [on,l ••>'... p. ■ i;t - r Agtfeu.'tnral Engines ..n wheels. Planter Portable Er ' tu.-s ..U Ktul-. lulm.aran I Li.-'ira dive Boifers, Tnrbico and Wa-.-r wheels, Co ■}}■'} "" 11 . ■■ Circular Saws. Sh ifting, Fullers, B xes, Hangr afcltin... cf. I,t nt Spark A,uestors. Vv alurtown Steam Enarine Company’s 7' ' ;l 11 " " '• P " lt Engines on skids. Dairy Engines for small Bnildirsa I .. ,l ' , 7 aii.iiaiy K gill, s, wiila and nth ut ent off. Keturu Tubnlar j .-ui.ei wi.a two flues, Locom 'Dve an i Vertical Boilers, S.nv Mills, etc. C. & G. COOPER & COMPANY’S , f-IVopeil*n’’ I notion Engi ieß, Farm Agricultural Engmea on wh eels, Portable sou skids Stationary Eatjinr-8. Locomotive Boilers Two Flue Boiler.-, lie •'iru 1 .build Boilor-. ('ti. and Wheat Millh, Por abl Mills with portable bolt at (/: < i Siuiit rnri"Ji 1., s-. 5Yi eat fs p.irat-r and oat weed extractor. Eureka I ’t-u- Packer. Saw Mi;l , and übl • and -ingle. &• P 7U r m CarX*d’woll z§a Co’s 'A i: t Tursht r.S: r.t r-and .’I aners, ‘Ground Hog’Threshers, Hydraulic Cot ’■ 1 " s 1 ■ Powers double and single geared—mounted Power Ooivi sbdleis itrul Feed Cutters. Reid’s Patent Cotton Gin Attachment u t n-1 clea ring lint, taking out all motes, naps and trash, leaving • id- Inn .-"it ami iif cy. Fairbanks' Standard Scales & Patent Alarm Cash Drawers. Sp i'll! I's-in ■:,!f ,r It ih o id, I'l.nk und Depot, Wngon, Hay and Coal Senles Mnniifiietur. rol the Smith Ha;,.I Power n,)U, n and liny Press. Reid's Antom.tio . eii a i icfei hi,’-i the n- m Virginia Feed t utter. lor full particulars, circulars, gen ■ ral information, et .. rt| to rmiydbl ff.) POLLARD. Mix & Kirtlurid, No. :> COTTON AVENUE and i'.O THIRD STREET, sfA€oX> v - Ceoigia dealer in Boots, Shoes and Hats. U/.’ HA\ E now in sfor on*.* f the b -t stocks we have ever offered, and at ’ y * : vu 1 ’ cimmt fail to give safisf i. ti. hi. It comprises Gents' and La. ‘-F" * ■ ■ " ' s i * ’in I. -t .ink -. the colebrab’-d Philadelphia Youths’and'Ohil* - 1 . '. ip r. :••■aUctii M ■ i-Y aid omens’h uvy kip Boots and Shoe* Mi ti:u . * vorvt ::ug 1 suit thv wants .t tile purchaser, ) * • ' riiinl Ntrci*t,(i giotl lirafflfATS M in - , be attention of Shoemakers to <mr stoi.k of FINDINGS. Send ns y-,u? n -..!trs \\v will e\ cute ‘ L m with as much Satisfaction as though bought in person MIX X Kll< PL AND. Mnc*oo, (>n. Emerson, Fislisr <3k Go. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Branch House in COLUMBUS, GEORGIA- The largo*'t Depot end Repository of Carriages and Biggies \ \Yc. -and D-d ail. > nd for atfiL gu- of Bugg■’-< a. ! Fh*evv Blanchard & surras, ALABAMA WABEHOUSE, Columbus, - - - ” - “ ” <*• IFFER tn very low a rates of STORAGE au<l COMMISSION to the p!anf mt l ull> a and adjoining counties. Prompt attention to a 1 cotton consigned to tocei and liberal advauceniunt!?, when detired, on same. B.YCHtIXG TIES at lowest market rate*, nov 9 tf BLANCHARD & BURRU3. PEARCE A BIN FORD, Groceries Produce and Provisions. —: o; No, 20 Broad Street, ol umbus, Ga. HAVE now in store fail stocks, and desire to call your attention to our large an< u. J lined assortment of Groceries & Plantation Supplies, Checks, Jeans Osnaburgs. Sheeting, Shirting, Yarns, &c. Aveßstl cted lot ol H l,l 1 1 > ind >rt : 'e.S, and assortment of H.VKD''ARE. t suit tbc trade. _ . Mr Jasper S.r/no ot Meriw tb r Conr.ty. ar: IMr John v ot Eee Cour.y .V. . are-situ u-, and tail t k ; a -nr.- in woU-oudng o.J ttiends and fonrfag net, ones. 3?E Vi:( L & BINFORD mais'tf Columboß, (ieorgb.