The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, February 22, 1881, Image 1

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REGISTER AND STANDARD. PUBLISH KD EVERT Tuesday Morning. Office in Gorman’s Brick Building. Toi'inss* per Year 00, Cash. “ Sis Months, " *S" Advertising low in proportion. J, B. eORMAV. Prop’r. CI THUS’, COLUMBUS, GA. HEADQUARTERS FOR Pirst-Class CLOTHING. rpHOMAS most respectfully solicits before Hiving elsewhere, an examination of his JL Fine and Extensive sti ck ol NKW CLOIHIXG or MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS and CHILDREN ! v ,11 VI ifi 1 v mu' tof i <• hi 'K t l> i.H|*r!>, no ns to ht they cannot hr ex ■ llr.l .v u ■ 'll le ,v tint el -s ons. ain -S > York Ore can readily aeeaseacli art.ooi IS triad on ~t I max os n t all hat liazxanl Winy, Shop Slop clothing ti nt r-.-.Uy m and i-J-itb cis a ut-ra'l, a 11 t . get reputation for aelling cheap. }I is daily receivi u s in.iuuit- iYoiuhis manuiaoturer whici; {give the trade the benefit of fii d'.ng something new and tasty at tli • EMPORIUM of FASHION ! His manufacturers put their or.'.ors in the mill some six months before the ad vance price of inateii :l and oils qiiently his clothing is selling it last seas m prices, lu addition to the clothing Department, you will find a ljige aud complete Furnishing Goods and Hat Department. In the Furnishing Department, yon will find the celebrated lieopMatrimm Uonum Sliirt, And a to the Fir, Quality and Oncapness of the Keep sliirt please ask the many who h .vc tried them, and buying iu preference to auv other jliirt. In the hat department you will find the celebrated STET'-ON HAT made at 1 hill delphfa, and not a 1 Orange Valley New Jersey, where lie manufactures his aceotid grad* It is ae’l for the trade to know the difference before buying. SPECIAL ORDERS made to measure at short notice, and only in kiiist- CI.ASS STY LX. Wedding Suits a Speciality- No charge for Showing- Don't Forget it: No Shoddy Clothing for Slitihby Genteel. april27 H. 0. M’KEE GUNBY'S BUILDING, ST. CLAIR St. ColumtDiis, Cia. I>'v\LKl{ IN IHunws I,‘iith.r, Etc- * for Tamos It Hill .V Co's.. celebrated hand mads Concord Har ■ lai . ap r * Schofield’s Iron Works, Macon* Georgia* < team Engines of all Sizes ! Steam Boilers a Specialty, SAWMILLS, GRIST MILLS fp&,\ .->• 'f - Yrtj./ ,6 7 V~-' f ' Boiler Tubes for all kinds of Engines, on Hand. Agents for theLeUell NI atcr Wheel. ruai'l6 bL J. S. SCHOFIELD. C". UmjEUXB.MII ■■ 111 —■**———*r I Lead with the Largest Stock of FURNITURE! SOUTH of BALTIMORE 25 Pieces Carpeting INCLUDING all styles INGRAIN TAPESTRIES, RUSSELS, Ac. JUST RECEIVED. HUGS m endless variety- L. ZFtQOTVTEr'Sr. COLUMEUS, GA. •'L. ecoJkc he only Farn’ture Stord up ;ta:rs nov‘3o:- de~‘l4 VOL 5. €> c o i a Betjisleu RE'^jATOLDS' Rrass and Iron Foundry, ANO UVE-A-OHUXTaa SEEOP ! MANUFACTURE Steam lioilcrs. Saw, (l'ist and Sugai - Alillss. Cotton Presses, For Hand, Horse or Steam Fewer, Also, Gin Gearing;, <fc Morse Powers Sugar Mills and Iron Mailings Specialities- Wo also manufacture and sell the celebrated Pennington Horse Power, lie cheapest and best horse power made. And, also, Pennington’s Turbine Water Wheel, qua! to the best, add 100 per cent, cheaper. First Clash Work Guaranty. We have recently bought all the patterns belonging to the late T (\ Nisbet, an ao cuuiulation ol over 80 years, aud we are now prepared to repair any machinery made by him. We are as well fixed for patterns as any concern in the State Our senior has been in the business over thirty years, aud both o? ns are practice machinists and founders. Address A. REYNOLDS <fc SON. MACON, CtA , Gomel- Filth and Hawthorne St. eiaT Send for Price List and ireala rs. feb'-Mtf P. B. PATTERSON & €O. BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. General Housefurnishing Emporium ! Stoves, Grates, Wooden Ware, Hollow Ware, Crockery, Cutlery l Glassware, Tin Ware, Kitchen Sets, Handsome Decorated Chamber S<?t3,ss, Tin Sets, $2.25 up. Boss Coffee Tots, 75c to SI.OO. Full lino Silver Plated Goods, warranted best in the mark't. Lamps and Lamp Goods, Everything needed in a housekeeping out fit. Prices to suit. COMK AND SUE ME. novOtf. EVANWINKLE&CO. MANUFACTURES Building Work U’* E. VAN WINKLE & CO . 214 and 21G Marietta St. and 10, 18 and 20 Foundry St. Atlanta, Ga. j ujy'JO - miy27 CONSOLIDATED!! Georgia Warehouse, AND Grange and Farmers’ Warehouse! The business will go on at the GRANGE A. FARMERS' WAKEMOUSF, unie the Ist of October next, after which time nil tho business will be transferred to tbs GEORGIA WAREHOUSE, one block lower down, on the same street known at Gainmcl's Stables. .1 \V WOOLFOLK. I' 1 -I JENKINS, may 11 b 1-nug 31 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. T THATBOCK The largest and most comnlcfe v.'oiks for the manufacture o l Carriage- in the world. Buggies for the had *a sp -ciaity. CORNER PLTjMD AND TWELFTH STREET <J I C. IN > V TI, OJ 110, TALBOTTON. TALBOT COUNTY, GA., TUESDAY. UHRUARY 23,11881. Tile Luck of Impoliteness ß Yesterday afternoon, shortly nf- I tor the arrival of the train, a man j entered a hotel in this city and 1 asked the clerk who stood busying himself with a patent blotter, the terms upon which he could engage board. Owing to the location of your room, sir. Big demand for our rooms Feed well. I don't care so much about the eaten 1 part, replied the man. I‘m forty odd years old, and have been eaten' about all my life. Il‘s get tiu‘ to be an old thing to me. Well, say, give mo a respectable room—how much'll you charge ? Jnst yourself, sir ? Well, in a manuer. Twenty-dive dollars per month, in caso you are alone. You see, it's this way; My wife will be with me,as times are pretty tight I concluded to arrange it in this way: I’ll take breakfast, my wife will take dinner, nml we'll throw up—wet or dry for supper. By that means wo can botli get hoard for one price. Brecon I'm a little the best manager you ever seed. Fifty dollars for the two. I don't understand that sort of ‘rithmertio. Beth together, we'd only oat tho meals allowed for one person. It, don't hurt a bed any more for two people to sloop on it than one. I've got a bed ont in the country that was presented to nr V wife when wo got married, and I'll bo dinged if it ain't just as good as new. It's one of these old fashioned beds, with high, yal ler posts on the tops as big as young pumpkins. I'll furnish the rooms with this bed and one chair. My wife can sit on the floor. I'vo lived in the country all my life, and havin' made a lit tlu money last year, I concluded to come in town and splurge a little. Thar's a wo man down the country that Ims all tho time boon buckin' agin my wife, and i o git away with her >vo have concluded to hoard at a hotel. Fifty dollars .per month is ottr lowest rates. How much by tlie year ? I nm goiu' into tin? business right. Six hundred dollars. Tins is wholesale business with rue. How ranch for ton years. Six thousand dollars. That's getlin' down to it. How touch for twenty years ? Twelve thousand dollars. All right mark me down for a snack right now and cheek it off for twenty years. Seo that card ? said the clerk pointing to the hotel maxim, ot per sons without baggage are required to pay in advance. Oh, I‘vo got the baggage, and tha man lifted up a carpet bag. That, won't go. Won't you take this as security ? No; get out of boro. But I want board here twenty years. Go on awnv. 11l leave your snide hotel, sir, but first let mo show you. He lif ted up his carpetbag, opened it nud displayed $50,000 in government bonds. Yen can stay, sir. No. I believe not. It takes too much money to put up in this ho tel. Guess I'll go round and put up in a wagon yard. Ever since Cain gave Abel a clip with a club people have lost money by not observing the laws of polite ness.—Little Rock Gazette. CanrEiisvli.u: Ex t’uES.-s :—There is a little brown-eyed, enthusiastic, high-spirited lady, who, after she has cooked breskfast, cleared the things away, set the hooso to rights, attended tho call of tho bread wagon, and milked the cow, dons her hat and cloak, comes into this office, yanks us out of the editorial easy (?; chair, pounces on the ex changes, amputates every item of interest, stacks them on the copy hook, grabs up a Faber, travels it over r, quire of editor's manuscript paper, removes her snowy-white apron, shoves up ber sleeves, grabs a stick aud rule and sets it all into type, roads tho proofs and correct every error- That's our wife, and she will got her reward in heaven. The lady referred to in the above was Miss Ella Green, formerly of Macon. A bellow tree in Southern Cali fornia has been converted into a dwelling. Doors aud windows have been put in, and floors built foi eight stories, the entrance being made by means of a ladder. Out side the topmost room is a small balcony, shaded by the foliage of the tree During the past month Galveston, Tex ' bed 2,< 00 cases of measles. What Inr-aniperance Docs. Robert G 1 ngersoll was recently employed in a case which involved trie manufacture of ardent spirits and in his speech to thu jury lie used the following language: I am aware there is a prejudice against any man engaged in the manufacture of alcohol. I believe from the time it issues from the coiled and poisonous worm in the distillery until into the hell of death that it ,is demoralizing to every body that touches it from tho source, to where it ends, Ido not believe that anybody can contem plate tho subject without being prejudiced against the crime. All they have to do is to think of the wrecks on either side of the stream of death, of the suicides, ot tho in sanity, of the poverty, of tho do struction, of the little children tug ging at the I roast of weeping and desparmg wives asking for bread, of the men struggling with imagi nary serpents produced by tho dev ilish thing; and when you think of llm jails, of tao almhouses, of the asylums, of the scaffolds, on either bank, I do not wonder that every thoughtful man is pre-judicated against the vile stuff callod alcohol Intemperance cuts down youth iu its vigor, mauliood in its strengtn, and age in its weakness. It breaks the lather's heart betrays the doting mother, extinguishes natural affection, erases conjugal love, blots out filial paternal hope, and brings down mourning ago in sorrow to the grave. It produces weakness, not strength; sickness, not health; death, not life. It makes wires widows, children or phans, fathers fiends, and all of them paupers and beggars. It feeds rheumatism nurses gout, wel comes epidemics, invites cholera, imports pestilence, and embraces consumption. It covers the land with idleness, poverty, disease and crime. It fills your jails, supplies your almhouses, and demands your asylums. It engenders travorsies, fosters quarrels and cherishes riots. It crowds your penitentiaries, and makes the victims to y ur scaffolds, It is the life-blood of the gambler, the aliment of the counterfeiter, the prop of tlio highwayman, and the support of the midnight incondiary. It countenances the liar, respects the thief and esteems the blssplp mer. It violates obligation, rever ences fraud, aud honors infamy. It defames benevolence, hates love, scorns virtue, and slanders inno- cence. It excites the father to butcher his helpless offspring,helps the husband to massacre his wifo, and aids the child to grind the par ricidal axe. It burns up man and consumes women, defilos life and corses God nud despises heaven. It suborns witnesses, nurses per jury, defiles the jurybox, and stains the judicial ermine. It bibes votes, disqualifies voters, corrupts elections, pollutes our in stitutions, and endangers our gov ernment, It degrades the citizens, debases the legislator, dishonors the statesman and disarms the pa triot. It brings shame, not honor; terror, not safely; despair, not hope; misery, not happiness. And with malevolence of a fiend, it calmly surveys its frightful desolation; and, insaliated with havoc, it pois ons felicity, kills peace,ruins morals, blights confidence, slays reputation and wipes out national humor and then curses the world and laughs at Us ruin. It does all that and more. It murders tho soul. It is the sum of all villanies; the father of crimes; the mother of all abomination; the curse of curses; tho devil's best friend and God's worst enemy. There is one whole continent-*- Africa- that might he sunk to-day in the bottom of the sea aud not one invention lost, nor a poem, nor a literature, nor a monument, nor a treasure. And it hus beeo so for a thousand years back, and another thousand, aud another thousand beyond that.- [Beecher, A Pittsburg firm is making glass cl >th, spinning the brittle material into del cate, pliable threads, and weaving these into cloth of beauti ful finish. Some of tho fabrics re sembles satin and light up hand somely by gas light. Imitation os trich plumes of much beauty are made by the same process. Atlanta Constitution: Georgia is credited with a production of 10,- 18E200 bushels of corn in 1880, against 20,(>27,400 bushels in 1870- East year's crop was align t 7,000,- 000 bushels smaller than thatSof the previous year,although Tea-js/jhio, lowa au 1 Poamylvaaia reported baasdome gains. Tampa, Flo;ula,lias now Irjß'.i potatorp, lettuce aud cutumbeia. % W. COLLINS, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES & KINS } an - TLI 7 1 Second MACON, - - - GEORCIA Jo* X3VT JEiTOOJESL AND FOR SALE LOW Carriages, Phaetons, Cabriolettes. Rockaways, Ladies and lßo t°ns, T°p and No-top Piano Dox and Coal Box Webster Wagons, ividburn Wagons, Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Cabs, etc., etc. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. I handle more goods in my line than any other house’in the States ol Georgia, Florida, or Alabama. My facilities are such that wo defy competition I will treat you right. ,10v25 M W.W. COLLINS, Macon,Ga DIXIE DORKS. MACON, GA. ■ O- BARTRAM, HENDRIX & CO, 13ROPBIETOES jV'lali*!ihrVh*'" UI ! S ”, , , Itha 1 tha , ’-" t Srs,i > Door " '""1 Iffhnls rnaile ia the State an* Saurs /, 1 Ktors n’ T i"'” r U ™' * w,, r Windo '- n<l Boor frames. Moulding ”]>lß ill Newolc,Scroll-sawerl and Turned work. Send for price lint, NUWGOODS. HAVE JUST received a large stooof kh nllle new designs i tho MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO. K EEC T R < > Silver-Plated Ware. T arties wishing Bridal Prenenis will do well (o call and examine mj stock and priCGH before purchasing* elm*where. A full stock of 1847 Rogers Bro‘ A1 hpoons, tork by IvmVeS ulvva ' s 011 hand, special attention given to Watch and Jewelry A F PICKERT, Successor to G II Miller, i ul - T 1 " R" 5 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga 1 ——- ~' -- ——— ■ - - - - - NO 91 CHERRY ST- Central City doling House. CHAS. WACHTEL & BR0„ The Popular CLOTHIERS. o Have the Largest Stock of GLOTHING for Men, Youth and Boys ! The finest selection of GENT’S Furnishing Goods. The nobbest styles ol Silk and Fur Hats. The Best ONE DOLLAR SHIRT ! Make CLOTHING and SHIRTS to measure at low figures. Give you more Value for voar money than any other hotisein the city: . CHAS- WACHTEL & 8R0.91 Cherry St- Macon Ga- •Job Work. All olassts of Job AV orh do in the lo>tstylrsunil at the lowest li-iccK, at the REGISTER JOB OFFICE. Our Job Dlfai.tmjsit is iur riisheit with a fixe i-oweb piiebs and al the latest and most approved stylos o type. We do 1 >ell- 1- work for leaM money than any office in th Stale, (live us your orders arid we will please you. NO. 8.