The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 01, 1881, Image 2

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STEAM SAW MILL. R. 8. KENDRICK, Geneva, • - S. W. R. R n-rci.rrptrnl -vi<- m nmt -r m<A .wIP* yi-w, .ill of •"* l*i w mini! v jh.m and t” p ' nKr . MR UR]FI IN ialtt dinri'i* it tfti rdedmn <>l -Opart merit. Kuflbleiit *<niai ■ of iitrciiiKfß i<n tin : fOll't U lor -u .it. r mnuHivd to tw. Or-1.-w hi'■ *• price* ftttmmbbt. ttb”2t R. 8. R ENDED K. mmi; G-eneva, - - C3reorgia. SOLUBLE PACIFIC Still in tIieLEAD. Jll 1 ' ; > -O - - * I "have on hand at Geneva, Box Spring, Jones Crossing and Wimberly’s a large stock of this ]AX ost FOpnlar and paying fertilizer, fresh from the Works. 1 11 * r.u )<;<!} -i lei >ll*/ rij' bn>ii|i>*. -md H ndu mly Hie b* l bull <1 , nnd can b-- 1- iv. tnimv i (111 * H Pth m \mi tirftut limit b*'U in hi! ing and *-i line. <* *ni*. fr *■ nl In • uUr ordt-r* bid-mu iln* hi'lt c*uiiiniv , i*x. Aecvpt my 11 *itt* k s i--r j* >t fv -r I om-car lon lof A< I I ) IMIOSIM 1 A TIC. which ( urn M-lliog for KM) I’oiiikN of <'oil on, piiyjl)!<: at Cici ovn, ( r Tiilbotton, loth October ik-m. MS,, XV XV. .TIC ' ION-. A GUAFOr OUANOr BUT THE BEST. Mcwra, I’KAI.CE A DINFOUI), Col .no bits, Oi iicral Agents have ap pouni and tin iin.leiiMgiiril agent fi>i thiM M>i't}On,luclulil)jf Tulbolton Htnl tietit'vj us of delivery, for the hr of OBERS & SON Phosphate, and LISTER’S CRESCENT BONE. Tw* of the hast Fertilize!. acknowledged by till "ho have ever n.wil tin til, e ver offered lit plaliti l'M ol Talbot itud Mcliwelllftr counlicn. I have the exclusive iuiU- of llle.c two Kiiudanl brands in this ruction and alt iipplictuioli* ijwiat b;t made to me m petnm iiin v agent .1 11 Dennis, (tenevii, Arriving now n' Geneva 100 loliß o| there choice fertilizers for Hale, eit her for cash or cotton optio.. on thu be ,t tevnn Twelve sm;ks Cros- Ceitt H .iie, to the ten, and ten suck* of tite r A S' to l’lumphite. J B. GORMAN. Agent, feh s ti foT Talbot and Meriwother Countieß. High Grade Fertilizers. j. l inn, Talbotton, Georgia. vc;i:*s'r i’( >if lALDWIN & GO’S,, GEORGIA STATE GRANGE FERTILIZER, GEORGIA STATE GRANGE ACID PHOSPHATE, • Immonialcd bis solved Banes , (* eargia Stale (/range l)is m so!veil Bones ! ' Tel,u‘ 1 r Hi/, ‘is fuilv r.Wu il'<l ill H' j> .f !V J I or purity nntl ’ ’*• I * too.lent* Tli \ ..r hi*; 1\ olu‘h .md *• it im lru- JO •* t*> II 10 )>•: • 1, *1 awil.t lf I’h -'i-kior Act 1. I l p. • 4 MtuU tun u ■ uuu*.ml llirii-s \i s I’V lJt*n aliOorui -alum,**?..s■ r* *n t fo |, • pbm n\ A liu i tin y ,r.- tlie Most Complete Manures I\* T vi Y'fta! ih* p ‘|> h V.i rKli Imf *ov mid mi' i *<(* lv icmi! >• Uli - it* l *.t himvu for lav He iu ’luiU-Uu.i ii \l 1..11, in most favorable hiiUK ( o ton o io’ l. ctM.iß hall V ire 1. C lon i r con mutii‘*Ab' J L DOZIER, Agent. Tnlbotton, Ga. !i January Ist, 1881. I INew York Store. H4S VY annual ( *k trking begin* the flint of the yea*. Tam ajwdaHy <>nx Q\ i to c.* ont mI ttiutrt Uo*nts, *vil will offtr tin followu p (ivds a ff*pocinl hAraniuK: p Forty Fine Cloaks and Dolmans at cost. a g A large line of Gents’, Ladies’ and Misses’ Underwear J cat nrices cheaper than ever offered before. 3 I.Handing to keep in future oulv the •‘GOKIfON** KII) ami H VKUIS 4 S. am 9 Mbs*, gnat bargain* will h ■ rftcml in H K!!> til A>\ i:K ,%c*uc ami buy a afepply U-iurr they ;r .11 \\ e ;.iso offar the follow ittql P Sar-'itin'. m ?1 COItKK'FS. To el a*.* stock: Obb.> \tv for.nor pi 51 *0 -\tis‘ic $! 10 f. muiljj GT|*rice £1 Oo—Puns 13 $1 00 price *1 50 Paris $1 'O, t wnerly £'2 >* ■ Jv!-h<lv ieaz'* $1 Oi , formed* 81 .m rt Great Reduction in heavy Boots and Shoes, 4 A fresh assortment of Miles’ Hand-sewed Fine Shoes|j ujust received- p| M 10.000 Pairs Ladies’ and Misses' Hose reduced fully 25S i per cent- Pi line heavy Cashmeres and Suit inis will be closed out! f'AT Cost. [j O. GrOORLDOIAL | .013- 88* 84 St.. Columbus, Ga. B <fHE RKUISTER AMI STANDAHiI. TAtIiOTTON. TAUiOT (tit \i V, (JKIU’GIA. MAHCII 1. ISM. RiBISM and mmm. O, It, (iUItMAN, 1-niT'Ht. .1 it. (iOß'-nJSoKeiTor„ r l’:ill)ol toil, tin.. Tuesday mait on i, :m. Official Organ of Talbot County, AKI). %It I S lilXllb. are t* ii ctiitH and /-'ii m Athena, Ai Ait/jf*ab hit* Appropriated $150,000 to w;ii-1h an iiißiiim itKyluui. There is one white woman in the Aift b umi pcfifUiUiary. Tiirr* firniH have been broken at the skating rink in MeinphH. Knoxville, Tenn , Ijhh nine-ten ehur ehe and thirteen newnpuper*. A x real ninny nee;roes nre ds ing of jnieumujiiit in Grrrijr eoiinty, Alabnma NVithin the p/int mix week# t !i< r- liave keen lolly bus n>:nn failureK in a Atal>nuia. A li'4;< i>liek bear, roaming nt abinned tho eitiz uH of Moulton, Ala b'iun. A child 1 1 ah recently been born in S oners- 1 conn!y, Ky., Tihich hail no tur* at. There are seven hnndnvi convicts within the Wall!* of the pcniti ntiary al NaSliS iJIe. ('-*nway end E-iresl (,'itv, Ark.msaf*, are each to have a cotton factory with the < 1 ment attachment. Virginia lias i.bod public school**, (,i wblrb 20.. are (.;i'at]ed. In tlio coloied Achoole CB,nuo pupils arc tmi^bt. Ij iht nr iHon r Simpson, of Monfgoui cry < <>aiit. T , Alnbnina, r.iihinl 1,200 buh eiH ol ins.; potatoes on two hcich. A '•} Oeklawalm, I' !.:., ’ h:”korl twenty-live U>x. ana fifty two oranf*PH tr-un a single tree on his place tin- pat seiumn. Eointcen persons were killed by r&il road lu’ciucutH tluniii/two weeks ol the late cold spell in tho thru Mutes ol Vir ginia, North Cauoiiui, and South ( aro llli.L Air I> burn*, of McMnin county, Tm j hvhm e. gat h-red 1 M) 0 buahrj* of Iribb | pot it< Ja*t f til from nine acre# o t land. They hio worth boventylive ceutH a! I>u 111* 1. 1 hreo bun died thousand dollarH in tbo ; amouLt rcprenrutefl ol l irmeis’ lirin i* 1 corded in Oraijjp-bur*;, South Curoliuu linn yt*ir. | Com kHI tor fl ?5 |>er bushel in KOino paitH of Alabama. In Tt’Xaa tt>*y artt pitying per day ' for ordinary luborvrn. There wer? .11 doutlis in ('h.irUMtou, S. C., last week. An Alien county, Ky . rublilt h;ul u t.npc worm 10 incbcß long. 1\ U iMllNtiloN. LongMtr et is often spoken for t Mftut in the cabinet. He is very highly eHtoewcd by many repubhcaiiH of inttu Mice, some of whom are at work for hiru n t iuk euUbo, Hr Miller, ex S**mtor Jonh Hill and ex- lovernor liu lock are nil nnmioned iu connectirtii .with these high pr*fci ! laentH. C 'ligrwu* expircM on the thia legHlas | live day of March, which extcndH to March Ith, at twelve o'clock. Any hill not signed by the prrsidi nt during II.Ih S.’ (I'IO.S not (h’OOIOO 11 law. AI.I, IVKKK umillll. j Mi:ih Mil.iird diumhtrr of (?,n era J It I. 1.,. la saiil to bo it benutilnl an 1 Hm-only woman. Kite liak boon m Wmth- tli in nnitor.iiinl lias roooivoi! umriv lallertions. No of (iotionil lo i bus iimriioil, ami Cimtin |.romilont ol tbo Loo nnivanntn >* bac-in lor long [.ost t)ie mon.lmn of lua i'l'osiik'Ut iiii)os, will, in n foo diiys, issue n proclamation uonvor ino l lie snnitie m oxuditive session on the 4th of March for the pur pose of confirming sujli appoint incuts ns his successor may wish to make. Mr Atkinson, in nn Article on cotton im,! its culture, says.- ‘Tbo value* ol tins soi'.l. wlncli has nsnally ben loit to rot Uriel vras'o, may he esllinatoil when I ahv t'.mt if tbi re was n vsrit-ty ot the oo;|on plant Unit would ciio.v in the Koith ami I imulnce no lint, but simply see,!, u j would be one of the most Tsluah e of our ; crops, just as rtax sceil is now in the I West. • A now invent inn te reported from Tnr . Jin. It consists in the Application ol light giving mderm’s to printing ink, by "•liifh punt btoonuw in the • tlrtrk, so that in tutnre it will bt* |Kwib!f | o read at night, in bed or daring a jour ney, without the assistance of candle or lamp. Anew daily piper, iu which this intuitions material will be in* and. i. and is nai.l, about to be published m Turin Slavery is fast disappearing from the earth. In Cuba, under an act of the eortrs, its existence is limited to ten years, nn lin Rrozil nil children horn of slave }a rents since 1871 are free. Out-* , side of Africa slavery can scarcely be i oaicl to Ih' an institution. The CMh trial at Partington, South jf'arrdma, will show w hether twelve jurv * men cnnMC)entionslv violate their oath* in a case m which there is no con tnslirtion or doubt 'f cither law or evi dence both my that r. ah murdereil i Shinn n. and the finding of the I bngton jury will be food for the curious. Upon the proposition to appropriate SIO,OOO to pr tinoie the cultivation of licets for the manufacture of sugar. Messrs Feiton. Persons end Smith v*tc I ‘ay:* Messrs ltfount, <\w>k. H-immond an I Speer voted ‘no, ‘ and Messrs. Nich olls and Stephens did not vote. Tlie •• inendmont was a"read to ami is now a pirt ol h’ agricultural appropriation r ► * IVtt rson t*4r iiarcli is cs bright as a spring day. and brim full of good thing* in fashnma and bterature for tbe laviica Send $2 00 to Chas J Peterson, Phila delphia. for one of the be'st fashion peri odicals published Hundreds of Men. Women an I Child jen reeened from la d* of pain, su-knesa *nd l:u<vst death and made strong and hearty by I’arkcr'a (finger Tonic are the t •<? cv.i'enc a in the world ,f ivs sterling wo tb Y i can find ttvse iu every c m munity. iVnt-. See advertUemont. febß The Suprt C>mt his decided thit ih Attack on ex Treasurer K u roe lobe uu\'iistiu:tionxl. TALBOT SEEBIEF SALES Will be sold before the Court Roust; , door, in ihe lowii Talbott<i’, i albot coiii ty, (b oryia. withi-i the bral horns •■1 H-fo, on |)i • I t Tuesdav in Apui next, j be following prop rty to wit: AH if Jot 10l bind No 2d, Rave one half r*t n uore, lin the 2Ad and stnet * i Tilbot c* unty. Ta vied upon atfthe’profX'i'ty of K M Ma Lou.-to satiety one huperi -r Court fi la id ii-j in li-v. rof P ZII A So-is. x ei>.i• s I jIA K K Malioue Written no tice given def noants tins, lit a y oi M ircii, ldl. A’so, at Hu ufune fimi nud }-I .n will -be Hold tho nor.h c.-rncr ol ike west ball of lot o! land No lid in the KixUentb Ut i t of Talbot county, cc jftaininp li ty and on hall ftv;rcs more or less J-gv nil h eis the the piopertv of S P Atlitns to i*at sfy a justice ct-urt li f.i m my hat ds in lav i - ol R P iiu.’dwiu as S V Adams. Notice given arid levy in dc and t\ turned to irn, by i T Ada in h, L t Also, f-t Die same time mT line, wid be sold the North half ol’lot of Ud. No. d.>, in Ihe 2.M District • ( Talbot C*>u ty. cout nuinx 101 i-4 acres nu-re or J(Fs,s.i l lot b* ing divided cqaail.v l y line mnuiug Kast and West through said Kd 35. Jav ted upon as the p ope tty >f Huah E Wouil-le to s tisfy one Silpert ir Court fi la in niv in lav *r ol P Z li A Non-, v* K II AS E AS- inbi*. Wii tf-n n-nc oi v <*n delcntUrn's, this Mitcii Ist 18fcl. Also, at the fame time m.d | lace. f> tele- ol 1.0 and. i ait ol lot 213 in she lGtli distiijt ol ialbot county. Said laud be ing ami lying in the somli vAcst corner •> said lot, levied on as flic properly * t J djii Q Adunw, to *;jitiK‘Y ft Jnstiee < '* r/rt ti U in lav* rof NS T Jliiivi y vs. John Q Ad mis and f L Aduins. Notice given to tenant in pi ft-imi. Livy nu.iic ana re ill li to inc b> J i Ad. lus, L 0. Also, at tlie wnne Line f.nd 1 1 c•, TO acres >t laid, mnri or 1’ s, wiierei-i James Story fmimily I Mil, nij-umg the li iu]n oi * Jus 1 Idiiilips mil others,! levied upon a- flu- property of James Sto j ry, to sitisly ,i fi la tioin l.iluot Superioi j < oui*i, in favor oi Noloi mm Hick ley vs. ; James. Slor;. Also ?d fir name time ml place tin , lo.ror .-.'o xof ;i I.Ji-k v’ore house in and •! j b'-tion and the interest of and limn is N Uib sou on the -round on winch it stands, i!o■ v act upied t>y Daniil A Son, as a stoic, tm the property ot limihh N (Vi'>- son, t-> satisfy a Tax fil.i UHiied by I 1 P.nker. T-x ColUmor oi l.dbm omntj i^ains! t l)m el A (ibs.n for S'uti- and county lax lor the >*ai 1880 JA M lvS A. FtiSr.ili, ShordT. Marl, 1881. POS IT’O.n Ei) TALBOT SI ILL IFF SALKS. Wi Ihe *ld i>* lore the Court Ib>u* 1 dor m the of T.dbdton, Tlb*' County.Oa., on lhe first luil y in Apid m*X r , within the legal lours ul a.;hr, tin following property, io-\vi’: Two hiPidr. <1 .k ips ol l aid, more or lcs*- in the 23rd, district of Talbot muuly, bmiid'd <>i the north by W S JPookn, j and the place occnpit dby Fnu k IlnfT. oti the 21st of March lb7(*> on the east by ; Inn- * AH**n, and the lands cttlfiv.tbd by 1 Flank Huff, on the 21st of March 187<> Month hr J.iinrs Allen, niid west by tin road hading fioin llvllerler to lh% 1! oftoi . la vi. don hm the propuriy of J nn il Hi - an, to Mitisiy a Snptiitr t.ourt t: f i in! tivur <d Th 'ii.AH N (id s *t and notice {.ivrnto said J'ry.tu, *>nid j pr larfy p 'lHad -an by j lnint:i! in ft f . i i 1 b'- K -ld before the C'iur'. Ibu >.'■ and ** r j in the town of I, t bo*tun 'l*dSlot county on flic IHi TncnuMy iu A rii 1881 \Mtnin the legal lionrs ot sale 125 m ivh mote or lev of 'ot No 1 in 23ml l>i*tm t of lnlbo onn iv coininencing at a i"i k in ikul ih> 1 *u ilte r-ml from ( olumbuH to 11 * lloubh Hi ides about ‘2ot# mlh ot Ci uuinghmi > Mor- running north pniaMJ wih an old tenco How, until it hfrikes llip migiind '.ukJ line of Haul l"t rnuuing ursf a,d w-m thnd wen l on huul hind hue to the ivrmr the: ce '• *U!li to an • at* tre heme and wn k aid Ci> lambus Hood to the plan- of s'ar'ing v : 1 125 in r* sl\i#g im a tli I said line or ]<onl Also h unt hull o< lot 270 in 22i il l)i>fu*i •>! said county FiAcfiomd lot No3ot;in th l int mmui' ned ihstri t coira uing 153 < ics, lot N J ij * Ist Disti-id oi oitjiu.iilv I fin containing 202 1 2 id-o nboiit 40 s res of 13 in Kind Pistiict n dually l i np lyii g oil the west nide • f the ! t. hvii il on an tie p-.-petty of lAz/ae J lio ' u -o k*f ih!> an Kxi-ci’.tioii io ia* r ol M.irfha L rlrooks \s bi/zie J lliuun K.iid Ilia i.- sm and lioui I'alhof Supeiior Comt. JA.MKB V TOSTKH, Shei iff. DISMISSION. | (iPOIIOIA T/ui it Coi’xrv: M’hercaf* ! William K K*issll A-lmioistrafor of Su : sHuiith 1 \ 11 ■ kc 11 i pre-i nts fo tfie Court by ; liia petition, duly filed and nil -dr ■and on r*- • nr 1, that he htut fully adminisfer-d her es • talc. '1 hiH is therefore to tie all p- rsona . concern* and. kindred at and creditors, to sh > cause, it nty they oiwi. why eaid Admitns tr-itor should nol te dsehiuged Irom his A IniinistraMtni, nud receive e brs of di. miksion on liist Nbuohiv in Vpnl 1881. KICHAUDII LUONvUIb jau43m Ordinary. Letters of Administration. (IKORG 1A Talikt Citm v. \VhtTPAs, th eat, l*o of Senas I gr m ; Ute of said oouiTy, de ’ as >1 uum pn - ' sented. 'Foes > are to cite nnl admonish ill and singular tli kind eland cr** li*. i tor* of said deceased t-* b* and appt ar at my oftlce, within ti e ti ne prescr:i>©d by ! law Aud Uow can*) why admiiiiNttutiou j shoulii not b* vested iu tun Clerk ol the f Superior Court, or aoiut other lit and ! proper person. (*iy n nil ler my nfh sigimtur- , this the 25th day .ot lVbrunn 1881. RICHARD H. I.fcONAUI), 1 Jnrrhl 4t. Onlinniy. Exemption of Personalty GEORGIA Talb- t Countt. IjOQisaA. Keller has applied for Em eiuptiou of personalty, and setting ap.rt ! and valuation ot houuKtwul, and 1 will ! pans Upon the same At 10 o'clock, on the ! 22d. day ot March 1881. at mv office, RICHARD ii LEONARD, March 1 2t Ot dinar v. NEW GOODS ! . _ Gold A’tcl)Ps, French Clocks Silver Watch. *, Clocks, All G n *d ( ‘ s - Le Mask’s Brazillian Rock Chrystal Spectacles aud Eye-Glasses {HAVE just returned from New Tork w itli ab* autiful stock of goods em brscing all the iKvelties in my line. I invite uiy frieitds and the public gdieral i ly t* l ('nil aud inspect my goods. V lile time expetieneo in the buxines* .ssnxvs I can them beth in price and qnalltv. T. S. SPEAR. 101 lFcst Side I.roaA St. doc 7 Columbus, Ga. i— —— K. M. WILLIS J. L. WILLIS. WILLIS & WILLIS, Attorneys a Law, ’Talbotton* Georgia j !'*•' (it' 07- O Z-3C JF* 5 1: ra*, coLomrs, - GBR>aai\ DEALER IN BOOKS, STATION® AND MUSICAL INSTBOMBNTS Chromos, Picture Frames. Atlas and Cord, Stereoscopes, Views, Albums, Gold Pens, Violin and Guitar Strings, Inks. Writing Desks, Cards, Pocket Books. Thomas’ Standard Black, Violet and Carmine Inks, Depository of the American Bible Society. jan 11 b 1 an— - *j-- mm n'r—%ca A FORTUNE 1m within tho reach of Every Man, who i*> entrj t"c, in H*Hr:< v n < ; cud cror.< m arid who Jives within lm income. If you one ilo’lar, only upend half of t it, laying up the balance and in a few ynrs you will lay the for.i.dat.* n f< r a fiitm, which cau bo MAI >E i;i a few ye is. In making your ptireha-ca of tlie n c m>u v 's -f life it i *>!., to sciect good and Reliable !o tri de w.tii. g-iod • and’ well made Clolhing, Hat :, and Furumhing Goiais pay V- st in the end. I N A: iif-i tim h •xp rienc', ti*i b s bee ife verdict of ill wise lueu. H J Tliornton, 83 and S.j ii o.wl Street, l.'o'uml-uy fa.. i-a'l attention to tlmr No r Stock F.dl and Wnoi r ri.oTiiisn, Flrni-him* ( bun sHa -h. (’ap>, Tbumsh, Vallse-*, ( anes, Um rhelias, and I-Yakjgxand Do>rßanc (L odu. They k ep up with the timea and art receiving Sew N >v -iti t v^ry DAY r roui their importer* and manufacturers d‘rcf, and giu r: nfee r and gooda a the lowchi figures, and of the B s*. il’.ty. npl fi 1) I-• 28 Idle Live Grocery House. ft LOW PRICES ALW AYS UI LK. J ~XAT OXj.EirVEil-IJXLT.ei. ro Tffl' IMauteis of Talbot and ailjoiaing counties \vc off-: a large and well sclcclcd ntovk of GROCERIES AMI WESTERN FRODICE. ad.iptcdto wants of h riFi TR. low for CASif. Full linos ol V\ <-11 Cured Isitll< |at lovvo. pric-> than **v; bef.-reoffered. CALL AND'SF.K LS. T MR. JAKE KIMBROUGH, f liam-i con.ty, is wit It Uilm pftj.uhu nous e, and ! ’Ail 1 be glad t > scr and wait On his friend*;, and li e public •/. ni rn l\. •la'l l q>l) ,T. \\ CLEMENTS. Columbus Ga. I. FALL. 1880. — o J. ALBERT KIRVEN, Offvrs to (lie TrtvUe this seas, nan nuusna'ly large sttick of DRY GOODS! Prices. BLACK GOODS A SPECIALTY l AT Wool Cu'h' u rcN 4.5 c to $1.75 HD ok Silk* 85 c to s‘l.oo. A g *od Rluck Cashmere Silk f, r >1 uO. Co.oieu !> e?*s Si k- on’v Hsc. Wool D.css Go'klk l.c, wt 1! w rta 20 Special in CASHMERES FOR BOYS’ WEAR ! MY Cashmere for SI is ahead of anything in this market. Job Lot colored Hose and Wool Gloves. All Lineu Towels onb 75c per do*au. If 3011 in ed T*ble Linens see my stock before I uying and save money. The Owl Shirt has no Equai at SI.OO. It 1* useless for me to try to mention all my special b.trg 111s bn* would a k yon t* call and insptet and price mv g*ods. and it will be my earnest endeavor to m .kc it to your interest to do your buying of .1 AbIIKUT IvIKV K\. oct it b t, COLUMBUS, 0A NEW YORK STORE, (JONES’ OLD CORNER.) COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. VRplendid new fine of dre* g*>ds, in great qinlify an 1 price just re **ived and are off red the people of Talbot aud adjacent counties at tempting prices. DRY CIOS, NOTIONS, FOR SALE CHEAP CALL A' D SEE ME BEFOKK BUYING. LOUIS BANNER, a.n-20 t t Jones’ Old Corner Columbus. Ga GREAT BEDUCTIDN 111 PRICES IT | CARGILL’S ’ to;- Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, Cassimeres. Ami ll cksrei of Wooton QooJ n l;~l down 25 per cent Special barp-me in MF.UIM) I’MIKHW EAR ’ A 1-,-c* fju. .--f fl-uri t Wuol Shirts and Drawers to be ro’.d bet ,re the sea on eh k -s re 2 ird’e*a 'f p 'H* . Mv e.vk of Dress G- ’-ds shall be mlnccil. if low prices will move them. SPECIAL PUICES IM HOSiEKY ! -.0 ,l,n n Cirnts- Kußtish Half Hsse nt 25e. former price S3.’ _ 25 dozen Misses Fancy FI id H se at 25c former prtoe 3.c. The finest lire’ui Gents- Hail Hose iu the city. RIBF.OXS in emtL -s vunety. to wbt h I call speci il a tcn'.im. F-es’i arriv.ds in G rd rs aud Batis. Girdles and Spikes Gitdlvs at.d Tassels, rnsseu r-.ttr e... Silk Handkerchiefs. 1, (h S' n l Crentl' F .nay Ttor.let Handkercl.irfe, etc. Mv Slock of goods t too large far the season and must be reduced. JmnoK li, Cargill. 70 B oat! Street. julv2o—jin2b _ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. IJARGA IKS AT— MIEN BROTHERS! 69 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. In order to reduce our large suock, we will be in Moa Iny, by offering 880.000, Worth of Dry Goods, Shoes. Hats, Gents Furniohing Goods, etc. at closest figures- DRESS GOODS. At JO- I.L 20.’ 2T| ::0e :r, a.t<l IV• hiv - r-ln.-si ]):iceso:i all of our Dr 9x000,L, \\ ,■ will oiv. you l-arg.iius in I>r -s O ,u.h Black smi Colored Silks ! At 7a.-, si 00, lo s.’,():) n yard. Hlik-I.- Sutins ? I' Satm. : Aisl, worrli $1 z:, tsl - z.j, ivoitl. f .'SO, ana U(.war ls. snores, si roi-;s. A large slock, wbicli we or.' de.sirous t-A con *crtiu/ into ready omh. Kx-tmiiio onr s-ock. and it we can muU in htyl.*, guainatec to do so iu price. OUU STOCK MUST BE MOVED : CORSETS ! At 25c, 50c, 75<\ !f<l 25 to $2.50. Ivl I > > V KS At ;*oe, 75c, sl, $1.51) to $3. In opera, street shades and black. 2. 4 and G button-.. ALLEN BROTHERS. apnl Gh I J i,lB CO UHOAO S TRETJT. COLL JUJUS. Fine Toilet and Laundry SOAPS i Etju il, if riot Kuperu r, to the best Northern and \\>-li rn soaps Solid to the Fro prietom for price iit. Taiiu.m/k Home Industrie#-! j hu4c Wm. (’T.iFF-tnn Nkfi* AC’. P O Hox 30R. AT r.ta. Cb. A. R.WILKERSON. B. T. HATCHER. Wilkerson Hatcher! GA. Have in Store a large Stock of Plantation Supplies of every Description. o Groceries, Planters Hardware Iron,Nails,Plows,Hoes.Axes, Shovels & Spades, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, La dies Saddles. Oomestio and Staple Dry Goods. Boots. Shoes and Kats. Fancy Dry Goods and Notions! Glass and Crockery Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Wagon and Buggy Material. 1000 BUSHEL OATS, Mixed, Yellow and lied Rast PROOF AT.H<> — Agent" for Pntapuco Gac’O Conirftny.Fulapsco Grange Mixture. Fat-.psco Acid I*b. - pliato. &T* o*ttcn rec* iv <1 nt Geneva We are prenarvil to sell suppli 8 on crei>it. on easy terms and at living iutks. We cordially invite the public to examine oursbx k v and priers. janOu l WIIHvEKSON & IIATCIIER. WAGONSBUGGIES. >Y. E. ft €O. TALBOTTON, GEORGIA-, At oar large Repository in TALBOTTON, we have opened up a complete line ot WAGONS. BUGGIES.CARRIAGES. Including the celebrated Conrtlanci Spring Wa ; n. ot best Eastern and Western makes, which we ■will s-Ti as .‘Leap as Mich vehicles can be h light :n any marhet. A'e dtfv compctiou and res- - 'tfnilv solicit onr friends and the public generally to and t-xami 1 our stock. The relebra e-d -AVERY* farm wagon always on hand. It is tht' cheapest w -gou on wh eies. Iu l lints of Burial eases and casket* ah as rn hnd. Come and see ns. Also, new arrivals of all kinds of Furniture. B TIoBL W. E- WILLIAMS & UO.