The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 08, 1881, Image 3

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REGISTER AND STANDARD. TUESDAY '■ AKCH 8 ISI I'llr. WKEIv A i lIO.UE, on yesterday, Mesr. L D .V It A Riehards, have opened u fi-st t-lsss tri■ ry store in Td liotton, dt Miiuifnrds old stand. \\ e wish them nljim lance of -success. A tree full on George Gorman, o’.t tee plantation of Mr J B Goriu.ui last week, and infl.cted painful injuries. lion \Y It Gorman Las just returned from a trip to East i loiela, ;.ud iti\es flowing accounts ul the ceu.itir and p *• pie. Mr \Y E Johnson, traveling agent and correspondent oi tnat live paper, .the At lanta Constitution, male l'alho.ton a pleasant visit l ist week. yy ( . .■. i pi nuonc' men' of BT K if: .. . . wot i ,s • U"i ral : ■ .-t,.r, house for rent. It is most eligibly mtu a ed for bus ii ss, while tin' luipruve nit nt6 are all first class for terms ftp ply to ill' Gilmore, Tnlbotton. Mr Will Pritehrt, mi wed 'id prd.hc square is prepared to taiic emm, repair ,uid reft vatu f lruiture &: Bee his c.r 1. Cupt B Curley offers fo s:le a de-ira hle brick and tan yard. It v ill be a pay ing investment. -Seu-bis notice. The Superior Con-t lor Talbot county will convene on Monday next. Fifty-nine cases havebseu is turned to this term of the Superior Court. iVe call attention to the law eard of Mr \V E Muinfi rl. After a in St e:u dit Ide examination h w. s uuaii t .1 io li praetiec in 1575. w.d made rour.u .l ia ble progress in the piof— iou lie wilt now devote Uimse.f ex■ lusivi'ly to th • practice, u 1 any imerests eutru-t -d t i hi hands will be faithful,> dihg- utly ten led to. 5> i liis ,Mi.l. Sheriff .la* A Foster ba- dispoehed gre it deal of hnsiiu Mil..- la a ■■■■ into pffl •.. lie in.h ..n <•:. >' oiii": phe warehouse tiai ol A leu A 1 Kia ford, Columbus, has be. u dp. >l-l hv mutual eonnoi.t, ilej A M Aleui, wi.l e ..- tmue the busineas at the same stun I. Wcbst. r Bui! ling. Mr* Nancy A lirai.-f. rl, cons, .rt if W T Br.mslord, died id her home near Chii' lybcate Springs, on 1 11 1 h Fb. The Eci.nomr C/Ulou I’hiuUr. for sal, by H L McLendon, nd It S Kendriei, fir Talbot County, is prommin ■ 1 on. and the most ecouomieal plant, rs } • I intent nl. In the saving of l.ih.r uni seed it will pav for iteelf in plaining 30 acre, oi land, does its work well without any imaatUK, i- strong, durable and is made so as to adjust itself to the condition of the ground on whi.’b. It is v, u . 1. See the sample on ■.tII I. Mcl.eti i n‘ s . ' ■ Lot ton. Mrs Jlesa Philpot, is off ring her en tire sloes of llliiimery at coat. Sou no tice. Mr V J Orr, with the "1 I reb blc ' nr 1- wnru oii-e of ('.nilart it t'urd. M icon sd 1 large bills *i gols to too nut n of t .0 county la .t w. el:. Baldwin joinsthe lung . olantn of comi ties which have adapted tU American E lucational Series of text books, r- ore sent* Iby Capt it - *t. 1. Bara, M -n. Thu newspaper cabinets were nil dis solve lby limitation on 1 ,u lay las’.. Mi. (i irlii 11 slioui i not ba bothered ,u t ■.i a little job. Mr. J M I .s-ey, o* Macon, ws it a •ly married to -Miss Gussie M.*r : . - Marion county. On tin first of ./illy d'.ilbotton v, ill 1 come a money order ofli.a . A Solo .1 1 l 'omp'extou I". I lb. i every lady who wd! use Ftok . ’s (* mg a Tonic. Fo: pr.uuptly re :ul ung the ti er old kdhioys ..! J*u: uo • 1 .. blo.i l there In (tints 1 ■ i ■ ul* i tili - p til. teisou why its.* t l; ’ 1; * *u., .... on jdcs ale l g:' os . . . y ■ I 1 lbe a m .rS lm K'ilwttsi'a x. (• * • t ' ii- ; ■** ihu Troup laelory. irivt. 1 *”r 000. (Jrny 'll sir ur*y •’ m i h-d;- mi ’ ' youthful eft’or i. '* : * • by H.%. ]f rl US V Sifilii-ui Hi'* U tr, pr.*: hv di •* f*r I )-■ i J: known !•> ill . Me*;.' * 1 1 • ry. Tti* linn v#• " ; ‘ l-ij y,. huH been ilhxo! *■■<!. U’> Brook; .uni J W Hob ins on 1 int i iu's lay (MUtiiinimatoil tlietr purcUitse of the Curley corner, ia Tul botton. Town Marshal, Mr. E U is do ing good work on tha public Ft roots. By the war, we notice the public roads m several portions ef the county have recently been worked. \Y -ader what's the cAUbe of so rou l wor.: ;>li at once 'i the coul wiutcr !ias killed a large per cent, of the tall oats around Howard. Mr T Buckner is very id at his resi dcnce near Howard. Willoughby Read© did hot real in per announcement —couidn t make the connection. Geneva listened to \Yilloughby Itoado on iast Thursday night. Magistrates Fi Fab for sale at Register and Standard Office. All styles of Regal Anl General Job Friating done in first class style, at offi ce of Register and Standard, Tnlbotton has a first cliss furniturs nnd baggy emporium in the establish ment of Messrs. W L Williams &. Cos., at Railroad depot. A meeting of the Talbotton Railroad Directors is called for to-morrow,the oth. See President and horn ton's notice. Alabama now has a toad comm is ■ion, very unlike that of Georgia. -Choice bonding lots in Ta'botton are in aem&nd. Cotton picking is still croing on in some parts of the county. Better st p crurtget anything tor it after it is pick ed. The novel sight was witnessed last of cotton picking, fence building and plowing, all in one field, To Housvkeepers—Upholster ing- WILILAM PRICKET- West si re public square announce- to the people >f 1 albotton an i vicinity that he has opened a shop " ith I) T Pritchcts tii establishm n’ fo? cone’.ng ch irs. te p*iringau i renova'ing furr-iiur.-, n • tresses, d-c. of every desen pi i 1 '■! Giv *ne a tncL rnurO 2 m Tiie county Ague nit ural So ciety-. Dr \V R 'seal, Preaitlent, in the elmir, met bust Tuesday. Dr W H Neal was r>-- 1 elected President, Judge P E Dennis.; vice President, O D Gorman Secretary Reports from Messrs. Z T Stephenson and \V T Dennis, the Soei tj‘s delegates to tho Thomasville meeting ot the State Agricultural Con writ ion, were called tor, hut owing to lateness ot the hour, : deterred. Dr Neal made some pertinent remarks on guano, fanning. Ac which were lis tened to with uiavkeclintereit. Siubj _*ct lor discussion at the April meeting: “The Fence Law. 4 * Dispui mts hv, 1 F J.ittU. I’ il Lums“ den against, J B Goruiun, Z L Stephen son. Much interest is anticipated in the diss S eussion ot tuia important qnesti n, and j we trust the xarmers generally will turn ; out and it a good hearing. Prepare Exhibits in J Fl<ld Ciops. i.i attention ot tanner* is called to the t vt that at the recent revision #>l the Stock and Fair Associations* preminui list ; ior 1881, in the matter of field crops.the acreage has been increased from one to five, with larger premiums. Farmers in preparing their crops for exhibition should note tins fact. The contestants in all the departments 1 will be more numerous than ever before, as vi*ry many important premiums have been enlarged and new ones ad.le i. Kvs erv one should prepare something to simw at our next fair. The fair grounds wi 1 receive many new aud and suable improvements b* f >ro iioxs fall, so as to render the attendance it vi-dtors an i exhibitor* pleasant and , coinf-trtabie. Talbott on a Summer Resort. It i-v .4 matter ot great interest to our town to iiave summer visitors. Will n >t some well l-fined effort be. made to this effect. i ite Thonilou House will ac- ! comnit)date a hifge number, but should ; is* prove iuAdequate,add itionl arrange Hunts should be maile, so that none may b* turned away. iall- hton is most favorably located for suuum-r travel. Oir railroa l will be a i gr .tt cou vtLiicnco to ail who have hereto lor-.: Hiumnerod at ChalyOfotte Springs.' and donbrh ss will inflmmce other* to j try <ur climate and general adyiuitag*.*-. Our town ill bt l a mast delightful stops ping place be halybeate wit.ati vho will doubtless fin l it plejtsaut to alternate between the tat places. Thortiton House Arrivals. Thos. Rose, Rock -L \V Smith, vhty 0 U Ho >d,l’hi!a J A .Sp tin N M S 1 moo, Macon Ll> Richard*, cry Shet I • y Ryan, N nii<* . , Kv - Gerald Grii fin, 1 i> [ -Will s S olli ns, Di J Yv' • h.-.i 11. SZ \Y -Imter, Pic-'isaiit Jllll J 11 Maitr , city, W \Y Owen, count\ —R M WFli- , city J 1 Talker, i’rattsh.a --1) G Oweu, comity Leonard I‘arktr, Traltsburg Ij l) iiiclmni.'i. city \Y .1 l\r.yniAU Columbus G ?dny. Aubur A t J J 1> hi, .1 ! Gib.vm, cit” W ii l’tipe. M.a n D Yvolls'Ui, SuVauii h F Wt.fdail, B.iitim >re A./ Orr, M . o (i■ L Hoppe Atlanta I. A B.ldwi.i city Id M Knight, Rhila—J li i’nlclnitd, Sand -rsviile F A Cox.Mucou C 1 May, U H Guldens, G X Helms, Box Spring V*’ R (cion, VI: 0 Foster, Baltimore •J W M. (Ta.y, G' .itva, \\ T Gibson, city. The Stoch and Fair Associa tion H- Id its m-etjug in the, Court lloifse "u las* Tat s lav, Air .J Ji Goim ui, id ’ a lent. b the ehmr, with a good number of direct' os, and the Sccrd ry. Mr W T Dennis. present. The report of the committee for revising the premium list fr Is-I w j Miilnu.tte l nil Ia 1 >y depart men in I*. c jmai.fc .( grßi- , lb it 11j ■. r rk met .ud sue.i g' b t*ntl favor front tuo dirooioj-j, Ijj • r.oo depart ment of the list is not vet comph toil, aeiion o,i which was ac* , •r-H.ugly and. t i l until tin; April meel mg. A IJ >yl ir Copt are and. lKuorioiis burglar, Torn Terry,who on last Thursday night broke into the st oi* of Mv’ ulvin Aiay v at Box Springs, ■am:- (Mpinre l ii* Columbu g and on Suns day bi = : ;V. to Taibotton an i commit!ed uil. II •is the same party who com mit! c. 1 burglary recently at Hamilton, Jid/: tie and Seale, in Alabama. He lias *• rvi-,1 tiv years in the jjonitentiary aid is likely, under Judge Willis, to g-t a good round send-up t© the same insli tution. Married Tii PrutLsburg, at the residence <d Mr Louis i 'otter, on the evening of Feb iMth Mr J T Ne.non and to Miss Tommie Gai ter. Lev (ro S Johnston officiating. Mr Nelson is a young man of culture an 1 a te.toiler of a successful school at PratUburg. The bride is a daughter of the late Walton Carter and much esteem od lor her general accomplihmentß. l b-- hppp twain will accept the con gratuintiooH of the ItEviJaTER vND Stan DA Jii>, l A Tire Engine. A fir I* depnrdrn r, fram'd r. t *>,ico be erg* 1 '•• i 1 r t.Vt benefit o t l UTvu. To tais • H'i v.' h i>g ■• t i;t ‘i u.i-o'jQg ‘A : the citizens b* <• he If r .*'u • cuven ient Hr.: t' ioiliic ht pH l > or gl'.iZ: i h’H iirii u: :i.fl f is •. \Y • s JO’ii i r.ijf b.e funds !>v kuUm rmtion i.r uf!.€rt*iv >• ..(! p; • - . g KJ<l uliii r-ii • t-;.* ca,:!-.y Hf-- . I 'e Biiri the yotr-g iu .. ui t;.c- : r . x wiJ! cu ter i -to the mganizatioa quite he a\;ly. The Register ana Standard Job Department ii;i received large a K ditions ot job aii 1 body type, and job material generally. Ail orders for work in this department given prompt atten tion and executedm the beat hid'-,, and at low prices. >i Ot A m -f ting of too Board of Directors of the T i-b uton Raihoad Company 11 b* pen v culled lor W dm ay. the 'J ii ol .March, instant. S W Thoknto*, in ui 8 President. We call the attention of those who think ot going to Texas to the ad.vanta ges, both in point of quick transit and cLeapnes o , of ‘the Star and I’resc nt Route, represented by Mr Geo W Ely, Montgomery. Ala. Thu route is com posed ol Morgan ‘a Louisiana and Texas railroad, Louisiana Western railroad and the Texas and New Orleans railroad. It | is the only ail rail route from New Or- i leans to 1 With comfortable cars, smooth road and every convener, -e d.?s -ir and, the emigrant tor Texas will tin I j this a superi Goinri ”0:-:.. with Mr. Geo. W Liy, Montgomery. Ala. TUB REGISTER AX!) STAX BARD, TALROTTOX. TALBOT GOFXTY. GEORGIA. MARCH S ISSI Obituary. Miss \ , daughter of Jr,dge J M and drs L v Mattli'-ns, was born in Tal h.itton, Ga., ..e.i\ !i 10, iB~7 -and died m T.dbuuon, J:.n',ioy S h. 1881. 1 hat was a dark day, and there were sad hearts in that house, when after : weary stages ot patient .suffering and i gradual, but certain decay, our deal ! \ouug friend Kft her home on earth for j her liome m heaven. It was the aspect i of,the earthly si vie only, that carried! with u darkness , n l grief- that | awakens the thought of severed ties. . blighted hopes, p risked joy>. the s.xd ness i*t the last tureWtdl, a light '‘gone out,'* home made desolate. Tile heaven ]y sale is bright, full of prophecy an>i {U'omise ot something better beyond. Our bereaved friends sorrow, not a-, those , who have no hope The light, that shone so brightly lor .i lew little years, is not extinguished, but removed to that high j and unclouded splreiv, where it shall ! shine with “the brightness ot the firma incut, as tho U .is forever and ever, “ !he lair ll aver that bloomed around the , in arthstone of earthly parents and c\- iiftifd sweet li .gr nice m their dwelling. : has been tr.m ff\ rre.'t lj t HGelestn.i ! t raiaieiier to a More eongoniai elune. While ttie timo ot our deceased triciid ' was snort it was 1 rig onougli to le.-irn the 1 line niealliug Ot iite, li.s object illld filial destiny it was about six \ ears ag v ) that she to*k upou her the name Mint faith ot Christ, and united with the Methodist - { Church in Tali: *Uou For some time she was not fully satisfied of ln-r regem'i itton, but never ceased set king till sin lound her change of heart divinely com plete. In a meeting of revival mil mnc. last summer she said, ‘I w ait a clearer oidiii':' iff' my aOeeptatn e with t..->* 1. * At a later day she s:\nt, -1 feel that I have p*. aee with God and call submit to 11.s will, and trust Him m all things. lli all her affliction she was patient, submissive, meek. When in health s c was oiten found at the place ol social player, and at the suinlay school, as a pupil, and then a to irln-r .She lia l a hea t of sympathy, and a hand of help ft r the sick and poor. I have seen her around the sick bed of a poor aged w< man, waiting by day, and w .telling by night, iis an angel of mercy, and nevei weary e>t In r work. Win n commended by her pastor for a work so Gimstliktt she said, ‘lbis is In* T*. way of keeping Ills promis** aim provitliug tor one > t Ilia own. It is imiee.l a pnviu'ge, and has proved a blessing to mu. ‘Ji-r works praise her ill the gates. 1 was sick mnl ye visited n.■/ 1 doubt not greeted la r at the gate of heaven, lading m gentle, we-lconm tones, !rom the lips ot her Sav l \ir. and her Judg ■. “Ln as nmcii as y* liave done it unto ono ot the least ot these, my bicthren, ye have done it unto me. i'ome, y.* blessed <f my Fattier,m lien! the kingdom prepare l .‘or you from lha toninlntimqof the world.* 4 Roeoaci!- ed 1 God. ainl devoted to HIS Sei’V'ie- , serroimdeil t>y lavorauli* circumstam-es m-Jife. young, happy, loving and being loved ail i respect *d by alt who knew a r ill 1 lie ill. ; ItOlg situ done - I life, bet 'le a passtto/ cloud had cast a slla low over a r : tgMt all ta.* n'. it pi • sed G,ul cuit m r mun ■ and trails ute her. as w hope all t believe, t a holnn* an t impj.n r houn* lit the s *. s. klcwja in Jesus ami shall awake again, arrayed in beauty a.l divine. B, F. i>. A correspondent writes ns thus; In my travels hhorl time since I go; to the Justice Court ground at Redbono—and it being court via-, 1 stopp. 1. 1 found lii.-.ticc B allace striki'.'g in tho block until shop, and pr.-ttv so m Justice Lums.h n couie di i viug n yoke of oxen, lo.t'l • ; vt it’ll ;l ’,U ' i >:; -i dg'ilw )■> t fur ]> or w;d iw, So ya :a.-e, Si r Edihr, while IDqui.t- [(iru-i.l a goes ar .ina tils ponsingjus l-u* ho and • not bu ;---t to per farm (bt-ffs of chairity. Tho object re ferred t . ik Mr* Horton, a noble elms till) lady, wn is (b-peu-loiit largely upon ifie benevofi iicv-of the church und the p'-oph- lor it mu j> | -oi t. The ,/initnrv Number of the Bouthern Hid uiv-al Society Tap 1H one of tlccid ed interest, mu*.! gives promise that Hiere u t<; be no abut- merit in tho great im portance- and historic value of this pub lical ion. 1.0 I'-porfs of (iencruD 8.-an r id, Emu. spin, .n iA H Golqnitl, and f’ols. Georg* T Harrison, and Gunuvtay .Smith iv* * a very iut or Ktinj sketch (i the brilliant victory of Olu-tco. 3 1 1 X'b Soutiicrn Il storica) Society ,I'apcvH, tie repository ul facta and mcitb-nta ecus nootO'l with tfio Into vv.w, should m every S mttieru liouii Send ■j.ff.OO for a veers' MiP-v-npt iMI to J Wiiiiam Jones, Riuiiiimml, Vu The Dnicn Gazelle, • lit.’ 1 by that genial g< mtlooiia ah l* forcible wri ter, Mr. Kicbni'i W. Grubb i,s publinhing appredt iv<> sketches of Geor gia newspaper men. Tho subjects that have uppeure 1 thus far arc -las. 1* ll,ii" ribou, ol'tho I'Vuuklm Printing llonse, ol Atlanta; Col J H IMuil, ol tlr. Savannah Morning News Patrick Walsh. of the Augu-da Chronicle and C'U'Mitutionalifct; Vi' J Christopher, of the Atlanta Phona gmph. The sketches appear weekly, and are racy an 1 delightful reading, A Wonderful Clock. Air John 1! 11 ' lidley, >f Cum borlaiu), AM , lm:> conHtrnotoil a clock which, for iho number of fig ures put iu motion by its mechan ism, far exacts Ia the model of the Sira',burg clock. The clock in if h various parts presents a complete history 01 the country from the landing of Columbus up to the present tiino. There is a mill in motion, railroad c uts pass over a track, a bell-ringer strikes too bell, and over a platform passes in suc cession till the presidents from Washington to Gurlieht. Iu addi tion there w a miniature aimh l of the Stria burg clock, with all tin moving figures in motion that fi uru in the original On a ’tower a ntinel paces around the circle, the American eagle screams and flaps liis wings, a lady plays upon a pi ano and two childreu sea-saw iu time to the motion of the pendu lum, Mr Ileiulley has been for many years engaged in the con struction of this wonderful clock. Lost Note- All persons aro h-r-'-Oy notified not to trade ior one promisory note, bearing date of January 10th, 1831. in .vie paya ble to J B Douglass or b* arer by W J Hall, the suino being 10.-t a-d now set tied. J B DOUGLASS. Talbotton, Ga.. March -Vh, 1881, If. A Good Investment. A Tan Yard an-l Brio'.- Ynrd 1 -r s >. Apply t® Ji. CIUILEY, iijur>lJt TalboUou, Ga. AT COST! AT COST! Mild. I’HILI’OT Will kMI at f ; r tha nr\ 30 cbys, j ■: y r g d-. .vr; and 111 her sr c!c ■ f MIL LINEBY, preparing for t :e reception of her Ft . k. it v,Bl y v nvy oac * dc-siri* y any! nmg in her ii..e to call, march 8 2t Tu tho Patrons of Pacific Guano. T will allow *_>() poimds >f co'.ton on tlr ton to each of my eust mms w'ao buy Soluble Pacific Gn. no of me and pay up by October lath next.. Gome, or send in for what you want \ Respectfully, AY. W. JENKINS, march Itf Agent, Geneva. (man.* for y t'..r ’l'iitlic.t ( oanly. Ober’s Dis.volvi <1 Bom s ' Snpi r; hos phate ot Lillie,i.isle:'s G. i-m-. nt J’o .e, Ac. .1 B t limn. Age t, J all <t. 11. Soluble Taeiiie ( ; i.. . Faeitie Vcul Tie sphatc W W .loi- ins, Geneva. Ne v Hav.m, b eam Gu es g Fulton Market Beef, b uiel s. G sciieii Batten 1 Gjiow Chow Tickles, m Imrivls at retail and every tiling else first eln.s can b. found at W Wood's Broad Btrect, Go, lambus uoo'j Tor tlie choicest articles in tan y gro ceries and comcclionerjes, and at the lowed prices, always go totin' handsome s'oiv ii W U Wood. Broad street, Golum Inis. nov U if Ko Sub Agents- Tiiis is t ■ notify my pitrous and tin planters g tumi;./, 1 liave n Sub Agents for the sale of Pacific Guano, but v,iil divide commissions wdli pianieis who i- .tronir.o me. li. -p e'.ful v. \Y W JENKINS, Agent i ble Tacific bu ti.e, fiem va. Feb. 22. 1881. H' Moriis Hotel Gen- mi is naving a da serve. 11 v big inn. Besides being tho eating house for all the day trains bote ways, it accommodates a large local and tr nsient patronage. Gap*. Morns is one of the l.nowt aeeoniinodcit. and cn teiqns ng hotel nun m the Flat' nut his | tallies ar<’ alwav i sutplicd with the best i tin- market ;iti'ordsserve lup in rcgulnr 1 artistic style. Trie- fifty c-nts a ima! Cigars on sale nt tiio dining hail door, | a p‘.M)tt L. M. TFRXEii, At the Thornton Shop. (IN TEAR OF UOi'KL.) I am prepme l to do all classes (‘ TLAGKSMIT'II WORK in good stylo, and ut lcasern hie pric s. HOIbSE SITOF.i \ 1 and lUMG Y WORK A M'LCiAI/n . t th) H Hi wor for Mmsis. Martin A I'reoman, v. ideli of it.*e]f is a miJli scut veoomin i’■ 1 st l o■ i. '■Giv me a 'rial. Talbot ton. .March Ist. 1 Ml. a s><> \Y 3 A\\ Cotton Planter, nisTitim; iks ALSO— All Kindts of Seedr, and For tiliaera. For Sale by W ii. UFA*.'ll A re. mniuA Golumb'is, G i. One Dollar per B >tile for Brewi'Es Lmig Restorer 'l he only lxiisible agent known f r lhe < !i.n in OF CONSUMPTION. nomou;•■: nj’mor n lla•;es from the I.UNG.d ATTEU TfcJING THE FIRST .di TI LL. lOR JADJdkS ONLY. Walter A 1 aylwr, ol Atlanta, says: J havo b< eu pushing the suT *I Bu?w(-r‘s Lung Resloivr, ami -a- bug il at every op pur,unify, ami .on s.dished that I will c ta'di-lt a gooil sa’e I* r it. 1 do n*t ic member *<! a niu 1 • liishnieti where I solo ouu botth but tho parly did not i I mil groa'ls bt-la-li!! id fo got the second buttL. I " ill cjq>* ot to sell it r paliy m l ihe t dl and winter. Y i,r- truly, ! WA'LL’LJi A. iAY TOR, Atlanta, Ga. M**.-Hi's. I/iuimr, Rankin V fjimar, M,i (•'.**. Gu ~ < b nilt-nica; A ,c-mb* r o' my 1 ! li.mdv whom I l'caieil had Goiismnpiiun • i has b-u entirely eur.-d bv the u.-,e j llii-wt-i s Jding Restorer. Hi-* oonditua . was very alariniie.' I> ns and \vv t.i and ev* r> • ; • bing we conid think ol lo b*im tit him. ] j without Hirers*, until I got him n bold*- : •<) y*>nr I>ui.g Ib-stoier. Jle lo iai | 1 grov.- alter- the first doM- ami t-e *<ic ho laid i i taken two bodies was enliiily civcl. ■ j • here 1 n ai-d no cure Was pos-mle, mid J \ j nn-Kt elie i iiliy recomiii'-nd it to all who l l u' .. ■.. iff tious : !. fl coughing -md spilling all il,*- time, so in- | '•ess.iniJy that il pravenn and his sin ping al j i night, an I what little s!(*ep ho ' ot did not I tciiesh bun 111 ill.: least. J 1 ! 1 bill fillle ! ippc.iile ami since la- b* an tin: u-e ol ! Ids W*-1M Ji 111-' Rchlo.o .• has slept Well Mid ini,t api-uitiMs very much belter. J have 1 never sc-u anything act .->'* pi'-mjitly and • Ift-.d a euro is kj sliol'i a time. \\ siting you gn-ttt Mice, ss a..d boping th fib tv muy mil ionoo uth- is to try Ibc 'sr'a Lung lb Kioit i wit- re lii-jy need a no-dieine to : e*.:;ilion aial n . the to a Ijoallby condition, 1 aui Very Jt p-c.tfi.l'y. MRS i, .1 Wli Id \MS, 72 W.u.hingtOti Avt-ime, near W F Goilt-ge. W** nro vet fo hear of any ono *•' ho has I not been beta fitted by the tiso of Tr. wet's! Liiiig Rcr-v-oft r, but on tfio other hand all I wh* had one IiMIIh kiiuh fitcU t*> get! from three in -ix botiios, saying they find ■ iO‘uiv*d gmat b’.-iM'lit I nun its tmn. Wo j ha v>: a i*:tt*-r trum a g* iiHcnuiu at I'oonihs. j ! (ii say'n.': 'I h VC- had long dis j • ; e four or fiv=* yc.HK, ** - ng during the; tune many ddforent r undus, but have and -’ rtvo-.i mo!e rc l h(ii(:fit Ir *iu ihisoin: hot-j He “'I Re.'-eiH Lit ig Jt -ston r than r in ! ill th* balance put togetfi r. I waut s.x j more f*( t Is, which phase send at once.u- j 1 wish to get them by the tunc tin* bottle I no a* Lave giv.-sout.* Signed Ii II Wat- j Kins. Wc n*-e also in receipt of en orrSer from I I*' B'maii, -ho i.s B dm it of tbe Brown Gin Goiupituy. Se v Loudon, Go;n ~wh ■ says he le- . been told of Hie ernes in ado by Bre AcrS Icnrj H s'*,)- r, ami mj*j icnts ns to send him the six bof c-. We propose t k*-ep the tact before the people that 11.-w r‘s Bcstoier givey ant in ev* ry instance 2 LA MAIL KAN KIN *t LAMAK WIN A ounix l o]y. and retain the nffevtiom; ol your wit by alwaya 'tmg th.m with a box of I - aiicy < Audi -s, to be liad of i b ‘ii DBOMGD- iBE HBOS. (Joinmbii*, < la. 9 1-2 lbs. for SI.OO Of New Orleare . w :-;0w AViii*© S iv r. vid other Suoar* at decidely lovr prices nt DHOJiGOULE BICUS.* Y nry G;o er/, -t uluiii I W. F. MIJMFORD, ATTORNEY at law. talbottox, <ia. Ol'iic • ovt r the store of Ragland A Go Will and aote his entire time to the pro fession, eiiil ]r ! .e!ice in a 1 tlu* Courts of the Chat'nlu oeliec circuit, the Eunrcme Court of the Bte.te and elsewhere by] spec ial e n tract. Will give p end attention tt* collections. Economy Cotton Planter ! flick “in on.'s L.\nor, Sav:s Timi, Savin Cotton Mud. Pabvib and by .1 W E *si*:t, and took th*' premium at the Georgia Stale Fair as *. “THE, RE AIM t)T ik'.N PLANTER, j.’or sale by 11 L Melicudoti. TaH o'ton. U S KEXDKU K. ag nt lbr Tail ot County. manS 2m House and Loo for Sale or Kent. f ri:e building mi.l lot on West side of public .square, in the town of Talbotton, koowd ;.a Ki ller's Corner. Lot contains I one acre, wit!' comfortable s avail s ! bouses and stables, two fine wells of 1 wah r, the entire jw inise.s being ui and r ! first eh'.*:s repair. The iiudding is two st iries in height, with a li-iely arranged •>!•.• )>•!:! on first il n*r, ami lvv llinj , ip.artn.eais att idled, eontaiuing 15 wall 1 ventil.’ded :.n l comm dious r- * mis. The ipr periy is in good coo lilion, many | p doted end every Way <h sir dde. Apply fo terms to B d’ l'- (HLMORL. ' march S 1 m Emigrants to Texas. siioi’jj) take the STAS AlvD CRESCENT RUBTE- Composed of MMrg in‘s lha. and Texas U *i!i'c:ll, liii. \\h ■ :oi'u, Texas ai.d N -v i),leans U .lb *ad. Tt rams thorn ..Midill -and Western Gu-oiyya vv.shmg t* go t*> Texas will find it •■r.-.vtlv to their iut rest 1.0 eoiavs]Miid witii ' G W ELY, ‘ Southern Pas -eager Age at, lirnS (i,ii Montgomery. Ala. COLUMBUS, GA. Hate jiiKt: a hied to their atlraetons a argeslmlt ot LiT Ives’ J'ackets, AND— English Walking Goats Ii Li.ok and TiTt D- lie. to Shades. "W-mid call addition of to noveltiea in ' leaks and Dolmans, can commend He m lxth tor ta;!<-! 11 1 * IV.-- I ami p< if t I'd. We open 10-day addi < -oiis iii Dr s . idfimn-la hot li Plain, .Sli r pod and Thtid, and UANDSO.ML TLAII) ir.VI’i:R."RUOFS BLANKETS. I I > I Witt I u Bin iii. -t‘ k v - ■ lo i While II nit kill ■ ■ . 00. 111 t Wli I ■ Ii lull lent -* *m 00. lo -1 Wliili' Jllnnii.,tn “10,00 l'_ | • la.II.R.Ii* ■: 1.1.00. r.: -i Bullfi.'i Ki ll Bin.iivi.tu .sir, 00. iii, Oil I'oloriji l . Cull in "0 .oi'l I Jit; <,y Blnuknts. CBETONNES. El gant designs and e*!ormgs iii Eurni tin- Gr. tonm-H at |iopuhir pr.ces. 4 > r ri< h .\s, ot*,OC(J J/i tier size J'hivelop s be. ]>er puck. 100 Remus C"Mtm refill Note l\tp> r hr. per (pair-:. ]()<MI Box; Toil t Soap sit ffoc —l2 cakes t.o tlifc 110A. '/'it) Lf ch Toilet Fknp, huge < ftke: ,d()c. (I e.ik. H !.</ Hi e box. f 'all t< l our Lim !l 'J'-iv.:ls at 10, 1•* mil 2->n. I ;cv bat i.lieiii all- G . i:h: i.nd hcc our C.i Miners for men ' iid boys. 1 , u*k at, mu* jee-:ortmentK in Jhdt : and Ba - ,Veil Gins, Necklaces,Watch ('hums, | op- We open d-tilv more stuffs than we can mime < Mum nnd s- c- th an, we won't insist on your buying. J. S. JONES A GO. Go'.imihus, ( i.:., in r'J I*l -nnv2 YANKEE beans, Wi.iln Tens, Split Tu ts, Y< !|ow TANARUS ns, White and 11• <i Gnions, j*e>l loecivcd at DROMGtiOLL IBT OCdIDJ *, ?cb22 .Ti Blinnl -Si., Cohimbus. Swiss Cheese, [-SWEITZEU CASES. J Alho Liniberger, Youuff America, Itii|>orie<l 1.1, 'mi, Wew ern Dairj', New York Creaio, Ac., j.iHt, receiv M at DIIOAIGOOI.E BltOS’, 53 Broad Hi., Columbus Qn. NEW GOOOS ! Gold iVatehfis, French Clocks Silver Watclus, Clocks, All Gradies. Lb Mare’s Braziliian Hock Cbrystal Spectacles and Eye-Glasses J IA VE just returned from N\v YorK 1 with a. b antiful Htock of goo-ie em bracing ail the novelties in my line. I invite uiv fru-iids and the public general ly to call a.;d insjxet lay goo da. . A life time experience in the buriross ist-my.-. me I cun please them both in and quality. T. S. SPEAR. iOl UVst l-id'- liroaO St. i •! c 7 Columbus, Ga. Xew ('’othing House ! We .re now mviving a full lim* of ciKxrs, vorm-s .v hoys* GloShisig I —AND GENTS’ FURNISHING (iOODS, Which have been h **M <■ t*• l wn:i great ear Jor tbD market, u i will bes *l.l . t Hu lovvett living p; ices. As our go-d-i are i all new no one netd fear of buying old stock. Wo gu * all good - e.s r "pre s(>nt*-d.and resp *ctfu'.ly m vito our lriem! % and He: I'Ubht- to call and see u . J. G. HARRIS & SON. No. 5*2 i-kist Side Broad Street. : ect2( is j, Gwlumbus, Ga 1 Club Rooms. FLOPIULTOLS. Imported and Domestic Wines, Brandies, Cham paigns, Whiskies and Cigars. FINE WHISKEYS A SPECIALTY! Handsome FOOL and BIL LIARD tables. Md BARBLR SHOT in i ar of Bar. THORN ION UOESL JASL.MLN h. jan 1 l n L Wanted for Saw Mills. •lot) bushels gooff sound cotton seed 3 1• per bushel allowed in lumber, or lOe cash, al- • 1 pounds good to<hler for w inch SI 2a will be. giv* n in lumber, or SI Oh in cash mi l li e:led. Apply at once to jtll.f J B GOLtMAN. AOKNTS WANTrn GO to JSIL'G a JKontJi.LrSu I ULUd tUIH -s rain La w and forms for Bir-i --lOtW TO fJP'i*"' 4 M.n. i'a i'liir: s. Mf . ' „ n — t .. - .. - t hanicH nnt> v\ criniignn n KOUfi'v OWN SHhMR'OM. low price. U WA-i/Mv. w vis (heat r*u> t fss. One Rgnt R A, WVE?W Milit <’•() in oi.o town, an tja/Mi. V/W £5 Gv-i ii K utln-rlj'- in .1(5 days, an - (her 7J in 11 dav. Save- t* u timra ita ("il. amt vrybody wnun m s*ml f-r circulars uud terms. Also lle’noral Agents Wanted. Address p. W. ZUkUUSJi *k CO., 1,000 Arth Pk. SepV s Atlanta Millstone Manufactory TO MILL OWNERS! l-'oi t’ l* ]mst MITiLSI'ONF.'. BuLT INI i (’LOTH. KMiri- MAUI INKS an.l iin M'f.vri! mill limlum'-. Aili'i- 'a jmSi!) \VM. HKK.NNKB Ati.iiiia, (la. ' ri<:\l m>i ?; 4 ., Bk**ai S’i’cllt, - - Goi.r.Mims, Ga. |-’ii>it-clii: *in all i 1 :; ftppniutnuMitM. (Iffit-c and Ditiiii ; boom on lirsf, Jl<*or. i iav’i'iiir hi :.f.s in i.vkiiv room ! Ijatr IveiiKoimble: Tniffi's innii: lied with bcHt t lie markets alloril. This Hotel is e.-nti-ully located, with the lv J Meeomiiio |i;.t ions in the city. -J W. RYAN. Proimetor. Behrie.; a good assortment of DJll’Gft and l‘,drill Medicines, J offer at. reason i- Ulo price.;, BKUSIiKS, COMBS. PEUFILUEKY, Ac Chromos and Piclure Frames, A in-*.v and largo stuck. Lamp’s * Lamp Fixtures Paints, Oils and Varnishes, OF ALL KINDS. AH EXCELLENT sc. (%a/r. MANY NOTIONS, —VXD - FANCY GOODS. IC. L. I:\UIJSVF.Uj. o< f Id r i T’cnoTi t.v. Ga. Lumber Notice. Wr* are prepared to fill o/dera for First und nd eta: . lumber, fit our water and new steam mills, at sat is.'Victory pries * for cash only. Cotton Kt-cd nnd fodder taken In exchange, how bids will be made on larijn bills, 10,000 feet and upward*, on regular framing orders at J 11 GOUMAX-S MILLS* N. 11. Orders should either bo mailed me nt T illcVton or left at Bc-./M ysu and ANDAtJ* Or TICK. Milt K. 31. VI LldS. J. L. \\ ILL IS. WILLIS & WILLIS, Allormys a L w, T•U >ott<>n, G ooiTria pan [hi) 83 Hroad Street, Columbus, Ga. Always has in Stock a full nnd well .assorted line of Ladies’ and Gents’ Boots and Shoes. ■ f the hast and nobbiest iy . .. and made to o and r ( f the best nia-e iuls that myone can buy, Ladies" Baiton anil Basket Shoes, AND EOOT3 A SPECIALTY. Call and soe them. IHEI* st bin-an ami farm boat in the market tor the least money, All goods new amid( s.rable. 'l’lm p,-.*pk- f Talbot and adjoining counties especially invited to all and examine my tdqeks. mar 30 ii l \X'. R. I{EI>ETJ.. ~w. Cm innt; : i ■ <'<>!.?' AIS > ! ' H, - - - G > I£<jl I. V. DEALER IX BOOKS, STATIONERY AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Chromos, Picture Frames, Atlas and Cord, Stereoscopes, Views, Albums, Gold Pens, Violin and Guitar Strings, Inks. Writing Desks, Cards, Pocket Books. Thotmis* Standard Black, Violet and Ganninc Inks, Depository of the American Bible Society. jan 11 b 1 d..,.vy p. -- -- - ;Special Indncements in GROCERIES, For CASH, at Wholesale and Retail. I <ar. MA.MiijiTOjxr, M lut 1 ' p-ToM n Cxfoet'r, jandi! jit it If. COLUJU BUS, GEORGIA. I'®. '*'• I- 0 -''*- liOIJT. I'. FAUJ.EV CALL and EXAMUiTE UM(I & FABLErS. NEW STOLE OK Fancy and Family Groceries. Plantation Supplies,Tcbacco, Cigars.., &c. W[i.rc o]'Mn g anew nl r- *mp , "P- of roceri. sand vv ill continue to keep a full an ■ rtnient ot the lies! Gnmlt; in our linn that can l*o )*urcbaHud. WINLN AND LIQUORS OF SI'PKuIOR QUALITY. S*i-ie<‘s Will lx- ( hoi Lowest, \\ ■ think Mir fri- mis will find il to f fi* ir mb r a* to give us a call before purchasing. Swift’s New Building, Upper Broad St., Columbus, Ga. f>ct Bbl 3VE. Peyser JIANUJ ACTCIiEK 01’ Fin© Cigars, AM) PKAJ.KK IN • Cigarette, Chewing & Smok ing Tobacco, & Snuff. Brown Tloutto block, Opi"* *‘c t Depot* ctlOlfo TH Fout'h St. Macon, Ga* 'NLLHVIS 1! K A\ noß<ioK ! ‘Xruro.kls.)>i •soiqiffs Ai-iAoj oiji : joiyo .u{) ut sJfooq A’tn iptA\ putmj ©q no.* [ quoui.q;) *w ajpatt pint o;m)t*iHAU<.) >i[.n: >a-*' i l T*\.ioj outoo oj >m --a\o orav osnj!) >p u p[ti<>.\\ j ‘Cup tin pi Htjouiwnq A'ut du . **[.) *0 pun ‘u d>uo'i >iv 'I ll MJv f <q G.tu.wp.uqj[ jo Act |*[os iiuiAiqt •00T4°]J BPARKER'S GtN6EffTIOfUQI | Ginp;nr, Itochu, MandraUe, Stlllinifift auu Jmnuy other t-f t!ic i>c i rind icincn kitiovn a ; coin ► hi.;' .1 SO Skillfully ill I’aio;i'( li : 'ii!i( Tf.ic as. po make it 11 greatest Blood Purifier .nd the * Best Health and Strength liestorcr ever used. I It cures Dyspopsia, Ithcumatism. Neuralgia,j i-Bteeplet*^c'.. i- l all *ILe ■ of 11 1 * Stcua- h. ' Bov. ' ■*. Lungi, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs Mind .*M Female Complaint*. . If you nru waxtin-t ;*w,iy with Consumption or. ' tany <!iN'.oe,U*cthcto-day. No:nali-,i what* ‘ !'yt.-;r syr.ijv -ms m-'iy t>c. it will s’lreiy h-rij) v-u. • I J' ! - •; ! This 'J -• ic cures diMwkcii"*-- in th Best Family Medicine ever n.: Ac. entirrh j h'f.-reut f"-i*l l. Ad" ;'-r .:i- ; i and , 1 other TdiLa,ondticahinc thobcDtcuiatiprep- i rrticscf dl. iiuy a ;> . bottle ot your •None H'-nuir,:- wit!-, at our hignattire ni cutj ‘vrapp'-r. Hr"'-, -v ('■ .! t.N>•v \• rk PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM HI^VuIdSLT febStf Oollinsworth Institute. - FOU— Boys and Young )b v n! K-oponrd and re-orgunize*! will rt- Kiitnc rxeiviM-s at the Old Campus, Jan. ’3l h, 1881. Bo;i*d, Tuition, Washing aud luc'fl* ntnls * \ >p -r month, if cn i.raotcd f/v the Term, an/, paid, monthly :rt Iva co Tsiiion per month $3 aid $4. jttiilt hi Ji ns T. McLiranus Lange’s Plugs. i A r i\bac*.o An!hi ■! . For Bid by E LBALDW.:. h. • jvb22 j .1! • to i, C Le Vert Female College. Thin old established institution lias 1) 'll with competent In sir lie! o; k in every department, and offers ii) m ii -i , dvani.i es lo the education of Kills. 'i ii di e j li, wj Ibo mild but firm, and tho ins: nidi >n tborough and by the Analytical method. 'I ll it* xt Ii in ill begin Jan. 18th, 1881, and ci-ntiimo lor ix months. Tnn ' t on due upon the enrollment of th* J pa ' pil nd except iu caseb of special agree -11 • L paynie it. will bo expected ill ad vh'c . I)i* at Last half of the term, or monthly. Mo deduction for absence,un it ss caused by proiracted HicknCHS, EXPENSES AND FEES, Ft naraforv Department per annum $20.00 Ae;al< mic Department pur annum... 30.00 < ; oijogiato Department, p r annum.. -10.00 i . e Department peranniiiii 30.00 I lenient ials per antinm 3.00 I of Fijino per month 1.00 I*’ >' Inr; inl>-nnafioa address tite lb-sidrnt. p r DAVANT, d* 'lit! i’alhntton Ga. | j OBUfSON | j AGON .0 ( I.M IN NATL O. Tiles r 'MI A\v HAVB .IFST KIMSIIKD COM J’LW l. *M"!'S WITH 1:VK1: l FUILI I Y OF Tilt I.VIJ. ! IMiM.oVBj) MAC.TIISKiiY, ANL AliE I’M PVKKI* TO Ma.NI’F.K'TUHK pANDARD JRADE yEH 1C LEE, BLVI! is F.Mi.’.t v\ .\(;o.\s, HfidXii w vuoNS, Vl.f.Mt! WAGON'S, Ludlow si>i:ing wagons. i’a miens two seated Cabriages, Standard trade dsggies, EI.EG.VNT BREWSTER BUGGY, >:tc v etc. o- - Send f"r I>- ;Lns and I rices, to U< ■ : ! NS< >N W UiON C<>. June 2 1 HO. 10 mo. CINCINNATI, Ohio TOTFUL for Bor* *n<t Girls !! Yountr utl OM !! A NEW IN "T"‘.~ £ e s^v lvK NTl( ) N just pateuted for tbuui, YLL' (and tor Home use ! i- : - r". l fret and Stroll ?awirff, Turning:, frv* li-rin|f. JuDling,Grinding, Polishing, St .PE 111 L’uttn.g. Price f5 to S6O. Hi Send ft cents for I*M) pastes. #■- Eim.U’4 BROWN, Lowell, Mas., \ •-•vk-uiucr ho w ly