The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 08, 1881, Image 4

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OLD STAND!” The neateft and beat kept BAR in town is that of Wm. KELLER, at his "Old STAND,” one door below J. H. Harvey. A full line of the XjIOUOUS of all kinds constantly on hand. IBES.H BEER ON ICE ! £CDA WATER, ET. CORNER STORE. At my Cartier Stoic will bp fcvl alr;r well S*'P< K of FANCY & FAMILY GHOCEKIES, AND Domestic G-oods l 7nm yralpfol to my fri. n ’ f t Il.eii Imger Hnn-d j. tron7. nnfl hji’c to r -1 tiiti n r of fit Him** i • 1 . li '**■ • 1 * m:vv ii aijdav akm i-s ac>i. TA FnAZ’- tt. ' K I’OVMI;V l ’ OVMI;V J. A. 'FRAZER & (0. COLUMBUS, GA. 1 'V 1 < 4 l*K I tt Cutlery & Agricultural Implements. Ferguson & Blount and Hainun Plow Stock. Al.i> O.iwt. I’limir Kit-i 11 ■ fun’. steel, (tip aid Mill f/BaHuij, Rubber B 'm;, Millstone*, Pol ing ( bilbo Pa hit.-. Ohs, A W. Si !• Bi-omJ Htm,t. jatm ry b I mil's, *i\. H AHDVVA HE, JIA KI)WAN R H L. McLEjSODN, TA EItOTTC ) N. ( i A. IIAui)NYA HK, r r I\\V A III ST<)Y I-:s.( lUT- L Kll V, PI A) W SLOCKS, CHOC K EB V. Plow Hoes, Saddles, Bedsteads, Cliairs, Also a full line of WAGON AND BUGGY TIMBERS, OF BUST MATERIAL AND AT LOW FIGURES. \JA, Anlw !iN ItEI’.UR WOltK In Ti.i. Iv II or <‘o|>| or invm;:t!y l(. ttflnl to nod raU-fm'lloii ( i' rii J ► hull koo| flrvi l m >.tiH-k of ov. v m 111 h ir<l'iire id limu- fiirmnUmg ini. nud r!>|o'otfully nlruLitu inojov-t..■ *u nt my :: '".‘f l it prioos bOui h i, M :M:nd)\. JAS. R. EUCLAID. (Successor to HERRING & ENGLAND,) Nos. 07, 00, 71 A 70 Oglethorpe St wet. Columbus Georgia. MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, Buggies & Wagons. Buggies from $65 to $l5O. All Guaraneeed. My SSO BUGGY is Ih ' best ever made for the money. More than two car loads made and sold, and every pur chaser highly pleased Call and examine mv work before purchasing I keep a full line of Harness and the tinest Whips sold in the City ni.6—Mij.3l .1. K. i.LN(iLANI). T. GUERNSEY, Si tfl.-sru To ta'LKNSr.V A HETSOLDS. MACON, : it::: w'eorffia Offers to the trad in 1 nib* a, Tn\l * wul . lioinin c. n e .hn* w and varied stock Hf builders fur. ashing g *F . - -> Do is. Sad. Ida: YN iudav, Gl ..n*. Oils. H*,l ware, A *., marked down at il * *-i laces * insure s.ite ad fe-rfovt sati>faeti"r • Val! or send o: de: te I', sd I'i.NSI.Y. ft , -u, \Y. \V. < \*ll;us A F>r**. Ma*’oii. ti* Marcum HAHHART 8i CUED. WHOLESALE DKAI.TUs IN IIAEDWAIFF (1 FI-KliV &(\ Tin, Wooden Ware of Every Kind. We have now in store a lai'Tc mid well sscrtelSio ’ Pool:! and Table hic;;M Scales CTMerrh .Rt* an*! ;l.ers woo'd • well ’ V. * . , IRON- FRONT STORE. KERRY ST.. 31 A CON. ( \. THE REGISTER AM) STANDARD, TALBOTTON. TALBOT COUNTV, GEORGIA. MARCH S ISSI Ft A in QjTT ft T3 Hf 1 S l’< >K Crockery, China and Glassware. A full line ot Silver Plated Goods, including Castors, Spoons, Forks, Knives, &c. Also, a full stock of Refrigi rators, Ice Boxes, Water Coolers, Fly Traps, and Fly Fans. Amt a full stock of the follsv.ingfi r*t stoves: Traveler, Spirit of ’7(5, Improved Iron King, and K E Manufacturers of Plain and Stamped Tin Ware, .roi IN < . V V \SVCI .I*l & < '<> nuulO I, I apiiO lib THIRD-srHEl'.r. MACON. GA. HOBSEFORNISHIKC EMI! BRADFORD & EVERETT, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Crates, Tin- War©, Hollo War®, Crockery, Glass Ware, House-Furnishing Goods, &c„ may ll No 142 Broad Street. Columbus. Georgia. Monumental Marble Works ! First Dooi North of Virginia Grocery, Broad Street Columbus, - Georgia. Monuments, Tombs, Headboards, Vases, &c. of the best Italian & American Marble. ,yr Design* unit estim-itoH furni h< and by addressing ns. Workmanship the best. Prices Reasonable ! mnrcli lltf. A. M. & J. 11, TLLEIXiK, Proprietors To Close Out ’ Positively no II muling . ~,t WOLF COHN! THE ENTERPRISING CLOTHIER. Offers bis largo and well $ looted stock ot GEN I •’> VOUI " in d LO\S (II.OTIIINU, And ClcuU' Pii:nlhm" r.'inil., 1).low NEW • OliK COS I ' , 'lln. 5,..0k i-mhiMios ov.-rytimig u.ualij fu mil iu n First Oti (U.OTHIN‘I IS.Ah 1.1 snMJ. N r. Business Hats, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Etc. , POSITIVELY NO HUMBUG Cull an 1 I) I'iuivi ion.l that lam and.<d to close ont.a id ox miin fo •>■ I OU' 1 COIIN, ‘Tim ltnt. 11 v ~jnsr ( lot liter.' u;iril CI, 1 j.iiill 124 liltOAD BTUKI-.T. COM Mill s, (i \ DRUB STORE! 1,.. •• .1 .at hi:: \ un Iw I : s ' i,F. a ' I. I-. 1 o " I n hv. : ,iti if r ii t • m n . f a ,>1 n Su i),i . i ,:t tl ,Ml . I •tl* '‘ . I1 i V UT F V i- ’ , tho /■ n: fum (>Uv<* Oil, for mMo • i• • ,i • ••vd* s -u - • r \ i- 1 old. eh.-op bv t . Itv ; (iil'.n I. v V i '*'• . • r b,. , M st hr nds K< *‘ h Turnip Sml II k s- l i Kish 1 -ntu I • lsJ ui.d sU l> n-b . ; til tS sipH, i ot'lii Unit s ..... IV 1' 'S v.r;*>ty line Fr. ; and:. •> dAr >fo . .Lei <1 use. •v A Ni jh; lb ll will he found u< iln* and or. O. T 21.1 DR. J N GILBERT 148 Breads? Celuinku , Ga __u__iiii it 11 b iM-f-nn — rni‘ n~T I~ - " • ■n * ~im aww a*. - > <**. *rw . Steamplaning Mills & Lumber Ya'd. T. J. DUDLEY, MANIFAOTURER AXI) i'EAl.l'U IN' Material ! KITES eorstontlv on hand all K< pth\t Si zes of Sash, Doors, Pliv.d-* ntii Mould . m Flaring and Oiling dressed and matched, and .>1 kind.- of rough and dross dLnmlw. Door fr:um>, Window Frames, M -uldinrs, Scroll Wok?, Pickets lattice, vV ■ . -ot out to order. YU work done.ami material furnished at hoitc *n pric*** Agents for tlie Centennial Patent Sash Balance. It i? *■ ' rt an ! cmap. can bt* ai'p'-ed *•' w.'uVws without vfcanpr ot franaa, answer <>*: > curin'**' of the weighted sa*h. and can tw* had for It*, a than one-fourth tht uualcot. Call rx.i'.' itir iFFIi'K *: / M!i l.Si'r * " ‘ mart) . COLUMBUS OA k W z ... •ept#rc ~ i HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW CLOTHING! m COLUMBUS. I I* AM now openiug v sfui’t of FALL and WINTER CLOJUING. embrac in'' *.ll th* N<* a* Stylus ;*ud Fabric* <,f the rtcn-Jon, and uu prepared to offer great inducements to Caah Buyers. Hands' *me Dr.n-s S cits. Business Suits. FINE Dre-s Suits, HALF HOSE, ,SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, COLLARS and CUFFS, Fine Hat< in the newt f t style*, Umbkel u/.s. Walking Canes, and every < j>em to be Hound in a first class C otlii g St >r o. The Lest stock of Children 'a Clothing 11 the market. If you wat t gftcd Goorh cheap, ea'i nid s e nice. JAKE GREENWOOD, • >ct I'J apl 51>1 LANDRETHS* luni seeds uh best inni I I fi/■ If not sold m your town, yf>a If|f| I 111 14* can Kd, them by rami Drop I I II I I A nit a nl Curd fur (Jh >a- AU UJL logntt and Prio*. The OUUeI and most extensive Seed tlrcnrtrs in tA* United S'ate.s. DA VID J.ANDHtTH Sc 80NB.PSZLaOA.JPa m.v2 bl 'HAldisL^§& ■> ' ' f / coiiHlant ua by t h * public for over twent* ' y*ar, am] In the best preparation ever In- IT-'=-v;.; ..* I l.e vented for KIISTOUINd \ g OKAY U A lit TO ITS * ’ As saver VO V T II i V I. C O LOII \ J, aiia V A * W l < * Chemist It ll|>|>U.- til., until- 0 f fJ nBS| rl food ami color to the j f\Q(| hair glanda without . ~ atalnlng the skin. It will | loading Increaae and thicken the J i hySl- Kiowth of the hair, pro- ciaDS vent Its blanching ami (ndorSß falling oflT, and hu •j, \ AVERT IUI.DXKHS. J 1 recom /It cure. It* bl, it, Kr,.,.- mcu( J it tlonn and Dandriifl'. A ' j la IIAIK I)ld>slNfl It, ag a i* very deairable, giving preat the hair a ailken aoltm* m j triuEOpb uhlch all adinlrc. It |in mccli keepa the head clean, sweet and healthy. Jl % /\ .w f i SuUCWNGHAHS d Ye WHISKERS will rlinugo iH'nrd to o UllO\V> or 151.. U K at diftirctlon. llehig li oho propamtloQ it eaully ai>i>lU'l, and produces pormawnt color that vrill not wash off. Tim-AUDI) BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, H.H. Sold by ail Doaiors In Medicine. JOHN D. WHELESS, Attorney at Law, TALEOTTOS, - GKOIiCrIA CiT' (.’ 1 ’ ciionsu SV<v ahty oviulj, ii- m a rrri n, Attorney at Law, ORict \ tie Foil it H'lise. Pwlbo ti : : *’v il Pr >eC< in t • > <>r Cog ■ h f 'Uutt i oh r * '\v:n.l n i be u * tuf Cu nt oi i• St to. Pr- ui.'i giveu to M bns ; im < -•> trusted to Li* oai* j -nUld K. H. WUKIiiLL. J. II WOULILL E H. Wo; • M Ai iarn •' al La- , iAiji.iiit con hij’ii lit, WILT> j‘i'H ti v iii toe Su . . C r.rt. ihe Sup' iior C< iris • ni t I‘uiu and Sun . s District < ou? t at Sa aim; :. Attention i;ivcu to all nuUiers in Bank ruptcy. Especial attention given to Collections apl 8 Id I < >WN SHOPS!! Wood and Blacksmith \V <> 1. lv. J. C. C AMPBELL. Proprietor This is to inform the public that 1 have taken chaiTTo of the \Y. od au<l Black smith Shops, i n the e ist aide of Hie Pub lic Square, where l am p r t pared io exe cute all classes of tepair work on wagons carriages, buggies, Ac All serfs <f p w wo*k, and horse shooug done tn th: best stvle audio please. I have corot e;ent workman mull departments of my bu-i ness and guaiant' e satisfaction to all my eustoraors. bv'*th as to p - ices and work. I respectfully solicit the orders of th: pub lic Talbot 5 on. tmtfb! J. C CAMPBELL. ih v. r\ONvfilm-le hko’-vn. Browifs National Hotel Nearly Opp site Passenger Depot, \j y. f>y r v Y? t >.. .*-• -s. si -- ~ T? vv} di s vl ' L-T|e“ MWj .* to mi c.b i'i p's. Central & Southwestern Railroads | Ca .T *.n 8 1881. ON and alter SUNDAY, Jan I<. 1881, passe i.l* r trains on the Cm.fc al ana | Sontliw* stern and Branches will run as follows: ; TRAIN NO. 1- -GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leaves Savannah a m , Loaves Augusta ..9:80 a m | Arrives at Augusta * p m : Airives at Macon .. ! Leaves Macon I r Atlanta *•!■" i* sl Arrives at At!a• 11 a U;4U a M j Leaves Macon lor Colunibtis and ! Montgomery daily ’2 25 r m Arrives at Coiiiiubus dtiily - 21 a m Arrives at Montgomery daily •> 4‘) a m Milking dost ermneetiou at AtLuifca v/itli Western and Atlan’-ic Railroad and Atlan ta and Charlotte Air-Line Lr all points North -nd West. CO-MING SOUTH AND EAST. I Leaves Atlanta ■ . 12:2<>P m 1 Arrives at Macon (>;3O a ji Leaves Alon'goinery lor Macon daily 5 00 i m Leaves C*lu!ohus daily J'l 08 a .vr Arrive at Macon daily U 4 *. a m Leaves M con a y Arr ves at u-vilh 0:l( am Ar. ive at IN to. t n 11 :U< k m Arrives at Au.;u>fa 4:4a '• m Arrives at .':•••> P Leaves Augusta 0:80 am Making connee!ion at Savannah 'Vitii the Savannah, Fh r; and W- s? in ltail read for all p*>iut.s in Florida. TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WEST- Leaves Savannah ~7 ;-lo p m [ Arrive* at Augusta, .... ?o a m Leaves Augn 1.1 h ;; > p m I And ves at Mill* dgevilL- - • - 9:44 am Arrives a‘K t *ntoji - - - - 11:3<)am Arrives at Macon - - - 7:2 ) a m i Lca>es Macon for Atlanta - - "* 0 1 a m Arrives at Atlanta ----- 12: nv M LcavesMftcon for Albany, Eufaula > 4 > a m Arrives at lilaula - - - - 4. id pm Arrives at Albany ----- 1153 p m Leaves M non for Col ambus -1: 5 a m Arrives at Columbus - - - - ITU pm Tr ims on ih s s he jul * leave •• Macon. . \tUinta, ( o'nnibiu, Eufavla, Albany and Aug >sf: and dv, trial:i ;> g close connection jat Atlanta with \Yt stern and AUaiitic, nd Atl-nta iiiid Charlotte Air Live—at ; Eufan!a with Mon'goj.u ry an l Eulaula • rail v iy—-it Cobitnbus with Westein rail • road; at Augus a with the Charlotte, ( V>- i bunbiii and Augusta ra hoad and l*outh I C irohna railroad f-r all p iuts Nortn ! and East. Eufaula tram eon • cts t Fort V il*\v for Pi rry, daily yx * t Sir day, and fit Cuthbftrt lor Fort Gainer and i y, * ::c pt Sued IT. Train on Blakel r Extension leaves Al bany da ly • x> opt Sun ..ys. CoaflXG .-OCTii AND KA'T. Leaves AU.mta 2:15 p m Ar ives ut Mac >i. Crow Atlanta . (>.*55 pm , Leaves Alb .ny - - - - - 12; "2 a m Leave * Enfuulft 1- 00 A M Arr at Macon f.Tu Eufaula, Albany M Leaves ColuiiU-us - - * - -1) :~>o a m Arrives sit Maeon front (Jolnnibus 5:10 u m Less ves Macon - - - - > - 7Mn p m Arrives sit Au iistst - - ■* - *>;4o a m Leaves Augusta - ... p m Arrives at "Savartn sh - * • - 7:15 am Passengers t >r Milhdgeville ami Eaton ton will take train ±L> 2 from Savannah and train No 1 from M con. which trainx connect daily, except M uduy, i r these points. Pullman P.tlac Sleeping C rs between Savannah end C.ncinuuti via Macon, Al ia ntt and ( im*i uaatt S utlu-i i. )all v. y Pullman Palace Ste t ingC into W i-h --ingtoii via Anguwlfi, Cliariolte and Rich uioml, on U 20 ft in tr. in from r'avanuah. I.oeal S o ping Cara on all Nigh! i r tioH Ik tw fti Savannah and Augtist.i. Vugtist.a and Macon, nu I Savannah and Allant i. l’a i s-Tp ers from Southy-TBt r n Glor ia run take • Liter (.mu f:>m .Miari t<. Augusta and make comn etions i h Pull man Udeop'-r fr *m A ,'u.sLt t*> Washington without chaiif(e. Berths in S:***oing Ca-scMi he H i nr**' t tie* T ieke olfie. on MiUheriy stre t. or at Depot. | (Ik * A W iitTrui:\o, WM. liO(iEß>, it*ji Tiekc-t At lieu hnp't U Ul* Bvnn <) ! . J < HHAW. w hhki.lmvn •.. 11 Ira v A * t. Hun't SW ll ii, M .1 as , <#i )AlnmA| r i “■* -"T'A TO TUEB I OIVB HEALTH. Fxc tl t i o . A! t rni tn T> - nivt c. Medical Association of Lynch burg, Va. flap no rouft- tor Liver an ’ Ki l M e I isn ders -Lev V. C Dois<ii, - r.ia Cos . \ - Adapted ii ' ' nu ill r her:*. -i --pa ion. an i serofuia. 11 \. Li? .am M D., I'f s: Y M and cal S Ht v Stu . f ss'ully us-d m ysr* p chr n ; ■-’ .i ad sor dll a- !’* ? i ok' r. IV. Pa. T'fli"' •' ‘ *v nna'ro*': ex •1! n f npp tize a bh'od '-nrni r. H F;> M I) , C i. ' stun. ; ,• ;• V i: Mix ' ■ . D, N C. FTd vo ns f r Yen. • • I Inf ‘i a>. Dr B lh emer, St Louis. Mo. A fine t>ni ami aiteriiytivr, very valu able in diseases peculiar tn b malos. chronic fever and ague, bronchitis and diseast sof the digestive organs.—J F li• uuli'on, M D. Ala Very beneficial in strengthening and improving a reduced aystem. Rev John Vv Beckwith, Bishop of Georgia* Most V 'lu. ble r meuv ku- .vn for female Idb eases. John P lit tttanr. Al. D, LL. D. , Used in ebstii-a'o css of ilyspepsia ; with great benefit—J Macßalph, M D,. ltos** Point, Pa. Used with great benefit ir. malarial 1- ver and diphtheria, -S F Dupun, M D., Georgia. O ' great curative virture.—Tbomis F Umub >lu. Al D. IS- Louis, Mo. Yeiy efficient n glandular derang - ’ ment. Dr W m S Morris. Lvnchl>u;g Ya. Best remedy ever used in diseases ot the tti r out- P V Siflferd, M. I).. N C*. Ada \ t and in *he er'ain aff *ctio ? to ttie kidneys ..nd bladder: dyspe, >ia. lupus, ; fbl' msis s uofnltuis and uta..* o.h al fectio a.— Prot'J J M rmau, M. D , Ys. An obstirmte case of neural.ia of seven j years st-nding entirely cured by t * mass.—-J P Nxt-se, M D.. Holmoi-'s Mills, N C Pamphlet and circular containing full information sc t upon applic.iti >u. Mass ~nd s* ni post-paid onvwb re. Springs on- n year round. $40.00 .. month. Vddress. \ M DAYIES, Frea‘t of the Cos.. V*i . > . '* v.rg. A* . Fcv sale bv Bv I L Bard •?r~r ’ ?r ' 5 "fS *■ 1 r '*■ Cit q U x * M UAU Mendelssohn Piano Cos., Will make, for the next 60 days only, a Grand Offer of PIANOS & ORGANS. SBSO Square Grand Piano for only $245. HTXLE 3 Magnificent rosewood ctse elegantly finished, 3 stmtffs 7 13 Ociftr,- fall patent c rtaste agraffes, onr new patent overatracg scale, beautiful carved V- * and Ivn ,b< iiTj" -erpentinu and large fancy monMint’ round case, fall Irou f' r s French Crana Action, * band Hammers, in laet every improveuient which can in y' way lend to tire larlection of the in-trumi nt bus b en ad led. u *- r Our price for this instrument boxed and delivered on board cars at New York wit) fine Piano Cover, Stool and Book, only So! Ti.i Piano will bes it on test trial. Pie o -end r-fo -nee if yon do not send money wnh order. Ca.-,'., seut w;:h order will b refunded and freight charges ■ a ; j by ns both ways it Piano is not jnst as re resented i- ibis Advertisement. Ts .V,. ' sands in u.-. Send lor Catalog ai. Every instnuueut inly warranted .’or five v >ars' 1> I 4 \Tnt t lO5 t, ‘ 4 400 Cwali Cov.r and ouk). All stiictlyTrst -1 I. 71 . I r ciiuss r. t .su'd at V-.e iesaie I ’ s-y prices. These . nisdeune i t • fine t dispaysat 'he Ucnte lai Ex ibition. a .w r unammousiv iccoiun,ei;deci for tae High -a ii ■ rs. f s pnns ci ; t. ; ..orN-w p len S 7 the ir ae: iuipioYoiueiit l . the i: twe if u ;u.l: ~ . i'.i U. rig ns are t. s finest iu A meric . Po-itively e in.u.e t.eii . t hti"., of the riolitst tuc- . u " K j ereat-st dab nty. in y t. recomiiiend. i >y tnc ;i:’isje.d uuuiorities i;, he c • untry. pi H,.,0n in use. amt not mi .h-s i.-fied |it.r maser. AU Pi„u md Org .u-sen on 1 , d.r, s' lesr tual—h , ■ free i. .us t. f... ory. Don't lad to wri e u o-i -re buy ng. ]’* >il:v. iy we : li- rl .■ ties .> Cat .'ogue maii. f free. Hands in Tins r t-<t :nd D-sc iptive Ca-aiogue did ; ..;s mailed t r ac si tip. E-.ery Ifiaii mliy variant and for iye i, * fi B 5 ’ ir ’Pa .(j ■ e Organ, • s.; . is t..;- finest aid \j rt ilnliv • swtcte! ' t ’ •’ '* !i ■ ver off. red the musical public. It contains Five (xtavus, Five sets of Reeds, four of 24 Oc t'.ves each, and On of Three Octaves. Thirteen stops with Gtiitii) Organ- Diapa s u. M b dm. Viola, l'iu c. Celeste. Dulcet. Echo, M lodia-i orte, Ceiestlna. Yioiin ~ Flu* Ti-uiolo, i rand-t'lrgan and tir.iud-Swell, Knee-IStops. Heigiit, 74 ln Length, 4;;.: li. 24 iu.: Weight, h- x.-d, 3'K> lbs. The ease is of solid walnut' v neeted c!a i■< w<>, is. and i, of an ent.rely n• v and beautiful design, . iab.,- rate.y Carvo.l. with r ta-d pm-I>. music closet, lamp stands, fretwork, Ac., ’ all ' ele an'ly finished. P'-<• s.cs all tin late end bst iMpiMvcoients, with great power dep‘ , l.diliaoci'aed syuij dlietie ■; ility <•; I 11 oai. u : solo c-fl’ects and pc-teet "Opini 11, Regular ret il pric- Oar whole, ,le net cas'i pic-t have it in •r.uuod with St.l laid bjok. only y;t7 as on .• or .-a 5.41 sells ot icrs. Positively !M dt vi It! -n Hi price. No payment reipui. and until y.,n have fully te-t-.d (he organ in " h ’ f>" : "'<• •' lel all org .as on In days t.-st :r:al nd gay Leio .t both' vra a it ltidrttre. ut is not s repr . n and. Fully w.. rant if > \ .’us Other stvles s slop organ only stops. l|t*o-14 slot s, slls. Over 32.0. K) sold, and eyerv Organ nag given .he s, tmtaotion. l.lnstra,.d circular mailed lie.-. Fsotort and o are is, ms, 57th St. and 10 h Ave. SHEET MI SFF -"V 1 l ,ric ”- ri ‘ a, "- np of soon Choice piece* Vs ■tf.r 3 , sia up Tin- c t.ilogim inr.ludrs most of •n* I’"i’ar Mime ot the day arid ~v ty variety of muse al comp stem by the best MENDELS3HON PIANO GO-, P 0 Box 2058,New York City do- 14 ti MANUF.ACTt'RERS' AGENT, Corner Reynolds & Ninth Streets. Augusta, Ga. GENERAL AGENT FOB TALBOTT c£? SOSTS Standard A ricuiiural F.uallies, [on whe s,] Standard Port d>:'* Engines, [on, f Sliitioi.ary Engmes. Planter A-.ricultmal Engines <ni w: *••}.-, Planter Portable Ei ’ uinus in 8k idiubidar an J ia-? un Jive Boil* fs. Tiubino and Water wheels, Cc r . and VI he ;t Mi ls. Saw Mills. Cireulnr Saws. Sh fling, Pull* ya, Baxes, Hang ■* Belting, ft . Patent Spark Arrestors. Watertown Steam Engine Company's Ay'Hcul*ur• 1 Ere.-uiea. Port :b'- Eugin* son skids. Dairy Enames foe small Bnildirg'*, Vertical Eiigii.-cs, Stationary E-. in and ■ 1 11 1 ut cut off. Bet urn Tubulr.t Boilers, wiih two flues, Locomohve ;,n I Y< : tica B ulers. Saw Mills, etc. G. & G. COOPER & COMPANY'S Self-Propciling Traction Kind *s. Farm A i uKursl Engines on wh els, Port a1! a E gin* aon sknls Statjonarv I'd'UM s L-m?. mou-vc ji * r-; Two Flue Boiler.-, B turn '1 übul *?• l*oiler-. il are* Win at M.i s, Por'a’d * Mills with portable bolt at f.ei.ed Sent maeh re s. I Mi-tdv' > AVj.e and .*> p oat r und oat weed extractor. Eureka Flour Packer. Saw Mid . and juL>F and single. J". Cardwell NYlical TLirilo rs, Sc;iaratfr.< and FI. ;uu is. ‘Gruind Ifog’ Tbresliers, Hydraulic Cot ton p e-s. < floi-se Power-. - ouhl* and single g*.an-d— mounted Power Con Sh'*;l •' ei.d F* 1 Cuttxv. s. Reid's Patent Cotton Gin Attachment Fo: -’dn '? ii.l *!• a .ing iint, t.ikw ; out all mot? s, naps and trash, leavii ■* the Liit sf!t and fleecy. Fairbanks' Standard Scales k Fatent Alarm Cash Drawers Sp eial cs‘i ratts f.r H ilrowl. Ti.o-k aud D pot, \Y ■ ou. Hay and Goal Scale* M;<etur ro' Smith H.a P*w-. r Gott n and Hay Pr ><a, Reid's Antomafie •Vi l w Pros . ai. i the n w Virginia F* <‘d Ct.tUr. > v -r ml. i .rticnlars, circniiirn, gen i..l irUotrn •.* i-hi. M pi fo eid W I POLL A KD. <V 1 -Ft' 1-11 4 | a A I ’-X ii •* *L 6* - 58 t . :)• i co third 'Timur. N icorghi \ ' h Vl,c:: i N <c. , bees and Hats. \\ v i fIA 7 hi o* • on*. 'fti e. **•-> i stocks * i * v<* t Vv.; offered, and at ' ' pr • wL I’niw: fail t*. e\ • . o-f. -ti.m. it coinjuis. •* Gents’ and f-. *■' Boot aim SB -s, of theb.-st nuk •- the iobrated Phil .Jeipbia Youths' end Gild* r. .s' s • s sip v. )•■ t- ad ota r<; ••! u* a t o liens' heavy kip Boots and Shoes n , , ‘:ve : -ythm.; to snit lha wants Ot the pu^vuaser. 'At ‘ <M V Uii < i** tS i rau‘l . •_ * f-d hi tofll j\ r l J*"*- V'*. in. re attruti.m tSn s jr si . k < f FINDINGS. S< rid ns y* u *‘i :, r we . iil ex. cute them with a.- moh s vti- I ’vdion as though bought in persoa Vi i V kl s i'i . y S !>, • f * Vlsi <*'”, < mmz /iißiciißSi i iLFJaUL w ililll llllllp Groceries Produce and Provisions. No. TO V.v id Stree*-, >l.umbus, C-a. i to ur 1 .rgo and Groc sries & Plantation Supplies, Checks, Jeans Osnaburgs, Sheeting, Shirting, Yarns. &c. A wei! selecti.a! lot : l>Ot)F.* nd .SiiUi.S, and a -ortment . HARDWARE, If jsu.itf 1 trad*'. Mr damper Si minors, ot Alonw-ih- r County, and Mr John Mulling of Lee Con ‘f Ala., are vu bus, and will tke pleasure in v eivoiuiug old iiieuds and forming uw ones. PK VHCE -V 15INFOIM) mnrotf Columbus. Georflt. V B. FARQUHAR& CO. M ACON , Cl BORGIA. MANIIKAcri'KI.U OK ] , f local Steam mounted and unmounted; Threshing Ala ( Separators, (June Mils, cite, Sand for circular. Address o A B FARQUHAR& Macon. Oa.