The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 15, 1881, Image 1

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REGISTER AND STANDARD. PUBLISHED every Tuesday Morning. Office in Borman’s Brick Building. T<>rms, per Year, 00, Caab -46 Six Months. ,'>Oo, “ 1 3T Advertising low in proportion. J. I*. (iOKtl A - '. I’rop'r. t [ IBS’, COLUMBUS, C-A. HEADQUARTERS FOR First-Class CLOTHING, THOMAS rooHt respectfully solicits before buying el sow iier • n c'r.m. J - Kl Fme and Extensive stock ol NEW CLOTHING lor MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS and CHILDREN ! “,r, sl'lsp'!:: svtx" garment is tried on that Thomas do, s not dad n that l.u. /.ar-l " , ' 1 clothing that ready in. do clothier* K( nerally sli t > Re. reputation i t belli j-“• ■1 ■ He i daily receiving Hhipments from his ninmilact.irer whicj give tba t.adc tin benefit of finding something new and tasly at the EMPORIUM of FASHION ! Hi manufacturer* put their orders m the mill -mi a six me dhs before tlie ad “rL of material and onsnp.ently Urn cUnhing iss 11.t.g .tad aeas.;, pru-es. In addition to the clothing Department, you will find a lu'ge ax > compliti Furnishiusr Goods and Hat Department, In the Furnishing Department, yon will find the ct’-br. ted Kt-epMagnitm Hoiium >;itif(. And as to the Fit, Quality and Cheapness oC the ICi ep shirt pleas: ask the tonuy who u Mud them Mid buying in preference to au v other liirt. In the hut department yn will find tt-ec. 1- bratod S FET -ON IIA V mails at lhi *• delphia, and not a- Orange Vsllaiy Sew.lers.v, he maattfsoturea- lue second crade. It ia we.l for Ihc tra.le to kiu-w tntf dilt'renc* Ector bii^mß. SPECIAL OKDEKS made to measure at fchort notice, and only in 1 OI.AM fTTLIb Wedding Suits a Speciality- No charge for Showing- Don't For net it: No Shoddy Clothing for Shabby Genteel. *pril27 H. G. M’KEE GUNBY’S BUILDING, ST. CLAIR St. Columbus, C3r£*.. |>-L\UKU S> nn'lLi., lUrueo, I,'iitlißr. Et,. Agent for Janies It Hill & Co's., celebrated hand mad- Concord Har nr-cR ami noi Collars, Schofield’s iron Works, Maeoa, Georgia, . Steam Engines of all Sizes ! Steam Boilers a Specialty, SAWMILLS, GRIST MILLS AND MACHINERY Of all kinds as lew as Northern Prices Boiler Tnbes for all kinds of Engines, on Hand. Agents for theLeH’ell Water Y\ heel, marlfi bL J. S. SCHOFIELP I Lead with the Largest Stock of FURNITURE! SOUTH of BALTIMORE 25 Pieces Carpeting INCLUDING ALL STYLES INGRAIN TAPESTRIES, RUSSELS, Arc. JUST RECEIVED. RUUS m endless variety- RODKrB ’3T, COLUMBUS, C-A. BJerrollec he only Faruitu: S:or up -tairs ncrGOs- Ce * ; VOL 5. Up #Fovflk fle4|iste. AFORTUNE Is within the reach of Every Alan, who is energetic, industrious end cconom and who lives wit bis income. If you make one dollar, only spend half of it, laving up the balance and in a lew years you will lay the foundation f or a loiti n which can be MADE in a few ye-rs. In making your purchases of the necessary com fort sof life it is to to seiect good amt Reliable Houses to trade with, good suostautial oud "‘wll made Clothing, Hats, and Furnishing Goods)pay Vest In tlic end. IN A life times experience, this has been the verdict of all Vise men. H or Tliornton, S3 and 85 Broad Street. Go lambus, Ga., call attention to th*ir New Stock F.dl and Winter Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hath, Cats, Trunks, Valises, Canes, l v brei.las, and Fobkion and Domestic Piece Goods. They keep up with the times mit I arc receiving Now Novelties every DAY from their importers and manufacturers direct, and guarantee prices and goods a the lowest figures, and of the Best Quality. apl 6 b 1 ~sep2B P. B. PATTERSON & CO. BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. Genera! Housefurnishing Emporium ! Stoves, Grates, Wooden Ware, Hollow Ware, Crockery, Cutlery I Glassware, Tin Ware, Kitchen Sets, Handsome Decorated Chamber Sets,ss, Tin Sets, $2.25 up. Boi-s Coflle Pot?, 75c to $1 00. Full line Silver Tinted Goods, warranted beet in tbo murk', t. Lamps and Lamp Goods, Everything needed in a housekeeping out fit. Prices to suit. COME AND SEE ME. novOtf. EVANWINKLE&CO. jianufacturrs ___ iron Fencing^ Building Work Y- F>r l’rUM-s at- '• •’ die,B. E. VAN WINKLE & CO . 214 and 216 Marietta St, out* 10, 18 and 20 Foundry St. Atlunia, Ga. july2o may 27 COI'TSOLIDATED!! Georgia Warehouse, AND Grange and Farmers' Warehouse! Tile businepß will go on fit the GRANGE A FARMERS- WAREHOUSE unie th Ist of October next, after which tune all tho business will be transferred to tbs GEORGIA WAREHOUSE, one block lower down, ou the flame street -known at Gammel'fl Stables. J \Y WOOLFOI.K. P J JI-LN K I IN W. may 11 1. I mgß CODUMBUS. GEORfJIA. T T HAYDOCK Tbe and most complete works for the manufacture o i Carriag< K in the world. Buggies for the trade a specialty. CORKER PLIiMB Af D IWELfTH STREET Cl Ml IN IN'A'I’I. OHIO, fft/0 fk Afl REWARD S ISiH PILES fff 5- 91 ProtTHdinr Files that f>eßlner’a Pll** E E SnEhi w XU jt'i #26 wrist ip? Pw Koiiifdy fail-* to cure. It allay* the it h:n*r, m-Mulm the PTj SB hB E3 ra torn' -. givr-g immeilmir relief. Prepared by J. I*. Miller, M.l>., B In flfi B Eg wB IS Ba Hi Pkiladeljihia, i'a. <’A — genuine uuimt v*rap~ la* ve-jy '*!*’*& T&fSr f*r on boitU C'-n*'-ins A*. .• ijfnatarp wd a Pile of StODfS. Ail i cooutr> stores l;t*c it or -*>l .t Ur you. saptsm 7 TALLOTTOX. TALLOT COUNTY, GA., TUESDAY. MARCH 15, 1881. IN MEMORIAM Of mv dear sister, Mattie S. Pye Woodall, who and parted this life, 10th of September, 18S0. D 'ar sister, thou art gone in thy prime aud thy bloom, In the spring of thy life down to silence aud gloom; From tho midst of thy kindred, compan ions and friends, From the pleasures of life, with its hopes and its ends. Thy husband's mmsion is lonely and drear; The stir that shone brightest will no more appear; The transcendent light of the household is gone. Its lustre extinguished, forever with, drawn. Thou .Wvgone from the side of thy hus band to soon; lie mourner,h thy absence in sorrow and gloom; And uow who uiay tell the full depth of that woo, \N hich none like thy husband in sorrow can know ? Thy husband and parents thou lov'at so well Are left hero on earth to mourn ami to weep; While over tho liver thou hast gotio to dwell; And tiler** have a rich harvest of deeds to reap. Thy brothers and sisters will miss thee so m nc'a Wlnlo they arc voyaging over life's stor my main; Yet, they feel in their hearts that their eartlhy loss Ls thy unspeakable and eternal gain. Yet, we'll weep not for thee, thou are happy on high, In yonder safe liavtm, that homo in the sky; Thy mission is ended, thy trials arc past. Thy frail bark is moored on the bright shore at last. Sister, tliou wont mild and lovely, Gentle as the summer breeze; Pleasant as the air of evening, When it fades among the trees. V. J, P. Pleasant Ilill, Chi. Words of Wisdom The body of man oppressed by t-xeoss bears down tlio mind aud depresses to the earth any portion of the di vino spirit wo have been endowed with. How independent of money pence of conscience is, mul how much happiness can bo condensed in the humblest home. The beam of the benevolent eye giveth value to the bounty which the hand dispense#. When mankind estimato the value of truth by dollars and emits it would be good policy to drown the world again. A wise man never trilics with nature's laws or gets in 1 heir war, but the unwise do, and their life pays the penalty of tlioir folly. Give expression to every noble and generous thought. They will vibrato down through the centuries when >*o are dust and ashes. A tender conscience is an estima ble blessing; that is, conscience not only quick to discern what is evil, but instantly to shun if, us the eyelid closes itself against the mote. Those who speak always and those who never speak are equally unfit for friendship. A good pro portion of the talent of listening and speaking is the baso of social virtues. Cleopatra's Needle- The Egyptian obelisk, called Cleopatra s needle, weighing 219 1-2 tons, was set up in Central Park, New York, January 22. This huge monolith is covered from top to bottom with sculptures and bier oglyphics, some of which have been deciphered, and others defy the cunning of antiquarians and Egyptologists. It was first erected in Syeno 3500 years ago. After wards it was removed to Alexan dria, where it lay cu tho ground til 23 II C., when it was erected bo fore the palaeo of tho Caesars. Is mail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, pre sented it to tho United Stales as an historical curiosity. It cost $75,000 to bring this wonderful ‘needle' to this country and erect it in Central Park. It is reported that W II Vanderbilt defrayed the expense. Tho obelisk was formally presented to tho city February 22. Secretary Evarts delivered tbe ad dress. ■ ♦- Mr D Whiting, of ltiverside, Cal., is enclosing 1,500 acres of land with a stockade, and proposes im porting one hundred pairs of Os. triches from South Africa, worth from 3250 to SSOO abi rd. •Ostrich es breed at, four years of age, and will produce four broofls a year, c-aeh averaging twenty chicks’ At eight months the feathers of a bird I become worth $5, and, as it grows | older, attain a value of over SIOO, ! I- is said that it costs no more to I keep an ostiich than a sheep. It is Hard to Uunderstand. Why an endless procession of drinkers from a public dipper will, without exception,drink close to the hamilo. Why people will go into society io get bored when they can get bored just ns woll at home. Why the young lady who will eagerly chew boarding house mince pie will carefully eschew boarding house mince moat. Why a woman will make ex cuses for her bread when sheknows it is the best she ever made, and knows her company knows it. Why a “young gentleman" swears so much louder and more copiously when stranger ladies arc within ear sliot; or in other words. Why the desire to make a fool of one's self springs eternal in the human breast. Why we are so much angrier against him who shows us our er ror than him who leads us therein. Why people will get married, when courting is so sweet. Why a man who claims to have found marriage a delusion will again embrace that delusion upon the first convenient opportunity. Why cold weather comes during the season when it is least agreea ble. Wliy it is so much easier to §be polite to people whom we shall probably never see again than to thoso whoso good opinion we have every reason to cultivate. Why boys should run after girls, when there is u whole houseful ut home. Why Jane finds Sarah's hateful brother so attractive, and why the hateful brothel- of Jane finds favor with Sarah.—Boston Transcript. An Englishman, by finding one very superior head of wheat find selecting the largest grain, in a few years is said to have harvested 100 bushels of wheat from one acre. Roberts, of Dover, for four years selooted the very best potatoes for seed, and had a wonderful fine crop of sound potatoes, while those of his neighbors rotted badly. Again, ho selected the very poorest for seed four years, and his miserable crop all rotted. Senator lleck is reported as hav ing said in a recent interview that, ‘live men—Scott, of tho I’eunsyl vania Central—Garrett, of the Hal tiinore aud Ohio—Huntington, of the Union Pacific; Jay Gould and Vanderbilt—can sit down and, in a five minutes' chat, fix a tax of S2OO, 000,000 upon the commerce of this country by raising freight two cents a bushel,and do it according to law. The Rural New Yorker says that “the introduction of pure Merino sheep into Texas, Colorado ana New Mexico has doubled tho valuo of the fl >cks there, for no flock master can now aff rd to grow native wool when oue cross of Me rino not onlp doubles the weight ot the fleece, but doubles the value of the staj le. The three per cent funding rate developed unexpected strength in tho s- nate. Senator Brown of Georgia, who is bovoud question tho best financial and most compe tent business man in tho senate, favored tho three per cent, rato in a strong speech on Thursday, in which lie was particularly severe in denouncing the large allowance made for the work o negotiating the bonds.. A New Y'ork robo aud cloak houso cmuloys a beautiful girl, the daughter of a saloon keeper, to act as an animated ‘‘dummy" on which to display the articles for sale. She has a queenly style and everything she wears shows to the be <t a'van tage. Her salary is forty dollars a week. Robins aro so thick in Burke county that on Sunday's a negro man of Waynesboro amuses him self by catching them with fi-.liimr hooks. He bats the hook and throws his line over the lim’ of the tree on which the birds most do congregate, anil waits for them to bite. He caught twenty-five in this way last Sunday. Mr M R W itnpee, of Floyd coun ty, is sixty-two years old and is the father of thirty children, thirteen of of whom aro still alive. He has been married only twice and is still bale aud hearty, A Western farmer thinks th ,t af ter having cultivated over three hundred varieties of potatoes he c.ou:d recommend as the the best varieties tile Alpha for very early, th< Snowflake for medium early and Victor for late use. NO. I I W. W. COLLINS, , • A'" ’ f 4 .- - .Manufacturer of r\ 'ssf-V’r-A * r .if? .... Ji-I _ .tUOB CARfIIACES. BUGGIES l WAGONS / „ -,t T ' . ’ J ' ° At |~~l- Second Street. MACON, - - - GEORCIA I TXT STOCK AND FOR SALE LOW Carriages, Phaetons, Cabriolettes, R-ockaways, Ladies and Pony Phaetons, Top and No-top Piano Box and Coal Box Buggies- Webster Wagons, iYiilburn Wagons, Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Cabs, etc., etc. GALL AND BE CONVINCED. I handle moro goods in my lino than any otlior house'in tho States oi Georgia, Florida, or Alabama. My facilities aro such that we defy competition I will treat you right. ,10v25 I*l W.w. COLLINS. Macon,Ga DIX IE WORKS. MACON, GA. BARTRAM, HENDRIX & CO, PROPRIETORS iYI °, f . th 9 ‘ 5a,,,, Do °r ami Blinds iria.lo in the Stale nnd sl nitl T Guiding material , K Wind,.,, and Door frames. Moulding aplH I!" 1 Newels,Scroll-sawed aud Turned work. Send for price list. 8 NEW GOODS! HAVE JUST received a large atoeof kh nllto now designs it tha MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO. ELE€T It < > Silver-Plated. Wcire- Parties wishing Bridal Presents will do well to enll and examine mr stock and A F PICKERT, Successor to G H Miller, > ul J _ No 5 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga - ■■■!■* TT" - ~8,7 .'T :.a, ... -.---kk , -- , | |, _ N0 91 CHERRY SDK Centra! City Clothing House. CHAS. WACHTEL & BRO, The Popular CLOTHIERS. Have the Largest Stock of CLOTHING for Men, Youth and Boys ! Tho finest selection of GENT'S Furnishing Goods. The nobbeet styles of Silk and Fur Hats. The Best ONE DOLLAR SHIRT I Make CLOTHING and SHIRTS to measure at low figures. Give you more Value for your money than any other huusein the citj; t l2soc CHAS- WACHTEL & 8R0.91 Cherry St- Macon Ga- Job \l oik. . All classes of .To)> AV oith do in the tress t styles and atthe lowest prices, at the REGISTER JOB OFFICE. Our Job D-.tmskt is fur nished with a fine 1-ow-es mul at the latest and most approved styles o type. We do lx-11<- 1- work for less moil ihnn any office in th Stale Give us your orders and we will pleas* you.