The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 29, 1881, Image 3

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RESIST® AND STANDARD. TUESDAY MARCH 29 1881 Newspaper Material for Sale. The Register and Standard has the mi-terial m good stupe and condition, ured m the publication of the Tr’bc'ton sti-ndaid, nhich will be sold at a oargam The press is aNo 5 Washington hand, comparatively new. Ths office contains nou"h material to publish a handsome eight-column paper. Also a good rotary iob pre-s and office. Apply to 0 D Gor man Registeb and Standard oflice, Tal botten. THU- vVEEIv AT HOME. Mr C C Sheppersou, ot the popular and enterprising clothing manufactory of G J peacock, Columbws, was taking orders iu our town yesterday. Willoughby Retxde will be in Talbotton on Thursday night without tail. The sixth annual mteting of the Geor gia Pharnmceutacal Association will be held in Columbus ou the 12th of April Billy Bedell keeps one of the hand somest shoe stores in Columbus- His new spring styles of ladies and gents low cuts aud other varieties are “just too lovvlv for anything. “ Prices always low. Go and see Bedell, ou Broad street. It is thought that many of the peach ! trees are injured. Ice and frost last week are not congenial to peach blooms. Geneva has received a fraction over! 8.000 bales of cotton for the season. Mr James Isom, of Geneva, who had his feet badly frost bitten in the winter, has had them amputate, 1, Dr Robert E Griggs performing the operation. Guano docs not abate. It still floais on the breeze. The Sabbath school convention of the Columbus Baptist Association will be keld iu Hamilton on Friday before the sth bun day in May. Now that the Court has adjourned the road commissioners may rest easy, and the people go home to work. Mr J W McCrary is building a com - modious livery stable west of Morris* ho tel. in Geneva. Since TaUotton was erg-niac! there have been l(is m ■ ns rJ * Court, 101 of which have bi-ju at. . t-y Mr John C Maund. Track laying on our iuii.oad is delayed on account of not being able to procure iron The rolling mills are bemud with their orders. Mr William Bryan, a tew days since, while covering a house on the plantation of Mrs John Stinson, fell from the root, and received painful bruises. Harris county b& suffered vreatlj in the loss of several important bridges, the bridge at Dowdell’s mills and that on the Osahatcbie, on the Waverly Hall aud Catania road. Mr J*m<s A Foster, ourefflccn* Sher iff, left for f'artersvdle on vest rday whither he goes to rueive a prisoner be longing to this county. The tax digests for the various comi ties were sent out from Atlanta on tue 23d inst. Rev S Maxwell was elected by, the late grand jury to fill the vacancy on the county board of education occasioned by the resignation of Prof T L Johnson a most admirable selection. The grand jury recommended that u tax ot 50 per cent, be levied on the .State tax hi addition to what is otherwise al lowed by law. T 11 Mahonc for notary public ot 904 Ji district, and D U Biggs for 688th district, G. M. have been recommended by the grand jury. The recent damage by floods in Norib Georgia was considerable. Mr Rosser, of Meriwether county, last week had the roof of his house blown off no one huri. He have received the speech ot Hon Joseph E Brown delivered in the United Mates Senate, Febrtnry 26th. on Rivers and Harbors. It >s thoroughly pia tic.ii and a mantel in presentation of eubject, enecially that pmi ion of it re ferring to Gtorgia rivals and ! .rb rs Mr James M Ju*s.*v died at his homo m Macon, on Tuesday morning 1 ><ui injuries received from fall ug out of a buggy recently in Southwest (1 orgia. Greai atriac’io i in dry good 4, c> - !s. gloves, Ac., a the New Store < f M C Gordon, Columbus. See Advertise ment. A small fire was the excitement jester day. The roof of Dr W H PbffpoPs dwelling caught fire, Wat by the timely assistance c f the citizens was quick y ex tinguished Our esteemed townsman, Mr LA Baldwin, left on last Friday morning for a six mouths visit to Weatherford, Texas. Mr J H Hamilton, the up-town gr-i --cer. Columbus, comes to she front with immeuse supplies of g r oc-lies, pl.nta t.on g-ds. A:c, a!l nice, iresh and cheap es the market will fiord. See ad vertisement. Services at the B. ptist Church on Sat urday aud Sunday test, Rev ii J Wiilin ham paster. Rev E II McGehee pro cted to good Cong legations at the M E Char fa. on Sunday lust, tie is most excel leu* gen tleman and is domt- a good ork in our midst. Mies Addie Smith's music school at L Vert Co.lege is to sU-ntly i creasing in numbers. Her pupils are making cammendabie pr> grssa. The public re indebted to Dr J Ay er & Cos,, net only for their standsi ’.me dicinal . r .*? ui-n*. hr tvsu t r iu prcviL . ! . • -t . oi • y their r tl n V.g Three cv load* of Whann*s R*w Bone Saperpho pnate Guano arriving at G i eva. For sale by J B GGBMAN, P. S.—None but first class parting— prom[>t paying customers need apply, as per orders riom the Company. The D-iiineafcer for April is bright and sparkling wi'h new fashions and stylish and signs ia every It is s perf cr treas lry of fashions, wbicb are practical and iQipted t j the wants of all section, alike. ->end $1 00 U K Butter ick, 555 Bzoadway, New York. TiiS “Children‘s Day 4 * celebration, under th oirec ion of t ; e executive com mittee of the Geor ia B ate S. S. Ass - ciuti ru will be held iu Atlanta Mav 7th, inst. Rev E Decision preached at the Epis copal church, on Sunday last. Messrs. Murphy & Johnson will be gin operations on their brick yard tin-: week. Messrs. W A Daniel & Son will shortly commence the erec fon of an cleg ut brick store on their lot next to the Ma sonic Lodge building. The Dow Law Cctton Planter for sr.le by Wm. Beach & Cos, Columbus. Eaily History of Talbotton. To an enquiry as to whether Uncle John Maund kuew anything of.the early history of Talbotton, he replied: “Well, I should think so. I carried | ihe grape vine for the surveyor,old Biii McMurray, who laid it out. ‘ In fact, 1 ■ cut the grape vine in Wilson's creek, for which he paid me a quarter. That w.iS in 1827 or 1828, I think. Talbotton is lo cated on lot 266. l6th district, formerly Muscogee county, and was drawn by a man named Gilbert, who gave it to his son, but afterwards took it away from him when it was decide x to locate Tal bott mon it. There was a groat deal of exci -ment over Ihe location of the coun ty site at tlio time, the oilier candidate tor the location being Centrevilie, about five miles east of Talbotton. and each place run a man for the Legislature. Zack W hite was Talbotton‘a candidate and Ichabod Cox. Centreville's, and the latter was elected, but unfortunately for Centreville, the school of politics to which Cox belonged was iu minority in the leg islature, and Talbotton*s name was in sen ad in the bill despite his efforts. Af ter the puss .go of the bill, Mr Cox rose m his seat and asked to be allowed to change his name (meaning from the nay* to the yeas), when a wag belonging to the opposition said he would second the gentleman's request aud would suggest that his uauae be changed to Cockadoo de. This created an uproar and tha change was never in.ide. The first court house was a log one and located on the nurinwest corner of the present court lot, aud I have o.'teu seeu us many as ti iy fights in one night in it, and more broken noses aud bunged eyes than you could count. Those were good old days belore the supremacy of pistols, when a man like myself stood some showing, and a knock down and drag out did not necessitate a funeral. This court room was used till the completion of ihe present court house in 1831 which was built by Charles aud John N Burch. The town aud the-' sec ion was visit and by a terrible storm in 1832, whi.-li did damage, knock*ng out the gable ends of the court house. There have been 100 sessions of tuc superior court held in this county, 101 of which 1 have attended was providentially prevented from at tending the other tour. Twelve judges administered justice iu that, temple, the first of whom was Waiter T Colquitt,who was followed by G E The mas, Alfred Iver son, Joseph Sturgis, M J Wellooru, Rob eia B Alexander, E 11 Worrill, James Johnson, Martin J Crawford, E M Bu t, J L Wimberly and J T Willis. The $14,000 Railroad Case. Ou Tue day las* was tried the case ot \ riinglcton vs the B*W ii 11 Compa ny. ii • proceeded to trial with the tot' r\ t ig representatives: For plaintiff. Fluriord Atinard, Miller & Butt and 10 M Buit For defendants, Peabody A, Brannon, \\ b Wallace and J 11 Martin, the jury empannelled was composed of the following gentlemen: Hugh Hall, .1 W Culpeppei, J D Barn?*, J E Mitchell. G Y McDowell, J E Taylor, Ft auk <ic Daniel, Win Barnes, J P Guldens, G O Keiiuin, Augustus Nelson. C V Lumpkin, I’ne former trial ol this e.i>e, .tlurch term, 1880, returned u verdict of $14,833. The c.ise Was afterwards carried to the Su preme Court aid anew trial granted ou the ground of excessive damages, t ol* E lgar Buit and Cd. Bum ford made good speeches lor tue plaintiff, while Col V* 8 Wallace, assisted uv Messrs Peabody and Martin made a masterly presentation of the case, which caused the jury to bring in a verdict of $5,000. We understiu l a motion for anew trial will be argued before Judge Willis at the May term of the Muscogeee {Supe rior Court. A I£uoxville ll*- ot the Tribune, says “a farmer's ambition should be to own smaller laud lilies and better land, to own a less num ber ol stock and better stock. More praise to him who raises one thousand bushe's of corn from ten acres than to him who raises the same from twenty— and to him that feeds live cows into mak ing a pound of butter each day, than to him who has ten cows and gets a half pound from each and to him that makes yearling po kciswt igh an much as his neighbor's two-year olds, than to trim neighbor. As nine!) as 212 bushels ot corn. 50 oils!;els of wheat, 60 ot oats, 7o of barley. t 0 of rve, 9 of clover seed, lmvo been re ported from one acre Hogs have been made to weigh 4'W) j pounds at one year old. Steers 2.400 at \ tfaree. 40 pouu Is of wool have been sheared trout one sheep. Seventeen pounds of butter have been made from one cow in a And the closer a farmer gets to these results the more the world owes him. Why Not? We are informed fcuat the ladies o! the Memorial Association h :ve concluded to not have this yeir an orator for the 28lfa of Apr*l. They will simply decorate tue soldiers* graves with flowers. We trust the ladies will recall their de termin.tion and at ©nee se’ect an orator for decoration day We h* no goad rea sons why the day should not bo celebrat ed with a lull programme and be mole imp essive thioogh is solemn ceremo nies. This custom should never f ill into disuse. The emallcs t ibute the livi *g c.npay o t.os-j who sciific*d t.iir lives m a cause they deemed sacred is. to celebrate th ir deeds in o ry and scatter tfae sweet £1 wers of* r rain scene in ih ■ memories of <ur youth. thu- keep ing . .ivo tbe distmcfi * e i sues out of which the South emerged, and spi e iier re verses, one of the m st gon us uatio known ‘o his ry- B; *ll m * n.-i lef the people ctlehr-* < f :i!. t< 26 of April The Court Adjourna lon ' S-iturd-y rnornirej d ter a tw4 w h . ‘ii J . H,l k has diapatched b i-i to ‘ ; = s ill-:; in . r. S vs. Ao d:la Evans, assd-m cvu..- i .t ru * , mu i ~ u defendant was band guilty of assault and battery Tom Perry, the accomplished knight of the auger, pleal gui ity and w f as senten ced to 20 vears in the penitentiary. The criminal business of the court, in eluding many minor offences, was com pleted on Friday evening la*t, when the appeal docket was tak-n up. Judge Willis discharged the juries on Friday evening, thanking them for their prompt attention *o business. Giateful Women. None receive so much benefit, and none nre so protpHndiy grateful and show such an interest in recom nending Hop Bitters hh women It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many ills the sex u ivernally subject to Chi : is and lever, indigestion or deranged liver, constant or periodical sick head aches, weakness in tbe back or kidneys, pain in the shoulders and different parts ot the body, a feeling of latitude and despondency, are all readily removed by these Bitters. —Couraofc. mar222t Eggs are now selling for 10 cents p*r dozen in our market. TIIE REGISTER ANI) STANDARD, TALBOTTON. TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, MARCH 29 1881 The State Agricultural Society. E C Grier, Esq., has is&ued a circular to the agricultural societies and clubs of the State, announcing that the proceed ings ot the Georgia Agricultural Society-, and the addresses and essays delivered before its conventions, will appear iu the Southern Farmer's Monthly, Savan nah. The April number o! this magazine will contain the address of Col. Thos Hardeman and the essay of Gen. Win. M. Browne. This number will bo out in a few dayj.and new subscribers who desire to secure the proceedings complete should send in their orders at once. The price oi the Farmer's Monthly is $2 a year. Thornton House Arrivals. JI) Hough andj lady, Geneva—W T Gibson, J H Worrill, city—M G Parker, county —lt H Leonard, JII Martin, J A Foster, city—VV A Little, Coiumbus—J E Christian, Macon 1> S Battle, Butler. TII McDowell, Belleview—H T Dial, D H Dial,—Edgar B Matts, Fort Gaines D G Owen, county, J II Martin. J H Hbrrill, city—D T Cuunmgbam, Geneva—T A Chatham, Macon—B S Cal lier. S Z Webster, county— Jaqne Eman uel, E II Dottenheim, J T Hunt, Macon —J A Foster, city—J T Hunt, Macon B M Hall, county—A C McCoy, Burnesville —E J Brooks, county— W V Vail, Si. Louis—N M Solomon, Macon S A Hunt, county—N P Carreker und lady and seventy tire others. The Rankin House Under the management ot Mr Seherf, with that genial and efficient gentleman, Frank Golden, as Clerk. tho Rankin House is becoming more popular than ever with the travelling public. The ta bles are supplied with the richest and most select ihe markets afford, and it is served iu true metropolitan style. The hotel throughout is new and elegant in • all its appointments, while the guests a re at once made pleasant and comfortable. In visiting Columbus stop at t lie Rankin House. The Celebrated Humorist ! Prof Willoughby Rt-atlc U Coming. A rare tre it, iu ft humorous and d’a m.itic end t iument will be given at Tal boiton on 'ihursd.y night, March 3h;t, by | liie i eiwbi.iie i lecturer, Prof. V\ llloughby Kcade. Eveiybody should come. Prof. Kw&Ue .M oue ot tue ilnsi noted dramatic lecturer* iu the.field,and wi 1 giv% his au dience two hours of Lenity laughter. Kate, ch ste “and hig.dy humorous, his • i.teruiiumeui is most enjoyable through out. Died. At her residence near Howard, ou the night of the 241 h Just, Mrs Sarah Adams, in hei 72d year. Mure tlmn 9.000 bales ot cotton have j been carried to Columbus over the Cos nimbus and Ro we r.ilroid this Reason. Talbot Superior Court Judges. Walter Jl Colquilt, G E Thomas, Al fred Iverson. Jos pli Sturgis, M J Mil born, Robert B Alexander, E II Worn! 1 , •I unes Johnson Martin J Crawford. EM Buit, J L Wimberly ana J i’ Willis are the 12 Judges who have presided over the Superior (.ourts lor this county since its organization, about fifty years ago Smiths boro. Judge .1 F W.i lker commenced tli6 erec tion on yesterday of the station house at hmithsboro It Is expected tue (rack will be completed to that point by Satur day. Haiiihsboro is three miles from Talbotton, and wo may wifely estimate ’hat the road to Talbotton will be com pleted by 1 fitli April. H. It. Iron to Arrive. Four car loads of irou for the Talbot ton Railroad will bo shipped from the Atlanta Rolling Mills to-morrow, amt n<.’-ibird of a mile of rails each day until the road is completed. Eclectic Magazine. —The Eclectic for April is a “George Eliot number." con taining the moat important of tho artic les that were called forth in England by tho death of the famous novelist. Among these are: “George Elliot.“ Tue remaining; contents of tho number are of the us ml variety and Interest. Published by E It Felton, 25 Bond St., N* -w York. Terms, $5 per year—single copy, 45 c'ntH. Tri. 1 subscription for threw months. sl. We call attention to the advertisement ot that old, established house, J Marion Estes S r Son, Columbus, who have some thing of interest to say to the trading pubiic this week. The now firm ot J Manwu Este-* A Son are successors first, to Estes, Patterson A Cos. .then J M Estes, and throughout its entire career the house haa been noted for its enterprise, square dealing, polite attention and hon est goods. Yoj always get your money's worth—no shoddy, no slmm.but straight forward homespun honesty in goods and prices have built up for I M A Bon one of the handsomest trades in Colum bus. The spring goods in shoes Ac. will int**reH* any one desiring such articles. Call and see them About COO tons of commercial feitills Z‘*rs will be used ;n dalbot county this year. lln farmer* should not forget to put some of it under food crops The Economy O'tton P unter, for sale b . fj L J f. n in. i albot t ofi, .who has a ; so u full liD'f <-1 agricultural an 1 garden imp ejnents. e',i**ip lor he rash. r e r of Mr i M rt n . ■ ’ ' rii . Ii • .8 ; rnt n. tho aahionable h - • . , umbos, fa-ig fre h a r va : ‘h, y outirs an i l>oy‘s cioth ing and g- ut s un<ibr • ear, ail new, nobb} and at re. >uablo ;>rices. Go and exam ine bis elegant lines. A Smooth Complexion can be had by every Lidy wh© will use Paiker's Ginger Tonic. For promptly res*ulat'ng the liv er and kidneys and purifying the blood there is nothing lik; it, and this w the *eason why if 8< quickly removes pim ples and gives a r</ty bloom to tee chick. inarßlm Spring Cleaning. Whiten aud di infect your h 1 uses with 'he best brand Kalsomine, Bold by raar22 E L B.VRUWELL. TALBOTTON RAILROAD. Th-* annual meeting of the stockhol ders of tbe Talbotton Branch Railroad Company will be held at the Court House in Talbotton, on Wednesday, the 13th day of April next. By order of the Board of Directors. Richabd H. Leonard, mar 22 Becretary and Treasurer. Ober's Guano is A. No. 1. for corn and coitou on red lands. Sold only bv J B GORMAN, Agent. DOWN IN DIXIE. Greeusbor >, N. C., ships thou sands of dozens of rabbit skins. The Anderson. Ry„ News has been sued for $50,000 libel. Sixteen hundred Newport, Ivy,, families pay for water privileges. The annual meeting of the South Carolina Press Association is to he held May the 4th, at Beaufort, Mohair, of the Reece of the An* gora goat, is being raised to a large extent in many portions of Texas. The Messrs, Mathis k Noe, of Morriston, Temessee, shipped dur ing the past month 120 barrels of •ugs. The real estato business of Flor. ids is exceedingly lively. Cnth. 1 cr of Mtiiil: nd,Florida, are preparing to erect a tine church edifice. In the last fifteen years tho State of Louisar.a lias expended for levees and repairs the sum o $11,765,500. Annual conclave of the grand cominnudery of Tennessee, Knight Templars, will be held iu Knox ville, May 25th. The city council of Greenville, Ala., raised the tax on circuses from SSO to SIOO, whereupon Dan Rice leased a lot just outside cor poration and paid no tax at all. The dairy aud fruit proceeds of East Tennessee are to-day far greater than the wheat proceeds There are at present fiftoon guests at Tale Springs. Grand Lodge of Alabama inde pendent order of Good Temulsrs will meet at Union Springs, Auril 12th. The Coffee County Gazette says that Mr B i*earou has one last years cotton stalk thirteen foot eight inches in height, and another eight i.ud oue inches in circuwfer ence. We are glad to soe that tho efforts of Senator Brown and several ot our Con gressmen in behalf of the preservation of me water courses in Georgia are meeting with favorable notice by the departments it Washington city. Georgia hns 2.924 miles of railroad with a capital stock ot $39,282,290 and 'n i united d< at of $24,688,6(i0. Georgia iH first ol the Southern States in railroad importance and the tenth in tho Union. Next in the South comes Texes, with 2,- 497 miles of railway. The extra session topic is still discuss ed in Washington, but the chances for one being called are thought to be very slight. Monroe county is to have a county fair, and an association lias been tormod. Fresh arrivals of Ober‘s Superphos phate, from Baltimore, and Crescent Bone, for sale by I B GORMAN. Lange’s Plugs. A Tobacco Antidote. For sale by E L BARDWEL, jeb22 I\il button, Ga. Uiiuiio Dfm'ior) lor Talbot County. Ober's Dissolved Bones Superphos phate oi Lime,Lister's Crescent Bone, Ac. J B Gorman, Agent, Talbotton. Soluble Pacific Guano, Pacific Acid W Juu' ins, Geneva. New Hams, (hei iu Cm.eso, Fulton Market Beef, boneless. Gosoben Button Chow Chow Pickles, m b m 1 at retail - and everything else first class can b. found at W Wood's iii< ad Street, (Jo, lurnbus noe9 William Lenuard, Talbot county, used Crescent Bone on ten acres of land lust year, and made 10 heavy bales cotton - S.i vs it is the bust guano lie ever saw. For sale by J B GORMAN. For the choicest articles in fancy gro ceries and confectioneries, and at the lowest prices, always go to the handsome store of W K Wood, Broad street, Colum bus. nov 9 tf 100 tons of Orescent Bone and G Ober Son’s guanos, fresh aud unsurpassed for corn and ootto , lor sale at Geneva, by J BOOKMAN. One Dollar por Bottle for I> rewer’s Lung Restorer The only reliable* agent known for the CIJK K OF CONSUMPTION. NO MORE HEMORRHAGES FROM THE LUNGS AFTER USING THE FIRST X.OTTLE. CONSUMPTIVES MUST READ. \V* would recommend to all who have diseased Lungs and Throat, this sterling medicine. Numbers of consumptives even in the last states of this terrible disease a here there was but a small portion of the lung left, testify that they arrested the disc use by using only two or thiee bolt lea of Bre > cr‘a Lung Restorer. Their physic ians pronounced them incapable and left ihem to pine away arid die and death won *1 have soon been the result but fora tim* !> use ot this article. Wo are well i ware that we have a good do and to coutei and *iih in introducing this remedy, as there have been so many worthless nosfrums sold heretofore, but we are so firmly con vi :< *-d that we now !mv** the long looked t**r Cu*v, that we are ready to mny to all vho have s Jjlk disease that wo firmly and ■men ’ously believe that no matter how * * ne hey ,re if they will use the <jj. c n*; liy the directions they will live l*n. >curs afterurds t living witnesses ef ihe virtue • t BJIEWEK'S LUNG RESTORER. I h s no equal in Bronchitis, Sot© r-> t. • , Shortness ot breath, Ifl izi. Pain in *>ide. Clergyimni's Bora b* Ci l irr.ili and other diseases ol the r t * and lungs. In \shiboia, it gives .... : inteaeoa- relief. It gives tone .ii A.,o’e s>s in, and every bottle will (hi tr -ru live to ten pounds to any ones i, fat *: t.iken regularly. An infant can k* *1 without the slighes*. injury and w? would urge parents to give if in cases of '.Vhooping, Bad Colds, and other diseases wliere such it medicine is needed. Unlike the greater portiou of Cough Medi ci nos, this has not a particle of morpuehi or other opiates in it. | LAMAR, RANKIN A LAMAR. Macon, Ga. Dr A R Norton, of Favannah, writes: It affords me pleasure to give my approval *nd certificate in favor ot your Lung Re storer, naving given it a fair trial in a i.umber ol cases where it proved ft success m tbe treatment of Bronchitis and Con sumption. Five years ago my wife was tar gone in Consumption, and had been confined to her bed the greater part ot tbe *im- . tor six mouths with Rsctic Fever ev en’ day and I had but little hopes of her recovery, but by persev lance with the blessings of God her L .ngs are to diy per fectly sound. I give her no other Lung Medicine than jours and a cough syrup] make. I hava generally given them to gether as I have strong faith in bo b. I succeeded in curing a number of hopeless cases and regard Brewer's Lnug Re'terei as a very valuable preparation. Wishing you go* and success I remain, Yours Respectfully, A 'lt NORTON, Cor, Brcud anl Harrs Sts, ted Is 1 Savannah, Ga. BOOTS, SHOES, —AND— HATS! COLUMBUS, - - GEORGIA. J. Marion Estes & Son. WHEN you come to Columbus, don't fail to look over our ucw stock of Boots, Shoes aud Hals. It will pay you to do so We have used great cure in select ing our entire > took for this apnag, and tettl confident that styles and prices will please. We are daily receiving the largest stock of Plain ami Fancy SLIPPERS Ever brought ti this city in endless va riety and elegant styles. Put your mind at rest about prices, as we are determined to sell goods cheaper than ever. Our reputation for FINE SHOES will b* justly sustained, and we con tinue to keep none but the BEST Hand Work. Be Mire to see oar LOW CUT SHOES. We have just opened up a handsome lot of stylish Hats, all new, no old stock, but fresh, beauti ful good-*. We guarantee prices lower than you can buy ot any othor house iu this city. Ordure by mail shall have prompt at tention. Send accurate description ol shoes and :si r ed. J. MARION ESTES & SON, mar29tf c Columbus, Georgia. NEW SPRING GOODS ! S JONES £ CO. COLUMBUS, GA. Will open on Monday a CHOICE SE LECTION oi New Spring Prints. 40 PIECES PLAIN BUNT INGS In Black Cream and nil new Shades. 50 Pieces” Light Brocade Dress Goods. ARABIAN SUITINGS A New Fabric iu Exquisite Shades. Es pecially adapted to immediate wear. WE WILL ALSO SHOW New Stylos in MADRAS GINGHAMS. FULL LINES OF HOSIERY AND SILK MITTS ! We cull ospecial attention to our stock of Table Linens and Towels! It is complete in all Grades, and en tirely new and fresh. See <ur numbers of Table Linen at 36, 50 and 75 cents, alao at SI.OO, 5f1.25 and $1.50. We have a superb article 10-1 wide, the wid est known t<> the trade. SILKS * SILKS! We are still closing our SILK remnant regardless of cost and selling all our silks at reduced Prices. Buttons! Buttons ! Large additions have hern made to our stock oi Buttons and notions J. S. JONES & CO. Columbus. Ga., rn'r 9 b 1 nrr*r22 HOP BITTERS^ I (A Medicine, not a Drink.) COMTAim BOPS, BUCHIJ, MANDRAKE, f dandelion, AmrttMTomT*mV*rrV*T>ioii.<irjAU. I tin, or Ait. OTU*B HITI giiS. THX2T CURE All B!,eeiof Ojeßtcmach, Bowel,, Blood. I LlTtr. Kidneys, end Drlnery Organs. Her- ■ roesness, nleeplsssnesssnd csptdeUj Fsmale Complaints. 81000 IN COLD, Wtn b paid for a e**e they will not ctire help, or tor anything Impure or lnjurloQ* ■ qf found fa them. Art your druftglat for Uop Bitten sn<? try I ffaexQ before you deep. Take ne other. I n 1. O !• an absolute an and IrreelJtlble cure for I Drunkeaaess, use of opium, tobacco end •> narcotics. B g Bum FOB CiaCTTLAB. ■■■■■■■ JUI aWv* mM Vy ersaUta. frp VHMn C., RMktrttr, F. TANARUS., S T*rots, Ob#. ■ owmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ■■ c -z To Housekeepers—Upholster ing. WILILAM PRICHET. West sirle pubiic square, announces lo Ih© people of Talbotton and vicinity that he has opened a shop with D T Pritohtts tin establishment for caneing chairs, .e --pairi*g and renovating furniture, mat trasues, Ac. of every desenption Give me a trial. marO 2m No Sub Agents. This is to notify my patrons and the plauters generally, that I have no Rub AgeDts for the sale of Pacific Guino, but will divide commissions with planters who patronize me. Respectfuliv, W W JENKINS, Agent Soluble Pacific Guano, Gencvo. Feb 22. 1881. tf YAHKEE BEi\fJS, White IVas, >piit Peas, Yellow P*a*<, White and Ited Onions, just rereiverl st DROMGOOLE BROS,’ octldl y-fb22 63 Broad Bt., Goiuu-bua. New Clothing House ! Wo are now receiving a full line of GENT’S, YOUTH S & BOYS* Clo thing ! —AND— GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Which have been selected witn great core for this market, aud will be sold at the lowest living prices. As our goods are all now no one need fear of buying old stock. Wc guarantee all goods us repre sented,and respectfully invite our friends aud the public to call and see us. J. C. HARRIS & SON, No. 52 East Side Broad Street. oct2G b l Columbus, Ga TALBOTTON Club Rooms. Jacobs & Huff, PROPRIETORS. Imported and Domestic Wines, Brandies, Cham paigns, Whiskies and Cigars. FINE WHISKEYS A SPECIALTY! Handsome POOL and BIL LIARD TABLES. BARBER SHOP in rear of Bar THORNTON HOUSE BASEMENT, jail 11 B L. Wanted for Saw Mills. 400 bushels good sound cotton seed ß 15c per bushel allowed in lumber, or 10c cash, also 1 0,000 pounds good fodder for which $1 25 will be given in lumber, or $1 00 in cash and hauled. Apply at once to j ililf J B GORMAN. <£l A A A IV/I n MTU Wo ofr ° r P ft y ,n K * m P T ' vpIUU n IVIUIN I M mont to an Intel ligontm or woman in every fk /S| TTtTfFICt 4 town. We also want JljL\3T jLA Xv JL nniqf ■operb, highly ronimanded, imnionsoly popular and fa J? Finn I# ImmenseKnlen mire Wat i NEW BOOK Send for circulars and tsrma. Also, for Tbe I'eopl Magazine and Urand Premium**. Onlysl. Year. Sample fr<o for stamp, or “X months for 10 cnl I*. w. zi, B U rA. Cos., 1000 Arch at., Philadelphia, or Chicago, 8 X>7 8 DRUGS! Besides a good assortment ot DRUGS and Patent Medicines, I offer at reasona ble prices, BRUSHES, COMBS. PERFUMERY, Ac Chromos and Picture Frames. Anew and large stock. Lamp’s g Lamp Fixtures Paints, Oils and Varnishes, OF ALL KINDS. AN EXCELLENT sc. Cigar. MANY NOTIONS, —AND - FANCY GOODS. E. L. BAUD WELL. octlO b i Talbotton, Ga. R. M. WILLIS. J. L. WILLIS. WILLIS & WILLIS, Attorneys at Law, Talbotton* Gi-eoreria pß (111) ___ Economy Cotton Planter ! PRICE #lO 00. Saves Labor. Saves Time, Saves Cotton seed. Patented by J W Eason, and took the premium at the Georgia State Fair as THE BEST COTTON PLANTER. Por sale by II Ii McLendon, TalLotton. R S KENDRICK, agent for Talbot Cc unt marß 2m House and Lot for Sale or Rent. The building and lot on West side of public square, in the town of Talbotton, owd as Keller's Corner. JiOt contains )i * acre, with comfortable servants louses and stubh-s, two tine wells of water, the entire premises being Ui.d r first close repair. The building is two stories in height, with a finely arranged store room on first floor, and dwelling apartments attached, containing 15 well ventilated and commodious rooms. The property is in good condition, newly painted and every Way and Apply for terms to B T E GILMORE, march 8 1m Simpson’s Prolific Cotton Seed. For sale 200 bunlieis Simpson select Cotton seed, crop of 1880. Price 50 cents a bushel. Apply to tusilua B. A. Matthews, X lbotten. To the Patrons of Pacific Guano. I will allow 20 pounds of cotton on the ton to each of my cust mers who buy Soluble Pacific Guano of me and p.y up by October 16th next. Como, or send in for what you want Ik. spectrally, W. W. JINK I NS, marchltf Agent, Geneva. T. CHAFFIN, COLUMBUS, - - - GEORtJIA DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Chromos, Picture Frames, Atlas and Cord, Stereoscopes, Views, Albums, Gold Pens, Violin and Guitar Strings, Inks, Writing Desks, Cards, Pocket Books. Thomas’ Standard Black, Violet and Carmine Inks, Depository of the American Bible Society. ,jan 11 b 1 STEAM SAW MILE R. S. KENDRICK, Geneva, - - S. W. R. R. o ’ *’ I AM now prepared to turniah nny style of lumber ont of yellow pine, all of first class quality and warranted to please. MR. GRIFFIN is in charge of the mechanical department, a sufficient guarantee of precision in cutting all bills for lumber entrusted to us. Orders promptly filled, prices reasonable. ieb22a R. S. KENDRIUK. ]Pey®er MANUFACTURER OF Fine Cigars, —AND DEALER IX — Cigaretts, Chewing & Smok ing Tobacco, & Snuff. Brown House Block, Opposite Passenger Depot c’tlOtfo 181 Fourth St. Macon, Ga* •NLLHVH H K A\ <1 OS<D •SQiqiqfj Ajoahj oqj o aoqjo aq? ni sifooq Aiu ifliAv pimoj eq uud j *juoro*lW oH jp:ui pun oouomoAUoo .Horn P* j p.ntAUoj omoo o| otu a\o oqAV osoiw qs pino.YN j ‘Anp Anna ni: pj ssouisnq Alu dn oaoio'oj JftmqsiM. pun r x H \ik ox o.ißA\x>.n?ji jo Am pios buiAttjx IPARKER’S GINGER TO NIC,| | Dinger, Barbu, Mandrake, Stlllingia ana 'many Other of the best medicine* known are com ibined so skillfully in Parker's Ginger Tonic a* to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the ' Best Health and Strength Restorer ever used A i It cure* Dyspepsia, Rheumatiam, Neuralgia,! Bleepie**, and all disease* of the Stomach, i 'Bowels, Luna*, Liver, Kidney*, Urinary Organf and all Female Complaint*. ' If you are wasting away with Consumption ot any disease, use the Tonic to-day. No matter what' your symptoms may be, it will surely help you. | Remember! This Tonic cures drunkenness, is the Best Family Medicine ever made, entirely different from lhtters. Ginger Preparations and [other Tonics, nnd combines the best curative prop erties of all. buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist. None genuine without our signature on outside wrapper. Hscox_dLCo :A C3wmit L NewYork. < PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM febHtf Collinsworth Institute. —FOR— Boys ami Young: Men! Re-opened and re-organized will re name exorcises at the Old Campus, Jan. 18ih, 1881. Boa v d, Tuition, Washing and Incidentals sls per month, if con traded fr the Term, and paid monthly in advance Tuition per month $2. $3 aid #4. janll bl John T. McLaughlin. RANKIN HOUSE, JOHN SCHERF, Proprietor FRANK GOLDEN, Clerk. Entirely New tn all its APARTMENTS, and strictly FIRST-CLASS. •*jun4tf COLUMBUS, GA. L. M. TURNER, At the Thornton Shop. (IN REAR OF HOTEL,) I am prepared to do all classes of BLACKSMITH WORK, in good style, ami “at le&sonuble prices. HOUSE SHOEING and BUGGY WORK A SPECIALTY. I do all the work for Messrs. Martin A Freeman, which of itself, is a sufficient recemmi nd&tiou. Giv me a trial. Talbotton. March Ist. 1881. a DOW LAW Cotton Planter, DISTRIBUTES - - ALSO— All Kinds of Seeds and Fer tilizers. For Sale by WM. REACH & CO. marl* Columbus, Ga. W. E. MUMFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TALDOTTON, GA. Office over the store of Ragland &, Cos Will devote his entire time to the pro fession, and practice iu a 1 the Courts of the Cb&tt&ht ocbee circuit, tbe Supreme Court of the State and elsewhere byf spec ial contract. Will give special attention to collections. Emigrants to lexas. SHOULD TAKE the STAR AND ORESCENT RUbTE. Composed of Morgan's La. and Texas Railroad, Ln. Western Railroad, Texas and N:*v Otleans Railroad. Persons from Middle and Western Georgia wishing to go to Texas will find it greatly to their interest to correspond with G W ELY, Southern rVsocager Agent, | nnrß 0m Montgomery, Ala. LeVert Female College. This old established institution has been re-organized with competent In Mructors in every dipariment, and offers superior advantages lor tho education of girls. The discipline will be mild bat fiim and tho instruction thorough and by the analytical method. The next term will begin Jan. 18th, 1881, and continue for hix mouths. Tui tion due upon the enrollment of the pu pils, and except in cases ot special agree ment, payme it will be expected in ad vance, tor at bast half of ibe term, or monthly. No deduction for absence, un less caused by protracted sickness. EXPENSES AND FEES. Preparatory Department per annum $20.00 Academic Department per annum... 30.00 Collegiate Department por annum.. 40.00 Music Department per dunu.u 30.00 Incidentals per annum 2.00 Use of Piano per month i.oo For further information address tho President. P E DAVANT, dec2itf Talbotton Ga. jj OBIHSOH || AGON CINCINNATI, O. I His COMPANY HAV; JUST FINISHED COST PLZTE SHOPS WITH EVER* FACILITY OF IHIC LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY, AND ABE PRE PARED to Manufacture Standard Jrade Yehicles, SUCH AS Fa km wagons, Spring wagons, Plumb wagons, Ludlow spuing wagons. Fakmehs two seated Carriages, Standard trade buggies, Elegant brewster buggy, F.TC.J ETO. O Send for Designs and Prices, lo ROBINSON WAGON CO. ■inne 2il 80. 10 mo. Oinoinnatt, Ohio 9 1-2 lbs. for SI.OO Of New Orleans Snow White Sugar, and fthei Sugars at decidely low prices at DItOMGOOLE BkOS. ‘ F. ncy Grocery, Columbus, Ga. NEW GOOOS ! Gold tVatches, French Clocks Silver Wfatches, Clocks, All Grade#. Le Make’s Brazillian Ilock 'Chrystal Spectacles and Eye-Glasses I HAVE just returned from N<?w Yorx with ab* antiful stock of goods em bracing all the novelties in my line. I invite my friends and the public general ly to call and inspect my goods: A life time experience in the business assures me I can please them both in price and quality. T. S. SPEAR. 101 Went Side Broad St. doc 7 Columbus, Ga. WIN A ' ’ ■ \<e Young tndy 4 and retain the affections of your wite. by always presenting them with a box of Fancy Candi s, to W had of feb22 DROMGOOLE DROS. Columbus, Ga. Swiss Cheese, [SWEITZEBCASEv] * Also Limberger, Yonng America, Imported Edam, Western Dairy, New York Cream, Ac., just receiv - ed at DROMGOOJ.E BROS’, 53 Broad St„-Coluihbus. (Ji- Lumber Notice. We are prepared to flit orders for first and second class lumber, et on? water and new steals mills, at satis’aetorv pric s toe cash only. Cotton seed Slid todder taken in exiliAnge- Lott bids will be made on large bids, 10,UtMl leet and upwards, on rognla’r iraminai riders at J B GOIIMAN-S MILLS- N. B. Orders sir ud e,t lerbs mulled me st I’ilb'iitou or left at i'EalsTEn and rtjvia Or FiCa. XSslt