The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, April 05, 1881, Image 4

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page.

“OLD STAND!” The neatcsl and best kept BAR in town is that of Win. KELLFR, at bis "Old STAND," one door belcw J. H. Ha rvey. A full line of tho FITNTEIBT LIOITOTIS • fall kinds constantly on hand. FREEH BEER ON I( E ! SEDA WATER, LT. COE ITER STORE. At my Corner S.'oro will be fouud a large and wi ll t‘p? stock of FANC Y & FAMILY GROCERIES, AND- Domoistio Ooodej l Tnm trr. 'o my ft i**n')o*r t! >.. Ion" "rdmn <1 j trnnn '• and hopo to re Inin a • of tit - >*im l‘i /'• '' . li 1,1. i', l * m:w n vin>\> vin: iiuvi, A KRAZF.I!. V F ■ "'ll 'l'-' J. A. EItAZEK k CO. COLUMBUS, GA. . 1 )c l‘l> i HARDWARE. Cutlery & Agricultural Implements. Ferguson & Blount and Ilainrin Plow Stock. Aim, Ouju. (Vrrwg M.xLuiiK 1 e>, Sf< H. Gin mil Mtfl U ibbcr 15 Itiup, ) St< Ilf ~ Rnl ittg Cloth*, PdliU. thin, &C. WiV. SKI Bo; and Hun t, jaun ry ti I• ! < OLU.UIII S, <A. HARDWARE, HARDWARE HL. McLKNDON, TA UiOTTON, Ci A, HARPAVA HE, TINWARE. STOV KS.CUT LERY, PLOW STOCKS, ('ROCKERY. Plow Hoes, Saddles, Bedsteads, Chairs, Also a full line of WAGON AND BUGGY TIMBERS, OF BUST MATERIAL AND AT LOW FIGURES. A LI. jVil*** fiw ISKP'IH WOIJK hi Ti:i, Iron or Copper promptly attended to A e<t *•;*> Wlou piri-ll , . . , I >lu!l keep it flrit el.m* to< k rf evirr'hinjt iu I lie ti.irawnm i ul bouci furnU'iinp In • ail I r.npri'Uully oI 0.l ;tu iat(ntuu *>t luy K'o,l u it! prn-es. fOUI It 1. M ,L\\> >N. JAS. R. ENGLAND. •••* 'Successor to HERRING & ENGLAND,) Nos. (>7, OR, 71 & 7U Oglethorpe Street,. Columbus Georgia. MANUFACTURER OF Carriages, Buggies & Wagons. Buggies from $65 to $l5O. All Guaraneeed. My SBO BUGGY iB the best ever made for the money. More than two car loads made and sold, end every pur chaser highly pleased Call and examine my work before purchasing I keep a lull line of Harness and the finest Whips sold in the City srX-.oj 31 .1. It. ENGLAND. 'tTboernseyT .SUCCESSOR TO GUERNSEY A REYNOLDS. MACON, : : : : : : i ■ eor^ia tr**d* in TavDrand adjoin ire eoimti**, a n*w And varied Mock • ' fun ihiug g-it'd*. mcb ■ * Do* r, Blind*. YV intUp*. G 1 .* O I*. Rird v *-*, Ac., mrkcd dr** o at thf price* to in" rc *!* ad |>crfcci Mitudkcti t fall or •• and order* to T. GUERNSEY, opposite VY \V. Oolim* A Bro. Macon. i* M *rc 'ij HAHHART & CURD. WHOLESALE DEALLUS IN HARDWARE CUTLERY ,YC. Tin, Wooden Ware of Every Kind. We have now in store a large and well assorted Stock of Frebt asi Table Catlen.—Fairbaik s Standard Scales. iji mill at),. r wou'.il !’ g'fr in . ell <- n 1 ex.m nr SSocl ; IROS FRONT STORE. HERTIY ST., MACON. GA. mm 2; THE BEGISTEIi AM) STANKAIiI). TAI.BOTTON. TALBOT COfXTV. GEORGIA. APRIL •> tssl * m ' Z , , -n '1 1 •* rer- -r. >, * ■-' !-r. •*-. tfegrvj&gmty&JLlji (fjt - ■ L • Fine Toilet and Laundry SOAPS Fij/till, il not superb r, (o the Vest Northern and We-leru rojijk S- ml to the 7r> l-ric-t. /i tor price tint. I'atuoMSS* Home Jxi>u thie.l !ii4e * Wit. ( i.i tr ,c Ktt'r <£ 0 \ P O Fox 3fS, A 1 ntn, Ca. iilEFllSlC EMPORIUM! BRADFORD & EVERETT, Wholesale and Retail Dealert; in Stoves, Crates, Tisi- aipi Ware, Crockery, Glass Ware, House-Furnishing Goods, &c„ rnuvl I No 142 Broad Street. Columbus. Georgia. Monumental Marble Works ! First Door North of Virginia Grocery, Broiul Street Columbus, - Georgia. Monuments, Tombs, Headboards, Vases, &c. of the best Italian & American Marble. Designs rind ostimatcH furnished by addressing us. Workmanship the best. Prices Reasonable! mnreli lilt, A. M. A J. 11. 1 I.LEDGE, l’roprietor# inwti STORI’ I ~~ o Ihavefo’ •, at REI’AI L, and WHOLES AEH till k’Wl* of M di in i tint have . lvpulitti n for relief of man and beast, ( a tor nntl Swt'i f Oils, Lund a mnn, Pnregnri<\ Turpentine. and Fl*v *ing KxtracU by the down; fine Olive Oil. for table u-c Teething iVwihvH. 2 - c nts jer p"/.i*u Sola. cb. |i by tlo* beer: Gilbert's Liver l’:ll, 2* ••■nts n* r box ( oni|<<nK-<i Mil! best brands. Fresh Turnip Seed.nil kinds Turkish Ruth Towels and FI rah Brushes, I’nilet Houpa, Tooth Brushm nud Fell uuich it varuly Ujie Brandies und \V ine?* fur MCd.ei. al use. Sf :i- A NMit 811 will be found at the door. ! 0C121.1 DR. J N GILBERT. 148 Broad St. Columbus, Ga Steamplaning Mills & Lumber Yard. T. J. 1)11)1.1,'!, iIANCFACTI RKR VXD PF.AT.EU IX Br? ■ •••.-. i ‘ -• 1 i***' At,.. and fc • 1 ’ i ' ; •. ! -attU'e, Ac., got . .a At, Agents fir feCfttsuaia! Patent Sasi It in •itnj'lc ct" vwuLi;t ana oueap, cna ; . wi. mt *1 < h;.g<- oi tr: p. i►* r i t iiipuir t the *• L. *ml can bf liAti for 1* it* -'iiMou ui th iu.i . . o*i t a,, ami examine ra'llKUi'Klt ( klll.L or M-rce’-Sireet ue;r Ovneral r Depot rau'J COLUMBUS GA WAGONS * BUGGIES. ’ IV. E. & CO. TALBOTTON. OEOBGIA. o At out large PepoMtory 10 TALBOTTON, we hare opened op a complete line ct WAGONS. BUGBIES.CARRIAGES. 1 Including D.e celebrated ('omilanrt Spring o* best Eastern and Western uiakes. which we will sell as cheap as Mich vehlclis cc*n be bought m any m.vrhet. Wc defy corn(>ctiou and res'cctfulir solicit our friends and the public geLerady to call a-ul examine our stock. Th* celebrated *AYERY* f.irm wugon awa\s i a hand 1 It is the cheapest wagon on all eb*s. Full tints of Burial cases and caskets always on hard- Conic and see os Also, new arrivals of all kinds of Furniture. | tls L w. e WILLIAMS & CO. L. M. TURNER, At the Thornton Shop (lX UK Alt OF HOTEL.) I rm prepared to do All rl-is rs of I BLACKSMITH WORK, in yood stylo, itid -it i .uison 1,1 i HOll ;E SHOEING urn! BUGGY WORK A r-PIXTALTY. I do nil Hi / work for .Messrs. Martin A Freeman, Tvliiob of it-elf, is a saOieicr,f recvmin 'nilntio’i. ■ div, me a ‘rial. TnlirottOP. March Ist. 1881. a UNDRETHS’ M SEEDS K BEST 1001 If not itol*l in your town.yoa I fj f| I can get them by mail. Drop 111 an a fWaf Card far C*ta- J-W V/X. logo© and Prices The Obits! and mot* extensile Seed Qrwrer* in the United Suites DAVIULANUKKTiI Sc SONS.Phslada^Pa IT :\]£ bl A*giie Cure In a puri ly wg. i V V bitter and powcrfi.l toni) . Mini ’v -•rrtriti ! \ mi><•*•!y airi r> r tain rtnv j- r t * i*r i.n t ami I-1 i r, Int( . .liiKcnt of C.’liiU F<’vr, Li'inltti if I Vver, Dumb Perioilica. >r Uilious Fover, and alt malaria* tlPordiTs. In mnoiiiatir d!- tr* -fd, tin* rapid pulsr. foatfiT tontT'"# tliir.Af, la isiluilr, loss of tl?i• * !i!< pa: irn )>a<*!c an*l loins, and t ollin' ss of 11 c Rpinu find Extremities, arc only preim tions of severer symptoms wliich titrnii!? ale in the ague paroxysm, succeeded by high fever and profuse jierspiration. It Is a startling fm-t, that quinine, nr senie, ami other poisonous minerals fort tie) basis of most of tie- “ Fever and Ag'4> Preparations/' '• Speeilies,” “ Syru]>B, ,, and "Tonies/' in tin- market, T!ie prejv araiioiu made from these mineral poisons, although thev are palatable, and imuf break fbe chill, do not cure, hut leave tho malarial and their own drug poison in the system, producing iiitinisni, dizziness, ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, and of In r disorders more formidable than the disease they wi re intended to cure. Avrtt's Aorp.O hf, thoroughly erailicates these noxious |sisoris from the system, islid’alvvays eures the severest eases. It contains in i quinine, mineral, or any thing that, eotdd injure the most delicate, pa tient ; ahd r it-r en*wiiing exeellenee, above Its certainty to euro, is *hat it leaves the system us free from dh case us before the at tat k. For Liver f’oinplafnfs, Arm’s A<;rr ('t iik, by direet. action on the liver and biliary apparatus, drives out the poisons which produce these complaints, and stimulates the system to a Ogorous, healthy condition. We warrant it when taken aCCO^rdi rig to directions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &, Cos., I'raetlcal ami Analytical ChcinKf •*, t! Lowell, Mass. •01.0 BT Al l. UItCOOISiTS r- Er.rwnKßE. V/. F.. MUMFORL*. ATTORNEV AT LAW. TALBOrrON, G*. Office or r the store f Lapland k Cos Will <1 vote his entire time to the pro ‘e- 1• , and practire in a I the t >'U: ts cl tin* ('I. it ;de ocbee etM n't. the Supri in Court *f the .Mate and • 1 where bv* s;. t lal o mtraefc. Will give eial nt en:, to collections. K M. WILUS. .1. L. W ILI.IS WiLLIS & WiLLiS, A'.lorneys r.t Law, Ta i Ci< •< >rgi; t - pS (bl) JOHN D. WHELESS. Attorney at Law, TALBOTTON, ■ - (.ROItGIA Cosl 1 * c ; ionsh .‘veviahty or'./!y j ,r. h- m a irri Attorney at Law, o(Yl‘‘ m the Coin t Mouse. Tnlbot toil. : : <i‘oi jia l‘r el' e in the Su n-rt.)r (\>? l l*i < f th'- | ClniU.'itU)i>ebee Cireuit and the Supreme (’ourt tf the State. I’robp t \it< ntiom given to all bnsine-~ ’ ■ trusted t>) hie eo j • f . j ' i.. . . * \ IViT.Ti p. tiee in tl.e Supreme C * jI S I>l Atlanta Millstnnp Mmnfactory TO MILL OWNERS! For the !>e.t TINIi CI Ol H. SMFi .MACHINES aci Imorovt and mill tin lurj . A 1 'resu ;junS9 AVM. BRENNER Atlauta, Ga. E. E. BROWN. FILMOBF. BROWN Brown‘s National Hotel ! Nearly Opposite I' tssengcr Depot, MACON, GEORGIA. Re-opened, Re-furnished and First-class in every RE SPECT. We ask all ur Patrons a: and Fri*nd-i :o ! give us a oHI. RATES. --$?.• per da . Meals 50 cents L>inng 50 cen's. F. E. BROUN A sOK, Large Sample Room#. ors Prop‘s. n:\TU.v l hotel. LlnoAD Struct, - - Columbus, Ga Tirst-cliK* ii . ll appeintments. Office and Dioin : Room on tiist fl > r ET.LTTTiir IN EVERY Bt" M ! Ua*u< l'.-.-.enable. T;tl<!v iur;;ish‘d '-:!h '•■sm-eS-s . This IL>UI is et-ntrally kv*.ud. w ‘.;h tee best ;a •• u. ! }v*t:ens ill tbs • llv. J VV. RYAN. I'roni*: r. Central & Southwestern Railroads s*,i\nm..' !• Ca., -T n 8 L v h 1. ! /y.Nnnd alter SI’NJ)Ai r , Jnn 10. I^l, \ } iv t traiuß >u tb • Central nun S-mibwi stem Kailio..d and iirunclies w:li run as follows: TRAIN NO. 1 - -GOING NOItTII AND WEST Le ives S.iv.iun di 1,; 2b a m \jt. ves Augusta ‘-boO a m Avriv; s at August.) bl P M Airive i at Ala on r, : b', pM Leaves Maco.i 1* rAtlan'a Sl l - a.* M \rr’ ves at At 'ft H a. diibA.d Leaves Maco 10. Columbus and M'ndgoiucrv daily' 1 f* -* 1 Amv sat (and lily ~ * a v. Arrives at Montgomery d.ii y ■> 1/ - m M king close connection at Atlanta v, .t;i Wenteiu ai'd Ati*u rt*ll>•* and A' o !ta and Ciiarli tb- Air-Lint tor all poiu's N'orth • ml \V -t. COATIN'G .SOUTH AND EAST. i Leaves Atian’a ’-/or* ;j .Arrives at M>e n < :‘'o a m Leaves Montg.>rueiy tor Ma m daily 00 J * lf | Leav.-s Columbus daily Ih' • s .*. :i Arrive at Macon daily t L*> a m L hives Macon 7:b<> a r Arrives at Mille.i il 'll u I An ives at E to. t i: 11 Go a r j Anives it Augusta —bl’i p M j Arrives at .Savannuh ’Ltd P m j leaves Augusta DO'ab Making CO .l . e'i c, :tt on .Hi w.! • • iHa aiiii. h, i J n . and \\ KtU’U It 1 roa* l for ab ; a;int in i* bre hi. TRAIN NO, 2. GOING VtUiTII AND AV'pS't’ , Leaves Savaun. b : " r M Arrives at Auvu.sra. - . - - ‘: !o a m lav Ves Am r ista H i* m Anivesat .'J.iiLd evid • - ":51am \nivesa E t info - - - - G-' a M Leaves Mac J: fo A'/; ta - - ' 0A M Arr.v. s u Alioda - - • - - : • r m Lea* s '■/;. ■ . :A 1 - . . ! I- 'la *4■ > M Arrives at. Fu fauU - • - - C m Arrive:-:d Alba .'• - - -3 ."3 p M L ;c. • M t- m / bus - > : •. a M l M Augusta and liy, mahr g do e conn; < t s at ;!. i, i' a with V est<j> e an 1 A t -Ut ncl All - uta aud Charlotte Ar Li e- at ! Let iii’ii wi h Monv.' ! tn ry end Enfa •!.. ::uiv,;y—it :.-bus with Western rad* f rod; tAn 1/48;a wth tha (/iardu:e, (\. lunii ii a < Augusta ra ! o<id r*’ <1 H').;!h. Carolina railroad f r all p iuts North! arid East. Enfania Irani cr.ivo ft-. ; t FV-rl A iilcy foi Perry, Hu i.v ex • t Ht dy . a 1 and at Cu th hurt lor Furl Gaines d..i y,; Sued if. Train on I dak civ F:t• ra- in leaves Al bany da ly • x epf Hun . vi. C' AIING oOri ii AND r.A?T. Leav s A' -:I ; > vm 1 Ar ives at Mac*u from Atlanta . *•;.*).) v ,j : Leaves Alb ny 12: 02 a m Leaves Eifwui ----- 12:00 a m Avrat Mac-'ii ft hi Eufanla, Albany pm Leaves Coimubus ----- 1)a m Arrives at Mucou from Columbus :.;lo v m ; Leaves Mu on - - - - - - .: ; > p t Arrives at Auyusta - - 5/n a m Leaves Augusta - - - - 8:.’0 p ,v Arrives at Savainwh - - 7IA * m Pftoengers f -r M\iledgvi!!e and E.iton ton will lake train No 2 from Hnvannali and train N<> 1 from Macon, which train connect daily, except Monday, h r t’ae.m points. l’u!lm;in I* dac * Slcej mg C rs hdwi*; n S SjiVannah and C, neinnati ve. M ;on, At lanta uml < ineiieaft S' utbevn Isill w y Pulbrun l/atacu ingC rs to W, h ington via Angunta, Chaiiotto and liicb moiid, on U 20 a in tr.’-in ft in Havannuh, Local S.e ping Gui on all Nigbi Trains between Savannah and Augustt, Augusta and Macon, and Savannah and ; Atlanta. Pastille'?; from Soil tb Wt ‘t* rn Genr •li ran take i’heri.Ria foun Hum o Align da and make "mm etious i’h P. , , i mini Sleep 1 fr nil A :• • Wa-: i. i . | v thont chai ih Held .hin S •••,.m : (• • nbes <n: .t tl.- Tick© ofliv i.i Mu litriy et. l at I )epot |( i K \ V) HTTF.RF Vl>. M’M RO(}FTt . | ,111 Tiekfl AKt. hei, e, 1C ) h;vjnn I . J SHAW. w SHKJ.I M \ ' . 11 Trav Sui/t SW u u. M i . . u , .1 ml* -#.) AIWM * |f 0h 1 Esc tie t 'tone. At ntive and Pi uvi tic. Med cal Asm ci‘tio i of Lynch bur:.', Va. fb -■ ’T - o a *n T.*Vf r u I K r 1 e 1 Pis and ■ r n. V mu t) - :■ rh- . c - • i.H am M Sn - 'i svinllv us.-ul in dysp p ebr' V,] uable j neivri.s ,:. ,:, n. \- ■ st:.-u Mid e l*.ic !• ( E MVh-vv-*, M n. n o. P.ffi • lei'ius f r Yen?*re l Infeetioub. Dt R liocttirv. Si 1.0..i5, Mo. A fine tor.;-' an. i a‘t *.ruatiVi*, i- ry v tin nine in i.Henses peculiar to female*. ehr< me fev r find ague, bronchitis and t’.iseascs of tbo digestive - J F Rmigh'on, M D. Ala Very beneficial in str* i n^tht.;riand imnrovimr a reduced *Y“teru. Ihv T >h: W 11 ckwiih. Bishop oi Gc igui’ Most vain ble r-me<ly ku vn for female dboases. J'ha P Hetr<aur. >l. D. LL. P. Vsed in obstinate cuss of ; sof-psia with qr a’ benetit. J Macßalp'i. M D.. Rose I\i it, Pa. Esd with great benefit in malarial f - rnnd diphtheria, - S F I>!ij*>*n. M D . Ge^irgia. O* great enratire virture.—Thomxs F RumKda M P. S. L V. Veiy efficient n g!:t dula derangi nnnt. Dr Mia S Morris. Lvnciibu g. V;i. Pest remedv ever us.-d in diseases oi the th’oat, —l' A Sifl rd. M. 1* . N C. Ada; td in beer tin e io f to the kidneys and Mu di r: dyspe sia, lu; u . cbl r- hs •': ofnV -n.a and us :-.f fec‘io: e. Prot JJ Mo nu:in. M. D. A’a. An obstinate ease of neural ia of sere i yarrs staudau? entirely cured by t-e mass. J P Neese. M P.. Holm oil's Mills. N C Paiupli let and circular containing full mlorniatii-n ae i free upon appiie.ti -n. Mass aad Pill# sent post-paid otvwL re. Springs op* n year round. $40.00 a ! mout... Address. A M DAVIES, Pres't of the Cos.. 7S >’ais St.. Lync u *g, Ve. For sale bv Dr E L Bard well, Talbotton. Ga. NVK3MHJ y XUUVK q to I*~ •a • -v. IV A( ;d V A.UUGOS p^AOfd -dr riua %x?u j e.qviiul •-ii.-u .pi :v tioik c jjj aeq:ta . ;ui ;n- ioq ; . : xr\ u.n-2jij 2 r IY3 'dCI Mendelssohn Piano (Jo., Will make, for the next 60 days only, a Grand Offer f PIANOS <& ORGANS. SBSO Square Grand Piano for only $245. STYLE o M;.-. if; r:u 10-e vcod case e'egft’itly finis! ed, 3 stnug* 7 ].o () t ; full patent c rmnte ngnffep. our new patent oveistrung scale, bc-autifu] curv ; ; ud lyre,lk nv> • crpentine ami l uge fancy mouElit g round ca>e, full Iron p ‘ j Flench Grand A tio;., Givml IP-aniu* I*M, in 3a t every iinprovemeiit which can ! way bed io ice j rJ tlion of the instrument bus bx*n added. 1 Oi - prir: • f..r thi . ins ;: u -ni o >x.:* lai Id diverod on botr.l cars at New V u : tim* ( over. Ht ol and Hook, only $24.). ’ r * *-t T i Piano will b s■ : ton test trial. Please Mend r fer?nce if you do jw .. . n-y vu h or.icr. (Jajh sent wuh rder wiil be refunded and freight cl'arc I by i s 1,-.tli May- it Pi.-im is pot jiu,t as re resented i. this Advertisement T 1 ids in use. Send ‘or Cntalogue. Every instrument fu-Iy warranted for five I) T \V/ \LJ ; :> to 4(X) (with Stoc 1, Cover and ook). All Ktnci'v'V I. I. C\ 1 ryj class a .fi sold at Wholesale factory prices. These p' ! * I ■' -one it ti c t disp ays at the Ccntem-ial Exhibition, and were un'iCrr ' • iwr.r .ded for tl.e st Honors. The Squares contain our New Patent ’ ;ra ■-• ; iMpi .Vein?-nt in the history of m.tkin r. The Uprights a* * ? 2? e-i in Ann-iic • Po-itiv. ly we make the Srie-t Pianos, c f the lici.eit toi/* . l 4 :r dc-r ou. tb bry. Hu-y < re recommended by the highest musical aulhoriti *** ’•ii'* country. Ov •. •• 14,0hm in use. and not on.:- di-suisfied pnicbascr. Al! p* “ i'd ni> soul on lb dt\s* msi trial—freight free if nnsitisfactory. * Doirt f ft q D 1 •.vr: eu-O;l. re bHV'ug. P(. ifiv ly we < ffer the nest bargains, CaLdogne J-'V fiv . Handsom.* I Hub r.t 1 and D-scriptive Catalogue of 4 pages mailed f nip. Every Iban inlly for 5 years * T c jADPI MQ , >Ur Gran,i iub:l e Or<-an, 1 stria 35, is the finest ao UH C Htld n ' and OIK '- a eTer nflft ' r '' ] ‘be musical pub;,/ •• (U.n.'im,,) Five Octatks, Five sets of Reds, four of 2- '• ‘O'; '! “ " f Ti r.. Oci uves. Ihirteen stops wm Guasd Cboav Mlui , \ iol.i. Flu e, IVW.e, l>nlc<;t. Echo, Melodis-Eorte, Celestiua v ” ’ 1 ' ' ' ' ' : - 1". Gmn.i-Orgau and Gnind'SweH, Kuee-Btops. Heieht • • s S t I. X 1.-adOHw, The rase is c ( XGib^ v y • v V s ls - '*' c{ a '• •‘•■ely ne* mi t basntimi desicu -i.i V' 1 ' ‘ “’ v ' uf'd:< ul . music closet. Isuip staiids, fretwork. Ac., all , , !> . : *' ;,;t l-uprovccients, with great poivcT /• : ■ s; "O O-y yne. Ii uuifn'solo effect, a,„l pc ieu ’■ ° r " so .io net ersii p ic- to have t , , r '" ' ' '"" 1. -11 selb Others P Mit / v ' ' ri '■ 1 ' ■ b*re fully te-Bd tie orin 1 ' . ’ ;; v ' V! 1 , ! -t ’’<■■■■ T jay f.eig t hot., v.-, , , “ s. : ~ • ’ ‘ 11 vv t-'i r > years. Ot .or style. - ■ ;■ ■ y- y;-, 5 ..,,.,0 ~M . a . r; v 10 (,"// ‘ lUHtratcdcirouiar mailed fie. Fscto.v ’'.E " *d ' ,'■ 11 H--'. Cntaloiruo of 300) choice piece, til. 1.1, o L pi i- c tdngiia includes most •• e . .... VOl lODip .Sitieii, hy the best r if. .rn. .oS-iOT ?'.*)”o :0.. V 0 Bex 2053,New York City tl MM, MANUEACTUKKUS AGENT, r Corner Reynolds & Ninth Streets.. Augusta, Ga, o GENERAL AGENT FOR TiLLuBOTTcfc SOINTS 'I ’ and., i A r cmtnral k. ginei, [on wbc ,,! H.] Standard Fort .b.e Engincß, [ou ski i* x b" a y ! '-'n r-, l' i,f r Agricultural Engines "Ti wlicclb, Planter PnrtabU K> nc nskid : ulmlur an I Locomotive Rollers, Turbine and Wa'er vrheeln, Cos - -tn i•'lnif Mi H.iw Mills. Circular Suwk. Shafting, Palleys, B xe, Har.£< - ! . P., i-’iil Spark Art rotors. Watertown Steam Engine Company’s V ' 1 Port .Me Engines on skids, D.ilry Engines for amsll Bulllira, lert:.-* 1 Enpi es. s .'iti.uury E incs. with and . itl, nt cut off. Return Tub; , . wiih two flue-., Ijocomotivt* and Vertical Rollers, Saw Mills, et'e. C. & G. COOPER & COMPANY’S iY-.-tion E. i Farm Agri. altiiral Engines on wheels, Portab ** •. . ttouarv Ejgih-s. 1. > ..motive Uoilrn Two Flue Boiler,, R* I • Un, and Wi .at Mills. Bor aid • Mißs with portable bolt at ' ■ ed it a.-h r. >•*••. Wheat purat >r and oat weed extractor. Rmeka I lour Buckvr. Sr\v Mid , double aiid -iugle. <uT. ’%/%/' m Cardwell cfc Co’s •tTb . ,r . S-):r >‘ rx aid /l. nnors, ‘ Hog’ Thrcshfrs, Flydranlic Cof- L u L ' II ue- Pov. r - ilouble and dingle geared—mounted Power ( n >h <isci and !•' <-l Cutter*. Real's Patent Cotton Gin Attachment ■ -I and n_■ 'nd ‘‘b a isig lint, t iki-.g out all motes, naps and trash, le*ii i cli#- lint M 'it an flecy. Fairbanks’ Standard Scales & Patent Alarm Cash Drawers "i ■' 1 ; -f u It ilro-d, I rack and Depot, Wagon, Hay an I C<al Scale* ■hi '.f ;r iis ■ o Hniifh ffa Rowt-r Cotton and Hay FreM, Rrid’i Ant-‘inane vv E* J '‘ i >*• u u Virginia Feed CutU.r- For full p. i-ticuUrs, circular*, yen ral infovritidion t ~| plvto nj;i'4bl W 4 POLT-AKR Mix Kirthuid, N. 3 COTTON AVENUE wkl GG THIRD STREET. MACON, - - Georgia dealer in Boots, Shoes and Hats. ’ * HA\ 1 viu - v one of the best wtock* wc have ever offered, and t * * V'" iC s " hi c cannot tail to give satisfaction. It comprise* Gents’ and !*■ i* .s Hoot 1 Sli s, of iliebt-st ank '■the celebrated Philadelphia Youths’ and t’h 1- 1 s ; ' ! p ri ’ L’* ad of I irs; \l ■iVa id omens’ heavy kip Boot*audShoes ti • veryt nn to s tit tlw wants of the purchaser. '*• ' H ‘ ’’liir l i rcct,a good line of TFy\T^ v 1 •<- intenti*' f Shoemaker* to our Htoi k of FINDINGS. Send ns < r * di ti\t -cute lli.ui w ith as much siti^faction as though bought iu persnu '1 i X Al KIHTL AIN I>. >1 si <*on . (Li. •1" ROBT. P. FARLEY n r :.v n Lnd EXAMINE jLimu & FARLEYS. XL STOCK OF . ; s.nd I'amily Groceries. Plantation Supplies,Tobacco, Cigars, &c. \ Fare o;^n r new nl complete sto kof Grocerms and will eontinne to keep • . ;h;;s.v rtmen ?.e bes* (too s m our line t. at can be purchased. WiNE*> AND LK4UORB OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Om* IMces Will To t li< I jOwent,. Wetbii k our friend* will find it to their interest to give n# a call before purchasing. Swift’s New Building. Upper Broad St., Columbus. Ga. A. B. FARQUHAR & CO. MACON. GEORG IA . MANUFACTUKKIt OK Horizontal and Vetrieal Steam mountod and unmounted; Threshing Ma chines, Fan Mills, Separators, Cane Mds, etc. Send for rirrnlrr. Address •*;t22 A B FARQUHAR* Macon. Ga.