The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, April 12, 1881, Image 2

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The Rush at Kir ven's, Dress Goods Counter is IM M ENBE! Owing to the fact that for Variety and Cheapness his Stock is fur abend of bit us**ul purchases. Hero you fim\ ALL WOOL TWILLED BUNTINGS at 25c. ALL WOOL ARMURS, 48 in. wide at $1 00. Everr On. In Search of a Sprint; Suit Should See th-aa (toofo. THE USUAL A SI) SOME UKU.HUALLY GOOD BAliGAIhb IS HOMELY Handkerchiefs, Trimmings and White Goods. NICE FIGURED LAWNS ONLY sc. Full Stock of CHINA MATTINGS at Low Prices. Save Money by Pricing ray Good* before buying, .r ALIIHItT la llf MIN COLUMBUS, GA - - g ■ ...—t ‘ C M KINSKI,. A WITTICH _ WITTICH & KINS EL, and Jewelers," Cor. Broad A Randolph St., Columbus, Goorgia. OonlnrM lit WATCHES. CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Diamonds, Rings, Spectacles, Silver Ware, Silver- Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, &c. Watcboa, Cloaks ami Jewelry REPAIRED to give satisfaction, and war. ranted. Engraving done to order. Ha.r Jewelries made to order. Diamond, netto mt the present stylo. spi.'.h 1 CLOTHING ! FIIESH ARRIVALS AT H. J. THORNTON S, THU FASHIONABLE CIjOTIIIEII AM) HATTER. For Men’s, Boys’, Youths', and Children's Wear. V) ill mil especial attention to my YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHINC. Which ennnot be .lteli.d in Styl., Price* and Uu.diiy, Gents' Underwear, Neckwear, Gloves. A Large and Varied Asaortiiieut of all the La teat Novelties aud Design*- o TAILORING DEPARTMENT. H J THORNTON'S 83 and 83 Broad Sirc.l, Colmnhu*, Gi.. is the plao* to hv.i your Spring Mills to ... Hi-re yon tl -s iipleUi u us' of Imp-111, ~and 1) .m.aiio tr.ioic is as can he found in any ttrat.ctuss Tailonii,: Kstahlmli meut Hil Tailors aie all Bret cUss. Good workuiaus.iip nr and u p.'ilaot tU is gear ' npri> ul imefrd. 1 I'. CX* -/V I-‘" IP XIST, COIiI’MU! S.- * - (jKOltts! v DEALER IN BOOKS, STATiOMT AND MUSICAL IiGTStHEKS Chromos. Picture Frames, All,is and Cor 1, L-cre \ <••: “• Views. Albums. Gold Pens, Violin and Uuivar St.-.uga. Inks. Writing Desks Cards, Pot kat Books. Thomas* Standard Black, iolet and Carmine Inks, Depository of the American Bible Society. yen 11 b l GORDON'S | New York Store.! Columbus, Ga. If HAVTNG DECIDED TO REDUCE OCR STOCK OF (Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves.| re adding our Spring and Summer st.vk, we offer 1.000 Core, ts in ITanctr, embracing all tbc ..tvlee, at about coal. . R TS T'airs ot Ladies' and Muse. 1‘1,.u end Fancy H, ; .,erv. on account of| e:zo and of s.igbt imperfections. will lie c o*cd nt a! iia.f pnre. NTotice or TIIE GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE| of mntJT popular brands and low pr ce KID UU.VD I'Uey must bes 1.1 atV cure On and after ibis dte we wU only b.y "T! eHa r - S.,m less" and ••The* SOjrdon- Bid Glove, anicb w U be sold ai tbe regular prio . aud under a guaran-* THE NEW YORK STORE. 3 I \JL. C. GORDONT. TIIE REGISTER AM) STANDARD, TALBOTTON, TALBOT <Ol STY. GEORGIA. APRIL 12, 1881. REGISTER AND STAMM. O. D, CrOHMAN, Emtob. J B. GORMAN, CoiißEspoNiiisoEmT Tstlboiton, TUESDAY APRIL 13, 1881 < Official Organ of Talbot County. All (it.Mi iHKsrATIC. America* Republican: ‘(Kir people ere paying from $1 60 to $1 75 per bun* Ureti lor bay to f*e<l Htock on now, Mad in h tew day* will be paying nearly the Mfttua nte to fciil out grow in order to make a bale of cdt>u to two or three acres of land, that would make several tomi of flmt cliws hay. That in one re- Hon, we HuppoKC, why there are ho many poof ran Jen, hor*ts. cowm and hog* to he found m theeouth. Every farmer niukaa cotton and pays the hot cent he can get out of it, mortgages hi* borne*, mules, find-, etc., for provision*. and comes out mi ho din loser. Cun‘t you change for u year or two. raise Icsh cotton and more corn, grass, hogs, potatoes, peas and augur c;ie, and see if there won t he a little less money to pay to the west lor such things as you can rn.tko ho easily at home.“ Love at First Bight.—The Marietta Joux -al inlUthu following romantic sto ry of love tu first sight. Mr. E I) Bhugart, one of Marietta's ! must promising yoang men, called on Mim Leona Cox.a young lady who had ! recently moved to this place from La- Grange, Ga., and she sung and played on the guitar for him, lu the courne of which she hid oci-iHiou to crow like a rooster. When Hbt had tltiinhed the song, tho young ruati said that l.e ‘‘Would love to have a rooster like that,** whereupon, she replied that ‘‘he could get one for a dol lar uji J a half. Tney parted, and (wo days afterward she received ft note asking hrr hand in marriage, which was granted. They were luamed on Ur; 2ltb inut* , It is understood that tho manager* of the International Cotton Exposition, to he held next October, at Atlanta, (Is., hiivtt decided to increase the capital tock to $200,000, and to include all tex tile fibre* in the exhibition, dins deter mination will greatly enlarge tho field for the exposition, and comprehend a vast interest. The iSpnrta Ishmaelito remarks that “the farmer who buy* Western corn pays three so] •rate profits on tin* cost of its introduction. Tho Western farmer gets his profit tlien tbejjwholesale buyer gets his profit and lastly,the retail merchant makes bis per .cent. What does tho Southern funner make? Cottou and mortgages. * About a year ago Mr I C Lumpkin, of Coweta county, had his arm amputated above his elnow on account o 1 a cancer, winch bad appeared on his hand. The o-incer lias broken out afresh now under ins arm, and he is in a very critical con ditun. Mr George I Beney, n N* w V#rk mil liouaiif, has given Wonleynn Female Oolite, Macon, $ 50,000. Ho ima also incroaMd 1m donation to a like amount for Emory College*, at Oxford, Monroe if© liAve & ntw shoe factory which will employ from twenty five to tiiirty haixU. The lot for the factory ha* been bargained lor. Mi U A Ed w nelson who has been doing butineeß with Mosiri. W A Wil lingham & Cos., Columbue, died in that city on Saturday lant after a short illness. An infant was one night last week left on the doorstep of If U Crawford, Esqr of Colununiß. Saulsbury has been olio sen to deliver the memorial address iu Macon. He imu resident of the city, LaUrange can boast of a colored pby* •iclan. Dr E M Hamsey, He whs former ly of Hognnsvillc, and attended a xnedis cal college ut Nashville, Tcun. A war of races bus broken out in Peru, and ever 10(A) poopie have been murder ed. y The Buena Vista Argus has changed its name to the Mariwu Couuty Argus, and the papei Is very much improved. Macon hsa received up to April Ist C 1,422 halos of cotton, against GO,bid up to the sumo time last year. Death of Jewett DoVotie. This aad event occurred in Columbus, ou Monday morning, April itn. Ho was oditor-in chief of the ColumbuH Enquir er-Sun, and for one so young had deserv edly won a conspicuoaa place in the trout rank ot Georgia journalists. lie was a sou of Rev. J 11 DuVotie, and was ; much loved by those who claimed the boon of lus friendship, and highly e i teemed bv h large circle who recognized . in him a cultured and gonial gentlemen, j 11is father was w ith him iu lus Inst sad ! momenta. 11c was bnned with military I koiora by the Columbus Guards, of which ho was an honorary member. Peace to bis ashes. Report of the Cotton Crop to Date. The New Turk Financial Chronicle ot April 2d, the total receipts of cotton to date at 5.090,626 bales, showing an in i crease of 595,504 bales over last year. The visible supply on the Ist was 2, ; 900.612 an increase of 442,081 bales, ax 1 compared w ith 1880, and 021,628 as com pared with 1870, and 215,470 as com pared with 1878. For the week ending April Ist the nineteen interior towns received 32,813, | shipped 51,326, stock 266,579. For the j same date last year they received 22,564, | shipped 29,461, stock 259,223. The American Farmer tor April.abounds j in matter ot immediate and practical val i ue for the farmer, trucker and gardener, care being taken to adapt the treatment iof subjects to the season. The eontnbu ; tors are men who are daily engaged ! the work of which they write, and are known a* successful cultivators ana stock misers. The proceedings of farm clubs are a special feature. No farmer or far uiers family can afford to do without the visits v>f this old farm journal, pubs hshed bv Suur! Sands A Son, Baltimore, at $1.50 a year, or $1 to clubs of five or over, - ♦- -♦ ■ —— Tht UrfMlnr Klrttiag —A simpU. pure,harmless remedy, that cures every time, and prevent© disease by keeping the blood pure, stomach regular. ; kidneys and liver active, is the greatest! blowing ever conferred upon rum Hop Bitters is that remedy, and iu ti rs art* being blessed by thousands who have been savc'l and cured by it. Will! ;ou try it Em He. A Safe and Sure means if restoring the youthful color of the hair is furnish ed by Parkt: *s Hair Balsam, whDh is de~ \ servedlv P*'t>*-. ;.r f oai t*bhj>erior clean-- *<din ! THE OLDEST DRY GOODS HOUBE.IN GEORGIA, I. OLE S CD., COLUMBUS, GA. WE BUY AND SELL FOE cash. LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF OUR LO IF PRICES: Bleached domestics. 6c to 12 cents, London coids, 7 c nte, NairiHookn, 7c to 10 cents. Wnite Victoria Lawn, 8 cent*. Black bunting, 12 1-2 cents Black all wool Bunting, 20 cents. Hamburg Edgings v u<* cent to two dollars per yard. These are our own importation, and cheaper than any one else dare sell them. Tabic Damask. We carry nn immense stock, price 25c to $1 75 per yard. Gents Furnishing Goods. Tho* collaret (ho newest neck wear, tho best fitting shirt, the uobbi-nt Hat, culi always be found with us. WE nuke Knits to order and "uarantee a perfect fit. Dress Goods Department. SILKS and SATINS ANY COLOR, Katins In-Lyons, Brocades, Trimming*, Velvets. Ornaments, TV m?!b. Me carry a stock of 200 piece* Dress and Trimming Silks, priced 65 cento and upwards. 200 nieces floor mat ing to bo gold by tho piece, at auction price*. Cheaper than ever offered here before. Shoes and Hat Department complete with new stylos. La<-e Curtains 18c to 75c per yard, Laco bed sals, quite now, Lace L i fubrequiMH, Lace Collars, extra .stylish, Lace handkerchiefs tto latest. With buyers constantly in tho market we guarantee to sell first quality goods cheaper tliau any house in this section. WHERE to find those, at KYLE &CO‘S., Cheap Cush Store, Columbus, Ga. Parties who desire to order samples and further information chc.-rfully fur nished. uprii 5 ft COFFS3. Good Uio Coffee, 64 lbs. for 5-1 00, at Drouigoolo Bros, Columbus, Ga. ootl'Jly aprs. CREAM NECTAR, most excellent and healthy drink outireiv new salo only by Dromgool* Hros., Columbus, Ga. OH ! DON'T, Forget to rail early nt Dromgoole HroK' and sue the elegant lino of F.nry (.’an- I dins and < 'ontectiumuics. uprG Columbus, Ga. TALBOT SHERIFF SALES Will bo Hold belore th. Court II n o door in the town nt T.dbnMon. Talbot rountv, Georg in, \vill• i ll the lgl In urs • I hhlo. on the Ist Tuesday in May, the fol lowing property to wit: Two hundred and ei bty acrua of land more or It**, situated two mil* m Northeast ot Twlbotton on the Contreville road, and bounded a- Minus: On tbo North ui and by lanritt j of Mrs Trico, on the South ly W A MflUnd, and on the W. at by Mrs Kitu 1r- ugh. Levied on ax the proport vo! J F Walker to saiish a Fi Fa iu my hands in f vor of Charles Knowlton vs. J F Walker find uoticc given. •I A FOSTER, Sheriff. Taibotton. April sth, 1881. POSTTON KD TALBOT Slll-'ItIFF SALES. AVill be sold before the Court House door, in tho town of Talbott n, Talbot county, Georgia, within the legal hours ot sale, on the Ist Tuesday* in May next, tin following properly to wit* All of lot of bind No 28, save one half ’ot hu acre, in the 2‘d district * f Talbot county. Levied upon as tho property of K F. Ma hone to sa ll> (y one Bum no: Court ti fn in ley hands ii tavor of F Zell Jfc Sous, versus Tl 4A 1 F Mahonc Written no tice fpve ft. nuauts this. I t day ot Mare j, lßJnr JAMES A FOSTER, April sth 1851. Sheriff. Notice to Debtors and Credi tors- GEO R(11A Tai bot County : Ail persons having demands against the estate vf S nev Ingram, late t said coun ty, deceased. are required to present them withiu tho time prescribed by law. and all persons owing said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to tho uu daisigned. JAMES McNEIL apts 6v. Administrator. Guardian’s Sale. By virtue of au order of the erurt of Ordinary ot Fuitou county, Georgia. I will soil nt public outcry on the first L'neaday in may next, 1881. within the ’ legal b< uis of sale, be tore the Court house | door ot said county, the oue third undi vided interest ot Georgia V Blount, minor, ; iu the following tract of laud, to wit: Town lots seven [7] aud eight [B], in square C. bounded ou the north by Mad riersnn street, Fast by Gauge street, South by F> tilth street, and West by Jacksou street, coi tainii g one ncie more or levs, iu faibotto ■. Talbot county, Georgia. M BLOFN V. Guardian of (uvi r,a V. Blount. Atlanta. Ga., March 7th. 1881—moi7 Exemption of Personalty and Homestead. William E Mum ford has applied for ex emption of personalty aud setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I w ill pass upon the same, at 10 o'clock, on th# 18th of April. 1881. at mv ottlee* li iC H A K L> H LEON A RD, march 29th, 1881. 2t Ordinary. Economy Cotton Planter ! PRICE $lO 00. Saves La bob, Sates Time. Sates Cotton j Seex>. Pitsr.tod by ./ W Eason, and took the premium at the Gcorsta State Pair aa the best cotton planter. Por sale by H L McLendon. TaJ. otton. R S KENDRICK, gvn* for Talbot i to. •- msrS *3J The Live Grocery House. LOW PRICES ALWAYS Rl LE. J W CIjEMEAITS. TO THE Planters of Talbot and adjoining counties we offer a large and well selected stock of CROCERIES AND WESTERN PRO I) ICE. adaptedto the wants of farmers, low for CASH. Full lines of "Well <Jiii'ed. ISullc Alcalg, at lower prices than ever before offered. CALL AND * SEE US. j&r- MR. JAKE KIMBROUGH, of Harm county, is with this { opulai xiouse, and will he glad to see and wait on his friends, and the public generally. Jan 4 (b 1.) j. w CLEMENTS. Columbus Ga. SPORTSMAN’S WAREHOUSE! PHIL. HFLER O UN AND LOCKSMITH, I )ealor in .Huns, Pistols, Sportinp Articles, Amm unit ion, Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, &c. ALL OLSA KINDS OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDT.ES Guns and Pistols Repaired, and Keys Fitted. 165 Broad St., Opposite RANKIN HOUSE jan 4 b 1 ( OLI Mlll S, GA. ~Km r YORKSTOItE, (JONES' OLD CORNER.) COIAIM 15US, GEf)KGI A. \splandid new line of good*, in great variety quality and price—just re ceived and are offered th people of Talbot and adjacent counties at tempting prices. HW COODS, NOTiaNS. FOR SALE CHEAP i*. CALL A' D SEE JIE BEFORE BUYINd. LOUIS BANNER, au29 b l Jones’Old Corner Columbus, Ga GUANO! GUANO! BUT THE BEST. Messrs. PL A RCE A BINFORD, Columbus, General Agents have ap pointed tlie | Geneva as depots of delivery, for the sale of OBERS & SON Phosphate, and LISTERS CRESCENT BONE. Two of the best Fertilizers, acknowledged by a!l who have ever used ! them, ever offered th, planters of Talbot t.n-1 Meriwether counties. I ! have the exclusive sale of the.e tw o standard brands in tins section and i all applicasious must be made to me in person or my agent J II Dennis, Geneva, Arriving now at Geneva 100 tons of these choice fertilizers for salr, either for cash or cotton option on the best terms Twelve sacks Cres | cent Bone, to the ten, and ten sacks of Ober & Son- Phosphate. J B. GORMAN. Agent, : feb 8 a for Talbot and Meriwether Counties. C- T - ‘ - - • ■ -—•- Steamplaning Mills & Lumber Yard. T. J. DUDLEY, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IK Building Material ! KEEPS coustantlv on hand all Regular Sizes of Saab, Doors, Blinds and Mould mgs. Flooring and Ceiling dressed and matched, and ab Kinds of rough and dressed Lumber, Door Frames. Window Frames. Mouldings, Scroll orks. Pickets f-a T .tic, Ac., got out to order. All work Jone.and material furnished at bottoi pne^ Aients for the Centennial Patent Sash Balance. Tt ii siraple. conv*ni%rt Mad rfcrsp. can re applied k o old window* withont change ot framas. anewer trrr? purposa of thawl&dowSS aab. and eu ba bad for i®ss tban oae-fou: ‘.ii tat usaai cost- Call aad tim tyncis arf HILL' or M*ree r 3ire<: aear Pasierger I>apot COLUMBUS UA NEW SPRING CLOTHING! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR FIRST INSTALLMENT OF Gents’, Youths’ and Boys Spring; Clothing, And if you wish something irec, nobby aivl beautiful, call and see them W* have received a iat ge line of SPRING AND SL .'vI.MEK S VMf > LL>. a: tl can get up Suitß to order of any kind, at exceeding low prices, and guarantee a perlect fit and witi-.faction. We aie -Iso Agents for WARD S CELEBRATED SHIRTS and take measures for tlu same- Our . v PBING HATS are on the wav, and we respectfully invite an inspection of J. O. HARRIS & SON, oct 2t; b I—pir. C 2 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. CLOTHING MANUFACTURER, 64 Broad St, - ■ Columbus, Ga. Kteps a splendid line of PIECE OOOD.^i Y’ou can have any kiud of suit male fiere lo Y’OUR OWN TASTE, and in the la te; t st !e Give him atrial. af-i6 a <; .T PEACOCK. A. R.WILKERSON. B. T. HATCHER. Wilkerson iUM GA. Have in Store a large Stock of Plantation Supplies of every Description. o Groceries, Planters Hardware Iron,Nails,Plows,Hoes, Axes, Shovels & Fpades, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, La dies Saddles. Domestic and Staple Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Hat*. Fancy Dry Goods and Notions ! Glass and Crockery Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Wagon and Buggy Material, 1000 BUSHEL OATS, Mixed, Vellow aud Hod Kut I*ROOF ALSO Agents for P.itapsco Guano Company. Putapsco Grange Mixture, Patapaco Arid Phoi |>b*te. /*r Cotton re<vir Oat Genov.i We are pre- r-I to -• tl -n .k? o:T, on *ftsy term* and at Imng hat** We cordially innte tbe publie to *xan>in oar utock and priee*. janfißi, WII.KI-Ut.SON .V !! VTCIIER Bedell's Shoe Store. 86 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Always has in Stock a full and w ell assorted line of Ladies’ and Gents' Boots and Shoes of tho best and nobbiest styles, and made to order of the best materials that niyoae can buy. Ladies' Button and Basket Shoes, AND BOOTS A SPECIALTY. ’ Call and see them. THE be st brrgan nud farm boot in the market for the least money, All goods nex aud desirable. The people of Talbot uni adjoining counties especially invited !• all and examine my stocks. mar 30 n L W. I?. lIEDELL. "DON T YOU FORGET IT ! ** ' I OFFER UNUSAL INDUCEMENTS Groceries and Provisions TO CASH BUYERS. CORN, FLOUR, HAY. OATS. BRAN, NEW CROP GERMAN MILLET SEED I have a few ton3 Old R3II hie CHESAPz-AKE C-UANO OT. H. HAMILTON Tlie I p-Town Grocer, lan 6jl —mar-22 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.