The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, April 26, 1881, Image 2

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SPRING 1881. SPRING 1881. 1 L DHL t SOI Talbotton, Ga. Are no. retiring end have la .tor. choice line, of dress goods PLAIN AND LACE BUNTING, in all colors- CASHMERES IN tSEIGE COLORS, PLAIDS IN <RF.AT VARIETY. SUMMER POPLINS. FIGURED and PLAIN SPRING SUITINGS, NEW DESIGNS In rnnt* of 8 r, ‘ brao D l "’ d eodlcw rri,t J' full lines " mEN.S, LADIE S AND-MISSES’ SHOES Full line. Of Gent-, and By* Clutbiug ,-nd underwear, plantation Rood. in great T ”vn > WISH TO ANNOUNCE to the trading pnldio tut aft-T a long experience in tl,. -.r^.bn.i D .w.he Lamed ahal and Low to bay, and afterwards to plena, our customer.. We furtLermore u„vire ALL WHO WANT BARGAINS , 4 nt wont with till' PG”dy n>on*V M Cheaply of *DV STaTK n<>t le*t, W E WU.L NOT 1113 IINDLHSOI si >. ~,, B WA. DANIEL & SON. HADQUARTEBS FOR First'Class CLOTIILXO, 11 iis, in the only clothier in Columbus, ailowod to soil tlio celebrated W. &. G. Yacht Cloth Suits. Thrr are even war enpertor to the ordinary flannel., which are barely imitation., * 1,!,, hold their color and nr** most m war, and bau itul m • THOMAS moat respectfully eoliolta before buying elsewhere,an examination of his Fine and Eitcneire etook of New Spring Clothing, In make superb, in fit unexcelled, iu excellence ol material. nnsurpawetl. Funiisliint’’ Goods and Hat Department, Ha. all the lab el novelliraand at it (bir 1 Kood*. including the celebrated ICt*epNlKnum Uonmn Hliii ln, iil Hlctaou HATS. -O- Special order, nlo to measure at .hurt notice, and only in first clasa ptyle. WEDDING SUITB A SPECIALTY- D m-t forget that Thome, ha. Imngbt hta go id. cheap and In going to sell every C* timer that comes in the lionet-. Price* will ault. Don't lorget it. I keep no shoddy Roods. Bl>rl9 „ L G. E. THOMAS, Columbus, Ga. 1 C M KINBKU WITTICH & KINSEL, and Jewelers, Cor. Broad k lUndolpU S’., C .lunibnn, Georgia. I>onl**v In WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Diamonds, Rings, Spectacles, Silver Ware. Silver- Plated Ware. Fancy Articles, &e. Watches, Cloak* and Jewelry HKI’ATHKD to pive natisfectiou, and war ranted. Engraving done to order. TANARUS! i Jewelries uindc to order. Diamonds reset to amt the present hI jle. "P r -’ ' | New York Store. Columbus, Ga. O HAVING DECIDED TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves. fetore adding eur Spring and Summer Stork, we c„r 1.000 Corsets in endlem iranete, embiae.og all the |<polar aljle,. at sbonl ol 1.000 Fairs of Ladies* and Hums* 1 laic * ine F . * *iz&* and mf might imi*rfeeik.D*, will be c osed out at haf frit*. Tali© UNTotio© OF THE GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE „l mear popular brand, end low price KID GLOVES. They moat be sold at one. On and after tbi. date we wiß onlv buy "The Ham. Se-tmleea" and "The gGorden ■ Kd Glow, which w.U be eeld at the regular pnecs end under a guaran- J THE NEW YORK STORE. M. O. GORDON. m r‘2U 82 & 84 Broad St., Columbus, Oa. THE REGISTER AM) STANDARD, TALBOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA. APRIL 26, 1881 REGISTER ARD STANDARD. 6. I). GORMAN, EDiroa. 1 B. GORMAN,CoaaBsroKWKoEorr n. Talbotton. tin.. TUESDAY APRIL 20, IASI. — * Official Organ of Talbot County, OCR JU9BPII. Tbe speech of of Senator Brown de!:r ered on the 14th. i oue that witht p r i e by lim constituents. After all tbi* altucha on the lepreasiou of free suffrage in the south, just such a -speech was neeJeri. It proved thxt the billot is be r m the south than iu ths veiy state', from wliooe senators the most violent tirades have conic. Tne fact the restrictions pUced upon tbe itght of niiffrags in Maswuhu.vetts, Con necticut and Jtbcdo ILnd would dis f run close four fifths ot the vote of the BOiitli, ih veiy significant. Governor Drown went about hits vindicut'on of the rgu bin a c -ot, business-like way, and i heie was probably not one sentence of his speech that appealed to sectional | passion oi prejudice It was a plain btjte.n nt of facts, a firm succession oi deductions, a string, well linked chain of reasoning. Nothing w.s hid to arougetue bitter feelings ol the north, for tb*r© was not a tone of defiance in any utterance, but such things were sai l a t sensible men are bound to consider and they wire H'ld In tbe Dankest inaioct possible. It is well known that Gover nor Brown never makes ia>:h assertions. N man puls one foot before the other more causiously than be. On this occa sion he represented a grent cause, stand tug, ns be did, not lo speak lor Georgia onjv, but for the whole soafch, and it seemed that he was especially careful not to prejudice Ins defense by airy weak vuj ne able proposition. With c oar histori cal facts and with s-ong logical const uc tiou he laid his foundation nnd reiml to completion, is thought by better judge*, than I, to be an unanswerable speech. Mr Hill rein i ked that the gov ernor “covered hi oioelt whu glory “ I< is the unari nous ve diet of tlie demo cratic 8 deibnt he has done a noble ser vice to bis people and bis par*/. GEORGIA AURICULTRAL ITEMS. There rre tail teen lish ponds m La Grange. A grange store is to bo opened in El biriuu. But few peaches in Sumter county ex pectcd. Toe Decatur county Hpriug fair opens on May JO. Morgan county bus a flourishing lurm> j er< club. Tat oat crop in Ware county is said to be a 1 nlure. Cotton planting going on briskly in Suuuter county. Northern bay is selling in Albany at $ I (X) per hundred. The wheat harvest abotli Dublin will be a slim one next fall. Seed potatoes, on account ol rotting, scarce in Elbert couuty. Numbers of rheop are being killed by dogs in suniter couuty. Iho fruit crop in Pulnatu county, it in feared, bus been killed. 'Die damage to truit in Baker county is supposed to be light. Large qn no lit’an of northern buy are being received in Quitman. Nearly f 100,000 worth of lertilizcrs sold in Montezuma this season. A good deni of the corn in Wilkes county will to be planted over. Farmers iu Macou county who never bouvhl corn bekne are at it now. The News says that tbe ft ait crop about Albany, is all doing well. Catile in Home portions of Putnam couuty are dying tor the want of food About to roe bund ed mortgages have been recorded iu Lowndes couuty. The laruiers of Putnam county arc be m the preparation ot their lauds, A bolter prospect for a good wheat crop was never known iu Dade county. About one-half of the con crop ot Tal bot countv will have to be planted over. The oat crop of Wilkes couuty is less promising than it has boon for several years. * Hundreds of ac e* of corn in Cole mb .1 county are being plowed up and replant ed. Mo’t* I ish pota e>*a have been phi n led in Albany llos *p *ug than ever before. It is fe::~ed (but the fruit cop of Wilkes county gone, Rut few farmers have p'a -ited coLou. Mop-oe count '?b ?u debt for go. '.no, mult i, Co‘ t, flour. In y, b.con mid dry goods t> ft bo .• t S2JO( AUK). The poop’e of Burke county art* paying more fttUwitfoo to trait culture than they have in yea a befo. o. Many far mem in Stewat county hud to plant their corn c’ops over. Fa mmg iu the oouutv progress*ng siowl v. Montezuma We-k!y: In this county the plum crop is succes lul. apples un hurt. umt the peach trees laden with nil. Two uo r th of land, well prepared and heavily manured, and planted in forige corn, would ian northeru hay f* om the I arm. A fine opening on p etty much any of ! the funning lends ot lieorgiu for t. * rers Ito raise e ops ot com, peas, hay ami po tatoes, to, mll j* i iind bouc. T'eaiy of home cuaiomevs. Tbe lahmachte says: Farmers who pre pare land before they plant ooru and give it the rroofiaary auentiou, ire as success ol in doing without western corn as tUey we o hwf l e the war. Mr Joe llu ton, of Oglethorpe county, dews not bly hi * nano, but he has a stall for eve i he and o sti ck on bis fa- n, even doau to the calves and they ire penned ut igut th*ou*;u the win er. He h'l gives i *ui * i>ed if pine nuuw or leaves and when this is rotten he puts in ! n lave :of cotton seed. He thus alto* nates j unt 1 horitig when he baa an abundauce ol tbe bes. mau are at a nominal coat, Mr J dm W Hrff. of Macon, and broth er of ax Mayor HuT, is dead. He leaves * wife ind two bt'cbt ttla children. Woi, l late’y m ale for in E rjlsh lidv what isrepo.ied .o bo he hundsoraes, cloak which ever left l* shop. It ia of g cm vi'.et, bo.dered aud t mmed with tbe tail* oi Kata si The cosi was $8,5U0. Mr John W Haygcod, Montezuma, h s bought suit against the County Cotruria- Ki ne so Dooly county for the sum of five hand ed dollar, for damrges aas 1 need by biai in the cr ppl ug of Ks bo se in Novensb.‘ last, while crosairg tbe bridge over Turkey C eek, on public road lead ing f j*r Mou.ezuma lo Vienna. Mr W C CthoLaOU, if LaGrange, baa autd ;b Vk’tale u Union Tehg.aph UCom p-.nv o SIU,U>O, on account ot the op erator at that p ace and rulgmg to a third pa ly 4 epalchea *eut by Mr. Gholaton. Alvrt lialng (hist*. It haa become so cammon to write the beginning of &n elegant, interesting article and then run it into some advert tisement, that we avoid all such cheats and simply call attention to the merits ol liop Hitter* in as pi iin honest terms as poaaible, to induce people to give them one trial, aa no one who knows their value will cvej use anything else.—-Provi dence Advertiser. A Safe and Sure means of restoring the youthful color of tbe hair is rurnish ed by Parker** Hair balsam, whish is de -1 lei .*dly popular f.oai iiani>erior clear, '•inf* aarelm THE OLDEST DHY GOODS HOUSE IN GEORGIA, I. KYLE i C 0„ COLUMBUS, GA. WE BUY AND SELL FOR CLVHII. | LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF OUR LO W PRICES: Blenched domestics. fic to 12 cents, London cords, 7 evuts, Nainsooks, 7c to 10 cents. White Victoria Lawn, 8 cent*. Black bunting. 12 J-2 cents, i Black ail wool Bunting, 20 cents. Hamburg Edgings cue cent to two | dollars per yard. 1 These are our own importation, and j cheaper than any one else dare sell them. Table Damask. We carry an immense stock, price 25c to f 1 75 per yard. Gents Furnishing Goods. The latest collars, the new* st neclr w ear, the best fitting shirt, the uobbi st Hat, j can always be found with us. WE m ike j suits to order and guarantee a perfect fit ■ Dress Goods Department. ; SILKS and SATINS ANY COLOR, Satins DeLyons, Brocades, j Trimmings, Velvets. Ornaments, Tof-aels. We carry a stock of 200 pieces Dress | and Trimming Silk#, priced 05 cent** and upwards. 200 nieces floor matting to bo sold by the piece, at auction price*. Cheaper than t ver offered hero before. Shoes and Hat Department complete with new styles. Lace Curtains 18c to 75c per yard, Lace bed sets, quite new, Lace Lambrequins, Lace O' liars. cxlri stylish, Lace handkerchiefs the latent. With buyers constantly in the market \ wa guarantee to h*ll brut quality goods j cheaper than any house ia this section. | WHERE to find these, at J. KYLE ACO‘B., Cheap Cuieh Store, Columbus, (ia. Parties who desire to order samples and further information ohtrrfully Pu nished- aprii 5 a TALBOT SHERIFF SALEH j Will be sold btore the Court j door in the town of Talbotton, Talbot county, Georgia, within the 1 gnl hettra nf 1 sale, on tb Ist Tuesday in May, tbe fol- j lowing property to wit: Two hundred j and eighty ncras of land more or lok, hittmted two milca Northeast ot Talbotton on Hih Centreville road, and bounded a- Mlomu: On the North and East by lands j of Mrs Trleo, on the South by W A j Mftutid, ami on tbe West by Mrs Kim- I hrnugh. Levied on *• the prouertv of J F Walker to natintj n Fi Fa in my hands in fivor of Charles Kuowlton vs. J F Waller and notice given. J A FOSTER, Sheriff. Talbotton. April sth, 1881. POSTPONED TALBOT SHERIFF SALES. Will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Talbott n, Talbot county, Georgia, within the legal hours of side, on the Ist- Tuesday in May next, the following piopirty to wit: All of lot of land No 28, Have one half ot an acre, In the 23d district of Tvlbot county. Levied upon as the property of E K Ma hone to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in my hands in Invor of 1‘ Zell A Souk. versus TIIA E E Mnlione Written no tice given defendants this, Ist day ot March, 1881. JAMES A FOSTER, April sth 1881. Sbeiiff. Notice to Debtors and Credi tors- GEORGIA- Talbot County: AH persona having demands against the estate of S ney Ingram, late of faid conn tv. deceased, are required to present tno within the time preatrribed by law, and all persons owing said Estate are reqtv.sted to make immediate payment to tbe uu dersignod. J A MEB McN El L apts dvr. Administrator. Economy Cotton Planter ! PRICE #lO 00. Sates Labob, Sates Time, Sates Cottok Seed. | Patented by J'V Eason, and took the 1 premium at the Georgia State Fair as THE BEST COTTON PLANTER. Pol sale by H L MeLeudon, Tab ottou. U S KENDRICK, agent for Talbot otinty. nmiß 2m a. b. c. American Breakfast i, Steim Cooked and Deseiccated. White Wheat, Wh- e Oats and Lvley Food ut Drom goole Eros., Columbus. ~KA.NKi:> HOUSE, JOHNSCHERF, Proprietor FRANK GOLDEN. Clerk. Entirely New in all its APARTMENTS, and strictly FIRST-CLASS. janltf GOLUHBCB.GA. BEETS And Kuta Hiiga Tumi;*---very aupc ior. just 'edited at Dromgvioie Lios. Coiam bus. IVI. Peyser M ANfFACTUKEE of Fine Cigars, *Nl> DXJUU IS — Cigaretts, Chewing & Smok ing Tobacco. & Snuff. i Brown Hoot, Block, Opi-cw.M Depot octl9tf \BJ Fourth M. Macon, Ga* i HAMS Raoon and Shoulders- very ft, ,—just received at Proiuooio Bros., I Columbus. The Rush at Kirverrs, Dress Goods Counter is IMMENSE ! Owing to tbe fact that for Variety and Cheapness his Stock is far ahead of his usual purchases. Here you find ALL WOOL TWILLED BUNTINGS at 25c. ALL WOOL ARMURS, 48 in. wide at $1 00- Ever, One In Search of a Spring Suit Should See th- k* Goods. THE USUAL AND SOME UNUSUALLY GOOD BARGAINS IN HOSIERY Handkerchiefs, Trimmings and White Goods.! NICE FIGURED LAWNS ONLY sc. Full Stock of CHINA MATTINGS at Low Prices. Save Money by Pricing ray Good* before buying, .T. AJUIEIIT Kllf VEX. ort K b r,—t>prl2 COLUMBUS. GA CLOTHING! FRESH Ar.RITALS AT H. J. THORNTON'S, TIIR FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER AND IIATTER. For Men's, Boys’, Youths’, and Children’s Wear. Will call especial attention to my YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. Which eAimot be txcolled in Stylo, I’ric 's and Qu..l.‘y, Gerits’ Underwear, Neckwear, Glove A and Varied Assortment of all the Latent Novelties and Designs• TAILORING DEPARTMENT. FI I THORNTON'S 8-1 and 85 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.. is tbe place to have your Spring Suits m ob- to mexHUTe. There you find complete nu nsfortment ■ f Imperial and D -m Hie lUoolens as can be found m any first cuuw Tailoring Estubi.ah nent. His Tail ora are all first clasa. Good workmanship aid a perfect fit is guar anteed. npr.i tl mm GUANO! BUY THE BEST. Mesur*. PEARCE ‘t BINFOR1), Columbus, General Agents have ap pointed the undeasif'tied agent for lias section, including Talbotton and Geneva us dapots of delivery, for the s.le ot OBERS & SON Phosphate, and LISTERS CRESCENT BONE. Two of the best Fertilizers, acknowledged by all who have ever used them, ever offered th -planters ol Talbot and Meriwether counties. I have the exclusive sale of these two standard brands in this section and all applications must bo made to rue in person or my agent J H Deuni*, Geneva, Arriving now at G en eva 100 tons ot tl-esc choice fertilizers for fed-, either for cash or cotton optiou on the best terras Twelve sacks Cres cent Bone, to the ten, and ten sacks of Obort Son Phosph ite. J B. GORMAN. Agent, f eh s a for Talbot and Meriwether Counties. y * FHESII ARRIVALS -AT | CARGILL'S mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmtmmaßmmmmmammmßmmmmmammmmmm - ro: An Elegant line of Matched EM BROIDERIES. Swiss Mull and Lawn Edgings and Inserting^. Hamburg Trimmings,in all widths. Yen Cheap. Choice Lines Xew Lacea. including V *micelli. Mara Court, Beatnce, Venice, Kussia and Torehons in the Handsomest Dc^i^us. French, Persia and Victoria Laws, India Mull in Cream and White, Check Noin aook beginning at I*2 l'*2. All over Tucking. James I>. ©ai*gfill, TO Broad Street, fuly2o—ruarch‘22 COLUMBUS, GF.ORGIA. edT t.long. robr. .farley CALL and EXAMINE LONG & FARLEYS. NEW STOCK OF Fancy and Family Groceries. Plantation Supplies,Tobacco,Cigars, &c. tVEare opening anew and complete stock of Groceries and will eontina# to keep , full assortment ol the best Goods in car line that non be , urehaaed. WINES AND LIQUORS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Out- Prices Will te tlie Lowest, We think our friends will find it to their interest to Rive ns a oall before pnrobasisg Swift’s New Building, Upper Broacl St.. Columbus. Ga. ♦ciibl NEW SPRING CLOTHING! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR FIRST INSTALLMENT OF Gents’, Youths’ and Boys Spring Clothing, And if you wish somethin? rrce, nobby and beautiful, call and see them. \y e have received a Jaige line ol SPRING AND SUMMER SAMPLES, and can gft tp Suits to order of any kind, at exceeding low prices, and guarantee a per.'ect fit aud satisfaction. We are also Agents fer WARD S CELEBRATED SHIRTS and take measures for fhe same- Our tPRING HATS are ou the way, and we respectfully invite an inspection of our Goods. J. C. HARRIS & SON, oct 2fl b I—apls G 2 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA Gr 3\ PEACOCK, CLOTHING MANUFACTURER, 64 Broad St-, " ■ Columbus, Ga. K;eps a s|,leudiJ line of PIECE GOODH. You can have any kind of suit made here lo YOUR OWN TASTE, ai diu the la tent bt !e Give him a trial. upi6 a -I PEACOCK. A. R. WILKERSON. B. T. HATCHER. Wilkerson <£ Hatcher! GENLVA, GA, Have in Store a iar & c Stock of Plantation S'jpn l!o s of every Description. o CxwCCrics, Hardware Iron,Nails,Plows,Hoes ? Axes, Shovels 6c Fpades, Harneoo, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, La dies Saddles. nomcstic and Staple Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes and Hats, Fancy Dry Goods and Notions! Glass and Crockery Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Wagon and Buggy Material. ' 1000 BUSHEL OATS, Mixed, Yellow and Bed Rust PBOOF s-ALSO — A„„ nts for Pniapsco Guano Company.Palapsco Grange Mixture, Pitapstfo Acid Phos phate *•* Cotton reeeiv i) nt Genova ar< . prepared to sell tuppli s on cbkdit, on *n<y terms and at living bates. We cordially invite the public to examine our stock and prices. jan6 ii i. aVII.KEHSON A: ILATCIIER Bedells Sloe Store. 86 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Always has in Stock a full and \v ell assorted line of Ladies’ and Gents' Boots and Shoes of the best and nobbiest styles, and made to order of the best material* that icyoa* cun buy. Ladies' Button and Basket Shoes, AND BOOTS A SPECIALTY. Call and see them. IHE best brogan and farm boot in the market for the least money, Al 5 goods net and desirable. The people of Talbot and adjoining counties especially invited *• j ail and exa> nue my stocks. j mar 30 b l \V. R. 11EDELL. DON'T YOU FORGET IT !'^ j | OFFER UNUSAL INDUCEMENTS -irv - Groceries and Provisions TO CASH BUYERS. CORN, FLOUR. HAY. OATS. BRAN. NEW CROP GERMAN MILLET SEED I have a few tans Old Rail ble CHESAPEAKE GUANO J. IX. HAMILTON. The Up-Town Oroeer, jan6’>l—mar-2 COLUMBUS) GEORGIA