The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, May 03, 1881, Image 2

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80,000 DOLLARS ’ ’ j j Worth of Goods to be Slaughtered I o—- Until Notice we will sell the following Good* at the prices named: Figured and Lace Lawns. •i.%00 Tr.w Figured Uwi'.-H>icbi !*• I* 1 "'" M (“ r 10hcret4> - J.,7* 5t r. teats. HSW YsrdaLtwe S-.fSped 1/I*ll- only Uj- • *"Hn M cell HO© Yard* Wool Bunthigs, Good Blacks and Colors, 20c- Listen to This! COKE AND SEE THE GOODS. w >rtb (1 60. Summer Underwear For Men. A LITTLE JOB PICKED UP -1000 MrniH O.BM Undershirts .uly ?3o a pi-cs—sold with reckless disregard ot tUclr T.lne. A Job Lot of 1000 Pairs British Half-Hose, 25c. 100 Dozen Pairs Three-Button Kid (Doves. In Colors Only, to be Sacrificed. Price onW *0 cents per pur. 200 doson prim Ltdie*' Lisle Hose \t 2* rents per p-vir fold St pries lor noolh r r uhou than Hist we ho hin cheap Bargains for Everybody, wno Y rd. lSlcsrfw-4 Colton. soft finish, lOfi-Kasl* ttnUnnilrlcd HlilrU sl. - fiZk.4 N.ln. H.k. only 13 1 2-. ts ■•O.der.Blh** - or-.. *l. iS .r - ,000 Yard* l AlV^‘ n i IOOTII, mi-: i.k may, ‘2m I'l.'l Ilroad HI Colomhns, l in. John McGough <& Cos., Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Come to the Front with Bargains for all Dry Goods for the Spring and Summer Trade. Complete .lock., (Wire* little lower tlmn the lowest, "i'll mnnt DECIDED BARGAINS. in many b-sutltul spreUliiss. In Gents Fnrnishing Goods ! And . Ur*. ..or* of every IcL nee VM. I?*!"' 1 !?*. •Boatmen* fr spring *ntd aiimuier wear. HURL HAIiK I RICES. CALL N mn f-1 a , THE NEW CROCKERY STORE! 0 LINDSAY & SANDERS, Broad St., Webster Building, COM MUR H,GA. We nr* now prepare 1 to otf.*r anew and well aideetort lfcock of Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Tin, Wood and Willow Ware, Ice Cream Fioczers, varioty of stylos- Water Coolers, Fluting Machines TIN TOILBT SETTS, Imntlaomo assortment. Silver rintcd Ware, gtiriu;teo<l of tho best make. Larapa,Chandeliers, etc. Prior* to auit the moat axaciing,. Orders by mail receivo prompt and earnfnl attention. may it Nm ln —— - *=:■'■ • - - ■ • ■ ■■■*— o j. peacock:, CLOTHING MANUFACTURER, 64 Broad St, * " Columbus, Ga. Koeps *i| lendift line of IMKJC?!’* liOOD'N. Yon run have any Kind of suit made hire to YOUR OWN TASTE, and in the la tent ►l ie Giv# bin, atrial. _ _ npr6 A €■ .1 PHACOC’Iv. ~c - GORDONS New York Store. Columbus. Ga. ——o— HAVING DECIDED TO REDUCE OCR STOCK OF Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves. Brtore adding or Spring od Fnmmcr Stock, w rtrt 1,000 Corsets in en.ll.M Tanetr. all I'.ie jepuUr it.OM, al ab*nt cost. l*k) Pairaof Idadiea* and Mistaea* PUin aad Ftney oa account of •nee and af ai|kt laiperferliona, will It c o*d cut at half fric. IToJi© Notic© OF THIS GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE nf nnr jK.pnUr brnd and lo* price lUD GLOVES. Tb.y ido.l bo sold at ODr. On and after (hi* dvte we mil only buy -Tue Harris Seamless" and "The f Gordon - Kid Glove, wbirh lt be sold at tfa* regular price. nd undcr-injaar.m- THE NEW YORK STORE. M. C. GORDON. s-pIX- mar'2S* 82&54 Broad St.. Columbus. On. | THE ItEGISTEIt AM) STANDARD, TAMIOTTOJi, TALHOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, MAY 3, 1881. REGISTER AND STANDARD. O. I). GORMAN, r.nnoK. J 1Y GORMAN,Co**wtrXDixo Edit b. 'rnlbotton, (in., TUESDAY __ MAY : c Bl Official Organ of Talbot County. ■ - —** - LKTTRH FHOM TKXAs. Wxativuvobi>; Tux a*, Apnl 25tb, JBBI. . RvMU*'rtiii& STandvmd: I reached tbi place throe week* ag', anil thinking that t rri*ariptloh of th#* connty, ko far an I hare Been it, might iuterefft J<nr Hiany rendera, 1 will atotc thut Weatbcrlord Ik Hiluatcd in North T*>t Texag, sixty nnlett Went of Dalhwi, en the Texas A Pacific Railroad. It hn a population ol four thousand inhabitanU, and 1h the lnrg‘Bt city west on the T Sr. P R It The court hos*e und stores arc built of brick and stone, and are large and flu*’. The dwelling houses arc new and small, built la Gothic style with three rooms. The merchant* carry large stocks and do a large business. The counties adjoining do their trading here. I find the people very s vctable and kind and advanced in the arts of civilized Ills. I have cot seen a fight, or heard of a murder since I ur rived. Tins city boasts of nine white or ganized churches, three Presbyterians, two Methodist, one Baptist, one Camp oelite, one Catholic, one Episcopal and two colored churches, one Baptist und one Methodist. It seems this is enough to civilize any town. •Since my arrival I have traveled all over this and portions of other countiea. The lands are fine and very productive. A tew days ago I saw four thousand acres of Lind in onu body on the Brazos river, that ww planted in cotton the past year which made one bale of cotton per acre. The stalks were six an 1 seven feet high. One difficulty hero is the scarcity ot la bor. First class field hands command tw*nv dollars per month, the supply not being equal to the demand at that It this State had the labor that Georgia ha**, farmers would make more than they know what to do with. Forty and fifty bushoU of corn grow per acre. 1 have not seen a single crib of corn with a cover on it. Corn cribs are built out of black jck poles to hold from three to five hundred bushels of corn each. Af ter the trib is tilled dry hay or sorghum stalks nro thrown over the top for cover ing. The smoke busses are covered, but the endh are not nailed up. Youc insee meat hanging in smoke houses ns you ride along the public road. The door is proped with a pole, to keep dogs out. Such a thing as land deeds, mortgages, bill ot sale, Ac. as security, is never heard of, but those who stand well can get all the money they want on their own paper. Some dry goods nre sold on thirty days time,and one who fails to pay promptly is hardly respected. Corn is worth here thirty five to forty cents per bushel, wheat ninety cents to one dollar. There are three merchant milts in this place all doing well. The stoe< trad j seems to be the big gest tiring in this state. Nearly every one who comes here to Hfttle goes into the took business Large herds ol horses, cuttle and sheep pass through the streets daily on their way to the ranches to be fattened for tnnrki't. The prairie is now grevn, and the stock arc beginning to look fine, especially milk cows. They never take up a cow here that gives less than three gallons of milk, and a great many give as much as five gallons daily. Most of the population hero nr© natives of Georgia and Tennessee, ami all I have talked with say this is n better state than where they emigrated from. But with all th advantages 1 have enutnern ted in referenc* to this ferine land, 1 find s ru© dejection*, the chief of them being th© water. This is what is known as lime water, it tastes like water after you have dissolved soda in it, yet I am told one will become use to it niter drinking it nwhilo and will like it. Great many here use cistern water, which I prefer, and “don't yon forget it.“ An other objection I find here is, it does not rain enough. It has been two months sinen any rain has fallen, but I am told by the citizens that if they can get ram by the nundlo ol May they will make as much as they can gather, Anbther objection is, what they term * 'northers, *• and it you were here tosany you would realize tho full meaning of the term. Two days go everybody was wearing linen, but to day they have on thtir overcoats, while out doors it is bitter cold. The wind blows ii early all the time. It lies Down every day since 1 arrived, and the dust is fearful. liow ever, with all the objections one may find to this State, 1 think more money can be made here than in Georgia. It is anew country and devclopes openings that a live energetic man can make money at, and, that rapidly, if he will just stick to business. For fear I am too lengthy, I | w.ll dose uutil another time, L. A. B. Tlio Savannah Nows aay* a tur (lo weighing U 25 pounds, five feet ami a half long,and four foot broad, was caught in the Ogecchoa river last week. Kroil* Getartlin, ihe nolcil French journnliet and duelist, is and ad. Brown llavm t Thin noted and famous hotel and home of the traveling nublic. continues to achieve unparalleled miceesa under the skillful man liftmen t of George C Brown. Mr Brown in probably the youngest and Inyst laudK rd to t>c found in the South “Women Never Think." If tlu* crabbed old bachelor who utter* •and this aeutiment could but witness tba intense thought, deep study and through investigation ot women in determining the best medicines to keep their ftmi lies well, and would note their sagacity and wisdom in selecting Hop Bitten* as the best, and demonstrating it by keep> lug their families in perpetual health, at a mere nominal expanse, he would be forced to acknowledge that such senti ments are baseless and false.—Pica rune. An Old Lady writes ns: **l am 65 years old and waa feeble and nervous all the time, when I bought a bottle id Par ker's Ginger Tonic. I have used a lit t.'e more than one bottle and feel as well as at SO, and nm sure that hundreds need just 6'n ba medicine “ See advertise - 1 n: cut uiayU lui ! GEORGIA - I*ai B"T t’crsr.: In the ‘ -Superior Cuit ol sOid C ur,H* t. J 1 \\ il li* presiding. L J Guilmartin A Cos ) Bale Nisi v*. ,• |f James II Brooks. ) lore close Mortis ;• It appearing fo the Court, by the peii (lion ol I#-I (ludmatttii Aurvivin" partner of the firm Ot 1, J GiilDMrtifi A Cos,, that on the 261 b day ot February 1880, the and • hlidant made and delivered to said L J Gnßmartin A Cn. his promissory note, tearing date th* dy and year aforesaid, whereby the (L tendant promised on or be fore the Ist day ot November next td . lowing the date of raid note to py L J Guilmartin A Cos., or bearer.eight hundred and thirty-seven dollars and six cents hu talue received and eight per o*nt interest from the maturity ot said note and ten |s*r cent for CM/Utisel ter*, and that on the day and year aforesaid, the and feiuLut the bel ter to secure the payment of add note exe cuted and deliver* and to the said L J Gnd tnartin A Cos. a certain parcel of laud, to wi: Two hundred and twenty-five sens more or less in the 23rd dbt:ict ot Talbot county in said Hta'e. known as the Cary Holt p!aoe and bounded on the north by lands ot R Brooks, on the cast by the lauds of J II Mi Coy, and the South by lauds known as Ihe Bevel place and on the west by lands of E W Wombb, together with all improvements on mid tract. And it tnrtker nppern g. that said note h* not been paid, it i* ihcrtf >i© ordered that the said defendant do par into Court on or before the first day of ihe next term of this court the sum of tno principal on said note, and the interest on tho same at the rate of tight per cent from the ma ts ritv of said note, and the sum of ten per cent ou th* setae for counscd lets, or show cause m tho contrary if any he can, and chat on (be failure of defend tut *o to d>, the equity ol redemption in and to sc id mortgaged premise* Do forever thereafter l-aired und iordoMod. And it i* tun her or dered that this rule be published once a mouth h*r four month* in the Register A - Htnndatd previous to the next term of this Court, Of served ou the defendant or l.w special agent or Attorney at least three months previous to tho next term of this Court. J T WILLIS. Judge K. C. C. C. A tru-i extract from the minuter., this •Yd day ot Msy 1881. rasj3 lam JAMEB IfcNEIL, Clkiik. TALBOT SHERIFF SALES Will le sold before ihe Court House door in the town rd Talbotton, Talbot - onnty, Georgia, within the bg*l hours of sale, on tho l*t Tuesday in Juno, tho fol lowing property to wit: One hundred acr of land more or lem, the same being one hundred acres of the lot on which the ot Jh*. H Bryan is situated, levie ) on ns the property of Ja4 H Bryan,to satisfy a tax fifa isftued by J F Parker, T. O. for state and county ft tea for the year 1880, ud notice given. made and returned to me by Ii L Hough, L C. At same tfme and place will he sold twenty acres of land more or less, in the 902 district of Talbot connty, known as the dower of Malinda Smith, being the place on which Ham Hough notv lives, and is boendod on the east by the Und* of Kobt Brooks, on the went by T L Patrick, on the south by the Ind of Jno McCoy. Levied on r.s tho property of Smith to satisfy a tax ti f t i* sued by 4 F Parker, T C for State aid , count) tax f rth • year 1880. and notice ! given. Levy mad© and retunie-l to me by li Ti Hough, L C. At tho s.imo time and pi ice will be sold a certain ft nr and grist mill, in the 081 district of Talbot county, known as the Mah one MiH, levied on a* the prop erty of M 11 Mahone A Cos. to * tisly a tax 11 fa isMued by J F Parker, T C. for State and county taxes for the year 1880, and notice given. At the same time and p’ac.i. One hun dred acies t land more leas, lying in the 9^4lb district GM. near the Oak Moun tains, bounded on the West and North by Micajab Garble, B*., on the South by J J Crawford’s old place. Levied on ns the Property of Elias Silas. J J Crawford, •♦gent, to Satisfy a t*ix fl fa issued by J F Parker. T C for State mid county, for the year 18.80. Levy made and returned to uie by 1) F Walker. JAMES a FOSTER. Sheriff. Talbot ton, May 3, 1881. ! GEORGIA Tai.kot County. Ordinary's Office, May 3, 1881. Notice is hereby givrn tkat a petition has been filed in my am provided in Paragraph 1455 of the Revised Code of Georgia, for an olectiou on tho qu ntion ol "Fence, or no Fence." Wilms* my hand officially. lUIIIAUD n. LEONIRD. me 1 3 3t Ordinary. Letters of Dismission- GEORGIA— Tai.uot Cor.NTT: Whereas, William M bom. AdininMra tor of Nathan II Isom, deceased, repre sent*! to the Court in his p tilioo, duly filed and ontared on record, hnt he ha* (filly administered the etnH of Hnid de ceased. This in therefore to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and t editor*, to show cause, if any call, why said Administrator should net !>♦ discharged frjrn his administration, and receive let ter* ot dismiKsion, ou the first Monday in August next. Given under my effi HI signature this tfip 3d day of Mar. 18.81, RICHARD H. LEONARD. msy 3 3u Ordinary. Notice to Dob tors and Credi tors- GEORGIA -Taijiot County: All persons having demands against the es*ato of B*-ney Ingram, lute <*f ►aid coun ty, di‘Oea*tHl, are required to present them within the time prescribed by lew, and all person* owing said Estate are requested to umkc immediate mivnient to the un dersigned. J AMES McNEIL apis 6 *. Administrator. Letters of Administration- GEORGIA Talbot County; Thomas L l'atrick makes applicative* to me tor letter* of Administration on tl © e ti\te of Geoige B Elder, late of said county, deceased: These aie therelore to cite and admoniah a'l and aiugular the kindred Jnnd credi tor* of said dec* ••! to be and uppeur at my office*, wifhie the time pr* cnbev! by law. anvl htiow cau**e, it any there be. why *uch letter* should not l*i granted to him. Given under iny official signature, this 28 h day ol April, 1881. RIO HARD ii LEONARD, max3 it Ordinary. ]V£. Peyser MANUFACTURER OF Fine Cigars, AXP US ALB* IN Cigarette, Chewing & Smok ing Tobacco, & Snuff. ; Brown Iloose Blcwk, Opposite Paeaenger IVpot octltf 181 Fourth Bt. Macon, Ga- DOW LAW Cotton Planter. DISTRIBUTES - - ALSO— All Kinds of Seeds and Fer tilizers. For Sale by WM. UF.ACII A CO. inarlx Columbus, Ga. jedel’s Sloe Store. 86 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Always has in Stock a full and well assorted line of Ladies’ and Gents’ Boots and Shoes. of the best and nobbiest ntyles, and made to order of the best materials that royome can buy. Ladies' Button and Basket Shoes, AND BOOTS A SPECIALTY. Call and see them. THE best brogan and farm boot in the market for the least money. All goods nev aid d*-Hirable. The people of Talbot and adjoining counties especially invited to all and examine my irtocks. mar 30 ji I. W. If. UEDKLI.. j cdothTng ! FUF.SII ARRIVALS AT H. J. THORNTON S, TUU FASHIONABLE CLOTIIIIiR .V >, I > IIATTER. For Men's, Boys’, Youths’, ami Children's Wear. M ill call especial attention to my YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. Which cannot be excelled in Style. Price* and Quality, Gents’ Underwear, Neckwear, Gloves, A Large and Varied Assortment of nil the Latest Novelties and Denigna. o TAILORING DEPARTMENT. j H J THORNTON'S 83 and 8.% Broad Street, Oolmnbus, On., i* the placv to have | your Spring Suit*** to measure Th**n* yon find hs rompletc an hh? ortment *f | Imperial and !> inetic 11 nolens oh can be found in any first clomm Tailoring Eatnbliah* Incut. His Tailor* are all fii st cliH*. Good workmanship ;tr and a perfect fit is guar anteed. npr.' bl “DON'T YOU FORGET IT !'^' I OFFER UNUSAL INDUCEMENTS -IN Groceries and Provisions TO CASH BUYERS. O CORN. FLOUR, HAY. OATS, BRAN. NEW CROP GERMAN MILLET SEED I haven fjw Old Rili ble CHESAPEAKE GUANO J. H. HAMILTOTV, The 1 p-'Town (irooer, jm 0 )!—mnr-22 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HEADQUARTER EOR First-Class CLOTHING, C E THOMAS, is tbc orly clothier in Columbus, allowed to sell the celebrated W. &. G. Yacht Cloth Suits. They are every wnv superior to the ordinary flanne’s. which are barely imitations, are durable, hold their ©'dor and are most in wear, and beautiful in fit. THOMAS most respectfully solicits before buying elsewhere,an examination of h*s Fine and Extensive stock of New Spring Clothing, In make superb, in fit unexcelled, in excellence ©f materials unsurpassed. Funiisliiii? Goods and Hat Department, Has all the latest novelties and standard goods, including the celebrated Keep Magnum Bonum !**lii’t *, and Sioljsoii lIATS. rS- Special orT*rs ma'o to measure at short notice, nm! onlv in first class (style. WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY- Pon t forget that r .ooias has bought his v.o nls cheap and is going to si.ll every orwtoiuer that comes in the Hons. - l\ie *s will suit. Don't forget it, I keep no shoddy goods. aprlD b i G. E, THOMAS, Columbus. Ga, SPRING 1881. SPRING 1881. 1 1. DHL & a, Talbotton, Ga. Arc now receiving and have in store choice lines of jtyq DRESS GOODS PLAIN AND LACE BUNTING in all colors- CASHMERES IN BEIGE COLORS, I’LAIDS IN GKEAT VABIETY, SUMMER FOPLINS, FIOUKED and PLAIN SPRING SUITINGS, NEW DESIGNS In Bpriup flints of groat bcautv and cud lews variety ETJEI-. XjUNTES Table Linccs, Najikin*, Towela, Linen Handkerchiefs, all qualities. THE above stock, all fresh from the Northern and Eastern jur.rkets, includes com p'ete lines of MEN,S, LADIE’S AND MISSES’ SHOES Full lines of Gent k s and Boys Clothing und underwear, plantation goods in gnat variety, Ac. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE to the trading public that aft'r a long experience n tho mercantile business we have I Kith lai ued what and how to buy, and after war* • to please eur customers. We furthermore asanre ALL WHO WANT BARGAINS That thoy c>n get what they want wrth the ready money as cheaply of ns as any where. MV ask all to examine our st< ck lx*f<>rr making purchases, as we are prepar ed to offer superior inducements in ull depart Hints ot our busimsa. And last, but wot least, WE WII.L NOT 151-: 1 NDEUSOLII. pr!9 B w. A. DANIEL & SON. A PERFECT STREWGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. ■■■■■■■■■■■■MnwMaHnrauaßMnMwail *a— —wmww—r' ■’ tmn m IKON IIH'TEUS are liigiily rccummcndal for ail ilista*n nsiuiring I n certain anrt cflicicnt lonic; ~[>•■ Sally liulirpittiou, Di'tjXjßvi, Intermittent Fever*, Il'inl of Appetilc,Lo**<>f Slrenylh,ljuctoj Energy,elc. Enriches the Mood, Rtrenffthcna the muselessndgives new lift uOlhe nerves. They aet like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all ilyrjrrpiie r,/mji/omx,such lasting the Foret, ItrUlnnjJLolintU Stomach,Hearth"..-,',rte. The only Iron Preparation tlir.t will not blarkou tlio tootli or pivo lioiwlaolic. Sold l ,v all druggists. Write for the AI! C Look tr>2 j'p. of useful and ainusin-T rcad ing)—sent free. UKOWN CUICMK'AI. CO., Baltimore, Mil. B**> that all Iron Bitter* inide Hr Bnow* f*nrMir\i. C<"* b.-. v._-rrosaod rt-d lini-t tm wrajyjw. mm AUK Ol* I The Hush ut Kieven's, Dress Goods Counter is I M MENSE! Owing to the fact that for Variety and Cheapness bis Stock is far ahead of bis usual purchases. Here you fun! ALL WOOL TWILLED BUNTINGS at 25c. ALL WOOL ARMURS, 48 in. wide at $1 00- KvprfOnp In Search of a Spring Suit Should Sco these (hoods. THE USUAL ANI) SOME UNUSUALLY GOOD BARGAINS IN HOSIERY Kami kerchiefs, Trim miners ami White Goods. NICE FIGURED LAWNS ONLY sc. Full Stock of CHINA MATTINGS at Low Prices. Save Money by Pricing nty Goods before buying. .J. ALIIEHT KIRVEN. oct 5 b i,—nprl2 COLUMBUS, GA A WITTICH. C M KINSEU WITTICH & KLNSEL, and Jewelers, Cor. Broad & Randolph St„ Columbus, Georgia, Drillers iti WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Diamonds, Rings, Spectacles, Silver Ware, Silver- Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, &c. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry REPAIRED to give satisfaction, and war. ranted. Engraving done to order. Hu r Jewelries made to order. Diamonds reset to suit the present style. aprAbl HEW SPRING CLOTHING! WE RAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR FIRST IN STALLMENT OF- Gents’, Youths’ and Boys Spring Clothing, And if you wish something n ee. no!die and beautiful, eall and see them. ® have received a large lino ot SI’ILING AND SUMMER SAMPLES, and can get tp Suits to order of any kind, at exceeding low priees. and guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction. We are dso Agents fer WARDS CELEBRATED SHIRTS and take measures tot the same- Onr bPRING HATS are on tie way, and we respectfully invite an inspection of our G'Mxls. J. C. HARRIS & SON, oct 26 b I—ap!s G 2 BROAD bTitEhT, COLUMLL?y GA