The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, May 10, 1881, Image 2

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30,000 DOLLARS Worth of Goods to be Slaughtered I Until further Notice wo will sell the following Good* at the price* name.l: Figured and Lace Lawns. SJ 1100 Yard* Wool Bunting*, Good Black* and Colors, 20c | Listen to This ! COME AND SEE THE GOODS. *OO Deantifal 12 4 ***** f *2 so. 10< pair* F.itr.i NnUmgliuui Ltd Luitun*, •>) y r " worth *1 50. Summer Underwear For men. A LITTLE JOB PICKED UP -1000 Ilea** Oa*c ulj Me a pi'--*#—*>ld with a reokW dUragwd of A Job Lot of 1000 Pairs British Half-Hose, 25c. 100 Dozen Pairs Three-Button Kid Gloves. In Color* Only, to be Sacrificed. Price only l cent, per pn>r. Joo ‘iTtKMg'it Ibiro cheap ' p,r told at thi. price lor norther *'“ tllH “ ,K> fc ' _ Bargains for Everybody* WOO Varda inched C-.tU.n w.ft fln.ah !.-*£• & *) •• Check'd " "’V ;', J m , yard* Curtain 10. IrtD *• VWrtin U.wa MW Wt*m> ' / |)r „„ Hl lk. 50 V(KO a* 4 Rest He* Island Lofton a com* ' t . 4jr L 5000 Yard* Dr^Oo^-t WMdjVn^ > OTII 0 TII . THBr.NtDKIIK m y 3 2m ft*:* Hrnl Hire**, Oolmiulmim, i. John McCough <& Cos., Broad Street. Columbus, Ga. Come to the Front with Bargain* for all Dry Goods for the Spring and Summer Trade. Complete eUwka. a little lower than the low-hwUh moal decided bargains. |nate; bea*tttl apeoUltiea. In . Gents Fnrnishing Goods ! . • - artL.l* nAAileil including the celebrated Virsrinift “I^JSSS* , iSS.~ BE*" ■”■ COJ. “THE HEW CROCKERY Slit! LINDSAY & SANDERS, Broad St., Webster Building, CX)LUMBt H. GA. We are now prepare !to off.r anew end well "elected .took of Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Tin, Wood and Willow Ware, loi Cream Fieezer*. variety of styles- Water Coolers, Fluting Machines TIN TOILET SETTS, handsome waortment. Silver-Plated Ware, guaranteed of the beet make. Keroaono Laropa,Chandelier*, eto. Prict-a to *uit the most exacting. Orders by mail receive prompt end careful attemiou. ~li>y' i 8m O j, PEACOCK, CLOTHING MANUFACTURER. 64 Broad St, - ■ Columbus, Ga. Keepan .j U-ndi I liue of RtMCK <;001* Ton can bar* anr kind of ".lit made In ro to YOUR OWN T\S!F„ nmt... ( |lf tet .tvle ait. Giv hm. atrial. . ~ ~ - apr6 a (i. I PEAItW'h- GORDONS Nexv York Store. Columbus, Ga. O HAYING DECIDED TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves. Srt-vn ddiug our Spring tux! Suromrr stock. WO offer 1,000 Cpnwts in rndlriw vorioty. o*tbi**tng I1 the tylw t obont et . I.l* Poito of l.Bio-nd Mivoo.- IMnto nd Fmey H-wiovv. on nocoont ol m te* and •t wight imj‘erfeeticD*. will te c'oecd ont at half ynce. Tali© IVotio© OF TIIK GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE rt .T popotar bmndv and low prie. KID GLOVES. Tb.y mart b* w>ld nt onvo On and aftav this date we wiU onlr hny - The Ham. Seamlae. • aud -The Garden" Kid Glove, which w.ll be ael.l at tbe regular price and under a guaran- THE NEW YORK STORE. M. O. GORDON. ‘aenis- ma 629 82 &84 Broad St... Columbus. Oa. 1 THE REGISTER AM) STANDARD. TAMIOTTON. TAI.ROT COUNTY, GEORGIA, MAY 10. 1881. REGISTER AND STAMM. ijL dp h uoRMAS, >.ori'-a. i r. GORMAN, Ooßtiwri-owDiKoEorr a. r Ti*ll>ott<n. (Aft.. TUESDAY, MAT lft. ‘.OBI Official Organ of Talbot County. IX WAUMHGIO*. Uorlmra and ftiddlebertrer have much ly non r-d on the Republican*. Mr Gar held now think* it would be lieat to di vide the patronage of Virginia, giving the Republican* their part ol the plnn dsf. It now transpires tliat the real cause of the deadlock in the Heuate wn the light between Conkling and the admin nitration ovtr the normtuition of Judge Robertson, cf New York. lu the nomination of Judge Robert son, Blame is lading a tr tin of dyna mite to explode into fragment* the radi cal party it New York. Henntor Joe Brown, of Georgia, i* the brusnieHt uinn in thoj&enate. He ha* a wonderlul faculty of knowing all about everything exactly at the right time, and of knowing exactly how to *ay it. Our Joseph i a largo size tbron in Repub lican flesh. They find to their supreme discomfiture that he is always loaded with fact* which he dispenses in such a manner as io inspire both their resj ect and tear. It is rumored there are to be some sur prising changes in Federal offices in Georgia. J H Blgby is to succeed An drew i 'lark us collector, and James At kins will succeed lligby as district attor ney, ( lark's friends do not think this programme has been settled, but the general opinion among Georgians in Wash ington is that these changes will bo made. It is thought tlmt Atkins wauts the district attorney* place temporarily, and that when Judge Erskinu retires two years hence that Garfield will put him in the lifetime berth ot district judge. Among the republicans there is a vir tual admission that Jtho Gorham-Kiddle berger ticket is dead, and that their par ty has lost by the luliJo fight in the somite which was closed last week. The senate will probably adjourn on the first of June. Pl.OlllDA. The rush of visitors and settlers to this Htnte the pant season has been ex traordiusry. Never before m its history has there been anything lure it. Such rap id development us is now going on there is something new in the South and au gurs well for her future. Georgia is pro gressive, but is far behind her sister .State in some respects. Immigiation, about which we seemingly care so little, here, is the grand feature there. In ad dition to a wise system oi legislation, instituted years ago for the purpose of encouraging immigration, and which he K done wonders in that direction, there is a spirit among the people that we cannot too highly commend. All work for Flor i la.|f a t the immigrant come from wher* he may, be is given a welcome that makes him tool at home. Prominent among those who are con tributing so much to the prosperity of the State, we note with pleasure two gen tlemen, well kiuwn to most of our peo ple, one of them a former citizen of our county. M.'j R M Murks, formerly ot Meriwether county, is providing more people with good homes than perhaps any one man in the stale. We doubt if a man cenld be found who knows as much of Florida ns Mnj Marks. Ho has un able assistant In an old time friend, 00l J W Bonner, well known in this sec tion. Any of our people who think of i visiting the land of Flowers for plonsnro jor profit would do well to correspond with these gentlemen. Their address is, Willoox, Grange Go , Flu. KrLF.rTio Maoazink --Tlia May number ; of the Eclectic maintains the high ch-iv j acter ot the magazine for variety aud in i terest ot content*. Aumug other striking j paper* it contain* a lecture by Mr Ed. j war I A Freein tu on ‘The Stmly of Ui tory; Mr SwLburne's noted c*say on ‘Tennysou and';* Mr. Froudo** sketch of ‘John Henry Newman;* an i -tiole by ProlesMor Stanley t/evon* on ‘The Ualinnale of Free Public Libra ri aud another from the Spectator uu ‘Carlyle** Reminisceuces.* The remaining papeis] are also very readable, comprising the ! concluding part ot Mr Hayward's criti que on 'Lord Campbell** Memoirs; 4 •Another World Down Here;* *A Son of the New Time;* ‘On Some of Shakes j peare** Female Charactein No. 111., I)t*s- J demon,!,* bif Helen Fa licit Martiu; *On the Moral Character of Alan.* being Part VI. ot ‘The Unity of Nature,* by the | Duke ot Argyll—ft ur c‘.mpt< rs of Mias Fothorgill** iuD r**sting novel, ‘Kith and | Kin; some ‘Natural History Notes* Lit" i eiary Notices; Foreign Literary Notes I Science and Ait, and Miscellany. Pub | lislud by E U iVlton. 25 Bond Street, New York Terms, $. per year. Trial ; subscription lor three mouth*. SI.OO. j From all part* of Georgia the news is cheering as to crops. The weather is , pleasant, and the farmers arc working with energy and industry. Marietta has a calf with eight legs, a well formed neck and no head. Turee ears protruded from the lower side of the ] net k. near its shoulder*. It liad u uu* tier lip like that ot a dog. Two caudal appendages were in the usual place. j The United States Senate ho* dissol ! ved its deadlock, and on motion of j Dawes, went into the consideration ot executive business. Cipt E C Pendy ha* been elected jus Uce tbe peace tor the Hamilton dis trict, Hnma ©ouoty, to fill the vacancy caiued by me Aiueth of J T Williams, —— "Women Never Think. “ If tho crebbed old bachelor who ntter ‘ I'd this soutiment could but witness the intense thought, deep study’ and through investigation ot women in determining the l**st inedieiiies to keep their fami lies well, nnd would note their sagacity ami wisttoni m selecting Hop Bitter* as th* best, aud demonstrating it by ing their families in perpetual health, *. a aiere nominal expenae, he would be j foroel to acknowledge that snob senti ment* are baseless and false.—Pica : vune. J * >ti a An Old Lady write* u*; “I am S5 years old aud was fceMs and nervous all the time, when 7 lx>ught a bottle of Par k#r*s Giuger Toftic. I have used a lit j tic more than on* bottle And feel as well as at Jkb and am sure that hundreds need m>t s’i h j medicine* 4 See advertise went may3 Ira TALBOT SHERIFF SALES Will Be dd brton# ih* Omit Hnu-e door Id IG* lovrit <rt TnlbMioti. Tulbot vnMkS, Ooofgin, srMtin tlie l'K*l Ik um ■>! *J*. cm th l* Tnewlny in Jnne, [be !ol lowitig pro|rty to wit: One bandrrd sere* of land more nr lew. the name beiut: one hundred acres of the lot on which the residence ot Ja(. H Bryan i situated, levi.J on as ttm property of J*s H Bryan,to mtUfy a tnx tltn. laHued by J F Purkcr, T. U. fur state and county lams for tbe year 18d0, and notice fpven. lety made and retorned te me y B L Hough, L C. At same tfme and place will he so'd twenty ficres of land more or lesa, ia the 902 district of Talbot county, known a, the dower of Malinda Smith, being tbe place on which Ham Hough now lives, and ia bended on tbe eaat by the lands of Bobt Brooks, on the west bjr T L Patriok, on the south by the Dnda of Jno McCoy. Levied on na tbe property of Mnll'idn Smith to satiafy a tax tl fa is sued by J K Parker, T 0 for State and conntj tax for th • year ItWO, and notiee given. Levy made end returned to me by K L Hongu, L C. At the same time and place will be wild a certain (liar aud gristmill, tn the 081 district of Talbot county, known as the Mabone Mil 1 , levied on as the prop ctly of M B Mabone & Cos. to aitialy a tax fl fa itaued by J F Parker, T C. for Btato and county taxes for the year 1880, and notice given. At the aatne time and p see. One hun dred acies of land more leas, lying In the ObStli dtstr et (i M. near the Oak Moun tains, bounded on the West and North by •'licupill Carlile, B*., on the South by .7.1 Crawford's old place. Levied on as the Property of Elias Silas. J J Crawlord. Il gcnt, to Hitiafy a tax ti t,i issued by J 1' Parker. X C fot Shite and county, for the year 188(1. Levy made and returned to me by 1) F Walker. JAMES A FOSTER. Sheriff T.dtotton, May .’i, 1881. OMOKUIA I' County. Ordinary-* Office, May 3, 1881. Notice is hereby given that a petition haa been filed io my offl.-e, a* provid'd in Paragraph 1155 of the Revised tjoda ot Georgia, tor an election on the question ol “hence, or no Fence.“ Witness my hand officially. RICHARD 11. LEONARD. mn,3 3t Ordinary, Letters of Dismission* GEORGIA —Taloot ( lorntt : Wlkmvuh, William M Isom, Adminiatra-i tor of Nathan H iHorn, (Ifwaintd, repre- HfiitH to the Court in bin pftiilou, duly filed nrul eotorel on record, ‘hat he baa fully administered the rotate of said dr erased. This is therefore to cite all per mods concerned, kindred and creditors, t* I ahow canne, if any tiny chd, nljv said j Administrator should not b discliarged j fro'n his adminiHimtion. and receive lot ter* ol dismiHHion, on the firat Monday in August iif'xt. Given under ray offirial wgnaturo this the 3d day o Mav. JBsl. RICHARD H. LEONARD, may 3 3oi Ordinary, Notice to Debtors and Credi tors- GEORGIA Tai.b<*t County: All perMopH lmviug demands against the estate of Ingram, lute of mid coun ty, deceased, 111*0 required to prenunt them within the time pre*e.ribed by law, and nil per Mona owing miid Entato are reqttiMted to umko immediato payment to the qu denlgnetl. JAMFdS McNEEL Hprfifiw. Admiuiatrutor. Letters of Administration- GEORGIA Tali) t County; Thonuu* L Pstriek toftken eppHeuthm to me lor letters ol AdmintetrstioQ on tit e late of Geoige li Elder, late of snid ixtunty, dcotaard: TbM are therefore to cite and admonUh a'! and singular the kindred }uinl credi tor* of fkiid deceased to tw and *ppe*tr at my office, withi* the time pr ordiod b> law, and show if any there he. why MU'li letters übouhl not bu granted to him. Oivuti under mv official signature, this 28ib day of April, 1881. RICHARD 11 LEONARD, may3 4t Ordinary M. Peyser manufacturer of Fine Cigars, —AND DKM<F.!t IN - Cigaretts, Chewing & Smok ing Tobacco, & Snuff. Brown House block, Opposite P**eDgcr Depot octlUtf t 8 Fourth St. Maeon, (ill I>o WI.AW Cotton Planter, DISTItIBUTES ALSO— All Kinds of Seeds and Fer tilisers. For Sale by W.M. BEACH Jt CO. maria Columbus, Ga. GoHinsworth Institute. —FOB— Boys and Youiiar Men! Re-openod aud re-organized will re- Hiime exercises at the Old OainpiiH, Jan. IBih, 1881. Bonnt, Tuition. V\ivnhing aud Incidentals sls per month, if cou traded f.r tbe Terra, and paid monthly in advance Tuition per month f'2. $3 aid #4. janll bl John T. McLauodlin. NEW GOOOS ! Gold fYatches, French Clocks Silver WaCUlus, Clocks, All G r ‘les. I.e Mark's Braztiliait Rock Chrystal Spectacles and Eye-Glasses I HAVE junt returned from New Yotk with a tvautiful stock of goods eui brwciug jUI the uovelties in mv line. 1 mrite my friends and the public general ly to call and insiwefc my good*. A life time experience in the business assure* me l ghii please them both in | price and qnalltv. T. S. SPEAR. 101 IFeat Side Broad St. dec 7 Cohunbaa, Ga. | j YOUR SWEETHEART W mid be more pleased to see you. i ptesentcil with a box of fine Gaudies lrom DromgH4e Brvs, Columbus, G*. ocl'Jly a ledelfs Shoe Store, 86 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Always has in Stock a fall and w ell assorted line of Ladies’ and Gents’ Boots and Shoes of the best and nobbiest styles, and made to order of the best material* that myoae cjd buy, Ladies' Button and Basket Shoes, AND BOOTS A SPECIALTY. Call and see them. THE btat brogan Mid farm tio*t in tbe market for the least money, All good" uav and rieatrable. The people of Talbot aDd adjoining counties especially invited to all and ex imtue my atocke. mar 30 k r. XV. R. BEDELL. CLOTHING! FRESH ARRIVALS AT H. J. THORNTON S, THR FASHION iBLE ( LOTUtKK -AIS I > II ATTER. For Men’s, Boys’, Youths’, ami Children's Wear. V) 111 call especial attention to my YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. Which eannot be excelled in Style, Prices and Qualify, Gents’ Underwear, Neckwear, G 1 es, A Largo and Varied Assortment of all the Latent Novelties and Designs. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. II J THORNTON'S 83 and 85 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.. is the place to have your Spring Suits made to measuic. There you find mk complete an assortment of Imperial and Ji'-metic H’ooleu* os can Ik* found in any first ciass Tailoring Establish* rrent. His Tailors are ail that cluss. Gckkl work mans tup aid a perfect fit is guar anteed. npr’i bl HEADQUARTER FOR First'Class CLOTHING, C E THUS, is the only clothier in Columbus, allowed to sell the celebrated W. & G. Yacht Cloth Suits. They ore every way Miporior to the ordinary flannel*, which are barely imitation*, era durable, hold their cdor and ere most in wea*-, ami beautiful in fit. THOMAS moat respectfully solicits before buying elsewhere,an examination of h s Fine and Extensive stock of New Spring Clothing, In make superb, in fit in excellence of materials unsurpassed. Furnisliinsr Goods and Hat Department, Has all the latest novelties and standard goods, incltidiug the celebrated 1 >la<rmim 1 sOlllllll Hliii-t uml Htelson HATS. rff- Special order* made to measure at short no*ice, and only in first class WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY- Don't forget that Thomas has Ixnig'it his goods cheap aud is going to sell every customer that comes in the Hons* Uric s will suit- Don't forget it. I keep no shoddy goods, aprl'.t 11 1. G. E. THOMAS. Columbus, Ga. SPRING 1881. SPRING 1881. 1 1. DANIEL l SOI Talbotton, Ga. Are now iccviving aud ha>t> in s ore choice iiucs of duess goods PLAIN AND LACE BUNTING in all colors- CASHMERES IN BEIGE COLORS. I'LAIOS IN GREAT VARIETY. SUMMER PorUNS, FIGURED and PLAIN SPRING SUITINGS, NEW DESIGNS In spring prints of groat beauty and endless variety' FULL LINES Talde Linens. Napkins, Towels. Linen Handkerchiefs, all qualities. THE above stock, ail fresh from the Northern and Eastern markets, includes com plete line, of ' MEN,3, LADIE'S AND MISSES' SHOES Thill lines of Gent's aud Bvj Clothing und underwear, plantation good* in great variety, Ac. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE to the trading public that after a long experience in the mercantile bnsincss we have both learned hat and how to boy, and afterwards to please eur customers. AVe furthermore assure ALL WHU WANT BARGAINS That they can gel what thev -rant with le ready money as cheaply of ns as any where. H’e ask J 1 to examine our st*>ck beore making purchases, as we are prepar ed to ofiLr superior indue.uacots in all departm nts ot our business. And last, bat mot least. WE WILL >O r r HE UNDERSOLD, nprio U W A. DANIEL & SON. The Rush at Kirven’s, Dress Goods Counter is IMMENSE! OwiDg to the fact that for Variety and Cheapness his Stock is far ahead of his usual purchases. Here you find ALL WOOL TWILLED BUNTINGS at 25e. ALL WOOL ARMURS, 48 in. wide at $1 00- Everr On In Search of a Spring Suit Should See these Goods. THE USUAL AND SOME UNUSUALLY GOOD BARGAINS IN HOSIERY Handkerchiefs, Trimmings and White Goods. NICE FIGURED LAWNS ONLY sc. Full Stock of CHINA MATTINGS at Low Prices. Save Money by Pricing my Goods before buying, J. AI.BERT KIBX EN. oct 5 R f—aprl2 COLUMBUS. GA- A. WITTICIL c M KINSEL. WITTICH k KIXSEL, ( and Jewelers, Cor. Broad k Randolph St„ Columbus, Georgia. -Dealers In WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRV, i Diamonds, Rings, Spectacles, Silver Ware. Silver- Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, &c. Watches, Clooks and Jewelry REPAIRED to give satisfaction, and war ranted . Engraving done to order. Hu r Jewelrie-t made to order. Diamonds :*>el lo Kutt the present s'i }r nprob^ NEW SPRING CLOTHING! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR FIRST INSTALLMENT OB 1 - Gents’, Youths' and Boys Spring Clothing, And if you wish aomethto? nice, nobby Mui beautiful, call and see them. W# have received a laigo line ot SPUING AND bl MMLK SAMPLED, aud can get i.p Suit* to order of any kind, at exceeding low price*, and gnaiantee a perfect fit aud aati We are *lo At?**nts fer WARD'S CELEBRATED SPtfRTS and take meramres for the won*. Our bPRING HATS are on tbe way, and we respectfully invite an inspection of our Good*. J. C. HARRIS & SON. oct 26 b l-pls 62 BBOAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA ED. T.J.ONO. ROBT. P. FARLEY CALL and EXAMINE LONG & FARLEY’S. NEW STOCK OF Fancy and Family Groceries. Plantation Supplies, Tobacco, Cigars, &c. WE are opening anew and complete stock of Groceric* and will continue to a full assortment of the t>e*t Good* in oar line that onn he pnrehaacd. WINES AND LIQUORS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Our Will be the Lowest, We think our friend* will find it to their interest to k v< > us a call before purchasing. Swift’s New Building, Upper Broad St., Columbus, Ga. •ctAbl TALBOTTON Club Rooms. Jacobs I Huff, PROPRIETORS. Imported and Domestic Wines. Brandies, Cham paigns. Whiskiesand Cigars. FINE WHISKEYS A SPECIALTY! Handsome POOL and BIL LIARD TABLES. X&- BARKER SHOP in ,enr of Bar. THORNTON HOUSE BASEMENT, jan ll b l. STOP At the Old Shoe Store. See Our French Button Kid Boot ’ A THING or BEAUTY. Book nt th full line of Ziegler's fine work for ladies, Miss -s sod children. Observe the system ol widths an 1 meas urements. Five grades to each si*.-, en abling us to fit almost every shape of foot. Notice our Button Fastening Machine I in constant operation, and our arrange ( ments for snpplying heel plate*, stiff, n ners, extra taaseis, gilt buttons, Ac. See also our line of Newport-,, San ta’s and Slippers, all the established favor.tos and desirable novelties. Don't overlook onr i common aenae line, broad a 'led, easy wearing shoe. 3o!jd and stylish goods for school children, and the celebrited bolar-tip shoes for the litUe folks. Ex. amine our assortment for men's wear, Pumps, Low Ties. Button and Laced Ox fords. and a full line ot Heavier Goods Ask for any style shoe you may want, or anytbiug you may need m the wav of I Leather and Findings, and don't buy nnle-s von art* suited. WELLS&CURTIS, ma>3 .4 o: a COLViliiUo, GA. ir t' n nr cfbu-uu **.w'i 1„ Ruin of L t- HT pnH bytheniramof tors toUintr mid your duties avoid night work. t> r,-*- gtimulantn and u■ o ■ tors brain nerve n<i Hon Bitters. B <-ae, <*• Hop B. If you are young and ■Buffering from any in dlaoretion or di**upaßtion ; if you aro mar ried or single, old orßyoung, suffering from poor health or UoffuiabKintf on a bed of sick net*, rely on H O p(Bitters. Whoever yo u are fipjk Thousand* die an wbenerer yon feel ]w a nunliy fr o m eotne i that yonr *y*tfrn of Kidney neeie rleanaing, tv>n-^KS , di*a.w' that might injc ct stimulating <1 bav** been prevented without in fox, Uimj, a timely us.- >f ‘.*.v.r.? p Ak Have you <t **- /W pepsfa, kirt-nrygZJe* n. Q. EBSTZStiV of the •fomoMJH * ITHTI bowel*. M'hidH HI I K ble eu r e for hirrornmyjjß l AtU A drunken ess, You will af opium. fJStm zr;: ply weak andl! tir .. ro girta. Send for low spirited. tryjH NEVER Circular, it! It majfl;l . . . hop armtita FAIL saved hun-tl i BiAHw, s. y. and red S. vi| A Toronto, Opt. march 22 b 1 a| rltf4t Ears for the Million ! FOO CHCO'S BALSAM OF SHARK S OIL Positively Restores the Hearing, and Is tLe Only Absolute Cure lor Deaf ness Known. This Oil is extracted from a peculiar species of small Whit} Shark, caught in fbe Ye!low Rea, known as Girchurodon Bondeletii. Kvery Chinese fisherman krifcws if. Its ▼ rtues as a re toratovc 9 hearing were discovered by a Buddhist kriest ai>out the yetr 1410. Its cure* were so numerous and many so seemingly miraculous, that the remedy was offi cially pr *ciaimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so nniv* r si that for over dGu y6ar* no De uaa exist and -na 'ng the Chinese people. Sen*, charges pre paid, to any address at *1 per bottle. Onlv Imported t>y HAYLOCK & GO., Sold Agents lor America. 7 Dey St., New York. Its virtues are unquestionable and it* curative chara tv absolute, as |the wri ter can peraona ly testily, b th from ex* perienee and observation. Among ihe many readers of the He-* view in one part *nd anothar of the counvry. it is probable that numbers are a dieted with and afues*, and to such it may be said: ‘Write at once to Haylock & Go., 7 Dey Stre?t, New York, eod >s ing sl, and you will receive by retui n a leraedy that"will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose efects will be permantiit. Yon will never re - gret . ‘ Editor ot New York Mer cAQtik li;vicw, Sept. 25,