The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, May 24, 1881, Image 2

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Chalybsate Springs. JO} 57, ” "'ii™ “ k ' k?. >-r\r' ?*”■ - ,: ‘*' ~ . }},..“iu mrl. ..I mcr.-nlio.. ■# ■• 1 ’ c „mi<N•*<• plivionl MijoyniPiu, and to the invalid the ~M ‘.’ ”’^ s lATKS <>K 150AIU): IVr -lay, L 0; l™ k - * lo * ,fo ’ lW ° $18.00; threw *.U Mi** *‘*' r weekM&W& TIH>MI*M A: ( , 110> i 4 ’ mny2i*f ,> ' <>M i<M<>l^- Grain Cradles, Crain ( 'radles, AT THE IAAIVA&E STORE! Talbotton, C3r£x. also. L.uicFfTOfK of /Vote INotc Slocks, Scor’d Hoes , rtnrf EVEBYTIIIXO f’sUAELY KIU’T IM A I'lttH I <• t, \ * > Hardware Store, all of which Will I>C ro!<l at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for the CASH. AND DOST Yi >IT FoBOF.T IT. Call before purchasing and be Convinced. Kern constantly on hand a utoc.k ol the best CO OKI.VC STOVES. Manufactured in U ctymUy. Call and sen thenn H L. McLENDON, Talbotton. Ga. 30,000 I HOLLA US Worth of Goods to be Slaughtered I - - O Until further Notice wo will null the following Goods at the prices named: Figured and Lace Lawns. *r#H Yards Figured L iwi m. :ia litclir* wid*. huh© im Pacific, for 10 hoH licicto f..M* at I'* r. nIH. 1 KH> Yards Luce Striped lawiih only L*Jt% worth celU. 1 ICO Yards Wool Buntings, Good Blacks and Colors, 20c- Listen to This ! COME AND SEE THE GOODS. ‘2*H Ih-nutiful IM QiUk SLnO oachiHmh ucvr sold Wore for l. stlimi, s•>so. 100 |mi in Extra Nottingham Lt‘e OuitdttH, 3.J yartU long, > cents p* r pun*. v ortli $1 50.' Summer Underwear For Men. A LITTLE JOB PICKED UP <IOOO M•!>'(! Oa*c Eudcmhiiti *u!y 13e n|i eu s.u wiiti u Kelt-on* >'l<treganl ol thnr vuliia. A Job Lot of 1000 Pairs British Half-Hose, 25c. o - 100 Dozen Fairs Three-Button Kid (Doves. In Colors Only, to ho Sacrificed. hiMoHv .V) font* per |VI r. 200 h pirieLulieV Fisa* Hose t2\ cv uts per pur—(told uihto pr.tti Her ituotliui - fcnftu Iha ft that wv h.u*il *l. *ni* c leap Bargains for Everybody, 5000 Yard*'.l c.ill.n, s.'fl rtinsii, in.-- Unlutlri-.l Slnrta *f. Chi'et'tl Natns.ti'l.a only t- 1 'J’ l- 'I'll" ■'('i.ioii'Hilrt” * *>e fll r-l. 11l 0 “ \V , UK-wort i 12}. fttM Viv-’ ' ?0(> “ 5... isi.„i r.aion tt eeuu <\>i, r Dress Silk* SOe. b 5000 Yards lire-*-* (lood* at 10. 12 12,1 >, vs,- .*. .■" 1 - 111 ~VN’(’II YltO.V UOO I’ll Tine i.v: may.T 12m lt!lt Ilrtmtl S(rt*t‘K Columbus l . (n. | GORDONS INew York Store. Columbus, Ga. O H AVING DECIDED TO 15 EDUCE OUAt STOCK OF Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves. ißftfrtf* nd *ing nur Spring nml Summer St<K k, \% effer I,uoo Conete in endlcw varit-tr, • mhiaci.ig all the )ipnlar !♦►. at alnmt c^vst. k i. no Fnir of and i*Uiu jjml F*ncy H sierr. account of [sici mm! of k jht imj'crferUt.nft. will l e c o*cd out .it half f rice. Talte INTotice of r j'in-: GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE io f luanT popnUr bnnds nnd l* (iw KID Gif iTIS. Tbej tna.t h<—nM :it ..tire <hi and after Ihi* d'tr <■ will only htv • T • llarrii. Scaiuk-xa" and --The liurdon-' Kid Glove, winch w U U- aohl at the r.-gnhtr pritvs aud UMiltr a yttarau r THE NEW YORK STORE. M. c. GrOIIUOIM. U.IS- umr‘29 82 &84 Broad St.. Columbus. Ga. i THE REOISTER AM) STANDARD. TAI.BOTTON. TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA. MAY 24. 1881. BiBISTIB AND STANDARD. O. I). < (OILMAN, humn:. .1 K. GORMAN, (Viuhkmponmxi. Eoit n. r l’jill>ot I on. TEESO-tV MAY 21. :HL Official Organ of Talbot County. I 11 )'} ( OVlkiiiNli .Wit I**. Vl’i' * Vltl K. The lions. (J inkling and Flatt on last Tinh-I;*/’•iiotiftet! the r. S Senate that ili' ii resignations ns 8 natora li.ul been tendered to tl.e (Governor of New York, riiis is to be credited to a pplit uinong the st tlwurU; on ace Mint of the spoils, fi till Id wanta.'d to put in Judge Hobert* son as collec tor of the port of New York, w1dl“ Mr. Conklmg, nfletmg a supreme ly pious indignation at such meddling wPh the civil service.wanted to keep in (ien. ili r.itt. This is the whole matter in a nutshell. It is a light for political ascii Uney between Conkling an l the .Vdaiinistration in the State ol New York. It was ti e intention of the Sanalors in resigning to appeal to the people through their Legislature which is now in session for endorsement. It is questionable whether their vacances can be lill-.-d in ; the manner indicated and even should i their i' constitutional obstacle in the | way, it is not at all improbl* that less I r.mkermis partisans may bo returned in tlicir pliees. Asa bosiilul f.iren Corikling's appcri| t- tile people of his State on the ground )f civil service reform, is a supreme sue cess He m nothing it not ilicatric.d. , preferring a similar rule m Amoricuu pol itics to G.unhetta in French. Ho l icks ! both the nerve and the brain of (iambet ta, and wilt not find the people ol New York quite so emotional over an issue oJ 1 this character ns t’-.e Gallic republicans. Wo doubt not Colliding will get the en doisen.ent he so much craves, but tin - will nruount to nothing it is as cnqdy as his Himnlafed civil service le/orm arnl will heal no bre. ch in New York politics, nor seriously antagomzi the admirtistra tion. This is the first act in the drama of Coiikling's downfall, but be wishes it distinctly understood that he is the Samp son which can bring down th& house every time, especially when it is full ol Philistines. The fight is altogether gratifying to the Democrats, who have everything to gam and nothing to loose by the waning factions. Altogether the whole business from beginning to en.l, Mahone, Uuldloberger, Gorham and all thrown in tor good measure, is quite a disgusting performance,arid will be noted in political history as the only trade in which both parties got sold out. The Juries . The following Is a list of fh • errand and I ravel se juriH drawn for the September term of Talbot Superior Court. OiUNP jrilYt W J Haines, John R Jordan, II (! Green, .J di i H Morris, Win H Martin, J H Gilmore, V M Watt, Win U Neal, I) IT Diggs, J 'J' McLaughlin, I S Z Webster, M V Wilson, J II Wblbs, G 1) Adair, .1 I) Woodall, Sr. J L Dozier, I li Parker, llobl 8 Keu-lrick, Jno Me Harris, Tlios A Greer, Monroe l> x * ■, H l* Baldwin, Peter K Dennis, Sr. I’ N Deall, W S (Jol’ius, It B Will in ms. W |{ Llhston, J J Molhoil nop, W V H utli, J >1 Willw. TK.YVKIISK JUKI, Id WEEK. H nrv L'lftsun, J K Cunningli.un, Is me Butler, Alfred Peal, 1 (! Collier, K H Turut r. Thou L Patrick. Thus S Matthews, Micajah (Carlisle.Jr. 15 C K** ulnek, V 8 Frver, A J Perryman, Jhiucs K Boswell, James W ,/oui s, Daniel Castleberry, Sami Foster, liimm Bnrkcsdale, (diaries ./ Freeman Jno It liarksddc, Jasper Turner, Charles G * Adams, L P Woodall. It A Persons, John J Cook, P* C SmMn, G o Jmnu'Oi., Win Ctrl sbi, Jr. S II Cox. D II Smith Jno S Jones, SG Smith, JBonj Hall, Marion Heims J#sko W Hobbs, W J Wilson 1 It Pcrsoi;s ’IR.WMISK Jl'llY, 2nd. WI'.SK. Tims P foliUNon Ibnley O lloimes W T Healey Jno B Funderburk L A Baldwin Henry MoDimiel A M Iteviro Sum T Cottugham C M Smith 'J honns W Pi\ otor Areh K Huberts Geo Allen Leon ill II Adams Frank I Pyo Janus B Smith A C Duuh Daniel Jenkins S M GiJnur David II Wilson H T Woodall WA Dnuiul Jr. J aims Ingrdiam W T Allen B F Carlisle Gideon Tucker Loti V. Lncus I) T Cunningham ,lm: Um Simeon T Voile W ./ Carlisle Aimer Turner H C Tru-sell Arch Atlains It P l>ean Jno 8 Starcv, Jr Itobt Holm os Marriage Ceremony . ! “Mv Son and D.iuohteb:—This is one 1 of the most h rinu mutters you ever on torn! into hit is the order of (tod and jof hut followers. Now, m obedience to | the eotnraaad of our Lord and Saviour, hiuco hit has been recorded by St, Paul Mint every man should cleave to his own ' wife, nnd every woman should do the •nine to her husband—now, as such Irtini lv transaction contends greatly to the I happiness of families and individuals in particularity. Now, it thar be any oh ejection in de way why dis couple should i not be put togeder, let deni now speak, !or forever hold dey peace. (I perceives dar is no objectioni jinn de right hands. Now, Mr. do you take Miss you hold by your right hand to he your law ful and wedded wife in do presence ot God and all des witnesses. rl> answer i, “I do.“ Miss -do you the same— answer, **l do/*) 1 pronounce thee as man and wife. This that God has joined together let no man put asunder. Now. may the blessing* of Heaven attend the couple may they walk together blame less in love and be saved in His kindness, m the prayer of your dust—l dismiss you,' The above is the ceremony used by an intelligent colored divine in the northern j part of the county. Froai thr Unit. There is perhaps no tonic offered to the people that possesses as much real mstrinsic value at the Hop Bitters. Just at this season of the year, when the Ktomtch needs an nppetiaer, or the blood needs purifying, the cheapest and best remedy is Hop Bittets. An ounce of pre vention is worth a pound of cure don't wait until yon are prostrated by a dis ease that may take months lor you to re cover m. Boston Globe. An Old Lady writ 's ns: **l am 6T, years old and was feeble and nervous all the time, when l bought a bottle of l'ar kevs Ginger Tonic. I have used a lit t'c n ore than one bottle and feel as well as at 30. and am sure that hundreds need just such a ircdicin#.** See advertise-: meut. may 3 lrn * IS JONES & CO. COLUMBUS, CA. j Propose to l l tee on Bargain Counter , tlm most notable bargains of the season. Among them LACK BUNTINGS at 10c PER YARD. We have opened sun ; choice styles of Printed Muslins. i LONDON CORDS AT (I 1 4 CENT.". Ca’icos 4 1-2, o and Gc. I Coloied Luwim sc. Attractions in Lace uni Lawn Tin, , Cos l.trs, Cufla, etc. IIOSIKRY. Our claim to keeping tho 1 irgest and chonp at lot of Jioai ny is conceded by all. Come and ee our Embroidered Bul brig ana Ladies* Sizes ut 2.'c. Beautiful assortment Children's Hose wOc, 75c, -tl nd $1.50 per pair. Percales and Momies I We will open during C<e week desirable styles iu the above wu**h g*o is that are in groat demand at pus *nt. SI I We have just pine and lasge orders for a now Btook of Black Sdk*. and will sell the remaining short ends at sint >uudm4 reductions. J. S. JONES & CO. Columbus, G.i., mnrO b 1 my2i It P S KIM Bit O. U I! HUZZA. linlw dlliim Trunk Manufacturers SAMPLE TRUNKS AND Cases a Specialty. RETUIUNO I’II'i.MITTA ATTEKDEU Tt >. No. II N. I’ry.'K s- , \TE.INTA, GV may 17 2m TALBOT SHERIFF SALES Willie Hold before ilo ('unit Ji iw 1 dmu in the town ol Tulbuom. T.ilbol j minty, Georgia, wimin the 1 g* 1 hours m | !, m tin* lsi 'l'llesduy in June, (he lob > J lowing property to wit: One hundr and acres of land more or le*s, the same being one hundred acres ! !of the lot on whii !i the red dance ot Jis ! H Bryan is limited, levied on as the j property of Jus II lh\m,to satisfy a lax Ilia ihhu *1 by J F Parker, T. (’ f,r n'b'c ' and county Inxos lor the year 1880. end ! notice given. Levy made and returi eU t< mo l>y H Ii Hough, L C. At Mime time nml pin •• will l e so and twenty acres of hi mi mme or 1 s, in the 'JO2 district of Talbot eonnly, known ns the dower of Maiimlu Smith, be n ; th. place on which Sim Hough now lives, and is b< unde lon the cast by the lands! **f Itobt Brooks, on the west by T L Patrick, on tho Mouth by the 1 mis of' Jno McCoy. Levied on aa tin* pr 'perty of Mali* da Smith to satisfy a t.;\ tl f i i.s sued by -I F Parker. I' ( for Sta*e ad count.' taxi rlh • year iHxo. aud notie given. L* vy made and lviurnod to me by li L Hough, L C. At the same time nml pi tee will be sold a certain tl ur ami grist mill, in the OSI district of Tnßiot county \ known us the Mahone Mil*, levied ou .s. the proj - ttv of M H Mahoue A Cos. to s.fisly a | tax tl fa issued by .1 F Parker, T C . for 1 State and county taxes for the year 1880, ' ! and notice given. j At the same time nnd p'no* One hnn dr, and acies ot lan I m ue !■ ss. lying in the i *HUih distr ct GM. neor the (>j*k Mourn j hjins, hounded on the West a and North by M.cajah Garble, N-.,0n the South by J j Grnwford’s old place. Levied ou as the Propelty of Elias Silas J J ( rawlord 'gent, to sdisfy ft tax ti fa issued by I 1' PatUor. T (• for State end comity. for the year INXO. Levy mndo and roiurned to me by t) E Walker. J VMKS A FOSTER, sheriff. Talbot ton. May 3, 1881. Letters of Dismission- GEOIIGIA -Talbot Counti: Whereas, William M hom. Administra tor of Nathan H Isom, decerva*d. repre sents to the ('- irt fu his petition, duly tiled and OMtored on record, •hat he lias | hilly administered the estate of said de e. nsed. Thi* is therefore to cite all per sons concerue* 1, kindred and creditors, to show cause, il any tiny can, why said Administrator -dualld not lw discharged fam his administration. nn*l receive let ters ot dismission, on the first Monday in August next. Given under mv official signature this the 3d day ot M v. 18x1. RICHARD U. LEONARD, may 3 dm Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Credi tors- GEORGIA County: All peraous having demands against the esbto of Scney Ingram, late of said coun ty. deceased. are mjmred to present them within the time prescribed by law, and all persons owing said Estate are requested' to make immediate payment to the nu dersiguod. JAMES M* NEIL apis 6-v Administrator. Letters of Administration- GEORGIA- Talbot County: Thomas L Patrick makes application to me tor letters of Administration on the e tate ot Geotge 1* Elder, late of said county, deceased: I L. <e are therefore to cite and admonish a'l and singular the kindred Jnnd credi tor* of said dectased to U> and appear at mv office, within ibe time pre cr I>-M by la v. and show cause, if any there be. why Mich letters should net l*> grained to him. Given under my official signature, this h div of Aj>rif, 1881. RICUIRD 11 LEONARD, umv'* U Ordinary CLOTHING! ! FRESH AIIKITAES AT H. J. THORNTON'S, TUB FASHIONABLE CLOTIIIEIt I > IIArTUIf. f l For Men's, Boyg\ Youtlis% and Children's Wear. Will rail tsjjccial attention to my YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. Which eannet be exreUed in Style, Prices and Quality, Gents’ Underwear, Neckwear, GlvOes, A and Varicil Aanoi'twent of all tUe Eitest Novelties utul TAILORING DEPARTMENT. H J THORN TON'S 85 and 85 Broad Street, OdnmbiiM, Ga.. ja the place to hav your Spring Suita made to measuic. 'Phere you fi and a-, complete an aerortnicnt of fnipuial and D m. tic sPoole is im can be found in any first class Tailoring EstabliHh* 'rent. Hii Tailorii are all first el-.HH. Good workmauMhip aid a perfect fit is gTmr inteed. nprs bl HEADQVARTEB FOB S rs i^ , jEt-01o,JSSS • CLOTI IINGr, C E TIiS, ia tlio only clothier in Columbus, allowed to sell the celebrated W. &. G. Yacht Cloth Suits. I They nre every way uiptnor to the ordinary tianrm-H. which are barely imitation', •nii' durable, hold th- ire dm and arc itu"* in wta-, .and hc-utitnl in fit. THOMAS luoKt r- Huectfully HoliellKbt.loro buying el.scvhei'c,c.n exainiinbion o! li > I Fine and F.xtensive st ch ol Yew Spring Clothing, lu make nupeih. iu fit nii' xt ellcd, iu e.\c-ll nee o( uiatoria’s r;> ssc 1. Furnishiiur (iomls and Hat Bepaiiiiient, H:m all the lata at uovoitji a and standard ro,.ds, including the red- bra ted Svprp M ji"nuin Iloniim Shlrts,aiu! SO <-t son I I ATS. . - Sjna! or.R r-> niade In mi 'Wii Jit n-.'ii’t-, :\n<l onh iu first rl.. . 'style WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY- Doirt f-rt-vl tlmt Tlioin is Ims : iii- I'nii.t, ,iucl i. to s- U ev.-r. ■ti t'Mittii ttiflt iim in tii I lot;-. I\ in s v, ill r.n it. Don't, turret it. I keep no bU-mlilv swkli*, ;<l>il! R t. G. E. THOMAS. Columbus. Ga. SPRING 1881. SPRING 1881. t JL DANIEL I SOU Talbotton, Ga. Are now ue iving and have iu n J ore choice liars < f DIO.ES S GOODS PLAIN AND LACE BUNTING in nil colors- CASHMERES IN BEIGE COLORS. I'LMDS IN (tltl’.AT VARIK! Y, SFMMEII FOI’USS. FI-irUED t.n.l PLAIN SPltlNl, SFIITXUS, NEW DESIGNS In spring prints of graft! beauty and cudloaft v ricty Table Limns Nupkins. Towels, Linen Handkerchief;, all qualities. THE above stock, all fresh fiom the Northern and Eastern .u nr Lets, iucludcs cmn l> et*‘ lines of MEN,S, LADIE S AND MISSES' SHOES Full lines <>f Gent s ami B >\s nothing nd underwear, plrintntion goods in great van tv. W’E WLxH TO ANXOUNTF. to tin* trading public tbataft 'r a long experience in the motrautile business we have both Warned '*hat and how to buy, and afterword# to please ur cu't nuers. We fmiherui *r • assure ALL WHO WANT BARGAINS Tint they on g. t what th y " ant \vi!i the reuly money as cheaply of ns as any where. li t a>k all to ex* nine oar s!- ok before m iking i'urchoses, as we are prepar el to off-.r superior in.iue. uimit' in ail ucpa.rtm uts ot our busiucsh. And last, but u *t le .si. AVI-: XV ILK xo r he undeusold. np. 19 I _ W A. DANIEL & SON. WITTICH & KINSEL, and Jewelers. C.m. liioad A Uaiulul{ih St., C-.lumbus, Georgia, l >ft !er> iu - WATCHES. CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Diamonds, Rings. Spectucles, Silver Ware, Silver- Plotcd Ware. Fancy Articles. &c. V.'atcbes, Clocks ami Jewelry UK PAIRED to sire satisfaction, and wa r run led . Ungr .iving done to order. Ha i Jewelries made to order. D.uiuouds to suit the roscut s‘dc. rprsbl Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, Wholesale and Retail Driurgists, and I’ltopunrroiis ol BREWERS LUNG RESTORER. Macon, G-£i. | nanylT lm fHE Si CROCKERY STORE! LINDSAY & SANDERS, Broad St., Webster Ruilding', t oia M I 55 s, OA.. Wc are now prepare I t> ofF r anew and well selected stock of Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Tin, Wood and Willow Ware, Icn Cream Fieezers, variety of styles- Water Coolers. Fluting Machines • TIN TOILET SETTS, handsome assortment. Silver-Plated Ware, guarai teed of the best make. Kerosene Lamps,Chandelier* etc. Prices t > suit the niOct exacting. Orders by mail receive prompt .-nil careful aUeniion. mavd 8m C3r- 3T.~ PEACOCK, CLOTHING MANUFACTURER, 04: ."Bread St,, - - Columbus, Ga, 0 K pi -'.le .'ii.l III.e of I’lECi: KOOIIX You v-.iii h;iv.' anv kind of suit made it. re to YOTJK OWN TASTE, mu! in the h to t % !(! Hive lil-u al, apib a (i .} JSv AC7< X Iv. HEW C CLOTHING! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR FIRST INSTALLMENT OF- Gents', Youtiis* and Boys Spring Clothing, \ndifyou wish om;tl*ing nicp. uobhv nml bcautifn!, call an l hoc tin m. \V® * iaVv; i' (fi' i : ‘a'i.-; line ot SPKiNG AND SI M.MLIi S VAii’LF'S. and can get ip In 0j.1.-v of .ny kill-1, ut fXt e ding iovv pricv>. ami guui.u.t*-- a p* r>Gt fit aid H-iti -faction. • are also Agents frr WARD 8 CKLF.BRA i’F.l) SHIRTS and take ineiiHtirpsi f- r i In* muNt - O n I‘liiNG lIA IS are on tLe wa)', and we its, eelfully invite rm r f J. C. HARRIS & SON, ex t 2ti h 1 ni>!.-, r. 2 mtOAD STmF.KT. COLUMIiFS, (!.\ John McGough c& Cos., Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Conic to the Front v/ith Bargains for all Dry Goods for the Spring and Summer Trade. Complete stocks, prices a little lower than (Lie lowest, with most DECIDED BARGAINS. in many lx until nl speci.ddefi. Tu Gents Fnrnlshing Goods ! An.l a lug- :*ortn>cnt of every article re- V,l. in. ltulmc tlicelebrate* VinHni# c.v simert for a.wiug a::.’, summer w- .ir. M'liE SALE I’KICKS. CALL ON IS. inayH a TALBOTTON Chib Rooms. Jacobs <5 Huff, PROPRIETORS. Imported and Domestic Wines, Brandies, Cham paigns, Wliiskiesand Cigars. FINE WHISKEYS A SPECIALTY! Handsome POOL and BIL LIARD TABLES. ‘ BARBER SHOP in lenr of Bar. THORNTON HOUSE BASEMENT. jan 11 it i. RANKIN HOUSE, JOHN SCHERF, Proprietor FRANK GOLDEN, Clerk. Entirely New tn all its APARTMENTS, and strictly FIRST-CLASS. janttf COLUMBUS,GA. '..1 I \ Ginper, Pnrhn. Xudrakc, Stlllinci* and .many - h--t med ciocs known arccom * ir.ed so SK-.iiiuliy in Paekes’s Ginger Tonic as *to make it the qr-atest Blood Parifier and the Health and Strength Restorer ever used, j I: cur--. Dyspepsia. Rhearratism. Neuralgia,/ > Sleeplessness, i all diseases of the Stomach,! f Bowels. Lungs. Liver. Kidneys, Urinary Organs * and all Female Complaints. * If youire away with Consumption >ar.y di>ea<e.usc the I'omc to-day. Nomatiertrhat 1- .r s\ rr.piams may be. it will s :rciy help you. t Ren-.- rr.'.cr ! T his Tonic cures drunkenness, ri.s t?\e Be~! rawily Medicine ev-.r d.-ufr. entire’” L .;r;:rc-. trem Litters, Ginger Preparations and ether Tories, .-.nd combine* the best curative prop erties of all. 1- :v a 50c. \ ;t:!e of yc-ur dragjjist. ”N--ae genuine oar signature or. exit side .'r:.c. ih v A C-n, C .:er.’-u. N- vr York PARKIP.’S HAIR BALSAM SsL'S-iJSI? fvbStf j STOP At the Old Shoe Store. See Qur French Button Kid Boot ! A THING OF BEAU rY. liook at the full line of firro work f<r Lad ten, .Miss • aud cbihlr n. |Ol serve th svst mof widtha anl meas urements. Fivs grades to each siz-x en pbliug u.s to fit almost every sh q*e of 'fo t. Notice our I'.ntt n Fastening Machine 1 iii constant op.a ttion. ami our arrange- I ments for supplying heel plates, stiffcn ; ners, extra tas>ci*, g*!t battons, Ac. See also •ur line *>t Newport*, San la's and Si p; its. ah the e.dnblisbed favorites and d\s;r.'Me uoTclti. s. Don't overjook our cornu ou sense line, broad ailed, emy wearing .-ho-. Jo!it! ;nd stylish gooils for s ho l children, aud the celebrvte'l >olar-tip shoes for the little folks. Ex amine our assortment for men's wear, Tumps. Low Ties. Button and Laced Ox lords. and a full line ot Heavier Goods, Ask t**r any style shoe yea may want, or anything yon may need m the* way of Leaf In r aud Findings, and don't buy unless you are suited. WELLS & CURTIS, nmyS a or s COLUMBUS, GA. ft . TOYFUL fr Boys anl Girl* ■ t Tooikl OU !! A NEW IN- jn*t patenteU for them, * or Home ue ' hr .-|MH Tret and Scroll Faw-rr. Taming, Borinsr. Drilling.Griudin?. Prl hing, Screw Cutting. Tru-,. f • s[/'. A Send 6 * r 1H pluts. U' y SFHRAIX BROWN, Lowell, Mm*. September leo w ly DOW LAW Cotton Planter. DISTRIBUTES - -ALSO— All Kinds of Seeds and Fer tilizers. For Sale by u:j. beach & co. marl a Columbus, Ga.