The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, May 31, 1881, Image 2

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TOism hd mmn. b. b. (H)UM.VS, km**. i B.QKsUK,o*ui*i>>>*iEc.n * TaJbotttWi, (*!.. TITJBUY.,„ MAY Si, :*m flfficiai tif Talbot Comity. not tu*Ti ietrorn\. NotldS| ml ttfvintliat* tb*n|> jHirtun&KpMii <tf <kj px|’oiti<in of tne count rvmmw:***** 1 m a more striking etln*insi* wU will'll • lie been iwived l.y nil Bcctidna of tl Union. It I" tb* organ itl ex|)rwion ‘df lli roil nwilii of >ur radnatrica, and Yiod its birth in a Isiiiiil lile dvsire to exltlblt the Booth a slio Is, nml to display liar intinile |>ossil,ilium in umnofuctniitiß and agnmltnml pros grtss. TWna early in Its development has it assumed a place universally eon reded ss of great lmporlunce, not only ns illustrating the spirit of the nearly re habilitated .South, hut as conveying to; other aid ions sod peoples an enterp.ia mg recognition of our reoorc-.s, and i.l pain Hum to gr.isp tH problem* of in iluatrtsl anoeeea which arc just no press 1 tig upon tta tot solulion. Furtbejotoro, “It beoiiea a sinking illustration of the new erft.njion which not only Georgia,bnt the entire South,has entered. Il til s Teri table protest against that spirit which would cling to Uio nnnenterprising meth ods o! the pa*t; it is a bold move for a re <distraction of our entire material tom on the patterns of most modern and flourishing iadsalries. It Is s coup st ter that diversity which is tire animating spirit ol all prosperous communities, n marriage of lire white Tjneen Of enr "fields to the strong and pulsing giant ol the factory and loom. Tbeooiton exposition at Atlanta, to comnienee Oct. hi h, will work anew era in our progress. There in great hails will be gathered all class's of machinery norm ruled with cotton manufacture, all mil'll motifs used in it* cultivation, to gether with a full exposition of all kin dred inter, as, in short, of all industries r. presented In th# South. These tea lures curried nut will render the Exposi tion attr olive to *ll sections, and inure vastly t-> the industilsl ami mechanic il advancement of this section. A HKW PARTY* All this talk north, aud so far outtlli an the Htate of (lir„ia, aboutn now politi cal party )• all bosll. Wa notice it la on lr tha independent press liava agitated the matter At all, the b dance of the conn try rrsliug aalia&cd with the stutua of the two grant parties,wh : chqna'lrcunlnlly kick the tool people, v Isadora for a hew party could be fouud north. Notwithstanding the recant tilt between the Uoukliug end AdniinfctrelJOtt Wing* of the repuhlioiii nerty, Mr Oonkling unt be thought of for p' nodnent aa a i available lender. He could have no following at the bjiiitli, nud would nut under .toy oir cnmiiauce* become an Independent- TherW can lie no doubt bnt that tha democratic and , repuldicnt, par'ica will contitinc to brattie 'Wly two of any promt uefice tfcfor/ie cohn'ry for soma years to eoifW!' Tlf* Or-'cnbiu-k party aa an organisation in in its dectdcnce, und could dh.tync!l .* kp-lIC* .at the tiontti, fnnt it la not ut all likely that lor vt'/tin to come the tariff (pioKtlon will bo well enough understood by the musses nt the Kuuilr to nllign 11. p politicians nud the people upon iu vagaries. Then, we aec no ground for the new party ehrlrkers to stall it (mlaas they d*. sire to re-adjust present party liuea, tone to tutnli out n hybrid orguniiiallou lor the special belioif oJ reealcltraut democrats and office-reaching demagogues. ■*ulalolie Hilnrni. Srnator Lamar has been giving tome good, wbolJsome ndvioc to his IriemU iu kiis.-iseippi. In n recent latti-r lie said to theiu i ."Sshot your legUlnt ira with ret erenee to your grant progrcaairc inter isita. and relegate every man to ihe rear, however ambitious nud Lionel, it he is not teady and willing to step to the front ar e I—-Lr in all that pnnuioe* i d<w-* lions!, monuf.ictnriijg. agricultural and The South Equal the North. WehftveKcen to RaqmMi us Bt\U ami uplemlor tlift niftgnificerit I**l o*> i MHoitm vi III* Coiuj ’umv, n|w being . Hub-bed 4 tin- i Mm on Oft vrorks. aFae.iu. These ooeclies have been construcied ot the liuest mn- i trrial, a large quautity of walnut being used and expensive or#uui. ntation in t ieir finish, ut a cost of nearly tlO.iSKi each. UaerdAK) hla oje cfbp oyed in this ntrtißirj eaUblmhmeht, over which the cc npe' and skillful Mr James Knight presides. Krervthing uiovfs like clock work under his atde supervision. Tha strictest rales are obaarved, and diselp j line eulorced. Two grand new brick j building* sre jurt completed k> noeoius j module the increased labor of lira busi pr*r. Tin otjHgn Jo. E Bonn, in f‘■ • §.f% th April, in reply to tli Ji'. Senator* on tiie right ol tli# itm; ■to rule, wa# a strong prwien t Oion ol lU r.glils ot minorities, Ihe victory <* the Praoor(* is relation to the election of officers of the Senate wwt 1 irgelj aiUibaUiiie to Senstor B own. Hbii to sole rial management of lietno crstifl iutfrds's'hits a# liijl tb# obliga tion *nd thenVeof th* whale SoUi. .Vlbnnrl l| Va-Wi’i far b the seem ot a senatorial ae&alook the Gsrfiehlites nnd Goohiingites being divided It l' doei Jellr or tercet of the Democrats leirty to rw elect,.:. <,d liioitti* A Scott, the greet railroad king u viosj. ■■ 1 ■ --w^—-- Ilaumi t( 'dir. A \VorMiigj*i*n say*, *D*U, poverty nn*l suffeimg h.iunted ui for years, caus ed by * sick family and bills for cloctonug. which did no yood. I wju C tcipleUdy *Ueour.iijed until oae year bf the advice ot niv pastor, I pro cuctd Hop Bitters ani commenced their um, d4 ait on month we were all well, *n i none of us havo hero Kick a day aiuce -an l 1 Want to say to .all poor mm. you can £*{ your well a year with Hop Bittern for less than one thus toi*s iifjt wiU cast*—Ciinstivu A Be c te. THE REGISTER AND STANDARD, TALBOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY. GEORGIA, MAY 81. 1881. Jft TAT* *WI A!D UKtUU lI'KJtP. Kre<l Dougina* a uew offices* py* | $7,C00 per annum, Mr \V Gresham and Mi**- Thm rney Smith were tnxiried iu Anier. ious last weak. Jenny Liud Goldachmidt i* Id ling in London and hits $1,000,000. The king of Zan/.ibnr travels with UOOfrunks. The king must bo nn 1 American gitl. Mr Pickett,of Sumter county,UAd three fine com killed by horning one (tight lost week. A rattlesnake with thirty rattles and a button is nno of the latest sensation* at Arlington. The loir phone has roached Egypt but the Sphinx cannot be induced to any '‘bello.“ The ‘ Masonic Razar and Fair- 1 ' just closed in Savannah netted the handsome sum ol SIBOOO. Colquitt Superior Court was in session fur the spring terra only nix hours last week, and finished all the him in oh* before tt. Mr John Tucker, of FaJdwin oounty, says corn field peas were a blessing to him on his plsntation last winter nnd this spring. Mr \J S " imbiah, near Arlington, sold on thousand dollars worth of hay trom a single field of bermu du last year. Tom Morgan, of Sumter county, has a patch of oats that will yield him ouo hundred bushels to the acre. The wheat crop it promising in Monroe comity nnd a fine yield is expected. Full os's aro being hard vestud and aro yielding splendidly. Mr Tinsley, of Acworth, last sea son, on olio-half an aero, raised 1)84 pounds of'seed cotton. Ho also gathered 500 watermelons from the same ground, IUvJ VV Ilinton, I) U., will preach the eninintneement sermon of the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College iu Millodgo villo in July next, Georgia farmers bought 150,000 tons of Guano thi* year. The rev enue to the State for inspection fees on it waa $75,000, being fifty cents per ton. In the King .Fua.o's torsion of the Now Tcstaini'ift, the tkord 'Oatalryj is fonml Only in St. Luke, xxiii:33. The revised tersiou wipes it out, substituting ‘‘tho skull," James Camp, in Floyd oounty, raises everything, and has all kinds of farm products to soil. This year he runs twenty plows ami lias lour hundred aoros in cotton, Flo rais es large quantities of hlus grass ami clover liny. The sale of tho revised Testa ment was opened in New York on last Friday, by Thomas Nelson A ' Hons, agents of tho Oxford Iliblo Ware II -us", l-ondon, and betwacn j 800,000 mill 400,000 copies wore sold and shipped during the day. The Monroe Advirtisor says: Mr J W Morgan has carefully threshed tha oats gathered from four and a . half acres ami obtained 330 bushels, or 73 1. * bushels per acre. Tho | oats are known as the Burt, or Mis eissippi oats. These oats ripen two to three weeks earlier tbau tho rart proof outs. \ii Old lAdy writ us; “I , Uni 65 lev*old mid wits 1.-ebls unit nervous nil the* H ut 1 , when I bnuebt ft bottle of I’mt ktx*k Ttiliic. I h:tvo lifted n l.t t' more tli i ono botib* uml teol aw w*ll aft at do, ad m hundreds nerd Jqn|H'ulkik m#dicitiw •• advrtino innit ruav 3 lm Jr. M. TURNER, At the Thornton Shop. (IN REAR OK HOTEL.) T um prepared to do all claws* of ! BLACKSMITH WORK, in good atvle. and at seasonable pries. 1 HOUSE SHOEING and BUGGY WORK A SPECIALTY I do "(I ike work fur Mesvm, Martin S ; Kreeuiiin, which of lt-elf ie a sufficient ■ rccenimen Utuei. spa, Hire me s Inal Tnlbolton. March ff Wl. s A. B. 0. American Break but OerfnK Ml*>ra (o->k*<i nol D-wm crated, White Wheat White Oats and Barley Food at l>rom jroola Brtti, I’elmnios. JOHN W HALL. Attorney at Law AN D REAL ESTATE AGENT. TAI.BOITON. GEORGIA. 2 —ix p 11- Oollinsworth Institute. —FOB— Boys and Youmr Men! Re-epened aud re-orsaumze<l will re snaie ex-rriaes at the Old Campus. Jan. IB h. 1881. Boa p d, Turnon. Washing and luc lentalh slf# per month, if con tr*ct*d f>r the Term, and paid monthly in udva ce Tuition per month $ * and $T janllbl J us 1. XLLuohuk. \ IS JONES & CO. COLUMBUS, CA. Prop* me to place on Bargain Counter the moat notable bargain* of the ho*hoo. them I LACE BUNTINGS at 10c PER YARD. We hare opened aorns choice style# df Printed Muslin*. LONDON CORDS AT 8 1-4 CENT3. CatJcoa 4 1-2, 5 and 6c. C-oloied Ijawns sc. Attraction* m Luce an I Lawn Tu, Collar*, Vußh, etc. IIOHIKIIV. Onr claim to h-oping the lirg-ist nnd chisp Ml lot of Ho'i-ry is conceded by I all. Gome and *e onr Embroidered Bal ! brlfipius- Ludies' Sizes at 2.1 c. Beautiful assortment Children's Hose | f>oc, 75c, tl nd $1.50 per pair. Percales and Monties- Wr will open during tkc week desirable styles in thu above wali goods that are in great demand at present. HILKH tVe have juet ptaCrd lasgt? orders for tt new stock of lilnok Hdln. and will eel] the remaining short ends at astounding reductions. J. S. JONES Sc 00. Columbus, Oi.. murD b 1 -may24 H I\S KUISUO. It If HUZZA. liinljro & Hozza Trunk Manufacturers SAMPLE TRUNKS AND Cases a Specialty. KFI'AIIUNU PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. No. 11 N. Pryor St., ATLANTA, OA. may 17 2iu TALBOT SHERIFF SALES Will be sold halere ilic Couit House door tn the town ot Tidbotiou. Tulbot county, Georgia, within the bgr.l hours ni sale, on the Ist Tuesday in Juue, tho lol lowing property to wit: One hundred acres of land morn or lens, the same being one hundred new of the lot on which the raddence ot Jus. H'Bryan is intuited, leyiad on ns tliu property of Jn* U wtisfy n tn* liliv issued by T F Parker, T. 0. for stain and oounty taxes tor tho year 1880, and notion given. Levy made and returned te mo by It L Hongh, L C. At same tfme and place will be sold twenty acres ot laua innro or less, in the ',>o2 (listriot of Talbot county, known as the dower of Malinda Smith, being the place on which Sum Hough now lues, and ia bounded on the eaat by the lands of Jtobt Brooks, on the west by T L Patrick, on the south by the lands of Jno McCoy. Levied on aa the property of Mnli"dn Smith to satisfy a tax It fi is sued hr j K Parker, T C for State and count} tax f>r th year 1880, aud notice given. Levy made aud returned to m* by it L Hougii, L 0. At the same time and place will be sold a certain II mr and grist mill. In the (181 district of Till hot county, knowu as the Mahout' Mill, levied on as Ihe prop el ly of M B Mnbone A tjo. to satisty a tax fi fa issued by J F Parker, T O. for Stale ami county taxes for the year 1880, and notice given. At the same time aud p ace. One hun dred acres ot land more less, lying in the '*4th distr ot U M. near the t)sk Moun tains, bounded on the West aud North by Mtoajah Carlile, S*., on the South by . 1 ,1 Crawford’S old plane. Levied oil ns the Property of Elias Silas. J J (Jrnwford, •'gent, to satisfy n tax fi fa issued by J F Parker. T C for State and county, for the year 1880. Levy made aud returned to me by 1) F Walker. JAMES a POSTER. Sheriff. T.dbottou, Mtty 3, 1881. Letters of Dismission- GEORGIA— I Talbot Couxtt: Whereas, William XI Isom, Adinmistm - tor of Nathan H* Iloiii, deceased, repre sent* to ihe Court iu hin petitiou. duly filed and entered on record, ♦hut be has fully administered ihe estate of said de ceased. This i* therefore to cite all jer sous concerned. kindred and creditors, to i show cause, if any thy can, why said j Administrator should net bt ' trom bis administration, nud receive Jet j ters ot dismission, on the first Monday iu ! August next. Given under mi official signature this the 3d day ot May. 1881.* RICHARD H. LEONARD, may 3 din Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Credi tors- GEORGIA Taikot County: All persons having demauds against the 1 estate of S nev Ingram. late of said couu j ty. deceased, are required to present them within tne time prescribed by law. and all j persons owing *nid Estate are requested to make immediate pavmmit to the un dersigned. JAMES Me NEIL aprotf.r. Administrator. Letters of Administration- GEORGIA Tali* t County; Thomas L Pa* rick makes application to me tor letters of Administration on the estate ot Geoige li Elder, late of said county. dec< as< a nd: these tie therefore to cite and admonish a l and singular the kindred Jaud credi tors ot said dec* as u to be and appear at :uv < ffioe, wiihio the time prescribed by Uw. and fuow it any tLcwe t>e. why suoh letters should not'bo granted to him. Given under inv official signature, this 28th Jiv ot April, 1881. ’ RICHARD H LEONARD, marO it Ordinary. W A JUHAN (£CO„ Maconj <>u. OFFER | Xl/tJCIMF.NTS IN THEIR VAKI 1 our hue# of business nn surpass'd by soy retail establish in the State. Partifular Htentiou to orders from out-of-town buyers. Send for samples of anything you may desire. Prompt at tention. Dry Hoods, Dress Making, Clothing, Millinery, Bdots, Parasols, Shoes, Fans, HATS, CARPETS and RUGS. Come to see us when visiting Macon, rimy 22a THE OLDEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN GEORGIA, J. KYLE (t 0„ COLUMBUS, GA. WE BUY AND SELL FOR CAHII. USTF.N TO THE VOICE OF OCR LOB" PRICES: fTlrnr-hi-d domestic*. 6c to 12 cent*, Ittind'ui cords, 7 cuts, Nainaoiiks, 7c to 10 cents. White Victoria Lawn, 8 cent*. Black bunting, 12 1-2 cents. Black *ll wool Bunting, 20 cents. Hamburg Edgings iue cont to two dollars per yard These nre uug own importation, and cheaper than nnv out else dare sell them I'ablp DamaNk. We carry an Immense atock, price 250 toll 75 per yard. Gents Furnishing Goods, Tha latest collnrs, the newest neck wear, the best fitting shirt, the nobbiest Hat, cun alwnya be found with u*. WE make sait# to order and guar luted* perfect fit. Dress Goods Department. BILES and SATINS ANY COLOR, Batins DeLyona, Brocades, Trimmings, Volve'a. Ornaments, Tartels. We carry a stock of 200 pito.-a Dress and Trim mi ug Bilks, priced 65 ceutu uud upwards. 200 nieces floor matting to lie sold by Hie piece, st auction price. Cheaper than * eer offered here before. Shoes and Hat Department complete with n*w style*. Lace Curtain* !*<• to 7-'*c per yard. Lace bed *ds, quite uew, Lofic L-trnhreqmnft, Lace Collar*, <*xtr atyliah. Lace hnnd erebiaf# t- r* With buyerM ••otmtantlv in tho market w guarautao to h<*ll tirnt quality poo<U chenjar than any hou-c in thi a aection. WHERE t* find thru#*, at J. KYLE & rO*S., Cheap Caah Store, Coliinibna, Ga. Partii'M who d**sirc to on! r Rtimplah and further information che rfully lur ninhod' apiil 5 a BUTS, SUITS, -AND HATS ! COLUMBUS, GEORGIA .J. Marion Estes & 8011. XVHEN yon come to Columbus, don’t fail to look over on mew stock of Boot*. Shoes and Hat*. 1% will pay you to do *0 Wo hav© used gre it care in select ing our entire 'took for this spns_\ and tevi confident that styles nud pi ices will please. We are daily receiving the largest stock of Pihiu and Fane/ HLIPIERS Ever brought to thi* city m endless va riety aufl elegaut styles. Put your mind at rest about prices, as we are determined to sell goods cheaper th.m ever. Our repu ahou for FINE SHOES will be justly sustained, and we con tinue to keep none but the BEST Hand Work. Be Mire to see our LOW CUT SHOES. We h*v juft opsucU up a kandiouie lot ol Btylifll Hats, all new. no old stock, but freali, beauti ful good*. XVe guarantee prices low er than you can buy ot any other house iu this city. Order* by mail abnll hare prompt at tention. Send accurate description ot show desired*. J. MERTON ESTES A SON, marSOtf c Cdhfnibdk, G*orgia. Atlanta Millstone Manufactory IU iiil ijiv.rm i For t! e l est MILT.STiIN F'. BOLT -ING C'I.OTH. SUIT MACIUKES uia iianr-vv.d mI! fndinsv. A Wres# ■ni.."' MU. BUEXKKK Atlanta, Ua. Chalybeate Springs. — — -w THIS NOTED GEOIIGIA WATERING PLACE, SITUATED IN Meritvelber county, I.GOO feet above sea level, i* now open to receive gnests. The medicinal properties of the Water* are well known. he snrrounding mountain scenery is grand, the nir pure and delightful, *n< so cool at night that blankets are defirahle the tniire summer. Ten pin alley and billiard tables on thegronnds; and plunge, shower and tub baths—-hot nnd cold—free to the guests. The large tmllYoom is detached from the hotel and cabins, so toal those not participating in the and nee are not disturbed by it. Professor II W Card's fine orchestra is engaged for the season. \Ye offer lo those in Koarcb of pleasure or recreation everything necessary to complete physical enjoyment, and to the invalid the eomf rts of hom RATES OF BOARD. Per day, $2.00; per week, $10.00; two wieks, $18.00; three weeks, $‘24.00; four weeks, $30.00. THOMI‘ON .V CHENEY, mny24tf Iropi-ietoi"w. Grain Cradles , Crain Cradles , AT THE HARDWARE STORE! Talbotton, Oa. ALSO, LARGE STOCK Ol’ Plow Hoes, Plow Slocks, Scovil Hoes, and EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS Hardware Store, all of which will ho void nt ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for the CASH. AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT. Call before purchasing and be Convinced. Keep constantly on hand a stock of the best COOKING STOVES. Manufactured in the country. Call and see them. may 24 H L. McLENDOIif, Talbotton, Ga 30,000 DOLLARS Worth of Goods to be Slaughtered ! -o Until further Notice we will su’l the following Goods at the prices nntned: Figured and Lace Lawns. 2500 Yard* Figured Lhwpk. X\ inches wide, fame Purilir. for in r nt*. r| 1 huieto fore nt 15 cvtiU. IMHJ Yard* Luce Striped Lawi.n only 4 -•<•. \v..rtn 2* tn s. 1100 Yards Wool Buntings. Good Blacks and Colors, 20c- O Listen to This ! COME AND SEE THE GOODS. 200 Beautiful VJ 4 Marseilles Quilts $l5O each; snub v.t *oM before f r leas ’ban J 2.50. 100 pnirH Extra Nottingham Laou Curt tins, \\\ yard** long. .* ‘‘ V r P** ir * worth 50. Summer Underwear For Men. A LITTLE JOB PICKED UP 1000 Menu OftttXC Underahirts ku!y2so a piece sold wiili u reckless disregard of tlieir value. A Job Lot of 1000 Pairs British Half-Hose, 25c. 100 Dozen Pairs Three-Button Kid Gloves. In Colors Only, to be Sacrificed. Price nrdv 50 cent, per pur 300 dot .-11 p ur* Lelies' Lil Hnse.U 2 - cent* p r j>aic- soul at this price lor nooth >r r woa than that we bought them cheap Bargains for Everybody, SOOO Yards Bleached Cotton, soft finish. 10c—Fugle Unlnundried Shirts $L 2i XX) •• Checked Nlu.Kiks only 13 1 2e.U -The -OmcrenlU' < orset *l - 41 Victoria LiWns 10c worth I*2G 500 vards • • * "" '* •20<Xt “ Bout So i Island Cotton 0 ceut.s Col. Ja'i r DrflU alii WC. I 5000 Yards Di <*4 Good** at 10. 12 12. 15 t 2o o*. - v e " 1 * w * HI.ANt II Ylil)& liOOTHs THELEkDEKri, may3 12m I*J:J l{t <i<l Coluinbns, | GORDONS New York Store. Columbus, Ga. o HAVING DECIDED TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves. Before adding oor Spring ml r Stock, we offer 1.000 Corsets in endless variety, ambiaeiag all the |*>pular sty lee. at about cost. 1.000 Pairaof Ladies' and Misaes* Plain and lancy Hnaiery, on accouut of S!7*9 and of mifht imperfe<'tit.ns. will be c owti out at half price. Talie INTotice or TIIE GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE of Tuan T pop aUr brands sad l*e price KID GLOVES. They must be sold at’ Di ce Gil :uni after this lUte ure will only br.y -Tte Harris Seamless-- and -The’ (Gordon" Kid Giovc, wnich w.U be sold at the rcgnUr prices and nadcr a gtunm.j THE NEW YORK STORE jx/l. o. goudobj. LnlS- mar-29 82 & 84 Broad St.. Columbus. Ga. CLOTHING! FRESH ARRIVALS AT H. J. THORNTON S, TnR FASHION ABLE CLOTHIER AND IIATTEII. For Men's, Boys’, Youths’, and Children’s Wear. Will call especial Attention to my YOUTHS' AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. Which eannot be excelled in Style, Fricta and Quality, Gents’ Underwear, Neckwear, Glvoes, A Large and Varied Assortment of all the Latest Novelties and Designs. o TAILORING DEPARTMENT. H J THORNTON‘B 83 and Bf> Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.. is the place to hare your Spring Suits unde to measure. There you find ns complete sn asrortmeut of Imperial and D-m-tic IToole is as can be found iu any first class Tailoring Kstablish treut. His Tailors are all first class. Good workmanship aid a perfect fit is ironr on teed. Q apr. bl HEADQUARTES FOR First-Class CLOTHING, C E TIBS, is the only clothier in Columbus, allowed to sell the celebrated W. &. G. Yacht Cloth Suits. They are every way Roptrior to the ordinary flannel**, which are barely imitations, nru ihi ruble, hold tht-ir color and are moat econom.cnl in wea r , and beauGtul in fif THOMAS imwt renpectfully solicita before buying elsewhere,an examinatJou of hit* Fine and Extensive stock of New Spring Clothing, 111 make supmb, in fit un-xcelled, in excellence at materials unsurpassed. Furnishing Goods and Hat Department, H is all Ihe lat'st novelties und standard good*, including the celebrated .'Magnum lionum Shirty and Hfetson HATH. '■tr- .Special orders made In measure, at short nolieb, and only firat class ptyle WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY- Don't forget that Thomas has bought bb goods cheap and is going to sell every cu'turner that cornea in Ihe Houa-i Prio’S will suit. Don't target it, I keep no shoddy goods, •P r *9 ri 1 G. E. THOMAS. Columbus, On. N Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, Wholesale and Retail Drmrgists, and PBOPBIETOBS OF BREWERS LUNG RESTORER. Macon, G-a. may 17 lm THE NEW MM STORE! LINDSAY & SANDERS, Broad St., Webster Building* COLI MDI H.OA' We are now prepared to offer anew and well selected stock of Crockery, China. Glass Ware, Tin, Wood and Willow Ware, Ico Cream Freezers, variety of styles- Water Coolers, Fluting Machines TIN TOILET SETTS, handsome assortment. Silver-Plated Ware, guararteed of the best make. Kerosene Lamps, etc. Prices to suit the most exacting. Orders by mail receive prompt and careful altention. may3 8m A. WITTICH. c M KISSEL WITTICH & KINSEL, and Jewelers, Cor. Broad & Randolph St., Colambns, Georgia. —Dealers in - WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Diamonds. Hmgs, Spectacles, Silver Ware, Silver- Plated Ware. Fancy Articles, &c. V, atches. Clocks and Jotvelry REPAIRED to gire satisfaction, and war rantee!. Engraving done to order. Hd r Jt. * e'lies madt to order. DiaUiODds rt boi to suit tae f st>L. i*.piOb