The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, June 07, 1881, Image 2

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MISTER ijD STAND AM. O. D. GORMAN, funrun. i B. GORMAN, OosawroxwnccEorr- b. Talbotton* (* TUESDAY JI'NE 7, !H --1 ■ " Official Organ of Talbot Comity. • •KKKIC OH WO Ki:.x ft, 9 * Au eleetiol on (he qnentimi of fe~cc or do fpur, has been wlbd by the Or dinary tor tut Ist Mot day in July. H*y tiouH U4‘) to I<CT> of ihe code 01 Georgia constitute th* authority ou which tt:in action is baaed. Provision Irt made lot the confining of animals. how and when nuitnaU may be impounded, how Im pounded animals may be dispom and of, for illegal impounding, the 1454th w*<t;on making it l-wlul, in case of litigation, |*r the owner < t animals impounds! to re Kem or replevy the same by giving bond with eofticient necurity. Section 1440, any* that, in each and every oounty in this State which shah adopt tho pruvisions nf the six aec tioJis referred to, and iu the manner provided, the boundary l ues of each lot, tract or parcel of land iu *.id c< urdy almll be. snd the same are hereby declared, ft law ful fence. Section 1455, re’ailve to how th? six sections may become cp r.itive, namely, by Ihe pttitiou of fifty Irri h 1* is of the county to the Ordinary, for tho benefit of too provisions of ibu said sot lions, lus been c* ried out by Judge Leonard* If the lawful majority in the election •hall be, “no fence,,* than the provisions of the six wet ions shall tuke effect in tho county voting six months thereafter: pro vided, that mi election for this puipose shall not Imi held ofteue* than one tune in fcVt ry two years. We have thus briefly indicated the provisions of the sections under which n ••fence law,** or a “n fence** law is oh tamed As far as wo caii ascertain the people are divided on the mat tor, ninny, pei hups, opposing it because they do not fully comprehend its meaning nnd tho effects its adoptions ih intended to work • n our mdnstiies. As we staled last week, tk abolition of fencing farina, ns a system, will not be ftholisheiJ, and no one will be pwhih'fet ‘from keeping up ns much fencing n may be deaired. The Intention is to economize tho labor and money annually invested in the building nnd keeping loners in the county, nnd not to work nn inconvenience or hardship ou tiny one who might not bo favorably affected by it. In voting on u (pies'um of thn character we should not be inflten c and by personal com 1 derations, but from a thorough and unprejudiced estimate of hw Ibis law would effot the people of the an tiro county. It is not mciol.v a q section of present expense in fenoes f but of prospective investment, tog tlier *vith tho needs the more progressive future of Oir county may bring with it for hfceter and more expensive enclosures of the ferns. It is, fntbetmore, a qncs lo:i of loss or gail. Are our crops more valuable th m oir stock f If th y uro, and wo pre s une no one would dem*y it, fauoc in the a.ook—and If this should not bj found profitable, a sale rf all slock which arc not profitable should at onee l>e effected. It is a question which im pushmg itself on more comm uniti h than this for solution. The people should iuike up sn irtelll r**m verdict uud express it on the first Hjoday and July. Eoutmo Mid v/,ink -C’.iui,Yi,r. Numiu ii 'XU* Jan* number ol th* Evloetio up p*ur u* u 'Carlyle Number" &n<l coutnin* uo let* than four of the most importai.t paper* have been cnlUif forth bv hm deal i ami the upp< aranoe ol hi* "Reuii*.' Oi •of these ptpcni is by Mr*. OHpliaut, another by Lexlii Stopli •o, another br It H Hutton, an l atill utiother by Protoasor James Coper Mori* •<m. Taken togother they miy be mid to deal iihaunUvely with tlm vexed Cur ly)* question. The reiuatnmii eonteuta of the unrulier are vurio.l mid readable, ami compline iu part the lolldwhik artic le*: 'On Fruit* end Seed*,' by Hir John Lubloick ‘Freak* of the Telegraph'-- •Ou the Moral charneli rof M in', by the Duke of Argyll, being Part VU. ol hi*; aerie* on 'The Vuity of Nature 'ltus-, nan Ntbiliem,' by ,\i K.iUf.iVttin, M \.~ Ctiaptei* XT, to Xiti. ol 'Kith nil I Kin. a r ovul, by JoMue Kotlo rgil -\Vh.t is;., Cold ?' by a Medical Mali The Hug* lieh Penny Frew,‘by Literary Notice* F nvtgii Lrtarary Xi troe*. Science and Art and .MiseeliuUV Published by TC K t*#lton, 2d Don I s*t , ' New York. Term*, $o per year dud; aubacription tor three month*, sl. The Americu* Republican Mutes tint a meeting was clll on Friday for tl** purpose of urging upon the Col K H Cole the building of ft milrmd truiu Atnrricus to HawkinsrHle. On motion, the following counties wore requested io fiend three delegate * each to n convention to be held nt tho court ncsse iu that city on the second Tuesday, the 14th ol June: Sum er, Macon, Bebly, Stewart, Web ster. Marion, Lee, Dooly Wilcox, Fal.u kiand Dodge. This action will rtviv? the building el the Xewnan and Atnerlcns r.ulrond. —■ —. The May number o! the Southern II a* torical Society Papers, Kev J William Jones, Secretary, Richmond, V* , is nn nally rsplete with interesting contnbn tion# bearing on the late war, and event* growing out of it. Price $3 00 * y\,r. It should be in every household. Him H V M Miller, who i* now cn route for Europe a* commissioner of the Cotton will write the Atlanta Cou stitution a series ol letters on the pnett cal lndnstiiea of Lnghrnd, Franco and Germany. • <w —— llannlrd -Me. A Workingman says, ‘Debt, poverty and suffering haunted uie for yearn, cant ed by a sick family au l largo hills for j doctoring, which did no good. 1 was completely discon nged until one year ago. by the advice of my pastor, I pro. cured Hop Bitters and commenced their *e, and in one month we were all well, in l none of us hare been sick a day since—and I io say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a Tear ■with Hoy Bitiers f or less than one doc to *s visit will cot.‘—Christian A Jro cite. THE REGISTER ANl> STANDARD, TALBOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, JUNE 7, 1881. liEOlkilA—T*l r t ooxTi: In the Sep* rii -r (burt ot haul U< ur*,liou J 1’ W il lie pmdd’.ng. L J Gudnmrdn & Cos ) Role Nisi Vk. / to James H Brook*. ) foreclose Mortgage It sppenrinc In the Court by the pelf turn <*t IJ Ou lmartin surviving partner r.f ihe firm ot L J Oilmsrtin A* Cos., that ou the 2(lib day ol February 1880, the d fr’fuiant fuado and delivered to ssid L J Guibnartiii A <V. his promissory note tearing date the l y and year ntoressid. whereby the d* leudanf promised on or !♦•- lore Ihe l*t dy cit November next fob! lowing tile date of *>.id note* to piy I< J Gnilmarrin A* Cos.. or lienrcr.eigtii bnudr*d übd thirty-seven dollars and s>x cents f**r a|ee received and eight per cent interest j •rum the maturity ol said note and ten pr r i < 'i.t for counsel leas, and that on fhs day ! and tear atorcHuid the defendant the bet ter to seen re th? payment of Raid note exe- ! ant'd and a- liver*d to the said L J Gu! marlin Cos his deed of Mortgage where , hy the I)ef -n I ant Mortgage 1 to sad L J j Gtubuftrlin A Cos. a certain parcel of laud. ! fowl*: Iwo In died and twenty-five rr*s ! m -re or less iu the 23rd district ot Tul I **' j county iu said H>n’e. known ns the Cr> dolt p’nre and t< n tided on the north b> | bind* ot It Brook*, on tho east ly tin ; nods rf J II McCoy, and the South lt j lauds known as the Revel place and on the { west by jand.t of E W \Vomble, togeUi f ’ r 1 * idi all impruvtincuts on said tract. And it tur Icr appari> g, that ssid note h-s n* t b#n n paid, it iv then f >r* ordered that the ssnl defm daut do pav into Court on or before the first day ot ihe next term of this court the um of tn prir.cipa on slid n**te, and the inti rest on the si mo nf the rate ofViglit |or cent from the mu u ’tv of said note, and tlic sum of ten fa r ••ent on th naiar for coui r I fm-H, or show (^use l r * the eonfrry if at vho can. and ihat on the failure of defend nt io to d*. ihe equity of redemption in and to arid mortgaged premises Oo mo ver thereafter aired and torcloMed. Ar.d it i * further or dered that (his rub; be published once n month b*r fm*r m *nths Iu the Ueginter Jk Htaiidaid |.rifvji us to tho n*xt term of this C uit, or sf ried on the mlnnt or I.ih speeial agent nr Attorney at least thro** months previous to tho next term of thin Court* • •j t 'vu,us. Judjft s. c. a. r. A tin* *xt/*i*( from the minutea, ibis 3d dm ot Bf*y IfiW. mi ft James moneil. Clkhk. Loiters of Dismission- GEOUGI \ -Tai.wot Couktt: Where. im, William M l orn. Administra tor of Nut him H Isorn, defined, repra hms to the Court in his pitidon. duly filfl and entered on record, 'hat he has fully adiniidHlered the estafs ot said cle <•. used. 'PIiIh is therefore to efto all per mouh concotned, kindred and er< ditors, to show eft Use, f any fh*y can, w’hv said VdminiMh itftr - hoiih! net h. discharged fr.en his mlniinirtirntion. nnd feejvt let— eiM ot diHinission, ou the first Monday in August next. Givan under my ofih inl bignaturo this the 3d dav ot Mmv. ]HHI. mCHAKI) 11. LEONARD, mty 33 n Ordinary. Letters of Administration | GEORGIA Tai.ii t County; and hom iH L Patrick nmkaH npplicntiou to j rne tor letters of Administration on the ! estate ot Geofge Id Elder, lute of said e< uuty, dee< fined : 1 hcsc are therefore to cite and admonish >i l and singular the kindred land credi tors ol said dcciAHed to be and appear at my office, within tho tune pr v.cribod by law, and sfiow eftu-*e. if any there be. why Midi letters should not ho granted to him. Given under my official Higimlurc, this 28ih day of April, 1881. UIOHUUJ 11 LEONARD, ninvU 4t Ordinary. WHITE CLIFF MINERAL SPRINGS, MONROE CO.. EAST TKNN. This Ceh-bmtnd Summer Resort im sit uated on the top of Chilhmvoe mountjln, sixteen mil-h aonthoast ot APicns.a point on the E. T , Vi. and Gu. RH. Tho ho tl and springs are at nn elevation • f i 3 K)J f. of. above the m u !• vd (being above dew point). Tho seamy is unHur pusAcd. The hotel will be op:m for the reception of guests fimt of June. Visitors euu obtain round trip tiekets via Athena. Tunn. Daily line of stag e and daily mail. Telegraph liso to Springs via Ath ens. Office in hotel. For further infor mation and pamphlets, uddra-s juiic*7 'J*ii J U MAGlLL,Proprietor. Fire Insurance Agency. ISAACS. BOY, Oeul. A#<n!,Atlant. J J BULL, Local Agent. TJXBOTTON. OA. Watertow Fire Insurance Company ; Oolinnhus, M; r., lusuraueo un i jtank ing ( omjany. Combined capital stnek f 800,000. La gil depodta with the Slat * of Georgia. 1> a filings and far a* j-nqurly s ecial, ties* vthuig, iuelu Uug liva s-toek iii tirel against damage hy I ghtnl-g or 111* . K.itrts as lo.v ns uth.T h t chi‘ comp -nics. 1 i obLtm <1 a penntnout Insnr arc A* ey ot t:.i pluc and will rc.- V e t only lv'iul li', s long COlUp i ..C-. ji in f J 1 M I.L. Ag ut. LeYert Female College. I This oM esh.Wished institution has ' en re-oignn/. >1 etunpeout In euuMoiK in every department. and offers tupeu*r i.dvantHgen lor the education of j st.h*. The dmtupHre filin' mild but Him j and tiio inn.ruction thorough and by thi i luiclviitvil method. 'I h * next term will Jan. 18th. I JB-SI, and continue lor m\ mouth n. Tm ton due upon the enrollment of th* pn | pile, -<nd except in oases ot special agree* | uicnt, payme it will be rxpeewd in ad ! vauce, lor at least half of the term, or monthly. No deduction for absence, un leas caused by protracted sickness. EXPENSES AND FEES, Preparatory Department per annum S'jO.OO \cad* mic Department per annum... 30.00 1 Collcgi it® Department pr annum.. 40.00 , Miimc IVjhutmenl per annum...... 30.00 • lucidenhaU per iinnum 2.00 Psc of Piano por month 1.00 * For tuvther Information address the President. P E DA VAN T. ‘itf TdboUon tie. TALBDTTOH Club Rooms. Jacobs & Hi, PROPRIETORS. Imported and Domestic Wines, Brandies, Cham paigns, Whiskies and Cigars. FINE WHISKEYS A SPECIALTY! Handsome POOL and BIL LIARD TABLES. SHOP in irar of Bar. THORNTON SHH’sE BASEMENT, e 11 * U , S JONES & CO. COLUMBUS, OA. Propose to place on Bargain Counter the most notable bargains of the season. the in LACE BUNTINGS at 10c PER YARD. We have opened some choice styles of Printed Muslins. LONDON CORDS AT 0 1 4 CENT ’. Calicos 4 1-2, .'i and Gc. Colored Lawns fie. Attractions m Lace an i Lawn Ti.s, Collars, Cuffs, etc. IIOHIERV. Our claim to keeping the Ingest and cheapest Jot of Ho and .-ry is conceded by oil. Come and see our Embroidered Bal brlggans—Ladies* Sizes at 2fic. Beautiful assortment (djihiren's Jfose fiOc, 7fic, Fl ud $1.50 per pair. Percales and Momies- We will open during the week desirable styles in tho above wn-h goods that are in great demand at present. SI I .I-k Si. We have just pluc and lasgc orders fora new stock of U 1 vck Brlks. amt will sell the r< runltung short ends ut astounding reductions. J. 8. JONES & CO. Columbus, Go., mar 9 b I inny24 U PS KIMBUO. It il HUZZA. illlU&lEB Trunk Manufacturers SAMPLE TRUNKS AND Cases a Specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. No. 11 N. Pryor St., ATLANTA, OA. may 17 2m STOP At the Old Shoe Store. See Our French Button Kid Boot ! A THING UP BEAUTY. Look ut tho full line of Ziegler's fine I work for Lad tea, Miss*n and children. Observe thw system ol widths and me in urements. Five grades to each siz \ en abling us to tit almost every shape of foot. Notice our Butt n Fastening Machine in oousbint operation, and our arrange ments for supplying heel plates, stiffen ners, extia tasHcls, gilt buttons, A*o. *So also >ur liue of Noivports* San hi ; s and Slippers, idi th* established favorites nnd desirable noveltii s. Don't overlook our common sense lino, broad soled, easy wearing shoe. Jo!id and stylish goods f-*r s hoi 1 children, and the celebrated sobtMip sliues for tho littlfc folks. Ex amine our assortment for moil's wear, Pumps, Low Ties. Button and Diced Ox fords, and a full lino ot Heavier Goods Ask for any stylo shoe you may want, or anything you may need m tho way of Last her and Findings, and don't buy uuless you aro suited. WELLS & CURTIS, may3 aor s COLUMBUS, GA. Gollinsworth Institute. —FOB— Boys and Youns: Mon! lte-opmiod and re-organized will re huuh' oxerciueK at the Old Campus, .lan. ISih. 1881. Bmml, Tuition, Washing and Incidentals month, if con tracted f*r the Terra, ami paid monthly in advance. Tuition per month $2. $3 ai.d janll bl John l\ McLauculin. JOHN W HALL, Attorney at Law AN D REAL ESTATE AGENT, TALBOTTON, U EOKGI A. ;‘3 jap id a. b. e. Am*ricau Break last Cereals, Stoam | Cooked ami Dchmcrated, White Wheat White Oats and Bariev Food nt l>rom goole l>rva., Columbus. L. M. TURNER, At the Thornton Shop. ON REAR OF HOTEL.) I ni prepared to do all rhisssa of BLACKSMITH WORK, iu good style, ami at texson tble pries. HORSE SHOEING snl BUGGY WORK A SPECIALTY. I do 'll the wort: for Mes'rs. Martin A Freeman, which of itself, is a safßcient recommendation. eij Give me a trial. Tall-'Uoa. March Ut. 1861. a W I JUNAN m„ Macon, (a. OFFER INDUCEMENTS IN THEIR VARI . ous lines if business unsurpaxs dby any retail estafiliHliment in the State. Purtiuulnr ateution paid to orders from out-* f-town buyers. Send for samples ol anything you may desire. Prompt at tent ion. Dry Goods, Dres3 Making, Clothing, Millinery, Boots, Parasols, Shoes, Fans, HATS, CARPET3 and RUGS. | Pome to see us v.hiu visiting Macon. I mav22.t THE OLDEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN GEORGIA, J. KYLE l CO, COLUMBUS, GA. WE BUY AND SELL FOR OAHII. LISTEN to the VOICE OF OUR 1,0 IP PRICES: IbenchcJ domestics. (Jc to 12 cent*, London cords, 7 c uds, Ns 'nsaokn, Veto 10 cents. Wui p Victo ia Lawn, 8 cents. Jbft 'k bunting, 12 1-2 ca nts. Bhiclc all wool Bunting, 20 cents. Hi nb. g Edgings mi* cent to two; dollars pc- yn and. These sire our own im per! at ion, and ] cheaper than any one else dare sell them. r r.ii>io Dumjiwif. Wo cu rya ibn menm* stock, price 25c 1 to $1 75 pur ya.d. Gents Furnishing Goods. 'ldle latest collars, the newest neck wear, the best tliti >g shirt, ihe uobhi s'. Hat, con always b • bmnd with us. WE m ke suits to order and gunFunee a jierfect fit. Dress Goods Department. SILKS and SATINS ANY COLOR, Sit-ins De-Lyons, Dr* -ados, Tnu:wings, Yolve s. Oniameiits, TANARUS k h. Wo carry stock of 2CO pb e s Dress and Tiiininiag yilks, priced (J 5 ceuts and upwards. 2‘K) nieces fl*or matting t be s>M by the piece, at auciiou prices. Cheaper than ever offered here before. Shoes and Hat Department | comp 1 etc v <h n w styles. Lucy Curt, itus 15c to 75c per yard, Lace bed set-*, quite u w, Lace Lambrequins, I/uce Colin's, extn f t>lmh, liftcc hiiud crchief's t. •*■ fa*est. With buyers constantly in the market jw# guarantee to sell first qn lit y foods j cheaper limn unj hou-o in this section. WHERE to fin l these, nt J. KYLE A CO'S., Cheap (’ash Stoic, Columbus, Gw. P.rtiiswho and sue to order wimples nnd bother information clu r ; lly tur. nis lie il- up il 5 u Boms, SHOES, -AND- H ./11. T 2 COLUMBUS, GEOII .IA - J. Marion Estes k Son. WHEN you come to Coin tubus, don 't fail to look over our n- w stock t 80. ts. Shoes and Hats. It will pay you to do so W e have used gre it care ill sub cl ing our entire Gock Im* this spnnj, and !e* 1 confident that styles and juices will pdftsf. Woo daily m*c.ving the largest stock of Boon u ni Fancy SLI I/I^EKS Ever brought to this city in endless va riety and elegant sfyl.'s. Pot vour mind at rest about prices, us we are determined to Hull tood* cheaper thin ever. Our lepu ahou lor FINE SHOES W. :IT b J ’>TLY aI'sTAIMCT), Hil l WO COU- : cep none but the BEST Hand i ... Be bUie to see oar LOW CUT SHOES. We have just opened up u handsome lot of Ktylish Hats, all mow, no old stock, but fr. >!i, beauti ful good-**. W guarantee prices lower than vou can buy ot any other house iu this eitv. Orders bv mail shall have prompt at tention. Send accurate description ot shoes and. sped. J. MARION ESTES A SON. m;u2otf c Columbus, Georgia. Atlanta Millstone Manufactory TO MILL OWNERS! F.-r tho best MILLSTONE - '. BOLT -ING CLOTH. SMl"l MACHINES ruJ Itnnrovnl n-.-I! fiti.liTJL-'. A lores* jnn-.’S WM. BRENNER Atl*ut, G*. W.J. &C. H WATT, Successors to Watt & Walker, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, GROCERS! Corner Store Under Rankin House. Columbus, Georgia O 1 )ISS OLUT fON Columbia, Gbobgia, June l*-t, 1881 The firm of Watt A Walker Is thisday di.s-1 so]v->d by the withdrawal of Mr J A Walker. The Undvrdgne I will continue the grocery and provision basin s-* at t' e old tand j [corner Store under Rankin Hons*] and respectfully ask a centiuu nee of the rar-1 port bo generously extended the oi l firm by ali ol I friends an] customers, and invite j the attention of the public generally to our stock of Gkoli, which ijeompri es ever} - , t *ing in the w .y ot PlaiHafion Family Supplies.! We keep eonatenfly on I and Corn, Med, Flour, Sugar, Coff*e, New Orleans and | Florid i Syrups—choice and well selected—Hims, Bac-m and Bulk Sides, Tobacco! of ud grades -a very heavy stock—Domestics, Boots. Brogans—both Meus and I Women‘ft ---Digging. Ties, Liverpool and Yirgu i a Silt. &c. We buy for cash exclusively, and ia car load lots, and will sell goods as low as any fir-t-class bouse in the city. Wo extend n cordid invitation to all, and promise, by caretn 1 attention and hon est dealing, to let none go away displeased. juu7 W. J. & C. if. WAT t. Hid Greatest Sacrifice O— F-1)W Y GOODS EVER 2S.l\rO'W3Na'. BLANCHARD & BOOTH, Bogun on Monday Morning tho 30th Day of May, A l . 8 1 2 o'clock sharp to cut and slush all class-H of Goo Is, r.ducmj fhaa to i prices lower than was ev r known to he memory of tic old yt inhabitant, JMurlc I low W<‘ l*iit I !<• Iviiile In. (Take notice tii twe ara sj ling lo 't ie cash.) 500 Yards Bl in Oolmvd Silks, piincioally enda, 50c, former price 00. 450 Yard* Plain Colored Silks in lengths of 5 and 10 yards, 75c,t' ruier juice $1 25. 800 V arda Jasper Silks, oM price 75c, now 58c 647 Yards Elegant Black Biocude Silks $1 00, sold last week at $1 50. ;55 Yards Colored Brocade un.l Gr.y Striped Sdk.s at 50 and Ode, sold heretofore at 4> 1 00. ? 10,000 WOi: H FINE f)!'.ESS (ROODS TO ftE fc*>Of,ED Oirr AT IN THE DOLLAR. 2.250 Yards of It innants of and fi*re:t grades >f Colored Dress Goons at 5, 10 and 15 rente, reduced to just half th* ir actual price. 510 Yards gamine Nik ting 'mm Curtain Lite, to be closed at iOc par yard—former price 40 and 50 Cents. 2,500 Yaids All-Wool It 11 Buntings, precisely llic sun -oh hay been sold bereto f.>ie at 20 and 25 cunts, reduced io 12.)c 585 Pairs MissaH* Wiiite S'ockings. nil biz n, sold heretofore at 10 and 50 cents,to be positively ch'Ked out. at 10* per pair. 2 imkj YaitU Black .Silk a such us Gum Is Bauson\s, C.i' h.iume Oriental, reduced to half price to close out tlm sto k. l’(-<)|il<- ( i-.v k ‘l i:u-(I 'l’iuu-s,** Well, what of it ? Let 'em cry. Did you ever know a time when they did’t. They buy too many goods ou credit. Stick to the c. ah. ’id.OiK) 'Yaids S.audard Prints at 5c per yard to be opened Monday morning bright and dt467 ym us elegant. Muslins, j ist the same as Bacifi sand C >cttcos in be sold at 7c tor the reason that we have u*i overwhelming stock on baud tuey are positively worth 1 2 J*2e; l.2th yaids Gray Debego—the bargain ever h.’ard of to be Bacr fleed ut 0 eonta. BASIC p/rs s')o Shopping B skets. turmtuly sold ut 50 and 75 cents, we will offer Monday at 10c. At the am* tone we will iff .r about 250 S..uktr Bonne's at 2 l'*2o each, and I.COJ iimbroidtrrd Ties at 1c • ion. GENTS' UNDERSHIRTS! Wc triad to 01l thorn and we could it. 50 ( > Men's Gains S lifts a f 18 34c each. Spool* Cotton, “ligiitlv <lamigl, but ail rig it lor bast big, it le oer w;oo! To all of you who may tie.siie a L;tie:i Ulster cheap, now is vour clmucj, 175 pure Linen I'Utcrs. such as have beeu a-jlling it $J t 0, to b ■ o oseout at dU \ A 11 < >l>f!M‘i\ On Momlftv. the 30th, or Tne-iday, the 31st, wc wu’ open abo B S.o 0 yards Union . Liwns and will sell th e m ns long as they hut at I \ Tnvs • -is sol l las v week a 8o 100 Doze i Gents' White Muslin Tie* at l’*o per dozan. W- put on oar count, is lat tho sun * time titK) Japanese Parasols, ledtt ed from ‘2*> to lo.; each, j There are hundreds ot other item*, ‘li* prices o; which w• do no. that we j have mil down to less thm cost in some iustvice-i and co thi odio . We and n-t Hiup'oy darks to let them sand idle In tin- >t re 11 t'u; div long. Wc want j>!o t ty of custoui'is for them and oursdveS to wait ou, and wo aro going to li (Vc th m it we have to give the good* aw. y pice * ra - il. Remember the trouble begins Monday m irnlng at 8 12 o'clock sharp. Admission free- HI.AX 11 AKDA Is< >< > ri I 111 IO I.K \ DKKN, mavO 12m 1 I 1 {road !S( <J:i . I-rockery, I’roekery 1 * * * (liana, China, Gasshvare, Glassware ! Ply Fans, Fly Traps ! Water Coolers. Fluting Machines Plated Ware. ( asters, Butter Dishes, Knives, Forks, Spoons, &©., and evervlliiuff usually kept [in a first class crockery store. Those id need of goods in the above line will fiud it to their iuterest to write and obtain our puces. I’iico list fuvnisned on application. LINDSAY & SANDERS, Bread St., Webster Building 1 , <.’< 1.1 NilSI 'S . CJA may3 8m juno7 Chalybeate Springs. THIS NOTED GEORGIA WATERING PLACE. SITUATED IN Meriwether conntv, l.fiuO feet above *ea level, Is now open to receive guests. The medicinal properties of the waters are well known. The surrounding mountain scenery is grand, the air pure and delightful, and so cool at night that blankets are desirable the entire summer. Ten pin alley and billiard tables on the grounds; and plunge, shower and tub baths—hot and cold—free to the guests. The large ballroom is detached from the hotel and cabins, so that those not participating in the dance are not disturbed by it. Professor II \V Card's fine orchestra is engaged for the season. We offer to those in search of pleasure or recreation everything necessary to complete physical enjoyment, and to the invalid the comf rts of home. RATES OF BOARD: Per day, §2.00: per week, $10.00; two w*eks. $18.00; three wteks. $24.00: four weeks, $30.00. THOMPSON & CHENEY, may'2itf Proprietors. CLOTHING! FRESH ARRIVALS AT H. J. THORNTON'S, THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER HATTER. For Men’s, Boys’, Youths’, and Children’s Wear. Will call fcnpecir.l attention to my YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ ICLOTHINC. Which ennnet be excelled in .Style, Prices and Quality. Gents’ Underwear, Neckwear, Glvoes, A Large and Varied Assortment of all the Latest Novelties and Deaigns. o * TAILORING DEPARTMENT. H J THORNTON'S 83 and 85 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.. is the place to hAv* your Spring Suits made to meaiuie. There you fi id as complete an asrortment f Imperial and D- meric Wboleus us can be found in any first class Tailoring Establish ircnt. His Tailors are all fiiat class. Good workmanship aid a perfect fit is guar anteed. aprfi bi IIEADQUARTES FOR ol( rrinxc;, C [ THOMAS, is the only clothier in Columbus, allowed to sell the celebrated W. &. G. Yacht Cloth Suits. They are every way fdijjfcrior to the ordinary flannels, which are barely imitations, urs durable, lioltl their coPr nnd are most econom.cai in we.i* t and benatitul in fit. THOMAS most respectfully solicits before buying elsewhere,an examination of Ins Fine and Extensive stock of New Spring Clothing, In make superb, in fit unexcelled, in excellence of materials unsurpassed. Furnishing Goods and Hat Department, H ts all Iho lattst novelties and standard good, including the celebrated Iv<-<*|> Aluminum I lon mil Shirts, and Stetson I S ATS. ~ir Special orders niailc (o measure at short notice, and only in first class Istylo WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY- Don't forget that I'fiouins bong-it his poods cheap aud is going to sell etrerr 1 customer that cojh ; s in the House I’ric .s will suit. Don't forget it, I keep no shoddy goods, aprlO n l G. E. THOMAS, Columbus, Ga. drain Cradles, Crain Cradles, THEI HARDWARE STORE! Talbotton, G-a. ALSO, LARGE STOCK OF Plow Hoes, Plow Stocks? Scovil Hoes , and LYE.tYTHING USU.tLLY KF.I’T IN A FIRST CLASS Hardware Store, : all of which will be cold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for the CASH. AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT. Call before purchasing and be Convinced. Keep constautly ou hand a stock of the best COOKIJVG STOVES. Manufactured in the country. Call and see them. may 24 H L. McLENDON, Talbotton, Ga- I CORDON’S New York Store. Columbus, Ga. HAVING DECIDED TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves. Before adding our Spring and Summer Stock, we rffer 1,000 Corsets in eudle* variety, embracing all t*e popular style*, at about coat. 1.000 Bair of Ladies* and Misses- Plain aid F.ncy Hosiery, on account f t sizes and of sii*ht imperfections will be c o*d out at half price. Notice OF THE Igrand CLEARING OUT SALE fiof manv popular brands and low price KID GLOVES. They most be sold at fi'.uce On and after this date we will only buy “Ti e Harris Seamless" and “The gi ierdon" Kid Giove, w _ich w li be sold at tLe regular pric sand under a guarnn- THE NEW YORK STORE. M. O. GrOR-DON. jfscpis- mar-29 82 & 84 Broad St.. Columbus.^Ga.