The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, June 21, 1881, Image 2

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Crockery, Crockery - llihia, Cliisia. GJasslware, Cl asb ware 1 Fly Fans,Fly Traps! Water Coolers, Fluting Machines Plated WarSi In asters, Butter Dishes., Sifidves 9 Forks, Spoony &e., *h<l everything npnnl'y kept in v (’ vt <’ •■ ■ <:■ f*. Those ii need O f f gowl-J iu the •••L > “ ine '■' i: to inu r A k tuito and obtain our price:*. ihie But in; and ") l ‘ ion. LINDSAY & SANDERS, Broad St., Webster Buildisigfr may,'! 8 m jmtr*7 m. i * 3 V 1■ ; fn*Kn y,hiir AaT % H. J. THORNTON'S, Tim i \suio:;u:i.i: CIiOTIIIKH AM) UATl'liit. For Men's, Boys*, Youths*, und Children's Wear. V* HI mil vsjiuci lid fo *i'< *.i fo nr, .. . ~. YOUTHS’ AND EOYS’ .CLOTHING. rflyiinff * '■■■ **■ ’ wliieh (Kiiirnt i,c wttUwl in KljK lV.rt Hu lily, Gents' Undorweax*, Neckwear, Glvoes, A Large and \ *ru*d A .Milmont! nil the I L-•-!. Novtfiliuj* hzkl DoMigna. TAILORING DEFARTMENT. n J THOIIN TON'S Hfi flwl H.L ftroivl Si *(, ('•;. (I Is the pirtci to lift* ▼our Spring Huits nuttfe to mf*. - i-*n? <*. I her*- w*u U■ i >•■ •':>{, let nt r ft int. of 1 mj.x ii i! and Doiivtic M oaloUH )ih cnii l"-founo ii ini' tir. t•• Tuihungr tubhifii irout. Hh Tailor., uieuii fiuit t 1 .. Good woiUtutm# ip iu <1 a perfect tit is gtuvr ntitwA, - M W.j. ACHWATT, Successors to Watt & Walker, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, Corner Stove Under Krmkin House, Coinmbva. Georgia - O DISS! >i .J ’TK > !V. < ’' *, Ov. nfelL Till’ l‘t. U*'l Vito iirn or Wmtt 5 \Vjn..: is IbU \ny <!i roWml tv th© wiiWMr.iVfcd tfi Mv .J A Wullu r, Tht thuforsign© I will e mtinira th * .;ro ry nil pr >vi i>n b.irin nt f! o old Gnnd Htorvurdnr Jißi.kin UouM ] a Ir •jrrfhiliv in.* a o*n,thm tiici# of the .sup port go titi-iHUM'v oxfot.rfod3h* ol 1 (ii* 11 by ilo) l found- n <<| vustn. .. . a and hmt-* lb* nttottcti i4 tlifpnlH' r tieiaßy lo nut m.*k * f 'Good *, w■; io!i < J c iupri no every thing i* the wy of PlaiiUdieu &, Family We k<H*p on ! and (>ru. M"; 1, FI mk, s -.n, Colt i*. Nvw (>. lc ms and HerM * Syrups clmic r nud wil *?<• *' •*! ft. nml Bulk Sa'. *;. r.'lmrc o of nit grades n very nt* t*k I>. .stm-f. Boots. Bio ,:jis Imth Mona and Women**- H<ggmg Ji< -, Idverccml md \i. o i Si!! V' We bV tor o:*s|j ex^*n,. v.s\. in '1 tl h. .ant v. ill .’i •o : i an 1 .\v as any firct ' fcv iimtso inHlir ei* > We exten t a i vimi 'ir to nil nn < ' • i . In, t ',i ! *.i>ntion and hou eat deiUth'S. r k> Itn -i goaw.iy di j.’.-O' .1 j.mi SV. *.V ( 11. WAIT. r Irs r< . .. •. i H r for ■ f 4 -*. .•* A i .1.. ,! . ipPpl * : -C|7,' "'"•A--. •'! TWENTY BEAUTIFUL STOPS, ’■ MELODIA. Oli *|< g*ix . '* . . inna.M- frte/4. f<: iH.Kr. Aon, mi, „ (" .MI, U'MIV;:. v;s.e. <.i*'M‘OU<L ' CVIe-’iwn. ( KU>T!’. o < <• . ; iS| !f BA. S KrK . tM IUMIV - h L . • .if. * * • TV in'*t i tc;i . i hi* . . t..*W<oLI n?G V> w ill u mu) iVIUi r tWt* ii . ~ I on Umhl, nw l |tsir. )<<i <al* •-* < ai: amVr'S fi-'N * >- r • fc *t. . v Lij 11*L <\ r. lineli-n'r >vtVii ■ , MU lie nnnunlh j■! i r • Hati-f:irt.M. Vuu lake . .v ■ %*.>*. i Ahl in b ur. , iiL *. : • • :*. t * nj*r*“ *ji*iii •jF . t n *. .i ' • Ut>>. •t j ! ••as& mM&'&x*- •l .. m ;! rftN. ifi ' < if . I H.-1 rnrx -, ; v 4iM . • t ‘ tVr >;*. •• . \- *ntrr o’ - *? It -'l •* A nMdder.iiW n * - - • > J In Hi* fnw it ’ wVr t mucfi * ii * ,t ’ the pur rn”' vv* -i l • • ;i*. rrt ott<. mul u v- i* • • .. • . *• > üßly.m Jtcr vie v v I'\rfjHAL i Sff ~H. go. :Wjst EOyter-J, ft. 'thr -> t> • - ft.-. ■• \v o ... 'NY. THE REdISTICI? AM) STANDAItI). TALUOT'iOS. TAI.UOT EOl'M’V, (lEQKCIA. JI'NK -M. ISsl. RISBTjB AilD STANDijD. (). i>. GOKMAN'. tLDIiOI;. J ii. UOKMAN, Cui:r.i sj- • f> jl3 mt p.. T;i!lklioii. fin., ITKSDAV JUNK 21. ISI. Official Organ of Talbot County. W vUit A > 1J i'AEiv S* AO XT THE < Try ANUJi-i CALONiIL ■ AVZBf''* KJEW HOOK. ‘ Jl. W. (r “ in AUtthia Constitution. o>‘ >in:i I W Avery, Ii ts about r-:*K<ly | for ti o. {-r-ssH w'.iat tiiu ;t pnv to b: it mo-t enter of the j) id twenty-fivo yearn m C, or .;i i, m idctod sou" after the *• AT*-xrsorJr-% 4 * • > C■! me! WJI .Sp r), i. [i •-■■ ! y f.iiaai] ; and Mtcady cnougb for history, it will b. j ! : more (<,;> N/jirTil i'd thin m.* peironr J LOEHip. It i* a s’mrne and blot upon tlie j name <l our (State that we have no com- ; J 1 t‘-' hn-dovy, |i L'Giiutmg tile dce ln of her j | i'. .ii(* kV n..M oi her ins’ .it ii lions or j i the wi.idoai and fan.* r:ry -,i her life. An ; • here M-'vins* to be no proa poet for polling i 1 n'.uali a work as n wboH the next bent! . thiLN i,-. to la ho it in Kcetiorn or straps. | ! l '..*s p. riu 1 SiJud*' iby Colonel Avery o 'Vera the mod drama!in part of (j r gi&‘.s hiatory. It cavetH the lurid and I ■ turbulent d.-ya tied j'receded tlio war be-! tween the Stain the whole of that wnv itM' If, in wlddi Bom the iird to List f i or,pa no**; a coiiSpicuoiifl part, fur ntany of Its lender# and the Jh< a ; ter for its most terrific nnddecjhive jah a the KifonnoiiH and bitter cordorit • v r r<-coiihlrunh>n that followed, mid the gionouft era of rchabiiibitiou in which -ve atono v living. Indeed, Colonel Av< vy lias tlio elenienta r.nd opportunity j for the making o t a great boon, ora? that j ! will live to the honor of hia State and ! • liiniH* If, ! To lea vo out events l hem selves, what n I | mu Holy array of man .there are to loach j | his pen with lire. Bob T< onit.H, tlm | g* nun* of revolution, moving like a lung 1 among the no a of 'CO,hurrying with un -:tny. and lmnd to Jet slip the e lements of a war in tie smoke and dm ot which lus power and kingliness Were to be lost forever. Cordon, who,with pulses kind ling ;u his boyish wrist, moved to the light hand of hue and ioughl like a dtmn- ' god through the scenes that broke his chief tain's heart. Brown, the pallid, ! , lorcelut monntumecr who heal the helm | | through Cieorgijps bloodp Kt davs, and j | went through u revolution as the toil ol ! •tn pr*.* id< imt. .standing for tlio sover- | ! eignty • f (ho Slates against a centralized | eonfederucy. Ben Hill, the inatchlcsH j ! orator and constitutional d*.hater, who; [ led tho forces of the administration in! him <' 'nfod-.iat. S •nate fttd modeled tin | | judicial ny stem for the struggling South | ilowell Cobb, wise and eloquent states 1 inan, who challenged more national' i thought, perhaps, than any (ieorgian, ex- j cept Crawlord, and cfliuc out ol the oibi ul to stand with hi * people Ihaticj j Bartow and Tom Oohh those car y raar * tys to a cause to which both bad const crated their lives lost, ns corn oh that I till the skicM with glory an 1 thou sweep beyond the reach ol mortal vision. Cos j quilt, the bravo soldier, the pais states man and the fonder whose lile mpclfo I aid v, hose Ntrengih dell- 1 a crußado oi j acciißatiou that seemod overwhelming— j dl those an i hundreds ot others, ot j | kinship in worth and reputation with j ! ther, e, who marched through the thrills I mg and desperate scenes ot tin* past ] throe decades, with the hearts (if men I ; and the <*■ mi mi at i>n of saints. Ah! IBurois an impulse and inspiration in 1 ; the lives of these m m—in the history ol ’ (1 oigia'.N aspiration and achi- vciuent in ! the thirty years gone, that would till the wrist ot an lliibeetle With tl.robbi 1 g and ’ eager .sentences. A. A M. (’olx.lue. Yvu imyc received I { tlio cat.fioyiu© ci tho Htate Agncvdlural ! an 1 Mt clianical College ot Alabama, it>r 1 ISSJ 81. Tbe coniim ut tunent ex.-ruht s j will bt gin on Sunday, Juno 2utU, lb v. ; ; Otirt A Glax brook,nl Mueon.Ga.. preacii- i | ii'fcs tke Ft-nuon. Quito an j ’■ifior tl • xoivisHH will oxteiivl lrom tht! ! 7iU And conclude on ihe 2lbh. The | ncasipii lor ISBI S2 begins W < fines lav. jS. pt Uvwli, IhSl, extending to Tub, Btli, , : 1882, ,it which time the s in mi term w ill j commence. Hov G \V \bo .n, w 11 ! known throughout this section as a prominent educator, l* Professor of Eng 1 h>h LlUratlin* iu tliH inatitntiotu Send for eitalo ; uc t> I’roi. W C blubb.-, Scctv. •• f FaeuHv, Auburn, .Ma. 1* M 1 (inior, if Muiiweilui o nmtv, who killed J K Siiutllca n few ibiys si.nee, has been sent lo Atlanta for Min kiep’po-. ► ■+ rise f tr.m rs . f I'lmm. s county have proposed the forniiition ot a league t u July Bh in which they will obligate thmuselv* s hereatter to e .t dowu tln ii * ixHtin crop one -halt, and to raise moic j } rovioc ns. Thin is the fiio.a’e ot com iiion s ns**, to say the least ot it. lie ports to the Department ot agricul ture in NVasuiujjton show the tobil i:.- , crease of'the area planufi iu cotton to . be less than one per cent mare than last year. The (Vnkling matter—we lmd almost tor;:tvn r tmt the deadlock still con j tiuues at Albuny with no prospect for an ' curly solution. - ♦- -♦ V tir. at The flop Bitters Manufacturing Com pany i> ore <‘t Rochester s greatest busi ness entri prises, 1 heir Hop Bitters have reached a sale beyond all prece dent, hflviug fioua their mstiinic value found their way into almost every house hold iu the bind.—Graphic. The commute* appoinbd at the last session ot the Georgia Legislature, after investigating tho c-ouvict system, have bvi hd to icpt it to the July session m favor ot 'i eoiumis>in> for the regulation oil v k\sU ui : UroO jhoat th: State undrccN o: M :i. Women aud Th Id ler ivseue.l tr il. Lt f pain, si-k ns* aud !m >t dcai’a .ri 1 m'd* s’r.tug a -fi hearty v I’ark.T‘s ti*sjer T uio are th • dohittHV' in t: wovil of lis stt 1 ir.q w*>it Y *n riu find t!.* s' i“ <v * . ” !'• "t. ‘-cv dhc *.s_ eat. lunvl t lm Tiro Insurance Agency, J J BULL. Special Agent- T.'vIJiOTTOX. <IA. ! Walertowc, X* Y. InKurace Coujpary, C 1 au'iUK, Mivlm*uram:e vnd B - l-ing Company. Combined Capital. $300,000- DwjlUiivs mi i F./rm JPto;i< r- y „ ci .t v. Tn-u.ontfe aii loss or dnii -.t;,: Fv I.i auil I iro. I .i v<- ocdc. I;iiur:nce ay.inst b-_ by Eini ilitblo liiti H, I’rompt Keltl(.-infnts J J bUi.i., Sy.i-iil Agent. : in- 7if j. I Letters cf Dismission- GEOUNlA—llcfxrr: \Vh.rMs, \Y;iiiam M Isom, Ad;ni!ii*(ra -j for el Xati.a" il !:. n f a- *: * •and, rep*-! i-i pis to iu iis ptii’iop, • n’y • fifed a;al c ■ wi 1 !;'t (-a i’’ * *h t ie h uHv ftdmiuis?ered tl.o c-stul i oi said do -i ot-asMl. Thu*; *s r’ *r -i {* cif * nil j■ r* sons !. onct'Dioi, Li* died a; d< r and : i-, U> show cause, if any th y cm, v.liy Kaicl • Vdmii.istrator ' Jionid not bn diycharged . !r***n bis admii.i-*,;infi m, nralrecdvo h!- tors ot di:sr::s; ion, on the jl -ud ,y in Amud i.oi'B (ii Veil under mv (>.% ial fciguAuro thia the 3d ila\ ( ' M .V, ISSI. JiTCiIAHD il. BEONABD. may 3 3m Ordinary. WHITS CLIP? MINERAL SPRINTS. 3IO.NUOS CO . Evil' TJ’.N'.*,'. T hf. r ! -b Su;ji !. r i-! fi sit- j Hated on the top of Chilb *v. ■ p mount *i *, ; ► ixicen roil'.-H southciud of Ata-:..., a poief "ii the E I . V*. and -.a. Kj. Th • ho tel And apruvgj nr; at an eh-vatioa if 3*'/0i f tti above the 8 a l v. i ( ab *v ■ dew point], Thu re n*ry is uu.sur |i;u-.d. lh© ho'el will I' *- opjn fr Ri reception of g u-sfs first of J-une. Visitors j can obtain round triji tickets via Athens. ; Tcnn. Daily line of -tops uni daily: mail. Telegraph Jin© to Sprin 'H via Ath ens. O/Ilce in hotel. For furl her infor mal nu and p.ft'id.lefs. a Idre-s junc7 2ui Jii MAGIBL. Proprietor. TALBOTTON : Club Itooms. IIISI HUFF. rnorniETor.s. Imported and Domestic * Wines, Ilrandiss, Cham paigns, Whiskicsand Cigars. FINE WHISKEYS A SPECIALTY! Handsome POOL and BIL LIARD TABLL 3. A‘- li.lUHl-ai SH* >1 1 in t rr o'Uir, Tiions r<>:< nor >k i.a> i.mknc. 1 1 !1 I. RANKIN HOI'SE, JOHN SCHESF, Proprietor PRANK GOX.D!..\, Cl. l it. Entirely Ne w m all its I APARTMENTS, and atrictly 1 FIRST-CLASS. jmiitf COU*M!M’W,OA. LcVeri Female College. Th; old CKlab’islmd Iru-.Ttntiou lm-. been resorgainr'd wita coin pc cut !u slrue‘oi's in every iLpavummt. and c-l Tera mpi*n*r lulvftnta; u 10. the ediunticu oi t*i) Is. Tii' diso ; pli. e wi Ibo mild lmt fmn i and the Ina’.rneii n thorough and by tin analytical metl.o 1. Th * next term will bcii ■ J n 18th. 1881, and c- ntiune for *ix Miouths. Tui t on duo upon tho enrol incut of tho pu >ils, nut e\ 'pt ill c Ist s <fi s; < eiftl ngr u nient, payuioit will bo ex. tctod in u i vanco, tor at 1 nt l.ulf of tL< term, o* monthly. No ficuuction for absence, un lets caused by j lot ; ' ,: v and sick ness. EXPENSES AND EKES. Preparatory Department per a* num $20.00 A Cad tnic 1 > ■ p rsiu ct per annum... diMH) Collegiate Depar-.m* nt p rauuum.. i;).(*0 Music Dcpanmeal p r a>nu u 30 is* lucuteutials per annum 200 Esc of I'm io ]a- * r month 1.00 F*r luriitcr Information ufifiicsv the President, V .L DAYAN [\ detiitf i lb lion Da. Bt/JI. F’eysor M ANITA*'Tt l: Kit OF Fin© Cigars, * — VNl> !>£.W*T.Fi IN Cigaretts, Chev/ing & Smok ing Tobacco, & Snuff. Brown House Block. Opposite Basaengcr I>epct octlßtf \8 Fourth Macon, Ga* IJ *l-1 *J J-'yiVfl f? M 4 :% j.l ?1 ra **** - v Jlx n. j taißAaxi.^ | (liiuscr, Bnehu% B* sad rake, Bttt!ingi& ar.d' Imai’.y other of the hc'-t medtone* known a;* com l ined so skillfully in Ginger Tonic aw | to make it t'.e greatest Blood Purifier and the [Best Health and Strength Restorer ever used. r It cures CyipepeD, Rheumsti-sw. NeoraigD. j gDent srnrs. :-ut all ~ ’of t’e Stomach. tßcv Ms. Lunas, Liver, K.Jneys, Urinary Orgcns 'and .21 female Comploir l*. t Jj y' ; aro - aw..y "uh C or pny*tmH‘-f.u>cthfi N ! ( V- L> u “ ;r * \ ■- .ns C* t-e. it viil st;rr-> -P ) "• [Kc--- - . 1 T:.*s Tcxtc cures uru.'-kv Is t;,c Bed ITmiSy Medicine ever m.!o, cjua-c’.v vkllrrcnt ftN'ia i-ulcN i 3r.. Sv thcr i nics,ndcom.;r.c. Ihe l ■ .-si curative pr^r j kerticsof ail. Ii v ft f -tc. Fvtt’.o cf your c.rv.^gift. I fXant cenuinr wUo it our stature on outbade p< t .;;:p ’ -XC- ’■ v '. '^^2.-2. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM {rbStf WATCH. CLOCK, and JEYY ELRY REPAIRING. Ths uudersig , \ -as '*> ue l m the stoic room > r.m ilv <ceMj.i<*l by J A Foster, wi.t r ; c i-. ••i*tp--r c t> *it> i.ll kind *'i tcp.iiiing iu the JF v L..HY iu-, iv.v':,:tl' .- *.vd w.*rk wauratiiCii u- A > ti 1 ro ? ; ‘ • .TV -and : > gi ss s kept c>nst ait y i-U*ck. UhDtr ted c ; : cout dci gtj the latest :> :,*i >.• vw• i- ynn i Mi' .rv.a\* o hand. ;>u s cm the suiUtc at leans: price.- oa ih rt nolic . liavc s.c tie da fi proof -ate f;r t':e , prate :ion of U valuables placed in uiy Laid- f.*r No 1>: 'uvfi S on r.*t .ch and i ' ray bri'.iu'-'s. J I! MAI ND, rut; Ot t;n i S MS S CO. COLUMBUS, GA. j Trepo.;*- to ?>J ,c ‘ on Bargain Counter -h • Ni**st notabl * bargains oi tuc season. ' Ain g them LACE BUNTINGS at 10l PJEP. YARD. \V.- have opened B)me cboics styles of ! Brin!e*J Muslius. LONDON (JODIES AT (J I 1 CENTO. (.Vicos 4 1-2, ■”> and G:. Colmoa Lawns fc. Attractions jn iaice an.l Lawn Ti a, 1 Cos 1 us, Cuds, etc. hosiery. Oar claim Ink eping the lirgjsfc and j ( heap **t lot of 110-i ry is conceded bv alb 0 unc and arc <*nr Kmbirjidered Bab I br'y ;vis L Ciic-S* 3’zth at 2-'*o. I' l ‘Utifnl assortment l.hildren‘B Hose * •AD, 7dc, % 1 nd $1.50 per pair. rcrealc-3 and Morales- W> will open during tkc week desirable Htyit Hin above wa-h goods that are in great demand at present. Nil^ZtN. hav j .;t plac <1 hinge orders Fra ; now st and BDck Sdks. and will sell i the reni.itm.jg short ends at astounding rcducii* ns. J. S. JONES & €O. Columbus, 0.i., mar 9 b 1 rnay2l It PS KIM BUG. K II HUZZA. (iiiliililliim Trunk Manufacturers SAMPLE TRUNKS AND Caso3 a Specialty. i.Ki’.uiux,; ntmim.v u ii Ta. | Ao. 11 1. I’ryor S' , ATI.IN PA. <i A may 17 *Jm STOP At the Old Shoe Store. Sbe Om* Fi*ench Dutton Kid Boot 1 A THING OK liKAf I V. 1 /■*<>k at the full line of Ziegler's One work for Ladies, Miss sand c' ildr. ri O', serve th s’- st iu ol widths nn 1 me t-- meuicuts. Fiv-guides to * a‘h si/i, *n bliii; uk to lit uluiost every sh.po of fo t. Notice our Butt n Fastening Machine ia cons*nnt operation, ami our fttrang* -i ments for siroplying het*; pi t a, stiffen nj n t extra (a -•< Is, gilt butt*>ns, Ao. Se** also •ur line t t Newport ■. Han da sand ! .'lipjjcrs. all the't favor.tes and \ I desirable nov* l*i s. D ift overlook otn ; I common sense line, brond s tied, easy * ' weaving shiv. dw’id i.nd stylish goo Is ' t*r schorl children, and tho celebrated] no!at tip sho . for tho little folks. Ks. i amine our a-sortment for me Ts wear. 1 Pump-*, !ii\v Ii h. Button and Laced Or iloitU. and it full lice ot llravi r Gooda Ask l r any style ah >*' v- u may want, ■ t any tiling you may need in the Way ot i. >i r uni Fi’U'iiuqs, und don't buy ; u.-lc s you :.rc sufied. WELLS&CURTIS, ! nniyd aor s (A. Ooliinsworth Institute. - TO tv - Boys uiul Yoiinir Hen! Ke-opc’i (1 aud ic- .TtLni7 and will re sume * \-rcis s at 4 m Old t .unpus. dan. IS fi, 1 -Ssl. bud, Tui lon, Washing and Inc dental; %1 ’ par month, if cut fnctsMl f r the Term, and pud monthly ’• n Jt dva cc. Tuition per month $2. NJ at il s| janll bl John T. Mcljauoriin. JOHN W HALL, Attorney at Law AN 1) REAL ESTATE AGENT, TALBOTTON. GEOKdI Jin .A. B. C. A meric.*, u Break!, t OeroiL. S!eni A'o- kc ! and D* ssi *c tted, M itr* \Y!'t.ut • White O its and /LDey Food t l)roui ii '..’c Bros., (’oliiinbus. L. M. TURNER, At the Thornton Shop. (IN RF.AIt OF HOTKL.) I j.m nrctnre 1 t*> do all clauses of WORK. Li i;oad stylo. a ..l ;t leusoaabk p ic s. H(<ltSK SHOEING an 1 BOGGY WORK A SPECIALTY. T Jo al; th work for Mcs- rs. Martin A F;\ - .n. w ich of itself, is a sufficient [r uu race ditto •. Give a trial. v 1,2 U :n. Mur: a Ist. I**BL a W i JIM ffl., Macon, <ia. OFFER I yndccejlkxts ix th;:® vaiu- I ous lines of biisinej-s nnsui passdby ; any retail establishment in the State, i Partivular at>;)tioii pail to orders fro.n ! out*, f-town buyers. 8 ; and f* >r ©aiuples of anything you may desire. Prompt at tcution. Dry Goods, Dress Making, Clctking, Millinery, Boots. Parasols, Shoes. Fans, HATS, CARPETS and BUGS. (’ome to sse ua when visiting Mac n. may 22a THE OLDEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN GEORGIA, J. KYLE & C 0„ COLL 3i BUS, GA. WE BUY AND SELL FOR < Vrsi i USTKN TO TUB VOICE OF OI K 1.0 W PRICES: Blent,bed dome dies. G-io 12 cents, Loiiclon cords, 7 cuts, Naina ok, 7c to 10 cei ta. VN i ile Victoria L iven, 8 cents. B u'k bunting. 12 1-2 enits. Black nil wool Bunting. 20 cents. Hamburg K igiugs cu© cent lo two j dollars per yard. These are our own importation, and j ch'-api r than any one ebe dare sell them. r Fabh‘ 1 )mn:i . \V,. c irry an Immense stock, price 25c to $1 75 per yaid. Gents Furnishing Goods. Flic 1 iu-b* c-.Uurs. the n nc.-fc the b.-st iiitiriK dhirt. (hi* uubhi--s*. - f.>unil with us. WEm.l.c snits t order and ganrante si perfect fi: Dress Goods Department. BILKS and SATINS ANY COLOIt, Satin Dcl.yons, Bn^adeH, Triuming.s Velve'a. Orn uuenfo, Ta&aeta. NV c cnrr.v a stock of 2fH) iii c s Dress uu ii i i'tiijuiig Silk©, priced 05 c©ut mid upwards. 2bo iduces fl.*r matting to be so and by the j ice-, m auction pnccu. Cheaper than ever offered here bfdore. Shoes and Hat Department. compfotc with n?w styles. Lacf Curt u s lAc to 75c per yard, Lace bed sets, quite new, Lace 1. mbreqnin*. f tce Colift*-s, cx’ri httlsh. Lac- h *tid erehmfs t V lafe.t. Aiii bnyu'B co .-t ititly in the market gear, cite to a ll first pj lifv yonds cheaper than an) ho i-,* j ft Uii. section. ViTiE'UE b fin 1t: : \ at J KV: V. Sx i'O S., ('heap Cash Columbas, (in. I‘nti , D . ,] sir* io .fdtr vtmphv an ! bi.di 'r informatio * chci ru lly f nr . lilSh a nd. ;< i •5 a BOOTS, SHOES, —AND 3E31-A. yjy ES l COCrMBVS, GEOB'iXA. J. Marion Estes A Son. "WHEN you come fo Ofiuoihna, don't f ail to Uok over our new stock < f Boots. | i Shoes und Mata. It will pay you to Jo s') We have used greit cue in select-j ing our entire .-lock for this sprint, and j led confident that styles nml prices i will phase. We are da dv receiving the: l .rgest stock of Plain and Fancy >i\A PITERS . Ever brought to tins oily m endless va riety and elegaut styles. Put your mind at rest about prices, us we ardetermined to sell cheaper th in ever. Onr repu aDon for FINE SHOES , will be Jr ti.y st sTAiNKn. and we coti t mu* to keep none but the BEST Hand 'York. Be .-.uie to see our LOW CUT SHOES. Wo have jtmt opened up a Loud some lot ol sty fish Hats, •ill new. Tio old stock, Imt fresh, beauti ful good.-. We guarantee prices lower thou vou can buy .t any other house iu th Sci y. tb'b-rs bv mail k’.jhll have prompt st j tention. S- nd accurate description o! sho. sfi si and. J. MARION ESIT.S A- SON. miu2'.‘:f c Columbus, Georgia, Atlanta Millstone Manufactory TO MILL OWNERS! Foi tie best MILLSTONES. BOLT INGCLOIH. SMV I M-.CHINKS :.-J - 1 m inn_9 Wi! BKENSEK O*. Chalybeate Springs, THIS NOTED GEORGIA WATERING PLACE, SITUATED IX JlcriwelLer county, 1.000 feet above nea level is now open to receive quests. The medicinal properties of the Waters are well known. The surrounding mountain sc nery is grand, the air pure and delightful, and so coo! at night that blankets are desirable the entire summer. Ten pin ailey and billiard tables on the grounds; and plunge, shower and tub baths—hot and cold—free to the guests. The large ballroom is detached from the hotel aud cabins, so that those not participating in the and nee are not disturbed by it. Professor II W Card's fine orchestra is engaged for the season. A\‘e offer to those in search of pleasure or recreation everything necessary to complete phv-ical enjoyment, and to the invalid the comf rts of hotn RATES OF BOARD: Per day. 82.00; per week, $10.00; two weeks $18.00; three Wicks, $2-1.00; four weeks, $30,00. TIIOM !*< ■ & < II i:>, KV, .■nay 241 f Pfoprietors. V. WITifCH. C M KIN3EL WITTICH & KINSEL, Watchmakers and Jewelers, Cor. Broad Itaodolpli Sf #l Columbus, Georgia, I>tMi b‘rs iii WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Diamonds, Rings, Spectacles, Silver Ware, Silver- Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, &c. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry REPAIRED to give satisfaction, andw ranted. Engraving done to order. H.t r Jewelries mafic to order. Diamond s met to nut 11;e present style. GORDON’S j New York Store.! Columbus, Ga. HAVING DECIDED TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OK K, | Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves; CM r ■ id ding Mir Spring and Sum no r Stock, wo < ffer 1,000 Corsets in Je.idlt s! v.. :• •v. ntbi ;< :ug all te fHpnlar at vies, at abont cast. ( l.' • P.-.i;s of L.i':i*.*ji* and Plain and Fancy Hosiery, on account of; •" • . ■ r.nd of slight im perfect ions, will be cosed out at half j rice. j ®I?£aIslo INTotioe Ol 1 TIUG GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE| [of msiav popular brands nnd low pr.c, KID GLOVES. They must be Bold at; ii e On and aft-r lids due we onlv buv >-T e Harris Seamless" and ‘-The .(> >uiou‘‘ Eld Glove, a ieh w li bo h Id at the royr.lar jirieos a .and under a yuaiau.j f THE NEW YORK STORE. 3MC- O. GORDON. Splß 111! ,r -° 82 & 84 Broad St.. Columbus, Ga. Ears for the Million ! FOO ( HOG S BALSAM OF SHARK SOIL Positively Re* tores the Hearing, and Is the Only Absolute Cure tor Deaf ness Known. This Oil is extracted from a peculiar specie* of small White Shark, j,tight in the Yellow Sea, known as (’ i charodon Bondcfotii. Every Chines© fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a re to alive of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist kriest about the ye r 1410. Its cures were so numerous aud many so seemingly miraculous, that the remedy was offi cially pr claimed over tho entire Empire Its use became so universal that for over 300 years no Deafness has exist and am n? the Chinese people. SsiH, chargee pre p *id. t ) any address at $1 per bottle. Onlv Imported ty IIAi’LOCK A CO., Bold Agents lor America. 7 Dev St., New York. lis virtues are .unquestionable and its curative character absolute, as the wri ter can personally testify, b th from peneuce aud observation. Among the many readers of the Re view in one part end another of the country, it is probable that numbers are afficted with deafness, aud to such it oi.iy be said: 'Writ© at ou.*c to Haylock A Co-, 7 Dev Stre.-t. New A’crß, enclos ing SI, and yon will receiv by return a iemedy,that will enable you to hear like anybody els . and vhosa cur.itiva eiTects will be pernmnenL You will never re gret doing so.‘—Editor ol New York Mer cantile Review, Sept. 2". C ENTRAL HOTKL. Broad Strlet, - - Columbus, Ga. t*?- First-class in .ill its appointments. Office and Dining Room on first floor. ELECTRIC BELLS IN EVERY ROOM ! Hates Reasonable; Tables iumisbed with best the markets afford. This Hotel is centrally located, with the best accommo putions in the city. J W. RYAN. Proprietor. AYXD LANPEETH & SONS, Philadelphia, Pi BeCdes a good assortment of DRUGS and Patent Medicines, I offer at reasona ble prices, BRUSHES,'COMBS, PERFUMERY, &c Chrcmos and Picture Frames. A new and large stock. Lamp's | Lamp Fixtures Paints, Gils and Varnishes, OF ALL KINDS. AN EXCELLENT se. Cigar. MANY NOTIONS, —AND— FANCY GOODS. E. L. BAEDSVELL. OCt !n B I TaXJKjTTON, Ga. HAMS Breakfast Bacon and Slionlders very five— jus: ic.ciVvdat Ikemq ok Bros-, Columbus.