The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, July 26, 1881, Image 2

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Georgia Stale Fair! L"37 MACON. OCTOBER 17fli iTO 22nd, 1881- The Most Magnificent and Best Appointed Grounds in the South. ——— o Liberal Premiums for Stock, Poultry, Field Crops, Home Industry, Fine Arts, Manufactures, Machinery, Etc. O - • Large Purses for Trotting and Running Races, and will be contested for by some of the best hot on the lui f.— o Music by an Excellent Military Hand. lUtnrCEl) ItATES F<r Freights and I'a'scngm on mi the 'RiilrowlN. Kvt-rv uit<xrn w invitwl to nil- nl and exhibit ao-no’hinij nt our expoait <m. ft nU Oui Htoalwj Iwru I'ffJiioiu li*t : lid olio r lef -m,lit,mi. ■I HOHAK IT U( DEM AN, .In., Trim. 11. If. ('AIt Y. General Sup* jnly2fM . 1- GRIER. H-rretary, Macon. a I'Liunss i?u 3*i to vis i > Light Draft Cotton (fins. 1 tori’. Oder* anJ Coii'WniftM if dcrired lice mmieniled by all Flutters uve uhl them, a uni'erior to any Oiu (unT.iifaotur, <l. > ■ SLAPE& E THEBEBQE, Warehouse amt Commission Mi: I tCI I ANTS. ColombuN, - - ‘ - - Gcor<fiii. Are Role Agent* for all (he aeeti. n Inuling nt Colnnibna. ami will Itirnmli circtiUta U.l (KiStinioutitlr on appliention A |.ly early to wsh it (iin. jil.jds CARGILL. - Being Fullv Convinced that a— Strictly Cash. System. I* tho most equitable nud fair method of doing husirtoae, will commence from to-day, to soil for CA S H ! e Tima aimliling lii'O to eel! poml i much cheaper than llinso rtoing a credit haln<'K, nnd nartii-K having the reitilv money may know where to (•all and || -I IxH vuluo lor it. llelow will be found a few prions which will in.lieate tin* IMMENSE 1( EI >V < 'lioNS made tbrotialtoui his e.itim 'took: S,(KW yard* Standard l'rods al A em s. l.lHHlyaids Lace Strips Huntings al 7 eon's, fir mer price II emits. 1,000 yards Mudm* Oieglmnmat 11 1 ? eents, former prieo :'(l cents. 1,000 yiinla lUmunpo Drer* floodsat Hce.ita, (ormer pii e 15 cents. 5,000 yrds Hcnuiiful I.iiwn n 5 i cuts, formal' price 8 ends. 5,000 yards Various Klyle, Do s (binds, pine -1 it .on tin But gain Count et lo lie clo ed out al half pi ice ,i. Do not toil to o t'm.n A few pieces of Black Or nadincis at HI non s oheipat 23 cetila. All clmecs uf Spring and Rmctaer Dress Hoods lo lie slid re et'dles* of cost, 500 do*cn Knelling at 2". oeals |ld on, e.he.ip nl si! emit*. 6.000 J irds Curt tin N. l "I cost. In close out. A so, lull one Ciißsim res, lor Men sod Bov’s wear; Towels, N-ipains, r.inle Dun isk, etc., els. t ALL AND HE (ON VINcEI). James 12. (’ni-jflll, 70 II ■ cad Street, julv2o lv Columbus, Georgia. Georgia Warehouse ! J. W. WOOLFOLK, Proprietor. Warehouse and Commission Business, Columbus, Georgia. Will Inve completed for the U'W crop of cotton his lirjjo anl e immodioua Two Htorv Brick Warehouse, tiIUU with every modern couv. n.euoo lor ilic sale, handling an t htorage of cotton. Mr. F. J. Jenkins will bo in charge of the Sales 1) pirtment an I Mr. C.’iia A Hough, ol TUbo* county. wi Ibe at th* so tics. Prompt h .mi l ig, obv'dwmce to iu htruetious ot planters, quick returna ant small < \ *es s ! julviMls 200,000 Feet Lumber, - koi? s.vui vr j, 0. GORMAN’S Steam and Water Mills. 8 and 10 Miles south of Talbotton. near Geneva. For Casli Oi^Lly- Q - Inch plank. Weuthcrboar H* g FI > *nug. Ceiling and K>ugu Elge, ranging in price from 25c to $1 OO pet hinds d feet at mil’. Lumber deliva ed iu Talbotto i. Cola nhv and Mk mi. at very low cash pne- s. Bills of framing hawchl to order. \t price* tin: c taunt lv 1* N DEliriOLD. Wo do a large business and guarant.o satinf* *iiou to our patrons. If you want to sate m>nt*v, sue uk wi write me botoie puroh using vonr bills. Ad dress. * J. B GORMAN. r U ottoo and Geneva. schofield slrqn WQRKs7 MACON. (SEOIKiIA. MANUFACTURE PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, FOK GINNING, THRESHING AND GRINDING. HEAVY STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES. STEAM BOILERS, and SAW MILLS a Specialty Shield's CelelrateS Patent Power Cotton Press, To be run by Hand, Horse, Water or Steam Power. Over 20,00 V in u-e throughout tni Cotton Growing States. General Repair Woii. Promptly Attende 1 to. For Pa.ticuiurs ad Prices. address juijisiij J S. SCHOFIELD, Proprietor. THE REGISTER AND STANDARD. TALIiOTTON, TALBOT COTNTV, GEORGIA, JULY 26.1881. : REGISTER AMSTANMRD. O. I). GORMAN, f.MTon. .J B. GORMAN,CoaKr.sroNiiiKr, P. o,t< b. r ralbol l.oti, (a., i TUESDAY •lULV 26, 1881- Official Organ of Talbot County. ---■■ ■ ■" *JUK UEOKtiU liECiISLATUUK. ■ By f' n '.tor Gnerry—A bill to relieve ! tmx < nl.cctor- n<l receivers of tbe v. rious count! h of thin .'State from attending any place oi places tor leceivmg and col lee - Mi{* taxes except such aw may be desig nated by ordinary or ceutty comim.-sion erw. By Hen dor Storey—A bill to Lo enti tled n act r* provide for the collection of insolvent tax execution*. ; A bill to be entitled an act for the more certain levy and collection ol tho county tax m this State. Passed. Mr Rice, of Fulton, chairman of the committee on tho adjust ment ut the cl dm of the State against lit * c.ty oi Atlanta, submitted u repoif. stating that tho cumnititea J;n 1 met the mayor and council of Atlanta and noth ba l agreed that a hchmhh repieseniing the citv and tiie Slate alionld assess tio value of the old’, and that then judgement ahull be final. The sum thus assessed shuli be paid into the treasury when the Slate shall begin the erection ol u now capital. The r(.solutions accept | mg the offer of the city of Atl nta were. ■ (iu motion of Mr Dice adopted. The re j port will he published in lull as soon as wo buvo th v spuce. Mr Adderton, of Hnmter -A bill to Hubmit t<> the volers ol Sumter county the question of sale or no© of whis key. etc. Kef rred to committee on tem - perance. M; Post, of Coweta To re luce the* tees of inspectors of fr itdizers from .00 to 25 cents. It' furred to committee on agri culture Mr A wiry of Carroll—A resolution that the finance oomiuiH-e he rt qu -.stud to report such u bill as ia liecessary to s ! ‘ cure fuller returns of taxable property Kef rred to fi nince c juimii 'ed’ Mr It esc, of Wilkes A bid to provide for the eotppt haul ion of sh*. nfft and or dinaries whe re none is now allowed by law. I’asHe 1. A bill to bo entitled at) '.*t to increase the Hfliaries of the chief justice, tho jnd • hof ihe atiprernn court and the judges rf ihe superior court of tills state, lb committed to committee on ju diciary. A i.i’l to b enti'led an act to provide for the collection ol iusolvent tax i Xicu ti n. A bill to be entitle ! an act to uufchoriz the mayor and council ot the town of Ibitler to levy and coiled, tax s tor the purpoM" of establishing and maintaining schools in Hiid town. On motion of Mr Martin, of Talbot, the rules were suspended and the senate bill to reped the law to restrict, the rate of interest was read t m first dine and re lened to the eotnint tee on (i iftneo. Mr DuKupson of ll iJdwin—A bill t(* change the time* of elec i>g Comity officers j vz: the first Hedmslay in October. Mr Pußignon briefly argued for the pasi age ol the lull a .c! stated that It was designed to prevent the frequency ot elect ions. On its passage the yeas and nays were ordered and were, yeas 112, nays 21. He the bill paused in the House. Mr JlecHt*, of Wilkes A bill to provide for sale ot property under ti fas. issued from county courts ol ibis State. I'ass and. Mi Stanford, of n.irris, gave notice of a motion to reconsider Hm hill lo estab h<b a branch of the State University at 11 miilton. Mr Basing'r, ot Chatham, gave similar | notice as to the bill to ch mga the time j of electing county officers, It is not considered certain that t. is present L ’gisl itui e will make an appro priation for the building ot anew c -pt tol, though the inconveniences of the prcN'nt building are not denied by any one The fate of other measures invol ving an increased expense in the runniog of the State government, with ins ewer*! institutions, is likewise uncertain. Tnese j measures will have vigorous and eaun st support, but a spirit of economy and i saving wiiethoi a wme one or not, i-. pms e ptibiy prevalent, and may def at any of ilism. It is repaid ,1. and is apparently relia ble, tli iv the joint comniiUeo ou temp r ■*tic ■ has ban polled, and stands. Foi | prohibition 5, loe.vl option 12, no legisla tion 1. Bv Mr. Martin, of Talbot, a local bill to amend an ai t inonpeluting the Tul botiou B; uui'li Kuilroad _ Cum pa y. By Mr Moore, of k L’ike. a bill to regu j late the sale of pist>>ls in Georgia. [X ! mx ot $1 on each pistol sold.] 811.1.S !ii roUTU> BACK. A number of bills reported by the com- ■■ mittec on special and local legis ation 1 were taken up and referred to other com- i miltecs ui the House, The joint comml tee to report on a day ! i <>f adjournment vuportoil that on acgLnut ; jot the accumulation of business, it w,i- j j impossible to indicate a day of adjourn- j ment. Tiiey repented a resolution tor | bidding toe introduction of any new bill | J after the 1 -t day ot August, unless b\ I vonseiit ot tii oc-fourths of the house in j winch it \h offered. Mr Twigos, chairman of the commit tee on Teueral relations, reported a bill | districting the Hiute tor the election ot i Kejuvs* niati ves to Congress, with a re - I c umueudation that it be referred to the committee on apportionment. It was so referred * By have. Mr Twiggs, of Richmond, introduced a oill to require judges to give specially in charge te grand jurns an act for the privation ot cruelty to unimuls. i'iie advocates of the repeal of the prtsent ussury law are confident of sue j Cv’SS, r ! ho house has worked with i blc. steadmes, since it fi st met. No Good Preaching. No mau can do a good job of work i preach a good sermon, try a law suit well, doctor a patient, or write a good ar j tide when he feels miserable aud dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady nerves, land none tdmuld make the attempt iu j such a condition when it c.u be wo easi !ly and cheaply reiuovod by a little Hop I Bitters- Albany Times. Kuxnto IN BARNiSVLLLE. Mr J II Pound was killed m th 1 streets ot | Bari.esvide, Meed tv. ISth, shot gun j used. Previous difficulty. After a pre liminary trial, Mr. Krspess who did the : shooung, was released on a b *ud of $5 tHK) f >r his appearance at the next term of Pike Superior Court. Killing supj>osed to have been in self do nice. It is a foolish Mistake to confound a remedy of with the quack medi cines now so common. We have used , Prker*s Giug< r Tonic w ith the happiest resnlta for Rheumatism and Dyspepsia ' aud when oru cut by overwork, and know it to be a st riing health re-toia * Times, tee adt. julvlilni | Notice to Debtors and Giedi tors- I GEORGIA -Talbot Gcc.vrv All persona having d<unnds ngainnt i the eatate of George B Elder, dcceaa <1 v;i 1 present them to me (inly authenticated ) w ithin the time prescribed bv law, nnd j thou* indebted will please make immed lit to payment. TilOS L PATRICK, | jnly 26 fiw Admiui-trator. Notice to Debtors and Credi tors. GEOR GI Talbot County: All having deman os r gain it Ricbnrd Ko!f. deceased.late of add coun ty. h-e hereby notified and lnlorine! to present them or-q erly atteated t the dernigned wi’hin the time prescribed by taw. and all pcreoriH indebted to end de~ cefttied are hereby required to make mi mediate p lyment to the under, igned. Tliiw ./aly 21. 1881. ZAGHAKUH T. STEPHENHON, uly2G G.v Adm r. &o. S tie of Perishable Prox>or iy’ Will he .Id ftt fie lata'ica of Rich id W Rolf , deceased near Talbots ton, on Aii*nst I'.th mst, all the pevis'oe ble property belou- ina to said es'ate. Terms of nu!e cash. 3-T STEPHENSON, ju26lt fAdiuini- trutor. Loiters of Aflministration GEORGIA—TaIb *t County: John W Wilhou npplir-s to me for L*t ers of ndmddxtrution, de boniw non. with the will a rii x-il, of Jjitnc-* D dVitaou. iat*- (>\ Kind C‘ tiniv. deci asrd: 'J’bcse urn tin r- fore, to cite nnd admon ish all Mini Mm u ar tl o kindred uid cred: torn of Kit id dtc< • w*d to make ki 'wn their bj‘*cti >i.H, it any, the Ist Moidiy in August next. Giv*n under rny ;>flV *i*l signature, this 'he 28ih day of June, 1881. lIICIIAItI> 11. LEONARD, jnne2Biw Oidinnry. Administrator's Sale- AVill be wold before the Cmirt H- u-ic door in 'J'nlbotton, on the first Tueadav in Ang'tst nex r , for cash, one share of the capital ntock of the South Western Rail road Company, the Mile to include tl; Ktock dividend of $32.00 declared by said Oompanv. Bdd ae the property of the catale of Ihuhc Cheney, and reaped, under an order from the curt of Ordinary ot Tal bot county tor dlatribniion. JOSEPH ALLEN. Administrator. July Ist, 1881. Letters of Dismission- GEORGIA Talhot Otfirrr: Whereas, William M L.*m, AdmtDfafra tor of Nathan H Isom, deceased, repre splits to the Court in Ins priiibm, duly j filed and entorc i on record. Hi it he hu* j billy adudnistered the cstnta oi said de j ceased. This is therefor© to rite all per j hods concerned, kiiobed and credit'*rs, to sfiow caiiKß, if any th* y can, wl.iv said j Vdministrator should not be dincliar 'ed from his admlnistmtion, and receive lei leis ol dismission, on ih© first Monday in Angust next. Giv*n under my cffl- ial signature this t lie 3d dav o' MaV. 1881. RICHARD 11. LEONARD, may 3 3m Ordinary. Letters of Administration- GEORGIA Talbot ( custy: William Dugas I rammcll applies to in•• l"r letters ot Adininistiatimi on flu* eKtatc ol Jesse Mullins, late ot smd county, de ceased. These arc therefore to cite and admon ish all ami singular the kindred and credi lors of said (leer*, sed to nmkc known their objections, it any, by the Ut Monday* in August nexL Given under my official signature, this the 28;n day of June, 18HI. RICHARD H LEONARD. june2Blw Ordinary. FRESH TURNIP Seed! Ruta Baga, Flat Dutch, Amber Globe, White Globe! Kendal's Spavin Cure. SANGUINE, for SCRATCHES Ac.; PELS’ CORN CURE, iW.VURVNTED.) PESODORNE, fjr Sweaty Feet ROUGH ON RAT3 ! American Fruit Preserv ing Powder & Liquid. TBOriC FRUIT LAXATIVE. —SOLD uy- E. L. BARD WELL, octlO b i juy2G Talbottos, Ga. VOUR SWEETHEART Would be more pleased to see you. i. presented with a box of flue (Auitlief from Dromgoole Bros, Columbus, Gas oe . l9ly a, v2O. BRICK FOR SALE. •}AA AAA Hard Burnt Brick v* v v* V*V * for sitle at T. rds in Talbotton. Apply to MURPHY A JOHNSON, June 28th, Gw. i SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE DESIRING To Purchase REAL ESTAIE. The following desirxhle property in Talbotton is offered for S;x dwelling houses. One store house. Fifteen unimproved residence lots. Eight store house lots. Those desiring ta purchase property in the growing town ot Talbotton would d•> we l toedl upon the wiadersigned, who wiil sell at low prices and on easy t rms. J H MARTIN. Real Estate A^eut. Talbottoc. Ga . May 31 at, 1881. tf IS loss i CO. COLUMBUS, GA, Propose to pi 02 on Bargain Counter the most notable bargains of tho season. Am; them LACE BUNTINGS at 10c PER YARD. We have opened some choice styles of I Printed Muslins. LONDON CORDS AT G 1- 4 CENT.!, Calicos 4 1-2, 6 and 6c, Colored Lawns f>c. Attractions in Lace a:ij Lawn Tien, Collars, Cuffs, etc. HOSIERY, Oar claim (o k oping tlte l.rgcnt and cbeup’jat lot of Hoii ay is conoo bv all. Come and sec onr Embroidered lial br h fans—Ladies’ Sizes at 25c. H autilul assortment Children’s Hose ■oc, 75c, $ 1 nd $1.50 per pair. Percales and Momies- We will open during the week desirable i styhs in tin, above wash goods that are in groat demand ut preoeut. MI LKS. bavo just placed Iftsge orders fora | new Stock of B 1 mb Silks, and will soil tlio roiuaining short ends at astounding | reduction*. J. S. JONES A CO. Columbus, Ga., mar 9 b 1 rmv24 TAUTTOr Chib Rooms. IMS I HUFF, I’RoriuEi'ous. Imported and Domestic] Wines, Brandies, Cham paigns. Whiskiesand Cigars.! FINE WHISKEYS A SPECIALTY! Handsome POOL and BIL LIARD TABLES. h\RBER SHOP in rear Bar. THORNTON 110 USE LAhEMEN 1. i ui n a l STOP j At the Old Shoe Store. See Gur French Button Kid Boot ■ j A THING OT BEAT CV. Look at the full line of Ziegler's fin* l : work for Ladi**, Miss sand childr- n (Lst-rve th-H.vstEin ol widths an I mens-; ureuienta. Five grades to each siz *, t*n-; ebling us to fit almost every ship© of' fot. Notice onr Butt n Fastening Machine | ii cons'ant operation, and our arrange- ! ments for supplying heel plate a, atiffen ners, extra huv U, gi t bulton-i, Ac. So* 1 also ur line of Newport*, Sandals and Slippers, ah the ©ata*dished favorites ami | desirable novebi; s. Don't overlook our common sense line, broad soled, easy w aringslm *. .>.id .n t s ylish go > - f r scbo< I children, and the celebrate 1 t.p shoes for the little folks. Ex. amine our a-sortnieot for metre wear, Pumps Low 'Ties. Bin ton .(Bd Laced Ox : ford* ami a full line of It avi r Goods Ask f**r any s'vie shoe y- u my wmt, or anything you may need in the way oi Leather aud Fiodings, and don't buy ; unless you are auitod. WELLS & CURTIS, j may3 aor s COLUMBUS, GA. Golllnsworth Institute. —for— Boys and Yoimir Men! Re-opcu-d oid ie- r„*t ,/ I will re ! sume ex< rvisc sat the Old Campus, lan. ■S h. 188i. h0.r.1. Tai ion. Washing ’ and Inc dental- f1 '* per io th. it cou tracted f r tie Term, aud paid monthly in aJva ce. Tuition per month $2. $3 and janll bl John l. McLaughlin. JOHN W HAIL Attorney at Law AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. TALitorros, ur.oa-a.v. april 12 01 WATCH. CLOCK, and JEW~- ELRY REPAIRING. The uodersii’ued has -o-'arc,! id the ! store room formerly occupied by I A Foster, where be is prepar ’d to do all kind of repairing in the JEW ELRY 'due, j Oha’ gcs reasonable and work warranted tv' give satisfaction. A full line of Spectacles and nose glass s kept eenstontiy in stock. Illustrated c.talognes containing all the late>: sty Is iu Jewelry and Silverware on hand, and can furnish the same at lowest ! prices on short notie . Have secured a fire proof safe for the prvvtev’tion of all valuables placed in my hands for repairs. No B: lioTvl S-loon attached to my i business. J li M.AUND. { ma^Stsi w AIUHAN ICO., Macon, <ia. OFFER INDUCEMENTS IN THEIR VARI 1 oua lines r f unaurpass and by any retail estabiislim nt in the Bt>ite. Particular attfotion p i l to orders lrom out-of-town buyers. Sand for samples of anything you may desire. Prompt at ten lion. Dry Goods, Dres3 Making, Clothing, Millinery, Boots, Parasols, Shoes, Fans. HATS, CARPETS and RUGS. Come to see ua when visiting Macon, may 22a Atlanta Millstone Manufactory TO MILL OWNERS! For the best MILLSTONES, BOLT j INO CLOTH. SMUT MACHINES niiJ 1 improved mil! finding'*, Address iung WM. BRENNER Atlanta, (in. WHITE CLIFF MINERAL SPRINGS, MONROE CO.. EAST TKKN. This Ceb bratad Summer Resort is sit uated "ii the top of Chilhowoe mouutuiu, hixieen miles south east of Athena a point (•n the K. I , Vi. aud Ga. R It. Ihe ho t*d and spnnga fire at an elevation of 3 >OJ Let above the s a l v 1 (being above I dour point]. Tim kc uery ih uusnr | l>aK<€ ( i. The hotel will b* open for the reception ot guests first *f June. Visitors | can obtain round trip tickets via Athene I'eim. Daily line of stag**** aud duly mail, leb graph line to Springs via Ath ens. Office in hotel. For further infor mal i>n and pamphlets, address j unc? 2u J H MAGlLL,Proprietor. C KVriIAL HOTEL. Broad Sillkt, - - Columbus, Ga. T-&- Fii -t-ci ihs in all its appointments. Dili ■i nd Dining Room on first floor. M : n-li 8;.1.L-I 1 S E\ fcl / ROOM ! R~* s Reason ible; lablcs luiv ishcd with best the ina: i, -lh afiurd. This Hotel is ceturuliy located, with tho le st accotumo-j I (tiuiid in the city, J W. RYAN, Prourietor. HAMS Bieikf st Bacon and Shoulders very fiue—just received at Dronu* ole Bros., Columbus. Mercer University ! MACON, GA. THE fall term of this old aud well known Institution will open ou tho last Wed i sday. [2B h] of of September next. A Sub Freshman Clast, to be prepared oy the Favu v fioui the Fresh nt an Class and to consist of youths not u.tder four teen [l4] y ' ri of age, will be formed l ie L.w s hool, at the lo ad of which is tho present Attorn y (r u rd of the Si a’ c, ofl'rs peculiar advantages to stu - and nta of law F.r catalogue and other information address JNO. J. BRAN J'LY. julv 19 a S c. Faculty. RANKIN HOUSE, JOHNSCHERF. Proprietor FRANK GOLDEN, Clerk. Entirely New tn all its APARTMENTS, and strictly FIRST-CLASS. j tn ltf COLFMEi’S.OA. F .sasa. -4 1 IVIUOtVII Nw, Dcllcfetfal * FhHmb. I A Sold ty a-*lruDraf Cologne^-*isargc,.!..T. *TAJrFjLrmcrs| , Mothcrs^!Sin , Btc., who arc tired out by work or worry, and all who are miserable with Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Neeral-' Ea, or Bowel, Kidney or Liver Complaints, you can, iinvigorated and cured bv using ■ If you are wasting away with Consumption, Age,. Dissipation or any weakness, you will find Parker> Ginger Tonic the greatest Blood Fertiliser and the, Best Health A Streurth Restorer yoa Cu Use,* and far superior ta Bitter* and other Tonics, as it' builds up the system, but never intoxicates. 5° cL. an^^bstreLHiSCOX^COyjChemists >^( Ji ii^-i j PARKER'S J Ptrfomad. BAIR BALSAM lUriecwCMaa AVID LAJIDREIH A SONS, PMwWpMi, *>. nov2 ol Wesleyan Female Institute. STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Opens September 20tb, 1881. One of the F r t Schools for Young Ladies in I the Unit* o States. Sunouuding;s beu -| tiful. C imftte unsurpassed. Pupils I fr>m seventeen States. Terms among the best m the Union ‘Board, Wiisliing. English Course, Latin, ; French,German, In^trumental Music,4c, for Scholastic year, from Sept, to Jnne s23B. F rCa alo&iues write to Rev. Wm A HARRIS, D. D., Pr.s t, julyl2tf Siaunton, Virginia. BEETS And Ruta Raga Turnips—very superior, just received at Dromgoole Bros. C*ium bus. A, B* 0, American Breakfast Cereals. Steam j Cooked and Dessiccated. White Wheat . White Oats and Barley Food ut Drom- I gooie Bros., Columbus. WILUKIUH 4 CO, Successors to W A M ILLI NG HAM Whelesale and Retail Dealers in Builders’ Supplies of all Kinds, Fash, Blinds, Doors, Paints. OIL AND PUTTY, BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, LIME, PLASTER PARIS, Kalsomine, Laths, Plasterer's Hair, &c. Cbewacla Lime by the Barrel or Car Load Lots. WILLINGHAM & CO., * ‘ Columbus, Ga. ju y 28 bl Columbus Female College ! COI.T ÜBUS, V. G- R- GLENN, A- M„ President- Prof A P MOoTY, A M., Natural Science arid Mathematics. Pot A C FLEVVELLKN. History and Criticism. Airs M Ji CAMPBELL, Physiology and Men al Philosophy. Miss BESSIE WADDELL, Calisthenics and Asst Prim‘y Department, Mrs L McK VST, A t Department. Miss A L GLENN. Horn 1 ' Department. Prof. .1 HARRIS OH APPEL, A M. Latin and Belles Let Ires. Mrs A C FLEWELLEV. L-dv Principal. Mrs ANNIE B HOLLEM vN. P nmansaio, English and Vial hematics, l'r ! HERMANN H PEKLET, Director School Music, Organ and Piano. Madame I'ERLET. Vocal Music and French. (French language spoken ) Miss M J i HOMAS. L" ite t m tie beahU’est ity m the Nouth A home school with home comfortd Only two girls in a room. Rooms elegantly f irnished. bath rooms. &c. The best so <• a. ad rtlig ous associations. Ihe tiaest Literary, Music and Art advautagas. Ov.r Music Scucol has no equal in toe South. E\PK>nkn B i rd, was-dog, lights, fuel and iu 1 literary (union $233 5o sam • with li.acrumuiial or Vocal Music faud use 1 50 N-.\t Hesaiou begins September 14th. For particulars addrers the President july2f T. -A.. WALKER, ” -DEALER I X Wagons & Buggies. the best SSO Buggy ever sold South. HAVING bought out the Wagon and Buggy Department of Witt k. Walker, I will continue ibe business at the-snme stand, and ask a share of the public patronage. I aVI Agent for the Old Hickory Wagon and Milburn Farm Wagons-' the best in the market, and will keep at .all times a good stock of Wagons. Buggies. Phaetons, Saddlery and Harness, I will sell for small profit, and guarantee every vehicle sold. i" o ' 2 * l - 1 " J- A, WALKER, Columbus. Ga. GORDON’S j New York Store J Columbus, Ga. HAVING DECIDED TO REDUCE OCR STOCK OF ■ Oorsets, Hosiery and Gloves.l ■ t re adding our Spring and Summer Stock, we offer 1,000 Corsets in * andles variety, embracing all the popular styles, at about cost. 1.000 Pairs of Ladies* and Misses' Plain and F ncy Hosiery, on account of ' Zi Sand of might imperfections, will be closed out at haJf price. Talte Motice OK TIIE GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE if many popular brands and low price KID GLOVES. They roust be sold at ace On and after this dite we will only buy "T e Harris Seamless" and "The I Gordon' ‘ Kid Glove, which w.ll be sold at the regular prices and nadtr a guaran- THE NEW YORK STORE. M. C. GORDON. ->pl3— tt ir29 82 & 84 Broad St.. Columbus, Ga. BUSSEI 4 WOOLDRIDGE.' WAREHOUSE AND Commission Merchants, Webster Warehouse. COLUMBUS, CA. O I Authorized Agents for the Storage of the Cot.O.oof the GRANGE & FARMERS j UNION. ; General Agents Pesdeeton’s OM S'sndirJ Guano an t Phowtate, St. Geosge trd MaNDaED Feru iz rs, J bn M Swift's Ammoniat..-'! Roue and Potash, SEAL'S Aei 1 Puoeph ite for CornpoGing. j Cottou Stored at 25 Cents. Cotton Sold at 25 cents per baler 1 iLsissl Ai'Visrxj made cn Cotton in Store. ' juifi