The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, August 02, 1881, Image 2

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Ceorgia Stale Fair! at macokt. OCTOBER 17th TO 22nd, 1881. The Most Magnificent and Best Appointed Grounds in the South. o Liberal Premiums for Slock, Poultry, t ield Crops, Home Industry, Fine Arts, Manufactures, Machinery, Etc. Large Purses for Trotting and Running Races, 4, ud will be contested for by some of the best horses on tliu Turf. ■ O —— Music by an Excellent Military Band. REI)l t KI) If ATi:rS Toi Freight* ami l’aase.ngerf on alt the 'liiilroads. ' Even citizi o i invited to ttun,l nrid exh.lnt mrui-tbing t our rx|x,4il on. \irite u> the Secrettry lor 4 Premium Li*t rti'l "i!i r inf o o.mion. 1 HOM AS H UIOUM AN, Jb., I‘ren. H. H. OAKY, Generiil Supt jnlvSCtd K, U. OKI Kit. Hverctary, Macon. GTJLLETKS IMIMtI )Vi:i) Light Draft Cotton Gins. Arranged for V -cdim nod Condenser* if deni red Recommended by all Plauterf who have used them, as superior to any (Jtu miiuutnetur<d. Warehouse and Commission MKBOHANTS. Columbnio, - Georjriu. Aie Sole Agent* for nil the seeti. n trailing at ColnmlniK, unit will furnish circulars M,J U -tluionlnls on application A p’y curly to sc um .1 Urn. J" 1 ' CARGJELL. - Being Fullv Convinced that a— Strictly Cash Bystem. I the most equitablo and fair method ol doing business,will commence from to-day, to sell for CASH ! Thu, enabling him to noil ijo. all much than I how .loinff 11 cr-dit lisin"*s and parties having the ran civ money may know whom 1< oal* K‘ ! . {j* I *, it. Below Will he found a fow prices which will indicate the Ulili'-Noh ur.LHjO TIONH made ttiron. bout bin Stock: 6,000 yards Standard Pruts at 5 c<u s 1,000 yiilh Lace strij-H Bunting *t 7 rcnu. former price Ir, 1,04.0 yards Madrid Gi ph ti*s .and Vi 1 2eiif-. fonnci pH"- 20 r*ur*. 1,000 yurds I)inia**H* I)r>a Goodsut 6 cento, burner p i <* L omit*. 5,000 y tnlH R* illiful Lawiif. n: 5 fonts, torn. i price 8 centM. 5,000 yards V irion* Hlflei Ui■** o‘ietls pine 1u ou the Bargain ( oun ci to b< do ed ou at half price, 1>“ n°' fol to s o them . A f.w pfeces of Black fr nadines at 10 ecu's eheiput li. conta. All classes ol Bpnog ftpd Summer Dress Goods to he sold jf mi> of - ost. f>oo dog n liuoldng at 2*. cents per d<>/on, cheap hI 50 ‘‘elite. 6.000 virds Curt tin Net at cost, to close out. A so, lull lino Caksim res, tor Men i ft a d Bov*** wear; Towels, Kspains, Table Dno an it, etc , <tv ( ALL AND BL GON- VlNoil). ~ _ A Jamoh IC. Onr?lU, <0 broad Street, july2( ly Columbus, Georgia. Georgia Warehouse ! J. W. WOOLFOLK, Proprietor. Warehouse and Commission Business, Columbus, Georgia. , 0 —— Wi I h n Tf completed for the new crop of cotton hi* lrge end coimtj'Hlione Two Ktiry Brick Warehouse, tilled with every modern c nvon.cuej lor the sale, handling and storage of cotton. Mr. V. J Jenkina will be in charge of the Sal n D pir mnit an! Mr. C!us A Hough, ot TUbot cKiu.ity. wi Ibe at the *culos. Prompt hmddap, olkvliclo** to in struct ions ot pUntore, quick returns ami small expenses ! jnlv^Oa 200,000 Fret Lumber, -FOB HAIJi vr- J. B. GORMAN’S Steam and Water Mills. 8 and 10 Miles south of Talbotton. near Geneva. For Cash Only. —o —. luch plank. WeatberUoardtng. Flooring, Ceiliug and It nigh Edge, ranging in prioctrom 2&* to $\ on per hundred leci at mil!. li]*ntx*r dciive cd in Talbotton, Coin nbus and M ion. at very low cash prices. Bills ot fraiuln; sawed to or b r at prices that c uiuct bt* TXDEUSOLD. Vo do a large business and guarantee satisfaction to our patrons. If vou want to save money, meus or -vote me betoic purchasing yonr bills. Ad drag. * J. B OOKM AN. T tbotton and < Geneva. SCHOFIELDS IRON WORKS, MAC< . (i K< I{< I V. MANUFACTURE PORTABLE m STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, FOK GINNING, THHESHING AND GRINDING. HEAVY STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES. STEAM BOILERS, and SAW MILLS a Specialty Slufielfs Celebrated Fateat Fewer Cattea Press. To be run by Hand, Hors* l Water or Stearr* F wv Over 20,000 in use through too Cotton Growing 9*j tes. General Bepnir Work Prompt*y Atterdt? i to. K r IVticumrs •ul Pric**, ftdJress jlyl2tf J S SCHOFIELD, Proprietor. TIIE REGISTER AND STANDARD, TALBOTTON, TAJ.BOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, AUGUST 2, 1881. REGISTER ASP STANDARD. 0. B. GORMAN, l,mrou. J B. GORM AKvQoMuwummwo Eerr n. Tnlbotton. Oxn-. I TUESDAY AUGUST 2, 5881- ; . .. ...... Official Organ of Talbot County, THE GEORGIA ICOIIUTC/E. BILLS IKTAODUCXD. Ah 11 to require or Hilaries or com missioners iu charge of county affairs to provide each |ina'*itrate with a docket. Panned. [The committee on the pnrt of the House to con nit with the finite Treasur eras to hikin'' United Stabs 3 I*2 per ccut. bonds in payment for the M.:con and Brunswick railroad, are Messr, Da vis. of Habersham, Hutchins, Christie, A■-!derion, and .Mar:in of lalbot ] By Mr Wilson, a bill to prohibit the Hide of intoxicating Uquors in any ruaiitia district, county, c'y or town, unless granted by h vote nf the town, county, v c., which eh ill be taken thus: “For wli skey *or “Aguin.-t whiskey.“ Teui per.mte. By Mr Pos*, a bill to amend an r:ct r< - latuig tolence- for stock, so as to make it apply to any part, oi any county that is divided by a water course that way be considered a fence. Agriculture. The bill >f .Mr R nkin, to provide P>r a uniform assessment of railroad proper ty in Geoigia. Made special order for Wedii* sday next, and ordered piloted [The bifl providi s /or an appiirtionmenl of railroad taxis among the several conn' ties in the preportion of the amount o rack, etc., in those counties ] [Mr Hammond, from the judi ciary committee, reported against sever 1 hi Ih. among them the bill lo provide tor a revision of the jnry boxes—also in fhvo: of the bill to provide compensation for jurors in county courts also, in favor of the bill to create anew judicial circuit to bo called the Northeastern Circuit.] The committee on education reported dversvly to the bill to require the teach iugz of the elementary principles of agri culture in the public schools, and m fa vor of the bill levying a tax of eue-eighth if 1 per cent, on all the taxable property of the St * to. to bo applied t-> the support of public schools also, in lavor ol tho bill to apply to tho sipport of public sclioolh tho income of the Department ol Agrionl u' in excess cl its expense, By Mr Davis, of Lumpkin, a bill to te pul an act to exempt liom jury duty ministers, pljrysicians, etc. (Gives the judge discrctpm.l Judiciary. Unuer the new constitution it requires a majority of the members of adi house to piss any bill—not merely a m.j *rity ot those voting. Senator Carter -A bill to enlarge and increase the e iucatiouui facilities of tn University of Georgia. [Provides fur a high school in each senatorial district, to be u branch of the university ] Referred ' to committee on education Senator Gorman A bilf to amend m tion 4161 [allows open accounts to be made by written affidavit.] Kefejifed to judiciary committee. The bill o iuoorpontto tho Home South ern railroad company [from ltome io St Macks. Fla., with branches to Atlanta. Macon, Columbus and Brunswick], the next lull ou thud Vending, wm recom mitted to tae committee on corporations • The bill ot Mr l'erkius, t* provide for levying a tux <>t ouc-t nth ofou 'per oeut on ub property to edueatio .ai pu: pose-*, was rclerred to t o nnamc io uantiee. Mr Brausou mtr*du- e<l a bdl to n\ ■ thoriz the sale of the Wes •rn and A - u * ic railroad. l ii .1 r i:ni(A iio v. The co uiuitt* eon duc.dio , m h* Legislature have reported Envoi •••iv ou a bill levying a tax one-eighth ot one pei cent m all thn taxable property of Un- State, i.o be applied to tho support of Public Schools al-o to apply to the same purpose the income of the department ot Agriculture in excess of its expense. This is allin el v move, one givutly d< uianded by the educational interes:s ol the people. Ii is evi.lnq that grea. go< 1 has been done with the moti y annually expended in Georgia f>r common tuluca turn. With the present revenues it would have been impossib’e to have <1 >no more. The crying demand of the people G, more revenue for public school purposes, so us to enable tho ounty boards to disjfeuse at six months free tuition to those , of school age. The people are becoming mor? inter ested in in itters of education, realizing the importance, yea, necessity, of educat ing the young people of the country, j thereby lessening crime and opauiug up 1 avenues ot prod table and intelligent em 1 ployiuout to thousauds, who otherwise wou’d have be n but hewers of wood and drawers of water to those more for tuua ely sttunt and. The demand of the people is for a six, or eight months tuition, tree of cost to them, and to be paid by surplus State revenues, and. It need be, by a sm.ll per cent, of taxation To keep pace with other Sides, and for the reputation of which shi is ttl.eady proud, Georgia must put her shoulders to the car of education and push it on itvtil illiteracy shall flee our borders „ud intelligence, enterprise and progr* 8A set up their permanent rule in the land. To subdue ignorauce, on which follows crime, end out of which grow all the ills of bad society, w as nec essary as to suppress crime and punish the violations of law. We sincerely hoi ® the bill alluded to, to be supplemented by others, of like import, will piss tae Legislature. Wicked ter Clergyman. K.*v. , llasliington, D. 0., writes: I believe it to be all wrong amt even wiaktd for clergyman or other public men lo be led into giving testimonials to I quack doctors or vile stuff* called medi | Clues, but when a really meritorious ar ! tide made of valuable remedies known to i all. that all physicians use and trust in ! daily, we should Ireely comtueud it. I i therefore cheertnliv and heartily com i mend Hop Bitters for the good they have ! done me and my friends, firmly belie, | ini’ they have no equal for family use. j I will not be without them. -I —New York | Baptist Weekly. In the death of Col Randolph L Mott, of Columbus, the Macon Volunteers lose tre last of the original and charter aiem tens- The company was orgnhized April , 23. 1525. It is a foolish Mistake to confound a remedy of mint with the quack medi cines now so common. We bava used j Parker s Ginger Tonic with the happiest j rrsul s for Rhcnm tllsm aud Dyspepsia. ! aud when worn out by overwork, and know it to be a st rliug nealth restora [ t,r Time* ees adv. julylS m Leave to Sell. GEORGIA— County. Ziichariah T Slept enson, Administra tor on the estate of Richard W Bo He, bite of said county deceased* applies to me for leave to a-11 the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased Tlje**e are therefore to cite and admon | ish all persons concerned to be and ap j pear at my offijo, within the time pre * scribed by law, and show came, if any I there be, why such leave should not be j granted to applicant. Given under mv official signature,this, j Ist day of August, 1881. RICHARD ii. LEONARD, aug2 4w Ordinary, Letters of Administration. GEG RGIA— TaIbot County. Whereas, the estate of William H Tig. ner late of said coil ty, deceased, is un repr sen ted and not likely to be represen ted: Tins is to cite and admonish all and singular the kindr-d and creditors of sa.d deceased, to make known the rea sons, ?! any exist, why administration on Mili<l estate should uot be vested In the Clerk of the Hup rior Court.or some oth - er fit and proper person, on the first Monday in September next. Given under my official signature, the Ist day oi August, 1881. RICHARD if. LEONARD, ang2 4w. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA— Taubot Covntt. Isaac C N.oUolh makes application to me for letters of Administration do b mis non on tht estate ol Eb-nez r Whaley, late of said county, d*ceased. All persons interes ed in said estate are therefore cited and admonished to up*- pwir at my offic *. on or before the fiist .Monday iu /September next, and show cause, it any there he, why such letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my official signature, ibis, the Ist day of August. 1881 RICHARD H. LEONARD, an 2 4w Ordinary. Leave to dell. GEORGIA TajuboT County. James D Woodall, administrator, and Corm-liu E Woodall.u lminiKirutiix.on the • state ol Robert B Woodall, late of said county, deceased, apply to me for leave to sell all the lands belonging to to estate of said deceased. i hese are therefprg to cite and •admon ish all persons interested in said esta'e U) he and appear at my office, on or be fore the fir.t Monday in Be p tern be r next, and show cause, If ny there be, why such leive should not he grunted. Given under my official signature, this the Ist day of August, 1881. RICHARD H LEONARD, ang 2 4w Ordinary. Letters of Administration- GEORGIA Taiaß>t County, Whereas, the esAte of Mrs E M Wim berly, late ©f and county, deceased, is unrepresented and uot likely to be repre sented. These nr ■ to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of huid deceased to be and appear at luy of j tire, by tin* first Monday in .September next, and show cause if any there be, why administration ou said hastate shouiu not be vested in the Clerk ol the Supeiior Court, or some other fit and proper per son Given under my official signature, this, t..e Ist d>y of ugust. 1881. RICHARD 11 LEONARD, a <g 2 fw Ordinary. Leave to Sell. G ECU G IA ~T a Ldo iCun i v James McNeil, a imiuiH iat*r ou ih es t to of Series i.tto of said c u ty, d* o. ustnl, makes applicatlo.i t- me l-i ! .euvetosci. a 1 tile lauds belonging to t.slat . I hese are thereb r-* 'o cite and udm n • >ii ail p so • :nii- cs e. t to in a at: know., ii l OPj. io .if av, h t.,. tii -.i Mn. day n &0 t . uib. i UK*!. i • *:• * u . . v u.lio a ign ure t L Li and > of A* • iu, ifGi. ti ii uD .i ui A .i>, • ig 2 4 v Ur ho i-,.. Letters of Admaus.vaiiou., GLOitGIA T\lb tC unt. sS ilium '* l> i a l |, .ipplu-s io me in | 101 lrs ol Yd ;i i> i-ttio.i (le bonis lion, I 'V til 11. > u I .11 x and <m 111.* estate •t j 'l'-Mst* M HMI-. and e i,. and, hit** of said toun ': are ihcf -r to cite and atbuoi i-i* J aI a (1 .in u r the ki tired u and oi< and | s i ui du ftiv and • e Mtd wpp* :,r a j .uv ifioe, by ne ti<st M id y in sp j i moer next, u and no v cause, n any ii t-i j ie, wny such loiters should uot he gran | (ed to appheant. Given uuder my official signature this. Ist day ot August. 18S1. RICHARD 11, LEON ARD. aug‘2 lat Old-nary. Notice to Debtors and Cicdi tors- GEORGIA Tai.wot County All persons having a- umnda against the estate of George H Elder, deceased will present them to me duly authenticated i within the time prescribed by law and i those indebted will please make immed i lute payment, THUS L. PATRICK, J july 20 6w Administrator. Notice to Debtors and Credi tors. GEOR G?A Timin' Cocsir: All persons having demands against Richard Roll, deceased.late of add eoun tv, are hereby notified and lntormed to present them properly attested t< the un dersigned wi'hin the lime prescribed by law. and all persona iuKbh and to and de ceased aie hereby required to make irn mediate payment to the undersigned. This July 21, 1881. ZAOHARLAH T. bTEPHENSON. ulyflflflw Admr. fcc. Letters of Dismission- GEORGI X — Talbot Countv: Whereas, William M Isom, AJiumistra tor of Nathan H Isom, Joct as*J, repre s nta lo the Court in hi petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he ha* tully administered the eetats ol said de ceased. This is therefore to cite all per sous concerned, kindred and c reditors, to show cause, if any tiny can, vrhv said Ydwinistrutor should net bt* discharged 1 from his administration, and receive let- | ters ot dismission, on the first Monday iu 1 August next. Given tinder my official signature this the 3d dav o* Mw. 1881. RICHARD H. LEON ARD. may 3 3m Ordinary. TALBOT SHERIFF SALES. Will be sold beiore the Court House i door, in the to vn ot Talbot too. Talbot I county, on the first l uesdvy in September n xt, within the legal hours of sale, the i fodowmg property to-wit: The West halt oi lot ot laud No 89. in the 16th District of Talbot county, re serving 5 acres lor Upatoie church aud a . burial ground. Also, lot no 90, in the Henry McCrary place, contesting of land" lying iu 16th. and 17th district of Talbot oouuty, part ot lot No 4. and fraction lots j 54 and 55 aud 53 -a part ot 60 acres on the West line of said lot, lying north ol • Upatoie Otek. Also, the above oos. lying nor:h of said creek excepting the right to j raise the Water tor a mill, all containing 200 acies or leas. 202 1-2 acres ot lot |No 56, West 12of1 tNo 57. Halt of lot No 89. c m aiuing ItX) acres more or less, | iu tutne 16vh District, the above laud con taining in the aggregate 7So acres more or less. Also, a tOvvn lot, in the town ot Gviieva.iu >a J county, cm taming 4 1 on the south side ot the Muscogee Rail road, uov occupied by Henry Persons as & daelliu-’. levied on as the pro.tertv of George W Jordan, to satisfy a ti ta issued ! tmtn I*l hot Snpenor ccuri, m taxor |o! Zu-haiiah Prortw vs. George W Jordan. JAMES A. FOXIER, Sheriff. august *2 1881. Application for Charter. State of Geoeoix, ]To the Honorable j the Superior Couit County ot Ta bA. J of said county : John B Gorman, Peter E Dennis Zaehs uriah T Stephenson, D J Carreker, Mc- Cormick Neal, N P Cirreker, W E Rag land, all cit z ns of said State and coun ty, togeth* r with their and suc cessors in office, respectfully apply fora Charter incorporating them uni their successor* a a body politic and corpo rate, under the name and style ot, “The Talbot County Stock and Fair Associa si iU,“ with power by this name to sue aid bo sued, to have and to u:*e a com men seal, and to hold such real e.tute and other property us may be conveyed, or mortgaged, or pledged to said "Talbot County Stock and Fair Association,** and to adopt such a Constituti n and By- Laws and amendments as they may dem advisable and proper, to carry out th" obi-cts and intentions of said ‘ Associa tion. “ Art. 1 The object of this Association is the promotion of the Agricultui il, Ale chat icM and Industrial inter --d ot, and gem ial prosperity ol the pt-ople ol Talb *t county. Art 2. The Stock ot this Association shall not exceed Fmr h(■idred h ares, at Five and lLtrs each. Be'lu hundred del* itxrn worth ot Stock has been suoscribed and paid, and certificates issued thereiore. Art,'!. The officers oi thin Association shall consist ot a President, Vice Presi dent, Treasurer, Secretary, and Five Di r..c*(* be eh-ctea annually on the fir>i Tuesday in January, by tne Stockholders, or their gible to an office who is not a bona fide ■>tovkhold r. Art. 4. Tu y desire to fold Annual, or Semi Annual LxinliiUoim on (heir grounds and in Iheir exhibiimn bui dings, near I albotion, to or niz a h ltieien' nuiu nt.r ot Pm ice and Guards, uuosr ihw im mediate control of tne Odi ere of the So eieiy, Kr the main aimnee ot peace and a od order and protection ol property; to ej-ct diK irderly persona lroaa tneir grounds and t" arrest und turn o?.*r to the proper authoniies lor trial, persons violating the peace and good order of die Slate, in or mar their euclooir *, during the exhibr dou. Art 5. Your petitioierH desire to rent wdUm tiieir enciofliure Sal am, Ile frehmeut and other pnviliges during their exuibiti n, nut in conflict with Statute, or Conatituiioniil laws of tne Btate. Art. 6. Your petitionoJs furtner stite that they desir: to have their principal office in Talbotton, Talooi county, Geor gia . They deaire to be incorporated for twenty yea re. GEORGIA—TaIbot County: In the Sop*ri. r Court ol said Cuun,Hon J i Wil 11h presiding. L i Gui marun t Cos ) Rule Nisi Vh. > to James H Brooks. ) foreclose Mortgage^ ft apjiearinc fo the Court by the peti tion ol L J Gu Imartiu surviving partner <f the fiim ol L J Gilinartin A Cos., that on th** 26th day of February 1880, the and >- ft-ndaiU made and delivered lo said L J Gnilmartin A < '<>. his note. U?nring date d.e dy and year ntoreeaid, whereby the and tendarit promised on or be fore the Ist day ot November next fol lowing the date of Sul note to pay L J Ouilumrlin A Cos., <-r bearer,eight hwndrt-d and thirty-seven and 'liars uud six cents foi value received and i, lit cent interest irniu the maturity of aid note and ten per cent for counsel fees, and that on ths da\ and year aforesaid the and feudant the bel ter to sec are the pa; ment of smd note exe unt* and and d* liver* dto the sod L J Gnil marlin V Cos hi deed of Mortgage where by Ibe Def ihdant Mortgaged to said L J Guilmarfin Ato. a certtun parcel o lan wi ; iw liu .dred and iwcut\-live uerts m i*- r It-as in tie 23rd district ot Talbi uol\ n* said * ' e hi >wu as the Cary l"H j a ii il "> unded on the north > y m and "t Rhino'S, on the east by the .indsofj H M C‘ >y, aid the South by I. .l ■ ’v\ m ii* ih- K* >) pluce and on ih(' -a - la..*U -t L W VVmbtoge her m ’• -m n said iiacL *nd . u. iml r- 'id note bus i h * t , v ulcred fhs da * pa' into Con? Hi • i- *l.i \ t h- next term ot u t n. ,-.u.*i ol tu*- prii.cipa on > ..i I* id i .e n o reKt on the same at * rat ot e c ;Hi per cent from the n;u~ i u \t\ of said uote, and the sunt Ot ten per \ eit on i.-ti sais* tor counsel !e-s, *>r show j*. the <’ti* tmrj it any he * an. md j ih.n on the holme - de ead nt oto and , 1 •i.e Opt y ot le -mpl'l'M* 111 wild IO M’d tuoi'gHL*'d j it'iui * sot: toiever th* reaper aite*i and mrclostul. A?.*l *t itiriher ot - *!--* and that this rule be p< inishcd once u *;. i ■ i, nr loir m mi,- n (he Regis *-r k M-oal .id t r vj u, *■* the n xt t* rm of this < um, oi ' r ed oa the and andant or Lis special agent or Attorney at least thru* mouths previous to the next term of this Court. J T WILLIS. Judge S. C. C. C. A tiu extract from the minutes, this 3d day ol May 1881. ma\3 lam JAMES McNEIL. Clebx IS JONES <£ CO. COLUMBUS, CA. Propose to place on Bargtin Connter the moat notable bargains of the season. Am; them LACE BUNTINGS at 10c PER YARD. Wo hare opened some choice styles of Printed Muslim*. LONDON CORDS AT 6 1 4 CENT... Calicos 4 1-2, 5 and 6c. Colored Lawns Ac. Attractions in Lace an 1 Lawn Ti.s, Collars, Cutl>. etc. HOSIERY. Onr claim to keeping the largest and cheapest kit of Ho-icry is conoeded by all. j Come and see our Embroidered Bai brig^ans—La,lies 1 Sizes at 2 -e Besntitnl assortment Children's Flose 50c, 75c, $1 nd #1.50 per pair. Percales and Momies We will open during the week desirable j styles iu the above w;Y'h goods that are j in great demand at present. SILKS. We have just placed lasge orders f. r a new stock of Black Silks. aad will sell the remaining short ends at astounding reductions. J. S. JONES A CO. Columbus Qa., * mar 9b 1 -may 24 W A JUHAN £CO., Macon, C ia. OFFER INDUCEMENTS IN THEIIt VARI OUS hoes of business unsurpassed by any retail establishment in the State. Partiwular ateutiou paid to orders from buyers. Send for samples of any thing may desire. Prompt at tention. Dry Goods, Dress Making, Clothing, Millinery, Boots, Parasols, Shoes, Fans, HATS, CARPETS and RUGS. Come to see us when visiting Macon, may 22a A. B, C. American Break Ivt Cereils, Steam Cos ked arid D -si-eded, Write Wheat White Oats and Barley Food at Drom- \ goo'e Bros., Columbus. WHITE CLIFF MINERAL SPRINGS, MONROE CO.. EAST TEXN. This C lb rat ad Summer Resort is sit uated on the top of Ohilhowoe mountain, i-ixieen m lee s utaoast of Atheos.a point <n the E. 1 , V. and Gh. RR. The ho twl and springs nre at an elevation rf 3oor f. et above tlie s a level (being above dew poiutj. The scenery is unsur- Ihe holel will be open for the reception ot guests first of June. Visitors can obtain round trip tickets via Athens, Term. Daily line of stages and daily mail. Telegraph liue to Springs via Ath ens. Office iu hotel. For further infor mation and pamphlets, addrog juut*7 2n J H MAG ILL, Proprietor. HAMS B eikfast Bacon and Shoulders—very fine—just received at Droingoole Bros., Columbus. Mercer University ! MACON, GA. TIIE fill term of Ih.s old and well knowo I isti.utioo "nil on ihe last Wednesday. [2Bth] of of September next. A Sub- Freshman Class, to be prepared oy the Facu'ty from tb.i F eshman Class md to consist of youths not uuder four teen [l4] years of age, will be formed j Tne Law School, at the head of which is the preeeut Attorn y General of the S at*.*, offers peculiar advantages to stu and uts of law For catalogue and other information address JNO. J. BRANTLY. pt]v]9g Sec. Faculty. FI oresforT^*-- - r. ■ he., who are tired out by work or worry, and all who 4 jure miserable with Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Nearai-i pa, or Bowel, Kidney or Lhrer Complaint*, you can J be Invigorated and cured by lf you are wasting away with Oonsumptioo, Age, J Dissipation or any weakness, you will find barker j Ginger Tonic the greatest Blood Fertilizer and thel Best Health A Strength Restorer yon Cam UM and Car superior te Bittern and other Tomes, a* it j builds up tne system, but never lcto*kat. socti and^isirea^ J PARKER’S a AIR BALSAM f AVU) LAND RET H A SONS, PWlidelpHla, Pa li v 2 bl Wesleyan Female Institute, STAUNTON. VIRGINIA. Opens September 20th. 1881. One of the Frat Schools for Ladies in the United States. Sunoundings beau tiful. C’imate unsurpassed. Pupils froui >*eveniecn States. * Terms atu< ng the best in the Union Board, We.sldnG;, Enghsh U*nre, Latin, French, Music,Ac, for Seholasßc year, from Sept, to Jnue s‘>3S. For Us aloL’u* s writ** to I(kv Wm A HARRIS, D 0., Ptvs*t, jnlytfltf Siaunton. Virginia. BEETS And Rida Riga Turnips very superior. | ja>i rvCeivcd at Drouigoole Bros. Colum ] bus. 1 I WATCH. CLOCK, and JEW ELRY REPAIRING. The undersigned has located m the store room formerly occupied by J A Foster where he is prepared to do all kind of repairing in the JEWELRY line, Charges reasonable and work warranted tc give satiaf iction. A full Itneof Spectacles and noee glasses kept constantly in stock. Illustrated catalogues containing all the latest stylvs in Jewelry and Silverware on hand. and can furnish the same at lowest I prices on short notice. Have secured a fire-proof safe for the protection of all valuables placed In my hands for repairs. No Bi Hard Saloon attached to my business. J H MAUND. may 34m JOHN W HALL,| Attorney at Law AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, TALBOTTON, GEORGIA, april 12 bl Collinsworth Institute. —for— Boys ami You ns Men! 80-opened and re-organized will re sume xercises at thMDld Campus, August 16th. 1881. Boa*d, Tui ion. Washing i and Inc.dentals sls per month, if con trncted i-r the Term, and paid monthly i in advance. j Tuition per month $2. f 3 aud f4. j&nli bl John T. McLaughlin. The Greatest Break IN PRICES, EVER KNOWN IN COLUMBUS -.v r r the- Ne w York S tore DO NOT MISS THE CHANGE. It be.'g the great Cash System. It discounts the Credit System It is to h rexolntion id the business, oa a Cash Basis. £3~ COME AT ONCE AND BF r, ?, 9 VJNCED. It hss been our habit f-r years to begin the redn'-tion of Prices on Summer oor i. al,nt the middle of July. Tnis time wo do more than we propose. We tumble t* the popular ‘ 0 g 5.000 yards oi 7 cent. Calico at 5 cents. 10,000 yards of Androsoojjgin Bleached Cotton at 10 cents. 10 000 yards of New York Mills Beached Cotton at IJJ cents. 10,000 yards of Lonsdale Cambric at 12 1-2 cents. 2 OUO v.irds oi All Woo] Bunting ..t 12 12 cents. These figures snow tho reduction. A.l classes of goods reduced in the same nre portion. * 04 Dress Goods at Cost, We now offer a!I cl -sses of Summer I):ess Goods, Linen Lawns, and an immense line of White Goo is ufc uciuil New York CoA. Grand Clearing Out Salo of Hosiery, Corsets and Gloves! $5,000 Worth of SHOES to bs Sacrificed. Women’s Shoes nt 11,00, worth $1.50; Women's Shoes at SI 50, worth $2,00- Slippers at il 00—Slippers at $ 1 50. The e goods mu-tbe s itd.' We are determine Ito clean np our sto-k before the Fall Season opens and to that end we mean to lend -nr host energies and oar lowest possible oria s GIVE US A CALL. EX -MINE OCR STOCK M. C. OOR.DONT. au -~ 12 82&84 Broad St., Cclumbu-*, Gs. ■lll £ CO., Successors to W A WILLINGHAM Whelesale and Retail Dealers in Builders’Supplies of all Kinds. Pash, Blinds, Doors, Paints, OIL AND PUTTY, BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, LIME, PLASTER PARIS, Kalsomine, Laths, Plasterer's Hair, &c. Chewacla Lime by the Barrel or Car Load Lots. WILLINGHAM & CO., - • Columbus. Ga. juty 28 hi Columbus Female College ! COLUMBUS, 1 j V. G. R. GLENN, A- M., President- Prof A P MOoTY, A M , Natural Science and Mathematics. Prot A C FLEWELLEN, History and (.’ritieisin. Mrs M Ii ( AMPBLLL. Physiology and Mental Philosophv. Miss BESSIE M A DWELL, Calisthenics aud Aks*i Prim'y Departments Mrs L McKAY. Art Department. Miss A L GLFNN, Home Department. Prof. *1 HARRIS ( HAPPEL, A M. Latin and Bellev% Lettres Mrs A C F.LEWELLEM, Lady Principal. E BOLLEMAN, Penmanship, English and Mathematics. Prof HERMANN H PERLET, Director School Music, Or,*an and Piano. . lftdani e '‘ Music aud French, (French language spoken.) Miss M J I HOM AS, Piano. Located in the healthiest city in the .South A home school with home comforts Oniy two girts iu a room. Rooms elegantly furnished, bath rooms. Ac. The best so cial and religious associations. The finest Literary, Music and Art advantagas. Our Music bchool has no equal iu the South. EXPENNEN Board, washing, lights, fuel and full literary tuition , $033 50 Same with Instrumental or Vocal Music |aud us- of Pi,a0..*.....*!.!.....’ 3tl 50 Next session begins September 14th. For particulars addrers ths President july 26 BUSSEY & WOOLDRIDGE, WAREHOUSE AND Commission Merchants, Webster Warehouse. COLUMBUS, GA. o Authorized Agents for the Storage of the Cott9 loof the GRANGE & FARMER'S UNION. General Agents Pendleton's Old Standard Ouano and Phosphate, St. George and Standard Fertilizers. John M Swift's Bone aLd Potash, SEAL'S Acid Phosph ite for Composting. Cotton Stored at 25 Cents. Cotton Sold at 25 cents per bale. Lbrril Advances made <n Cotton in Store. julyi CROCKETTS IRON WORKS. 0 - Our COTTON PRESS is as good as made, and our guarantee is that on it two men will pack a 500-pound baleuf cotton inside of five minutes, traveling at a common walk, or no sale. Oar CANE MILLS, with our improved shell and anti-friction boxes, never have their journals to cot. Our KETTLES have extra wide rims, and b Atom curved, so that the syrup collects and facilitates emptying and thereby prevents burning. Our SAW MILLS we warrant to be as good as made, and with it one man does all the sawing. Onr ENGINES will do more work to size of cylinder than any made, and f wbieh we make from Bto 100 horse power. We build and repair work of all kinds and at reasonable rates Having recently built anew brick foundry 50x75 feet, an addition to machine snop of 40xf 0 feet, and blacksmith shop of 30x40, besides put ling in three new tools costing upward of $4,500, we are now better pre pared to accommodate our patrons than at any time previous. Estimates given and correspondence solicited. For further particulars, address julyi2;f E CROCKETT &- SONS, Beacon, Ga-