The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, November 22, 1881, Image 1

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register and standard. rlHISEtit IVIV U!>Ult ftEMSfi. Oltiee In Eegisteßasd Standard Building, TEEMS, $1 go Per Annum. Ahvkrtuiso Rates Beamjcahi.e— Qrtiicifl <) f?an of Talbot County. Large Oinerlatio.v. J. B- GORMAN. Propr BUSSEY, HER l WOOLURIDCE, WAIIEIIorSE V > 1 > Commission Merchants, Webster Warehcuse. COLUMBUS GA - Anthortesd A S nt; for th. St ,age of the Cot t> .Oof t'.e OK.VNGK A FARMER'S Ad 1 P oi. li to f .1 Conrm-Hii.' Cotton Stored at 25 Cents. Cotton Sold at 25 cents psr bale. jo - 1 ' .i,tY r '.v v.,. ■■■>!.< yroofM-d ' * o a |- " SCHOFIELD S IRON WORKS, MACON. (OIOKIO.Y. MANUFACTURE PORTABLE HD STATMHI STEAM ElßfflES, r° F.INNING, niKF.MUNG AND GIUNDIMI. heavy STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS, and SAW MILLS a Specialty. Melt* CelctraM Fiiat Power CHa Press, To bo tua by If i id, H- - ; ro * ' ' 1 ... • c ( i)v ; ■' O' o as u e c i oigii-'iit. list' ("t on ,r ‘ U)g • ‘ (jaaeral Uvpuir Wur! F. ... * F * rmtort*. .* Price* "M*. juiyliif J S. BOHOFFiLD. Proprietor. Carry Yciir Cotton . _ r r >- Willingham's U arehouse, B. L. & U. E. Willingham & Go. Orposito J. W. EIMKf A fo‘ > Book Store- N.„. 145 uml 147 SECOND KTRF.K 1, MAVwN, OA. Hrinir v.R vonr l'‘ TION Mt-1 wi- ’Oil I’i ■ '‘4- VOl . .in .4 u Mir & Kivthnid, X o[ CO roX AVENUE at. 4 <SC TIITIH) STUKF.T. JIACON, - - Georgia , dhalli; in SoC/fjfS. kSIIOOS 51.11 ‘A bis • \\ T F, lUVEw. -in ' o-].- I.f I*• b > ■>l- - • ■ 11 1 11 ‘ .li-KIW . - ,-ISU IS .U Ilvi,-,t ..a! .lb--; 1I Ml lelp.m V,)ut. and Ouu rire h, . ri. t. ■ I- ■ - " ■‘ , >"P Boots .wd SIM Vu H ]]-. ...crylbUl ’tl kit ill ■- uts ->l ti > P'* 1 ' ‘* l ’• W,. !,avo. .’so, >i H CSiil-.i - >•■< < , ~ „ , ... WV invue nltailti ■ f*s,n k•- 1 '>■ Nt '- -■ '-' '• 1 1 J ’ ; *-'<ler., -• iviUetosu:,- Uu. w.t -Lb l-b-f ...m.-.1. bo -K •' ' I i \ nil; i . v.>- >. " kew ¥oiiK.bTofefe — - JOKES' OLD CORNJ3B.) COIJMHIHJS, GROKUIA. 4 sill n■ tin -Mr,- S‘*.<K in --■* v-.-i tv qn Hlv price ju,- \ <•iwil m ’ nr- off r- t.O *of i-Ibol iiil-i a.ij * eat coiliitie> at t BRYCBO3S, NOTiOHS, FIR SS LE CHEAP ■yx, 11.11,1/ A' 1)-.a. -lb MEI’OR'IBI VINO. LOUIS BANNER, n . 214 is 1 JonßS’ Old Corner Columbus, Ga_ Ha I, H KEE GUNBT’S BUILDING, ST. GLAIR St 1 Colii'LD.'biiG, Ga. Carriages ! Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, | Collars Whips, Jfuggy Um brellas, Harness Leather, Etc. ne3seeWagons! Agent for James B Hill A Cj‘B.. cnkbratea and iu.t.l Coi-ionl Har nae mi Wool Collars. a P® VOL 5. TALBOTTOX, TALBOT COUNTY, GA., TUESDAY. NOVHMHI3R22. 1881. NEW GOODS. A. F. PICKERT, No. 5 Whitehall. St., - -- Atlanta, Georgia HA'S JUSI’ i.c.'ivol a .stock of all the ucw dosigus tu the MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO. i: i. i: <j tij (>— Silver UPlevteci ’\?§7’ l\>.rt : es wishur: Bndd Presents will d*> well to cull un i< xn uiue mv stock mid i res Ini re pi ro lamin' e a. \ lull si ic*u <’f lil7 \lo ;'>■ Rms\s \i Spoons, Forks and Ki.ives always ou hand. Sp.*o 1 attention g vei t ■ W a 101 lan \ Jew !\’y Work. "h‘2t) 12m Ali ADAMS. J o ADAMS. A. B. ADAMS & SOM, Late of ADAMS & BAZEMORE. Warehouse and Commission Merchants, POPLAR STREET, OPPOSITE CAMPBELL & JONES, Macon, Georgia.. OFFF.II til. very LOWXST R.Viy* v. tto the plautus < I T.dliol adjoining counties. y I".*t Prompt at ten l ion to all eofcbty ontiustod to them. FREE .STORAHE tv; cotton pin ti is lor the so.imiii. Thirty veurn t xpeii. uco in iln- hi sires*. Ship is <*m cotton. itiig Jt* u DIXIE WOE K& xGACOM, GA o BARTRAM, HENDRIX & CO, FUOi’ltl ICTOHS- M ANFFACTtntItS of the bsi !) nr- iul Kli.sds m.i !•. i.i tin’ S’u'e hi and :II o.h* i h-ms** biiilting nirituim; >*ik Ii as \\’;n• o•. iid Du ( r tr.t nt s. .W••uldii*; > St.ur. Fa itisitrs Ne\\olsO>'rim-sa>voii aid F .umo.l work. Sen.l loi " r i* *' b HI * aplß bl ••DON’T YOU FORGET Ur i , - - “ —i, C) , ..U •t "' : '''riTA r i ;?k .j MS;}•'*3 mt- I '! I ;•* t,* , *-v >t.,' iiliv&lu ■yh-i'hsi -ikiia b.'-a vV b A-ir'S ' A.. \ ' ' -• V : -r-IT. v I OFFER UNUSAL INDUCEMENTS r :s Groceries awl Provisions TO CASH BUYERS. O CORN FLOUR, HAY, OATS, BRAN. NEW CROP GERMAN MILLET SEED 1 have a faw tons Old Italible CHESAPEAKE GUAIFI 5". H. HAILIIXjI’OIV, l T p-T'ovvn <*!•<><•<‘l*. j u , iv.j, —niiirfid ('OIjCMHUS- GEOHGI ' ““ (; M KIN Si Jj \. W! i ll Ti WITH FIS & KINSEL, Watchmakers and Jawslers, Cor. Broad .V Randolph St., C-dnnibus, Hfforgia. ? )<n I oi’n WATCHES, CLOCKS /® /04 \ ANJ fl /f - o j£f ®•j * \ iFewelry. |Diamonds, Rings, Specta cles’Si|ver p,ated Ware , Fancy Articles, Sc. Watches, Clo;ks nnd Jewelry lIKPAIREI) to give satsfaction, an.l war ranted. Engraving done to order. Jfa r Jewe’ries ir--.-V to order. Diamond, met to ,rut the present style. J. A. WAI iK-ER. -111-IALKII IX— Wagons & Busies, TUI-! BEST SSO Buggy ever sold South. o HAVING boutr’t *-Bt tho Wagon and Department of Witt AiH’allsar. I will co- tinue : e hvni.H Sat the same >ifa id, md ask a of tb public pa troupe. I u*n A pent f-r the Oid lli kwry \V i"oii aid M-lbuin F-iim Wikfus th beat in the mark tad will kt ei< at all t me*- a good stor k ! Wagor.H, Buggia Phaetone, Saddlery un i H imess. X will fee!! tor small profi's, and guaiantee evtry vehicle * id. j m'Jbl.'m J- A. WALKER, Columbus Ga., Victoria’s Good Heart. There is an a lv.intake, allot' all, in being aQu on as well in a wo man, a hen a heroic act is to bo re cognized in an ert'oetive us w II as a tender way. And it must be ac knovvl. dyed tlml Q teen Victm ta never fails to use this, her [ leroga f ive, with admirable and tine dis cretion. Two English soldiers, it will be remi'iiibi rod, Melville and Coghill, were killed at the hittie of Isandula, Zal- land, while bravely attempting to rescue the colors of their regiment, Tivir widows were pensione |, of, but the Queer‘s own worn inly heart sug gested a further and more gracious recompense, .She sent out by the Empress Eugenie two wreaths, and liie Jan press, after she had made her pilgrimage to the spot where her son was killed, continued her journey to find the graves of these obscure English soldiers and to lay the wreaths upon them with Inn own hands. She wrote afterward it letter to the 12 men describing the wild, grand spot where they are buried, the heroic circiimstanoes of their death, as she had been able to learn them, a 1 ling a tow words of earnest symp 'hy tor lit. in and congratulations for the sovereign who hud men so bravo to lose—dl of which ttie Q teen copies in her own hand ad sondi with a letter of earnest sympathy to the widows of tlie dead heroes. Certainly there is so.nothing in being a woman as well ns a Q usui. Even to a nr so Meal American m turning fir her dead, tlm knows' Igo that these two women, who had been seated upon thrones, ban util’ r. and precisely like herself, and held Out their hands to her in sympathy, would bring a cei tain consolation. To loyal Eng lishwomen the few scribbled w ilds would out value all pensions or re wards. King Couton- Wis i y'nii Fast. Probably t! e one great industry in which the southern man takes most jut rest, however, is tlm rais ing mi l in nii.f icturu of cotton. This is 'liv royal plant tint, was the glory and wealth of the south in the pas', and that is no doubt des tined to work out its (iiiaucial salva tion in the future. liy uli tlm signs of tlm tim *s. King Clo'.ton has come to his own again, So prolita blo is tlm cotton litatmfa luring tmsiness that, in certain soct.i uis northern capital goes hogging, the home cop rut,ions having become wealthy enough to carry on tlio business, The culture of cotton is rcHtimfl, but with a difference. In Head of inerely raising and selling tlm MW mat. rial, southern tnoil seek tlm policy of manufacturing, both for home use and export. The day is not distant when the fin tsl lab tics will bo maanfactur.) 1 in the south, and in the meantime the de mand for what they already pro duce is so great that the mills have orders for all they can furnish fur months to come. In every way tlm plant is utilized. Mmy things are now being nude from the oil con tamed in c tton seed— oil mills are in successful operation, and it is becoming one of the valuable pro ducts of the f-otth. A'fogether, tlm southern h irizon of the busi ness vvarl lis bright with prom ise. A Good Newspaper f), T.tlmag 'h L tst. Sun lav s Sonn in. I lcl I you, m y friends, that a good lie* i:r er i tli le-t bl that God li is gs.' si to tli! p op eof this c ;itu t\; tin- gran ’ost lein.i -r-il ldessr g. The theory is abroa l that imyhody can make a newapiip' r with the rid of a oap’talist. 'l b fact is that fortune , are Bwall wed up every y arm tlie vain cffirt t.o estab lish newspaper.?. Tiie large newapapars swallow up the small ones. The whale e;its about, fifty m nnows. We have 7.000. dailies and weeklies in the Un-ted States and Cauadus, and only thirty h'x are half ;t century old, The average life of a new paper is five y *ar<j. Most of them die of eh dera inf intum. [Liugiiter.] It I-, high ti-ne that it wts un lurstood th it the most succ ssfill wiy to sink a fortune aua keep it sunk is to shirt a newspaper. L t me tell you that if you have an idea, ettlier moral, religious, soci il, or politic al, you had better charge on the wo/Id through t e columns already established. If you can‘t climb your own b .ck y..rd fence, doh.t try the Matterhorn. If you can t sail u simp d* n*t try to navigate the Great Eastern. To p iblis i a newspaper requires Hie skill, precision, vigilance, stratagy and boldness of a commander-in chi< f. To edita newspaper one’ needs to be a statesruat, a geographer, a statisti cian. and, so far as all acquisitions <*re concerned.a cncycl “pfle Jia. Mr James llurmou, of Mari weth r county, r.tiseJ sixty bushels <f corn to the acre this your. B h the laud and the corn were meas ured. MrL'T Hill, of Coweta county, has just received from Chicago a six horse plow, for which ho paid $2lO. Tjo Many Poiut3 for Him. B iss, s.iil an old darky while-wasUer to Marshal Ilog m, daro's a nigger up wy way wlut t lean euro uv. has lie <1 i c ? s id the officer. oi, wel', you sous last sum r he bor rowed my ax fur to split s>m i kiuclliii* truck, aid he inver f >teh it back, an, when I went ter get it he said l reckon l got dis nx, an* po soshun ani nine [ ints >t de la 1 #; tier, to-a dis ;ix am mine till 1 take it buck; an* do daiu fool nig;er wouldn’t g!m it to me. I didn't s-y uuffi i‘ or Rive him any t,i k, but and odder day Ha nticr, m 010 Woman, want to Ins hous.i an‘ For n wed his 1 nek >nv, an* when he came fur it I tohi him j st nv mt ho tolo me, an‘ st > and l) vk o i my dijuicy. Well ? I had niu pints tho law didn’t I ? Yes. And uow manypii H .ru and liw com nosed of? I don't Uno rexi •ly Well, dads what, hod l i's mo, for dat nigger saw dv'in nil o p ids. shut up ois let* eye tur me, ied do ole worn n ov*‘r a bird and wdked oft wid bis saw buck an* my whitewash brash to boot Et L had nine pints li” mils' have hid ober twenty, an' eve.i and *ii he did .'t hi if let uiiusflt out.- Mirys ille Appe.l, / Too Poor to Take a Paper. An ed.tor was sitting in his < ffioe oue afum am when a larmor frieti l of bis came in. Mr Editor, I 1..; • youv paper but. tlio tim h tu - ■ so bu i 1 ciu't pay for it. Is that k, friend J me ? .l*m v ry Hor ry ik it yhi ;ir.' a-j had up, I iil give > on my paper. Ob, nl l t’ ui't take it. as a ; it*. \N 11. then, let me se ba- we can fix ii. V m ra 1 -e o lick jus, I bulievt? Ye;, a few; but they and .*t b i.ig iiiy* tiling baldly. Da.rL the ? Neith rd* smy paper ring aint'oi ig nirdiy. No.v 1 bar.’ ipr posi tion tu iimk t to y*u, I will ' O tin lie your paper til I who i yu >; borne you iimy sdce' f oiii your 1 t on* oliiokeii and c ill her m : no. T k * goo l ca.’e of li • • nil I bring tlie proe.oeda, whith ir ia * or c'ui, and Twi l cili it s pia.o All right! and the farmer chuckled at he went out .it win:'. U > t rang it l clever b.rgaio. He kep. the contract strietly, and at the einl of the year f mod that he hid paid about loav prices tor his pupci. Ho often tills the joke on himself, an 1 says h • Inis novel* hid the eh -ok t > say ho is too poor to take a papei since. Exchange. Wi r.i S.viu.l,,. -.Mr Uex TuweiUt, tlie asuHlant lick cl agent, at tlio Union depotjHo’.il a gmitlem m two tickets to Crockett, Texas, for which $11) 3>> was paid. Thu piit'chitM r li st asked for tick ets to Palestine, but the fare, which was $50.80, was im re iban he could pay, as lie bad but 10.10. rmpiiiy into the ca->o developed tlio fact tint the yeung rain was the husband of bride tie had just sto lon from lipr horn : in Monroe, VVni ton county, and that they were go ing to Texas to escape the irate ta tlicr. The groom is twenty-two years of age, anil the bride is thirty five. He is not handsome and she is not beautiful, but with only ten cents in their treasury they have gone to Texas to begin the life of blissful “Jdublonoss.’’ Says the Meriwether Vindicator: I’ucMi-KitiTv —Judi>e Allen If. Watson, <m hi.-t fine farm on Flint nyor, lias alteady ginned IGO bales of cotton (and has sixt yor seventy more to gather, His large crib, twenty-five feet in length, twenty feet wide and twelve high, is filled to t to roof with corn, the crib hold ing about 1,500 bushels, and Judge W itKoii is still g till ring -in 1 haul ing in corn. From bis ti Ids he has fnl twenty six mules and supplied aix'y-tlireo field hinds and their families, miking 12 ) persons in a!', with bread since August last. Be sides this his ten nits have their a:i lar liap py an 1 con tents.!, If our new minister to Spain, Mr Hannibal Hamlin, serves to the end of Arthur’s term he will have boon in public service forty-nine years, thus exceeding J dm Quincy Adams* service a year. Next, comes Lewis Cass, who served forty-four years, Henry Clay was thirty-seven years an oflieeholder; James Buchanan thirty-six years, and Thomas II Benton thirty-two years. Tie last named was a senator thirty years, which is just the extent of Mr* Hamlin's service in the senate, in cluding a term as vice-president. One day last week, says the Meriwether Vindicator, Mr Henry II II nils ‘let off one of his fish p mds and put his seine in order to take out the fish then in the pond and stock it with carp. The first haul he caught three hundred fish, weighing six pounds and un der._ While seining h caught four trout averaging five pounds each ile caught in all between three and four hundred pounds of fish. There in no place luce home,especially if it the home ot a pretty girl, where they keep a good tire during the cold weather in the parlor and turn the gas down low to wave expenses. AT HARDWARE STORE Talbotton, Ga. A GAUGE STOCK OF Plow Stocks, Plow Hoes, Scovil Hoes, and EVEBYTIIING USUALLY KEPTIN A FIRST CLASS Hard ware Store, nil of which will bo sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for the CASH. AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT. Call before purchasing and bo Convinced. Keep constantly on hand a stock ol the best COOKING STOVES. Manufactured in the country. Call and see them. bl H L. McLENDON, Talbotton, Ga- Gt.ILl jETS S IXI I'IIOVED Liglit Draft Cotton Gins. Arranged for Ecodoi's nn 1 C'ndenscrs if dr-siivd Ue cuunvinlod by all Flu uteri who liuvti UM;id thorn, ns superior to any Gin mauufa'Jtimd. ■ '■ J- !^ r siD'^ r SLADE & ETHEEEDGE, Warehouss and Commission Merchants. i Olutulius, - Cieorgia. yrc Siil<* Ag nts Ibr all the < < tivn trading at ('ulumbiiH, and wi 1 furnish ci car atiJ t,'‘sti noni 1 1st on applifiUi<m Apply early to seerro a (Jin. jul.ytth h The Live Grocery House. LOW IM! UTS ALWAYS RULE. J -W" CXjEIVIEMTS TO TilE Fluuters of Talbot and adjoining counties wo oiler a large and well select# stock of CHOCK HIES AND WESTERN PRODUCE. ndaptedto the wants of farmers, low for CASH. Full lines of Well Cured ITull* IVtoats, al lower prices than ever before offered. CALL AND’SEE US. MR. JAKE KIMBROUGH, of Harris county, is wiili this popular muse, and wiD be glad to see and wait on Ins friends, and the public generally. Jan 4 (b 1.) J. W CLEMENTS. Columbus Ga. W r W. COLLINS, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES & WAGONS 70,7.’2 &. 7-1 Second gtreat. MACON, - - - GEORCIA X3XT STOCK AND FOR SALE LOW Carriages, Phaetons, Cabriolettes, Rockaways, Ladies ana Pony Phaetons, Top and No-top Piano Box and Coat Box Busrgies- Wobster Wagons, iYiiburn Wagons, Studerbajser Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Cabs, etc., etc. GALL AND BE CONVINCED. I handle more goods in iny lino than any other bousetin the State* oi Georgia, Florida, or Alabama. My facilities are such that we defy competition. I will treat, you right. nov2s bl W. W-COLLINS, Macou.G' Job Work. Ar.r ’lasßt Pof W €>i It de* in the t styles and atthe lowest l>ri< 4‘iw, at the REGISTER JOB OFFICE. Our Job Department is tur iiiKhed with a fine power purrs and all the la tec t and most approved styles of type. NV. do bet t* r* work for money 'km any office in the State. Give us your orders and we will pleor# you. no. ir>