The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, December 06, 1881, Image 1

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REGISTER AND STANDARD, ri'BLISIO im TUKSDAY MOEMXO. Office In Register and Standard Building, TEEMS, $1 00 Per Annum. Advertising Raids Reasonable— Offiicial Organ of Talbot County. Large Circulation. J. B- GORMAN, Propr BUSSEY, II [R & WDOLMUDCE, WAREHOUSE ATS 1> Comm issioii Merchants, Webster Warehouse, COLUMBUS, GA. Authorized Agents for the Storage of the Cot.Sioof the ORANGE A FARMER'S UNION. Generai A emits Pendleton’s Old Standard Guano and Phosphate, St. Geokoe and Standard Fer.iiiz John M SwtFt's A omemated 80-ia and Potash, SEAL'S Acid Pjos.di >te for CorAno-unj. Cotton Stored at 25 Cents. Cotton Sold at 25 cents per bale. Xjßkiul Advances made on Cotton in Store. j^vl Wc* keep b igging and tics and Gervcih r isFd rns 4 proof s*ecl oats oonstantlv on s le. wqrk&T MACON, GEORGIA. MANUFACTURE PORTABLE m STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, 1-0 GINSING, THRESHING ANI) GRINDING. HEAVY STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES. STEAM BOILERS, and SAW MILLS a Specialty swell’s Celelratei Patent Fewer Celter Press, To be ruii bv Hand, Hois.- V.aur or Seam F -wer. Over ‘20,0n0 in use Ihrotigh'mt tnc- Cotton Growing S‘ts. General Repair Wovl Promptly Attended to. For I’aitieniar* and Prices, addres juiyl-itf J S. SCHOFIELD, Proprietor. Oarry Tcur Cotton —TO- Willingham’s Warehouse, B. L. & (J. B. Willingham & Cos Opposite J. W. EURKE & CO'S Book Store- Nos. 115 and H 7 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. bring ns your C'TTON and wo will PLEASE YOU. aig3o.i MLy & Kirtluiul, No. 3 COT I'ON AVENUE and 00 THIRD STREET, MYOON, - ■ Georgia DEALER IN Boots. Slioes and Hats. HIVE nr'-in '.tore on** *;i t!.e i> U stor'.ft wt Irivo rv-r nif'tvd, Hid i' l VY Viic*h which cannot fail tn givt-satisfu-tinu. It compris - <• at-, ami }. • dies Rootn and Kh .vs, of thebest iiak-N; tlio onUbrale.l I’liiUJelpbia Vnt!iK and 1 > dre'.s' h >os -s ip -rior t *ll ota-'m; il *. >’ a id pawn*’ hcavj kif Boots an X tn u ii>. everything Cos suit the wquts nf tha parch i*er. , We hvo also, at tMlThfrd Hirwt.. good line of JIA. ' Wf invite attention . f Shoom.ikor* u, our of KIMHNHS. ,v-nd "f' y-’ 1 -tier.—ir. will osecate thaw With ft much MtMhetiMi as though bonglit in person .*VJ I V v H IK 5 LAiU>, eniao if __ __ . M■-> •• . NEW YORK STOKE, {JONES’ OLD CORNER.) COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. * ol tine of diress goods, in grant Variety quality and price-just re- A odvedaal are offered the people of i/'dbotand adj r ent count.e, at tempting prices. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FOR SALE CH EAP call a v d ?ee me before Burma LOUIS BANNER, an 29 b l Jones’ Old Corner Columbus, Ga _ TTfIT“ GTJNBY’S BUILDING, ST. CLAR ST. Oc>lTxrrxfc>xxg*, Gra. m' DSLAXiEB IN Carriages ! Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Buggy Urn iiri'lh', Uinm |y;ilhcr. Kir. Agent for James H Hill & Go‘s. celebrate*! hand made Cor cord Har dens *tiJ Wool Collars. . a F^ YOL 5- umigta iiigtsi#?. TALBOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GA., TUESDAY. DECEMBER6, 1881. NE W GOODS. A. F. PICKERT, No. 6 Whitehall, St., -- -- Atlanta, Georgia lIAS JUST i;o.-ived a largo stock of nil the new designs iti tbe MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., - .!■: T. 13 C T 1?, O- Sllver JPL£&toci “VETetr©. Portion wishing Bridal Presents will u > well to call and examine tnv Stock tincl rr it sbG re )irrc.nv-in;j e’sewhs e. V full stock of 1817 Rogers Bios’s Ai Spoous, Forks and K:nves always on hand. Spec l attention given to Watch an 1 Jewelry Work. ep2o 12m A D ADAMS. J L ADAMS. A. B. ADAMS & SON, Late of ADAMS & BAZEMORE. Warehouse and Commission Merchants, POPLAR STREET, OPPOSITE CAMPBELL & JONES, Macon* Georgia* OFFER the very LOWEST RATFB yet to tlie planters of Talbot and adjoining coniines. JvfS'ProOjpt attvulion to nil cotton entrusted to them. FHEE STORAGE to cotton planters l'or tbs Bonbon. Thirty years experience in the business. Ship is your ooiton. aug 111) a DIXIE MOB KS MACON, GA BARTRAM, HENDRIX & GO, PROPRIETORS. MANUFACTURE of the hsi Sash, Doors and Blinds made in the State :u and idlo'ht i house building material um hns Window and Door frames. Moulding Stairs IhilluHteris Newels,Sr.roll-sawed and Turned work. Scud for nriea lisi. up US I1 “DON'T YOU FORGET IT.“ .. Yi I OfFER UNUSAL INDUCEMENTS -IN- Groceries and Provisions TO CASH BUYERS. Q CORN, FLOUR, HAY, OATS, BRAN, Nwc rop New Orleans and Florida Syrurps, New Crop Sugars and Coffees, Good Cofiee 8 lbs. for sl. I have a few tons Old Relible CHESAPEAKE GUANO o'. IEX. TIAMIXjTOPT, lJp*l’own (froc-er. ju„ 6'il—nntr22 COLUMBUS, GCORGI V "77777"" ; 0 M KIN SEE " WITTICH & KINSEL, Watchmakers and Jewelers, Cor. Broad & Randolph St., Columbus, Georgia. —Dealers In ® WATCHES, CLOCKS AND Jewelry. Diamonds, Rings, Specta cles, Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, £c. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry REPAIRED to give satsfaction, and war ranted. Engraving done to order. Ha r Jewelries mode to order. Diamonds repet to nnit the present wt vie. J\ J!L. -DEALER IN- Wagons & Buggies, THE B®ST SSO Buggy eversold South. HAVING bought out the Wagon and Buggy Department of Wr.tfc & Ifalkor. I will continue the btiaineseat the same stand, and ask a share of the public patronage. lam Agent for >be Old Hickory, Wagon aid Wilburn F.irto Wagons ihs best in Hie market, and will keep at all t me® a good stock of Wagons, Bwg.d. Phaetons, Saddlery and Furness. I will sell for small profPs, and guarantee entry vehicle sold. jau2Bl2m J. A, WALKER, CcltunfcusGa,, The Solid South. Memphis Appeal. The ooitou.gruwer computus of the narrow mnrgin the cotton brings him iviien cotnpnrod with what the cotton c.vst him, and lie longs and waits, and speculates for higher prices. Ilis true policy is to decrease the exj enses that a'.tteuds growing cotton, by providing, first, for growing and raising all the neu essnrios Ins farm will produce, then utting ii what cotton lie can be iiocs. If his cotton fails lie will not "'ani, if it produco well he "ill make money. No demonstration can be mure complete, no truth more ob vious. yet custom, a lazy dislike to change, a disyosition to slip ou in tee old grooves without thought, plan, or effort, keeps the planter poor and a slave to his factor. It will be well, however, for the easy slider to remember tha‘, in the end, ho who will not produce supplies for his own wants will have to sell to those who will. An Editor’s Home. Heaver Tribune Primer, Here is a Castle, It is the House of an Editor, It ha* Stained Glass windows and Mahogany stairways. In front of tho Castle is a Park. Is it not Sweet? Tho lady iu the park is the editor's wife. She wears a Costly robe of Velvet trimmed gold lace, and there are Pearls uud Rubies iu her hair. The editor sits ou tho front Stoop smoking a Havana Cigar. His little Children are playing with diamond Marbles on the Te.sstdated Floor. Theedil or oan aff >rd to live in Style, lls gels Seventy-five Dollars a month Wages. —— *--•*- Current Comment Correspond one© New York Tribune. Tho lutuiDA,loriiil cotton exposition its .m educator in many senses. It bus brought be tore the southern people in compact and comprehensible shapes the best results of American ingenuity ana wkill applied to every machine, ltriple* ment uud tool that has any relation, near ot iemote, to the great staple of ilic south It presents in striking and signifi cant contrast old processes and the lat est methods of doing the same work, and lunches the value of 1 .hor-Saving devices to a people very frw ot whom have ever ever taken that subject into coaAldura tiou. Correspondence New York Woiid. The whole section ih lens densely pop uluted tlnm any other part of the United States east of the Mississippi, except the m vccwHsible portions of Florida, Ruil* io.kl , are now piercing it from two di rections. U’ithin two years it will bo open to the world. No part of the globe has greater attraction for c ipital. The cotton exposition affords the very first opportunity over given to advertise these refcourees us well no to tarnish u key to the investigation of the region. Doubt less men will lose fortunes there, but other mem will make them, and the day is not far off that the World lifts so long predicted with confidence, when the sec* ti n richest in resources will begin to be rich also m available wealth, in manu factures and belter than all, in a broader civilization. of Money, —Tho public cy phers ou the relative purchasing value of money between the dates November 1, 1878, and November 1 1881. Taking food, clothing, iron, lumbes, etc, it finds that what would have cost $118.07 at the first date costs now $1(17,85, showing an ad vance of 80.04 per eout. And il finds the increase in circulation cor responds. That increase it reckons at $102,487,454 or 88 per cent. Ac cording to this showing tho effect of iricreoasing the volume of curren cy is to beggar tie working man; reducing iho purchasing value of Lis wagi a pari passu with tho in crease m volume of the circulating medium. Prosperity Ahead- Cmcinn.ti Gazette. The capital to be added m the south daring the next two year-, employed in mining, manufacturing and agricnltnre, will multiply the resources of thatection in an unexampled ratio. The census of 1890 will surprise even the most sanguine optimists. Baltimore Airericrm- The tenth census sets at rest any appre hensions which may have existed ns to the tendency of farming in the United States since the change from slave to lreo labor. We will never have in Irish ten ant system in the south. The laud is going to be tilled by its owners. Corr- ' Philadelphia Press. W hen every acre in tbo cotton states shall yield as many pounds ot cotton ns it can -when every pound ot cotton that is raised is paid for—when every ton of seed goes to tbo enriching of the soil that has produced it. or pays its share in some form of its debt to the owner and raiser ot the crop—when the day of high interest shall cease, and when the farmer shall bo able to osoape from the hands of the commission merchant and to buy his goods as cheaply as can the wheat grower of the northwest, then the statis tics of tha cotton goods trade of the world wili show other facts than are now pre sented. Then elieap raw cotton will be a blessing to this oountiy at it is to no oth. er. When a m n‘ J money is gone liis fi lends drop efi' like buttons Irorn a pair of ready made t an's. General News- The suggestion ot u meeting of ho cotton planters of tho South with the Spinners of New England in Atlanta on the 6th of December, is a good one. Tho best one-horso Georgia orop wo have heard of this year is re. ported from Etrly county by the News. It was made by Mr L A Tubley, ou Col Nesbitt's plantation. With one plow animal lie made 25 bales of cotton, 150 bushels of corn, 2,000 pounds of fodder, besides a crop of cane and potatoes. The Valdosta Times says a party of sportsmen of that place have just returned from a five days camp hunt down in Florida with eleven deer, a number of turkeys, and smaller game. At an administrators salo last week in Tahferro county, farming laud sold at from sl2 to sl7 per acre. Official figures show that the on ly States "herein the postal service is self-sustaining are Maine, Massa chusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Dela ware, Michigan, Illinois and Wis consin, Jn tho remainder it is a losing business to tho government- Iu Georgia the receipts were $238,- 902 less than the expenses, but iu Ohio tho deficiency is twiea that amount. Tho man who remains simile ull Ids life has tho satisfaction of know tbat lie has done an unspeakable kindness to one womau—viz., the the woman he might have made his wife. Soniuboby, n -j matter who, says that a woman should be like roast lamb—tender and sweet and nicely dressed, with plenty of fixings but without sauce. Dakota territory will apply for admission to the union as u slate during tho next congress. Tho territory is rapidly filling up at the present lime. In 1880 it had a population of 135,180, which has increase 1 since that time to 165,- 00) or 170,000, Arlcausas, Florida, California, Oregon, Kausts, Nevada and Nebraska were admitted to the union with a population ranging from 50,000 to 123,000, less than that of Dakota. One of the surgeons who atten ded the late President is reported as saying that the bills for medical services will bo sent, receipted, to Mrs, Garfield, and loave CengreoS to take such action as it may see lit in making an appropriatoin in’the pri mises. Mr Gaskins, of Coffee county a member of tho late Legislature, has sued the city of Ahuntu for SIO,OOO as damages received from a runa way horse while attending the ses sion of the General Assembly. How any member of that body could be injured SIO,OOO is a mystery to us. Ho would have to have every limb and his neck broken in three pla es. In our opinion it will be dam ages before the gentleman fully re covers SIO,OOO worth. ic No grander thing can a man do than to give a helping hand to a young man who has been discouro ged. Ma, she Said, confidingly, Henry has asked mo to marry him. And you accepted? wus the querry. No was tho reply, I didn't, and neither did I reject him. If I can keep him on the string till Christmas he'll make me a hadsome present to induce me to say ‘yes.’ You know I’ve been wanting a gold watch for a long time. II F Faruy, the|Cincinnati pain ter, who has spent tho summer with the Sioux, says ho never saw a more jolly | camp in his life than a Sioux village. The men sit in their tepees and smoke, and tell over their battles, and narrate jokes that are received with unrestrained grunts and gurgles of lunghter. Tho squaws are soft-voiced and graceful, and show a genuine moth er-love for their papooses. Farcy met met a squaw when out on a sketching tour, with his Indian guide, who was running to fetch a medicine man, thirty miles away, to cure her sick baby. A LoooMoTiVE that v im, Burn Water. —A locomotive in which neither wood nor coal will be burned is now in process of construction at the Grant Locomotivo works in Patterson, New Jersey. In realty the fuel to be used is water, which is decomposed in association with carbon, forming readily com bustible gases of which hydron is chief. The method of decomposing water at a comparatively low tem perature invented b> I>r Charles Holland has been turned to practic al uses in heaters and in making il luminating gases. AT THE HARDWARE STORE Talbotton, G-a. A LARGE STOCK OS' Plow Stocks, Plow Hoes, Scovil Hoes, and VEttYTKtNG USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS Hardware Store, all of which will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for the CASH. AND DON'T YOU FoKGLT IT. Call before purchasing and be Convinced. Keep constantly on hand a stock of the best COOKING STOVES. Manufactured in the country. Call and see them. angle bi H L. McLENDON, Talbotton, Qa. GULLETS'S IMPROVED Light Draft Cotton Gins. Arranged for Feeders and Coil denser* if desired Recommended by all Planters who have used them, us superior to any Uiu manufactured. SLADE & ETHEREDGE, Warehouss and Commission Merchants, Columbus, .... (leor-gla. yre Sole Agents for all tbe section trading at Columbus, and wi 1 furnish ci cw’af and testimonial--; on application Apply early to secure a (Jin. Jttlv2tf s The Live (Grocery House* LOW PRICES ALWAYS RULE. tT W OLEMEJMTB TO THE Planters of Talbot and adjoining counties we offer a large and well selectc stock of CEOCERIES AND WESTERN PRODUCE. adnptedto tho wants of farmers, low for CASH. Full lines ot Well Cured Bulk Meats, ill lower prices than ever before offered. CALL AND'SEE US.' Mil. JAKE KIMB&OUGH, of Harm oomity, ie with this populai uonse, and will he glad to see and wait on his friends, and die politic generally. (bl.) J.W CLEMENTS, Columbus Ga. % W. COLLINS, Manufacturer of ■UC[S, BUGGIES & WAGONS * J'H I Jv AJ 4 O ' , &74 Second Street. MACON, - - - GKORCIA Jo{ I3V STOCK AND FOR SALE LOW Carriages, Phaetons, Cabriolettes, Rockaways, Ladies ana Pony Phaetons, Top and No-top Piano Box and Coal Box Buggies- Webster Wagons, jLViiburn Wagons, Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Cabs, etc., etc. GALL AND BE CONVINCED. I handle more goods in my line than any other ht>use|in the Statea 01 Georgia, Florida, or Alabama. My futilities are such that we defy competition, I will treat yon right. ncv ~s hi W. W. COLLINS, Macon, •J obW T ork. Am -lassesof Job Work fen* in the lit-sl styles and at the lowesl prlr cv, at tho REGISTER JOB OFFICE. Our Job Dwabtm*nv is fur nished with a fixe poweb i-iisss and all the latest and most approved stylos ot type. We do tett**l* work for lesw money than any office in the State. Give us your orders and we will pleat* yon. NO. 48