The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, December 20, 1881, Image 1

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KEtrISTER AMD STANB4BD. TCBUSHEft im TUESDAY HO tMNS. Olllce Tn Tlegistbr and Standard Bmlsing, TERMS, $1 00 Per Annum. AdV KuTisiso -Bates lieasosaiile Qfliicbd Oigan of Talbot County. Lutou Circulation.^ J. B- GORMAN, Propr- BUSSEI Midi l WLIIE, WAREHOUSE AAD Commission Merchants, Webster Wareliouse. COLUMBUS, ------ GA. t . o Atliori=:d Agents forth, St rage of the Cot 9 ..oof tl GRANGE & FARMER'S 25 Agents Itonrf. Old Sf.nd.ra O-.iano and St. Standard Fertiliz.r-, J. ns M SwiFT-s Ammomai.d liana m.d .o.asb, & Aci 1 l’i>o3pb.ite Cotspo-Hu*^. Cotton Stored at 25 Cents. Cotton Sold at 2o cents par bale. Lbeual Advanced m.uie on Cotton in Store- - Wo kfe;* b-igclm; sv tin. and Cos r- it r -G * rod proof sr >1 mts console on * 10. SCHOFIELDS IRON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA MANUFACTURE PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, FO GINNING, THRESHING AND GRINDING. heavy stationary steam engines, steam BOILERS, and SAW MILLS a Specialty. ■ SMeli’s CsleMsS Patent Power Cotton Press, To b’run bT Hand, Hors>, Witte* or Steam Power _ , . Over 20,0<;0 in u-e f hrongU'Hit ine Colon Growing S fctoa. G 7,dylS7' * ‘ P ’ "'' '' U J-' S. I 'SCHOFILLD. 'proprietor. Garry Tour Cotton -TO- W lllingham’s Warehouse, B. L. & U. B. Willingham & Cos oposits J. W. CUHK- A COS Book Store- N '. 145 anil 147 SECOND STUIiiCT. MACON, GA. Bring m yonr C'TION su lwe jr W PLEASK |>H. ' MLv & Kirthmd, No. 3 COl L'ON AVENUE amt GG*TiHRI) STItEEL. MACON, - - Ccorgia dealer, in Boots. Shoes and Hats. 11 T E HAVE now in U4N one of the best *toc.;s mm* v i off' l j’] \\ ... .- s cmnot fail to give satisf u tion. I. coinpvi* Gout* • * Vi. Are. everrtiin.’tiH.utlh* *iots..ft'ii purchnlr. - - , *i_ ~ ( 11 : a'ihii'fi i reel ,-a goon ld.f of ■ ' * \\ 6ha VO. alio, it *> # lfc * * ' '• „ |Slni v r ,.. *. ..A n v*l|t ' I JJL - ~ NEW YORK STORE, (JONES’ OLD CORNER.) COLUMBUS, G BORGIA. . 1,1 —„ line of dressiroad*. in zrert Vnii.ty qnilitv and pnee—jnst ru- A edved uud are off red tl.o people of Tiillwtan'ladj ..out countio. at t.-mpting DRY CBBOS, NOTIONS, FOR SALE CD EAP V*. C tLL A' D SEE ME BEFORE BUYING LOUIS BANNER, art 2!) b , Jones’ Old Corner Columbus. Ga^ OJfIKEE GTTNBY’S BUILDING. ST. CIAR ST. Columtoias, O-a. DEALER IX Carriages ! Busies, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, • Whips, Bugary Um brellas, Harness Leather, Etc. Agent for James R Hill & CD's, celebrated l and mud Cor-mrd Hur dass ,;i Wepl Cellar3. apC VOL 5. Sfje Hegfete. TALBOTTON, TALBOT COUNfX GA., TUESDAY, DECEAIBER2O,IBBI. INEW goods; A. F. PICKERT, No. 5 Whitehall, St., - - Atlanta, Georgia. IIAS JUsr i.ceiYel a Urg: stock of all the new designs in the MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., -el k c t it o Silver IPlated l\n-l : e<i wiihnn: Bndil Presents will do veil to call mi l examine voy stock and ■ r ct's bet in? i.i i',:u in - e’s?vlr.? n. \ full stock of 1317 Kocyos Bros-s Ai SpocHis, Folks Kiuvcs always on l a id. Sp.'o 1 attention given to SValSh anl .lew dry Work. no| SO 12m A 11 ADAMS. J b ADAMS. A. B. ADAMS & SON, Late of ADAMS & BAZEMORE. Warehouse and Commission Merchants, POPLAR STREET, OPPOSITE CAMPBELL & JONES, Haeou, Georgia# OFFER the very LOWEST RATFS yet to tlie planters if Talbot and adjoining couuries. A OTTro.Lpt attention to all cotton entrusted It) them* FREE .STORAGE tu cotton planters for tho se son. Thirty yours txpevionoo in llio i csii c:;.'. JShip us >our cotton. nug 80 a mammmmmmcmgfKsmm .cantc- -KflM.Mrwrjw M XIE Wj}R KB. MACON, GA BARTRAM, HENDRIX & CO, PROPRIETORS- M ANUFACTURED of the h st Sns i, I).orx tI l Kliml* in the State ftv'.l li o In i house material huc At t.s Wimio. ami I>oor frames. Suirv ID .lusters Newels.Si roii-na veA asid Tiumo l work, thud for trice lisi. np’S hi DON'T YOU FORGET IT. ‘ .. __-—r—— rrr: jr;T. 1 _ c > f - ■$ 1 H : - m-wkvz j'3r - TY-Erv-av.— , : I OFFER UNUGAL INDUCEMENTS -I IV -g, Hroceries and Provisions TO CASH BUYERS. CORN FLOUR, HAY, OATS, BRAN, Iv. <rop Few Orleans end Florida Syrurpa, New Crop 3ugar3 and Coffeea. Good Coffea 8 ibs. for <*>l - have a few tons Old Relible CHESAPEAKE GUANO j. ec. x-3: J a.ivixx J .TCi>ivr, 'The tJi>- r l'ovt ii (iroceu. j,in O d—run,22 COLUMBUS. GI3OIIGU_ "ITrFFr"”" " ' “ ” CM KINSKL ' WITTICH & KINSEL, Watchmakers and Jewelers, Cor. Broad & I'andolph St., C.-lumbus, Georgia. —Doalorw la- WATCHES, CLOCKS g ’lfWi **Ji 1) Jewelry. il Diamonds, Rings, Specta cles, Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, &c. V/atcho3, Clotksand Jewelry REPAIRED to give satafaction, nnd war ranted. Engraving done to order. Ha r Jpv/e’rifi*! more tn order. Diamond* roe? to ►nit tke present tyle. F. “W r A.X^^E!3FBL, -DEALER IN- Wagons & Buggies. THE BEST SSO Buggy o'er sold South. OfAYING bought out the Wagon end Department of Wilt &T4Vk 9r. 11 jf l will coniinue ibe biwine<;it Riiin9'•taid,‘iud ysk a Rharj of the public pi iron age. lam Agent hr tbe Old Hickory Wifon aid Milbmn W*g?*ns] h bes ii (lie market, aud will keep at all t mc c a good stock * i Wagis, Bug da i Svd.lieiy and Hai’cees. I will eel. tor lujlJl prcft'B, acd every vehicle 8 ld. j:u.2Bl2ui J. A. WALKER, CohunbusGa., A New Brand- A till), liuno negro has been in i the habit for a year past of calling |at a Michigan avonuo grocery ami j begging a few potatoes, a bit of coJ- H-b, or anything else likely to bo given to him. • The other day the grocer got a Hour sack and made up a mixture of sand, and when the negro oaui > around ho ivas almost pulverized to hear the grooer say: Now, Sam, if you wont come hero again for threo months you can shoulder that sack aud take it homo. Am you in airncst boss? Yus,l moan wbal I say. Wall,l reckon I'd belter ootch on to dat chitiioo, an* may de Lawd brass you Lr a hun'red year; to com; 1 I lomhonlderod the sack and walk ed oft. and was not neon for Curse ilajfjt- ..Thou ent.-red the storo withWiie remark: Say, boss, I did*.at mean to ecftns back, only I waut to ax a quoshtion. jUo aiicud. ! 'TPS about that 11 mv you give ill e. Do ido woman and mo doan‘ take de same view of it. I hell dat it am a now way of grinding up wheat, aujl she says it am a now process for using up gravel banks. Kin you throw any light on the subjek? II is anew brand of my own, re plied the grocer. The wheat was raised m sandy soil. Can you re member ii? N- not‘zlolly>;eah, but if you could eiiango wid”m ■ for a jii'ck of bonus i.list'd on a side hill, an' put the 010 tyces an' stumps iui‘ stones in anodf-r it would save a heap of argyment in my family. Thy Atlantic Monthly for 1882. Will • e of tht liame \arid oxceliejcp mh 1 rrtit' fore, giviuff llio uMI *S. ort jSto:n*H, E .sitvs, hkmrmii| IMory, i r 11- in in, uud dihCUNNiou if Timely Top ios. It willcoutuiu ,SEi IAL STORIED Bv TnouMs Ilmdi. tuo eraiuuiit tiovelw* E!izi'fctli StUiin. PiioLis, uutli ir of Tue Aj tr, vtc W II Bi.s'i'*p, uutiior oi Di tuiolil—and 0 l* L ithrop. aut’.iui uf A SUiily of Utiwtlior :e. The Atlantic writorn i ielule. busid k many o licru, II iV Loncikellow, J (r U UITTIEU, O \V lIoLMISS, J R LoWJSLL, 13 U Stedm vn, W D H r.t r.LLH, llknry Jam km. Jb., I mi.lip llrook-i, Ridhard \ViUT'. T'B Aldbioti, il E <lcuddk, II T Coi ke, 0 I) Waiineii. T W Uiooin on, E LUiodkie, Hirvii Ownk Jkwbtt, John liUBROUGDI. i D.V.VWD E HaLK, Lucy LaH o >m, John Fi ke, Jamei J'akt jn, II 11, Ozlia 1H .ZTKB, EIXJtU Fawcbti. The Atlantic luniiahe.} iu the c uirse of iho year an much iviulmg ai iu coutaiued ii tw. uty ordinary boaks of GOO pi^< J eucli. Terms; $4.00 ft y ftr, in iulvon*o, poits age free— 36 centh a number. \>iti mu lc*b lif k z.* portrait>l EmeiHon, Long- L lit w. iJiyai.t, Win'.tier, Lo.vea or Holmes. JjA 00— with two portmitu. i$G. 00 —with ifcree porliailH, s7.oo—with f< ur pul tr .itw. *‘B 00—with live poi Units, c'J.OU — v4 l tii all n.'x i’lUtiaiiH, fli) 00, Ucuiiitauces should be ui deby money order, I’luit, • r registered letter. t Houghton, Mutfun A t 0.. Altus. Those who have suffered from the lodging of a locomotive-cinder in the eye have scarcely ever recogniz ed it us u blessing in disguise. In deed, curses undisguised, together with weeping, wailing and gnashing of tooth, rubbing of the inflamed organ with only the effect of mak ing it worse aroibo usual accompa niments of the affair. A boy, blind in one eye, snll' red for several days from the intrusion of one of these peßtn, but when the bandage was r;! ! rtf) v. and ho discovered to his in tense delight that he could see for the first lime in several months. The cinder had removed tlio sear of an ulcer which had troubled him a year ago, but which the surgeons cad not cut away. They are shipping gr. iu from St Loui* to Liverpool by river via New Orleans at eleven oents per bushel. That is cheap enough iu nil cousci- as long as it is done, the English farmers may •:ng up their fiddles unless the English Govern ment p.its a tariff cm imported graiu. But how is it that the at Louis mer chants can ship four thousand miles to Liverpool, changing bulk at New Orleans, al eleven cents, and can't send it here to G r gi’ l . f>#y eight hundred miles, without change of cars, for less than twice that price? Mexico is the greatest flower mar ket iu the world. All the year round the gardens bring forth brilliant bloisorns, tha fragile, beautiful chil dren of the topic zone. All histori ans who speak of the Mexicans, as M. X cans, spe k of their love of flowers as <>f their principal c’narac tomtics. Nor isthis trait dimin ished in the present generation. From the days before ihe cruel con guest, ull through the merciless time when the Mexicans bore the heavy yoke under their violent masters, they real ined faithful to their love of; the passion is innate. Generai News- The Into census of Japan shows a total population of very nearly 36,- 000,000. ►“• Money is tho root oi all ovil, and most ol us are digging alter the root. A horse belonging to Dr W A Gregory, of Lumpkin, died last week after having been iu s- rvico long enough to have pulled a buggy for iho Doctor over 40,000 milea Sheriff Browning, of Clarke coun ty—and one of tho best in the S’ate —died last Saturday, at twenty yearn sorvice iu that p isition. Sumpter county has niuct cn reg istcied doctors, Many Sum; tir county farmers say they wi.l plant much more com and less cotton t ic next season than usual. Some Northern capitalists arc ta king stops towards building a cot ton mill on Broad river in Wilkes comity. IV still Jmnos als?. declares himself ‘“out.” llis formal resignation lias baoa sent to the president. - The official vote in tho lato Vir ginia election, reported to the gen eral assembly, gives the readjusted republicans an average majority of a fraction under 12,000. L irlgley factory stock at Augusta is leuliifg the boom at 180, and there is expectation of a 12 per cent, semi-annual dividend. Como, now, it is time for you lo go to bed, said an Austin lady to hoi little children, you must'fp to bed. Don't you know all Uie In tie chickens have gotio to bo 1? Yes, but the old hen want to bed with them, —Tt xis tings. Tint soup's full of flies! exclaim ed the disgusted boarder. I knew it, coolly returned iho landlady. And (1 i you mean to go on ladling it out to its? li's tho best I can do. I can't board folKs id $3 and pay tor a lly-parcr,—Brooklyn Eagle. The namo of Maria is so popular in Ottumwa tlmt when a cat climbs a back in a well-populated neighborhood and plaintively vocal izes M trial ! twenty windows are hastily thrown lip and twenty fe male heads are thrust out wildly answering, is that you, Willie. Tho cabinet of tho lato pres ident seems to bo very retiring. Education. Montzmncry Advertiser. There seems to be something of ftn educational craze—some of ihe fanatics going so far as to advocate a National Department of Educa tion, and tho enforcing some sort of a system of compulsory educa tiou through Federal appliances. They point t > the Prussian system us worthy of iuiitn'.ion by tho Na tion. And yet the effects of the German system, as uow exposed, are certainly not calculated to com mend it to level lier.dod people. A work exposing its defect;, by Von Ugency is now attracling much at tention. He maintains that the ris ing generation in Germany cares nothing for ideal interest-., is with out piety, holds mor and purity in light respi et. scoffs at authority and generally speaking is given over to materialism and sensuality. Ho who and nies this does not know our young people. After all, the best education is home edueatiou and discipline, and the leading and liv irg Christianity. So we get back at last to home influence if we would have good men and women. The State may drill aoldiers, but it ear,not rear families. Where Arthur Snores. The bed-room, which, as hereto fore mentioned, is entirely furnish ed in blue, seems as much ol'a State a- artraent as the blue parlors down st'iirs. There is an exquisite blue satin damask lounge in tbe room, and a chair to use when putting on boots and another when encasing the feet in slippers. Bith of those have red velvet cushions. These are iu addition to various other styles of chairs. The bed room set is of black walnut. Over the bed ii a canopy, with blue satin draperies. The bed is covered with lace over blue s? tin, and folded upon it lies a blue silk quilt lined with rose color and wadded with eider down, Aronnd its borders fi 'lires are out. lined in e -vered embroidery silk. A blue satin lambrtquin covers the white inn'blc mantel shelf, above which is a largo mirror in a crimson pluh frame. There is an open grate in which a coal fire is used. The bedroom commiinic ites by a tight fitting door with the bath room.—Washington Star, THE HARDWARE STORE Talbotton, G-a. jtffeGE STOCK O? Plow Stocks, Plow Hoes, Scovil Hoes, and VJ3KYTHINQ USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS Hardware Store, all of which will bo sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for the CASH. AND DON’T YOU FoRQIIT IT. Call before purchasing and be Convinced. Keep constantly on hand a stock of the beat COOKING STOVES. Manufactured iu tho country. Call and see them. au sl6 51 H- L. HcLENDON, Talbotton, Ga- GXTLIiETS IMPItOVED Light Draft Cotton Gins. Arranged Tor Fenders nn 1 Condensers if desired Recommended by all Plauter* who have used them, uh Huperior to any Uia manufactured. SLAKE & UTHEEKTIGK. Warehouss and Commission Merchants. CohunlniN, .... Georgia. yre Hole ,\g. ntn for nit the sccti. n trailing, at Calnmbos, nng wi 1 furnbk < i m ar mi J testiiilmiluls ou uppliuution. Apply early to hecuro it Gin. jnl.v‘2H s The Live Grocery House. LOW PRICES ALWAYS RULE. J W CLEMEiMTS TO THE Planters of Talbot auft adjoining countios we offer a large and well ue'.eclc stock of As* GROCERIES AND WESTERN PRODUCE. adaptedto the wantH of fiircurs. low for CASH. Full linos of 'Well CTiieecl Bnllt Meats, at lower prices than ever before offered. CALL AND \ SEE US, jftor- SIR. JAKE KLVIUUOUGH. of Harris county, is with this populai uouse.amf will tie glad to Bee aud wait on his friends, and the public generally. Jan 4 ( ,J 1- V J- w CLEMENTS. Columbus Ga. % W. COLLINS, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES & WAGONS 70.7 U &74- Second Street. MACON, - - - GEORCIA 1 IOT STOCK AND FOR SAXE LOW Carriages, Phcetons, Cabriolettes, Eockaways, Ladies ana Pony Fhaetons, Top and No-top Piaao Box and Coal Bo* Buargies- Webster Wagons, ivnburn Wagons, Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Cabs, etc., etc. GALL AND BE CONVINCED. I ha..die more goods in my lino than any other housejin the States o. Georgia, Florida, or Alabama. My facilities are Bueh that e dety competition I will treat vou right. uov2s bl' W. W COLLINS. Macou.G* .1 obWork. Ali .-lasgt sof l> Wi I( fom in the styles and ntthe lowot I>ri€ OH. at the REGISTER JOB OFFICE. Oar Job Depabtmknt is tar nished with a fine rowFP. piiEfls aud all thelate#t and mwit approved etylort of type. We do work for l^^aa money' than any office' in the .State. Give us your orders aud we will pie ate you. NO. 50