The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, January 10, 1882, Image 1

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REGISTER AHD STANDARD. rupvt tyi nww Ofllce In Begister and Standard Building, TERMS, $1 00 Per Annum. AaVEirnsrso Bates Seasonable— OHiicial Organ of Talbot County. Large Ciiscelation j. B- GORMAN, Propr- BUSSEY, HUNIBER & HIE AVAR KIIOUHE AINU Commission Merchants, Webster Warehouse COLUMBUS, - - • * * * CA. Authorised Agents for the Storage of the CottS.oof the ORANGE * FARMER'S UNION. ~ General Agents Pendleton’s Old Sta ndnrd Gnsno and Phosphata, Sr. <aooi and Standard Fertilisers, John M Swift's Ammemated Rone and Pataah, SEAL S Acid Phosphate for Composting. Cotton Stored at 25 Cents. Cotton Sold at 25 cents per bale. ARuances made on Cotton in Store. jnlyt We keep begging avd ties and Georgia raised rust proof aeed oata 1 SCHOFIELDS IRON WORKS, MACON, GKORGIA. MANUFACTURE PORTABLE ARB STATIORABI STEAM ENGINES, FO GINNING, THRESHING AND GRINDING. HEAVY STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS, and SAW MILLS a Specialty. SMeli’s Celebrate J Patent Praer Cotton Press, To be run by Hand, Horae Water or Steam Power. Over @O,OOO in use throughout tue Cotton Growing siatea. General Repair Wort Promptly Attended to. For Particular, and Price., addrea J„lyi2tf J. S. SCHOFIELD, Proprietor. \liy & Kirtland, No. 3 COT ION AVENUE and 6G TIHRD STREET, MACON, - - Georgia DI'.VJjEU IN Boots. Shoes and Hats. WE HAVE nowln -store one of.the best Hoeka +* hwfe e,er offered, and la s which curnot fail to gyre aatiafaetion. It comprise. Gt and La dies Hoots and Shoes, of Ihebcst nak*;lha celebrated Philed.lphi. T<>l|h and .tint dreW ah ms -superior to all other.; Moo.' and ..mens’ hesty kip BooU and Shoe, tu fine, everything to amt the wants of the purchaser. „ W.lisre, also, at M* Tllll-d ff* t • good tin* of We invite attention cf Shoemakers to our stock of FINIuMIH. Heart you orders- we will execute them with as much ssti.fsction as thoußhbonght in parson MIX. AIUHTLAND. .f NEW YORK STORE, (JONES' OLD CORNER.) COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. A splendid new line of dress goods, in great v.riety quality and prie,—jn.t re ceived and an- offered tha people of Talbot and adj.cont counties at tempting price*. DRY COOBS, lOTIONS, FOB SALE CHEAP \sa- CALL A V D BEE ME BEFORE BUYING. LOUIS BANNER, 8 n29 b i Jones' Old Corner Columbus. Ga_ G. .E THOMAS, CLonnsßi The Only Clothier in Columbus, Dealing Exclusively in First Class Clothing ! And the only Houao having the merited right to publish to tha Trad# > T o HHOT> I> Y ! Clot-Ling Department, romprisinjj all the latent atv’ca of the a#a#on in Mea a, Youth's Boy*B and Children. Those Garments arc cut bv special Order Pattern#, evidently ate wing the difference between the tit of them and those Kept by other house#. The tit of these Garments Is not to be surpassed, and defies competition #v#o these #at by the best tilors on Broadway, New Y'ork. HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT.Embracing a eomplet# stock th# best s4 liteat gtyles, J. B. Stetson & CM, Pbilnd lpbia, Vfc oodruff, llorr.a k C*>., New York, having the lead. FURNISHING DEPARTMENT - Can be found every variety of Neck* Wear of th# latest styles, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Half Rose, Kids and other ityl# Glove*, Underwear, Umbrellas, Satchels, Etc. Be*t Reinforced Dr##a Shirts for on# Dollar, made apeciallv to excel all combination. SPECIAL ORDER DEPARTMENT.—A large line of sample of Imported Goods tor making suits to measure at abort notice. Fit aud satisfactio* in every partienl-r guaranteed. Wedding suits a speciality, G. E. THOMAS, Clothier, apr 19 b I—nov 45 COLUMBUS, GA W. H. FBILFOT, M. D., . , t .. ' Physician and Druggist, TAIgIIOTTON, GA. D : gler in and Fresh Drdgs and 4ssdiciue#. Toilet Articles* Sargical Inatrn. meat*. I*at’*ijt Medicines, and Else, usudly found in a first class Drug House. . Al~o, Lamps and Fixtures a speciality, with Clears and fine Chewing Tobacco which t-annui be excelled. Try ibe Cigir called ‘PHILPOI'b LAST IDEA.** noveiuber 23 2m VOL %• NEW GOODS. A. E. PICKERT, No. 5 Whitehall, St., - - Atlanta, Georgia. nAS JUST received a largj stock of all the new designs in the MERIDEN BRITANNIA. CO., -E LECTR O SLilver Plated Ware. Parties wishing Bridal Presents will do well to call and examino my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. A full stock of 1817 Rogers Bros*# Ai Spoons, Fork# and Kuivea always on hnud. Spec 1 attention given to Watch and Jewelry Work. sep9U 12m I) I X I E WOR KS. MACON, GA BARTRAM, HENDRIX & CO, .PROPKIETORS MANITFACTURHS of t lio bast Susli, Door* anil lUimla made in the Stnte and all other house building material suojt as Winuo.. and Door framea. Moulding Stairs Bnllustern Newels.iSoroll-sawod alid Turned work. Send for nriee liat n pIS bl “DON T YOU FORGET IT.“ I OFFER UNUSAL INDUCEMENTS - iiv - Groceries and Provisions TO CASH BUYERS. CORN, FLOUR, HAY, OATS, BRAN, New crop New Orleans and Florida Syrurps, New Crop Sugars and Coffees, Good Coffee 8 lbs. for sl. I have a few tons Old Relil)le CHESAPEAKE GUANO J. H. HAMILTON, . Tlie IJp-l'oM n (ii’ocer. inn orl-mar22 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. J ■ - ' ■ ■■■■■■'■■ A. WITTICH c NINSKL WITTICH & KINSEL, Watchmakers and Jewelers, Cor. Broad & Randolph St., Coiambus, Georgia. -Dealer* in WATCHES, CLOCKS * nr- o ®#\ and if i | Jewelry. J Diamonds, Rings, Specta y&k cles, Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, 4c. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry REPAIRED to give satisfaction, and ear ranted. Engraving done to order. Ha r Jewelries made to order. Diamond* reset to suit the present style. Ml*—m I* ■■■ ■- ' ....■■! V 1" ■ J -T! 'L’ J. A. WAL.KLER, —DEALER I\ Wagons & Buggies. THE BEST SSO Buggy ever sold South. o HAVING bonght ont the Wagon and Buggy Department of Watt Airalksr. I will continne ibe bnxineaa it the sums stand, and ask a share of tbnpnbiio pntron.ige. lam Agent for the Old Hickory Wagon ai-d Milburu Fiurn Wnjgcns Ih • best ill the market, and will keep at all times a good stock of Wagons, liuggie Phaetons, Sodalery uni ifaruess, I will sell for small profits, and guarantee every vehicle gold. juu2i2w J- A. WALKER, Columbus Ga., TALBOTTON, GA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 7 10,1882. He Used to Bea Boy Himself. From the Little Rock Gazette. The other day a show came to LiUle Rock and was shamefully im posed upon by Uncle Isom. Wliilo standing near the tent he saw a crowd cHow-apimed boys grieving on account ot financial depression. Does ye youngsters wauter go to der allow? he asked. The boys responded in noisy cho rus. Well, oomoon den. I uster be a chile myself, and unliko the most of men, I aiu’t forgot it. Count these boys, ho added, ad dressing the door-keeper. The man began couatmg, and jby thejgtime the boys had passed in Isom was walkiug around, talking to acquain tances from the plantations, _PerO, said tho showman, give mo twenty tickets. You passed in twenty boys, and I want the tickets, ortho money? I doan owe yer no tickets, and I iloan owe yer no money, I didn’t 101 l yer to pass do boys in. I said count them. Iso always heard that showmen is good on rithmclic, and l waDtod to satisfy myself, Yer tay dat dar was twenty boys. I dean dispute your word, case I am no mathematician. Sposo I tako a lot ob boys ter de CJ.shier of a bank and axes him tocouut ’em docs dat signify dat do cashier is gwino ter pass ’em into de money room? No salt. Go back ter yer tom; I sees a crowd going in. The showman, remembering that ho had left tho entrance unguarded, turned, aud Isom walked away. ■— < ■ Hints to Gutt, GkaduaTbs. —An Ohio paper snys a young lady who graduated in a calico dress u few years ago is now married to a rail-, road superintendent who has an annual inoomo of half a million dol lars* yoar. This may bo tdeen as the basis for the regulation of gradua tion dresses hereafter. Had she worn alapaca she' might have done eve n better and caught the general manager of the road. On the other hand, had had she blossomed forth in white Swiss she might have captured the president of the concern, with untold millions; lud she worn silk with point lace and diamonds she might have scooped in the conductor of a passenger train, am’, had onyx staircases and alabaster walls to her house, and cut the wives of officers on thejoad as society alto gether too thin for her style. This ought to be a lesson to girl graduates and a warning to them to patronize their taylors liberally. *• '■ 1 1 '■ Under tho caption, Killed by a fly whool of a saw mill, tho Hawk iimville Dispatch] rtlatcs tho follow ing tirrible tragedy; On Saturday afternoon lust, Ephraim Pittman, a colored man, was killed by tho machinery ot Colcord & Bacon’s steam saw mill, near Eastman. Tho old man was night watchman and about half past five o'clock in the afternoon, while tho machinery was in motion, passed through tho mill, aud Ins overcoat was caught by tho fly wheel. Ho was instantly thrown ofT his feet, his arm broken, one lymd terribly lacorated, his log ernshod, and the flesh torn oil, and his skull broken in several places. In this mangled condition ho lived until half past six o’clock Sunday cvcuiug, when he died. Tho Chronicle’s lazy man lias this to say; I notice the passage ef Georgians to Texas. It is mere ly an effort to find a soft berth, to get something for nothing. I heard of a young man of ouo of the best portions cf G irgi i, who ran off to the gold Holds of Colorado. He has returned after five years of ex perience, and all he claims as the net proceeds is, that he had a good deal of fun. If a man has the ele ments of success iu him, Georgia is tho place for him to realize it; and if he has not, it will bo only an nc oident that enables him to riso in Texas or anywhere else. A Virginia Christmas Dinner During the War.— Mr McCabe de scribes a Christmas dinner at a coun try house near Richmond. The four gentlemen were in uniform, and the three ladies were in homespun. They had for dinner a S3OO ham, and the last turkey on the plantation, value fli 75, with Sioo worth of cabbage, po. tatoes and hominy. Corn bread was served, made of meal at #BO a bushel, and salt at $1 a pound. The dessert was black molasses at S6O a gallon, and after one cup of tea—real tea, worth >IOO a pound, tieasured for the occasion as a surprise, and not sassa fras—there was coffee at discretion made from sweet potatoes cut into little squares toasted and ground down. According to the Post-Appeal, 875- 000 people entered the turn-stiles of the Exposition, and that 70,000 of that number entered on free passes^ The Missing Link- Prof ED Cope, of Philadelphia, his becured tho skill of an extinct monkey, which he thinks fulfills in a remarkable degreo tho condition oi the missing link brtweeii man nud the lower animals. It is not larger than the skull of n small ground-squirrel, and belongs to a species of marmoset It was found in the valley of Big Horn river, Wyoming Terrytory. The profes sor snys; This skull is remarkably sintihr; in miniature, of course; to tho hu man skull. The brain space is re markably large, and is, in fact, sev eral timer larger than tho brain space of any of tho sleek toils of an - imals of the same period of time. Tho characteristics of the formation of the human skull are clearly deTi ned—so clearly as to bo remarka ble. Tho teeth are almost the same as liumrii teeth, while tho jaw has many strong points of similarity. I consider this skull as the earliest indication of tho existence of man. It is a now species of a familiar class, and has hitherto been un known to scientists. jj General News- The public debt of Tennessee is $:)3,000,000. There are 70,000 head ef raltlo and 35,000 bqjid of .sheep in -Mit chell county, Texas, Georgia lias forty cotton mills, and they pay from eight to twenty five per coni, net on the money in vested. An eighteen pound sweet potato is among tiie Georgia exhibits at the Exposition. Tho Clipper says tbc people of Warren county will vote on the (once question in January. If they are wise they will vote no fence. It is easier to fence in than to fence out. Experiments in Mississippi are held to prove that col ton seed oil, for frying purposes, is superior to lard, there being no rancidness, burning or blackening. Meriwether Vindicator: A hand some monument similar to tho 0110 in memory ol Mrs Warner, but lar ger mid u little taller, was erected last week over the grave ot Judge Hiram Warner, The monument consists of six pieces, the shaft bo ing about seven feet in height. Tho brief inscription reads; “Hiram Warner, Chief Justice ef the Su premo Court of Georgia, born Oc tober 24, 1802; died June 30, 1881, aged 78 yoars.” A substantial neat iron railing surrounds tho family inclosure. What to do with Love Let ters. Away out in lowa a girl lms solv ed tba love-letter problem. She has done it, too, in a way highly satisfactory that never writes love letters, if there bo such. The lo wa young woman has had all her l.'co letters bound in book form, and in that way she keeps them on her parlor table for the entertain ment of visitors along with tho fam ily album. Tliii gives tho young lady’s fortunate visitor an even chance for a pleasant evening, for there is probably nothing more en tertaining than a series of love let ters which dead you through all the ups and downs of a couple of flut tering hearts. W t . fear, however, that the lowa plan will not bo ac cepted by girls in general,although some plan of dealing with lovo let ters must be adopted. The young women cannot do with tlieso things us the young men do—carry them around in their pockots till the clothes, letters and all, go to the lMg man, ■ 1 1 ♦ —— An Important Consideration. Aognsla Chronicle, The most serious trespass upon ruo forests lias been for fences and this is another reason why UlO ‘no fence law,’ shouhl prevail. Wo mint treasure our woodbind and not abuse it. As the forests are out away at tile North ours will bo como more and more valuable. The day is not distant when South ern woods will bo sought for moic eagerly than cleared fields, and it is of the last importance that they shall bo preserved in every way possible. So, as one capital pre servative, let the ‘no-fence law* j re vail at tiio election when called. The Atlanta exposition has opened the eyes of the world to the extent and variety and value of our woods,and they should be spared for bet), r uses than making fences to thut out a few predatory cows and goats. A destructive five visited the town of Fort Valley on Thursday, Deo 27th, burning the large hotel ot llrs Jj L Isy lngton, who sustained a loss of $6,(.00. O.liers sustained" losses in varying amounts. Several largo stores were insured,the total loss being $115,700, with insurance on other property destroys l of $18,900. Hon C M Clay, of Kentucky has written a letter urging the nomination of Hon. Samuel J. Tilden as the Denies.'ratic candidate for the next presidency. 1 AT TTIOr.TS! V HARDWARI STORE Talbotton. G-et. A LARGE STOCK Ob' Plow Stocks, Plow Hoe| Soovn floes, and VKItYI’IUNG USUALLY Ki'U’TfN AI'TJUST (jSIAfiS . ‘ Hardware Store, nil of which will bo sold at - ' ' ” " ROCK BDTTOiyi PRICES for the, CASH. AND DON'T YQU FOTtGKT ff .' S G Call before purchasing and be Convinced. Keep constantly or haijt} n Block oi Lho b. G " COOKING' STOTT:#. Manufactured in the ’Country. ‘ Call anti see them. iW s l(i bl H- L. McLENDON, Talbotton, Ga ■Mil* •rMjiiuwMUTCKM<fi-n'.’X.-VJ- ■*&M*wKSsrcT2*urjjkmimsokxrsmn vnoomm GITIjI 131' !.B 2,0 V Ji3T> Light Draft Cottoa fjfiiiSp far Footlor* an 1 (V-ii'lcnMcVs if <l’sired Ri pohnn•••nded "tiy all PLmiors who have i-bltl them, as Buporior to any Uiu ' ,* SLADE & ETHEBEDGE, ' Warehouss and Commission Merchants. Cojumlms, ... Gkeovg-ia. yro Sole Agents for nil Ibo socti.'n trading at Onlnmlm*. and wi 1 farni-h ;i cu’or and testimonial:, on application. Apply early ti. secure a Bin. j a H3 a wetufr mn l Oi ' & Manufaottlies? of CARRIAGES, BICIES I ISIS 70,72 T l Weooiltl'S'fi-e’B+i MACON. - - - GEOKCIA inxr stocs: - * ■ AND FOR SALE LOW Carriages, Phaetons, Cabriolettcs, Rockaways, Ladies ana Pony Phretons, Top and No-top Piano Box aud Coal Box Buffgics- Webster Wagons, 9 -*B6fc. .JCSO-, -J&jm jxuburn Wagons, Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, \ Harness, Baby Cabs, etc., etc. GALL AND BE CONVINCED. I handle more goads iu ro.y line, than any other housejin the States oi Georgia, Florida, or A labs id a. My facilities are such that wo defy competition, I will treat you right, nov2s bl W. W. CBLLXNSI Macbu.G - _ TizMmfT' .SUCCESSOR TUGtfM&SEOIDS. - ,■ s . . . / MACON, s : : : ; ; x. J tjo ffci n () tofhe trade in Talbot* Taylor and mFfoinin" a tiew an*? varied stoek of Hnilders lurniHlyug goods, such as Doors. S.osh, Jilindv, \V4omt, UiasH/Oils, Hard, ! wflit*, &c., marked down jit the (wrest prices to iusnre stile a;l peffect satisfactioj; 1 Cull or senand orders to T. 1 Marc9iii I- •*1 Am , 3 It fi,n | : imHifl:in-' tv v. • ->. t ■ HBJHI - ,cb ! OI'FXCt-. Cfta' ,n ?r T>rPART.oj'NT is ii’.r nifshod vvitha pike Powlii pisebs and all the latest and most approved styles of type. Wo do i* work for If 1 * h mouoy ihr.n oftice in Give us vour orders and we wili pleare w- & il NO. 3