The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 14, 1882, Image 1

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OJGISTER and standard. SnHEUi fii HSISS. Oil*'■- In Register and StasTigiiiM TERMS, $1 00 Per Annum. Uveuthuo Bates lUxsoxable- Afiuisl Organ of Talbot County. Large CibcCLatiok. j B- GORMAN, Propr The City Drug Store. dr. e. l. baud well Talfeotton, Gra. I have iu store ono of tlw most (. niplete Stocks of Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Varn ishes, and Fancy Articles, , ,j n „ fin,, toilet soips. vises, toilet h (f. comb*, brosli,s, and an endless variety ■ 'tin r u-etul and linkable article*. ever Id night lo this market. 0 ; „-jn sell My prices have a l been m irked I,* do >n. Giv- me a call. n1v ..0 t2m lv. Jm. 15AW 1 >AV ELL. IKE!, HUMBER 4 Mill A WEIIOJBE AM) Commission Merchants, Webstar Warehouse, COLUMBUS, CA. iithoriied Agents for the Stoia}?e of tlie CotlSaoof the GRANGE A FARMER'S PSION. ~ , Agents I’enolktok's Old Ktndurd Guano and Phosphate, St. Oeoiwu and MIMUBO Fertilizers John M SwtFT's Ainiaouiat and Hone ami Potash, SlrAb S A'i 1 Fliosph ite fir Composting. Cotton Stored at 25 Cents. Cotton Sold at 25 cents per bale. tiieiiii. 'PVASCES undo mi Cotton in Store. i u, V l We keep bagging .ltd ti< and Georgia r.ised mat proof seed Outs constantly oil ale. ' JLI-TW-ni IT 5.6 s-1-aaa.v^gMMR tyi -T, . 111 Wtnri^iW.-l Miy & Kirtiuiid, No. a CO ! TON AVENUE and lie TUIKI) STUKET, MACON, - - Georgia DKALEII in at. fellOoS Sind TITE HAVE now In store one o; the !>• t sto.-.s we have <;v..r and. “’f 1 W piic *s which c nnot fail to .live m-sf : I Co ‘ ,, J )rl " s 1 , ‘ , - iiV Hiiol. and Sh >e; ■ I thebeat ~a <;tho e>l„ra I Pu11.,-leln’d . Aantbs ’>d ‘dm drrun' Bhies~-siip ,n n to ml otuers; M i, -i id omens n'aiy kip Hoot . . luSoe. everything to smt the wants of the pnreh.t t. ~.w We have, also, at lit) Ihird I -pood lim; of 1 ■ We invite attention rf Shoemaker* t , our at k I IIMMsi.-'. tv nil is •idtr>—we will execute them with us miv U satisfaction as tbomth bought in 1 ■ JJIX .V ItllM LANU, ■alM.f _ M ~ > '' ‘ ’ NEW YORK STORE, (JONES' OLD CORNER. COLUMIHJS, GKOHGIA. 4 upl oidid new line of dress goods, in gre- •! vanity qinlll.v aul piircr jmd re- A eelved and nre off. red the peop!- of IMlbot and adj ucit count.** at tempting Slf GOODS, NOTIONS, FOR SALE CHEAP ig. CALL A v D SEE ME BEFORE BUYING. LOUIS BANNER, in‘29 b l Jones’ Old Corner Columbus, Ga __ G. .E THOMAS. CLOTHIER.! Ths Only Clothier in Columbus, Exclusively in First Class Clothing ! And tlie only House having the merited right to to the I rale >0 SnODDV! Department, comprising all the latest sty r.s ot th seasoa in Me n s, Youth a *‘Fand Children. Those Garments a-e cut \ v Npcri tl Order Patterns, evidently ti,e difference batween the tit of them and those kept by other hoosjs. Ihe °tthese Garments isuot t’ he surpassed, and defies couijfotit on—even those cut • T Jk* b®** tilors on Broadway. New York. . HAT AN'I) CAP DEPARTMENT.— Embracing a complete st ck -/ the best rnd B. Stetson & Cot Pbilsd iphia, Woodruff. Moir.s Jr Ox, N- York, "J?* the lead. J. KNTSHING DEPARTMENT— Can lx* found even- variety <>f Neck* Wear of the Styles. Shirt*, Collars, Cuffs. H mikyrcaivfs, ll.drrios-, Ki la and other >tyie Cnderwciir, Umbrellas, Satchels, Etc. lies! R.inforced Di ess Shirts f'Ji one nS"'** 6 specially to excel all combination. ®rD;i\L ORDER D PARTMEN I.—A 1 ;rge ii .e of simples of Imported Goods r making suits to measure at short n dice. Fit and satisfaction in every partical r ‘•ioteed. Wedding suits a speciality. <W. IZ. THOM AS, C^lotliior, 19 1, i_ nov is COLUMBUS, GA. W. H. PHILPOT, M. D., Physician and Druggist, TALIiOTTON, G V. ln n *' ;v and Fresh and Medicines, Toilet Articles. Surgical Instru ts ’ i dmt Medicines, and 'a- I u * na ® rßt clssr Drug House \ v , ■ E-trnps and Fixtures a speciality with Gears end fine Chewing T maeco unoi > * excelled Try the Gig .r called ‘P/iILPOT £> DAisT IDEA.'* * 2u VOL (j. ®!je ©fvprgk EegtsfeiF. GEO. s. OBEAR, No. 110 Cl\erry Street, - - Macor\,Ga. . WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN Crockeiy, China. Cutlery. Lamp3, Chandeliers, Plated Ware. Granite Iron Ware, Japanned Ware, Baskets, Lanterns, [et t SOLE AGENTS POlt THE "EXCELSIOH” COOK STOVES Tliv Best trade,-ami Guaranteed to give B\ti .taction, HEATING STOVES, GK VI E.s, AND OTHER GOODS. ANTiie 1 r Prices .m l Cat logue. jal7 I*2 in Merchants, Ho usekeepers AND OTHERS, ; re invited to e\.miin'* the new and rWonsivr stock of Crockery, China, Glassware, CUTLERY, SILVER WARE, Kerosene Lamps & Fixtures, Wood TiiT & Wiilow Ware, *“ancy Goods. Plain and Decorated, Dinner, Breakfast,Tea & Chamber Sets. No , Id good . but everything now and of tlio luted putt win, a* the NEW CROCK. ERY HOUSE OF LI.M)SA\' A SAMII'.US, mat 8 Sin tepid Webster Building, Columbus, Ga. NEW GOODS. A. S’. PICKEKT, No. 5 Whitehall, St., - - Atlanta, Georgia -lIAS JUST itcoivo l a large stock of all the new designs in the lERIDEN BRITANNIA CO.. -i : 111'] c r r it o Silver Ware. PiirhcH wishing Bndil ProHonfs will do well to call and examine my utook and j r;,-os bet ire pure basing e sowh ,o. A full h lock of I H I7 lingo l s ! n i., ‘n A i Spoons, Forks and Kuivim always mi band. Hpoo 1 attention givuu to Watch fuel Jmndiy Work. <* |*2o 12m V. WiTTIUH G KIN BED WITTICH & KiNSFL, Watchmakers and Jewelers, Cor. Hroad Sc I’audolph St., Columbus, Georgia, l)cnh*i> in WATCHES, CLOCKS /© 'LlyVo o ANU (( *F)s \\ J"owelry. I JDiamonds, Rings, Specta- N&f :%JT cles, Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, &c. Watches/Clocks and Jewelry REPAIRED to give satisfaction, and war ranted. Engraving done to order. Ha r -Jev eT ie made to order. DuvnioiidH reset to suit the present style. F. S. JOHNSON, 6 u ■ r. 11. JOHNSON. F. S. JOHNSON’S SONS, —DEALERS in - ’Hardware, Iron & Steel. Grain Cradles, Carriage and Wagon Materials, Plows, Hoes, Belting Gnns. Pistols, SPOUTING GOODS. FISHING TACKLE, AGENTS FOR BUFFALO SCALES. janl7 12 NO. 107 THIRD STREET, MACON. UEOJU-IA. J\ A. WAX.KIER, -IJEALKIt ) > | Wagons & Rubies. THE HEST SSO Buggy ever sold South. i ■ —— ' T T A VINO boas! t f~ut tie Wapon anil Br""y P. partin' nt r.flta't A Hutkrr, I IT Will continue tbe bna na- at t> -m" .lannd. eu-l ask a nhari- of the |WI patronage lan Aaent tor il.e Old JU-kory Wngjn and Mubirn Fa m Wagons Ih - 1.. at in llie market m 1 will keep at all times a g aid b oe!t of Wago :s. Bug-tea I , to 1 :-, Saddlery and Harness, I wilt sell f s au-alt nrofiis, atd guarantee ever,, Yr*hlc] • Sf'l-L - WALKER, Columbus Ga., TALBUTTON, GA., TUESDAY, MARCH 14,1882. The Only Rebel. Detroit F, ee Press. In five weeks’ wandering over Vir ginia I found but one rebel; she was a woman living near Harrison's L uuliug. It was a Hit day as I followed the truck of McClellan's retreat from Malvern Hill, and I was both hungry and thirsty. Tho woman being at the gate, I rodo tip aud asked: Madame, can I got dinner here? She saw the ‘Y ink 1 in ma quicker than sent, and insalntly replied: The Y anlteea stole all I had to eat? I‘ll pay you well. But I haven't got nothing to sell. If you had same potatoes and baceu aud Yanks stolo them all! sho inter rupt, and But you can give me a drink af water, can't you? No. sir! The Yankees filled up Ihe well and earned aW'V tho dip per. Is there a spring around here? Used to be lots of ‘cm, but tho Yrnks toted 'em ofl! Below ns was the muddy James, and the drought had lasted so long that there was hardly enough water fo float a catfish. Pointing to tho historic stream , I asked: Why didn'ttho Yankees steal tho river, too? She scratched ler head with a sliver pulled oil' the fence, and nev er uubont a ( ar.icle as she replied: They anted to do it Granger - wanli ,1 to the wust wav, aud whan they diskiverod that it wouldn't load up worth a cent they gallop and their old gun boats up and down and washed so many shirts in Turley Bend that tlie deems has boon ashamed to louk u cow in the f ice ever since! May bo you can git a drink down )Ur‘, but this ore neighborhood won't stand by and see you carry off any of tlie sand bat-! Bo a leetle keerful how you paw around!" On * of tho grea’es! luxuries of rich es istlmt they enable you to escape so much good advice. The rich am always udvi-i ig the poor, but tho poor seldom venture to return the compliment. Timid Souls. There ate hearts that ache for love and K\tup"ihy that cannot ask for either. Timid ami sensitive, with all the r longings fur friendship and fellowfe.lti]> of soul, they give a single look or word of personal in terest or attachment, where affection ftrain] sympathy with them is not 'ready manifest. Even when their hearts are full to bursting of kindly feeling, they cannot give it such ex pression in formal words as will make it plain to tl 10 unsympathetic ear: For words, iko nature, linlf rovenl A id halt uunccal the Soul within. The wealth of alf.setion and the and plh of tenderness in their warm he trie can n ver be recognized ex c |it through the insight of sympa thy. A lln: Caiti.k Kakm. — The ranches of Castle King Powers, all making up a river frontage of eighteen miles, ami including a number of very produc tive meadows, are situated on the south side ot the Arkansas, and all are under fence. Directly opposite these, beginning at Fort I,yon and reaching down the river twenty-six miles, and extend ng back far enough to im hide an expanse of 80,002 acres, is.another pasture under fence, the ti tles of which arc in the same name, litre, then, are forty miles of water front and 100,000 acres of pasture under fence, all owned by one man. The fencing on these ranches will sum up over one hundred miles. Northward to, and even Beyond the Kan .is Pacific, and southward t j Cimarron and beyond, into the Pan handle of Texas, graze his cattle— more than 12,000 in number.—Den ver Republican. Alt, dearest, siglidd the young man ut the foot of his own eat own, dost thou Know what of all outward things is nearest my hear'.? Really 1 can't say, she replied, hut if you have any regard for your health in this changeable weather, I should think it was a lianuel shirt. She was too practical and it broKn the engagement. —Steubenville Her ald. Americas Recorder: The ravages of the tlcssisn fly are unprecedented in this section, and were it not for good stands and growth of grain serious damage wight he nnprehended. Many farmers are at a loss to know why the outer blades of gram have a yellow soil blasted appearance, some attributing it to rust; but I tie true cause is the depredations ot the fly. No great dang-r, however cin come to tlj,e general yield of the crop Irani this source as there is plenty of grain sown for the fly and the demand of the country too. An lowa girl killed her father the other day because he would not let her get married. The Lime-Kiln Club. What I was gwiuo to remark, said Brother Gardener, as the Sack end of Paradise Hall grow quiet, was lo tay to you dat do pusson who expects to injoy dis life must make up his mind to strike de world on de gineral average. He who neglects to do so will meet wid daily sorrows and disappointments. Don't expect dat de man who hap pens to agree wid you on do weath er am sartin to agree wid you in politicks. It does foller dt de man who agrees wid you on poli ticks will feel bound to accept your kiud of religion. De fack dat you lend a n.ybor your shovel doan' bind him to lend you his wheelbar rer. He who looks for honesty wlrar'he finds gr y ha'rs will be as sadly disappointed as he who argues dat an old coat am de sign of a thief or a b jggar. Put faith in .niman nature, tind yet bo cber ready to doubt. I expect to meet about so many mean men in de course of a y’ar. I expect de summer will be hot an’ de winter cold. I expect to have chilblains in comber an’ shakes of de ager in April. I expect data sartin per cent, of this world’s populashun will lie to me, steal my cabbages, frow stones at my dog an hit me wi 1 a brickbat as I go home from de lodge. On de odder hand on me who will loud me money, go on my bond speak well of mo an' sot up td* n glit to protect me. Nomaii am perfeck. lie may strike you at fust sight as worry good or worry Lia 1, but do tu‘ du ctile until you average him. lie may beat a street kvur company an’ yil be honest wul a butcher, lie may crawl under de canvass to see a circus, an' yit pay his pew rent in advance. Ho may lie to you as to how he wotod, au' yot tell de truf about a spavined boss. llu may cuss on du street, an' yet lie a tenner father at ho me.‘Hit c may incounige a dog-light, an 1 yit walk a mile to restore a los' chile to its parents. Aocogt no man fur his fine talk— reject no man fur his old clothes; stand him out in do sunlight an' av erage him. You will be sartin to tin' sum-dun 1 bud about him, hut you will also be sartin to lino sum shin good.—Detroit Free Press. General News- Theic iaii‘t u poor houe in Norway. When people go! ho poor that they have to a-k lor e uir.ty, they are shipped to America t i become (■ miuc nt citizoxs. A C.dif rnia girl, who did not go out of doors much, eloped with a mini who was painting (lie side oi the house, A< i ornia man took a screw - driver from his pocket at tbe burial of bis son, and removed the silver bandies from the coffin. Postmaster General Howe has is sued a general order requiring the postmasters of the country to con tribute to the Garfield monument fund. The greatest mass of solid iron in the world is the great Iron Mountain, in Missouri —It is 410 high and two miles in circuit. The greatest cataract in the world is the falls of Niagara, w hich plunges over the rocks in two columns, to the depth of 1 70 feet each. The largest natural bridge in the world is the natural bridge over Ce dar creek,in Virginia —it extends over a chasm 80 feet wide and about 250 feet deep. A widow at Lafayette, led., rc eieves £1,700 as tier husband's back pension, though she was a wife for a day only, having married him while lie was dying. An Irishman's friend having fall en into a slough, the Irishman call ed loudly to another for assistance. The latter, who was busily engaged in cutting a log and wished to pro crastinate, inquire i, How deep is die gentleman in? Up to his ank lc. Then there is plenty of time, sai l tlie other. No there is not, rejoined the first, I forgot to tell you he ih in head first, —— ♦ Gieenttboro Homo Journal: Quito a quantity of berinuda hay, raised this c uuty, ih being blpp<d to Atlanta- Greene might be made a large and pro fitable exporter of boy every year, gath ered from kcx ere* and river boltTwifi, near the railroad. It would pay better than either corn or cotton The S ale of Texas has a surplus fnmT of between sl,** and •*2.000,000, which was raised to purchase the out standing debts of the State, but now that the money is in hand to pay the debts, the holders of the-bonds will not relin quish them for less than sllo* Well that is tha way of the wo.ld, largely. , When one c m get his money e;isily by presenting his claim, he frequently finds that ho dvos not want jt badly, alter ' T THE HARDWARE STORE TaHDOtton, G-a*. A LARGE STOCK Plow Stocks, Plow Hoes, Scovil Hoes, and; very ing usually kept in a first,class Hardware Store, all of which will be sola at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES far the CASH. AND DON’T YOU FoROET IT. Call before purchasing and bo Convinced. Keep constantly on ham! a stock ol the best COOKING STOVES. Manufactured in tho country. * Call and see (hem. !t "S 1(il)1 H- L. fcMcLEKPOM, Talbotton, Ga- ITI,I .ETS* I m 1i Z< J vEI > Light Draft Cotton (f ins. Arranged for Feodors and Condensers if desired Reerinimonilod by U l’l;u,t„u who ltavo used tliom, as superior to any Giu innunfactnrcd. J v*rlt|!is**eif.-x iii ■' ■ " SLADE & ETHEEEDGE, Warehouss and Commission Merchants. Columbius, - - - . Georgin. Vre Sole Agonts fur nil lb© hocctMi tradinfr ffoiiimlvns, rttif! wi 1' fiifiii h liit’ii'a an 1 toKlimonialH oil appli .ili u . ApjjJy uurly to sucuro a Gin. * Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUCCIES l MODS 7(>,7 & 74 Second Street- MACON, - - * GEORCIA JO+ TJST STOO2S. AND FOR SALE LOT/ Carriages, Phaetons, Cahriolettes, Rockaways, Ladies and Pony Phaetons, Top and No-top Piaup -Box and Coal Box Buggies- Webster Wagons, jynburn Wagons, StuderbaKer Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Gabs, etc., etc. GALL AND BE CONVINCED. I bmvdle more goods in my line than any other hduse'fft fho States oi Georgia, Florida, or Alabama. My laeilities are such that wo dety competition I will treat, you right. novas bl W. W. COLLINS. Maccu.GU SUCCESSOR TO OUEHXSEY & REYNOLDS. MACON. : : : : : i.eorgia a Offer: to the trade in Talbot, Taylor and adjoirin? conntier, anew and varied stf.: u M builders furnishing goods, such a.s Dot rs. Kadi. Blinds, Window* Gioss, Oils, h v rc, fcc., marked down at the lowest prices to insure sale ad perfect oui dnPlio Cull or s-ud orders to T. GUERNSEY, oppouitj W. W. ColUlb l*ro. Macon. Jiarodßi. .! ob Work. Ay 'la>Biof J<i f> AV o 1 lc i c!cri in U'e I )<‘s t stylus and afetbo ! o \v<' si; prkos, at thc IlEGJfcYEjfe Kij ! OFFICE. Our .Fob Lepai tmekt is iur [ nishGU with a i&xe power phehs and a-1 J the latent ancl most approved styhgs o | type. We do Im* 11 •i* work for I ?ss mon<*3 r ikin miy office in the State, j Give as yonr orders and we will pleato* I yon. NO. \ I