The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, May 30, 1882, Image 1

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BEdISTER AND STANDARD inunamt nmu ttaist. Otlj CO 111 Register and Stasard Building. TERMS, SI 00 Per Annum. AdVEkTisiso Rates Reasosaiile— Qtliieial Organ of Talbot County. Lakge CThculatiov. J. B. GORMAN, Propr- A. R. WILKERSON- B. T H ATCHER. mmm iinnp ti. jAj lul/j (\' fIA.MM, TALBOTTON, GA. Have Supplies, Supplies. o - CORN, MEAT, SEED OATS, MEAL, FLOUR FEED OATS SUGAR COFFEE. SOAP. STARCH. SYRUP. FISH 0 AT MEAL RICE. TOBACCO. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. STEEL PLOWS, COLLARS. BRIDLES, PLOW STOCKS. SADDLES. HARNESS, AXES. HOES, WAGON & BUGGY MATERIA L. SHOVELS. SPADES, IRON. NAILS. BOOTS, SHOES, HAMES, TRACES, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS- Virginia and Liverpool Salt. — o S< >I„ld A(J ENTS For Patapseo (bnmo and Acid Pliospliaie. We respectfully invite the Public to examine our stock bclore piu - chasing. We guarantee satisfaction. jnnlol2m VVILKERSON & HATCHER. The City Drug Store. DR. E. L. BARD WELL- Talbotton, Grzx- V have in store one of lli most Complete Stocks of Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Paints. Varn ishes, and Fancy Articles, IticUnlinu fine tmH ••,. v to,;-, m c br-mn.. '''> C,I!,U '' vri * ,th r U'diil and it. ii.ilile .nti.'l k. ev-r hr .nj{lit tothi* 'i will He'l My prat* have ad be.ii marked Lw do.n. Give me a call. nov22 pirn ■ ? EM. learcTHo. (Sn-, , s,o>s to I'EAIICK & USFOIID) Wholesale broerrs & Commission Merchants, Columbus, Georgia. 11 ,V in store a lege an l complete st .clt Groceries. SnpplW. ' vilk ' h ~<r,;r for csii at !-Um |r ir-s nut to piompt paying -list uuers on the round tunc. Fnrtii-s iru], liteii to t,.e oil firm o! IVirc-4 Uicforil wil, ilo w. il m cnl , . and settle up ibeir mres, or v.iil l.c .ut in tl.e 1- .nils -I an f. r I' r -olbc ton. Xli -Id 'iawricas must t>- closed and we p> stiv-ly can -I c.irrj ov r n> t.,,i. j - FKAliCl': A: JSINFOIU). Mix & Kirtlaiid, No. '■> COl COS AVJiN'UK and GG THIRD STREET, MAC ON, ■ ■ Ceorgisi DEALER IN Boots, Shoes and Hats. trTp H\VE iw in store or' of t!ie best stocks we Lave ir r offer and, and la \\ one *wU cannot f ii! • . ive oitDf.i t It comprise" Gfent- and I.a dim Bo • ioh e*,ofUt t uake;the :lebr&iod Phil del pin a I ntha and -lilt .'re .s' s ! .OS -sop ri >r ta til •>* -r-: U•ha ii an so*’ c retry k.p Boots and blioe.s nli I . eve v' in: to > •'! the waits if flit par • -r. W „ 'ia :e> " ils . •II i rhini tn>i‘l. - T \\\y '■ * *- x ' We invite attention ri Sh i.-m 'kers to nr stork <■ *IN DINGS. Send ns y-il aider '.v,ii .v-ente ib.iu wltfi as m ; h Satisfaction r.t t Minch :w person MIX .VIiIRTLAND. anltlO tf >lfl<;0-i, 'f • VOL (j. lutie CieoTcim it cnist tv, W. H. PHILPOT, M. 8., Physician and Druggist, r i\vi js < > r r r r< >r\. (; a. D. nli .- in ii wrinl sh Divigs and .\lrdicincs. Toilet Articles, Surgical Instill incuts. Patent Medic u and Bverytliing; usually found in a first class Drug House. 1 Al-o, Lamp aiul Fixtures a speciality, with Clears and fine Obewinc Tobacco which t -unoi uc excelled. Try the (Jig ir called TIIILPOTS LAST IDEA.*'* novom her *2*2 2m LLO. S. ODEA ft, No. 110 Cl\erry Street, - - Macor\,Ga. WHOLESALE and ItETAIL DEALERS IN Crookeiy. China. Cutlery, Lamps, * Chandeliers, Plated Ware. Granite Iron Ware. Japanned Ware, Baskets, Lanterns, etc SOLE AGENTS Poll THE COOK SToV KS The Best nude, and Ono ran teed i< • give S.iti dnetion. HEATIN' 1 S'i’uVES, GIIATKS, AND OTJLKK GOODS. Write IT Priors and Cat dogue. j.inlT I*2in NEWGOO iTsS A. F. PICKERT, No. 5 Whitehall, St., - -- Atlanta, Georgia HaS rIuST received n large Block ol‘all the new designs in the MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO.. i: l. Ect if < >—. Silver 3F*Lrbtoci Ware. Forties vri hii;' Ibnbil Presents will ii well to ca'l and <\u nine my Htock ami pr.t. lu lttit' |ii.rclmsjn;' einrwh-fe. A lull stock <*l 1817 lh..c iLo.-, .A i Spoons, L'l ks .mil Iviuvea always uu hand. Spcoal atlontiu.i given to Who ii and J \v• Iry Work. Hfp-O 12m \ Wi l l Id. C KINSEL Wi ll H I! k hi AS PL, Watchmakers and Jewelers, Cor. Broftd i<v Randolph St,, ColumbuH, (.k'orgia, 1 >1 ‘si Inrs iii WATCHES, CLOCKS /'q> \\ and if JJi •il* fj $ \ Tewelry. V. Rings, Specta \VV cles, Silver Plated Ware, Fancy Articles, <sc. Watches, Clocks anl Jewelry ItEPAIKED to satsfactioii, ranted. Engraving done to order. Hii J- wellies rnait-i order. Dianio id l net to suit the present style. F. S. JOi INSON, du. I. F J OJINS<IN F. S. JOHNSON’S SONS, —DE.iLEES IN - Hardware, Iron & Steel. Grain Cradles, Carriage and Wagon Materials, Plows, Hoes, Belting Guns. Pistols, SPOUTING HOODS. ITsIIIXC TA( I4LH, AGENTS FOR BUFFALO SCALES. jnnl7 12 NO. IH7 TUIIID STREET. MACON. GEORGTA. I V Wagons & Buggies. i r JTIIK UI2T Buggy ever sold South. o —— F T AVIXG rut tiie Wagon real Bnptrv D j nr'n at r ? V'a'f <V \Y. IG . i 1 will co. firme the bus d-sh a' the >am - tuund. an I ask a ?a>r [ lie uidr }> tiirig". J ail A sent for the Old ill ko:y Wugoii and MLb r-i I *vn L bhM j tlo j ujioki t; n i wir keep at dl tO ies a g'> and s< "; <f s Rng-MM I r'i Siwlrtlery and iiarursv, f v.ill sell f>r small profit, m.d guarantee ev r t , j Vi‘lliel? S 'l I. ; j ■■•v'J.h 12m 4. A- vgALSSa, Columbus Ga., TALBOTTON, GA., TUESDAY. MAY 30,188*2. ! Brass Mounted Infidelity. New York Star. Col Robert (1 Ingersoll is a smart ; man. lie has wit, address, audaci ty and brains to mutch. Asa pop ular speaker ho lias few equals, lie is on the best terms with him self, and keeps his audience on the the best terms with himself also. He tell stories capitally, and has an exhaustless stock oi’ them to tell. If liis argument is too short ho spices it with a joke. If his reasoning gets dangerously thin ho raises a laugh, and it is impossible to an swer a ringing round of applause, lie knows enough of tho bible to pick out the passage he wants to shy at the heads of doctors of di vinity, and enough of science to make astounding assertions in a tone of infallibility. Such a man is calculated to secure an immense following and do unspeakable dam age lo Christianity and tho church. And tho spread of his brass moun ted infidelity shakes the faith of the middle aged, dazzles and deludes I he young, and encourages the neg lect of religious institutions and a flippant, profane way of dealing with sacred things. Tho decline in morals, in business and honesty, in political character, in official digni ty and virtue and i.i domestic satuts lilies, is largely due to the spread of this'obstructive aesthetic miasnui. It is easy to laugh at capital jokes and clever hits at popular follies. 11111, thinking people should ask, Where does this thing end'? What will bo its ell’, et ou home, on social morals, on political conduct, oil the reverence which is the foundation of all that, is gloat and worthy m character, ft is this other side of the case which people should se l ion sly consider before lotting their feet stray out of llie beaten ways. - - ——— An Unfortunate Youth. Virginia, Nevatln, (tlironielci. A tired.looking young man snt in ii (I street, saloon yesterday with Ills elbow resting oil a beer tabio and liis eliin in his hand. Ho gazed through tho tobacco smoko and lager laden sawdust. Hullo, cried a friend, what's wrong with you, Bob? You lost bln-. I've las n thinning, said tho tiled and melancholy young man how different mv life would have been if I'd been horn widi a tail. \V iill a tail? Yes, with a tail. If it had been my I nek to have a tail I’d been rolling in wealth to day instead of lilting here half tired to death with hard work. Bat how in the name of zoology would ft tail help you? asked the friend, in amazement. Why, cun ‘i, you see? Whenever I need motley all I'd have to do would be to go into a cage or onto a stage and exhibit myself, A man with a tail would paralyze the pub he and kit all tho science sharps wild. Do you catch onto tho tail? I do, said tho friend respectfully, and I wish to gracious I hail one myself, seeing ilia way you put it, Will you have a glass of beer? I will, replied tho tailess young man, in a gloomy voice. -♦ • -♦ - ■—— Arthur’s Democratic Future. ImllunapoliH Sentinel. Reports have it that Arthur will soon lead to the the altar Airs Craig Wadsworth, of Washington City. A Washington letter says of the la dy: She married the wealthy son of the late General Wadsworth ol New York, who died a few years since, leaving her tho mother ol two cuildren, with a large fortune, ishe keeps bouse on Massachusetts ave nue, and has been tho most n-ticed woman in society during tho past season. Blie is tall, graceful, a brunette and the owner of a mag riifiicent set of diamonds, while her dresses are made in Paris, but ontro nous, she is a Bourbon Democrat. Air Arthur is anxious for the nup tial ceremonies right away but it is understood that his Cabinet advi ses postponement until after Gui lean is bung, or his case otherwise diisposed of. To have the wedding take place while the assassin is alive and kicking would be certain lo have mingled with the reports of the event the declaration of the murder er of GHield: I made Arthur j President to harmonize the Repub | lican party. The extension of the Savannah, Florida and Western railroad will go from Bain bridge to Chattahoochee after all. Anew survey furs been made and Bainhridge is all right now. ’ * The gambler lives on our hopes, the ; lawyer on our quarrels, thr doctor our | i'is, the clergyman on our fear- and 1 the merchant on his advert!.,ing. Acquittal After Seven Years. (b'iiliu Ntwrs. On Tuesday, in Pike Superior court. John Rogers charged with murder, was acquitted after a trial unusually interesting by reason of the circiinistanees of the case, in ib'Tti, the prisoner then a beardless hoy of eighteen, killed one James M Smith, who was r. gnrded as a desperate, dangerous man. The killing occuricd at illiamsvillo, in Pike county, and the difficulty which led to it originated in a groggery. Rogers escaped and went to Tenues, see where he engaged in farming until about 15 months sgo when sin riff Bussey discovered his whereabouts and brought him back. For lti months he has been confined to the jails of Pulton, Spalding and Pike. The case was called this week and ably argued both by tho state and the defense. Judge Hall was the leading council for the do, and althought the leading counsel for the defense, and al though the general impression pro vailed that Rogers was guilty, he presented the case in a logical, for cible mil convincing way way that on Tuesday at noon after being out only a few minutes, the jury return cd a verdict of not guilty. Rogers was completely overcome and bug soil Judge Hill with emotion, liis nuitlKT, an aged, heartbroken woman, who had almost put her life into tho case, almost went cra zy with joy and her shouts and thanksgivings could bo heard all over the village. Rogers’acquittal was a great victory for Judg; 11,dl, and lie is, no doubt, proud of it. Alollie had a little ram, fioeco black as rubber shoes, and every where that Alollie went, he emigra ted too. lie went with her to church one day-—the folks hilarious grew, to see him walk demurely in to Deacon Allen's pew. The wor thy deacon quickly let his angry passions rise, and gave it a i un christian kick between tho sail brown eyes. This lauded rummy in the aisle; the deacon followed fast, and raised his foot again, but, all! that lirst was liis last!—For Mr Sheep walked slowly baeit about a rod, his said, and ere the deacon could retreat, it stood him on liis head. 'The congregation then arose and went for that ero sheep, but stv" end well directed butts piled them into a heap, -Then ruslie 1 they straightway for tho door with cur ses long and loud, while rammy struck tho hindmost man and shot him through tho crowd.—Ex. • How do you come to ask s(j lor this load of firewood, when your neighbor offers the same kind of wood for $4? was tho question Uil liooly asked of the man in charge of a load of fuel in Austin. Well, yon see I’m going to ho in dicted for stealing this wood, and I will luive to pay a lawyer to prove my innocence That’s why I have to charge $2 a load extra. Does not John Smith steal his wood, too? Certainly he does lie cuts it off the same tract of land where I g it iliis. Well, does not lie have to hire a lawyer, too, to prove liis innocence? Ol course not. He is never in dicted by the grand jury. , Why don't the grand jury indict him? Becaue lie is always appointed foreman, lie lies got more influ ence than I have. At the church a few weeks ago, the funeral of a prominent and high ly-respected citizen of the town 1 y llio name of Knight occurrd, on which occasion, by a singular con tretemps, the choir sang aH their first selection tie usually fitting hymn, ‘There will bo no night there. 1 The effect, as soprano, alto and tenor successively brought up the refrain, was well calculated to excite the risibles of those who had gathered in any but a humorous spirit. Since Senator Bruce’s term expired, a little more than a year ago, there has been no negro in congress until the other day when Lynch took his seat from Mississippi. The first ne gro congressmen was Rainey, of South Carolina, who sarve-d eight years from March 4, 1869. The 32d congress— -187 1-73 —had three, the 43d six, the 44th five, and the 45th two negroes in the house, the two last also had Bruce in the senate, and in the 4c.tJr Bruce was the only colored man. that was left. • ■*> N >t ft flri in, not hoM i:i bur roo i s.but a r liable n m-,v coboli: tonic nr? liciho. ireful bt all 'i.wK, an 1 in all a is l Brr.v L r; Hitter* j AT THE HARDWARE STORE Talbotton, A LARGE STOCK 02 Plow Stocks, Plow Hoes, Scovil Hoes, and VERY ING UsIALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS Hardware Store, all of which will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for the CASH. AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT. Ca.II before purchasing and be ConvinceiL Keep constantly on hand a stock of tho best COOKING STOVES. Manufactured in the country. Call and see them. an s’ l(i bl H- L. McLENDON, Talbotton, G-a- Will. BRANNON, Pres. A. 0. BLACKMAR. Cash’r- IfFflui ill’s & Mimic’s tat, COLOIBUS, GA. Do s a ftcnei’nl BnnUmuf bnsineKH* makes rollout i<ins on oil point3 r ’reives (lepovitn discounts bankable paper, mid will be pleased to do busiiufi# with the liiereimntßanci people ol Talbotton and Talbot county. j tail O' W. W. COLLINS, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUCGIES I WHS T< > , T’-i V Y 1 Second StroM. MACON. - - - GEOKCIA +o+ TIST STOCK AND FOR SALE LOW Carriages, Phaetons, Cabriolettes, Rockaways, Ladies and Pony Phsetons, Top and No-top Piano Jiox and Coal Box Buegies- Webster Wagons, -LViiburn Wagons, Studerbaker Wagons, One-Horse Wagons, Harness, Baby Gabs, etc., etc. GALL AND BE CONVINCED. I handle more goods in my line than any other house’in the States, oi Georgia, Florida, or Alabama. My faeilitiep are such that we defy competition I will treat you right. ~0v25 W. W COLLINS. Macon.Go J. A. FRAZER & CO. < -DEALERS IN HARDWARE, j Nails, Steel and Iron, Grain Cradles, Rubber Belting,S*ov: | 11033, Carpenter’s Tools, &c , Cutlery and Agricul- 1 Implements. Mill Gearing, Paints, Oils, &c. j k J<il) V\'oi’k. Ant nlusm-sof Work ilcn in tkc 1,.|-t styles am I ft title I owes t lii'lceS, at the REGISTER JOB OFFICE, tfur Job Dei'.hitmj-.nt is tar nished with ii Fixe i'oWEii i"Hess tmd all t ile latest unit most approved stylos o type. We do lx-t tel" work for I<■ p- money ihnn any office in the Stats. Give us your orders and wo will pleas, you. NO. ‘22