The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, February 06, 1883, Image 2

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The Old Jewelry House POK.liac>li AZ OV* riHKHECTION. W. T. JOHNSTON, !08 ol!F.rtltY HT MACON Watches, Clocks, Silverware and FINE JEWELRY- T , - Vourirw’e ooli.-i'ed. n “ y ‘ ■■- r .rr D. W GOODMAN B H HUZZA B. H. HUZZA <& CO. Trunk Manufacioiy, WHOLESALE AND: RETAIL- Sample Trunks and Cases A Specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO- Orders by Mail ia Whif toli st. Atlanta.Ga- L. lEWMAN " X. TUORNEIt- NEWMAN & THORNER. PROPRIETORS OF THE DOLLAR STORE, SjfiSS; awttßass ?wu* fcSfSSSTiilltow,. Hofiiery, Ladies and Children'. Cloaks, Dolmans end Jackets. rrti M lug to mnk* pwsbofc# in above g-od* will from 25 to 5., per cent by coding oil t-.em. & TIIORNEU, 9 Cherry St. Macon. I'. S. —Country merchants will do well to examine then ii~ vain <| toys Ac, bof- in |nnchnsin|; 8 W. MeMICHAEL, S. J.WYNN McMichael & Wynn, 153 Bioad St Columbus, • * >. ? 4 Georgia Groceries, 8 aple Dry Goods, Baffgiuf, Ties, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal, Coffee. Sugftr, EicS. Tobaccos. Fine LIQUORS, AND FAMILY SUPPLIES GENERALLY, jt~ YOtJK trail* *>liritJ. SMITH, CULVER & CO., 122 and |24 THIRD STREET, MACON, - - (iEOKGIA. Importer* and Jobbers of Hardware, and Dealers in Iron, Steel, Agricultural lixirlemonU. Tin Ware. &c. - * . Wfl nr# pole Ageii!* for the (•feLXrated KABMEIW FB1FN1) PLOWS. jn *29 .... ...... X C. WOOLFOLK, NO. 127 BROAD ST, West Side, COLUMBUS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Plantation Supplies and Family Groceries ! I will keep fonslnutly on hnmljn lull end com pl.t* h', kof nil Good- In mv line fred, amt oan give . favorable mdueemeuta nu any houm in olimd-ns. Aio-nl lor Klundei-d Guano*. t ‘' '''* Old Ot^v, JJU JOHN A SHEPPAKD. of Marlon own'y Is with me. aid '•II b. glad n> moet bi Mends, nrl:l ■' Wm, BEACH & CO., 96 Broad Street Columbus. Ga - DEALERS IN- Hardware, iron, Steel, Nails, * Castings, Rnbber Belting, Paints, Oils, Brushes* Cutlery, Looks, Wagon Ma terial. Portland an Rosendale . enU, FLiuter l ari*, Corn SHallera, Straw CnUert, Barbed Fence ire, 4c. <-ct3to jati lat DO YOU KNOW IT? G. E. THOMAS, BEOAD SIREET, COLUMBUS, GA. IS ALWAYS REAI>Y WITH The Best Clothing, .J&rMvn, YouUC i>d Bv, that money ftrfur*!'.. 'Tbe best is the cbeepes! ■ml u tmlj ta.nkUted t ■ smalt wtvanca on i-ncM torihodvtj, vhiHj Utter hj iiev_ sr keep*. 1 CA>’NOT, WILL NOT Ik ap'lr*r ltt. The know me. I keep only god talinea in all the latest cat*. and strips. .... HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR. A jmarar.;of rtwrior quality end makes. Everything new and an? UiU g you tttL Cuus fetwl me. apr‘2s oct3 HIE REGISTER AND STANDARD, TALIiOTTOfi. TALBOT COUNTY GEORGIA. FEBRUARY 0 ISBB t’,.r r>drrli, coughs. * Oils, inft i- nxn who Hu'at. . nil -T-ortne-,* oi hre.Uu, til. , Brewers Lang KaUirer. To break chill* and Lver take a good : .lose of May Apple i*UI, lo lowed by Himt'a Lemon lonic. These aro both . xeelleut i euiedi- s. Brewer-* Lung cure* can- I snnigt-on, Inoiifcbiii* Rhd nil throat and In, g dbese*. Don't forget |be name j br -wtr - . Lm..; Rest irev. Recommend It ’ to yonr nrud.-,. Rankm-s I'*mipound Flnid Extract of -and Jnu'l-er. K-pet-tally for ilia j cases of she kidney*. bladder, iiriny or yaa and 11. rv none**. It von doubt i said of Brewer's Lung Be torer.-udt ooin one who La, trie! it. It i rtoiimni nd. and tty phy-bieun*. Gate < ity Vermifuge -nd Central City Worm Candy for expelling worms are par (xecllence. Clive ibeiu s trial au<l be convinced. Clergyman's sore. throat and bonchiti* arc speedily arid permanently enred ty Brewer'a Long Restorer. To cure chilly and lever permanently, n*e Itnnt-a L< man Tonic. I'rioe. SI.OO per bottle. Yon could' not possibly in vest your mo 1 ey to better advantage. If you cannot bnjr Brewer'* Lung lte siorcr ift yotfr own town, enclose ti.e mo n.-y to i.nmar, Rankin A Lamar, llucou. Ga. and they will forward it to your ad dress. Pile*, SI.OO. t>titral City Worm Candy is perfect’y harm leu*. but it effm-tniHy extu pates the worm from the human body. All moth er* should keep it II you have cnigpimptinii. or think you have, -mu to us or yont dealer at once ' lor a bottle of Brew,.r'a Lung Restorer, and b cure I. i The astonishing success which has at tended (lie u*e of dale (Aty Vermtfag ■ in many families, indue a na to recommend it or expelling worm*. Notice till* and * e if we are not right. A neighbor buy* a bottle of Brewin'* Long lie ion-r and in lew than two week* all i is neighbor* will have a bottle. Lankin** Bnchu and Juirinet Cure* rtia bites, Blight** ittaeave. piiuful liepoHd* in the nrinr, pain in the back] milky d.•charge*. etc. Minister* and public *pmk"r*. should carry a bottle of Brewer'* Lung ltesthoo around. It prevent* and cure* Imarse in **. Try it. Take Bnchu and Jumper for al' liduey and nriny disorder*. It it i the most r - iinlheunedteiucof the kind manufactured Oive it u trial. ... We want vou to believe wbat i*. *nid about Brewer* Lung lt< atorer, a* it is the truth. When you try it then you c.n help talk it lip. ~ Hunt'* Lemon Toole, a safe and reliable n-UM dy'for chill*- chill* and fever, iutcr mittent’ievcr. fever and ague dunit, ague and kindred diseases. E-senee of aanmlca Ginger i, preocrib eil bv sit physicians for pain in the bow els. dl.rrho'i- coho cramp* ole,- ami none ha* a greater reputation than Lunar, Kunkm A let 111 nr'*. Brewer'* Lung Redorrr i* no new r-m *. viij, tint the diHCOverc* wonid not offer it lor sulo until satisfled it w utd cure the diaei.Kes he claimed to curl. A wafliiug! All wjio haye cqi snmuyen or broite.iiib* who Mi) lo lake Uicarers Lung Restorer, n ein danger of losing their lives at any time. Buy a brittle ami save’ your life. Hunt'* Lemon Tonic i* offered to ttie public to supply n pressing neerft viz: a remedy which will m* e a certain cure every time if taken according to direc tion. Brewer'* Lung Restorer has never fail ed to give perfect anil oiitfru Hatistaction Id every instance. Don't fail to try it. Take Bui-liu and Juniper tm- trT kidney and urinary disorders, ft i* th most iHialdo modieihe of the kind manufoct. •uroiL '• l*u',)li<- I>[H-I|ker* should -n*e Brewer's Lung restorer. BREWER-8 LUNG RESTORER ! Having sutlcrcd greatly Tor about li years bum severe lliro'-it and lung n (fee .(ton I w,m advised by Mm Prof llozi-r to irv Brewer's I.nng Restorer. Not having any faith in potent medicines I was r Inelsnt to give it n tilsl, but finally yield ing to persuasion I purchased a bill doz en bolt is, i.nd after n lair trial I bike pleasure in declining that 1 have been wondariullv benefited, and pronounce Brewer a tiling Restore! n blessing to those affleted with throat and long at factions. For months during my a (fiction I was unnb le to lie down to reati my breathing was so difficult that a constant wheezing noise could l>e heord across the room.and my rieuds were concerned for my lrtc All he sleep obtained dming the time, necessarily broken and unsatisfactory. w;\H in a silling post ire, but DOW I on r line with ease, and my respo-c is nat ural and pleasa i t. Miss Km E. Dozikh, Tnlhotton, Go. Messrs Lnitinr, ltankin A Lnmar - Gents: Will you allow me to tell you. something in regard to your Brewer a Lung Restorer ( The lot yon shipped me some time .go has been on my alieif finec tlfeii arrival, until a few days ago, when the following oireuiuslanc a occur red. Mra James Coleman, while on a visit to her mother, Mrs Conner, was taken very ill and thought she would die with a case of bronchitis a: and consumption of long standing. There was no physician to lie hart, the n-arest points being Dublin and Mt Vet non. I mill about twoniy miles dis tant. They sent over to the story for anni thing that would give relief. I gave Ho rn a bottle ol Brewer's Lung Restorer and told them that il it did no good they need not pay for it. The rest! t was that in fitly six hours she was able to go home, about twenty-Ohe miles —and 1 have sold several bottle* to- day to pal ties wlio kt.o i of tins cireuuis'nnee. Mr A H McCrcln lUon bought a bottle and found almo-l in stum relief. The sale of yooV medicine is assured in this section a* -l-ehall here after warrant it to lure- Yours truly, ltzv G 1$ RvrcHKoan, Lothnir. Ga. BRONCHITIS CURED Messrs Lamar, Rankin & Lamar—Gen tleuu'ii; My little girl. 8 year* old* ban been tor some time tumbled with a scre.* ct*ugh which physicians pronounced bnunchitis. Sbto slept but little, cough ing the entire night, and we had to get up very ofted to help her out* cough. wa* so • * \%t wour solicitation 1 ! bought a bottle of .Lung ’He*, store*-, ’add sShe began to improve at ones and has bet a sleeping nicely over since, ami I firmly believe ahe will o* peraum e'utly cured. I was veiy tma h Jrtghten . ed*t her*condifion uot long siiicebut am now rejoicing at her recovery. Yours truly, Geo F. Winq. • HEMORRHAGES STOPPED.. It gives me great pleasure to certify to ihe merits of Brtwerw Lung "Restorer* as I have atari it and found it alkjou jrepre- S.U'ed l*e. My lungs were affected to . some filial, and 1 had a hhekiug cough, of Jen spitting up f tdood. which at times would amount to u hemorrhageand l became vti jr* mnoh trbrhteoeri at my i condition, t bought several bottlea ol the ! (llt?werw Lung Restorer.'*ud have been I entire If xre<k by,it*Mu*'. and feel satis tted that this medicine will prove a grent ■ hie-King to the people. It yon would in urodnee it tfc£ Sutea it i would mak your iyrtuncs. Y**urs iru }C'*' “ Hem;t Wooten. v Lamar,Rankin&Lamar, ! io>9&' MACON AXT> ArUAXTA. j-_i“ —• _l_ W EEK *lO a <iy at Home - ly m<l . CwttJ Oiitet free. Ad . lUvK. ikon A Uw., Maine. REGISTER ANDSTANDARD. O. D. OOKMAX. Lorron. J li. OOltMAN.CoKiaesroxDraoEomß. r l , a.llottoTi, (ia.. tTESDAY .... FEURCAKY g. •j '. Official Organ of Talbot County. UEORUIt. From Congrca* Si. S. C ,x’a tributt to Senator Hill last Tlmr*dy: Goorgia, geologically nntl iiie tare*qdely) mnlcr nntl above .he ge nial soil, has natural advantages and beautie* which along with her liberal institutions early attracted *uch adventurous minds a* tbe He brew ilendez, tbe English soldier Oglethorpe, and the Methodist We* lev. Even the mounds are yet poin ted out, in ilio country where our •t uatt,r was born, into which De So to delved for gold. Her mountains dip and ourl in crested grandeur to wurd the westj while her Savannahs add ibeir greenery m.d wealth to her shore*. General James Oglethorpe, who as Unrke said, had called a prov- ! incc into existence and lived to see it an independent slate, was the ep- : itoine of Georgia history Ogle- | t horpe’a life was so full of nehieve-; msnt and variety that is a romance. Pope eulogized, Dr Johnson admir ed,-and Thompson celebrated him tie was-not nu*y ready to dtlend bi* honor in the duel, but wa* the prisoner,* friend and founder of nn empire state. Sir Robert Mont gomery culled the new tolony! which the gallant g moral founded the most delightful country of the universe. Even the poet of th> seasons, Thompson, in nis liberty •ang ot the swnrmii g oololii.t* who sought the gay colony of Geargia, He eulogized it as the calm retro it of nnduaerved diniress, the bettor home of tlmso whom bigots chased from foreign lands. It was not buik on rapine, servitude, mid woo. .Tli* very history and literature of England thus inbjiiud with this colony is almost unkuown to the no{Ui. Other states, it secioa, at tiacted more literary attention. It was this Georgia, the asylum and j hope of man, and founded in honor, j religion, and bravery, that our senator loved. Even John Wesley’s mother, when the high church Methcxhst asketl her whether he should proceed to Georgia, said : “Had I twenty sons I should rejoice, if they were all so etn ployed.” The very religion ot Geor gia had in it a-courage which does not lie long to our time, when a voyage across the Atlantic is robbed of most its terror. Doubtless Senator Hitt was greatly influenced in his pursuits and charac teristics by Such rare men and events as Georgia has produced. These names may not be as familiar to north ern ears now as in the days of Jack son and Calhoun, but they are still ]io tential to start a spirit in Georgia, where state pride has lost lmt little of its prestige by the result of the civil war. Read the Toster of Georgia's fo rum—the Imiliant lights of her liench, bar, literature, and senate: Beall, Crawford, Berrien, Mclntosh, Clay ton, Colquitt, Cobb, Tripp, Dawson, Forsythe, I.umpkin, Lamar, Jackson Shorter, Reid, Warner, Johnson, Wilde, and Baldwin, not to speak oT men who yet survive, like her present wonderful'thief magistrate, and his contrast in stature anil mate m intel lect, Robert Toombs. ' A state like this, so grand in its be ginning and so splendid in its hun dred and fifty years of prosperous his tory, must tic proud of its heroes, whether fit—, Fot arms and warlike amenance, Or else for wise and civil goverance, To learn the interdeal of princes ...strange; To mark the intent of councils, and . the change of states. Her annals are shining with the names of De .Soto, Raleigh and. Ogle thorite ; and the names of thtir suc cessors under conditions of later days detract, nothing from the lustre of their worth and renown. To emulate the fame of Hortchsitis. king otthe forum, Cicero nev<?r.ceas ed his efforts till .he ascended die throne of oratory. So in this unrival ed, galaxy of gifted Georgians. Emu lation made ambition reach high. From sire to son the name of eminent Georgians appear again and again, showing the elevating incentives which enlivened and exalted this imperial sta.te .of the south., The gold in her hills, the silver on the cotton pod, .the sun. with its balm, the rivers which flow frepn her. mountains, the opulence of her soil, are not more Georgian an imperial than the high- standard of those who gave Geotgia to the world as,a colony, preserved her independ- I cnce of England, brought her through i fire into the federation of states, and ! after the vicissitudes of a great ■ civil 1 trial rescued her first among the res ■ cusartt states from the chaos of war. jj l A dictionary q{ *Tlang phrases” is ; liecoming an absolute necessity for | modem the average un t sophisticated youth is debarred the , pleasure of conversing intelligibly with j out it. A fortune is patiently await-’ i ing the author. H. C. MGKEE, DEALER IN Carriages, Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Bridles and Whips. Gunby’s Building • • ' Columbus, Ga* GET THE BEST MIME BE. PIANO CLOUBH a.WARREN An 0% ■ SI E. P. CARPENTER | 8 H 1 . A CM B. SHONINQER UfluMIM Low for cash or on ©may monthly payment*. MTSocond-hiul Pianos and Organa bought and •old. Tuning ml Bopalrlng Carefully done PHILUPS & CREW, Woreruom fi, * n,t to Marlvtl* Strsot, noS94m Atluutu, Geur^ia, [ From tbn Christ inn Indrx.] Pbilltpa & Crew, of Atlanta, rank among the leading houses of the South in their par ticular line of business. Their pianos, or gans and mua : csl instruments of every kind, are jHircliased from the most celebrated manufacturers and are of the best and most durable material. They keep also, the rarest gems in music, and every stylo of books and stationary. General Guano Agency. .TTiTiyrKLXisr is cfc? J" ountihso Talbotton * Ga. o We Keep Constantly on hand, large supplies of. Pacific, otiers, Pine Island, German Kanit, and Cron n Acid Phosphate. All tfie above up to tbe usual stand tr<l of exc Hence, nn 1 and livered from ware bouse at Talbotton It R Denot Thcae puanofl are nob: for 450 pound< of option, payable Oct 15th nxt. JENKINS & JONES, Agents at TALBOTTON, Office at T N Beall’* Store- julG 3n. LEVERT COLLEGE! NON-SECTARIAN MALE AND FEMALE INSTITUTION, TADBOTTON C3rA. THOMAS J. KELLY A. M. President, Piofeasor of Ancient and Modern Languages. J. A. IVEY A. M. Professor of Mathematics, & English Literature* MISS NELLIE JACKSON. Principal Primary Department MISS K ATE SMITH, Principal Music Department. Spring Term will op nJ in 10, 1883 anil c< nl turn twenty, four weeks- The course nt lnstmctim, will be thorough and the discipline firm. l-jeet of the Board of trustees and the present faculty is, to make Le\crl better than in tormer i enra. Board in bc-t tnratliijt', Sit) per month. Rite* of tuition in advance. PRIMARY DEPUtT-UKNr. - $ 1 00 nut month. INTERMEDIATE •• 1 M COLLEGIATE “ - - - 2 wo MUSIC “ - - -3 00 For further Address T. J. KELLY, or J A- IVEY, jnnS Int. Talbotton. Ga. MONEY TO LOAN! Money Isums of *OOO and np-- ir,!s negotiat'd promptly lor the farmer* o Talbot, t’pwm. On w lord, Taylor and Muscogee uouatiis. OI) GORMAN, juueJitt Tnlbottsm. O* a... —— Merchant*, iook to yonr interest. Our stock of staple Cri.ckery. Glossware. Woodcn orfo t in Ware never was ns large and complete as at this lime Send list of what yon want. We will attach prices and sive yon heivy freight nod Breakage, whicn yon always get from far off Ens~ I tern market*. We. bemlh nothing bu valuable goods, Mcßmdk It Cos.. nngß Aihmia, Go. Take Notice! All parties indebted to J R Gorman for lumber bought this year, and payable this hill. Will find their aconnts ready a this office after the lat day of December Come np gentlemen promptly, and aet tie, we have got eur debts to pay with this money. Mcßride A Co.,AtUnt, < a„ mamific lllrff Show Crtses,.'.nd ale Sonlhorn scents jor Seth Thomas’ Clocks ami Lmioallra Fly Funs, and own the celebrated Gate City Stove Water Filter and Cherrys Fruit and Vegetable Brjer lor the world. Prices fur tailed on application augtiS “Rough on Eats,” Clears out rats, mice, rone Vos, flies ants, bod-bugs, skunks, chipmunk*, g<v* pliers. 15c. Druggists. TIT T people always on the W Jl>3JLLtor chances to increase their earnings, and m time become weal thy ; those who do not improve their op portunities remain m poverty. We offi r a grent chance to make money. We want many men, won'eu. boys and girls to work f r ns ri *hi in their own localm***. Any one can do the \vo r k properly tom the first start. Tnc business will jay j more than ten times ordinary wages. Ex j pensive outfit tarnished lrve. No one who engages in this tails to make money rapidly. You can devote ! v your whole time to the \vok. or only your I spare moments. Full inforuiatVn and all that ts needed sent free. Ad-iresa, Stinson A Cos.. Torthind. Maiue. Good for Babies. With a baby ai breast nothing is jso useful lor quieting tuy own and : baby's nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic. It prevents bowel com ; plain’s, ud is better than any stim i ulkat to givo strength aud appetite, —A Newark Mother. Market Quotations Corrected Weekly by WILKEUrON. HATCHER* ESI EH. Bulk Sides 10$ Balk- Strip* 10$ lticon Shoulder* loj Canvassed Hams 19 Patent Flour ~..58.00 to $8.50 Fancy Flour $5 50 Family Flour $6 25 Meal 75. Cotton Quotations. The nvtrke* is quiet with sin Ml enquiry. We quote Tnlhotton prices, ns follows: Good Middling 9 Middling bj Low Middling b MeUrlde A Cos., are sol# owneis of the Gate City Sioiewater Filter, Cherry's Steam Evaporator and General Agents tor Liinl>etlrs ln prove'rt Fly Fans for the U S. Agents w.mttd in •very State and county in the world. augß Honest and Liberal- Wbeu the Hops in each bottle of Hop Bitters (at present price, $1,25 per ib„) cost more than a bottle is sold for, besides the other costly medicines, and the quality and price j arc kept the same, we tliiuk it is honest and liberal io the proprie. tors, and no one should complain, j or buy or use worthless stuff or! cheating bogns imitations because j the price is hs*. Glad Tidings to Suffering ‘ Woman, A specific has lieen di-eovered that -psitivo'v corrects all menstuol disor- I! It miraculously relieves, and cures ! all that class ol tronolesome maladies in j worn m. It has kmg l>een known an 1 I used, and it* specific powers are abuu/ I dually vouched for by the experience of tliousauds of women- This magic balm is now finding its 1 way into almost every household m the land, and Is known by its significant and expressive name,Bradtii Id's Female R ga. la.ur. Atlakta, Ga- March 12. 1870. I have examined the recipe of Biudfields Female Regulator, and believe It a most excellent medicine, and well suited to all that class of diseases designated. I have no hesitation in re owinendiug it to the public, JOEL BRANHAM. 11. D. Dr. J. Brartfield, Prop , Atlanta. Ga.j Price, $1.50 per hotel.. Sol i by all I Druggists and W holesals Agents. Run tn Spain & Persons. ‘ ; SpecL*! drive in large arrivals t>f Over- j coats. Doanans agd Cloaks. tt SOME OF MEN'S BARGAIN 8! I ALF WOOL TOPLINSouIv 10c — LACE t'itlPEi) BU N'l'lStlri only 121 2c ALL W'OCL BUNTINGS only 17 32c. Large stick NUN'S VEILING— I Beautiful asßortment ot Plaiil DRESS GOODS, nt 25C. Choice * o.k ot COLORED LAWNS 5, 7 and 10 on.t, 200 dozen ALL LINEN DAMASK TOWELS at 12 1 2 each— -200 DIMITY 11 4 QUILT S at $l.O Sesthem. ALL LINEN TABLE DAMAoK ai 3.V. Large Stock Ladies & Misses’ Shade HatJ Large Stock of Sun Bonnets. i'LOOR MATTINGS, good and low priced. lilt, BARGAINS IN CABPETS—pnee* 15 to 35c. Ji is iinpoosiblc to name the m .ny good bargains I hive. II you would suit rc I ij in your Spring pmohases. give me t all before b'.yiug. I Imve b ghi , t ’ l ' targe slock xu all ti.o .lepnrtmenis, and ibc Goode must be turned into meae, J. Albert Kirven, aprll Columbus, Ga 1 WHY Should I Pay Other Clothiers $26.00 FOP. 147 FALL SUIT. Whoa 1 Can Buy tbe Same Article for vBSO.OO Aud geta Belter Fit than I Ever Itad in My Lii\? GrEMTI-iEMEjINr! Naturally ask this question wLea naming our stock of FINE NOBBY SUITS, Made of th'* most Rljliab gooda’ont this R<‘aHon, nn made to fit an perlettly ** jc •ibid to fit tbe Lnm ii lonn. Come and 1 ok at them. H. J. THORNTON, Southern Clothier, 83 & 85 Broad St-, Columbus Ga WKDDING OUTFITS A NPI'X'iALTY. ocltf TO CONSUMERS OF GUANO. During the many years that the Pacific Gtiano Company bos nunnfm turcil i*Eii sold its well known brand of SOLUBLE PACIFIC UNO, Various parties, aware ol the great popularity of this Fertilizer, have, front time t-t lime put into market articles bearing names as nearly like th-t of our brand as safe lor them to do, probably relying upon the tact that said Soluble Pacific Gnaoo was very commonly spoken of by Planters as “Pacific,“ or “Guano," or **So!nl>. Pacific, -■ or "Pacific Guano." These attempts have failed to build np a perniaurt; trade, probably because of the fact, that the pat ties so appropriating our name, r*> tied upon that name rather than the quality of their goods. We have, from time to time, called Ihe attention of Planters to these ncn, eitner directly or through tin late ./oliu S ltccse, Esq, of B dtiinore, IPe are informed that one or more bp brands are now bring put on the market, containing the well-known end old nas* ot “PACIFIC," either as “AmmaniaWd Pacific," “Georgia Pacific," and we beg to call the attention of Planters to the fact, that every sack ol getmroe SOLUBLE Ft- CIFIC GUANO manufactured b the Pacific Guano Company has been, or is. bran-1- od with the name of the former Central Selling Agent, John S Reese, or with that I the present Selling Aents, GLIiIDEN A CURTIS. None ether is genuine, and oar friends and patrons will do well to examine the packages received by them tins sea son. The real SOLUBLE PACIFIC GU aNO will be found to be same standiri quality as heretofore. No change has taken in If, notwithstanding recent changes in some General Agencies. PACIFIC GUANO CO., By GLIDDEN & CURTIS, General Selling Apis, Boston ■ - Mass. ,/AN 30 1883. J. It. SAMPLES, SUCCESSOR TOT. J. DUDLEY —DEALER IK— LIBER, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS AND WHITE PINE Moulding. Laths, Shingles, Plasters* Hair &c. 200,000 Feet of Seasoned, Dressed and Matched Flooring and Ceiling on Hand 300,000 Feet of Lumber of all Grades needed by Builders, now in the Yard. Sash, Door and Blind Department. This Depa , daiect is in charge oi MR WaDE H BEL4XNON. and all orders promptiv htied for regular or odd s*z s. Bjiiders or tue*- waotiog lumber Afe resptc'fully invited to consult me before parehubing elsewhere, J. 3- SAMPLES. , LuUibcr V.vr.l near Genial Pai .;J£l D.put, Culnnilnu Go.. J 10 •*