The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 06, 1883, Image 2

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J. & c. H. WATT, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, , OLUMidUS, - - GEORGIA. i . *.(.„<, of tl> Public to oot Unc and well aelcc el stockf of Gro:or>, . C,a*k<-r, Poi'b Sot'*, MstHn-s, imply lulxi.Bjickct*, *J<-rt*r.r.'S! A-. of a)j rr*<lb* in wool and i-;.'k*. h-.rgo ‘d w< II selected lot of •>*• , J> tobacco. Bagging. G *>. >“ fact .vcrjrfbu.* umJij kept m our s . WILT,] NOT BE UNDEBSOLI). , fo, tn* “CELKBKATEii LOOT HlffTON-Taboceo past favor* expect to icc.ivc, ua lla*to merit a £••- v. XoMICHAEL, s - J ' WYS * Mc*3®ieliacl & ynn, I> aad St Columbus, - * * Georgia I)EAI*ER IX m:cs, S aple Dry Goods, Biggiug, Ties, Bacon, Lard, flour, Meal, Coffee, Sugar,’,Bice. Tobaccos, Fine liquobs, ;• AND FAMILY SUPPLIES GENERALLY. • vym trail* ohelt<l. s SgEEDS^r r/TOtfrl W3|a^SS-' WW'* mm. hTTßrnSar mmk. o^a ... 38 I2tn. Best Goodsforthe LeastjMoney POE CASH 1 WILL KELL YOLU Groceries and Provisions ,0W that you will never buy on Credit Again- Call on me and I will convince you how much you can save by buying for CASH, X have a lanre stcck of CORN, FLOUR, SUGAR. ritUP, TOBACCO. FISH, &c-. &o- J. H. HAMILTON, 11-: UPTOWN OHOCKH, COLUMBUS. why :.'d I Pay Other Cloth ers 325.00 FOR MY ! vykcsuit. i Can Bojr th* Same Article lot *£20.00 i Better Fit th*u I Ever Had iu My Lift.? GrEICTI-iEMEIINr - ur&Ji J **k t'jis question vrliea naming oar stock of INE NOBBY • SUITS, *of the most Rtylhli tht* riw*nt, s*no made to fit as pfTlcctly pc* h lit the bum in loriu. Cotue ami tagk fit thru. ‘ J. THORNTON, Southern Clothier, 83 & 85 Broad St-, Columbu3 Ga iCDDING OUTFIT?* AMPECIALTY. octi: mmk hI In Jtn r XT'-ri.c of yurt la wdkti+tr. Late never fuu;l nayuunc to jnvo i's rutaiu that !>. 14 un ui’s la tt.u a**** cf Nervous IToelrspaa, I cu. 4 o 1 l'v*i>cp*i,% sn<; an Im attics of tac tito-cxl* this petrics* rcasiy, fcu in csy tr r.Os* nii*.c mai* wos irrfalcurc*. - c jU ave b3v4 •orjrfv.f car naosi tsuiac*; rhyiicuns, have jicjv'eti toUMs rrcat tn>: lactwaiviT „*e ■ *dy. 1 ruvscrtbett In prci'crtacc to aay ln>a rivy*ara~°n cailc. in fxu cch a o'mpouu4 ♦ lcoa Tuxil fa neccssitr la tot pnruc'. I>*. • oiH itjiji&t* **ow f * rACTbIfcD BV THE Lw. HASTEN &S£MCi&£S CO.. ttS K. HAW ST.. ST. LOUIS. fcb* 7?? r THE KEOISTF.iI AKD STANDARD. TALBOTTON. TALBOT COUNTY GEORGIA, MAllCn 61883 For Mi. .turif*. ,'Ohi*, ti>fit,,ki/-h, i sore !h,out, rho.ine** of l.ieatl,, take t Brevier'* Liiug Restorer. To bleak cliill* anti fever tike a good! done if May Apple I’ill*, to lowed by! Hunt's Lemon Tonic. Tbrs* are bow ! i xcelicut J eim-tfi *. Brewer* Lung Restorer cure* esn annipt.nn, biouobiti* hui! all (hr,sit suit lur - diseases. lon‘t forget tlie nntne brewtr'a Lung Restorer. Ret omuiend It to your friend*. Bankin', Compound Flui.l Extract of Iluccu and Juniper. K-pcr Lily lor die cat,us of the kntuey*. bluddur, fflfitiy or gans nod nerr uanesa. It you doubt shat is sold of Brewer's Lung Re- torer ask soil,, one who ha. triad .t. It is recommended by physician*. (Lite City V.-imifnge .ml Central Cify Worm C„udy for extolling worms arc pur excellence. UiTe itiem a trnd and 0c convinced. Clergyman •* sore throat and boncbitis re *|>erdi ly and permanently cured by Brewer's Lung Restorer. To rare chills and lerer permanently, use Hunt-, lemon Tonic. Price $1 (Ml per bottle. You could not possibly in vest yonr money to better advantage. If you cannot buy Brewers Lung Re storer in your own town, enclose toe mo ney to l.iu:*r, Rankin A Lamar. Macon, (is . and they will forward It to your ad dress Price. gl.Oo. Central City Worm Candy is perfictly harmless, but it effecturily extupairs lb.- worm from the human body. All moth ers ,bon id keep it It you have consumption, or think you hare, *cna to us or your denier st once for a bottle of Brewer's Lung Restorer, mkl b. enro l. The astonishing success which bus at tended the use of Oats City Vercnfug' in many families, indue s us to recommend it or expelling worms. Notice this end cif we are not right. A neighbor buys a bottle of Brewo.'s Lung Re-torer and in lesstlinn two weeks all his neighbors will have a tsittle. Rnnkiu's Huoliti and juniper cures dia ls tea. Bright's disease- p iintul nrinading, deposits in the urine, pain in the back, milky and scharges. etc. Ministers and public speakers should crr> ii In ttle of Brewers Lung Keslhoo around. It prevents and cures hoarse ness. Try it. Ttkc Rocha and Jumper for all kidney and tiriny disorders. It it is the most re liable medicine of the kind mauufsciured Lire it a trial. We want you to believe what is said about Brewers Lung Restorer, us it is the truth. When you try it then you c n help talk it up. Hiint-s la,loon Tonic, a safe and reliable remedy'for otillla- chills and lerer, inter-, uuttcot levrr, fever and ague dumb ague' and kindred diseases. K,si nee ot uaniAica Ginger is prescrib ed hr all physicians fur paw in the bow els. dnrrhcss. colic cramp, ate., ami none has s greater reputation tuna Lunar, Rankin A Lamar's. Brew, r's Lung Restorer is no new r m „<ly, tiut the discovert* would not offer it .or salo until satisfied it w uld cure the diseases lie claimed to curt. A iranilr.g! All who Imve eorsumption or bmiirlutts who (nil to tsko liiearar* Lung Ui-slorir. me in d.ingrr of losing tlielr lire* at any time, Huy a Lottie ami novo your life. Hunt'* Loinon Tonic i* offered to the pul.lie lo supply a pressing need* vir.: a r >-njoil,v which Will 111 a i- a certain cure ■ivory time if inken according to direc tion. liriWir'* I.imp Restorer lias never till ed lo give perfect anil entire amistHCtion in every instance. Don't fail to iry it. Take Hueliii and .Inuipcr tor *ll kidney and urinary diaordera. It is tin- most tellable medicine of tile kind manufact ured, 1 Volte aju-nkera should use Brewora Lung reslorer. BREWER-8 LUNG RESTORER ! Having snflererl greatly for aliout 1! rears from aevere throat and lung Direc - tion l waa mtviiK'd liy Mr* l’rof Boznr lo iry Brewer's Lung Restorer. Not having any faith in patent medicine* I waa rt* Inclant to giro it a trial, lint finally yield ing to persimmon I purchased a half doz en liott <s, and after a fair trial I lake plmaura m declining that l haye been womloriullv henegted, and nr*>nouncc Brewer a Lung It. storet a blessing io these afScted With throat and lung at fetiona. For months during my a Act lon I was nnab io to tie down to real; my breathing was so difficult tbnl a constant wheezing noise could be hesrd scross llie room.slid my riends wire coneeriied for my life All ho sleep obtained dining me lime, m eessarily broken and uns,ti-factory, was in a silting post ire, bin now I esn re line with ease, and iny resjw-c is nnt iirnl and pleasant. Miss Kaii. K. Durant, Talhotton, Go. Messrs Laiunr, Rankiu ,t Lanmr - Gents: Will you allow ine to tell you something in regard to your Brewir s Lung Iteatorer ! The lot yon ahi]>pe,l m souse time .-.go has been c>u my slielf >ince i Ilf it ..riiTsl, uittij s few days go, when Ihc following eircumslanc-a occur rvd. Mrs Jaiiita (’olenian, while on * riatt to her mother, Mis Conner, was taken yery ill and thought she would die with a cag* of bronchitis And consumption of long standing. There was no physician to lie had, tba nearest poiuls being Dublin and Mt Yeinon. both b ut twenty miles ilm tant. They sent over to the store for mou tiling that would give relief, l gave them a bottle oi Brower's Lung Restorer and t"hl them that it it did no good they need not pay for it. The result was that in ft fly six hours she was able to go home, about Iwenty-one mile*- ud 1 have sold several bottles to- day to pat ties wbo ki.o*v of tlila clreurasianee. Mr A H McGrem inon bouplit a bottl and found aliup-i iu atnnl relief. The sale of your medicine ia assured in ’.his section as 1 shad here after warrant it to f ure Youra truly. Rev G U Rstchkoko, Lothair. Ga. BRONCHITIS CURED Messrs Lamnr, Rankin A Lauiar—Gen tleman; My little girl. 8 year* oltl, hna been tor some time troubled with a sever* cough which physician* pronounced bronohitin. She niejit but little, cough ing the entire night, and we had to get up very otten to help her out- the cough vrus no severe. At Tour solicitation I bought a bottle of Brewer’s Lung Re. store*, and she began to improve %t once and has been sleeping nicely ever since, and I firmly believe wv will os perman ently cured, Ia as veay much Irightan ed at her condition not long siuce.but am now rejoicing at her rcoovt-ry. Yours truly, Geo F. Wixo. HEMORRH \GES SI OPFED. It gives me great pleasure to certify to the merits of Drawer's Lung Restorer, as i l bnve nied it and found it all you repre sented it to be. My lungs were affected jto some extent* and 1 had a hacking i cough, often spitting up *biood. which at times would amount to a l became very much frightened at my condition. I bought several bottles of the Brewers Lung Rs*oier, and have l***n I entirely cured by its use. aud fool nabs I fled that this medicine will prove a great | blessiug to the people. It you would in | troduce it int the Northern States it | would mk vour lor tunes. Tours ru y. Hinri WonTKM. Lamar, Ranking Lamar, my96m MACON AND ATLANTA. $— A A 'VT'.KK si? , il.y ,t noiue *am • “It tu *l< . AS. ily Oo’fit frr. AU vtrvfs Tuu* A Cos., August., M iiuc. REGISTER ARP STANDARD. O. lb. GORMAN, f.nrroE. J B. GORMAN, CohmwonmnoEditc s. I'n.lbotton* G-n., TUESDAY.. MAROH C, If*! | Official Organ of Talbot County. AgrielUtural Convention Talks. BROWN ON' EXPERIMENTS. Professor W. Ixßoy Hr own, presi dent of the State Agricultural college of Alabama, spoke next, on “Experi mental Stations." Georgia, the home of my adoption, was recognized a? a "leader in intelligent development and substantial progress. Agriculture was an art—the sciences applied. In Ag riculture a knowledge of chemistry in relation to the life and growth of plants; physics, mechanics, botany, metreology, etc., was necessary. The elements of science could lie taught in agricultural colleges but they could not teach agriculture as an art. Sci ence is positive, definite knowledge. Science has established for agriculture an important law that phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash was essential to plant growth. It was the free gift of science to humanity ; scientific agri culture was yet in its infancy. We must first teach the principles of sci ence before teaching their application. The establishing of agricultural experi mental stations was a necessity. They deal with the principles tl at underlie the production of crops, the produc tion of crops, the life of plants, etc. We cannot rely upon experiments made in Europe or in other states. We must make them in our own 'lTie most successful farmers and the best agriculturists resided in Georgia. Oth er states had copied our railroad com missioners and agricultural department I art us lie the first to establish cxjieri mental stations, where not what is known will he disseminated, but what is known will tie discovered. ItkV W H I'OTTKU ON INdUEASE. Perhaps llie most thoughtful j>a_ per waa oi: by Bov W H I’otter, oil "Proceed* mid net increase of the f*rm: What to do with them,* 1 When ho lolil a delegate lh<t lie was *o address them on “llow lo get rich** iho man replied: This la tli* way we long Imv - sought And moarned btemat we tound it not. Ho illustrated his tiows on Pro ceeds and net ii,-crease by taking an aero in Luconto penrs. Value <>f land, S2O; Irens, $25; cost s4)l. Nature added to this every year. Iu seven years the yabio would he SSOO. Deduct tlio $45, and you would have a net balance of $455, or an average of SOS per annum- Ho then alluded to the imporsut part played • n the renovation of (he earth Iry the despised earth worm. They were the digestive or gans of the soil. When land is denuded of vegetation the earth worm is forced to descend far down in search of moisture; the farmer is compelled to be ot ths worm food for his plants. Shade your laud. The worms love shade as well as you. Take threo green chestnut logs and let them lay ou a buro space for sixteen months. Take them away and yon will Bud worms undor nest iin abundance. That space will double lho yield of detindod land. The nroducingpower of lacd is 25 per emt of its value. NOT AhTOOKTHKK COHHKCT. We notice that some of our exchan ges attribute the low figures at which cotton has ruled the present season to overproduction, and the thriftless condition of farmers, as aclassto unre nuinerative prices. Neither of these statements arc strictly in accordance with the facts. The world never has, and never will l>c glutted withj cotton. Texas alone, is capable of producing as much cotton as is now harvested in the South. Children are now bom and many of them old enough to own real estate who will live to see ten millions tales of cotton gathered from southern fields, and at the same time there will lie presented a ready mar ket for all of it. Prices will of course fluctuate as has always been the case with this and other commodities or articles of merchandise, but the con tinually opening up of new markets in portions of the world hitherto unex plored by our manufacturing and com mercial communities, will secure a de mand which we may never hope to fully satisfy, and that, too, at prices which should lie remunerative. The trouble with those of our plant ing friends who are not prosperous, is to be found in the fact that they pay too mnch interest on the capital they usej They do so too without ascer taining the exact percentage charged. For instance, if a farmer borrows mon ey the first of March at eight per cent to he paid the first of October he re ally pays it at the rate of nearly four teen per cent per annum. Or if he buys his supplies at the same time on credit he can scarcely expect less than fifty per cent to be added for the ac commodation, and should he discharge the obligation by October first, hereal ly pays at the rate of nearly eighty-six per cent a year. Sup[>ose again, that a fanner secures supplies the first of July to he pawl the first of Octobrr at an advance oftwen- ty fit e per cent he really pays a ra e of interest which amounts to one h tn dred per cent a year. Is it strange that raising cotton with borrowed capi tal, it matters not whether it comes in actual cash or supplies, at such rates fails to pay? There is little doubt but that the business of raising cotton will bear as heavy a tax as any other legiti mate industry, but there is not an en terprise on the face of the earth that could prosper under such stupendous drainage, and none but that of cotton culture could live at all. The alxave from the Columbus Times is eminently correct. The far mers are solving this matter to their own interest and satisfaction by bor rowing their money ofO. II- Gorman, Talbotton, who is letting out money at much lower rates than can be had elsewhere. Personal .Intelligence. Twenty-four London miii.onuires died last year without taking away a cent of their accuwuMiotis- The real glove figt occurs when a woman tries to put a So. 9 glove on a No. 7 hand.—Boston Com mercial Bulletin. Ismail, the ex khodive it going to live in England, lie has pur chased Caea Towers. Highgate, a luxurious mausion with twelve acres ol ground, tor $450,000, It is estimated that ■•> fewer th n 4,00 women are annually caught sealing from l'u,ts counters, ami the number ol titled ladies seized with kleptomania while examining the fashions is uhuost incredible. A London photographer fays that the pi ice paid for a negative representing the prince ol Wales iu Masonic dress, namely, one hun dred and eighty pounds, i the highest sum yet given iu that city for a single negative. bcatiful girl presented by Governor Hampton at the last pres- Mcnttid reception was tint .Stone. ..all Jackson’s daughter, as many supposed, but Miss Anna Keitt, of .Soiiih Carolina, the rvignlug beile and beauty of the Gov#nor‘s own state. Mis* Keitt is a blonde beau ty of perfect classical type. On the übove occasion she was attired iu white satin ami point lace, and ex cited great admiration. See notice ot Mr John E Moyer in ruteruuue to root note, Messr* Jenkins ii Jones in our day last xveek, sold 40 tons of Pa cific Gu mo. Cash and Credit. The Waytiesb no Herald contains ills following: *Wo have ree ivod a copy of the supplemental report ot the Department <-f Agriculture for 1882. The yield ii the v iiotis field crops was con-i hrub y larger lor 1882 than m 1881. Tlio'- c*t ine'eui-ts iin cotton. The on j bad featuru u iu the and cre .su lit home raised pork. The cisti aud credit sys-c-m is reduced to figure* and look* t*rthug, Tue per cent per annum L.r g ods ou nine i. given as follows: North Georgia, 51,4; Middle Georgia, 41). 4; South west Georgia, 55.4, £ i-t Georgia, 4G.2; Southeast Georgia, 32.8, general average, 51.0, Tue entire history ol uapruflt tble tanning is cou ainwl in these figures. Mr W W Geoger, an Kflinghani county farmer, has eighteen children, a wife ami mother in his family, and says he uas never bought e poune of meat or a Bushel of corn in twenty year*. The whale family ot tweniy one live together in his home, and they are a 1 as happy as industry, thrift and cheerfulness can make them. Valuable Town Property. I offer for -sale the Cl*Ux tue Hotel Property, *;t noted on Ibe south*, west cor ner rf the Puolic Square of the town of Talhotton. The hotel betiding has 17 commodious rooms, In iu good condition. Piece ha* fineganleu spot, $ ncr*. a goo well of water, good kitchen, sttble and barn in stable. Will be old at private aue. Wiit Im sold Ist Tuesday ia Janu ary at public wile. For further information apply to 0 D Gorman. Talbottou, or ootKu J C„ on W D laßnn asd. Market Quotations CorrecteJ Weekly by WILKEIiSON. HATCHER & ESiES. Bulk Sides 10! Bulk Strips 10 Bicun Shoulders 9 Ca u vossed Runs 16^ Patent Flour SB.OO to $S.?5‘ Fancy Flour $5 50 Family Flour $0 75 Meal 80. Cotton Quotations. The market is quiet with small enquiry. We quote Tu!lm>Uou prices, as follows: Good Middling .0 Middling Low Middling 8j “Rough on Rats.” Clears out r its, mice, roaches, flies ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, go~ pbers. 15c. Druggists. Mcßride Cos., are sole owneisof the Gate City SSocewater Filter, Cherry** Steam Evaporator and General Agents lor Limbeth a Iu proved Flv Fans for the | V S. Agents w.nted in every Stale and | county iu the world. uugfl a week ir. your*wn town, T rms \** jiIALLEx k Cos, IVnlau 1 Mun. maiU Take notice! All i'rr*itß i..dcblcd to J B CJom an for I„nil.or lx,i..'ht lias y*s.r, and payable tbi- Mil, nil 'rill! their sconnt* ready a t! is office lift, rt'e l-,t day of December, Collie lip genii, men promptly, nudsc-t.- t)e, we have got •ur debts to pay with tins money. A DOCTOR'S TROUBLES, | Mj i' 2fj#lker-“Tn did lo tbftt tn:a iMAColddnirpnigM." tints 2hUr-“ I <*sl, wtd *r nr* ps'ivr? }.. tvniGtt. !~*r*h G'i?a suffirv-il m f-.a a*tuu vi./ , t,lft * g>f*. that Which rel;***- ii <*f , . ziother ‘' Smi.-.-ni.-' ! liido co such tute-, 1.. t wftjl A* f*i.r ifort*r.*' , , , L.- r freer** in s>f " J a jAUg llllffr ft’iU po'Ji'T tlf* lf- ! * Ulii-ij i/I CtU-* cue, bc4-J-.-3 sDftktßgda*iy Mother Docicr, u H aud what in h*T t Doctor—“ Yen, madam, ha ia tJangcronnit u!. T.t rentrrtilar .and anricsilltr f trec* u* ac in cnL-:- libriaa*, tbtra t* an lueses ccßrtp<*tal action about liie eernhrum an t metiulla nh.ongatA, tho nortal drcoiaiiou rawrlllalrt, eu*pended Natur® rvfnn hffitati.njr. sad i—*' Mother - ■ -■'top, tor haaren’a aai® stop and go tz> work at one*.” Doctor ~ rni do a!1 T ccn.*’ Mother, •‘tier two we*. 3 haw# wTrircd— >• Laufflitwr. oar Uwttif atsail hr dijteardcd M one#. Two trrfkff Rti ino rclrof. I will procur# th*.: which you dwffirt -<1 at firet.” .... Daughter, alow ton# —“I am g!id. and t u-t It the Otoly tiAiugifcat Will restore c.fe to iu'al’.b.'* Mother-" Gi t ous of n*y boud*, yoa old boa* imaphtc f*~“ r-Mh#r, won •## how rap- Idlw I b#‘r iutprofed Wstif-e ilisffhsriMhK * our Doctor ’ and I cotnnrffiic- l tit* ua* of toat w) ;#n I an ranch u##dc*l. Th# effect has h##u wool wondtrful. oo# te lt#ri'<J j rn has,l, enr*-d tlifc cr nttipotion. v-!ni# th# other irwpaMfd airctipib, ctlac lo ti; help ot Nature aad me <#* i T~E CAKyr.SSION. Mother " '>ry true, end I holier# ther hato Miyfl lutir hfo. I MOW Ouii/m* th-vt f,r. Lrt-f. ffoa.K- a KD7U.>nFeina]eßHt#7*b‘iw pm,', vot.iitrfui ii r..:0 medicine end Iron tome I #v*r ketw, au>l lhav ftmlM’s ri#l.n Ajt#rK*ut t* pl#ft*a!it at ! f>r he'dach#, co.-f-itpiktton. c J at- •• t>n ., frltouaß#s etc." 1 -vr<■ •iy MfV.cai A > -1 fr#. Addrras J. P. DrorngocU & Cos., I.lurt Uia. Ky. fi-l/i? 12m. TIT J O T7 1 peopU: ar<’ always on the VV J i3Xj tor eh ■:<•* to incxear.e iheir earning*, and m time become weal thy; those who do not improve tfieir op* po tunities remain in poverty. We off r a jrrent chance to make mon y. Wo want mny men, \r >ncn. boja and girls to work f r us in Uieir own 1 Any one enn do the work properly t om the flint start* Tuc Untunes* will ray more than ten times ordinary v ng a. Ex pensive outfit furnished hue. No one who engages in lids business b*.ds to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments, Full inforin t'on and all tbitt iv ni'eded sem free. Address, Stinson Cos . Port* a ml. Maine. TUTTS WtBKMBtBSSB^eSasSI CYMpVoJIb OF A TORPID LIVER. Jjo&h of Appetite. Bowels costive. Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation In the ; bark part, Patn under the Shoulder blade, nil mess often* eating, with a disin j cbnation to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper* Itcw spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness* Uisaioena, Fluttering at the Heart, Data before the eyes. Yellow Skin, gcadache generally over the right eye, csMesanese, with fitful and* tarns, highly oclored Urine, and CONSTi^ATIOSM. TTTTT’S PlLLSßroespecialiy adapted to suc h oift* (lose choots such a <-haog of foolhicr os to natottlfih the irafferer, ihoy fh< Apvt I te, end trail** the ; body to Tnke oa Flc*o. t!ts the system is nouHshesl. and by tl(*ir Yonle Arilon on the ■HfvllT Ortrams, Besalttr Si*>ol mp pro j duced. Price 35 cents. 33 Wormy Jit., N. Y. Tlin’S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskkbs changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of tills Dyr. It Im parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of SI OrriCE, 33 MI'RRAT ST.. MEW YORK. (Dr. TTTTB RASCAL •f Valubl* Urnntt** C**fiil U 1 U 4 (UK n wlicaUoaJ e 27 lm. PARKER'S HAXRBALSAM. c -contain* matc.rials only that are beneficial Rtttore* the toothfulCclor to Crey cr Fated Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prev ent facing of the hair and to re dandruff and itdaug. H:scox &Cos . N.Y. SOe. M>i |1 dm, at daPr* tfl 4mgt and melwin**. PAMKER’S GINGERTONIC A Suptrlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you art a mechanic or farmer, worn out with •Vwvrork. or a mother nm down by family or house hold duties try Parker's Gtnger T • nc. If yott are a lawyer, minister or business man ex- by mental strain or anxious cares, da not take latoxicatjn g ■hmulam*, but tts* Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma ism. Kidney Complaints, or any eisorder of the lung*, stomach, bowels, blood or nerve*. Pa kkbr’s Ginger Tonic will cure you. It b the Greatest Blood Purifier A*d the Best and Siresl Covgh Cure Ever Ussik If you are wastintr away from age, dissipation or any disca%e or weakness and reoui;e a stimulant take Clvgf.r Tonic at once; it will invigorate and build ▼o*l up from the fust dose but will never intaxlcate. It ha* saved hundreds of lives; it m.-*y save years! CAUTION Refu-e *l} mtatitalM. PsAfr'i GinerrTeak i* th* Uxt agents ‘n theworU,3J bcntinly fr*m prv e f purer al xie. Smd £ordreabr to iUoox k Cos., N. Y. Siv. k |i *sa, at oia dm REAT SATING ECTING DOLLAR SIZE. floreston Its rich and lasUng frngmnce hrs niadi this cdschtful perfume exceevu gly papu*ar. There Is Bot h! up like it. Insist urn having Flokes- Tow CoLooKK and look for signature at' csLe4zcx S^-"£2v on rverr VtQe. Aey Onipna cr & r^riarx-7 cm *cpfly rm. tS and revt nrtv * 7 -ARGE SAVING PITVINr. tSe. ?!7V Rllfit The Ladies Want It. That charming line, absolutely a new arrival, of Ladies Fine Em broideries, in ail stvie- ami widths ceil df. r. Cail ai Spain it Persons before it is all guae. DEALERIN 9 Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Bridles and Whips. Gunby’s Building - - Columbus, Ga' GET THE BEST \ BEHNINQ 1 FISCHER fS | m Off 11 I e tehc,l riMHU; m mm ' E. P. CARPENTER 1M B. SHONIN6ER UhIOIMbPI WT Low for cash or on ©asy monthly payments. •JTBaeond-hanri Pianos and Organs bought and ■Old. Toning and Repairing Carefully done. PHILLIPS & CREW, Wareroom 6, 8 and JO Marietta Street, n039-4m AtlnuUi, Ucsrgia. [ From the Christian Index.] Phillips & Crew, of Atlanta, rank among the leading houses of the South in their par ticular line of business. Their pianos, or gans and musicallnstruruents of every kind, are purchased from the most celebrated manufacturers and are of the best and most durable material. They keep also, the rarest gems in music, and every style of books and I stationary. General Buano Agency. S-JEKTZ-S-IKrS fc JOINTES Talbotton " Ga. We Keep Constantly on hand, large supplies of, Pacific, Gl'crs, Pine Island, German Kanit, and Pacific Compound Acid. o All ;ln übove nn to the nsntl Htantldnl o! tic Hence, and delivered from wore Jiouhc nt Talbotton It R Deuot J heseguosaa nr c sok: for 450 pottuds of c tton. payable Oct 15th next. JENKINS & JONES, Agents at TALBOTTON, Office at T N Beall’s Store- janlG 3m. NEW HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, LACES & WHITE HOODS. Over 300 of the above in new and elegant de signs, received the past week, and marked down low to sell them. JAS. E. CARGILL. CORSETS! CORSETS! CORSETS!! Ir.m now offering the best 50c, 75c, SIOO and §1.25 CORSET ever sold in Columbus, and call attention to them as special goods at a special price. Also a 1-irge line of ex tra size Corsets, which I am offering low to close them out. J E CARGILL. ANOTHER cf that good 4-4 Blea'hed Homespun at 10c, which has given such universal satisfaction. Cail and get a bolt. JE CARGILL. HOUSE-FURNISIIING G OODS. As the season is near at hand to look after goods in this line, housekeepers are invited to examine my stcck of White raid Colored Table Damasks, Napkins. Doilies, Tow els and Toweling, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Sheetings Pillow Casings. Conterpanes, Lace Curtains etc. We can please you tub 2012 m. JAS E CARGILL “ UP-TOWN- Furniture Store, Nos. 4<& 6 Bread Street East Side, Columbus, - - Ga. Cottage Furniture & Bed Room Suits; Also, a lull lime of BURIAL C'.SES. I buy tbeeu* Goods from first hands for cash, and nil diacount*, nnd I will not be underbid iu this market. I am Mole Proprietor aud Manufacturer of the celebrated TWIN BED SPRING, "Inch was heretofore naDu f actnred and sold by Es? e & Scott. I bar a rt due- and the price so ns to put thi in in reach of all. I also keep a full stock of Mattresses oi all sorts* Mattieases made to order at sknri notice. H A Gibson. Aerent. fe1,20 12m. ** PEARCE dks CO., Successors to PEARCE & BfNFORD, WHOLESALE GROCERS <£ DEALERS IN General Merchandise, OOH.TT3VEBXTIS - GA. Our >tocn o! GrtK enta 1 irgc no complct -, which we offer at bottom puc#-. We opened new Dtq>arlrnect np-Etaiis over our Gocery where we keep everything thit buy, that cant be torn,d in the grocery department, such as all kinds of Domestic Dry floods and Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats- Caps. etc. JEK LRE. All shaver Huanand Bridie *, all kiuds Flanters Tools. Table nu<l P..cket Cntlen\ C'rockery Ware Ac. We would be pleased to have the Planters of Talbol *vd surround ng counties to caii and examine our stock. 'Ve can fill your bill for anyiliiug you want lor plantation p rpop nt bottom prices, e ither. For Cash or on Time! Those of our customers who own ns for list year will please settle, or we will be forced to tonPnotev over to aa attciaey for collection. Pearce & Cos. F< b2O . REMOVAL! T. W. TURNER, Asrent, has removed liis stock of fit & FAIILJ GROCERIES To store room Ft tbe SIJ Gorman B!*ck, nex* to added to h s well st?ecfcj titock A Groc rie-, full lins of Ciioice Liquors, Wines. Tobacco and Cigars^ A’so Pool rind B llhr 'tn c firost apj r- vect patterns. He gt a *nLes a> • v ’ prices tor best goods as miy iioose in the city. I wLIU .I