The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 13, 1883, Image 2

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wr;Ofe c. htwatt? Wholesale and Retail Grocers, COLUMBUS, - - GEORGIA. ,b* iiltfoilnt! pi .hr PiiWsrlr <> tt ■ nd Ptenl.Un t* SW4. TW *rt. * Ott- b.* m lrt t? >Wi Kr :.n**. Ov*t -r* •••<• *< ••- a, Frt; S “JSiV ini* Buck w. slt-aMire*. A•. <.focc. Ml*. SV4 w-11 *clet t?d lot of c 1..- , J^,dMl“s *B#ggi w.lfeh *■'-*“*• MMUljr M* >'■ ' tO- m. As-nt- tn, *• ThwdJul for ,*v pt b,™ V "* ltc ,ve ' a ’ ’*•*' " w,* i nee* „ iiMTimir - 1 8 W. meMICHAEL, S - J * WYK Y McMicliacl & Wynn, 153 Bsoad St Columbus, • - * Georgia- DBALI-aJSt IN Groceries, 3 apl. Dry Goods, Baggh*. * Bacou. Lard, Flour, Meal, Coffee, Sugar.lßlfie. Tcbaccoo, Tine LiatroKS,; AND family sullies generally. ju IKI 12m. t 1_„ „ The Best Goodsforthe Least’Money £ <3jf _ , ,► 4l for cash 1 WILL KELL YOUR Groceries and Provisions B LOW-Ahat you will never buy on Credit Again. Call on me and I will convince you how much you can save by buying for CASH, I have a Isu go stock of MEAT, CORN, FLOUR. SUGAR. SYRUP. TOBACCO, FISF, fco-. &c J. H. HAMILTON, THE Uf-TOWX GROCER, COLUMBUS. " WHY Should I Fay Othor Cloth era $25.00 FOR MY FALL St JIT. W'UOH l Cun Bay the Same Article for Ami get* Belter Fit than 1 Ever-Mud in My Life,? , GrBIXrTIjBMESIV Katarally lit this qne*tiun alien ciemiu; our a!<.. .f FINE NOBBY SUITS, Ma t" o< th most atytWh aotxWent this s> naoft, urn* rnadc to fit s ptrtrcßt s i o eible to #1 the buui.n torta. Couio amt look at tints. H. J. THORNTON, Southern Clothier, 83 & 85 Broad St-, Columbus Ga Wedding out Fi- aspkci.vdty, phi?; JpjsjJ^SSsr. tf**t Su irr'ii pr,t\%r*iiou / J *'* b*vf tvicd io*s a/our tnoi 9iu.uoot rbytifeci&r.s, h-' o > tci<*4 |o UJißtirt Mvi laWfJ; /<-. -to".'uTiltei3Z<y?\ ICoal MwIAM/rjk/wi ;<mctoi t >jww>rfftiyai tJ C^-£s^^sßStSvSi "'■ the L. 4 ,AKV-fc Ift&HClttE CO.. 213 . UAUi ST.. SI. Ut* ffc '2m. illE KEOISTEJt AXD STANDARD, TALBOTTOK. TALBOT COUNTY UEOItOTA. MARCH I9 18SS |s&t% i ift- , iitfli** tdCg, Wtfc > ndL^Lori ttf ao ol bii,u, tak* Bfv* c* ’m IpnugflL r -To Nw**s chifiw a*4 t ver t’.fc* n wwr f M*.y Me YHtfs, lo loarf by litttit** Ltui>n ionic. Tiicse a re beii* . xt iU*i4 feUi*4i . Brewer n L o ,,g to-aforer earn, can *abt{ t-ut. laoncbili* anti *ll tbnt aid turf ritw.-M*. Ikwt forirt .he nem.- ftrew.r'a Laiik it,*, nr. liermawetui it toytrttr ftieutii Ibltttfn** ISaMfoanit Fluid Extract or Bn,-bn and Juniper. E-i>, <i illr lor <lif -J** of ihe hulaiya. L huh for. v-riay or- -i ui-rr u.uu Jt voo ilonht whil i sni 1 of Brewer*,, fj,,K lie t.)r,-r !U-k *omi .. oim- Woo ha-, ir e J it. It U nconuntuJ <1 l.y plijudciaua. I3ef"lly VrrinifiJec u.l t .ntrnf City Worm R.,udy t r <-ii.ll;uk •".in arc |,ar freiitroec. Uita iicui a trial and he iiurtne* and. Oravmano, wire throat an 1 bonehit-.a rr ajifidily aud pcrouincatiy cured by Brcwei'it Luri# Ileatorcr. To cine chill* nn.i turcr (icnuanertly. oas 11 aii'w fo moa 'I onic. Prsee. $1 00 jar bottle. Yon could not tonsil,'r in ,c*t you r cio< ey to better sovanta ie. If von enunot buy Brevrerw Lung lte siorer io yonr own town. i c!oe t e mo aev t” Lun ar. Rankin A lyinmi. Macon, tin , and they will forward it to yont ad dress Price, #I.OO. Central City Worm Can ly is perfect')' harinfosM. but it effectu llv ea‘.ii|>.itea ih worm from the human body. Alt ino;h i-a st oald keep it II yon hoveoonsnnip.ion, or think you hare, i-eoado tt* or your dealer at once for t b< ttfe of Brewer * Lung Btstorer. nd b enre I. The r! ktoni'liir. l r K.cee-a vhi eh has nt ,ended l!i>. nse of Oslo dity Vuroiifng • in many families, indue s u* lo recommend it or ex) eHiug norms. Notion this ands oif we are nit right. A neiglilair boys a bottle of itrcwei'.i lt>-lorn mid in Use* than two weeks all I is .leighl'Ors will li.ive a tail tie. I'nnhin‘s Bnehu and .lim'oer cures illa btlea. K.ight'sdise.ise. psiufill uritiadtiig, ie|Wiin in tl, : nrmc, |in in llie buck, •mlby and sctinrges. etc. Miolsti rs and 1 nbiic speok' rs slionld carry ab, tile of Brewers Lung fcealboo around. It prevenlaami cures h arsc mss. Try it. Take bnehu and Jumper for ol lidncy j ml urine disorders. It it ie the most r - liable m, dioitv of ilic hiud luiinufactur, and dive it a trial. We Wind ven to laliero whnt is ssid about hr, uers Lung lUstorcr. a it is Hie Irnlh. When you try it then you c u help talk it op. Hnnl -s Leo-on Tunic, a safe and reliable reinedt'for chill* chill* and lever, inter arittem'ieveri fi-ver and nyiie dumb ague and kindred disease*. K Bcm-e nt *atr.t.;ca Uingi-r i t | rewrib ■sl tie all physician* for pain tn th < trow e!. dl-rfi U-s* colt era up. elc.> and none ha* a greater reputation than Isiiaar, Bank m ic Lamar's. Brewer** Lawi Ilwtoter no now rtn ‘•fly, tiut the diwovort-M would t.oi ffer it or Hitle until studied it w uld due the tiiwmhON he d.drocd to curl, A warning! Ail who linvc cm Kmnnlj/m or bronchitis who lad (< lake Biewer* Lui lU*torcr, ac iu d.'-ngeY of losing theiv UrcMftt imy tln.v, Huy a Bottle and save your lifo. Hunt h heuion Tonic Im off. rc<l to the public to Mtppiy n pristting nod. viz: a rt fnffly whicii will tun e a ccvtdi. cur >very tiu*e if taken Recording to dircc lion. Brewer's Lung Restorer hit* never fill ed to tive perfect mid entire miiinlaction In every liiHiance, I)on‘t fail to try it Take Itacttn and Juniper tor a I MhlneJ and nriimr.y disorder**. it is th moat tellable medicine of the kind manttfacU ured. Public speakers fehould use Brewers Lnng realorer. BREWER'S LUNG RESTORER ! Having suflored greatly for about II yearn from severe lino it and lung nffee iloa I was *tivised bv Mm Prof Uoxnrto try Brewer** Long Restorer. Not hiving au,V faith Ip patent ma iioinea l was r * InctAiit to give it a, but finally yield ing to persimmon I purchased a hall doz en bolt'**, lid after a fair trial I take pleasure in declining that 1 have been wouderlullv benefited, and pronounce Brewers Lung Umtorei a blessing to those alfieted with throat and lung at feet ion a. For month* during my aftiMion I was ttnnb le to lie down to r*L my hro u thing wan to difficult that a oonstAUt wheezing noj#c could he heard werom the room,and my riend* w. ra concerin and f*'r my life All he sleep obtained during the time, m ccsMirlly broken and uuHatUfttetory, was In a hitting pout ire, but now 1 esn re line with ease, uud my respo..e is nat ural and pleaftftf t BikmKaik E. Do/.ieh, Talbotton, On. Messrs Lamar, Rankin fc Lnmar • Gents; Will you allow me to tell you something in regard to your llrewirs Lung Restorer ? The lot you shipped me some time .-.go lias t on on my shelf s-itice their arrival, until a few days ago, when the following circumstances occur red. Mrs James Coleman, while on a visit to her mother, Mrs Conner, was taken very ill and thought she would die with a case of bronchitis kid consumption of long standing. There was no physician to be hod, the nt ftrest points being Dublin and Mt. Veinon, both sb* nt twenty miles dis :aut. They sent over to the store for eom> thing that would give relief. I gave them a bottle ol Brower** Lung Restorer and told them that it it did no good they need not pay for it- The result was that in fifty six hours sdie was able to go home, about*twenty-one miles aud l have sold s* Vi rol bottles to-day to patties who kt.o v of tbiii circuina'ftnet?. Mr A II MoCrem* nun bought a bottle and found alrao-t in stant relief. The sale of your medicine is assured in this fraction us l shall here after warrant it to cure Youm truly. Rev G H lUtchkoro, Lothair, Ga. BRONCHITIS CURED Messrs Lnmar, Rankin .1 Lamar— Gen Uetneti; My h<He girl. 8 years oW* ban been tor some time troubled with a saver* cough which physicians pronounced bronchitis. She slept but little, couph j in# tfto eutiro iiijiht* sod we had to get j up eery ottu to help her out* the cough | was so sc'ore. At vour solicitation 1 boug • t a bottle of Brewet’* Lung He. 'store*-, and she began to Improve at once | nnd has been keeping nicely ever since, and I firmly believe an* wilt t>s perman ently cured. I *as vwy mttch friph toll ed at her condition uot long sincedmt am now rejoicing at her recovery. Youis truly, Gno F. Wixa. HEMORRH VGKB St OPFED. It gives me great pleasure to certify to the merits of Br.wcr*s Lung Restorer. ns 1 have mod it and found it ail yott repre sanded it to be. Mjr lungs were affected to some extent, and 1 had n hacking cough, often spitting up *t>lood. which ai times would amount to a liemprrhftgeaad I bezant very inneli frightened at m} condition. I bought several bottles of C; J*rewet's Lung KesUuer. ai.d have been entirely cured by its us**, nod feel satis fitHi that this medicine will prove a great bh sing to the people. Il yon would iu irodnee it into the Northern States it wouui ra*h yoar fortunes. Yours ru:y, Uinst Wootxji. Lamar. Ran kin & Lamar. may96m MACON AS!) ATLANTA. $— k) A WEKJUS!S a .'.j at houie cM • w-dc. Cu'tty Go-fit free. ,-td drt*s Tecs 4 Cos.. AugusU, Maine. SIGISTEB AH STAMM. 0. D. fiOSSIAN, feraxoß. J B. GOBJlAli.L'ocuE'iimciJicEoir'n. Talbotton, On., ITESDAY MABtlli 13, '.883. "" ■■'- ' - • Official Organ of Talbot County, fuM tti IS LK*AI Uiti 1 1, ei r.X'Lssfo.y. >v liik thin is a question of intimate concern to the people of the state, it should not assume such importance as to occasion the re-opening ol |>o iiticai differences and a rcvhal of the feelings incident to a bitter contest for the place, fortunately for Geor gia she has within her borders several scores of men who would discharge the duties of the important Dust with zeal and distinguished ability. With these to select from it should not be a diffi cult matter for the convention, to as semble April io'h, to select a suitable standad 1 rearer. The names of acting—Governor J. S. Boynton, Judge Simmons, A. O. Bacon, Jas. H. Blount, Judge M. J. Crawford, Gen. Phil. Cook, and oth ers not less worthy, have been suggest ed forthc race, but pulic sentiment has not yet chrystalized into any decided choice. It is a fact well known to the peo ple of Georgia that in the last guberna torial race Hon. A. O. Bacon, of Ma con, contested the honors closely with the late Governor Stephens. No one can question for a moment Mr. Ba con’s fitness for the position. He is honest, has had long ex|erience in public affairs, has a thorough knowl edge of statecraft, is an eminent lawyer, belongs to the young and progressive order of Georgia’s representative men, and has every capability to discharge the responsible duties of the position. Mr. Bacon has, also, the confidence anti esteem of the people of Georgia, is a long-tried and proven Democrat, is a gentleman of sterling integrity anti mental graq>, and would reflect hon or upon the progressive state of Geor gia fry his fearless zeal and ability in executing her laws, and still further lifting her into a higher and broader national reputation as a progressive ami enterprising commonwealth. Cnth mission and Omission. J,et us give the forty-seventh con gress credit jor the little good it did flo. It ilid pass the civil service bill, the Japanese indemnity bill, the two cent postage and money ortlcr reduc tion proposition*, the bill to repay Georgia about $30,000 advanced fot the common defense in 1777, and the bill to encourage a world’s cotton ex position in 1884. Among the bills killed should be mentioned the liquor traffic commis sion measure, the bill to provide for a navy, tc admit the state of Washing ton, the Hennipin canal bill; the bills relating to inter-state commerce and commissions on agriculture and immi gration ; the bills to prevent political assessments, to aid in the support of common schools, to grant j>en iio..s to the survivors of the Mexican and In diun wars ; the bonded whi ky bill, the presidential succession bill, the bill (or the relief cf Fit/. John I’ortei, the inter-oceanic ship railway charter ; the bills to raise the agricultural bu reau to a department, to establish a bureau of annual industry, to admit 1 lakota to the union of s'atcs, to form a government fot Alaska, to relieve the supreme court, to suppress the opium traffic between the United States anti China, the shipping bill, the river and harbor bill, to place General Grant on the retired lit, and the bill to consti tute the wife a competent witness against her husband in prosecutions for polygamy, The last bill that be came a law relates to the United States courts in Texas. The shipping bill reached the house In time to be pass ed, pitta deadlock over the South Car olina election case deternined its fate. Convention Called- MEETING OF THE HEMOCUATIC EXECU TIVE COMMITTEE. Special to Telegraph, Atlxntaj March 8. —Tbo Demo cratic Executive Committee met to night, in accordance with the call for same, and passed tha following resolutions: First, that a convention be called to meet in Atlauta April 10th, at noon. Second, (hat each oounty bo al lowed double the number of votes it now has members in tha house of Representatives. Third, that delegate!* be selected ender the direction of the eonnfy executive committees. Fourth, a regolution regretting the death of Hon Alexander H Ste phens. Fif.h, that each county be re* <!>•> ed to select alternates and pass resoluti< us at-king tue state convection not to admit delegates unless regularly selected, and that •to person uot a citizen of the coun ty hw claims to represent a* all be eligible to the < fflej of delicate, Committi e sdjurind to AprilOth. There will soon be three cotton seed oil mills in and around Cneraw, South Carolina. Georgia Gold' IHE WORK OF THE MINISG OOUFASW. . OF -JO'ftii CF.OROtW % Daidongi Mountain Signal. Mining operations in White county is quiet for the present, The CklhtySn Minis i* fill*' time with its forty stamps. The Ivey, of the Consolidated, is making full time on ore from the Ivey cut. The water which was turned in to their new ditch has not yet reached the mine. The I’aA Mine, belonging to the Consolidated G. M. Company, is do ing a good business, and loses but very little time. The directors are still cutting across the strata, which serves to develop as well as to keep up, a supply of ore. Pigeon Roost is not running this week, on account of the stem-valve being broken. Col. W hite- has deliv the broken part to the Piedmont Ma chine Works at Gainesville, who will attend to the matter, and soon the mill will be running again. At the Barlow mine there has re cently lieen completed a pair of new ; ore bins, and this week there are some j other improvements going on about the ore yard. The stamps are all run- i ntng, and now the weather has mod j crated, are kept supplied in ore at t reduced expense. The Ixxkhart mine, belonging to j the Singleton Gold Mining Company, j will he ready to start their water-pow er 20-stamp mill by the first week in | Narch. Their 5-stamp mill is run j ning on excellent ore from the slope on Findley Ridge, ihe ore in this' stope (on 7-feet vein) has increased in value until now the yield is equal o the Lockhart in its palmiest days. The Goldsmith Mining Company! are working in their new place, with i a considerable crew of men. They j have been washing off the day for the j past week, and intend to wash this i and next week A ditch from the Fish has just been completed, anti a reservoir i,ooo feet in length. After evrythiug is reatly, the intention is to run a little giant, which will reduce exjienses greatly and increase the yield. Of the 736 murders recorded for the union last year 212 were commit ted in the southwestern states, and 13 1 in the state of New York alone. It appears, moreover, that ot the execu tions for murder half of them took place in the south. UANKINTIoiSE, JOHN SCKERF. Froprietci FIIANK UOLDK.N, (Merle Entirely Nov/ \n all its APARTMENT?, and strictly FIRST-OLA33. full! '■'L'HlHrrs ,OA E. E. FILMOKR DUO'VS Brown's National Hot**! Nearly Ou’MKite PnK**tv;rr Depot, MACON, GEORG IV. Re-opened, Re-furnished and First-class in every RE SPECT, We hk all ur Patrons and Fiicnda <o give U 8 a oil!. RATES. $2.00 per da;. Meal* I*o eout-. Lodging 60 eefitn. E. E. BROWN & SON, Large Sample Roomn. ocs Prop'*. Valuable Town Property. I off r for Wile the* Ulnib- inu Hotel Property, tc United on the* aouthi-WcHt cor ner if the PuidtoC Sqnaro of the to\v. of Talbotton. The hot<d UKiU’.ing has 17 eoiuniod ons ro -ms, iw in good condition. Place h.'H fine gnrdeu spot, | acre, a goo' wellolwi er. go hI kitchen, ft bio and barn iu alable. Will be old at private atie. Wi*l l>e sold Ist Ttiead.y in Jann ary at ptthHc sale. For lurther information Rpj ly to O D Gorman, Talbotton, or oetlOi J U., on W D Market Quotations Corrected Wrokly ty V ILKERSOIf. BATCHES & ESIES. Bulk Skies 0! Bulk Strips. 10 Ricoh Shoulders 9 CauTomed Htms igt Patent Flour SB.OO to .as. To Fancy Flour s."> 50 F. Flour 75 Heal 80. Cotton Quotations. The murke*. is quet with small enquiry. We quote T t Iwittou prices, ns follows: Good Mi y Middling Low Middling T* A “ixOUgh Oil Bats.” Cleats oat fv.s mice, ro.*c.h eft, Sics imts, be<i-baga, skunks, chipmunks, go ! pliers. 15c. Druggists. Mcßride A Cos., .r. sole otrr-eisof the I ('ate City Sh-tew.ter Filler, Cherry* j Steara £vp -rator anil Gene ml Agents i tor L iruheths Improved Fly Fans for tiie J c S. Agents w.'.utcii m evt ry Stale Mid : county m the world. ' uu^-S a week in vonr own (own T mis 'C"van j j 5 Onlfit free. A. dr. is H 1 Haclkt ACo , P.-rilan t Marne. inartt Don’t Die in the House- Ask druggist- for "Koitgh on Kata. I’. 1 ’. it clears ont rtß.tnic, bed-bugs, tvache , j Teitnin, ti es, sits, insects, IX- j-er bfi Take Notice! Ah nar- .p* id b'.e ito - L 0->nn*a fa ilninl cx-boPfiJit’l| year, and psysM tbi-'folL ii Cud tt eir neoaist-. leady 1 ; offle-j .ifnr f e Ist .lay B Dcoriubar ’orse up "c-r,tl--iiit-n prempt! I'. raid set ijc, w-e lisvc got our dob:* to |*ay with this moony. rrr r* ? v people are slwitys on the Y v Jt jN |C tor ch n-t*s to Inrrwsr heir nsrEines, nnd tn time Iw-cmm* wea: riir; Hew* who do tot iiuprux* their oj>* po ta dties iemai-1 10 poverty, we oh ) a ere. I cheaee to m.>ke mon y. vv e want many wen. wo-en. l-o>' n<l R’t.s to with f r ll* ri ;bt hi ttieiy o* o I 10... i11' s Anv one dll no the xwk pr-< erly t on ihe fi at Sturt. Tn- best, r-s wul W inure than ttw times wli -sry vg<*- Lx pi-nsiye ontiit D.min'ied No , cn ' who r>ge in this Imsiur.w r*i< P mnk moil’ v m-i tty. Yon dtvo't yonr wboietime to tea woilt. oremy yont lira ni l snclit-. Pull infomi i’oll .in*, all that i- m--iWd scut fmc Ad lit**, Htixsox t Cos . I’.srt nd. Mann-. TUTT f S PBLLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. ! pick part. Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eatine, with a. dlain cllnation to cxei-tioa of body or mincfc Irritability of totr-prr. Low apsrit*. with a fcelicß of having neglected ecme duts% Wcarinesa, Dit-.eneva, fluttering at the Heart, Dote before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye. Bestlewneas, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. Ttrrrs PILLS arts especially adapted to such ctssea, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the snnerer. They Increase the A ppctltr, and caiwe the body to Take on Flesh. Ihm the system la nourished, and by their Tonic Action on tho DUCMIVC Itrsari. Itemlnr Wools are pro- Guceds Frice 25 cent*. Murray fct.. M. *. fOTT’S HAIR DYE. Oa*y nvia on Wiiiskeiis ebaneed to a Gtosex Black by a tingle application of this bra It lav part* s natuiai color, acts Instsnlaneously. fiold by Drugeists. or sent by express on receipt of .1 OFFICE. S3 ni'BBIY ST., SEW VOBR {.. rrrrs gmriL sf TUu.i.i. r.tou.ii. 4 X Cuhd Mrs 1U Ss sulM IS at ts . n iSatMj W:‘J7 1 itu. BBBBaB^ S* eBBaHn HAIR BALSAM. arttcle, on o -11 COiitains materials only that arc beneficial 13 *calj> and Lur Usstorci the Youtfifnf Color to Cray or fa ted Bair Parker's Hair Balsam h finely perfumed and w warrar.'ed to fXVvent feeing of the hair and to re and itching. Hiscox &Cos , N. Y. 80s. sjiS |1 •'*•*, t d**lon la Srafs iHi Wedtciaea. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Beaffk and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try Pabkhr’s GlKcwi T*kic. If you are a lawyer, minister or busmes* man ex hausted by mental strain or anxiou* cares, da not take Intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker's Ginger Tonic If roil have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Uhcuma bm. Kidney romubims, or anydisorder of the lungs, sfcxTch, bowels, blocd at nerves.Pakkbk's Gmova Tokic wiil cure you. It h the Greatest Blood Purifier And tto Ecil and Safesf Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from nge, dissipation or any disease or weakness and requite a stimulant take GfNCftft Ton id St r see; it will invigorate and build you Bp from the <ke but will never intoxicate. It has iaved hundreds of fives; it may save yoAirs. CAUTION frU mbrtttulci. Parkrr’i GinjjvrTonic is •tomfmr-4 o I (%• rrnwuta! •e*nt-. in •HtStw-at xa p>rparfri>ab of oloo*. BntJ for circular to UiMOS A Cos., N. V. SSc. A $1 tun, ct4r&kr la saving luting doi.lar size. 3 Its ri h and fragrance na* made this jj rV.i.-lttfuJ p.-rlume Ace*d -:ly popular. There l benthiag like it. hisMtui-on havir-g Flgaas l tc* Gotootvii md to‘k for of i f rn irrr Soft*. A t fr dialer in perfotoevy 1 tia wF'.'lf t j xuil TA irnt ewt?*. I Vfoift UA\iN-1 RI VIXU rtr, P 17.8. | nKI TliC Liars Wart It. Tlvit cjti’ftnit'g lino, n!;olutely |iiu*, .f 1,-uliu* Fstio Em j liroiilorios, in all stylos ami widths c.n'l-il for, Cail at Spain & Persons before it is nil gone, DR. J. BRADFIELD’3 Female Regulator! WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND. It Is ws 1 ! k town to yhpKioians, nml •W! fin* wc;l k own to sufferltlg women theuo-elvt*!', tba' tho me holder t t nn~ mermis dDe >6os pi cn* lo lheir sex. sncU its of the me p inful and h&y.Ay Mvnst niation, Cmigestion, 1 U'cenpi it and falling of the Wotnb. t -fendnt with an ctuUc-s train of sympa thise and CimsMitlitiiiEwl di-onU-ro. which th wlilq if.*, and fth’ch U*.Vt* j b-en considered i>s lilmost it.cnra_ hie- But at lust tlio rcutdy has teen found iu DK, i. BRADFIELD S FEW.L2 UKOOLA TOR. It is i*ot n‘c irc-cß* bit a remedy for oue class of tfseast-g, nil of which pertain to the Womb Any suffers*.! fr ni tl.e dis‘nses mentio: • ed can take this remedy, and relieve herself without revenheg iter coadition U* any oue, mul wilLoui Miblec.iug he womanly modesty to lue shock of an ex by a physician. To bring heabh aud*? to the hon es ol suffering women is j* mis-ion whu*h tifryai f•• v>_>r sinks into inshf nlfiteauce. \\ hat earthly bei:cfncti> n cua with one which protect* irom • That oire disease ruthless power J V* it hers beauty's transient fiowur? | which gives ease for, I>y f r si-rrovr, ■ smiles for tears, tbs rose ot health for the • pallor of itisens", t e light, eia.tio step I f‘d drrggiug nights of soil re !-ose lor Ue-ivy lionis of >cs. ing n-! ,s> ness. tKHUHiui!' vigor fer iargi 1 -liing i dullness, the sweet of iui grown : beauty lor the sharp and wittered f nn ol i emanation, a tong life o! mental, ph' steal social nud (lome-stic enjo-. minis f.-‘r n few sad days of pain and gloom,, ndiug ia nn early grave? Sat-ii is the inissio; , such are ,h. results cf On J f mra-iKi-D-s Fk j Hats I iGll.Tor.. which Is h.-ne l truly !a i eppr. priateiy styled woman’s best i F'neuii . Wdiites, and all tbore irregulanlie? of j the w uib o destructive to the health, j bappioevs ad beauty ol women, disap’ \ l’®? 1 ' Uk> ’ waaic before a single bottle ot | tbi wohdeiful c emponud. All who suffer from any of these dis eases are iii-rf.t ea nestlv invited to -ive (his g;e .( roemedy a trial. I ( has cured thonsan-is, will cure you. Oou’t fad | to try it. I Fiice, small size, 75 cents. 1.-r -e . - p SI,SU. •' ' - M innfactrre-i bv J BItAPFIELD, Xtlanta, Gi. Fur a;le everywLere. 1 ju- 20lt U MCKEE, DEALER IN ££ •“ T Carriages, Buggies, B agons, Bridles and Whips. Gunby’s Building Columbus, Gy GET THE BEST J k*** 86 — 1 : * FISGHEH 11 l Mil i NO^STENCIL I ■ CLOUGH a. WARREN AHA a tl E. P. CARPENTER § '4 Sri ! " $% Eftl B. SHONINQER Low for cosh or on easy monthly payments. *4rsoconrt-haiut Plan oh and Organs bought and ■old. Tuning and Repairing Carefully don*. PHILLIPS & CREW, XVareroom 6. 8 and 10 Marietta Street, n039-4m Atlanta, tieorgia, ' From the Christian Index.) Phillips <fc Crew, of Atlanta, rank among the loading bouaea of the South in their par ticular line of business. Their pianos, or gans and musical instruments of every kind, are purchased from the most celebrated manufacturers and arc of the best and most durable material. They keep also, the rarest gems in music, and every style of books and stationary. General Guano Agency. JEKTHLINB cS? ironxrES; Talbottoii .... Q a> Wo Keep Constantly cn hsrd, lsrge supplies of. Pacific, Gfccrs, Fine Island, German Kanit, and Pacific Compound Acid. o ,p . ft|>ovc np to U-e asm! stand trd of nce, and delivered from wnre^ I iJctiRG <:t Tuibottri; Jt It DtMjot ITlive <:u •• r e fold for 150 <f c Bon. payable Oct 15th wrxt. JENKINS & JONES, Agents at TALEOTTON, Office at T N Bsali’ Stu?e- janlG 3m. HEW HAMECIiG EMBEOIDEEIES, LACSS& WHITE GOODS. Ovei* 300 pieces of the above in apd elegant de signs, received the past week, and marked down low to sell them. JA3. E. CARGILL. CORSETS! CORSETS! CORSETS!! Icm now offering the best 50c, 75c, $1 CO and CORSET ever sold in Columbus, and call attention to them as special goods at a special price. Also a large line of ex tra size Corsets, which I am offering low to close them cut. _ JE CARGILL. CASE of that good 4-4 Bleached Hom espun at iQe, which has given such universal satisfaction. Call and get a bolt. JE CARGILL. HOUSE-FURNI SHI XG G GODS. As the season is ner r at hand to look after goods in this ine. housekeepers are invited to examine ray stock of White anu Colored Table Damasks, Nankins. Doilies, Tow els and Toweling, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4" Sheeting s Pillow I Casings, Conterpane3, Lace Curtains etc. We can please you : fcbswuii*. JAS E C ARGILL -THE UP-TOWN !S-qa.x 9 Store, Nos. 4&6 Bread Street East Side, Columbus, - - Ga. Cottage Furniture & Bed Room Suits; Alfo. ft fu 1 liue of BURIAL C '.SIiS. I hnv thesr (foods from first hands for j cash, and irut ftU discounts, and I will not be nuderjjld in thl3 market. I am Pfopriefi r aud Manufactartr of the cekbrated TWIN BED SPRING, '* hicb was bemofore and Rold by Es?e* & Scott. I havo ri due and the price so ah to pifi tb< m iu reach of all. I a|Bo keep a full stock of Mattresses ot all sorts- Mattresses made to older at short notice. „ HA Gibson, Agent. fel)2o t2m. 43 PEARCE 00., Successors to PEARCE A BfNFOIID, WHOLESALE CROCERS & DEALERS IK Rencral Merchaadise, cor,UM:BiTS - GtA. Out stock or Groceries ia 1 - j.u . coiuplet , w.iiah.we offer nt bottom pnc*~. We have opened anew Di pr.rtimut up- tairs over our Gocery S ore, where we keep cveiyrhing th tt planters buy, that cant be louiid in the grocery department, such as ail kinds of Domestic Dry Goods and Notions, Boots, Shoes, -dli sljßT.ef and sizes-Fi w Hoes. Wesdluj? Hoes, Flow Stocks Hames, Tracer, Bridieall kinds Planters Tools. T.-tbie and Packet Cutlery, Crockery Ware Ac. We would be j leased to have the Planters of Talbot aud surround ng counties to eal: and examine our stork. We ran li.l your bill for anything you want tor plant.>tion p rpos* R . ®t bottom prices, e ithor. For Cash or on Timet Tho*e of our customers its fc r/ last year will please settle, or we will b$ forced to turn'notei over to an attoisey for collection. , Pearce & Cos. F,b?os . lit! T. TV. TURNER. Asreiit, lias removed his stock of Fill & FAMILY GROCERIES To store room in ti*e J 13 Gorman Block, nex to SeweV Gibson's. He h.** adde l to h s wtll selected st ek i full hue# of Choice LSqucrs, Wines, TobaccoafidCigars. A’so Pool r.nd B t f most r.ppr vert p tfenr*. He gua Mifees Wvf prices for best goods :.s u .y boose in the- ci'y. Feb2b A