The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 20, 1883, Image 3

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UKIiISTEii AM STAHMRD MAB' a 20, 1883. T*(W> AND lO' STI U ( At.S Dr. Adair says that all his fruit is killed. The “Ark” was on the public square last week. Quite a cold snap on Friday morn ing last. \ft<-r this month the grades of the scholars at LeVert will be published which exceed 95. Our people take comparatively lit tle interest in the Gubernatorial mat ter. Capt N- p - Carreker has been quite successful in handling the Chesapeake and Cumberland guanos. Isn’t it about time the Lidies Me morial Association were having a meet ing to prepare for April 26th? The roads and bridges are all in better condition about the months of March and September, a kind of road scrapirtg-frequcncy. as it were. Col. John Peabody, Hon. W. A. Little, C. R. Russell and Col. Porter Ingram, of Columbus, attended the court lass week. Messrs Jenkin & Jones have made large sales of Pacific and other pop ular brands of fertilizers which they handle. Court convened on yesterday morn ing at to o’clock, Judge J. T. Willis in the chair. The ciiminal docket was taken up, and the court is now engaged on it. Mr. Eugene C. Leonard, who has recently been quite ill, is rapidly im proving, though yet quite weak. He is at his father’s residence, in Talbot ton. In the Court yesterday Dave Moul ton indicted "by the, grand jury- on the charge of assault with intent to mur der, on trial was found guilty of stab bing. Brown’s National Hotel Macon E. K. Brown & Son, proprietors, is one of the most popular resorts toi travel ers in the State. In going to Macon j go to Brown’s National. The Rankin House in Columbus is the [>opular resort for travelers. Col. Jno. Schcrf is a most popular host, and assisted by Capt. Frank Golden, keeps the Rankin up to the full standard of excellence. Virgin Barksdale, who has been liv ing with Mr. S B. Baldwin for the last eight years, is quite ill with typhoid fever. He is quite an intelligent col ored man, ana much respected by all who know him. The Macon daily Telegraph and Messenger will be sent to any address irom receipt of order until after the election and inauguration of a govern or, which will be about May 19th, for one dollar breaching at Mount Zion. Elder John Respess, of Butler, will preach at Mount Zion church, Harts’ District, the 4th Sunday, 3 o’clock P. M. n March. A ,2‘bfng of Beauty- Go to Spain & Punt-ins and exam ne the elegant liues of genuine tol.l Jewelry in their cases. Tbit oweiry is bought direct, comprising ivcrvthiag tastety and stylish, and will be sold at close figures. List of Road. Commissioners m Talbot County. Pleasant Hill—Jas. Allen, \V 1! ureton, F O Holmes. Tallwtton—B C Kendrick, G H ordan, R H Turner. Wilkinson’s—l) G Phillips, R A ’ersons, Robt Stripling. Flint Hill—Robt Kellum, W L duff, S P lieLoache. Redlione—C 1. Smith, J J Wallace. H Morris. Centreville—J H Richards, J M j -hilds. Rod Leonard. l’rattsburg—J B Henry Stokes, lam is Potter. Harts—RP Baldwin, M V Wilson, V M Adams. Baughs—Robt Baugh, J M Lucas, V R Neal. Valley—Robt Brooks, R S Ken- Liick, D T Cunningham. Rough Edge—George Allen, H C keen. T D Hall. . Geneva—W J Mcßryde, W B Mc 'rary, A P Maund. Bonded Bailiffs in Talbot Coun . Talbotton District —J E Mershon, " C Belyeu. O’Neal’s district —Samuel Amos. Flint Hill district—S E Buchanan. Rough Edge district —C C Dunn. Pleasant Hill district —J M Mahone. Centreville—J M Childs. Wilkitson’s district—W M Cooper. In the Court. Twenty-three t-ue bills were return d up to Thursday evening last by the hand Jury. 'This body has been very bligent in its attention to the county’s Merest, and has given much good ’’ork to the matter of roads and high- i Gys. The Jury had the advantage of experience of many of its mem *rs who had previously served on Tand juries. . Warning. 1 kereby w. irn anyone irom trading tor k note, given to Jno F Matthews jeent for children, aud due Oct Ist 1883. 6 it JXQ E MOl'Ed . THE REGISTER AKI) STANDARD, TALBOTTON, TALBOT COUNTT, GEORGIA MARCH 20.188*. Grand Jury Presentments- MARCH TERM 1583. We, the Grand Jmrors, swor.i and em panelled for the March term of Talbot Superior Court 1893, beg leave to subim t the following general presentments: Through appropriate committees we have examined the books and cfli e pa pern offche Ordinary and Comity Cowmis doners* and find every item properly re corded, correctly indexed and Touchers duly filed for the time embraced between the Ut September term and the prt-seut fitting of the Court. After a most thor ough inspection of this officors depart ment, tlc c< remittee had no hesitancy in staling th*t the ordinary was a most efficient officer, and Was surely the “right man in the right place.*' 'I he bonds oi the couuty officers were examined and found to be such as the law requires. The office and books of the Clerk of the Superior Court ou examination were fotud to be correctly and methodically kept, ihe general conditi m of tho offc * rrflec iug much credit on that cfftcer. An 1 mm illation ot the booksand vouch ers cf the county Treasurer show that they have been neatly and correctly kept the cash account showiug a balance on hand and in the treasury of $1.723.1C. We have examined all the doekets oi tli: Joatici aot the Peace laid before us lor inspection, and find all properly kept, except the following wl ich failed o item ize cost: G. A. James, 889th.,Diet., Kobt I*. Baldwin, 894th hut, W E. Bobeils, 089. h Dist., Daniel Jenkins, Dist. The following have failed to produce their dockets, —J. P, 88Cih Dist., J- P. 083 th Dist.. J. P. 87Gth Dist., N. P. 870 Dist., 4. P. 902ud Dist., N. P. 9t)2nd Dist N. P. 894th Dist; N.P. 904 Dist. We lecorauiend that these delinquents bo reprimanded for neglect of duty. The Court Mouse is fouud In credita - ble condition, except a tew minor re pairs needed, which, we doubt uot, wilt receive the prompt attention of the coun ty c mmiKMoner*- The county jail was burnde several months since by a pris oner, as vug supposed, for the purpose of effecting lus escape. We are into rra ed that anew and improved structure will be erected at an early day ou site of the former bnildiug. Prom the cursory examination made ot the books and papers o! the {Sheriff, everything was found in proper shape, with proper entries in cases requiring some on papers. The committee on the books and pa pars of the County School Commissioner report: We bare ciretully examined the hooks and papers of the County School Commissioner, and find they verify trie statements embodied in his auuu.l re port. We are saiufied ihut ‘be autos c.f this officer have been discharged in a manner alike creditable to himself and kis county. We ask that an epitome of his report appear in the General Present ments. Ihe Commissioner says: There beeu taught lor the county the lineal year ending the first Tuesday in Decem ber, 188*2, twenty'Seven schools for the whites, and thirteen schools tor the col ored people. This number for ‘he whites embraces children t night in two schools in Taylor, one in Meriwether aud two in Marion, county. Children for Talbot county were taught in one colored school in Muscgee county. Into the twenty - seven white schools were admitted 417 males, and le mules, giving us total white pupils, 71U. into the thiteeu col ored schools were admitted 451 males and 535 females, tot il colored pu|)i?* # 98C. Total white and colored 1.705, which g.s*e, as indicated by the public school reports, an average attendance ot 1*0(5 7- i#s. Pupils in orthogi .phy in number were 1081; re.idi’jg, 1319; writing, 891; English grammar, 358; geography, 382; arithmetic. 820- The school liud lor 1832 en tbled the commissioner to pay sevcut/-flve per cent, of the public school *cc< uuU lor tb*. county. The schools taught in tee uittereut sub-dis tricts throughout the county iiavo been entirely selinfuctoty to the communities •eived. The receipts for the rear were $4*255.40; paid out as per vouchers, $ 1,- 076.55, leaving a bnUiiOtt ctsh ou hand of $173>85. A ceuQK of the schcol popula tion. thorn bctaeeu the ages ol 0 aud 18 , iB the county, as taken by ihe commis sioner ior hlfci year, indicates tae follow ing: Number of whiles, 781 male* and #BS females; total whites 14691 Color ed males. 1901; female*, 1715, total col ored 3010#; total while and colored, 5085. Ficm the report of the Cteik of the county Commissioner* we extract the fol lowing; The Ts* digest for 1882, inclu ding wild lands, the tax on which is now collided, directly by the tax c llector o* the m which the land lies, shows property values to the sum of $1,290,- jO4, on wbi-jh was assessed a t>x of six dollars on me-thousand, this producing the sum of $7,745.42. After deducting | co umissions for lax r. ccivtr end t.x col lector, gay s3l>B.3tJ, we nave ns uet tax toe sum of $7,377.04. Of this amount ban b-encolleclcd and paid into the treas ury the sum if #5,430.85, us un collected the sum ot 19 The in solvent list for Ihe county when present ed, will he deducted trom the above amount. The amount of cash tr the I. easury for the corresponding date ol hist year was $1,707.11. Cush in the treasury at present session of the court $1,723.16, showing a ca-di decrease as co-upared wi'h last year ot $433)5. Witiii i the past twelve months $910.50 have been paid for paupers—sßol.43 for expenses of Courts—§372.Bl for support of prisoners -*2l for inquests -*984.75 for roods and budges—sss.7s on public buildings-$74 Cos ou eh ebons—and $17.- 91 on interest accouut. tn deference to the request of the com missioners. we recommend tbit ther as sess a tax of fifty (59) per cent, on the State t-x, in addition to what they are otherwise authorized by law to levy. We regaid this as necesssry from (ho tael that, while the State tax is sonstantljr de creasing. the expenses of the counties are increasing, and sttiibntsble to causes bevend th: control of tbs county I authorities. We recommend that the county com missioners furnish tae County School : Commissioner the Grand Jury room for : an office. i Do exaunnviioa we find that severs! haiilfs in the county are actiug as such without firs* having made a bond as re quired by law. We recommend that the proper authorities look diligently into this matter, and in every case have the law complied with. We recommend that the County Com missioners efl ct insurance on the Court House in a sum n<t to exceed in a safe nd so nd company. It is recommended, and the County Commissioners are so instructed,that the Court House be not used for other than the usual county and legal purposes- It is recommended that the County Commissioners have suitable guide board* erected at the forks of th? public roiids. wherever required by law throughout the county, as early as practicable, ami be> fore the Sept cuter term of the Superior Court. The Grand -Juvy. recognizing the Sreat importance if good roads and highways throughout tli county, not only os eviu cing the enterprise and progress of tile people, but ns a matter of easier ami more economic transportation and pas - sage, have thought proper to place very special stress on the condition of the couuty 's roads, and to this end have had summoned before them ytie Road com missioners for different districts of the county, and after diligently enquiring into the condition of thc|public highw iys have impressed upon the said com in ta nkmen the demauds of the Grand Jury, and tho necessities aud wishes of the people for better aud improved roads and instructed that the r-mds m every dis trict throughout the county be placid in a fair and passable conditional once, and by the September term of the Superior Court they be so improved as to grades, width, removal of obstacles, drainage, Ac.* as wilt meet fully tho re quirmen sof the road laws of the State. Un examination of ths T.x Digest for 1882 we find an iucrease in the taxable property of tho county for 1882 over 1881 off 15,703 00. ’1 no pvopeity of the couuty is given in at about the vulua*. tion* We find that the Tax Collector has paid s per vouchers to the State $3,987. 98, and to the county. $5,480 85, and to the county School commissioner,sl,3oo 00 •ggrogating, $10,008.83* balance due on property tax $1,896.19; balance due on polls 7U4.00, aggregate balance due SS, 0(H). 19. Of thii amount $1,105 approximately is in executions, leaving a balance ot sl.- 500.19 unaccounted for aud due the coun* •y. The def-mltitiK poll* nt im*>‘ v it list on propelty tax will be placed ns a credit on tee aggregate balance due when the Ts-x Collector makts his final settle ment. As Ihe limit lor settlement re quired by law h-is passed we recommend that the tax collector bo r< quired to set t e in full with the County Commission ers by the first Tuesdav 111 April, 1683. We # recomuiend.that the account ren dered by tho Cierk of the Superior Coiir for extra services, nn.o nt ng to $72 45 be paid by the treasurer of the county. We recou•mend John T Mcßryde a* Notary Public tor the 889 district G M lo fill the nm xpiied term of NV B MeCra ry, who hr.s vacated the office in remov ing irom the county. S B Baldwin is recommended for Notary Public 880 dis tiistGM. Recommended that the coun ty comtaisbioners change and perfect the road from Willlis Harvey's so as t givc a good and sate road to Bos tick station. We rjo tumend that these presentmenU be publishetl in tho Reoisteb A Stan and vr.n and in the TaldotioN|Nkw Era, In conclusion the Grand Jury returns its thanks to his Hr nor J T Willis for his kindiy treatment ot this hod... nnd to Mohcnor General Grimes its appre ciation of his valuable services- W H Ellisou, Foreman O D Gorman M G Parker F O Holmes J L Dozier James I Giddings A H Douuis J L Parker W It Johnson B H WiUDms Louis Potter Job Ellison M A McAfee. J II Caldwell W B Cureto 1 W T Harvey T II McDowell G DAdmr J 'V T Jones R A Matthews 8 B Bildwiu T Ii Mahoue A M Mulholluud. Died. At her residence near Bostick on Sunday last, Mrs. Andrew Jones. At her residence in Talbot county, on Sunday last Mrs Eli Donaldson. Mr William Morgan, who lives tour miles east of Bcoltsville, Ky., has only one hand, and last week Liis wife presented him a fine boy afflict ed in Urn same matin' r. Attention Talbot Democrats. The Democrats of Talbot county are requested to meet, kn Masse, at the Court llouso in Talbotton, at 10 o'clock, on Tuesday, the 3d of April ntxt, to seb et delegalos to the Gubernatorial Convention, which assembles in Atlanta on 10lb ofAoril. li M Wilms, Chairman Executive Committee. March 19th, 1883. Fine Jersey Bull The thoroughbred It ejrifaforod Jersey Hull, -DARIUS 44 will rinud the present ten non at Mr J M Garrard's* in Talbotton. All parties desiring to raise fine htoek will now have an opportunity. Charges five dollar*. Mon*y dne, when service U end© I. febl3 1883 G II Jordan. Take Notice! All parties indebted to J 13 Gorman for 1 amber bought this year, and payable this fall, will find tbeir ncounts ready a this office after the Ist day of December, Come up gentlemen promptly, and set tle, we have got onr debts to pay with this money. TT J T people arc always on the VV Ihi la tor chances to increase ibeir earnings, aDd in time became weal thy; those who do not improve their op portunities remain in poverty. We offi r a great chance to make money. We want many men, women, boys and girls to work far as right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first fits'** Tpr business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Ex pensive outfit tarnished tree. No one who engages in this business fails to make money rapidly. You can devote yoar whole time to the work, or only yoar spare moments, Fall information and all that h needed sent free. Address, Stinson A Cos . Portland. Maine. Tho Ladies Want It. That charming line, absolutely a new arrival, of Ladies Fine Em broideries, in uil styles and widths call and for. Call at Spain & Persons before it is all gone* PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: By JAMES S BOYNTON. Governor of said'S Vc. Whereas tho law requires immediate action. I have, therefore, thought proper to is sue this my Proclamation, ord ring that an election be held on Tuesday, the 24 h day April, 1883, in theStite for Gover nor of Georgia, to fill the vaamery in said office occasioned by tho death of the Hon Alexander II •Stephens. Aid Id > further order that the Gener al Assembly of Georgia convene in extra session on We Inesd ly, tie 9th day of May, 1883, at the Capitol, lu Atlanta, to declare the result ot said election, or elect a Governor in case no person shnl receive a majority of votes cast.. Given under my hand and tho Great Seal of the Stato, at the Capitol in Allan - ti, this, the Fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousau 1 eight hun dred aud eighty-three of the Independ ence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventh. JAMES S. BOYNTON, By th* Governor. Governor. N C BARNETT, Secretary of State. PRATHER & EMERSON, Broad St, Columbus, Ga WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS --IN'— BOOTSAND SHOES AND ALL KINDS OF LEATHER WEAR BUYING DIRECT FROM THE FAC TORIES, AND BUYING ONLY THE BESTAND Most Durable Work, THEY OFFER SUPERIOR INDUCE MENTS TO THE PEOPLE OF TALBOT & ADJOINING COUN I IKS, AND THE TRADING PUBLIC GENERALLY, IN THE SUPERIOR MAKEUP AND FIN ISH OF THEIR BOOTS AND SHOES PRI<- ES ALWAYS REASONABLE, AND GOODS NEVER FAIL TO PLEASE. CALL AND EXAMINE WHEN YOU COME TO COLUMRU3. I\ 1.20 12m. GEORGIA —Tzi.wvr c;. i ntv: Whereas, James McNeil n(lminia‘rator of Keney Ingram, represents to the Court in liik petition, duly file I nt.d entered on record, that lie lias mllv administered her estate. This is therefore to cite all per sons concerned, kindred nnd creditors, to show cause, ifaliy they run, why said nd- i miiiistrntor should not he discharged from his admistrailou, at and receive letiers of dismission ou the first Monday lu April 1883. RICHARD H LEONARD, Jnn 2 1883. Ordinary. Glad Tidin s to Suffering Woman. A specific has 1 oen di-coveml that •'pKitive’y corrects all mem-dual disor ders! It miracnlous’y relieves, and cures all l hat class ot troiiob oiu* nntlmlK* in worn hi. It has long been knwWu an I used, and its sp< cilia powers me ulmu/ (bmtfy vouched 1- rby the experience of thousands of women* This magic balm is now finding i>s way into almost every household in t’te land, mul Is known by its significant and expressive name,Bradfu ld‘r> Female R gu lator. Atlanta, Ga., March 12, 1870. I huve examined tho reci e of Bratlfields Female Regulator, and believe it a most ext rlk-nt medicine, and w*ll suited to al’ that class ot diseases designated. I have no hesifation in re ommendmg it to the public, JOEL BRANHAM. M. D. Dr. J. Prndtield, Pi op , Atlanta, Ga Price, $1 Cos per luitti* . Sol I by all Druggists aud Wholesale Agents. The Bad and Worthless, are never imitated r counterfeited. This is especially tine of a family mediicine. nnd i is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon ns it had been tested and proved by the whole World that Hop Bitters was the purest, best and most valuable futnily medicine on the earth, many imitation* sj rung up aud be gan to steal tho notices in which the press aud people had expressed the merits of II 13 and in every way trying to induce suf fering invalids to use their stuff instead, expecting to make m >ney tn the credit and good name of II B. M.’.ny oth< rs start* and nostrums put up in similar style to II B with variously devised names in which the word “Hop** or “Hops* 4 weie nsed in a way to induce people to believe the were the sirne as llop Hitters. Ai| such picteodcd remedies or cures, -*.o mat. ter what their style or name is, especial., ly those with the word “Hop’* or “Hops" in tlieir name or in any way connected with them or tlieir name, are imitations oj counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them use nothing but genuine Hop I3Ptern, with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in imitations or counter feits. 1 4t augl.7 Catarrh of the Bladder. Stilling, Btmirtlng. lrrilutiou ol the nri nary passngeft, diKeased dinc'aaigfH,cured by Buebapabm. sl. at druggists. Ga., Depot, LAMAB. RANKIN * LVMAR, Atlanta and Macon, Ga, Hop Bitters are the Purest and Best Bitters Ever Made- They are compounded from Hope, Malt, Buclnt. Mandrake nnd Dandelion, —the oldest, beat mid most valuable ined icines in the world and moat curative properties of ail other remedies, being tbe greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regulator nnd Life nnd Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or HI henltb can possi bly long exist where these Bitters are used, so varied ar and perfect are tbeir ope rations. They give new lifeao.l vigor to the aged and infirm. To ail whose employment cause irregularity of the bowel* or urinary orgaDS, or who require an Apetizer. Ton - ic and mild Sliiuu not, Hop Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or svmp tons are, what the disease or aliment is use Hop Bittsrs. Don't wait until you are sick, hut if you only feel bad or mis able, use Hop Bitters at once. It may sive your life. Hundreds have been sav ed by so doing. SSOO will be paid for a ca,e they will not cure cr help. Do not suffer or let your friends suffer, but use and urge them to use Hop Bitters. Keuietuber, Hop Bitters is no vile drugged, drunken nostrnm, bnt the Pur est and Best Medicine ever made; the ‘ln' valid-s Friend and H .pe,- aud no persim' or ißiin.y h"H,d be without them. Try the B.Ucra to day. 3; 4% Oil, My Back! That’s a common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it. The singular thing about it is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver com plaint, consumption, cold, rheumatism, dyspepsia, over work, nervous debility, &c. Whatever the cause, don’t neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown’s Iron Bitters, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Logansport. Ind. Dec. i, xEJJo. For a long time I have been a sufferer from stomach and kidney disease. My appetite was very poor and the very small amount I aid eat disagreed with me. I was annoyed very much from non-retention of urine. I tried many remedies with no success, until f used Brown's Iron Bitters. Since I used that my stomach does not bother me any. My appetite is simply immense. My kidney trouble is no more, and my general health is such, that 1 feel like anew man. After the use of Brown's Iron Bitters for one month, I have gained twenty pounds in weight. O. B. Sargent. Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Brown’s Iron Bit ters. It has cured others suffering as you are, and it will cure you. ftp’ll f Woman’s primitive beauty tnd vigor, which have been lost, can be restored ami retained by the action of certain con stitutional agents. These agents neceg. sarily regulate, build up, fortify and an tagonize all existing female irregularities anti excesses, or obstructions which pro duce tho ill health. The remedy must unload the locked up secretions, add iron to blood, strength to system and vitality to nerves. Such a remedy is found ia the use of English Female Bitters. Two great evils—headache and con stipation, afflicting nearly, all humanity, are relieved by Bailey’s Ratine Aperient, “Tough on Chills/* Cures 5 cases for 25 cts. in cash or stamps. Mailed by John Parham, Atlanta, Ga, lu ok 7 in. A GOUGH, GOLD or fiORE THROAT should be stopped. Neglect frequently result* in an Isctjrabli. Lung Disease ok Consumption. BUG ,YN\S BRONCHIAL ROTOHKS does not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act IHKEC'n.Y ON THE INFLAMED I'AKTS, Slllny rutulion, give relief in Asthma, Bron chitis, Ct I'OH-i, Catarrh, and flu* Throat Thoudlf.h which Singers and Public Speakers are subject to. For thirtj years Brown,m Troche* have been recommended by physicians, and have always given perfect satisfaction, having been \ested by wide and constant use tor nearly an entire generation, the> have attained will-merited rank among the few staple remedies ot tlie age Bold at 25cunts ji*bux everywhere. junlO 12m Yon will find nobby suits and nnytldug else in the clothing line at 11 J Thom t< ii. ('olunibu-, Brain and Nerve “ Wells Health Ronewer, “ Greatest remedy on earth for impotence.leanness, sexual debility Ac., 1. at druggists. Ga Depot, LAMAR, RANKIN A LAMAR Atlanta and Macon. Ga. di I /w \ AAn DOLLARS to loan on fur ms in Tal but county. ONE HUNDRED THO U AND DOL LARS to Loan on fines in Upaon County. tHt.IO.OOO DOLLARS lo Lea - to lurius in Musn£r county. FIFTY THOUSAND dollars lo loan on tirins in Taylor County. Terms easy anil nil applicant* promptly served. 0 D GORMAN, Talbotton, Georgia For yourClirisl'nas trade in Dry Goods, be Mire to go to J. 8 Jouos, Colli V us, for big bargain-. Buy your Christmas suits ot the popu lar clothier, G. E. Thomas- Columbus. Wanted. Old Iron nnd Bones at J D T Pr.rrciiET**. Who wdnts Stock? Mr. L A Baldwin lelton Friday Inst for where lie will bny several i loads of fine work mules, lie will return to Ta botlon, about Jail., 15th. Look outfr him. jmytf Rera“mber This. If you are sick Hop Bittfrs will Barely aid Nature in making you well when all elsj fall r . If you are costive or dysneptic, or Are suffering from nnr other of the numerous diseases ot the sfomreh or bowels, it is your own fault if you remain ill. fir llop Bitters are a sovereign remedy in all such complaints. If you are wast n ' away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting Death this moment, and turn for a c ire to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible riek, ne ß Nervousness, you 'rill find a *‘Bairn in tfileid in the u*3 of Hop B tiers. If you ar a freqneatir, or a resident of amiasmatic district, barricade your system against tle scoursge of all coun ties—maLritl* epidemic, billions, aud in termittent fevers—by the use of Hop Bitters. Il you have rough, pimply, or sallow skm. bad breath, pains and aches, ami feel miserable ten?mlly, Hop Bitters will give you lair skin, rich blood, and sweet est breath, health, and comfort. In short they cure all Diseases of the stomach. Bov.els, Blo>d, Liver, Nerves. Kidneys. Brigh's Disease. SSOO will be paid lor a case they will not cure or help That poor, bedridden, invalid wife, rio ter mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of healtli, by a few bottles ot Hop Bitters, costi g but a trill*. Will yon let iifcin in&irJi 2 4t- Run tr> Spam & Person Special drive la arrivals of Over sells, Do'm ti:s aj-d Cloaks. li. Good for Babies. Willi u bu’ y ui breast nothing is so useful iiiT quietiug my < \vn uin 1 huby’s nerves us Barker's Gingei Tonic, It prevents bowel com plaints, and is better than any stim ulant to give strength ami appetite. —A Newark Mother. Grist for the Mill. Messrs. M B Muhone & Cos., nunoupee now ready lor the prompt dispatch of Ail corn brought to their mill, which has been newly fitted up and appointed. Th mill Hike first*, art ice ot meal. tub2o tf M. B. Mahons & Cos. Notice- Messrs Wilkifßon, Hatcher & 0o„ will receipt iny lumber oc oounia ami guano l-ufinest billing my occasional absence front Talbot ton. jaiiSOif T. F. Gorman Skinny Men “Well.*.* Health Jieuower" restores hea'tii and vigor. cnr :s aia. ImpoN tcuice. Sexual DibiJity. The old firm ot Geo P Swift fc Son Columbus, proposes to handle the cot toil of this section as cheaply as any house. ~ La dies L ice Ties and Collars, Ftachus. and Ribbons, The very latest styles and shades. SPECIAL DRIVES IN SHOE^. fiopSO SPAIN at PERSONS. Furmors nnd others defirin" a genteel, lucrative agency business, by w h oli s') to S2O a day can be earned, sen 1 address at once, on postal, to H C. Wilkinson A Cos,. 195 nnd 197 Ft.iilon Street, New York, Gin Mcßride & Co.,.\tlinta. (7a., n anuf.ic hircr Show caHes.and are Southern agents jor Seth Thomas' Clocks and Latnoath k Fly Fan.-;, and own the celebrated Gaie CitT St ve Water Filter nnd Cherry Steam Fruit and Vegctab’o Dryer lor the world. Prices fur ished on application aug£2 _ Hm'%& toman f lMt year without nrderinir it It eon tain* •bout 176 p are*, 00 illiwtntionß. price*, •eeunta doHcrlptlons and valuable directiouh for planting 1600 varieties of Vegetable and .Flower Beed§, Plante, Fruit Tree#, etc. Invaluable to all, eepeo tally to Market Gardeners. Send for it 1 D. M. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mioh. decl 9 l * Ij'O r | nt, ule is -sweeping by, go ll JaU 1 nnd dare before yon die, something mighty aud sublime leave be hind lo conquer tune.“ a week in your own town. $5 outfit fiee. N* riek Eveiylhmg. Many are making f rtune-c Ladies m ike as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you wai t badness at which you can make great p y all dme. write for purti'-nlniH t" ll HaiojcttA Cos., Portland, Maine. "HOLMES’ LINIMEiii T OR, THE MOTHER’S FRIEND. One nf Die gre ite-t cnnitorte to those expecting 1 1 t e ooullued ie n remctly up on winch imp'ie t confulence can bo pia ceil-oin that will pi wince a cafe and quick delivery one that will control pain and shorten the dura'ion ol labor. Kucli in Tnn MuTHEU*a ltELitf. Try it nnd see what A BLESSING IT Is TOSTJFFEIUNO FEMALES. 'i bis Tiulinen*, when used two or three weeks befitre confineuient, produces a wondeifut effect, causing a very easy and q ick labor, with comparatively little pain,and leaves the mother in a condition 1 1 recover quickly- ot in "ther words to have a good getting np. Under it) use h.bor will ordinarily occupy much less than the usual time, and the snflering be dimil isl.ed le-yoLd expre sion. The ooudition lor wnich ibis remedy is offered is of such a character as to forbid a long a!ray oi certificates. Those intcr cated init.s use arc respectfully referred to the hundreds who have used it. BEAD THE TESTIMONIALS. 1 must earnestly entreat every temale expecting to he confined to us 'lhe Motiieu s Belief. < uuplcd with ibis eu tresty. I w.ll add that a large ob etericai practice (forty -f* us years') I have never known it to fail to produce a sate aud quick <1 eh very. II J hOLMER, M D., &|lnnta, Ga. A lady from one ot tho counties of Middle Georgia, who has been acting as midwife for many years, writes: t have disposed ol all Ihe Mornaies Belief jou sent me t nnd Inm delighted with It. In eviry instance where, it bus been used its effects have been all that 1 could ask. 1 consider it a great blessing. A gentleman writtsi My wife used your Mother's Belief at her iourth con linoioeiit aud her b atiuiouy is that hlic passed through it with one half of the suffeiiag of either ot ihe former confine ments. and recovered from it in much less time. She also recommended it to a indi lriend who nas about to be confined tor the first time, and one says: J have never seen any one pass through tins great trial with so much easo and so lit. tie suffering. The names of all these nnd many oth ers can he had by calling at my office. Having had the foregoing remedy thoroughly ic.-ted in Atlanta und vicinity. 1 now offer it to my p..liens as possessing superior mulls. 1 am permitted also to refer to the fol lowing well known citizens ol Atlanta: G 8 Nowton, Win Crumley. Jr, VV A Gregg, and D Ham, all cl whom are ready to tos tliy to the meiitsof the preparation. Price. $1,50 per bottle. Prepared by J BHAJ)FIELD. 4t 2 Sole pioo i. Atlanta. Ga. (ft (vQA week made at home by the in t® | U Instnoas. Best business now before the public. Capital not needed. W -will start you. Mn, women, boys, and girl* wanted eveiyw here to worn for us. Now is the tin.. Boy can work in sp ire time, or give your whole time to the business. No other business will pay yon half so well No one can fail to make en rin us pay. by engaging at unci'. Covtflv on;fit ar.d terms fne. Money made fast, ■ asily and honorably. Address True & Cos., Augusta, Maine. Thornton House, TALBOTTON, GA- I)r. E. S. BRYAN. Proprietor. new in all its appoint.. jiicifrts, fir. t class* Muly2 ,IE ItGI.V -- ALBOT COTJNTT; Thonmß D, Ftrguaon, adniinistrntor ot aiah Hun'er applies to me lor disniis don from In. said adnilniHtr'torsliij) heso uie t*itretoru to cite nil peasons iu terested to sUoa'* cause, if any there he. why letters of cli-oiSs&ioli should not be .•runted him on Hio first Meiiduy in March next. Given mh i niynffi* ial • i"- nature, this 251.1i dv * f November 1882. RICHARD li LEONARD, deci 3m. Ontiimry. (GEORGIA— TaIbot Cout.ty; Thomas A Freeman. Executor of Ste phen Z Ftesman. appiie.s to me tor let ters ot dismiKvk n. These are then-lore to cite and admonbh all persons concern ed. t> show cause, it any there bn. win such letters should not be granted him on the first Monday in March tBB3. (riven under my official signature this 6th da.' of December 188*2. RICHARD H LEONARD, dees 3in Ordinary Pomona Mursenes, FORT VALLEY, - - GA In stock all varieties of Fruit Trees cultivated in the South. All tin! hardy apple aud peach seedlings i:i stock, and everytli’ug at reasonable prices. Our grounds arc as fine for our pur pose u can be found in the South, and quality of our stock cannot be excelled. All trees tliorouuhly acclimated, aud guaranteed strictly true to name. Our price x are quite low. quality ot stock con sidered. Freight on all sliipmeu s 'bre paid. For further information nddr *>s apr4 9ni SNOW BROTHERS. A Comprehensive and Popu lar History of thi U. S. FROM THE DISCOVERY OF THE AMERI CAN CONTINENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY HON. A. H. STEPHENS. EMBEL LISHED WITH MORE THAN 300 FINE HISTORICAL ENGRAVINGS AND POR TRAITS. That which is most worthy of our study is tho history of our own country; and vet it is a singular fact that our means 01 obtaiui- gsu h information is very limited i'iie great mans of the people h\vc been compelled to depend for ’.heir knowledge ot our histo y u- on the out lino works intended lor the use of school?- and which by their nature are orief. de signed for the comprehension of chil dren. and in every way iiuHiittatActory to the adult mind. Thote is n g< nuine demand for a Histo ry of the United States which shall cover iiie whole period of our nniion<il curco , from the discovery of the American Con tinent to the present time, and which shall not only serve i\h a w.nk L r the general reader, but shall be valuable tor purposes of reference and deeper study. In undertaking to supply the popular demand tor n book which shall record his marvellous history, tho Publishers deter mined to produce a w*rk that should b worthy of the subject aud the occasion They acceudiugly placed the work in th hands of one of the most brilliant writer.*:, renowned statesman nnd thorough histo rians in the country —Hon Alexander H. Stephens. This vo unie in destined to take rank ns tho standard history of the United States, and should bo in the homes of all be people of the country. The publishers call for agents, tjwhom most, liberal terms will be offered, in ev ery county in tho state. It is a standard work, handsomely bound, and is imoting with unparalleled sole- \\ rite to the Na tional Publishing Company. 30 White hall street Atlanta Ga Mi rchants.m ike out vour list, of Crock er- ,Glass,\\ one! and Tin'Ware.that you are in want of, and send it to 11s. We wil attach prices,and save you ruinous freight and breakage, that you always got from the far off East. Mcßride &C. nua22 Atlanta, Ga. Taliotton E. H. Time Table- PASSENGER TRAIN, HOICKING Leu vc Tnl botton 10:40 Arrive at Bostick 11:10 Leave Bostick 11.40 \nive at Talbotton 12:15 AFTERNOON TRAIN. Leave Tilbolton ~1:15 Arrive nt Bostick 1:50 Leave Bostick 2:10 Arnve at Talbotton 2:45 WIIxvaARIIN Soft. NOW ARRIVING ! Beautiful Goods French, English and [American SUITS MADE TO ORDEII —F It — Fal and Winter, 1882. FASHION PLATE* ALREADY IN. You can give yonr order at once, and have your suit, ready lor delivery at any time dnnup the next thirty or sixty days- Come promptly and avoid trouble lat er in the season. (J. J. PEACOCK, C otblng Manufacturer, 54 and 60 Broad Street. ocl?a COLUMBUri. GA. Cotton Eactorv for Sale. Elmira Cot lou Mills, 4 miles nth oj UcviioMh, Taylor c -nnty. with 1.200 acres of good land, and all in eluding a store bouse v.hero ll5 000 business yearly can be done, is offered for sale at a Bargain . This is one of the finest properties in Georgia, and H now producing 2,200 yards of shirting per day. For fuither information, apply to O D Gorman. decs tf Talbotton, Ga. “Buchupaiba.” Quick, complete cute, all anfiOying K : dney, Bbdder'and Urinj Diseases. st. Druggist. The youtLfmH color, beauty anil lustre iregraduetfy resfor and to gray bsir by. PterkerW-Hair H .Isam. * TMIOCO, 248 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL., Manufacturers and r Dealers —IIV— School Furniture & Supplies Attention of teachers and school oftcßV.i is called to the Victor Folding and Lock Desk, acknowledged to be the most < uia bto, sightly and conv.aieut desk evet* in ule. It has groat points of superiority other desks. THE FAULTLESS stationary top holds its place in public es imation us being at once practical, cheap, durable and oonvenlcnt in its use. Has, two book boxes, and is perfect *n all its parts. MAPS AND BLACKBOARD*. Kane’s Combined teversible maps and blackboards. Map side consisting of Jolinston’s common school sei, 0 maps, each 3x3 Pet. They offer many aids to lie pupil and te.cher, nnd a e being in 'rodneed extensively over the United.? States. For further iuformrtiorj apply to I’hos Km e &. Cos. nov7lf. 1855. 1883 TO PLANTERS OF GEOR GIA- £3ST Many of you remember Baugh* Raw Bono Super Phosphate and its intro duction for the growth of Gottou m fat back ns 1857, or years after its first appearance in the North s the pioneef phosphate made from Raw or Unburned bones. Since that time it has been aped nd appreciated by the leadin'.; farmers ii and planters iu tho North aud South. Vt a:s ago tho manufacturers decided not to bed ii ou l.u.g time or credit, c fton option, and vveic the first as os they Allow to quote u low price (cash down) for 1 ; ho.jplmto of tala’*lmbed rotation. This artic.c confc ims in analysis to the State Law, nnd is tffered at very low iince for ca'ili. The only ferus on which it can bo ob ainid Loin the maHufactur eis, are: cash to accompany ti e order, you c.m airnngd with your ageut in tluiore, Fhilnddphia or New York to pay or it on picatnialion cf bill rnd Ull of •lading, II you eannot buy Baugb'a Raw .Super Phosphate Irom \oar Factor al home, we advise y u to ordei direct floor ns. You will find it to your interest to consider this subject and save money by pcoes ending with us. BAUGH & SONS, (Sole Manufacturers,) Philadelphia and Baltimore. n >v2l tf. MONEY TO LOAN!- Money Loans of S3OO and upwards negotiated prompt!y lor tlie fanners o' Talbot. Upson. Onwlorcl. lay or and Mused*, eo eouuti s. O D GORMAN, jimei7tl Talbotton. Ga. Merchants, look to your interest. Our stock of staple Crockery, Glassware, Wooden ana Tin Ware never was as largo uid complete as at thin time Send list 1 >f whfct von wi lit. We will attach pricey ind save v-u heavy freight and Breakage, which you alwayr get from far off Eas tru markotis. We bandit inditing bu valuable goods. Mcßrxdk u Go., augß Allan a, Ga. Useful in the FakLilj'. We usually leave ito doctors to recommend medicines, but Purkcr'a Gingei Tonic has been s > useful In Our family in relieving siiknessinr that we cannot say too much in its' praise.—Salem Argus, Honest and Liberal- When the Hops in each bottle ot Hop Bitters (at present per ib„) cost more than a bottle is' sold for, besides the other costly modicines, and tho quality and price' are kept tho same, we think it is honest and- liberal iD the proprie-' tors, and no one should complain, or buy or use worthless stuff or cheating bogus imitations because tho price is lea*, Carry your cotton to Geo P Swift & Son's warehouse, Columbus. Fair sampling and honest weights and' square treatmont ail the way through.' Mothers! Mothers!! Moth ers ! Aro yon dislubcd nt night and broken" <f ycur rest by a sick child suffering and crying wiib the excruciating pain of cat ting teeth? It ho. go at once and got a IvHtle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINGf SYRUP. It will relieve the poor Jittls r sufferer immediately —depend upon it, there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother o l earth who has ever used it* oho will not tell you at once that it * ill regu- . lUe the bowels,and Rive rot to the mother anil iclief and health to the child, opera*-" ing like magic. It is perfectly safe to’ nge in all cases, and pleasant to the taut' •nd is the prucripliou of the oldeandat best frnmle physicians in the Unit* .States. Sold everywhere. 25 eefits.a bottle. janlO 12m. Christmas Trii in endless profusion Bard well's Drug Store ! lot EVERYTHINGHeI whl* for I*. contains PETER HENDERSON S| *•* tvtsed In struttious on- Vegetable and Flevitr Cut- ■ tun" making it a condensed Gardening Book, having ■ ell tl e latest information known to the author of *•** ■ 4ml*C fbr Trofit." Mailed free or. application. ■ tj>lxare state in u/Mat /itftr you sasu this). Jg Peter Henderson & Cos.- k j ( w to Vi