The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 20, 1883, Image 4

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91CHEERY STREET. : 91 CHERRY STREET. HIM CITY aim HOUSE! i’lmrles Waclitel & Bro. Tiir: rorui- v cl< >tiiiebs. *<)nr reputation foe keeping the largest and bent, stock has been iuJy sustained this He mod, we tow display an entire assortment of Fail and Winter Clothing - Folt Men, Youth, Boys and Children, MADK PPEITaLL\ FOR us. In Gents' Furnishing Coeds, our departments :o t-tocke.i with ail the n* Vrliles ot the season, os onr meets are such as enables us to tiler any thing new as enmy as shown i ’• New Noik. Gents’ Underwear & Neckwear. /Ellul arts*. y,* e still sell the celeb'nt- and DIAMOND SMIUT, which is so popular and too wel kuox n(y li.eii any iuither mention. We Lmvj the bt.'st ONL DuLLAII bllllvl ever known. Our stock in this <h partment c nsists oi tv ry known new style. The Nobbiest makes in SILK, hUlx and STKAw. . Ke.ncmher we have the Goods and can quicki\ convince you t net for low prices, good Goods and best Styles CHARLES WACET2L& BRO., Are Headquarters, mavfi 12m MACON, GA- II i- -I V-v * . ~frtCX~* J* Xs**V .rmf-mmimj* ■l■in ■■ j i ; B..'l£mufactu,rer® Cotton Gins,Feeders, Condensers. COTTON PBESSES, SAW MULLS. INTERNATIONAL COTTON EXPOSITION, ATLANTA. GA.. 1881- SAW GIN AND SELF-FEEDER, TSXHimTED BY E. Tan Winkle & Cos., Awtinleil for best simple, best “fsneral restilts m ginnnijr, and beat coustiucted machine, the findprize. fIOO, or gold medal. ~ iF. S liICKS, T. M. SMEDF.S, Mrs. W. E. BAItROW S, Loan. Ju , ' h i. KIMBALL, Pirctor-Oener.U Also, Vital Premium at lie S-tith C v.oliu , Slate F.iirr, and the Georgia Fair*. 'Lins (liit is an iron triune, steel SLufU, every.liiiiS ot very best mate-rial and all warauteei. DOUBLE SCREW TRESS. j ZZZ SINGLE SCREW PRESS. <SAID TO BE THE BEST PRESS III! Packs 400 te COO lbs:, in TWO MIN. NYOKLD. lUiES. Follow block swings oil, so | here F nothing in the way when put Suitable lor Horse, Steam and Water I ting in the lint. Takes little power and Tow. Takes up but little room. Ginning | space. and Packing can to on sit the same time. I M rought Iron Screw’, and very EgTSend fr Catalogue and Prices. | strong. E. YAH WINKLE & CO , J B Gduman,Agr'iit Talbot county. jmi27 BOX 63, ATLANTA, GA. '“DOWN 7 THEY GO ! ~ Greati,Reduction in Prices of AT JEL. BEDEIjIjH - Bead tlxe Following Prices and bo Convinced. Men's whole stock Boots, 5-2 50 per pair. Men 1 * whole stock Boots, $2 25 per pair. MclPs whole stock Brogans 51.25 jer pair. An excellent Brogan at SI.OO per pair. Splendid Women's every (lay shoes t SI.OO per pair, Women's Flow Shoes at 7Sc, Ladie** Shoes at $1.35, Children’s Mice* at fiOc, Men’s fiut hand sewed Uaiteis at $4.75, Men.‘B Call Boot-, only &2.85. ill to; the finest line of Ladies* and Misses* Shoes •▼er brou.btto Cos me.bus Eteiy pair is guar nteed to be fresh new stock and war" runted so id nd uc ' shoddy. AVI 1 ask is for you to examiue my stock before bui ing ebcwhere, nnct you will see that I mean to sell shoes cheap. Be sure you get to the right place W KMDKI^L. 8G Broad Street, Co.uni bus, Ga. Miv. iOE ll' KiiLSOM is with mP Ajd will Le pleased o seive his friends. oct3a THE REGISTER AM) STANDARD. TALBOTTON, TALBOT COPJiTT, GEORGIA MARCH 20.1588. Central 4 Southwestern Railroads Savannah Ga , Jan 8 1881. ON and alter SUNDAY, Jan 10. 1881, pftMßGUgcr trains on the Central ana Southwestern ltailroad and Branches will run .is follows: TRAIN NO. I—GOING1 —GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leaves Savannah 9:20 a m Leaves Augusta 9:30 a m Arrives at Augusta 4:45 r m Arrives at Macon 0:45 p m Leaves Macon Irr Atlanta B:lspm Arrives at Atlanta 3:40 aM Leaves Macon for Columbus and Montgomery daily 2 25 v m Arrives ?t Columbus daily 2 21 a m Arrives at Mo; gomery daily 940 a m Making close connection at Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Kail road and Atlan ta and Charlotte Air-Line for all poirtr North and West. COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leaves Atlanta 12:20 p m Arrives at Macon 0;30 a m Leaves Montgomery for Maeon daily 5 00 r m Leaves Columbus daily 12 08 a m Arrive at Macon daily 0 45 a m Leaves Macon 7:00 a y Arrives at Milledgevillo 9:44 am Arrives at Eaton ton 11:30 a m Arrives at Augusta 4:45 v m Arrives at Savannah 3:45 r m Lt-aves Augusta 9:30 am Making connection at Savannah with the Savannah, Florida and Western Hail— road for all points in Florida. TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WEST.* Loaves Savannah ,7:30 p m Arrives at Augusta, - - - - 5:40 a m Leaves Augusta ----- 8:30 p m Arrives at Milledgeville - • - 9;44am Arrives at Eaton ton - - - - 11:30 a M Arrives nt Macon . - - - • 7:20 a m Leaves Macon for Atlanta - - 8:00 are Arrives at Atlanta 12:50 pm Leaves Macon for Albany, Eufaula 8:45 a m Arrives at Eutaula ----- 4:15 pm Arrives at Albany 3:53 pm Leaves Macon for Columbus - 8:15 A M Arrives at Columbus - * - - 1:40 pm Trains on this schedule leaves Macon, Atlanta, Goliimbu.*, Eufavla, Albany and Augusta daily, makirg close connection at Atlanta with Western and Atlantic, and Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line—at Eufaula with Montgomery and Eutaula railway—at Columbus with Western rail road; at Augusta with tho Charlotte, Co lumbia and Augusta railroad and Fouth Carolina railroad for all prints North ad E i st. Eufaula train connects at lort Valley for Perry, daily except Sunday, and at Cuthbcrt lor Fort Gaines daily, except Sunday. Train on Blakely Extension leaves A1 bany daily except Sundays. COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leaves Atlanta ------ 2:15 p m Ariives at Mac m from Atlanta . 6;55 a m Leaves Albany ----- 12:02a m Leave* Eufaula 12:00 p m Air at Macon frm Eufaula, Albany 0:35 a m Leaves Columbus 11:50p M Arrives at Macon from Columbus 5:10 i M Leaves Macon 7:35 r m Arrives at Augusta - - - - 5;40 a m Leaves Augusta ----- 8:30 p m Arrives at Savannah - - - - 7:15 am Passengers for Milledgeville and Eaton ton will take train No 2 from Savannah and train No 1 from Macon, which trains connect daily, except Monday, for these poirts. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati vi.\ Macon, At* lanta and Cincinnati Southern lallway- Pullman Palace SleepingC rs to Wash ington via Augusta, Charlotte and Kich moiul, on 9 20 a m train from Savannb- Local Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains between Savannah and Augusta. Augusta and Macon, and Savannah and Atlanta. Passengers from Southwestern Geor gia can take either Lain fiom Macon to Augusta and make connections \ itli Pull man Sleeper from Augusta to Washington without change. Berths in Sleeping Carscan be secured it the Ticket office on Mulberiy street, or at Depot. Geo A Wiutehead, WM. POGEES, (i*u Ticket Agt. Gen JSup tC U F. Savaunrl . J C Shaw, W ' SHKLLM AN Gen Trav A'*-1. Sup't S W li It, Macon. Ga. Jan 18 J. II- MARTIN, Attorney at Law, Office in the Court House, Talbotton, : : Georgia Practice in the Superior Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit and tho Supreme Court of the State. Prompt attention given to ail business entrusted to his care. ianlibl J. 11. WOKIULL, at Law, TALBOTTON GEORGIA. Will practice in tlie S*ato ami Supreme courts. Strict attention to all business e tsus'fd to h m. npl 8 bl—lebt'l NEW GOODS Gold IV t ,o'i) or 1 n otc cl &'■ '0 Watches, Cloc) , All Grades. Le M /.itE’" Brazillinn Hock Ohrystsl Spectacles and Eve-Glasses {GAVE just returned from New York with ab autiful stock of goods em bracing all the novelties in my line. I invite my friends and the public general ly to eail inspect my goods. A life time experience in the business assures me I can please them both price and quality. T. S. SPEAR 101 H’est Side Ilro.iit St. nee 7 ( oluniluiH. Ga. The (rendition p chore indicated, cxiatß in almost every family. Wiih sr>m** the troubles *rc ofrecent standing, while many harp become rhTnir and rbCicult to onn-nin*. Old and y'*ijn.c lef-julc* sre con rta:'.t victim*. Dr. ]>romgool*’s Knglifth Female Bitters makes r.oaitive and uninbitnkab’e elites of all lin gering female tveaknesses, irregularities and ieriodie*! obs! ructions; imparts ant.*nglh and rigor to the feeli-. aud emaciated; build* up and re-anknates flagging, broken-down and worn-out constiln c; ?rs ilaniuges inflicted by year* of painful nfT;nng comforts snd consoles the troai’icd maiden, and is a fast friena lo mothers all along t lie trm/filed pathway oft heir married iires. 'ores o/ftriar; diseases. uterine displacements end ulcerations, hysterics. Itucorshots; chlorosis, t,-. , ness of the kidneys and back, revives the drooping, despondent and niciauchcdy. calms the excitable -•a nervous. T> is a never-failing iron tonic feinalt regulator. fI.CO. Sold every-where. Fsrudy Medi cal Advisor o' "died j'rem o any address. J. ?. Daotmooi.* A Cos., Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. At the bedside, ;h- phy.dctaVs tlret question is, “Hotr aro yom bowels?*• proving that they must ia all cases be proper' 1 - a*tended to at once, by the use of some medicine that will cleanse the stomach, excits the liver, cause a tree Sow of bile and carry o3T these disease-xnakiug secretions. Pills, oils aud other strong, produce pain, griping, nick stomach, and oilen cause ihe loss of time. Bailey's dalii.o A] ‘rient is relieved of all the** unpleasant effect*; it acts mildly upon the bowei*. cause:* a free flow oft. e, relieved constipation, biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach, heartburn, cohe, ladig&tiur, vc. _ ’ It is a white powder, and ia as cooling and >-\ca*ut as a glass of sod water. Laige Bottles 50 eeuta A Thermometer was once observ ed in a Stute of Executive Agita. lion. Because, I apprehend I am no Longer Capable of Performing my Functions. At tho present mo ment I tun Registering forty De. grees above Zero, when I should be Several degrees Below. Oh, no, I. guess Not, said the Eight-day Clock ii Yes, I aln Confident of if, persist ed the Thermometer, tor from my Position iu this Window I.just Over heard a Policeman Decline a Drmk and it must be a Cold Day when such a Phenomenon Occur.,—Den ver Tribune. Colonel Bill McCracken enjoys tho reputation ot pouring out more w hisky for one drink than any other man in Austin, newly elected mem. bers of tho Legislature excepted, Tho Colonel was taking a drink at the Gently D.earning saloon, when the barkeeper remarked: I say, Colonel, I waitod on a man awhile ago who pours out a bigger drink ot whisky than you do. ilo was probably a member of the Legisl dure, ITo don't count, I can't compete with old profession als. No > ho is not n member of the Legislature. He is a very intelli gent-looking young muu a stranger to me. Ho ij in the other room playing bidiards. Colonel McCracKen looiced into the billiard saloon and exclaimed: Why, ttiai's my son, Tom, He has just come home from a militury school iu KcntucKy.—Texas Sitt ings. —-. I understand that y.,ur father is dead, Mike, saitl an arkanraw gentle man to an Irish friend. Yes, sor, the old gintleman has left us. Afoine man, yer honor. He could stand up with the best of thim. I haven’t seen the old man since he moved away from iicre, some three years ago. Where was he living when he died? He wasn’t livin’ anywhere whin he doid, sor. He was dead thin.—Ar kansatv Traveler. “Yes, Jemima shall goto Italy to have iter voice cultivated,” said a proud father to a fair haired girl who stood beside him affectionately strok ing his snowy locks. “Can’t I go, too?”asked the youn ger brother, John. “You !” exclaimed his parent with surprise, why, you have no voice. The following morning, when John met the neighbor’s boy next door, he remarked with the air of one who had been relieved of a disagreeable duty : “I guess we needn’t shoot any more cats, Bill, dad’s likely to send them to Italy.”—Brooklyn Eagle. They had only been married a short time. The other day she slung her arm around him, and warbled, in a low, tremulous voice : “Do you realize, Adolphus, that now we arc married, we are only one? “No, replied the brute, I can’t real ize it. I have just paid a $75 milli nery bill, and a lot more of your bills, with several precincts yet to hear from, so I am beginning to realize that, as far as expense goes, instead of being one, we arehalf a dozen. I can’t take in that idea of our being one just yet, 11 it by a large majority. Bella—So you were engaged to both of us at once ! Very honorable, I am sure : and as for me— Augustus—Oh ' well, what’s the use of making a scene? Father says our house is going to suspend payment be*, fore March, and I knew one of you, at least, would break off with me then, and things would have been all right again.—Life. My mother’s awful fickle, said little Edith to Mrs. Smith, who was making a call. When she saw you coming no the street she said : There’s that horrid Miss Smith ; I hope she isu’t coming here, and a minute alter she told you she was real glad to see you. Mother says I m fickle, but I guess 1 don't change my mind as quick as that. —Boston Transcript. M. M.|Sullivan, Savannah,(la., says: “I have taken Brown’s Iron Bitters for loss of appetite and it has been of ben fit to me. F. REICHERT, FURNITURE, Will be found at the Nos. 92,94 &96 Mulberry, St. MACON CtP-iY., (Masonic Temple ) All prudes of Furniture kept and every article guaranteed as represented. Fine Chamber Sets, Pallor Furniture, Mattresses, Window Shades and Corr.icos. In the Undertaking Department, Metallic Caskets, Wooden Caskets and Cofflusof every description. an<l29 Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW and GRIST MILLS, THRESHERS, SEPARATORS, O IIVN, PKESSEa REAPERS, MOWERS, HAY RAKES, COTTONSEED HULLERS, MA NURE SPREADERS, and all kbit's of Agricultural Imple ments at prices that cannot be Duplicated. R. A. ENNIS, Manufacturers’ Agent, 20 BROAD ST.. COLUMBUS. GA. Hs m irnrasc m, CARRIAGE WORKS, CINCINNATI, OHIO. O THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE IN THE WORLD 0 FULL C APACITYLOQO PER WEEK. “The Standard Vehicles.” ARE MADE AT THESE WORKS, EMBRACING Brewster, Whitney, Cooner and Tinmkin Side Bars, and Salidee or Monarch Triple Spring Buggies. The Greatest Varieties of Styles, The Finest Two and Three Spring Phae'ons, The Handsomest Barouches in the Market, Stylish Carriages, Four and Six Passengers, Canopy Top Basket Phaetons, The Best Platform Spring Wagons, Open and lop Surrey Wagons. VEHICLES" are known a : l the wor! and over as the best fur the least money, Do not under any circumstances buy until you have sent for our Circular of Styles and Prices. Wholesale trade a Specialty. Remember we make our own Wheels, The Sarven Patent* and war:ant every vehicle. augß ture* on the Plains! Grand Buffalo Hunts! Fights with Indians! Desperate Adventures! Narrow Escapes! Wonderful Shooting and Riding. Wild Life in the Far West. One nuudrcSTllustrationa! Sixteen Full- Pago Color ed Plates! Grandest Book for Agents! Outsells Every thing! Kndorsod by Gen. Merritt, Buffalo Bill, and other Tluroea. e"No Competition! S4S pages, price *2.of> C&nTSfiaing Outfit 50 eta., stamps or money. Illustrated Cir culars Free. Write at once for agency to HISTORICAL* PUBLISHING COMPANY, StjJLouis^^ I Author of “Border (^utlawa,”— “Metropolitan Life j OXjID BOORS. Sf?g!s BTimiSD Books, 0. SAS2 OH£S and CHS if. Send stamp lor Catalogue. Address, CURIOSITY SHOP: S. X. Cor. 4th iii Wsskioeton An., ST. LCDI3, US. octl7 DO YOU KNOW IT ? G. E. THOMAS, BROAD SI REST, COLUMBUS, GA. IS ALWAYS READY WITH The Best Clothing, oF.iMen, Youth's ntul Beys, tbnt money can furnish. The best is tlio ehuwest renr is retly iuiuished nt n small advance on prices tor rboiljy,which luttcr lie rev. it kei-ps. 1 CANNOT, TVIL.E NOT he undeisnld. The public know me. I keep only goad lubncs in nil the latest cuts aud styles. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR. A full line ol superior quality end makes. Everything new and anr Till g you want. Come and see me. npr2‘i octh LANBRETHSTSiiIS SEEDS iv, M% C K H E A T "lsßßlSif SEEDS SEEDS £?A p o R u Vl*i”f.^T., m lsEEDS rr- Handsome Illustrated Catalogue and Jtarnl Register FREE TO ALL. MERCHANTS, SEND IIS YOUR BUSINESS CARDS FOR TRADE LIST DAVID LANDRETH&SONS,SEED GROWERS, PHILADELPHIA lcb2l SMITH, OULYEH& GOo, 122 and 124 THIRD STREET, MACON, - * GEORGIA. Importers and Jobbers of Hardware, and Dealers in Iron, Steel, Agricultural Implements, Tin Ware. &c. O We are sole Agents for the celebrated lAUniEUS FRIEND PLOWS. ,ng* "If 111! If GUANO. During the many venrn that tho Pacific Guono Company has manufactured SBd sold its well known brand of SOLUBLE PACIFIC CUH, Various parties, aware ol tho great popularity of this have, from time to time put into market articles bearing names as nearly like that of our brand us was sufo for them to tlo, probably relying upon the fact that said Soluble Pacific Guana was very commonly spoken of by Planter*as “Pacific," or “Guano," or “golubl Pacific, “or “Pacific Guano." These attempts have failed to build up n permanen trade, probably because of the fact, that the patties so appropriating our name, r# l . li n that name rather than the quality of their goods. We have, from tim e * o ' time, colled the attention of Planters to these taels, either directly or through tlio late efohn S Keese, Esq, of Baltimore, li’e are informed that one or more new brands ore now being put on the market, containing tho wcil-kuowu and old none ot “PACIFIC," either as “AmmoniutwlPacific," “Georgia Pacific," and wo beg to call the attention of Planters to the fact, that every sack oi genuine SOLUBLE Pa. OIFIC GUANO mmufactured by tho Pacific Guano Company has been, or i, brand cd with the name of the former General Selling Agent, John S Reese, or with that of the present Selling Aents, GLIDDEN & CUBITS. None other is genuine, and our friends and patrons will do well to examine the packages received by thorn thi, sen _ son. The real SOLUBLE PACIFIC GU/vNO will be found to bo some standard quality as heretofore. No change has taken place in IT, notwithstanding recent changes in some General Agencies. PACIFIC GUANO CO., By GLIDDEN & CHUTE, General Selling Agents, Boston - - ss. tfAN 30 1883. 8t JTirSAMPLESr SUCCESSOR TOT. J, DUDLEY —DEALER IN LUMBER, SO, MRS, BLINDS H WHITE PINE Moulding. Laths, Shingles, Plasters 6 Mail 9 &c, 200,000 Feet of Seasoned, Dressed and Matched Flooringand Ceiling on Hand 300,000 Feet of Lumber of all Grades needed by Builders, now in the Yard. Sash, Door and Blind Department. This Depn-taicnt is in charge oi MR, WADE II BRANNON, and ail orders will be promptly filled for regular or odd siz°B. Builders or other parties wanting lumber are respectfully invited to cou.hlt ni before purchasing olsewhere. T . vi „ 1P J. B. SAMPLES. Lumber A.vrd near Genera) Passenger Depot. Columbus Ga. j,„IC tf NEW G OODB. A. F. PJCKEKT, Vo. 5 Whitehall, St., - •• Atlanta Georgia IIA.S JUbf received a largo stock of all the new designs in the MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., - E L E <3 T It O / r larties wishing Bnditl Presents will do well to cull and examine mv stock and rices betore purchasing elsewhere. A full stock of 1817 llogers Bros : s Ai Spoons, . orks mid Knives always on hand. Spec., 1 attention given to Watch and Jewelry Work - sep2o 12m ’ BEEN l) BKOS., No, 102 Tl\ird Street, Macor\, Ga. Manufacturers ot and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Carriage, Phaeton, Buggy DARY, TRUCK, WAGON, Cart Harness Collars, Ladies' & Cents' Saddles & Bridles, A.ll of which we keep constantly on hand in the largest variety. Also, WHIPS, rIOIiSE HOOTS, COVEKS for W inter and Summer, >,eto,. and EQUIHMEN JS in the line generally, OAK and HEMLOCK SOLE. HARNESS UPPER. PATENT ENAMELED and LACE LEATHER. Kin and Calf Skins, Lining 1 SkirJ Harness maker's, Saddler's, Stoon.aker‘s Tanner's Material, Tools aud Findings. ftek- GIVE US A CALL. Cash for Hides, Skius, Fur?, Wool, Wax, Tollow, Finished and ltorgh au"3o fa 1 GUIfS or IVXRY KIND CHXAPES THAN TOR. Rifies, Shot Gang, Revolvers, Aiamunl. tiou, Fishing Tackle, Seines, Nets,. Knives, Razors, Skates, Hammocks, etc. ffm Large Illustrated Catalogue FREE. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, PITTSBURGH, PA. . ,• Scents WANTED! Ladies and Gentlemen, to engage with us to sell several Useful Hon seta old Articles. Profits large. I.r hor Is light. Exclusive territory given. No competi tion. Toons liberal. Circulars FREE. Address, Hewitt Mann Tact's Cos., Box 808, Pittsburgh, Pa, A NEW CURE FOR POTATO pes * AND ALL TROUBLESOMEVERM!!t. iSftfa &?**•■ ?o “- •T. Hi Johnston, Plttabunrk* Ps. M' USIC4L INSTRUMENTS of all kh)4 for sale vory cheap. Catalogues free. A.<Mrws, RICHARD HULL l CO.. Box 80S, PUtoburth, Pt