The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 27, 1883, Image 4

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91CHERRY STREET. . 91 CIIERRY STREET. [[ML CHI tLIIIC HOUSE! •' I Charles Wachtel & Bro. TIIE ropr L A P Cl A >TI s I I’TK.S. Onr reputation for keeping the largest ami bos* ftock has been iuffy sustained this iteuxca, e t.iw display an unite assortment of Fail arid fainter Clothing —you - Men, Youth, Boys and Children, made specially for us. In Gents* Furnishing Goods, onrflomitmrnts u < Mucfcei with all the novelties of the s awra, s onr metre nient> avo Hindi us ns to offer anything new as early as shown i: -New ioik. Gent®’ Underwear Sl Neckwear. lV e sfill ,oil the celebrated DIAMOND SHIRT, which nso popntnr inicl toe wcl known to need titty fmthtr mention. We bave the beet ONE DUL-AK briiLl evei known. XXsfts. Onr .took in Ibis depart moot c nsisos of ev. rv k.;uwn new stvl". I lie Nobbiest mnkss i• i isljjK. i'l It aiid SIFlAia • Remember wo have the aiid can qriickly convince yon Unit for low prices, good Goods and best Styles CHARLES WACETEL&BRO., Are Headquarters, jpnyfl ]o m MAC CM, GA- Cotton Gins,Feeders, Condensers. COTTON PRESSES, SAW MUXS. -Jufsi A.-.; ?>f>L 7 - j.. INTERNATIONAL COTTON EXPOSITION, ATLANTA, GA.. 1881- SAW GIN AND SELF-FEEDER, TEX lIIBITEQ 15 Y E. Tan Winkle & Cos., Aw, riled for best sample, best general resit its m Rinmnjr, and best constructed machine, the first, prize, ®RIO, or gold inedul. ~ , ,fi is RICKS, T. M. SIIEDES, Miss. \V. E. BARROWS, Conn. Judges: -j x. KIMBALL. Director-General. Also, First Premium at tbe South Carolina State Fairs and the Georgia Purs. Tl-is Giu is all iron Inline, steel Shafts, everythin" ot very best material and a,l warautoe.l. DOUBLE SCREW PRESS. ATT. SINGLE SCREW PRESS, dUD TO BE THE BEST PRESS IN Packs 4) to COO lbs:. in TWO MIN. WORLD. iT 7 i Erf. Follow ba ck swings off, so | ihere is nothing in the way when put Suitable for Horse, Steam and Whiter I ting in the lint. Takes little power and Pew. Takes up but little room. Ginning space. and Packing can go on at the same time. Wrought Iron ..crew, and very tiTSend lor Catalogue and Prices. strong. E- VANWINKLE &.CO. J B Gobman, A gout Talbot county. jnu27 BOX 83, AILANTA, GA. TSwTfllfWT Greatlßeducticn in Prices of ,/k/r W, to.. BEDSIiI.'S. Rad the Hollowing Prices and be Convinced. Men's whole stock Boots, 50 per pair. Men's whole stock Boots, $2 25 per pair. Men's whole stock Brogans $1.25 per pair. An excellent Brogan at SI.OO per pair. Splendid Women's every day shoes st SI.OO per pair. Women's Plow Shoes at 75c, Ladies' Ca t Shoes at $1.30. Childien's Shoes at 50c. Men's fine band sewed Gaiters at $4.75, Men's Call Boots, only *2.85. -Also; the finest line ot jLadLies‘< and Misses 6 Slices ever brought to CoinmbnS. Every pair is gunr tntced to be fresh new stock and writ ranted solid and not shoddy. All 1 ask is tor you tc examine my stock before buy ing elsewhere, nnd you will see that i mean to sell shoes cheap. Be sure you get to the right place. 'V Ji UMDELL. 80 Street, Co.unibus, Ga. MR. IQE UAXUUUOy is i l .itli me and Will be nleascd :o sciVe his friends. octS.i THE REGISTER ANDSTANDARD. TAEItOXTON, TALBOT COUNTY. GEORGIA MARCH 27.1883. Central & Sonttoestemßailioais Savannan Ga, .J;.n 8 1881. ON nnd atiev oCN'DAF, Jan 10, 1881, passenger tnuuß <m (.He Central nna Sou(hwt stern Ruihe.ul and Brandies will run as follows: • I'KAIN V.. I—GOING1 —GOING NORTH ANl> WEST. Leaves Savannah 9;20 a m Leaves Augusta 9:3<) a m Arrives at Augusta yj Arrives at Macon b:45 r m Leaves Macon ler Atlanta B:l3pm Arrives at Atlanta 3:10 aM Leaves Macon for Columbus and Montgomery daily 2 25 v m Arrives at Colnuibns daily 2 21 a m Arrives at Mo. gomerv daily 940 a m Milking closo connection at Atlanta with Western and Atlantic Railroad and Atlan ta an u Charlotte Air-Liiie for all points North and West. COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leaves Atlanta 12:20 p m Arrives at Macon 0;30 a m Leaves Montgomery tor Macon daily •> 00 r m Leaves Columbus d;iily 12 08 a m Arrive at Macon daily ( 45 a m Leaves Macon 7:00 a j t Arrives at Milledgeville 9:44 am Anives atEatonton 11:30 a m Arrives at Augusta 4:45 m Arrives at Savannah 5:45 r m Leaves Augusta 9:30 a m Making connection at Savannah with tin: Savannah, Florida and Western Hail road for all points ‘in Florida. TRAIN NO. 2, GOING- NORTH AND WEST.* Leaves Savannah *7:50 p m Arrives at Augusta, - - - - 5:40 a m Leaves Augusta ----- 8:30 p m Arrives at Milledgeville - • - 9:llam Arrives atEatonton - - - - 11:30 am Arrives at Macon • - - - • 7:20 am Leaves Macon for Atlanta - - 8:00 a k Arrives at Atlanta ----- 12:50 pm Leaves Macon for Albany, Eufaula 8:45 a m Arrives at F.ufaula - - - - .4:lspm Arrives at Albany ----- 3:53 pm Leaves Macon for Columbus - 8:15 a m Arrives at Columbus - - - - 1 ; f() p M Trains on this schedule leaves Macon, \Manta, Columbus, Eufavla, Albany aud Augusta daily, making close connection at Atlanta with Western and Atlantic, uid Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line—at Eufaula with Montgomery and Eufaula railway—at Columbus with Western rail road; at Augusta with the Charlotte, Co lumbia aud Augusta railroad and Fouth Carolina railroad for all points North ad E i st. Eufaula train connects at Fort Valley for Perry, daily except Sunday, aud lit Cutlibert tor Fort Gaines daily, except Sunday. Train on Blakely Extension leaves Al hauy daily except Sundays. COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leaves Atlanta. 2:15 p m Arrives at Macon from Atlanta . (5;55 a m Leaves Albany ----- 12;02a m Leave;* Eufaula ----- 12:00 p m Ait at Macon fr*m Eufaula, Albany (5835 a m Leaves Columbus - - - - - 11 :50p M Arrives at Macon from Columbus 5:10 r m Leaves Macon 7:35 r m Arrives at Augusta - - - -5; 10 a m Leaves Augusta ----- - 8:80 p M Arrives at Savannah - - - - 7:15 a Passengers for Milledgeville and Eaton ton‘will lake train No 2 from Savannah and train No 1 from Macon, which (rains connect daily, except Monday, for these points. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cara between Savannah and Cincinnati via .Macon, At* lantaand C incinnatti Southern lallway- Pullnmn Palace Sleeping C is to Wash ington via Augusta, Charlotte and ltich mond, on 9 20 a in tin in from Savaunh- Local Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains bet won Savannah and Augusta. Augusta and Macon' and Savannah and Atlanta. lVs ngevs from Southwestern Geor gia can take either t.ain from Macon to Augusta and make connections \ ilhPulß man Sleeper from Augusta to Washington without change. Berths in Sleeping Carscan be secured at the Ticket office on Mulberiy street, or at Depot. Geo a Whitehead, WM. BOG EES, Gin Ticket Ayt. Gen isup*t (J li li. Savantnib. J C Shaw, W .' SHLLLMAN Gen Trav A‘gt. Sup‘t S W li 11. Macon. Ga. Jan 18 J. FI- M ARTI.X, Attorney at Law, Office m the Court House, Talbottoii. : : Gcorgljs Practice in the Superior Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit and the Supreme Court of the St ate. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. ianlibl ■J. H. WOBIriLL, Attorney al Law, TALBOTTON GEORGIA. V ill practice in Ihe S'a'e and .Supreme courts. Strict intention to all business o tsnRK-d to li id. api 8 bl—n-bL'l GOODS Gold V v t ,o’c < orl n itc cl fjL- e Watches, Oloc) , All Grades. Le ]V) * pri:’ o Brazillinn Rock Chryslol Spectacles and Eve-Glasses JKAVE just returned from New Yorit with abi autiful stock of goods em bracing all the novelties in my line. I invite my friends and the public general ly to call >"d inspect my goods. A life time experience in the business assures me 1 can please them both price and quality. T. S. SPEAR 101 IFest Side Broad. St. 4 dec 7 Columbus, Ga. “RANKIN HOUSED JOHN SCHERF, Proprietor FRANK GOLDEN, Clerk. Entirely Nov/ in all. its APARTMENTS, and strictly FIRST-CLASS. fut-la ' LDUMEUS .GA. E. E. Blit) RN, FILMORE BROWS Broun e s National Hotel Nearly Opposite Passenger Depot, MACON, GEORGIA. Be-cpened, Re-furnished and First-class in every RE SPECT. • We ask all our Pat ous and Friends to give us a call. ItATKS.—S2,OO per da;, Meals 50 oe.its. L *dging 50 cents. F. E BROWN & SON, Large Sample lioouis. ocs Prop's. Southern Intelligence- Si-bun Aloha,., cotton receipts to | day are lieyonnd 100,000 l ulus. Liu'oc quantities of Knot Ten" nessee marble are being shipeil to ; Boston. In Webster county, Miss' the public schools arc open six months m the year. The East Tennessee farmers Con tention will meet in Knoxville, 22il of May Six hundred dozen eggs wore shipped from Aspen Hill, Giles count}', Tuiin. last woelc The annual session of the Mississip pi S ate Medical Association will bs held in April 4th to 7th. Birmingham, Alabama, will soon have a street railway. Sealod bids are asked for construction. Several fine specimens of salmi n trout have been taken from the Tomltigbue, in Mississippi this sea son. An agricultural and horticultural tail' will be held in Mobile, Alaba ma, May, Ist, and will continue four days. •Chickens are selling at forty cents a piece, and fresh butter forty cents per pound in Birmingham, Alabama. Sixty cottages are being builtat An niston, Alabama, to accommodate the workmen of Noble & Bro’sirqn works. Some eight hundred convicts are employed in the cultivation of Brazos bottom lands in the vicinity of Hearne, Texas.. A Loredo, Texas, man was fined SSOO ip the federal court at San An tonio for smuggling ten dozen packs I of monte cards. There will be. more new buildings erected in Birmingham, Alabama, this year than there lias been any year since 1871. It is estimated that 460,000 of the 760,000 square miles of timbered lands of this country are situated in the southern states. Florida has shipped over 50.000 quarts of strawberries tli.s season. The first brought, wholesale, §2.25 per quart, now they bring §l. > Lawrenceburg, Ala., expects to be greatly benefited by the Nash ville and Florence railroad, tvhieh will be finished by the 4th of July, Mr, U, limiter, of Alabama, will plant, oyer one hundred acres i" peaclitiees near New Castle, not far from the South and North Alabama railroad. He intends to buildja peach brandy factory. The Montgomery, Ala., oil mills have turned out this season 8,000 barrals of oil against 7,000 barrels same time last year. A largo amount of cotton seed meal has been made. The demand for these goods is great. CHAFTh To call a laundress a bosom friend is flat irony. In the census office is a return in which a Boston man is described as a manufacturer of-pig’s feet. “Better late than never” does not apply with eminent success to the man who wants to catch a train. ‘‘Alas ! that so many people look upon religion simply as afire escape !” exclaims a Southern preacher. “Hang the gate !” yelled old Hick ory, as he scraped his shins against it in the dark. After supper he went out and hung it. A coroner’s verdict reads thus: “The deceased came to his death by excessive drinking, producing - apo plexy in the minds of the jury.” Friend—*,Madder, what is the mat ter with your nose?” Madder —’’The only chance for an artist now is to paint quickly and cheap. I work with both hands and blend with my nose.” The history of every discovery, of every enterprise, of benevolence, of | every reform, is the history ot toil and watching through long discourage ments. The meanest man : The meanest man on record sent through a post office, presided over by a woman, a postal card on which was written: “Dear Jack: Here’s the details ol the scandal.” And the rest was in Greek. “What are the nine muses, pa?” asked a little boy who was reading mythological lore in the lower class. “It is when the home ‘nine’- is beat en in a game of baseball, then the nine muses over itwas the reply. “Do you subscribe to all the arti cles oftue Athanasian creed? was asked an old lady. “No, I don’t! I can’t afford it. There’s a collec tion next week for the convention fund, and I can’t do any more,” was the reply. Aesthetic wife (sobbing) : “Dear est, I’ll see that your grave is kept green —but not one of those horrid bright greens. A nice olive-gray green, with an old bronze tombstone would look too lovely for anything. Seventy thousand lawyers are to meet Lord Chief Justice Coleridge at Albany in September. This reminds somebody that in Great Britain there is but one lawyer to every 3,000 peo ple, while in America there is a law yer to every 800 people. We fancy that Lord Coleridge will be quite o'ver j come. r F. REICHERT, FURNITURE, Will be found at the Nos. 92,94 &96 Mulberry* St. MACON (iA., (Masonic Temple) fill grades of Furniture kept and every article guaranteed us represented. Fine Ciianib -r Sols. Parlor Furniture. Malti'esses, Window Shades and Cornices. In the Undertaking Department, Metallic Caskets, Wooden Caskets und Coffins of every description. nn "-' ) Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW and GRIST MILLS, THRESHERS, SEPARATORS, Ci TIN'S, 1*!: IISSIIS 51IdA 1 5 MI v*S, MOWERS, KAY EASES, COTTONSEED HULLERS, MA SURE SPREADERS, and all kinds of Agricultural Imple ments at trices that cannot be Duplicated. R. A. ENNIS, Manufacturers’ Agent, 20 BROAD ST.. COLUMBUS. GA*. Louis UK unnME cosj CARRIAGE WORKS, CINCINNATI, OHIO. O THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE IN TSE WORLD O FULL CAPACITY 1,000 PER WEEK. o 6 'The Standard Yeliicles. 5 ’ ARE MADE AT THESE WORKS, EMBRACING Brewster, Whitney, Coouer and Timnkin Side Bars, and Salidee or Monarch Triple Spring Buggies. The Greatest Varieties of Style* , The Finest Two and Three Spring Ph.ieloos, The Handsomest Barouches in the Market, Stylish Carriages,- Four and Six Passengers, Canopy Top Basket Phaetons, The Best Platform Spring Wagons, Open and Ton Surrey Wagons, COOK*SP“STANDABD VEHICLES** are known a : i the world over as the best for the least money, Do not under any circumstances buy until you have sent for our Circular of Styles and Prices. Wholesale trade a Specialty. Remember we make our own Wheels, The Survon Patent, and warrant every vehicle. &ngß Wild Bill.^Buffato^BMh General Custer, K&Tppq&fiV and otlior great Indian ,a.. Ki"literß, Scouts, Hunters and n * u - I{n i ** Guides. Thrilling Adven tureß on the Plains! Grand Buffalo Hunts! Fights with Indians! Desperate Adventures! Narrow Escapes! Wonderful Shooting and Riding. Wild Life in the Far West. One flundrcd Illustrations 1 Sixteen Full-Page Color ed Plates! Grandest Book for Agents! Outsells Every thing! Endorsed by Gen. Merritt, Buffalo Bill, and other Heroes. ©3“ No Competition! 5-18 pages, price 82.00. Canvassing Outfit 50 cts., stamps or money. Illustrated Cir culars Free. Write nt onec for agency to HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, I By J. W. BUEL, B Author of “ Border Outlaws,”—“ Metropolitan Life! Unveiled,”— Etc. I OLD BOOKS. JSfjfgft STANDARD Books, 0. BABE ONES and CHEAP. Send stamp for Catalogue. Address, CURIOSITY SHOP; S. E. Cor. 4th Mi Washington A?#., ST. LOUIS, MO. " G. E. THOMAS, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. IS ALWAYS BEADY WITH Tli© Best Clothing, oFaMen, Yohth'r* and Boys, that money can furnish. The best is the cheapest renr is reaJy furnished at a small advance on prices lor shoddy, which hitter he iiev„ and keeps. I CANNOT, WILL NOT bo urderaold. The public know me. I keep only good tubnes in ullthe latest cuts and styles. HATS, CAPS. UNDERWEAR. A full line gimrnnteid rtf wiDenor quality and makes. Everything new and any ‘hing.ron want. Come and see me. npr2ooct3 LlliiipHiSi Sa S £ Si® Sex'! IBn a 98 w 1 shed *® r NINETY-EICHT YEARS For the MERCHANT on our New Ptanlgfc gj™ For the MARKET GARDENER wttUw CCCntQ For the PRIVATE FAMILY Crown by r>urSf>lvFta on our own FarmgUCCILIJ ty Handsome Illustrated Catalogue anti Rural Register FREE TO ALL. ’ MERCHANTS, SEND US YOUR BUSINESS CARDS FOR TRADE LIST. DAVID IAUDRETH&SGNSjSEEQ GROWERS, PHILADELPHIA lcb2l SMITH, CULVER & CO., 122 and (24 THIRD STREET, MACON, - „ GiBOXtOTAA. Importers and Jobbers cf Hardware, and Dealers in Iron, Steel, Agricultural In>rlelnentd. Tin Ware. &c. * o | v ?e are sole Agents for the celebrated I'W XUaiX'-.XIT PLOWS. I •>' D TO CODS WEDS OF COW. During the ninny years that the Pacifies Guano Company Ims m.nuiactured aim sold its well known brand of SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUARD, Various parties, aware ot the great popularity of this •' wtilizer, have, from tinio j, time put into market articles bearing names a-i n . like that of our brand as , ri safe for them to do, probably reiving upon the fact that said Solublo Pacific (hi ii, was very commonly spoken of by Planter* as “Pacific," or ‘-Guano,“ or "Sohibl 9 Pacific, •• or "Pacific Guano." These attempts have failed lo build up a periuane trade, probably because of the fact, that the patties sc appropriating our name 1 li n that name rather than the quality of their goods. We have, from tin'i e io time, called the attention of Planters to those tacts, either directly or tlirmi 'l, the late John S Reese, Esq, of Baltimore, li’o are informed that one or more n e \v brands are now being put on the market, containing the well-known and old na mo ot "PACIFIC,“ either as “Ammomated Pacific,“ “Georgia Pacific," and wo beg to call the attention of Planters to the fact, that every sack ot genuine SOLUBLE P\ CIFiC GUANO uiinuiactured bv the Pacific Guano Company lins.been. or is, brand ed with the name of the former General Seiling Agent, John S Reese, or with that of the present Selling Aents, GLIDDEN & CURTIS. None other is genuine, nnd onr friends and patrons will do well to examine the packages received by them tin, sea son. The real SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO will be found to bo same standard quality as heretofore. No change has taken place in IT, notwithstanding recent changes in some General Agencies. PACIFIC GUANO CO., By GLIDDEN & CDHTIS, General Selling Agents. Boston - - JMCasa. ! JAN 30 1883. J. 15 SAMPLES, SUCCESSOR TOT. J. DUDLEY. —DEALER IN LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, BUS All WHITE PINE Moulding. Laths, Shingles, Plasters* Hair <fec B 200,000 Feet of Seasoned, Dressed and Matched Flooringand Ceiling on Hand 300,000 Feet of Lumber of al! Grades needed by Builders, now in the Yard.' Sash, Door and Blind Department. This Depa-tmeut is in charge ol MR. WADE H BRANNON, and nil orders will be promptly filled for regular or odd siz r s. Builders or other parties wanting lumber are respectfully invited to consult me before purchasing elsewhere. , „ T , r J. B. SAMPLES. Lumber lard near General Passenger P pot, Columbus Gi. janlO tf NEW G OODS. A. F. PICKERT, No. 5 Whitehall, ~ Atlanta Georgia lIAS JUST received a largo stock of all the new designs in the iEBSDEN BRITANNIA CO., —XL L IB <J T Tt O Parties wishing Bridal Presents will do well to call and examine my stock and rices before purchasing elsewhere. A full stock of 1547 Bogors Hros : s Ai Spoons, . orks and Knives always on baud, Specal attention aiven to Watch and Jewelry Work - sep2ol2m BERN U BEOS., No. 102 Third Street, Macor\, Ga. Manufacturers ot anti Wholesale and Peiail Dealers in Carriage, Phaeton, Buggy DARY, TRUCK, WAGON, Oast Harness Collars, Ladies-* & Cents’ Saddles & Bridles, All of which we keep constantly on hand in the largest variety Also, WHIPS, dOItSE BOOTS, COVERS for Winter and Summer, ISets, and jbIQUZPMEN iS in the line generally! - ■ * OAK and HEMLOCK SOLE. HARNESS UPPER. PATENT ENAMELED and LACE LEATHER. .. . Kin and Calf Skins, Lining* Skins, Ilarnessmaker's, Saddler's,Shoemaker's Tanner's Material, Tools aud Findings. GIVE US A CALL. Cash for Hides, Skins, Furs, Wool, W.ix, Tollow, Finished and Rough auj>3o b 1 OF EVERY KIND CHEAPER THAN EVES. * Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammuni tion, Fishing Tackle, Seines, Nets, Knives, Razors, Skates, ,-Jr Hammocks, etc. Large Illustrated Catalogue FREE. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, PITTSBURGH, PA. AGENTS WANTED! Ladies and Gen tlemen, to engage With us to sell several Useful Household Articles. Profits large. I.ubor Is light. Exclusive territory given. No competi tion. Terras liberal. Circulars FREE. Address, IloiTitt Hannfact'g Cos., Box 8(18, Pittsburgh, Pa. A NEW CURE FOR ' POTATO pes AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. Bfe,sore, eleaalrand cbe*jv Sample Package* frost- Jkid, 80 eta. AGENTS WANTS**. Address, J. 3EZ. Johnston, PitUburgli, P*. USIOAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds for sale very cheap. Catalogues free. Address, RICHARD HULL A DO., Qqx 888. Pt.