Newspaper Page Text
. L.\Ji;xmf>xt<n»iTA fxy,n. fMTrTOi ' moa *KOAi!s>fcrd*jfl)-U I
. M . Eelker.'of High Shoals,
lec iLtca Forbids thA lfa.vnr and nnnnrll • . m i _ .7 j I
Ju^c Ictci Forbids th« Ntyor and Connell i n to see us Tuesday, and says his , ...
of Attrns from ousntln. tb. Railroad )iu , e village has subscribed Ijj.QOO died yesterday fi
C, “ tr!Ut ' for the Athgns & Columbus' load, Mrs. II. L. C
.Vesterilay Judge Estes forward- and that tflEauU be largely nug- horoeio-day fron
cd the, papers to Athens, sustaining inented from Wg country,?*; *' * ” **•-*-™j
tlieinj inciion of James Camak et —>--» > ■ ! t
al. vs the.pity Council of Athens, , ' i * “*' wrather,J\ |
to restrain that body from exchang- The mornings arc getting quite Prof. “ Woodfin leaves for his
ing the extension ol the North- cool, and firesare : not uncoinforta-. Greene county farm to-morrow.
Eastern railroad to Clayton, With ble. An early frostjs. pred|fcted by Capt. C. G. Talnadge returned
the R. & Lf. syndicate, lor a new by tveatherprop)
ie sudden Lfrom New York yesterday,
has given <* X; C. Hampton leaves for New
TRAVttUHQ REvnrk* if ^CaptW^D. O’Farrcll returned
TRAVttUHOBimtt. iV homola.t night from the falls.
Greenest Corner Nicholson and
j[. R..K. Reaves have returned from
** New York,both gentlemen looking
ewatiy Improved by their trip.
Mr. Harry Phinizy yesterday re
ceive j the-handsomest desk in Ath-
yndicate, lor .
liqe jo tu|> the Georgia road at some
point at nr between Social • Circle nearly e
and Madison. The city council
will meet next Monday high?, tthcamapw _ .. ^
that busty will decide, whether or i The big GospeLj^lt
not they will carry the case to fljj* boro will be nflqgil
supreme conrt. The verdict is . not
a surprise to our people, ak it’ vm
generally accented that the decis
" mi ’
Mr. B. O. W. Rose’s little child
> Irom teething.
Cranford will return
from Atlanta.
Mrs. High and Mrs. George are
still in our city. They are two
ion would be that rendered.
its in that county and t:
ons meetings continu
is owned
(irecnesboro. ; '•"**
How as Athens mmiuiuonlit Awoke Only
1 Too Boon.
Meeting a prohibition friend yes
terday, we asked him to explain
that look of desperation and dejec
tion upon his usually genial face.
“Last night,” he replied, “I went
through one of the most dreadful
and disappointing experiences in
the history of nightmares, or day
horses, either, as to that. You
know, before prohibition went into
effect I used to take on a brick load
every afternoon about atindowif,
but decided that it was all nonsense
about a man drinking, and so Was
. beguiled into voting the piohibi
tion ticket, thinking that I’d never
miss the liquor when the bats run
dry. But in less than 24 hours I
realized ni y mistake. A regular
simoon of dryness, you know, swept
over the town, and a powder l.orn
soon got to be a regular water-
gourd compared tb me. Occasion
ally I would happen to catch a
drink on the fly, but there contin
ued an unsatisfied yearning in my
innards that felt like the desert of
Sahara. I tried hot coffee, ginger
tea and other like liquid hallucina
ting sub-titute*, hut they only acted
like adding fresh fuel to the funeral
pyre that X had. helped to build
around the bier of King Alcohol
During my waking hours I was
haunted by vis'oris ot past druqks,
and at night my dreams were preg
nant with mirages of foaming beer,
foiirfingerdrinks and like Nurtures.
But when I placed the sparkling
cup to my lips, the contents, would
turn to ashes—or rather, cold -water.
1 have chewed up every
cork I could And lying, l>
around the former saloon aland*/ hi
and at last was reduced to the,xtire
necessity of investing in an old beer
keg that I might masticate its staves.
1 have worn out a new pair of shoe*
every two weeks hunting up some
fellow who had h jug-bid out, and I
here publicly announce that my
vote is tor sale to the candidate in
the future who sets Ym up. Talk
about patriotism! What is that , to
a man who hasn’t had a drink jin
eleven long days? But to proceed
with my narrative: Last night X
went to bed unusually dry, and soon
after falling asleep found myself (in
dreams, ol course,) looking for a
drink. The first man 1 tackled was
Col. Blank, who at remarked:
“Hello, old fellow! I have just Rot
in a case of IS-a-gallon . liquor.
Won’t you come and join me?” Af
ter a little hesitation I replied that I
sometimesdid take a nip, and ij was
just about this time of day, too. He
conducted me into his office, unlock
ed a little cuddy anil took out a
bottle of old rye with about, two
drinks gone. I piled up the glass
brimming full, and was just lifting it
to my lips when the thought flashed
across my-mind that perhaps it tjrv,
another of those visionary dreams
that had haunted me so of late,'1 I
was in no humor to be disappoint-'
cd, and rememberpluching myself
to see il I was really awake. . f dis
covered that I was spd’yrSs just
ready to gulp down the fluid when
my wife areiued me with ajearful
box on the side of the head, and a.
demand to know what I meant by
pinching her arm- Had she just
kept quiet two seconds -longer I,
would have had that drink down,
and I believe It woqld have dogi
me just as muck goed-aa U»e wmon
-Mr., Jarrell is now, of a
residence for Mr. Frank L. Little
of Sparta, who wishes’ to move I his
(aatyy to, Athens for the purpose OT
educating his children., -Tim will
be an appreciated- addition' tb our
population. ' ' :
We were see Judgellow
ell Cobb on the street, yesterday,
alter a long c'ontinemynt -to his bed
with a deranged liver. ; Every one
loves a-id honors the Judge, an-j no
man in Athens has more or-yvarAier
triends. • «>, i ■■
Mr. John Franklin, of ElMrrlorr,
was in to see 11s yesterday, and re
ports that he isiloinga finehjisi-
ness with his beef market. He llas
not lost a dollar by bad debts, and
says the he*t md cleverest people in
the world reside within the confines
of old Elbert.
* ffS1
Mr.J.E. Maddox has n
any lessons’in crayon pah
he can now make a good
picture from a photograph
Mattox iQTOjtt*^.
Dr. A. C^M^eV^j^W. e*.
perimenting with dynamite tiext
balloons, containing dynamltfe,
when they reach a suffi,
de, igni
I* electrii „
Bbndey'donner,'.*V desperado
yt)u (hot by officers m Indiana.
V* ■>
Old farmers say that all bloqm*
up to the 15th of September will
make white cotton. This being the
case there is plenty of time fbr a
wonderful comc-out in the yield.
The August crop is gone, hut we
have yet the early bolls to supple
ment with the late yield,
Nearly every dwelling in Athens'
is now occupied, and there is *,
great demand for desirable houses.
Every day -some one comes into,
our office to be directed to a house
for rent. Our vacant, stores are
r'ast being filled, and,'in'- fact! Ath
ens is on'the biggest kind of a
'A hundyeft neiw\yidences,
location*! will* from five to
eight rooms, can be readily rented
at a good price. ' T
It--is the general'' imprtssfon
among men who;k'ndythat ’cotton
Will .not get below y cents the pijes-
ent season, as the’crop Won’t much
exceed that of last year. The flo^dci
and caterpillar . have, done great
damage in . thd^south and wist;
while the ary .weather has seriously
Injured the, prbspeqt through the
middle. : belt. We predict that
-6,500^000 bales will cover the crop.
We had an interesting converse
tion with Col.‘ ll R»url,tl l who has
charge of the ’Atlanta-artesian well,
and he' 1 tbll« l ' e* ! that there wilibe
but littla' trouble in getting a flow
of water hi'Athens. He say* (hi
Atlanta well wilibe a success bet-
sooth for drinking purposes, as it is
the. purestysfid, Whhi*»t, 'H#,is ’a.
scientific and interesting gentleman.-
>^.»»sj*s . j ..t I ’/i
m.1 : VxiTHBUTWf.OATCB. . ^ \ M
A young man want into Jijck
(McGdg*fi> ifKfca/ktT Kpy Gaines,
a fiw dayssince, and bet Jack j that
the " bottle or staking the cork out.-
fa^k could riot see how this Coble
be’donej and’tbie' stiked wore buj
uptanda bottle of picklet produced,
upon .Wbich the young man afdre-
said quietly pushed the Cork into'
jj. W. J. Davenport, of Ogle-
Qse, was in the city yesterday.
M. H. Malon & Co. have adver
tised the business of plumbing, gas
and steam fitting. They are dealer*
in engine supplies, pipe fittings,
steam and water guages, whistles,
hydraulic 'rnms, etc. They have,
none hut first class workmen in
iheir employ’and all work done by
this enterprising firm is guarantied
to. give sHii-lachon Mr. Malon.
the senior member uf the firm, is a
line worKman. ami has been em
ployed at liie plumbing business for
n number of years in our- city, and
wiH not leive a job until everything
is put : n the best condition. Mr
Flanigen, the junior, has been con
nected with the gas works here for
several years and understands all
about plumbing and gas fitting. See
their advertisement in the daily and
weekly Banner-Watchman, and if
there is anything needed in their
line send to their office on Clayton
street and it will be promptly at
tended' to.
On the first of October the sys
tem of delivering certain letters im
mediately upon the arrival of the
mails, night or day, will be inaugu
rated in Athens. There are in Geor
gia five other cities, viz: Savannah,
Macon, Columbus Augusta and
Atlanta, which will enjoy this bene
fit between the hours of 7 a. m. and
12 midnight In order to secure
the immediate delivery of a letter
in any of these cities, the sender
,muBt attach thereto .a special stamp
of the value of i ten cents. In the
post-offices in these “immediate de-
liWryf’ cities small- boys are em
ployed for the purpose of deliver
ing the lectors, ana they are paid
eight cents fbr the delivery of each
letter uuiii tKey have ''delivered a
sufficient- number of letters to
amount to I30 per month. When
a bov has earned-$30 his pay ceases
' pffbe balance-of the month, and
ie golrirnment get* the benefit of
thq excess.
pur young friend Allen Arnold,
Esq., U *ri applicant for the Solioi-
torship.ot Walton county, the pres*
e'nt irfeumbent, Mr. Blalock, having
been recommended by the grand
jury for’Judge of the County
Court. Mr. Arnold Is a model
young man in every respect. He
has the ability, the .experience and
riiUMdd to fearlessly an-1 faith-
^ ,,in th\d e i w *hh e -t' u c c i"B e H , 2j *
hei*tkrdoghi#8W*i CM- B prfl ftrePtrt grelF pleasure to see the
? afloa-H. H. Carltob’s Jifcadtifu
residence ia nearing completion, and
will be the handsomest' and most
able'home in Ndrthfcast Qeor.
ornairoi^/ i VfilfiH wainscottinj
three towerifurmounting the bullc
and a skating rink forthe'bi
lowi the. lovei
*016 farm attached is undergo hjgb
n' jUJI est state of.cultiyatipn/an'd tbrifiiiest
crop we ever •ajr/|inow #ybwing
on it. Capt CarltbitesiwITso turn
his attention--to: stock raising, and
has built a large silo.
■ -Vj*
Mr. JU.‘Glower, an Atlanta po
liceman, who once did business in
Athens, has been suspended from
the force for staying too long at his
plln' "From the wli
qs rsia®,
it the suiTOundin,
great 1 pk
Governor appoint him.
Dr. E. S. Billups has all the work
he can do, and his office Is slways
crowded with custqmers. He ia
one pf the'finest dentists in Geor
gia, and a cleverer man never lived.
We are glad to hear of his success,
and heartily commend him to our
readers if they want a first-class job
of work.done in hi* line.
he meeting of official agricultu-
hemists in Washington is .-pre-
over by Professor H,, C.
jOf Georgia. Oine of the
topics discussed is the adulteration
ffpftd. for which it i* claimed that
tion is noeded. It is a matter
ch' the health of the people
ctm'ceriaed,and is of the first im-
cSfb his Wit* Putting Psissa la Ms leap.
South Braintrbb, Mass., Aug.
31.—Yesterday Alden H. Holbrook
caught his wife in the act of pouring
Paris gieen into the pork stew that
was to form his dinner. The police
were notified, and areinvestigating
the cate. Mrs. Holbrook acknowl
edges the fact, but says the only
did it in fun. The couple have not
lived happily together.
■null Itsms That a Rsporter Caufht on
the Fly Yesterday.
Mr. J. S. Baughn, of Oglethorpe,
•eld a part of his farm at $8 per
•tore cash.
Mrs. S. D. Mitchell has one of
the finest selection of flowers in
Madison and Morgan courts both
convene next Monday.
Blumenthal & Hirschfield have
150,000 cigars and a magnificent
stock ef fancy goods.
As soon as the legislature ad
journs Mr. Russell Will go to work
on the street railway.
What has become of Athens’ free
school bill in the legislature?
' Hadaway isrelling a great many
buggies and wagons.
nk Price has 140 tons of ehti
lage in his silo.
Dr. Lyndon lost a very fine Jersey
The Hodgson Bros, is one of the
livest and most reliable houses In
the south.
One of Colemsn’s clerks will get
married in a few days.
Only a few of our citizens are
working their sidewalks.
Young paitridges are numerous
and will be ready for the sportsmen
in a short while.
We hear ih> furihci compilin'!-
about the stock law.
Will Scarbiuug’, of Greene*
bore, has gone into raising white
■ A large delegation leave for
New Holland springs to-day, to a:»
tend tl.e->’rand ball.
The 1. e rains have helped out
the cotton crop wonder! illy.
There is a great deal ol capital in
vested in game chickens and poin
ter dogs.
There appears to be an epidemic
of toothache end rheumatism in
The windows of some of our
stores need washing badly.
There is a ten cents store war
Don’t fail to attend the giand ball
at New Holland to-night.
The Madison springs are still
popular with our oid citizens, and
they say it is the finest-water in
Our boarding houses are deanlng
up, in anticipation of college open
A few bales of new cotton come
in every day.
Had Him on Hie Hip.
A certain grass widower in town
had to pay nimself out of trouble
yesterday, and it was his 9-year-old
son that “worked the racket” on
him. Young America thought he
discovered that hia father’s atten
tions to a certain pretty young lady
were altogether too marked, end
threatened to write to bis mamma
about it. Pater families undertook
to reason with his boy and finally
resoited to ridicule to difsuade him
from carrying out his threat, but it
was no go. Young America was
sharp enough to see that be had
struck a good thing—something
that he could use to make the old
man “come down,” and he was de
termined to work it for all it was
worth. Finding that he would
have to buy the boy ofT, the father,
like any other prudent grass wid
ower would have done
under like circumstances; changed
his tactics and entered into nego
tiations which soon resulted in a
trade. A certain amount of money
was paid down, and other considera
tions were promised for 'the near
future. That boy has struck a good
thing, and evidently knows it. It
may cost bis father the price ol a
pony before the return 01 the absent
wife and mother.
” ■ - . 1
crer put upon the Athens market We bought illroct from tho leading jnanufactavtra, and Ml/
ircih goodii mudo to order tbo (•roaont scuim. There ban been a rnarkod decline lu these goode,
and we shall give our patrons tue mil benefit of tho reduction. Ever?thing gold by ui !■ warrant
ed fo be ju«L eg represented, aud we refer to oar patrons in the past for enilontcment. Do notbny
wlthoat giving tiiia trial, and we will give you better goods at rock-bottom prices. To eouatr?
bants we will dupllcito any market In the south and save freights.
Deupree Block, Athens, Ga.
heap Tinware Don’t Scare Us!
We Keep it for Sale as Cheap as Anybody, but advise you to buy
Something That WILL. LAST I I
. ‘ An li
A report was brought to town on
Thursday morning to the effect that
r child, aged about nine
bad died on Mr. C, T.
McKenzie’s place, about a mile
from town, under most suspi
cious circumstances. After the
death of the child en
investigation showed that its
right forearm and wrist were brok
en, and its left shoulder horribly
beaten, bruised and swollen. The
general opinion is that the child was
murdered, and every circumstance
points to the mother e* the perpe
trator of the black and inhuman
deed for the purpose of ridding her
self of its care. The mother, -Milly
Scott, 1* a strolling vaga
bond, going from place to p[ace and
remaining as long as -she is al
lowed, but cannot be induced to
work under any circumstances. A
short time ago she, in the -presence
of witnesses, threw the child at tho
root of a tree 011 the roadside and
left it, swearing that she would kill
it The child was taken up by
those in company .with her, who
finally induced her to take it back.
The bill to put the election of
i udges and Solicitor* back into the
ands of the Governor waa defeated.
Our Stock of STOVES end GRATES was never larger and never
teletroo* No <M Broad »tr-. 6t* M mufaciory, wart and shipping rooms Soutaitroet. on* u
q n account of the extra lage cotton crop Bsgging i and Ties are advanc
ing. We have now enroute and at the factories Ten Carloads of thj
Best and heaviest
Twenty car loads of genuine All Jute BAGGING,
all weights. Send in yonr orders at once and get ad
vantage of goods bought before the advance. We will
not be undersold.'
The most popular brand of Chewing Tobacco in the