Weekly advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, October 26, 1888, Image 1

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1 T..G. STACY & SON, PUBLISHERS. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. FRIDA ♦ §he Published Jolty and Weekly at BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA, ••THE CITY BY THE SEA." T- n. UTAtlT A 80N.Kdltorm<t Proprietors. Subscription Bates: Dolly.byrnail.ordcUYored toy carriers within the city, 14 per annum, Wee* r A?vertiSug U Jtates extremely reasonable, and AUt niuius "" ' * "Advertiremmlti^rwhtch node8nlteOTntract , made will bo published until ordered out, aud payment exacted accordingly. Official Organ of City and County. Mrs. C. L. Elliot and children are expected home to night from Maii- etta. The Riflemen will drill to-night by electric light, that is if it doesn’t rain. The only place to get fine oysters- the Brunswick Dining Parlor. Public Speakings. Editors Advektisek-Aiteai.:— Please announce that Hon. R. E. Lester, the Democratic nominee for Congress from this District, will ad dress the people of Glynn county, at the Court house, in Brunswick, on Saturday, the 3rd of November, at 12 o’clock. It is expected that the Hon. J. A. Brannen, the Presidential elector from this District, will also be pres ent and speak to the people upon the issues of the day. A full attendance of all the people is urgently requested, to hear these distinguished gentlemen discuss the issues of the present campaign. Very Truly, Boi.ling Whitfield. Miss MaggiePostell, of St. Simons, is said to be slowly improving from typhoid fever. C. Downing Jr. & Co., shipped via. theB. & W., to-day, lire hundred barrels rosin for the Standard Oil Co., Chicago, Ills. • 21 regular meals for $5 at Bruns wick Dining Parlor. Messrs. Kaiser Bros., have given out the contract for the raising of their store one* story higher. The rest of the building will remain as it is, two stories high. This change is necessary to accommodate their fur niture trade. Yon can get the best dinner in Brunswick foe 50c at the Brunswick Dining Parlor. The Riflemen are drilling all they Died, Oct. 1st, 1888, High Prices and Poor Tables—when the Brunswick Dining Parlor and Oyster Saloon opened. ■ produce hern Pine tther, and [ than an [Id. These tK scale of Still Loves Brunswick and her People. The following we clip from a letter received from a lady reader in Maine. She once lived in Brunswick, and al though away for many years, still loves our place and people “As an old resident and acquaint ance I must say ‘How d’ye’ to the editors in a social way as oi yore, and congratulate you on the growth ol your paper from that wee sheet, and also express my pleasure in the re ports from dear old Brunswick. I can hardly imagine the flourishing city she is to-day. May all your en thusiastic prophecies be fulfilled. I Yellow Pine. t ,. T Ifew York Lumber Trat^lotirna!, There is a prospect that the rftami- fncturers of Southern Pipe will take some sort of action sooli _ that will tend to bring more proapgSty to'that trade. Prices have be<fa disorgan ized for some time past, wrid raanu facturing has suffered.- Besides that, there are other cau^d of fric tion in the trade of one kipd and an other, which together, some irritation. The S men have never yet got misunderstanding, rath understanding, has preva: matters affect not only l_ priccs of manufactured lumber, but other points concerned ift> taanufac- ture, aud the hope is that good may result from the proposed enterprise. So far, only a preliminary and ini tial arrangement lias been ■essayed. The officers in the matter, as it stands, are as follows: Joseph Hilton, president;. Norman W. Dodge, vice president;. C. C. Southard, secretary. The (Qccs are at present a t Room 504, No. 1$ Broad* way, New York. As yet, however, nothing lias been done whidSEas ta ken effect upon tho Southern Pine trade, one way or another. J When ever anything is done wh^lh shall effect the trade, and as soon; as it is M1TST1TE .FAIR* GRAND FREE FIREWORKS! —THE— FREE GEORGIA BARBECUE! Millery, Mods, Fancy Goods, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Children’s Worsted Goods, Elegant Corsets, Zephyr and Saxony Yarn, Embroidery Silk, CIIKNKLE, Kt^. Demorest Reliable Patterns Biggest Agricultural Show Ever Seen In The South! SIX COUNTIES IN T1IE CON TEST! Best Racing Ever Seen in Ucor gin.—Floral Hall Full to the Brim and Running Over The Top. xno KUiemen arc u.— 6 - read with interest every item from A “ ‘ rvilnmhnqon the there. Each familiar name and can,to get ready for Columbus on u quk . kly noticed. I never can,to get ready loruoiumou*™ ^ Wy n0licci ,. 1 ncver 17th of November. Capt. biinert ana ^ ^ f 01 . gct beautiful Brunswick and her people.” his ^ojer boys, who were on St. Si mons in the spring, will look after the Riflemen while there. They couldn’* lie ih better blinds. 1 Don't- forget if you want a good' square meal to go to the Brunswick Dining Parlor, where you can get one at anv time from G a. m to 11:30 p.m. Mr. Henry R. Symons informs us that he has four steamers chartered for cotton for Liverpool 1 . One of these, the Boston City, 1500 tons, is expected in a few days, having sailed on the 20th inst. from Montreal.— The other three arc the Sidonian, the Nedjed and the Port Jackson. They are all English, and two of them are over 1700 tons Wanted: A wet nurse. Either white or colored, with child not over two months old. Apply at thi3 of- Theelectric light wire pussoe very near the veranda of the Ocean hotel, in easy reach. Should the instating covering lose its insulating power ' .from age, 'the occassion might arise •when some thoughtless person stand ing on the damp veranda might touch that wire and the Abvertiseb—Ap peal have an unwelcpmc local. L xhe oyster fries at the Brunswick Pj Dining Parlor can’t be bc^t in city. Exports. Cook Bros. & Co. cleared, on the fifli inst,.. the Norwegian bark Impc- ra,tor, for Rio, with cargo of 117,718 iJSct lumber, valued at $5,221. 6ST Roscndo Tor:. & On. cleared, on ffj£!>tb inst, the S; .nisb brig Concha tBallister, for Malaga, Spaiu, with a | oas -go of 97,227 feet of lumber, valued \ it $1,264, and 4G3 barrels rosin, val- $525. -^Foi-i fine oyster fries go to the nwrick Dining Parlor, .Figs. * Rcccommended by leaii Icians.' Manufactured 1 atom*- 1 irlof. Darkness. The editors of this paper, besides having to encounter the rain last evening, which was bad eonugli, had also to encounter the darkness The electric lights had been put out for some reason, and the gas lights were not lit. Wo looked up and down Mansfield streot as far as the eye could reach, but saw nothin done, the Journal will have lish a full and authentic of the matter. Gossip is ness, and when business come, we will give them. To anyone who has been with the course of the bqsin manufacturing Southern Pin ber, it will appear that so: nient of this sort, viz,, th oU miinufacturerwajH deul ers into some degree of Aiicablc correspondence and undertigndln TWO HUNDRED AND NINETEEN STALLS FULL OF THE FINEST HOUSES IN THE SOUTH. Urorgla Ahead of Kentaclij!—Chlckeaa ind Doga World Without End! Grand Opening! For Ladies’ and Children’* Dresses. Great Bargain* in Indies’ and children’s Ho siery half the uhi.i1 price*. The ladies are re spectfully invited tor.imc and see for themselves* E, EARLE, 215 Newcastle 8trcct, - Brunswick, Ga* Professional Directory Dentists. Y DUALBASON, LOCAL DENTISTS. Office in Kaiser block, over drugstore of IJoy0 : Ailnnia. X Adams. D. ATKINSON, DENTIST. Offlce up atnlra In Wright’, new ding. Physicians. g BURFOltD, IH.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office up atairs in Breczetmilding;re*ldonccon Newcastle atreot, oppoeite Moore’, Bonding house. •DON’T FOKOET THE DATE!” HEAD THIS PROGRAMME: on day, Nov— 5>—Grand Opening with ' | It iliuv:uv,t wuvi r •• 1 - _*•. . one another, will be something Columbus and Brunswick. Distin- 533 wTHSMSTSrSE’hare , T? . ’ 1 imished sneakers from eacll ol tllCSC tumptlon, another catarrh, another kldnoy troub - good, and Ilot do e> , , ,, multitudes lc, and womt of nil, noinn will bo afllictcil with . vim are concern- cltlcs address the multitudes. th ’ nt terrible malady,ennetr. And to think that that ought to work _ injury. The men who arc eii are race of judgement s ness, and we can expect from their hands but what wi wise, well considered, and just.. iccrn fair- IlMtc Hotel Lanier. that resembled a gas light, and the at Greer’s stable or Brunswick Drug result was that we stepped into in ally puddles ol water, that could have been avoided, had - the gas been burning. The attention of the gas company, is called to this omission. Oysters in ail style the Brunswick Dininj 1 at all hours at : Parlor. Yellow Fever Dots. With every inllux of people through the lines, or change in the weather, as at present, the yellow fever record like the thermometer jumps up high er. The record in Jacksonville up to six o'clock last evening stands: New cases 71 Deaths .... 2 Total number of cases to date. .3,974 Total deaths 379 Of the new e*se$ 21 arc white and 50 colored. Bishop Weed is doing nicely and it is believed he will recover. Macclenuy reports 7 new cases yesterday and no deaths. Enterprise, Florida, is now quaran tined against by her sister city San ford, for the reason that there has been 17 deaths there since June, from a fever the doctors called “Hemo- rhagic” fever, but which now turns out to be yellow fever. South Jacksonville lias been cx- An Elegant Substitute oils salts, pills, and all kinds cjnpt so far, her local doctors declar- * ’ 1 - . . • a. t . n ... 0* !?.»*- n ctnm . )ll3, SaltD| pjUO, duu . * * 1 „ , , jr, onuses medicines, is the vc* j n g “no fever there. I»ut a stain- •able liquid fruit remedy, Syr- p e j e occuncl i yesterday when the '•"* ' RwmmmMlded bv leal* c^ijcrts pronounced some cases there, Itc rcsiion.ililcfor any ilcbt. contracted by tho Syrup Com yellow fever. The woods are^ people Stove Wood For Stile. Oak, Pine and Lightwood delivered in any part of the city. Orders loft Store promptly attended to. N. Dixon. Syrup of Figs Natures own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy known to cleanse the system when billions or costive; to dispel headaches, colds and fevers; to cure habitual constipation, indi gestion, piles, etc. Manufactured on ;y by the California Fig Syrup Com pany, San Francisco, Cal. For sale by Lloyd <fc Adams. RECEIPTS Receipts of naval stores for. the week ending October 20—Spirits, turpentine 80S; ro-iu 2,.'.!t3; cotton 0,2tS bales. Shipping Intelligence. FOR THE WEEK KSUING OCT. 20. lMts. arrived. Oct 20—tier bk Polly Seott, Harden. Ilm-no Oct 20—.Yor lit Falkn, Tande, Barbaibnm Oct 2(1 I tat bk Sirlo, Clchenn, llncno- Ayrc Oct 21—.Yin sc Fritnkllii, lto.e, whaling uutAi—Aiuan i i .in•sun, ......... . Oct 21—S3 Caroline Miller, Miller. Sew \ ork. Oct 22—S'or )>k IJirKitte, GrejcerHin, ltio. )et 22—N’or bk Ouelle, Waffle, Iliu ba«loe*. )c:t 22—S’or bk Vega, Larsen, Bueno’ ““ Oct 2:1—Nor bk Mentor. Omundaen, Barbao.o Oct 2i—Sc Otello, Bonn, Boston. <Jct24—8c Anna Bishop, Union, New Volk. Oct 25— Eng bk Serena,.— Charleston, Ul.l r.llg IIK oUI CI1.I,, 1 • uni .Vo.,,.., Oct 25—S'or bk liraonlng Sophie, Lail«tee», Bu enos Ayres. SAILED. Oct23—SS Caroline Miller, New York. Notice. ^EITHER the Captain, owners i nsignee* will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew, of the S’orwcgian bark Montor. OMUXDSEX. Master. NOTICE. Tuesday, Nov. (».—Macon’s Day. Wednesday, Nov. 7.—Augusta, T HE world is wise, science is proffiessivc, men arc shrewd at guessing, but no ono can ex* plain the following strange condliton of thing* happening every clay. A number of people arc beginning to . they complain or slight indisposition; tho sickr- nn.u *.«A».w.iiind . i ■% 11 ( ||p B 6<* AMn ...III Itnon n/tn - Cities Will aaurcss uie uiuiiuuuud. that terrible malady,caucsr. And to think that Also 1 )i«r display of free fireworks on onlinarj'prudenceintheW/innlng would have IV . . ” a / • e i\7 aw saved us from any of these dreadful visitor!. Mulberry street, in iront OI me l>ev> Cancerlms taken Otr some of our strongest men. tr.,.1 i L:„. and women lately, and others are stricken with Thursday, Nov. 8.—Farmers’ Day. Prominent Farmers from all portions of the State, and Presidents of Alli ances, Masters of Granges and other prominent officers of these two orders from neighboring states, will be here. Friday, Nov. 9.—Atlanta, Romo and Savannah, with prominent speakers front each city. Grand Barbecue on the grounds. A regular old-fashioned Georgia feast for all comers. Reunion of the 20th Georgia Regi nieut and Toombs' and Bennings briaatles. Saturday, Nov. 10.—Children's Day. When all children will be on hand. Fix the little ones up and bring them along, aud let them take charge of the park. The pyrotechnic display to be made one night during the fair, will be the finest ever witnessed on Geor gin soil, and will he well worth the price of railroad fare and hotel bill just to witness it, Prof. Witte who will have it.in charge, thoroughly understands his business and will give all present a rare treat. The free barbecue will also be worth the while of anyone to attend, as it will be nrranged in an elegant manner by the committee, who will spare neither pains or expense to make every thing pass oil' pleasantly As to the races, the prospects are that they will surpass all former oc- cassions, as several noted horses that will be _ . did prizes. Mr. J. II. Pettingill is now on the ground with his stable of famous runners, and Mr. J. H. Thayer, of Nashville, has engaged stalls for his stable of trotters and pacers. t Other noted turfmen have either cn Neither the owner,, CAptkln or cnengncee will gageJ Qr haye wriUen for f u H full of crew of tho Norwegian bark Dranning Sophie. LADSTKKN, Master. Lawyers. QHOVA'rr de WHITFIELD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice In all theconrteof the BranawtckClr cult. Offlce in Crovatt block. leW . f ' '.'HWJSBBSMH* 1 ’ Wilt IS IT! WHO CM TELL? •in*i .*oiiit ii ijiiiit, .iiiii timer* mu Airicauii wmr It. The reflection that the dead might nc living and tho aJlllcted be in good health (hail tho prop* er mean* been u*cd) is not a pleasant one. That king of ull blood punflerw, • “GUINN’S PIONEER BLOOD REN EWER” i* tho ono great specific known to medical science that attains tho above results. It puri ties, enriches and strengthens tho blood, and acta . as a perfect tonic to tho whole system—proven!-. innuimrnblo casosof sickness, and save many lives. The following will explain itself: “I am pleased to stnto to the public that. Guinn’s Blood Kknewkk has no eqmd as a Blood Purlllcr, for have tried it sufficiently. J.C. BARNES,M. D. *'✓ Griffin, Guu Call on Messrs. Hodges X O’Connor for Alma* nnc, and don’t forget to take a bottle of the med icine homo with von. NOTICE. Neither tho Captain, owners or consignees will be responsible |for any dehtstcoutractcd b}- the crow of the Norwegian bark Quelle, WAG LB, Master. NOTICE. Neither the Captain, owners or.eonsignces will lie responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of the Norwegian bark Kate Comic, yWORSEX Master; NOTICE. Neither the Captain, owners or consignee* will lie rcxjK>n*ihlo for any debts contracted by the crew of the Norwegian bark Birgitte, GUEGERSEN, Master. NOTICE. Neither the Captain, owners or consignees will be responsible for any eebts contracted by the crew of the Norwegian bark Svalcn, SVENDSEN, Master. FOR SALE 500 Fence Posts, lightwood, cypres* and cedar. tns, as several noiuu nuiBUB uiut and cedar have never hit tlie turf in Georgia 100 cords oak, hickory and cod.* e here to contend for the splen- wood. 1ST. DIXON, Wool yard, an Union itreet, between lfan,. field and Howe street.. NOTICE. >r nave written lor lUU . K'eitlicr the CapUln or owner, ol'the Steamer «-* *■£ . • . « .. . , Abbeville will bo rc.dpon.Mble for any debts con- nnd complete information in regard tracted by the crew. All bills mutt be signed by to the fair, With expectation of com- me Cnptnin, otbcrwtae payment wiU.be debarr ing. A. U SAPNETT, Muter.