Brunswick weekly advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1889-18??, October 11, 1889, Image 5

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RUSSIAN TAXATION. The iIs »vy Burden Lal<l Upon tlie Teas- ■nU la More Than They Can Ilcar. The burdens of the peasantry are " very heavy. In Russia the superior classes etijoy many exemptions from taxations, and the public revenue is taken mainly from the peasant classes. The annual rcdeinptioa money they have to pay to the state for their land is a most serious obligation, and between one thing and another the burdens on the land in a vast number of cases ex ceed its net return very considerably. Professor Thun states that in 2,000 cases of letting holdings which had occurred in the province of Moscow at the time ho wrote the average rent re-* ceived was only 3 rubles, 5o kopecks per “soul,”’(land share,) while thA average taxation was 10 rubles, 30 ko pecks. Stepniak says that in thirty- seven provinces of European Russia the class who were formerly state peasants pay in taxes of every descrip tion no less than 92.73 ]>er cent, of the average net produce of their land, and that the class who were formerly serfs of private owners pay as much as 192.25 percent, of tho net produce of theirs. Land owning on these terms is man ifestly a questionable privilege, and the moiijik pays his hum taxes as tho Scotch crofter has sometimes to pay his rent, notout of the produce of his holding, but out of tho wages of his auxiliary labor: but the Scotch crof ter, under his system of individual tenure, has one great resource which is •wanting to the other—he can always •cut the knot of his troubles by throw ing up his holding, if he chooses, and •emigrating. To tho Russian peasant emigration brings no relief. lie is born a propri- . ctor and cannot escape the obligation of his position wherever he may go. lie may try to let his ground—and in many cases ho does—but, as we see, he cannot often get enough rent to meet the dues. lie may leave his vil lage, if he will, but his village liabili ties travel with him wherever he may settle. He caunot obtain work any where in Russia without showing bin pass from his own commune; and since, under tho principle of joint li ability that rules in tno communistic system, the members of the commune who remain at home would have to pay tho emigrants arrears if ho failed to nay them himself, they aro not likely to renew tho pass to a de faulter. Tho Russian peasants aro thus near ly os much austricti glebm us they over were*, they aro now under the power of the commune as completely as they were before under the power of their masters, and their difficulty is still how they can possibly obtain emancipation. Sometimes tfioy will defy the commune, forego tho advan tage of a lawful pass, crowd tho ranks of thut largo body in Russia who arc known as tho “illegal men,” and sometimes, wo aro assured, by Professor Thun, a wholo village, every man and every family, will secretly disappear in a body ana seek refuge from tho tax collector by set tling in tho steppes.—National Ro- viow Poor, unfortunate Ibttrachlan! In what a •art ho must have been. And yet hi* misfortune was one that often befall* singer*. Many a once tuneful voice among those who belong to the “ genu* homo ” is utterly spoiled by " cold in the head," or on the lungs, or tx>tti combined. For the above mentioned •• croak er" wc are not aware that any remedy was ever devised; but wo rejoice to know that all human singers may keen tL*»ir head* clear and throats In tune by the timely use of Dr. Sago’s Catarrh Remedy and I)r. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery, both of which are sold by druggists. Dr. Sago’s Catarrh Remedy cures tho worst eases of Catarrh in tho Head, no matter of how long standing, while for all Inrvngeal, bronchial, throat and lung affections. Dr. Golden Medical Discovery is posi- orst mid strength of those who lutv< by wasting diseases. It is Riiaraiilecd to benefit or cure in all diseases for which it is recommended, if taken in time and given a fair trial, or money paid lor it refunded. Copyright, 1888, by World's Dis. Med. Ass’w. Or. PIERCE’S PELLETS regulate and cleanao the liver, stomach anil bowels. They are purely vegetable and rar fectly harmless. Ouo n Dose, bold pr druggists. *25 cents a vial. Sharp Trading. <lriv their own. An old ludy • away on a visit, wanted her trunk car ried from tho railroad station to her house, two miles distant, and called upon ono of her neighbors to ask if ho could jro and get it. IIo “reckoned ho could/’ whoreupon the old lady asked, “How mucii will it bo wuth?” “Well, I dunno,” was tho careful roplv, “wlmt aro you willin’ to pay “Oh, I’m willin’ to pay win right” “About how much do you reckon it’s wuth?” “Well, wlmt do you say?' "1 skiuily know; I’d ruthcr you’d say what you’d give." ' ' ' what Tut! $ Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. Thcro lw no better remedy for these common disease** than Tuffs Liver Fill*, u«* a trial will prove, i'rlcc, 2Qe. Sold Everywhere. Dry M$! Dry Ms! PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, ETC. COACH VAENISH (5 grade.), HARD OIL FINISH (3 grades), Spar Composition, Inside Preservative, White and Orange Shelae, Varnish, Dryers, Glue, Smalts, Pumice Whiting, Diy Colors and Oil Colors, Stains, Ready Mixed Conch Colors, White Lend, French Zinc, Wnll paper and Decorations. Window Shades, Ready Made .A.ncl IMistcio to Order. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. Also Kalsomining, Sign Painting, Carriage and House Painting *W. £L Sorter, Store end Shop Gloucester Street, opposite Advertiser Off! ■ NEW STORE! Iw York Great Bargain House Have decided to open up a new store on the corner of Monk street cur line where they will sell the cheapest clothing, shoes, gents’ furnishing oods oversold in this city for cash. Ourgoods must he sold, regardless of cost. One trial is all we ask. Call and sec us. $20.00 Suits for $10.00. All goods in the same proportion. Remember the place, cor. Monk st. car line CHEAP JOHN A HONESTCHARLIE. J. MICHELSOJV’S Grand Exposition of Dry Goods this week will surpass anything of the kind ever offered in Brunswick. We have made every effort to give the people the finest display of DRESS GOODS, BLANKETS, FANCY GOODS, TABLE LINENS, COMFORTS, ETC.,ETC. These goods are the llncst ever brought to this city, which wc will sell for the next i »vo weeks at the wonderful low prices: Double Width Cashmere in nil shades at 12$c., worth 20c Don 1 In All Wool Tricots, Fane) i’laid Henriettas All Wool Henriettas Satin llurliors Silk Warp Henriettas 25c., worth 40c .. 40c., worth 05c .. 05c., worth 90c .. 08c., worth 90c ,. 90c.,worth $1.25 .$1.00 worth $1.35 BR^SIhrOAD 1 after Saturday, June lfitfi, 1880, pta*cn ger trains will run as follows: CSKTHAL STANDARD Till FOB Til K WKST, NORTH AND SOUTH. F.u>t Mail, Brunswick Iv il:50n m Pyles’Marsh....Iv f 7:12a in Hoitokcn Scblattervillo . Waycros* J :m> p G:.*> p s:.u p “No; I prefer having you sav you think you’d ought to huve.1’ “I recly don’t know exactly wl wlmt to wo call it twenty say. After ten minutes or more of this non committal conversation, tho man grows desperate. “Well, would n quarter be loo much?’’ ho asks. "No; I don’t know as it would, though I collated on gettin’ it done for ’bout twenty cents.” “Well, s’nostn’ u-o r cents, then?" “Oil I’m willin' to pay the other i, ‘ tU flvo if you feel it's wutli it. I waul to pay all a thing’s wuth.” Thoy finally agree on twenty cents, the old lady saying that she'll “make tho other flvo up to him sometime."— Youth's Companion. Nsibj'i First Hook. During tho campaign of 18C-1 Air. D. B. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby) -was a temporary resident of this city and mado an airaugcmcnt with The In dianapolis Journal to publish his let ters, for which ho paid Tito Journal $2 each, that being about tlie price of the composition. Tho Journal loaned tho typo to Messrs. Asher & Adams, a lo cal publishing house of that day, and they published tho letters in u yellow covered pamphlet for tho author. At that time “Nasby" had not acquired u national reputation, as might be in ferred from liis (laying Tlie Journal fcj each for publishing Ins letters, t« had already been printed in an paper, but no wanted to givo thorn” •> wider circulation and more permanent form, and adopted this method of do jug it. Tho yellow covered pamphlet issued in this *ity was bis lirsi attempt at book making.—Indianapolis Jour nal. Suvanturji 111:11 |I1 New Orli-n Wayc - 11:20 a • 12:«lnra 1:51 P r Pearson.... Wcstonia .. Iv Luniks', Lumber, Lumber! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD. SAUNDERs BROS, ALEXANDERV1LLE AND BRUNSWICK, GA. "We Haxre st PmII Liizi% Of Striped Similis, Silks, Flushes and Silk Fringes to match all tho Dress Goods in stock. Every purchaser of a Woolen Dress will be given n spool of silk and twist free of charge. All those buying Giuglinins or Cotton Dress Goods wc will give ono doz en buttons without churge. fVTicmcmhcr the name and place. J. MICHELSON. LEADER OF LO W PRICES. a the following good* in their line. Framing on yard FLOORING, CEILING, WEA THEliR OA III) I NO, DOORS, LIME, 'IIAIR, E'l C\, FRAMING, CASING, BALUS7ER8, SASH, CEMEN1, LATHS, ETC. MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SHINGLES; BLINDS, PLASTER, LATHS, ETC. Iv 10:01* a Iv 10:40 a lv 10:54 a ,1 v fll :(*i a Gray’s lvfll:15a Wilfncoochce.. 11:17 a Alapnha lv 11:40 a Hi* *ok Hold lvflln Tifton !y 1*4:15 |* TyTy Iv 12:82 |, •Runner lv 12:45 j. Puiilain Iv 12:50 p Isabella .. ., Iv 1:05 i> Willingham Davis Albany Montgomery.. New Orleans Birmingham . Iv 1:17 pti lv 1:88 pr ar itOOpn i 8:20 a r i f8:57 a i i f0:26 a i u:00 ii i ~T:10a i 7:90 p i Atlanta Connects at At and Northwest. FROM THK WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. Albany Ga.C'en’ Express. Ex pres 9:15 pn Atlanta Macon Birmingham. New Orleans. Montgomery Albany lv 4:45a Davis .lv 5:12 u Willingham lv 6:30 a Isnltolla lv 5:42 m Iv 6:50 il lv H:(J0 a Tifton Brook Held „ tpaha 7:13 Willnooochec. Iv 7:37 Gray’s lv f7:40 Wcstonla lv f7:50 Pearson . lv 8:04 McDonald lv f8:23 Waresboro Way crons 50 a i 0:10 m 4:50a 6:40 n 0:25 a i 0:50a 10:52 a 11:55 a i 12:55 p 7:00 a ii 7:30 p r "laoai 6:oo ii lo well to get our prices before placing their orders elsewhere. Give tin SAUIMDE1RS BROS. Corner Newcastle and I streets, Brunswick, G AUG. f. franklin, Dealer, raker ail emission Hint flay, Grain, Feed, Hour, Bacon, Mill Feed Generally. Car-Load ■ Lots a Specialty We Compete with.any Market in Quality apd Price, and Mean just what we Say. IJlxtorlcal Doruraent. A curious historical document hangs in the private olllce of Judgo John J. Gorman at 2 West Fourteenth street. New York. Jt purports to be tlie original commission granted by John Han cock, president of tlie United States, on Oct 10, 1776, to John Paul Jones, the great naval hero of the Devolution. The signature of President Hancock is in his well known round hand, and the script of John Paul Jones' name •appears to have been written in the same bold band.—Exchange. Jacksonville lv 7:00 a Callahan. lv 7:34 a Savannah - lv 7:011 a Wayc row ' lv 9:55 a 10:18a Hoboken lv 10:30 a Waynesvillo . lv 11:17 a onnects at AiUntn •st and Northwest, f stop on signal. »ri*la A Westei .ISouth. Pullman Palace Sleeping t 0:50 pr 7:05 pr 7:55 pr 8:00 pr 6: to a r f5:Xi a i. (i::il Jt n nl Mann Bou*ioir For a NEW SCCflONAL MAP of FLORIDA An*l articles descriptive of Its resources an*l ea- pu lull tit-r, with data for Planting ami cultivating the prim ipal product* of the soil an*! the time of their maturity, the latter prepared un*ler the auspices of the DeoartmeiKof Agriculture of the .State Agricultural < ollege, aim) County Alans and Pamphlets descriptive of each county, antlienti- cite*l by the Hoard* of County Commissioners, TOWN SITES,TOWNSHIP PLATS Ami the LANDS for sale bv the Land Department Soith Florida K. K., And The Plant Investment Company All published f* r gratuitous distribution, a*l dress D. II. KllloU, General Land Agent, San ford, Fla. H. 8. HAINES. GEO W. HAINES, Gen’l Managir. Superintendent. C. D.OWENS, J. A. MCDUFFIE, Traffic Manner. Gen’l Pass. Agent I . w .angier, Wt Gen’l Pass. Agent FOR SA E ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. $10 FJEBn MONTH. 8 LOTS 37’^xlOO for $75. Five Town Commons he .Inn Blue settlement, ami In that portion of t. IIUOBSTON’S REAL ESTATE AGENCY or W. S. Hit AN HAM. Keep Geo. D. Hodges After one year’s trial Mila now an acknowledged fact that we the Purest and Freshest Drugs in the City Our Prescription Department GLAUBER & ISAAC, Grain, Hay and Provisions, HEADQUARTERS FOR Duy Salted and Smoked Meats, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Meal and Grist, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hay, Mill Feed, &c. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA L. D. HOYT & CO., DEALERSIN HARDW ARE. Stoves C uns. Pistols, Cartridges, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS ■Bucrcrieas and Wagons Brobston’s Real Estate Agency, 105 NEWCASTLE STREET, BRUNSWICK, GA. WILL HANDLE PROPERTY ON COMMISSION. MOST OF TIIE REST PROPERTY ON HIE MARKET NOW ON HAND. The Collection of Rents a specialty. No trouble to show property A team awsys ready. K HROBSTON. Real Kstato Agent SCHOOL Phonography & Typewriting. ithout doubt the most complete, a* the amount of work Ions demonstrate*. We also guarantee exactness and dispatch, r* this department 1* under the personal supervision of the oldest prescrip tion clerk known to the Brunswick public. Neither are we confined to any one phyaldan » pre scriptions, lint, as has been demonstrated, are thoroughly prepared to fill any and all that may l*e written, an*I if vou favor us with a call in this line we will guarantee satisfaction, both a* to quali ty and price. We also keep a full line of *.ap«, tooth, huir and nail, cloth and blw-king brushea, emu!*.-, and articles, and in fact, everything tliat go* s to make up a first claaa drug atore. we ; also Proprietor of the OGLETHORPE BOTTLING WORKs. Wh. re we manufacture l en. »n. Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla and Htinwlterry Soda Water, which we an tee to Is- as pure a- an;- made. Our Ginger Ale i* reconimcn*!ed by pbyaiciana, an*l w« ?..* hesitation In aaserting that It is a* good as any lm|*orted Inthe market. I! tnl give r.» a trial ndTg* cmvir-ed that what we tell ron Irtme. OGLETHORPE STABLE. GRANT STREET. ly organized in the Y. M. C. A. building.— _ . , Parties who wish con enter at any time and will I |{ AflVLMfAV PpAnla*- be charged from date of entry. Lessons given j rt • Lk* Jllil 1. •. (Succe.wK.U.s; UcOrmry.) h.u m vxkv. i Gentle Horses, Bine or Saddle. I faF*All onlera for DIUYING promptly at- nded to Open day and night. Connected ith Telephone Kxebange. If. A, H. ROWK j. A. IUtts, M. I). R. K. I.. Rruroan, m. d. Drs. Butts & Burford, PitflCIA* AND SURGEONS. NOTICE. Neither the Master, owners or consignee* will it res|ionslblefor any debts contracted by the rvw of the Argentine ship Margnridn, MARC. KLLINO F. SANTOS, Master. F. M. DART, DEALER in m n run sum, CORNER OOWI AND |EGXONT *TUtTK, Brunswick, - - - Georgia