The Bartow tribune. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1910-1917, January 15, 1914, Image 2

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BISHOP LiBUTH BEGINS BIS ' LONG AND PERILOUS JOURNEY. Letter Tells of Interesting Prepara tions For Trip Into Heart of Dark Continent —Much Financial Encourage ment—2,oCo Brazilian Converts Pray Daily For Success of Mision—Mes sengers Sent With Presents to Great African Chief. Wembo Niama —“ln Eighteen Moons I Shall Re turn,” Promised Bishop Lambuth — By January 15th the Chief Wil 1 Have Cut Eighteen Notches in His Stick and the Promise Will be Kept. P.y SOUTHERN MISSIONARY NEWS BUREAU. Ida Clyde Clarke, Editor. May it not be that God designs that the baffling problems which co•- fient Christianity in the non-Chri i tian world shall constitute the battle ground for disciplining the faith arid strengthening the character of His followers? To preserve the pure faith of Chris tianity, a world-wide plan and con quest are necessary. This lesson is convincingly taught in the pages of cuiurch history. The concern of Christians today should not be lest non-Christian peo ple refuse to receive Christ, but lest they in failing to communicate Him will themselves lose Him. —Edinburgh Conference. American friends and co-workers with Bishop Walter R. Lambuth, who is just now starting on his long per ilous journey into the heart of Africa to establish there a mission of his church, have received very interest ing letters from him. One letter written from London gives an interesting account of pre parations for the journey. Bishop Lambuth says: “Our purchases consisted of tents cots, bedding, camp chairs, dishes of enameled ware, aluminum water bot tles, folding bathtubs, a (well-filled medicine chest, one hundred machetes /or cutting high grass, axes for trees, and an ample supply of provisions to cover fifty days’ march. We also ad ded five tons of salt, in 200 sacks, six NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. NEW ORIST MILL. At the Davis Jenkins old stand 141 West Main Street. All kinds of Repair Work. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Bring us your corn. We grind every day. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. First-Class Hitch Yard For Our Customers. Starr, Rakestraw & Cos. When Your Blood is Right, Your Whole System is Right. If You Have any Blood or Skin Disease Do Not Delay Until it is too Late but Order ===== TODAY! = Tig HOT SPRINGS REMEDY A Comolete and Positive Remedy For ECZEMA, ERYSIPELAS, ACNE, MALARIA, RHEUMATISM and all other forms of Blood and Skin Diseases. Hot Springs Physicians pronounce this the Greatest Blood and Skin Remedy ever placed on the market. Full Course Treatment: Six Bottles, SIB.OO, Single Bottle, $5.00. We Prepare a Remedy for Every Disease. Our Treatment For Female Ills is the Greatest of Its Kind Ever Offered Suffering Women. Wtite us your troubles. All Correspondence Strictly Private. Hot Springs Medicine Company, 803 I=2 Central Avenue, Hot Springs, Ark. ; t;- bales of w hite and blue cloth, to gether with trinkets and uiesents t > ■ >e used in buying food, paying our carriers, and in making gifts to the chiefs of the villages through which we might pass. “Nor did I neglect to provide saf ety-pins, needles and thread with I which to please the feminine eye, al ways on the lookout for something practical as well as novel. It is dif ficult for anyone who has not gone through the process to realize how ! much time and pains must be given Ito such preparations. The failure to j adequately provide food, medicine pud other necessaries, might cost a life, or even many lives. “There has been much to encovn age me in the initial stage of this en , terprise. Many personal letters have | been received from friends in the i United States who have pledged their I dally prayers in our behalf. Added to | these is the fervent Intercession v-liich Is constantly being made by fully 2,000 of our Brazilian converts. These have given a substantial guar antee of their interest by contribut ing SI,OOO for the support of a mis sionary and surplus of S2OO to be ad ded to the fund for the second year This is remarkable and full of in spiration when we remember that the first annual conference was organ ized in Brazil twenty-five years ago, a. which time there was not one sin gle Brazilian preacher who was eligi ble for membership. “Upon reaching England, I found a letter from Dr. W. F. McMurry, secretary, of the church extension board, saying that he had $1 440 In hand towards the building of three houses for the three missionary fam ines and would guarantee $1,560 more. In addition to this a brother in the state of Arkansas had sent him SI,OOO for the building of a church. “Three days later a cablegram reached me from Rev. T. L. Rippey, a friend deeply interested in the mis sion, promising to send $1,500 as a THE BARTOW TRIBUNE, JANUARY 15, 1914. j Christmas present for the buliding of a hospital. This, with the gift alreadj i made by Dr. J. W. Long, of Greens- I boro, N. C., for the establishment of the Mary Long hospital, in memory j of his daughter, will enable Dr. Mum | power to begin the treatment of Af- I I ican fevers, sleeping sickness and ' other diseases, with an equipment I v kich should yield satisfactory re sults. -‘Last night a letter reached me j from Luebo, Africa, written by Mr 1 Bedinger, of Lushame, one of the j r.-esbyterian missionaries. He wrote I that, in accordance with my request messengers had been sent to the J g'eat chief, Wembo Ni&ma, with pres i enls. They went, on the run many days’ journey and reached him be fore he cut the eighteenth notch in his stick. “Prof. ‘Gilbert and I had promised lira we would return by the eighteen th full moon from the time v/e left, or send a messenger. The chief was g'ad to hear from us, received the presents and sent back word to mo that he anxiously awaited my com ing. This lifts a great burden of anx iety from my heart, for I did not know- what might have occurred din ing the long interval of absence since we left his village eighteen months ago. We hope to reach Wembo Niama by January 15, at which time I shall aeliver in person the message from various friends and from the two Bra zi’ annual conferences. “I deeply regret, and so does Prof. Gilbert, the fact that he cannot go cut with me this year. His church is not sufficiently organized to main tain him and it seems necessary, in order to thoroughly enlist the sympa thy and co-operation of his constitu ency, that he should remain in the United States until after the general conference of 1914. He has written me that his heart is in Africa and he would be by my side were the way open. “Tonight, Brother Mangum and I leave London for Antwerp, prepara tory to sailing with our entire party on Saturday, next, November 8. We are much favored in having the com pany of Dr. M. M- Morrison, of Luebo, v. ho is returning to the Southern Pres byterian mission station at that point. We go in the strength of the Lord and with implicit faith that Jesus is with us in accordance with His prom ise. He alone is able to save Africa. “I need hardly make the request of you that you pray for us by name, day by day, as we advance upon our per ilous but glorious mission. It is a high privilege to pioneer such work on virgin soil. We go where no mis sionary’s foot has ever trod, as far a- we know. “God be with you till we meet again. “Sincerely your friend and brother, “(Signed) W. R. LAMBUTH.” The Chinese Church. The Chinese church contains over tOO missionaries, clerical and lay, men and women —American, English, Can “CASCARETS” ALWAYS STRAIGHTEN YOU OUT It Costive, Headachy, Bilious, Stom ach Sour, Breath Bad —Clean Your Liver and Bowels. Get a 10-cent box now 7 . You men and women who can’t get feeling right—w 7 ho have headache, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can’t sleep, are bil ious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or lave backache and feel worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will straighten you out by morning—a 10-cent box from any drug store will keep your stomach sweet; liver and bow r els reg ular, and head clear for months. Don’t forget the children. They love Cascarets because they taste good— never gripe or sicken. adian, Irish and Australian, iLiOre than 100 Chinese clergymen, nearly 190 Chinese school teachers, 30 Chinese doctors and about 600 other trained Chinese workers who give their en tire time to carrying the Christian message to their fellow-country-men. These men and women are really tl:e most efficient agency in the Chi nese church. Many of them are quali fied to take the lead in developing the church of the future. The church also has seven colleges, 455 church schools of all grades and 47 hospitals and dispensaries. It ministers and di rects religious work in no fewer than 842 cities and towns of the new re public. It not only pushes on its work among the Chinese, but it ministers also to 29 congregations of English and Americans, thus trying to keep those who come from other lands firm in the- Christian ideals and stan dards which are so hard to keep in the orient. Work- in Porto Rico. Dr. A. B! Rudd, superintendent of Eaptist missions in Porto Rico, says in a recent report: “In June, 1899, our first candidates wore baptized—a jailer and his en tire house-hold (with no infants). We bave just closed our eleventh annual association. We have fifty-two church es, about 2,300 members, sisty-two Sunday schools, a semi-monthly paper* which is self-sustaining, a theological seminary, for which plans are drawn for a $17,000 building, about $4,500 annual contributions from the church es, and steps are being taken to open, In co-operation with the Cuban Bap tists, a mission in Santo Domingo. Sixty-Year-Old Chinese Church. In Shanghai, China, there is a Chinese Christian congregation sixty years old, and the church is support ed entirely by Chinese offerings. Upon the recent celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the church the congre gftion gave $6,000. Rev. P. N. Tsu, in charge of the church, said: ‘‘l have always urged that the congregation should raise funds for the building of r new church, but I never expected that they could succeed in raising such a large sum of money.” Mr. Tsu will be in America this win ter for the purpose of taking a post graduate theological course. Opportunity in Japan. Rev. T. W. B. Demaree, writing from Matsuyama, under date of Sept. 11, says: “I am credibly informed that it is slated in America that our church has lost its opportunity in Japan. Do i ot believe it for a minute. The work has been difficult: it is still diffi cult. No nation was ever easily Chris tianized. But there has been going forward for many years a broad seed sowing. The harvest is everywhere spinging up. The Word is not return ing to us void. Bishop W. B. Murrah, curing his recent visit, stated his earnest conviction that Japan is the gieatest mission field in the world. The reports for the past year show si'.ccess at almost every point." Campaign in Africa. A campaign, the goal of which is the conversion of 150,000,000 native negroes in Africa, was discussed in a statement issued by Bishop Joseph C. Hcrtzell. who has just returned from an eight-months’ tour of Africa in his capacity of missionary bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church. “The most serious problem,” Bish op Hartzell said, “that confronts the Christian churches in Africa, is to stem the tide of advancing Moham nitdanism. At present the Christian churches are being far out-distanced in the struggle to convert the natives.” FOR SAE OR RENT —A fine grocery and market stand in best section of Cartersville. See GEO. D. ADAMS. 2t SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON January 18, 1914. (Copyright, 1912, by Rev. T. S. Lins cott, D. D.) The Good Samaritan. Luke x:25-37. Gtiden Text —Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Mark xii:3l. (’) Verses 25-28 —What is the usual answer in these days to the question, “What shall I do to inherit tternal life”? (2) Why did Jesus say nothing about faith as a condition for inheriting eternal life? (3) If a man anxious to be saved should know nothing of the doctrine of faith but hearing and heeding these words of Jesus, how long need it take him to find rest for his soul? (4) If a man starts out with sincer ity to learn to love God and his neigh bor, at what stage in the process would eternal life be given to him? (5) Explain how r it is possible for a mortal man to love God with all his heart and his neighbor as himself? (This is one of the questions which may be answered in writing by mem bers of the club.) (6) Verse 29 —What does it imply t.; be a neighbor? (7) Verse 30 —Suppose it had been one of the thieves that was found wounded and half dead, would he have had the same claim upon the kindness of the good Samaritan as in the pres ent case? (8) Should we regard a bad man in distress as our neighbor and help him as readily as we would a good man in the same condition? (9) Verses 31-32—Which should have the prior claim upon our sympa thy and help and why, the physical or the spiritual needs of a man? (10) What do you consider was the moral and spiritual condition of this priest and this Levite? (11) When it is a matter or reliev ii g physical suffering or rescuing peo ple from danger what is the evidence to show that church members are more ready to help than outsiders? (12) Verses 33-34 —Would you say or not, and why, that the church ought to be as thoroughly organized to help men physically, as she is to help them spiritually? (13) Which is more pleasing to God and why, an atheist who Is always doing good deeds like this Samaritan or a professed Christian who rarely puts himself out to help those who are in distress? (14) Was this Samaritan, judging him alone by this good deed, neces sarily a good Christian? (15) Verse 3f5 —What is the supreme test of neighborliness? (16) If a man does not gladly hold his money subject to the call of God and his work of mercy what would you say is his spiritual condition? (17) Verses 36-37 —Which is the more important for us to cultivate and why, the sentimental part of Christianity or the practical? Lesson for Sunday, January 25, 1914. Serving Jesus. Luke viii: 1-3; ix:s7- 62; x:3B 42. TAKE OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Girls- Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful—No More Itching Scalp. Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderine you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks’ use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first — ys‘ —but really new hair —growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw ii through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amaz ing—your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of rbundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton’S D. nderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that 7 your hair is as pretty and soft as any— that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment—that’s ail— you surely can have beautiful haic and lots of it if you will just try a little Danderine. Saving Opportunity Again The November series open. The Cartersville Building & Loan Association opens it’s books for the sale of November series. This is a chance that knocks but Twice Each Year. $3.75 cash down and $2.50 each month will carry $500.00 in installment stock. See the Secretary. Wonderful Cough Remedy. Dr. King’s New Discovery i s known everywhere as the remedy which wili surely stop a cough or cold. D. P. Law son of Edison, Tenn., writes: “Dr King’s New Discovery is the most wonderful cough, cold and throat and lung medicine I ever sold in my store. It can’t be beat. It sells without any trouble at all. It needs no guarantee. ’ This is true, because Dr. King’s New Discovery will relieve the most obsti nate of coughs and colds. Lung trou bles quickly helped by its use. You should keep a bottle in the house at all times for all the members of the family. 50c and SI.OO. All Druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Cos., Phila delphia or St. Louis. Sneffels, Col. A. J. Wash was badly done up with rheumatism and sent for Foley Kidney Pilxs which was the only thing that would cure him. Geo. Potter, of Pontiac, Mo. was down on his back with kidney and bladder trou ble and Foley Kidney Pills made him well and able to work. It is a splendid medicine and always helps. Just try it. Ben C. Gilreath Drug Cos. An Ideal Woman’s Laxative. Who wants to take salts, or castor oil, when there is nothing better than Dr. King’s New Life Pills for all bow el troubles. They act gently and natur ally on the stomach and liver, stimu late And regulate your bowels and tone up the entire system. Price, 25c. At all Druggists. H. E. Bucklen & Cos., Philadelphia or St. Louis A Difference in Working Hours. A man’s working day is 8 hours. His body organs must work perfectly 24 hours to keep him fit for 8 hour? work. "Weak, sore, inactive kidneys can not do it. They must be sound and healthily active all the time. Foley Kidney Pills will make them so. You cannot take them into your system without good results following. Ben C. Gilreath Drug Cos. Do you begin to cough at night, just when you hope to sleep? Do you have a tickling throat that keeps you awake? Just take Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. It will check the cough and stop the tickling sensation at once. Does not upset the stomach, is best for children and grown persons. Ben C. Gilreath Drug Cos. STOP—LOOK—LISTEN Thousands Now Using Wonderful Liv er Remedy From Hot Springs, Arkansas. There’s a better remedy for consti pation, liver and stomach trouble than dangerous calomel. Thousands are prai&ing gentle, sure Hot Springs Liv er Butions. Make you feel fine —quickly clear up sallow skin and banish malaria and headache —They are a fine tonic and quickly put an edge on your appetite. 25 cents at all druggists. Hot Springs Liver Buttons, Hot Springs Rheumatism Remedy and Hot Springs Blood Remedy are sold in Cartersville, Ga„ by M. F Word. Worms the Cause of Your Child's Pains. A foul, disagreeable breath, dark circles around the eyes, at times fev erish, with great thirst; cheeks flush ed and then pale, abdomen swollen with sharp cramping pains are all in dications of worms. Don’t let your child suffer—Kickapoo Worm Killer will give sure relief —It kills the worms —while its laxative effect add greatly to the health of your child by removing the dangerous and disagree able effect of worms and parasites from the system. Kickapoo Worm Kil ler as a health producer should be in every household. Perfectly safe. Buy a box to-day. Price 25c. All Druggists or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Med. Cos., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Colds to be Taken Seriously. Intelligent people realize that com mon colds should be treated promptly. If there is sneezing and chilliness with hoarseness, tickling throat and cough ing begin promptly the use of Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. It is effec tive, pleasant to take, checks a cold, and stops the cough which causes loss of sleep and lowers the vital resist ance. Ben C. Gilreath Drug Cos. - The “Mischief Quartette” and Its Work. Each year the month of January numbers its list of victims from in fluenza, la grippe, bronchitis and pneu monia. The prompt use of Foley’s Hon ey and Tar Compound will check the onset of a cold and stop a cough, pre venting the development to more ser ious conditions. Keep it on hand. Ben C. Gilreath Drug Cos. Td Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. £. W GROVE’S signature on each box. 25c.